New Brunswick International Student Recruitment Agent Manual 2013 - 2014


New Brunswick International Student Recruitment Agent Manual 2013 - 2014
New Brunswick International
Student Recruitment
Agent Manual
2013 - 2014
Table of Contents
Contact Information..........................................................................................4
Program Features...............................................................................................4
4.........................................................................................................Study Permit
Acceptance, Custodianship, Homestay Letters & Study Permits...4
Fee Structure and Schedule............................................................................4
Payment of Fees & Refund Policy................................................................4
Homestay Program............................................................................................4
School Related Assessment...........................................................................4
Student Evaluation, Transcripts, Graduation & English Skills
11.........................................................................................Teacher Chaperone
International Student Program.....................................................................6
Administration of the Program....................................................................6
Contact Information..........................................................................................6
All General Inquiries ................................................................................................................6
Vice President Operations.......................................................................................................6
Manager ....................................................................................................................................6
Upon acceptance the individual district director information will be forwarded to you. .6
Program Features...............................................................................................7
Schools .....................................................................................................................................7
Activities ...................................................................................................................................7
Support .....................................................................................................................................7
Orientation ...............................................................................................................................7
English as a Second Language ..............................................................................................7
Application/Admission Procedure .........................................................................................8
. ..................................................................................................................................................8
1077 St. George Blvd, Suite 110...................................................................9
Moncton, New Brunswick E1E 4C9
506-856-3232 Fax: 506-856-2899..........................................................9
STUDENT APPLICATION...................................................................................9
Study Permit.......................................................................................................16
For more information, please visit the Citizenship and
Immigration Canada web site:
The acceptance, guardianship and homestay letter originals
must be mailed to office for agent fax and mail-out......................16
New Brunswick International.....................................................................18
Student Program..............................................................................................18
Payment of Fees...............................................................................................23
Payment Schedule – See Fee Schedule 2013-2014 ............................................................23
Method of Payment ...............................................................................................................23
Remittance .............................................................................................................................23
Refund Policy.....................................................................................................25
Health Insurance ....................................................................................................................25
Tuition .....................................................................................................................................25
Upon a student withdrawing from the homestay program, AEI agrees to refund, upon
request, all homestay fees being held by AEI less one month’s fee and any outstanding
bills the student may have incurred. ...................................................................................25
Dismissal from Program .......................................................................................................25
Homestay Program.........................................................................................26
Host families...........................................................................................................................26
24. Would the student have access to a home computer? !Yes
Any holiday travel which results in a student traveling to a New
Brunswick airport will result in a fee up to $125.00.
Transportation to the Halifax Airport will result in a fee up to
Behaviour/Discipline Policy........................................................................34
Departures ..............................................................................................................................36
Visiting Parents ......................................................................................................................36
The International Student Program welcomes parents visiting
their children as part of the program. However, parents visiting
in the first month can be quite disruptive and stressful for the
new host family as well as making it difficult for their child to
make a transition to a new culture, family, and school.
Therefore, ISP strongly discourages parents accompanying their
children to attend our program. Should they accompany their
child anyway, they may not stay with the host family during the
first month of school. As well, ISP host families are not obliged
to host visiting parents at any point during the school year.
(See Item 8 in Participation Terms).........................................................36
Length of Stay in New Brunswick ........................................................................................36
Health Insurance..............................................................................................37
Student Coverage ..................................................................................................................37
Contact Information
Program Features
Application/Admission Procedures
Study Permit Process
Acceptance, Custodianship, Homestay Letters & Study Permits
Fee Structure and Schedule
Payment of Fees & Refund Policy
Homestay Program
School Related Assessment
Student Evaluation, Transcripts, Graduation & English Skills
Behaviour/Discipline Policy
Health Insurance
Teacher Chaperone Application
International Student Program
The International Student Program (ISP) is a joint venture between the New Brunswick Department of
Education and Atlantic Education International Inc involving nine school districts which encompass many
High and Middle schools.
Administration of the Program
The AEI office is the administrative arm of the program. All questions related to marketing and promotion,
agent contracts, payment/collection of fees, and student issues prior to placement in a school should be
directed to the AEI International Student Recruitment office.
Atlantic Education International Inc - As the legal body responsible for students, should be addressed with
all questions related to student progress, homestay placements, and discipline issues. Each school
District has an International Student Program (ISP) Director responsible for the students in their boards.
These Directors also act as “In Loco Parentis” for the students in case of emergency during their stay in
New Brunswick.
