Lab Manual LUOA 2013-2014


Lab Manual LUOA 2013-2014
Lab Manual
Welcome to Chemistry Lab ........................................................................................................................... 2
Important Things to Know ............................................................................................................................ 2
Virtual Labs ................................................................................................................................................... 3
Course Expectations...................................................................................................................................... 4
Questions must be answered in complete sentences. ................................................................................. 4
Unit 1 Measurement and Analysis ................................................................................................................ 4
Assignment: 3. Report Metric System. (In curriculum) Introduction ....................................................... 4
Assignment: 12. Project: Measuring Length with Precision. .................................................................... 5
Assignment: 22. Special Project * LNL * Sample Lab ............................................................................ 5
Unit 2 Starting the Investigation: How to Identify Elements, Compound & Mixtures ................................ 6
Assignment: 4. Experiment: Observations of a Phase Change ................................................................. 6
Assignment: 5. Experiment: (In curriculum Salt & Sand) *LNL* Separating Mixtures ......................... 6
Assignment: 8. Report: (In curriculum Density) * LNL Properties of Melting & Boiling Points. ........... 6
Unit 3 Exploring Laws for Gases and Conservation of Mass ....................................................................... 6
Assignment: 3. Experiment: Project: (In curriculum Graphing Kinetic Energy) *LNL* Boyle’s law ..... 6
Assignment: 8. Experiment: Finding Absolute Zero Experimentally (Video) ......................................... 6
Assignment: 10: Project: (In curriculum Absolute Zero: Real or Theoretical) * LNL* Determination of
Absolute zero ............................................................................................................................................ 7
Unit 4 The Discovery of Atoms: Nature’s Building Blocks ......................................................................... 7
Assignment: 15. Special Report. * LNL* Law of Definite Proportion..................................................... 7
Unit 5 Molecular Structure ........................................................................................................................... 7
Assignment: 11. Special Report. * LNL* Conservation of Mass ........................................................... 7
Unit 6 Semester Review................................................................................................................................ 7
Unit 7 Chemical Reactions, Rates and Equilibrium...................................................................................... 7
Assignment: 2. Experiment: Observing Chemical Change (Video) ......................................................... 7
Assignment: 3. Experiment: Chemical Reaction (video) ......................................................................... 8
Assignment: 4. Experiment: (In curriculum Ammonium Nitrate) * LNL* The Enthalpy Change of a
Chemical Reaction .................................................................................................................................... 8
Assignment: 13. Activity: Exploring Factors that Affect Equilibrium ..................................................... 8
Assignment: 16. Special Project; *LNL Avogadro’s Law....................................................................... 8
Unit 8 Equilibrium Systems .......................................................................................................................... 8
Assignment: 12. Experiment Acid Strength (video) ................................................................................ 8
Assignment: 21. Experiment Special Project (LNL) Alka Seltzer Strength ............................................ 8
Unit 9 Carbon Chemistry: Hydrocarbons ..................................................................................................... 9
Assignment: 11. Experiment Special Project (LNL) pH indicators ......................................................... 9
Unit 10 Carbon Chemistry: Functional Groups ............................................................................................ 9
Assignment: 12. Experiment Special Project (LNL) Titration Tutorial................................................... 9
Unit 11 Chemistry Review............................................................................................................................ 9
Unit 12 Semester Review and Test ............................................................................................................... 9
Unit 13 Final Exam ....................................................................................................................................... 9
Welcome to Late Nite Labs PRO! .............................................................................................................. 10
Welcome to Chemistry Lab at LUOA. This course is going to be a little
different; it is going to be a hybrid of a virtual and a regular chemistry course. Laboratory is a
very important component of any science class. The lab must be completed in conjunction with
your regular science class. If you have a question regarding the lab, you have two options. You
can message your instructor within the curriculum, or you can call into the LUOA office at 1866-418-8741 option 4 (teacher), option 3 (science). Science help is available from 8:30-5:00
Eastern Standard Time, Monday through Friday.
Important Things to Know
1. We pray for you. If you need prayer for anything specific let us know. We will add you
and your need to our prayer list and will pray for you. 