Contact Information
All General Inquiries
Atlantic Education International Inc
1077 St. George Blvd., Suite 110
Moncton NB E1E 4C9
Tel: 506-856-3046
Fax: 506-856-2899
Vice President Operations
Dawn Weatherbie
Tel: 506-453-8300
Cell: 506-471-6288
Bruce MacDonald
Tel: 506-625-5757
International Program Support
Heather Arsenault
Tel: 506-856-3232
Upon acceptance the individual district director information will be forwarded to you.
Program Features
There are many schools participating in the International Student Program which range in size and
grades. Some schools have as few as 300 students while others may have as many as 1000.
All schools in New Brunswick follow the same curriculum set by the New Brunswick Department of
Education. All courses are taught under the careful supervision of qualified teachers. All are certified
professionals and many have post-graduate degrees and are published authors in education.
While participating in the International Student Program, students have the opportunity to involve
themselves in numerous activities. They are encouraged to participate in activities at the school level and
in their community.
As well, each of the nine provincial school districts generally hosts various activities throughout the year
for the students. The activities can range from ice-skating to hockey games; from boating to bowling; and
from movies to shopping.
Each student in the ISP is surrounded by support. They each have a homestay coordinator in their area
that will work with them if they are having problems at school or with their host family. The second step of
support is with the District Director. The student can go to the District Director if they are uncomfortable
with their homestay coordinator or not happy with the way the situation was handled by the homestay
coordinator. Following the District Director is Atlantic Education International. Students are encouraged to
work things out with their homestay coordinator or their District Director before meeting with the Atlantic
Education International. The final decision for all matters related to a student’s expulsion from the
program rests with Atlantic Education International.
Agents are encouraged to have direct contact with Atlantic Education International. Atlantic Education
International has firsthand knowledge of what is happening with any student placed in New Brunswick
and will be able answer any question the agent may have.
If an agent has questions about the overall Program, they are encouraged to contact their Atlantic
Education International contact.
Each student will receive an orientation upon arrival coordinated by the school district.
English as a Second Language
Within the ISP, English as a Second Language (ESL) support is offered at the school level. Although
many schools that participate in the ISP offer ESL as a classroom subject, some do not. Students can hire
tutors for after school help and extra English instruction at their own cost if they choose.
Student Renewals
If students wish to return after their first registration, they will be given the choice of renewing through an
agent or applying directly.
Application/Admission Procedure
1. Have the student complete the application form ensuring all supporting documents are
attached prior to sending – including translated transcripts.
2. Please stamp the application form with a company stamp/seal.
3. Fax copy of the completed application to the AEI office at 506-856-2899 or Email: Please send originals by courier to Atlantic Education
International office.
4. Forward non-refundable application fee of $300.00 CDN.
** Once a completed application with fee is received by the AEI administration it will be processed
.– incomplete applications will not be processed
AEI Administration
1. Review completed application and either accept or refuse student.
2. Notify agent with acceptance or refusal letter for student – including student’s full name,
date of birth, intended period of study. Letter will be faxed or emailed to agent and then
sent by courier.
3. Student is placed in one of the four provincial school boards. Where possible, student’s
interests are used to match them to schools and/or boards.
4. Once student is placed, AEI administration collects a notarized custodianship
agreement and homestay letter to be forwarded by email to the agent – and then by
School District
1. Acceptance of student within the District; the District has the right to refuse a student.
2. Upon acceptance, a notarized custodianship agreement is done and sent to the AEI
administration office. This process is completed within two weeks of acceptance.
3. District then places student with a suitable host family. The host family letter, including the
name of the school the student will attend and the contact information for the host family is
completed and sent to the AEI administration office. This process is completed within four
weeks of acceptance.
1077 St. George Blvd, Suite 110
Moncton, New Brunswick E1E 4C9
Tel: 506-856-3232 Fax: 506-856-2899
Legal Name of Student _____________________________________________________________
Date of Birth ____________________________
□ Male
□ Female
Address of Student in Home Country
Phone Number (Country Code, Area Code, Number)
Fax Number (Country Code, Area Code,
Student Email Address ____________________
Parent Email Address_________________
Date of Application
Projected Date of Attendance __________
Intended Length of Program:  One Semester  Full Academic Year  Until Completion of High School
Program Applied For:
 Fall Semester
 Spring Semester
Requesting: English Program  French Immersion 
Do you have a valid US Visa  YES
Passport No. ______________________
 NO
Grade Level You will attend in New Brunswick: __________________________________________
Country of Citizenship _____________________________________________________________
Status in Canada:  Study permit
 Canadian citizen-Parents living abroad
Father’s Name (Please provide full legal name Last, First, Middle)
Date of Birth
Mother’s Name (Please provide full legal name Last, First, Middle)
Date of Birth
Address of Parents
Phone Number (Country Code, Area Code, Number)
Fax Number (Country Code, Area Code,
Please provide name and contact information for a person, other than your parents, as an emergency
contact person.
Phone Number (Country Code, Area Code, Number)
Fax Number (Country Code, Area Code,
You are presently in grade _________ . (Please provide student records for the last two years).
You have attended English classes for _______ years. You have attended French classes for
______ ________________________________ years.
Your level of English is:
Your level of French is:
Have you graduated from High School in your home country?
Do you like participating in sport activities?
 YES  NO
 NO
If yes, what sports? _______________________________________________________________
Do you like participating in fine arts activities such as art, music or drama?
 NO
If yes, which activity? ______________________________________________________________
Are you working with an agent?  YES
 NO
Do you want us to send all documents and communications to your agent?  YES
 NO
Name of Agent ___________________________________________________________________
Address ________________________________________________________________________
Do you require homestay?  YES  NO
If yes, please complete our homestay application form.
Please note that NBISP does not guarantee placement in choice of School desired. Placement will be done according
to student programming, ESL needs and availability of school space.
Full Name
*If more space is required please write on a separate page and attach
Please list all current interests and hobbies.
Please list all current athletic interests.
1. Who suggested that you participate in the International Student Program and why?
2. What are your favourite courses in school and why?
3. Tell us about an achievement, award or special honour of which you are proud.
4. Please list the foreign languages you have studied.
Year(s) of Study
5. Have you had any English Second Language (ESL) training or participated in an ESL
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes
6. When you return home, will you:
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! continue education at your
! enter university
! seek employment
What are your future career or job plans? ______________________________________
7. Have you ever lived away from home?
! Yes
! No
If yes, please list when and where.
8. What are your household chores and responsibilities?
9. Do you have a pet in your home? ! Yes ! No
If yes, what type of pet do you own?
If no, would you like living in a home that has a pet?
! Yes
! No
10. Do you have any allergies?
! Yes
! No
If yes, please specify (ie. medication, animals, and foods)
11. Are you a vegetarian?
! Yes
! No
12. Do you smoke?
! Yes
! No
! occasionally
If you respond yes, are you willing to live in a non-smoking home?
! Yes
If you respond no, are you willing to live in a smoking home?
! Yes
! No
! No
13. Do your parents allow you to smoke?
! Yes
! No
If yes, please have them sign here: ____________________________________________
14. Would you be willing to live with a single person?
! Yes
! No
15. Would you agree to a host family where other international students are staying? ! Yes !
Please ensure the following documents are attached, as applications will not be processed
unless the full documents are included with your application.
To Follow
Official school transcripts and language assessment (appendix)
Letter to your host family (a brief summary on you and why you are coming to New
Brunswick to attend school)
Two passport photos
Photographs of you, family and friends (please give brief description)
Application fee
Participation terms form (appendix) are signed by both you and your parents
Record of immunization
Permission to Publish Photograph
This section must be read and signed by you and your parent(s).
1.While in Canada, I am always under the jurisdiction of the national, provincial, and local laws. I will obey
all laws. If I break the law (shoplifting, stealing, gain employment, etc.) it will result in my
termination from the program.
2.I will not consume alcohol or use illegal drugs while enrolled in the International Student Program. Use
of these products will result in my termination from the program.
3.I will obey the rules of my home stay. This includes any curfews, chores and other rules they have
4.I will obey the rules of the school I attend. These rules include, but are not limited to, attendance and
actively participating in classroom work. I agree to take part in extra-curricular activities.
5.I will not drive motorized vehicles of any type, regardless of existing license or training from my home
6.Travel within New Brunswick—I understand that with the permission of my host family, I can travel
throughout the province with them, a student group or other family.
Travel outside of New Brunswick—I understand that I require approval from AEI to travel
outside the province with a group or my host family. If I want to travel without adult
accompaniment I require written approval, in English, from my family. I will also advise the AEI at
least two weeks prior to my departure of my plans to travel.
7.I understand that my program fees cover my monthly charges for room, board, medical and tuition.
Some schools charge all of their students an additional fee for such items as lockers, school
agendas, etc. It is my responsibility to pay these fees which should cost between $30–$50.
8.I understand that visits by my family or friends from my home country are permitted no sooner than six
weeks after my arrival in New Brunswick. If my family or friends visit, they are responsible to
make arrangements for their lodging outside the home of my host family.