2. Labs are not optional. You must complete all of the labs found within a unit before the
unit test may be attempted. Please do not ask us to allow you to “just take a zero.” It is
one of our greatest desires to see you be successful and be prepared for all the plans that
the Lord has prepared for you. This class is transcripted as a lab science; therefore, all
labs must be completed.
3. The directions and the supplies may differ in this manual from those in lesson. ALWAYS
FOLLOW THOSE IN THIS LAB MANUAL. Please refer to this document often; a hard
copy can be very helpful.
4. The Messaging System is an easy way to contact your teacher, if you have questions
about the labs or your classwork in general. Please remember to be respectful. Use Mr. or
Mrs. when you send your message. Watch your spelling and capitalization (you are not
texting friends; this is school).
5. Teachers have 24 hours to respond to your messages, and 24 – 48 hours to grade your
submissions. This does NOT include the weekends.
6. The curriculum will permit uploads of a wide variety of formats (.csv, .docs, .pdf, .xls,
.xlsx, .docx, .jpeg, .jpg, .ppt, .pptx, .txt, and .rtf). Uploads in MS Word (.docs or .docsx)
are preferred, and in some cases, may be required. Word documents enable the teachers
to give comments along with scoring and are more universally accepted than some other
7. Repeatedly submitting blank assignments or disregarding teacher comments may lead to
your science progress being blocked until the work is completed satisfactorily.
Virtual Labs
Chemistry labs are to be completed using a virtual program called Late Nite Labs. You
will sign on to the Late Nite Labs (LNL) site and complete your labs there. Your sign-in
information will be included..
The names of the Late Nite Labs and the curriculum labs will NOT match exactly, that is
okay. Next to the assignment, you will see what the lab is called “in the curriculum” (your
regular LUOA lesson) and what it is called “in LNL” (Late Nite Labs). You will complete it in
LNL and the grade will go into the curriculum to be averaged in with your regular coursework.
In your planner, you will see the assignment due, when you open it up, you will see a teacher’s
note telling you to go to Late Nite Labs and complete a specific lab. At that point go to LNL,
complete the LNL return to the lesson, and submit it as complete. This will alert the teacher to
go to LNL and grade the lab. You will not be allowed to complete the unit until all labs are
Course Expectations
In this course, there are certain expectations. We want you to be aware of these
expectations from the very beginning. Please read the following guidelines and follow them
when submitting your assignments. Understand that while some of these guidelines may apply to
all of your work (Headings & Complete Sentence Answers for instance), others only are needed
with certain assignments (Science Reports & Science Lab Reports for example).
Questions must be answered in complete sentences.
What is meant by complete sentences?
 When speaking of answers, complete sentences do not mean only grammatically
complete. It also means to use part of the question in the answer.
 Q: What color are your eyes?
A: My eyes are blue.
 Q: Which planet is nicknamed the “red planet”?
A: The planet nicknamed the red planet is Mars.
Unit 1 Measurement and Analysis
Assignment: 3. Report Metric System. (In curriculum) Introduction
When you started this class, your advisor asked you to email all of your teachers and introduce
yourself. Please do so as an attachment to this assignment. Also include your contact information
(email and phone number please) as well as a statement that you have read and have accessed
this science lab manual.
Assignment: 12. Project: Measuring Length with Precision.
Follow the directions as written in the lesson.
Assignment: 22. Special Project * LNL * Sample Lab
Open your Late Nite Lab Account
o Sign in using your email and your password.
o Click on Launch your lab.
o Click on Sample Lab -> Run
o Click on the Rotating “Get Starting Button”
Click on Background
Read the background.
Click on the procedure
o Complete the steps of the experiments.
Save the data for each step before you go to the next.
Please make sure you take good notes, you will need them when you
complete the assignments portion of the lab.
o Save Data
o Return to your Dashboard
Click on the assignment button
o Complete the assignment using your notes.
o Click save
o Submit the lab in both LNL and the curriculum as to alert your teacher.
Unit 2 Starting the Investigation: How to Identify Elements, Compound & Mixtures
Assignment: 4. Experiment: Observations of a Phase Change
Do not complete this experiment. Watch the video within this lesson and summarize.