Program termination: AEI reserves the right to terminate participation for the violation of program rules
and/or when a participant’s mental and/or physical health, as determined solely by AEI, is in jeopardy.
Students who are expelled from International Student Program will not be given a refund.
I understand that I am expected to follow and obey all the terms stated. I also understand that if I do not, I
will be sent back to my home country immediately at my own expense.
Student’s Signature: _________________________
Date: ________ _________________________
Parent’s Signature: __________________________
Date: ________ _________________________
Please return signed application form with attachments and mail to:
Atlantic Education International
1077 St. George Blvd., Suite 110
Moncton NB E1E 4C9
Permission to Publish Photograph
I give permission to New Brunswick International Student Program to use any photographs or moving
images of ______________________________ taken during participation in any school-related events
(co- and extra-curricular events, class activities, and special events/assemblies). Such photos may be
used in Departmental publications (i.e. brochures, newsletters and school/district website) and in
submissions to the local paper and any other agency as authorized/sanctioned by New Brunswick
International Student Program. I understand these photos will be used purely for publicity purposes.
I further give permission for agencies and organizations authorized by New Brunswick International
Student Program to videotape and/or interview my child.
Parent or Guardian Signature
Printed Name
Study Permit
Study permits indicate how long a student can stay in Canada, where they can study and at what grade
level they can study. Most international students also need a Visa to travel to Canada.
Under Canadian law, a student does not need a study permit if he/she is studying in Canada for less than
six months. However, AEI and the Education Act of New Brunswick require all students have a study
permit, regardless of the duration of their studies.
Only students who have a valid study permit may apply for renewal or an extension of their study permit
from within Canada. The onus is on the student to apply for any extensions. AEI will not be held
accountable for a student who wishes to return and does not apply within the appropriate time or for any
student who applies but does not receive their extension prior to their departure.
For more information, please visit the Citizenship and Immigration Canada web site:
Acceptance, In Loco Parentis Agreement and Homestay Letter Procedures
Successful applicants to the New Brunswick International Student Program will receive an acceptance
letter and guardianship letter within two weeks of receiving their complete application, unless informed
For all applications received before June 15th, homestay placement letters will be sent out within four
weeks of complete application packages being received by their placement board. Students not placed
within the four-week period will be moved to the next board on the rotation schedule. For applications
received after June 15th, homestay placement letters will be sent within two weeks of receiving the
At the end of the two-week period the following must be completed:
a) Acceptance Letter from AEI indicating the student’s full name, date of birth, and beginning and ending
date in the program
b) In Loco Parentis Agreement letter
•Signed by the school board representative
•Notarized or witnessed by a Commissioner of Oaths
At the end of the four-week period the full documentation must be completed, including:
a) Homestay letter consisting of:
•A welcome to the program
•An introduction to yourself, and confirmation that if they have any questions or concerns at any time
to contact you
•Information about the high school
•Information about the host family, their interests, where they are located in relation to the school,
store, etc. (approximately a 5-6-line paragraph)
•Encouragement to contact the family before they arrive
•Full address, phone, and email if applicable of the homestay
•Any other information that is relevant at that time
The acceptance, guardianship and homestay letter originals must be mailed to office for agent fax and
1077 St. George Blvd., Suite 110 Moncton NB E1E 4C9
Telephone: 506-856-3232
Fax: 506-856-2899
New Brunswick International Student Program
A consortium project of Atlantic Education International Inc in partnership with the New Brunswick Department of Education.
To Whom It May Concern:
RE: Student’s name
Date of Birth: m/d/y
This letter is official acknowledgement that the above named student has been issued full acceptance
as a secondary student in the New Brunswick International Student Program. This above-mentioned
student has been granted acceptance to attend the school term of the school year academic year,
beginning on (actual date).
Please be advised that school year fees are due 60 days prior to the commencement of classes (class
date). If fees are not received by the International Student Program this letter of acceptance for student’s
name will be revoked by the Program.
Bruce MacDonald, Manager
New Brunswick International
Student Program
1077 St. George Blvd., Suite 110
Moncton NB E1E 4C9
Telephone: 506-856-3232
Fax: 506-856-2899
New Brunswick International Student Program
A consortium project of Atlantic Education International Inc in partnership with the New Brunswick Department of Education.
To Whom It May Concern:
RE: Student’s name
Date of Birth: m/d/y
This letter is official acknowledgement that the above named student has not been issued acceptance
as a secondary student in the International Student Program.
Based on the information received on the application, s/he does not meet the International Student
Program entry requirements.
Best of luck in your future academic endeavours.
Bruce MacDonald, Manager
New Brunswick International
Student Program
Please note this is a sample homestay letter – they will vary from school to school.
Students Name
C/O Name of Agency
Dear Students name:
I would like to introduce your Homestay coordinator her name is ________and
she can be reached at ______ or by phone 1-506-###-####. Please contact her
if you have any questions regarding your school and community. She will be
your contact while in NB.
During your stay you will be attending St. Stephen
High. The school has approximately 647 students
and is located at 282 King Street, St. Stephen, New
Brunswick E3L 4X7. The school offers a full range
of academic and extra-curricular activities for all of
its students. I am sure you will enjoy the facilities
available and I encourage you to come prepared to
take part in school activities. The school web-site
After much consideration we have selected a host family for you based on the
information you provided to us. You may contact them anytime to ask them
questions about your new homestay, school or whatever other questions you
have. The more questions you ask the better you will feel upon your arrival.
Your host family is looking forward to your arrival.
Your host family is Name and they have # of children.
Host Family Father is employed with School District 10 as an Intervention
Worker at a local elementary school. He enjoys snowshoeing, cross country
skiing, hiking, kayaking, canoeing, camping walking, and running.
Host Family Mother is employed with School District 10 as an Intervention
Worker at a local elementary school. She enjoys snowshoeing, cross country
skiing, hiking, kayaking, canoeing, camping walking, and running.
Host family daughter is 17 years old and will be away in the fall attending
While you will be living with the Host Family Name you will be expected to keep
your bedroom tidy, clean up after yourself if you make any messes, bring your
laundry to the laundry area to be done, tidy the bathroom after you use it and
help with meal time setup and clean up.
The Host Family Name has a large split level home on a quiet residential street
in the center of town. It is very central and within walking distance of school
and all the amenities within the community.
Please note: It is very typical in most Canadian families for teenagers (both
Canadians and International Students) to prepare their own breakfasts and
lunches on school days. The homestay family will purchase foods for these
meals, and will assist with the preparation until you are comfortable in the
They have hosted children from China twice and Germany before and very much
enjoyed the experiences. They are looking forward to learning about you and
your culture. There will be other international students attending St. Stephen
High School from China, Korea, Germany and Colombia.
Please contact your family at your earliest convenience, to begin communication
for your arrival. They are anxiously waiting to hear from you!
They can be reached at: Host Family Name
Telephone Number
Email Address
If you or your family have any other questions about the school or your host
family do not hesitate to contact me at or your
Homestay Coordinator.
Yours truly,
Bruce MacDonald, Manager
New Brunswick International
Student Program
Payment of Fees
All payments, less application fee, which must accompany completed application, must be received by
AEI administration 60 (sixty) days before the commencement of classes. AEI cannot guarantee any
placement until application fee has been received. (Includes Tuition and Homestay)
Payment Schedule – See Fee Schedule 2013-2014
Method of Payment
AEI accepts wire transfer, certified cheque or money orders. Banking information available upon request.
Certified cheques and money orders are to be made payable to: Atlantic Education International Inc
FEE SCHEDULE 2013-2014
All funds shown are in Canadian dollars
Application Fee – non
Tuition Fee
Orientation Fee
Home Stay Fee
Student Health Care
*Student Health Care Insurance Coverage: See Insurance Information
SERVICES INCLUDED IN THESE FEES: Assessment, ESL Support, and assistance
with transition into post-secondary.
Payment Policy
Invoices will be issued upon acceptance into the Program
Full year students may pay per term
Total payment per term is due 60 days prior to the students’ arrival
If payment is not received prior to students’ arrival there will be a $500.00 penalty fee
If outstanding balances have not been received within the first month, the student will be required
to withdraw from the program
Refund Policy
Refunds are issued only if the International student:
1. is denied admission to the International Student Program
2. is not able to obtain a Study Permit
Request for refund must be submitted in writing.
Request for refund will be considered only if submitted before Sept 30 for the current school year.
Refund cheques are issued:
1. only to the payee,
2. within 2-3 weeks from the receipt of your written request, and
3. in the amount of paid tuition fees reduced by non-refundable $400 application processing fee.
Health Insurance
AEI will refund health insurance if a student withdraws from the Program only if the student has not had a
claim with the insurance company. If a claim has been approved and submitted there will be no refund.
Refunds will be calculated to include each month after the month of departure.