Please give a very detailed summary.
Assignment: 5. Experiment: (In curriculum Salt & Sand) *LNL* Separating Mixtures
Go to Late nite lab
Follow the same steps as Sample Lab
Assignment: 8. Report: (In curriculum Density) * LNL Properties of Melting & Boiling
Go to Late nite lab
Follow the same steps as Sample Lab
Unit 3 Exploring Laws for Gases and Conservation of Mass
Assignment: 3. Experiment: Project: (In curriculum Graphing Kinetic Energy) *LNL*
Boyle’s law
Go to Late nite lab
Follow the same steps as Sample Lab
Assignment: 8. Experiment: Finding Absolute Zero Experimentally (Video)
Do not complete this experiment. Watch the video within this lesson and summarize.
Please give a very detailed summary.
Assignment: 10: Project: (In curriculum Absolute Zero: Real or Theoretical) * LNL*
Determination of Absolute zero
Go to Late nite lab
Follow the same steps as Sample Lab
Unit 4 The Discovery of Atoms: Nature’s Building Blocks
Assignment: 15. Special Report. * LNL* Law of Definite Proportion
Go to Late nite lab
Follow the same steps as Sample Lab
Unit 5 Molecular Structure
Assignment: 11. Special Report. * LNL* Conservation of Mass
Go to Late nite lab
Follow the same steps as Sample Lab
Unit 6 Semester Review
No Labs in this unit
Unit 7 Chemical Reactions, Rates and Equilibrium
Assignment: 2. Experiment: Observing Chemical Change (Video)
Do not complete this experiment. Watch the video within this lesson and summarize.
Please give a very detailed summary.
Assignment: 3. Experiment: Chemical Reaction (video)
Do not complete this experiment. Watch the video within this lesson and summarize.
Please give a very detailed summary.
Assignment: 4. Experiment: (In curriculum Ammonium Nitrate) * LNL* The Enthalpy
Change of a Chemical Reaction
Go to Late nite lab
Follow the same steps as Sample Lab
Assignment: 13. Activity: Exploring Factors that Affect Equilibrium
Complete as direction use the graphics and the equation given.
Assignment: 16. Special Project; *LNL Avogadro’s Law
Go to Late nite lab
Follow the same steps as Sample Lab
Unit 8 Equilibrium Systems
Assignment: 12. Experiment Acid Strength (video)
Do not complete this experiment. Watch the video within this lesson and summarize.
Please give a very detailed summary.
Assignment: 21. Experiment Special Project (LNL) Alka Seltzer Strength
Go to Late nite lab
Follow the same steps as Sample Lab
Unit 9 Carbon Chemistry: Hydrocarbons
Assignment: 11. Experiment Special Project (LNL) pH indicators
Go to Late nite lab
Follow the same steps as Sample Lab
Unit 10 Carbon Chemistry: Functional Groups
Assignment: 12. Experiment Special Project (LNL) Titration Tutorial
Go to Late nite lab
Follow the same steps as Sample Lab
Unit 11 Chemistry Review
No labs in this unit.
Unit 12 Semester Review and Test
No labs in this unit.
Unit 13 Final Exam
No labs in this unit
Your unique registration PIN is: <
Before you get started, make sure you have your section code since you'll need it to
enroll. You can get it from your instructor.
Step One: Register
1. Go to
2. Click on red Register button.
3. On the next page, click the Student button.
4. Enter your email address and desired password.
5. Click Register. You will receive a confirmation email that you have registered.
6. You will be brought to the Student Dashboard page.
Step Two: Enroll
1. On the Student Dashboard page, enter your first name, last name and section
code in their respective fields.
2. Select “Enter Pin” for your enrollment type.
3. Enter your 12-digit pin code.
4. Click the blue Submit button to complete enrollment. You will receive a
Confirmation email with your username and password.
Now you’re ready to step up to the bench! To sign in to your account, click the blue My
Account button at the top right corner of our web page.
Nice to have you on board!
Need help? Please feel free to contact our 24/7 help desk with any questions or
problems you may have by calling 1-800-262-0518 or emailing