Tuition fees will be refunded to the agent under the following circumstances:
If the student withdraws within thirty (30) days of the first day of academic
classes, AEI will refund seventy-five per cent (75%) of the tuition fee received
If the student withdraws within sixty (60) days of the first day of the academic
classes⎯AEI will refund fifty per cent (50%) of the tuition fee received
AEI will not refund any tuition fees if the student withdraws after sixty (60) days
after the first day of academic classes
If a student is not granted a Student Visa to enter Canada, AEI agrees to refund all fees paid if the
following documents are received:
Copy of Official application form for Student Visa;
Copy of Canadian Embassy letter of rejection;
Copy of receipt
Other than the above, AEI will refund only in the case of extreme illness, which results in the student
being unable to remain in Canada to complete his or her studies. However, any student suffering from
such an illness must provide a doctor’s certificate issued by a medical practitioner, duly licensed to
practice medicine in the Province of New Brunswick, confirming the student’s illness, and recommending
that the student should return home. Funds will be returned on a pro rated basis to a maximum of fifty per
cent (50%) of tuition fees.
Upon a student withdrawing from the homestay program, AEI agrees to refund, upon request, all
homestay fees being held by AEI less one month’s fee and any outstanding bills the student may have
Dismissal from Program
If the student is asked to leave as a result of unacceptable behaviour or a failure to adhere to the terms
and conditions of the AEI academic program and/or the AEI homestay program there will be no refund.
Homestay Program
Host families
An important part of the student’s participation in the ISP is the homestay experience. The best way to
learn English and Canadian culture is by being a member of a Canadian family. This is why students are
placed with host families in the community instead of living on their own.
Families in New Brunswick come in all shapes and sizes. Some host families have two parents with
children, some have no children, and others have only one parent. No matter what type of family the
student is placed with, they will receive a caring, safe and nurturing environment.
All host families are carefully chosen and screened prior to their participation in the homestay program.
The host family also undergoes a criminal check.
Host families participate in the program because they want to meet someone from another country. They
welcome the student into their home as though he/she were their own child. The family will probably be
anxious to show the student the sights and introduce you to their family and friends.
Host families treat students as a regular family member. Students will have the same responsibilities as
every other member of the family. This includes contributing to the completion of household chores and
respecting the rules of the host family.
Homestay Approval Process
When homestay applications are received from families wishing to host international students, the
attached process is followed:
a) The homestay co-ordinator contacts the interested family to arrange a home visit. The enclosed
application form must be filled out and the following will be viewed by the co-ordinator: kitchen,
bathroom, student’s bedroom, and laundry facilities.
b) Students must have their own room in the home.
c) Consideration should be given to others who may be home or who are frequently in the home.
d) Students of approximately the same age and opposite sex are not to be housed together.
e) Cultural considerations (i.e. alcohol consumption, over night guests, frequent parties) must be
acknowledged and considered when placing an international student in a home.
Permission must be acquired for the family to undergo a RCMP check.
g) A Child Abuse Registry form must be completed and investigated.
h) The host school (principals or head of guidance) must be contacted for information on the family’s
relationship with the school or the community.
The School Board representative will give final approval of the host family.
*Homestay Questionnaire enclosed
Homestay Placement Change
If there is a problem that requires a student moves to another homestay:
•Fax the Agent and AEI office indicating there will be a homestay change
•Explain the reasons for this change
•Give the new address and phone number
Students may be required to pay an administration fee if the homestay placement changes are not
deemed necessary by the homestay coordinator or their Director.
Homestay Application and Screening Form
Please complete the following parts to this application. It will assist us in matching students and families.
1. Applicant’s Names: _________________________________________________________________
2. Street Address: ____________________________________________________________________
City: ___________________________________
Postal Code: _______________________
Telephone: ______________________________
Fax: ______________________________
Email: _______________________________________________________________________
3. Occupation (F) ____________________________
Telephone: ________________________
4. Occupation (M) ___________________________
Telephone: ________________________
5. Number of student bedrooms available: ______________________________________________
6. Laundry facilities: !Yes
! No
7. Children:
8. Pets: _________________________________________________________________________
9. Do you have homeowners Liability insurance? !Yes ! No
10. Are you willing to submit checks to Child Abuse Registry and RCMP? !Yes ! No
11. How did you hear about this program? _____________________________________________
12. Has your family ever hosted an international student before? If yes, what nationality, when, and for
how long did he or she stay?
!Yes ! No
Nationality __________________________
Length of stay ______________________
13. What are your reasons for hosting an International Student? _________________________________
14. Do any members of your family smoke?
!Yes ! No
15. Do you permit smoking in your home? !Yes ! No
16. What are your family’s hobbies and interests? _______________________________________
17. What activities would you include the student in? _____________________________________
18. What kind of assistance are you prepared to give your student with school assignments? _____
19. What do you feel is important to inform your student about regarding your household (rules, diet,
cleaning, etc)? ___________________________________________________________________
20. What are the work schedules of family members? _____________________________________
21. Please list the schools nearest your home:
Elementary school
Middle school/junior high
High school/senior high
22. Preferences (please check one)
Gender: ! Male
! Female
We would prefer a male student, but we can take a female student ___________________
We would prefer a female student, but we can take a male student ___________________
We would prefer a female student; we cannot take a male student ____________________
Short term (4, 5 and 6 months) ___________
Full year __________
Summer months __________
23. Your Home
Briefly describe the characteristics of your home.
Dwelling (single detached, duplex, apartment, etc.) ________________________________
Levels: ___________________
No. of bedrooms: ___________
No. of bathrooms (full, half, etc.) ____________
Back yard: ________________________________________________________________
Front yard: ________________________________________________________________
Other unique features: ______________________________________________________
Describe the room the student will sleep in
Location: _____________________________________
Furnishings: ___________________________________
Size: ________________________________________
Windows: _____________________________________
Bathroom: ____________________________________
24. Would the student have access to a home computer? !Yes ! No
Independent Travel Policy
Independent Travel is defined as travel that is not part of a school or the International Student Program
organized trip or event.
Students registered in the International Student Program may be permitted to travel during the school
year upon completion of the following criteria:
Students wishing to travel within New Brunswick must receive permission from their homestay family.
Students wishing to travel outside of the Maritime provinces must obtain written permission from their
parents (in home country) and inform their agent, host family and school board representative two
weeks prior to travelling.
Procedure: students must obtain translated permission from parents and have it faxed to the school
board representative.
Any holiday travel which results in a student traveling to a New Brunswick airport will result in a fee up to
$125.00. Transportation to the Halifax Airport will result in a fee up to $250.00.
Please note: the renting of hotel rooms by an unaccompanied minor is illegal in Canada and this
practice cannot be supported by International Student Program.
Student Evaluation/Progress Reports
Student academic evaluations and progress reports will be forwarded to agents for distribution to parents
under the following schedule:
November 30th
Mid-term and progress reports for all students
April 30th
Final term one marks and progress reports for all full-year students. Final
transcripts only for all departing students.
Mid-term marks and progress reports for all students.
July 1st
Final transcripts only for all students.
Once a student's program is finished, the respective school will issue each AEI student an official
transcript with school seal. Each of these transcripts will be forwarded to the AEI office for distribution to
the agent or consulate for authorization where needed. Validation of transcripts will incur a $50.00 fee.
High School Graduation
Students must indicate upon applying to the program their interest in graduating from New Brunswick.
Graduation is not possible if the student has already graduated in their home country.
Students must fulfil the New Brunswick graduation requirements.
Students must successfully complete a minimum of five grade 12 New Brunswick high school credits
—one must be English.
Students will incur the cost of additional course(s) necessary for graduation offered outside the
regular school day.
Students may not take/be awarded more than eight credits in an academic year.
Students must successfully complete the Provincial English Language Proficiency Exam.
To be completed by the School’s teacher or Principal’s designate. Please complete one form per
student. Please place a checkmark through the box that represents the student’s abilities for
each of the following focus areas: speaking, fluency, structure, vocabulary, listening, reading and
The Canadian Language Teacher in Canada will then return the form at the end of the semester
indicating where they feel the student is at that time by placing an X in the appropriate boxes.
Student Name in English: _________________________
Teacher’s Name and Position ________________________
Speaks with near- Speaks fluently.
native fluency
(hesitations do not
interfere with
Uses some
Uses a variety of Uses a variety of
sentence variety; structures with
present tense
applies rules of grammatical errors. correctly and
grammar (e.g.,
errors of omission runned, mans,
(leaves words,
not never, more
endings off).
especially with
Uses functional Uses limited
Uses adequate Uses varied
Uses extensive
vocabulary some vocabulary.
vocabulary; may
errors in word
lag behind native
speaking peers.
Understand little Understands
Understands most Understands
or no English. words, phrases simple sentences classroom
spoken language, class discussion
in sustained
discussions with including class
without difficulty.
rephrasing, and
Begins to name Begins to initiate Can sustain a
concrete objects; conversation;
begins to
Retells a story or Begins to
experience; Asks communicate in
personal and
and responds to classroom
survival needs simple questions. settings.
Repeats words Speaks in single- Speaks hesitantly, Speaks with
word utterances rephrasing and
and short
searching for
Developing Expanding
Can participate in
social and class
discussions; errors
do not interfere
with meaning.
competently in
social and class
Listens to readalouds; can
Can do choral
reading; can
retell simple
texts; uses
some phonics
and/or other
decoding skills.
Can retell a
complete story
middle and end;
recognizes plot,
character, and
Can read
can read aloud;
can “read
between the
lines: (i.e., draw
Reads for
independently; enjoyment; reads
relates reading and completes a
to personal
wide variety of
texts; responds
uses a variety personally and
of reading
critically to texts;
matches a wide
variety of reading
strategies to
elements and purpose.
Uses single
Writes in present Able to write an Writes multiple
words, pictures, predominantly tense and simple entire paragraph; paragraphs, as
and patterned phrases and
sentences; has writing exhibits necessary; is
phrases; copies patterned or
difficulty with
inconsistent use generally able
from a model; simple
of a variety of
to present a
exhibits little
sentences; uses agreement; run- verb tenses,
main idea with
awareness of limited or
on sentences are subject-verb
common; uses agreement
detail; uses
capitalization, vocabulary;
high-frequency errors, and
or punctuation. uses temporary words; may have limited use of
verb tenses;
difficulty with
errors in
word order;
articles, and
omits endings or prepositions;
structure do not
words; uses
vocabulary is
detract from
appropriate to
meaning; uses
purpose, but
punctuation, and sometimes
awkward; uses appropriate for
spelling; errors punctuation,
the purpose;
often interfere
makes few
with meaning.
and mostly
errors (errors of
spelling; errors spelling,
interfere with
and seldom any
that detract
from meaning.
7 adapted
single or
with a clear
, fully
and a
verb tenses
and varied
uses varied,
makes only
errors, none
of which
detract from
from Figure 5.8 and Figure 2.5 in O'Malley, J. Michael and Lorraine Valdez-Pierce, Authentic
Assessment for English Language Learners: Practical Approaches for Teachers (Reading, MA: AddisonWesley, 1996), which in turn are based on materials drafted by ESL Teachers Portfolio Assessment
Group, Fairfax County Public Schools, Virginia
1077 St. George Blvd, Suite 110
Moncton, NB E1E 4C9
Telephone: 506-856-3046
Fax: 506-856-2899
New Brunswick International Student Program
A consortium project of Atlantic Education International Inc in partnership with the New Brunswick Department of Education.
Behaviour/Discipline Policy
AEI believes in working with parents and agents in the home country for the management of student
behaviour/discipline. Quarterly reports are sent out to update parents and agents on issues of student
progress and behaviour in the home and school. If there are discipline issues then the flow of information
should begin immediately. As the legal body responsible for students during their stay in New Brunswick,
the schools are responsible as well for communicating discipline issues to parents and agents. It is
important that all discipline issues be documented and that written reports of all major incidents, as well
as Behaviour Contracts, go to parents and agents in the home country. Please note that the final decision
related to removal of any student from the program rests with AEI following consultation with the School
Principal, District Director and Agent
Please note: As the student and parents have signed a contract prior to participation in the program
outlining the rules of the program and responsibilities of the student, AEI reserves the right to terminate
participation in the program of any student found in violation of the terms of the AEI contract.
1077 St. George Blvd, Suite 110
Moncton, NB E1E 4C9
Telephone: 506-856-3232
Fax: 506-856-2899
New Brunswick International Student Program
A consortium project of Atlantic Education International Inc in partnership with the New Brunswick Department of Education.
Upon acceptance into the International Student Program, I understood my agreement to be the following:
I understand that in order to succeed in the International Student Program, I must attend all my classes,
complete all homework assignments, and participate in extra-curricular activities offered by the school. I
understand that the program reserves the right to terminate my participation in the International Student
Program and can send me back to my home country, at my own expense or my parents’ cost, if I break
program regulations such as: driving a car; drinking alcoholic beverages or using illegal drugs; working
illegally; breaking the rules of the homestay; becoming involved in any illegal activities; breaking school
rules such as chronic absenteeism, poor conduct. I have read and understand the above and agree to
abide by these rules, as well as to cooperate with the program administrators, the teachers and the
students at my new school, and my host family.
Contrary to this agreement on ___________ I __________________________________________
understand this agreement and once again confirm my acceptance of it’s’ principles. I also understand
that should I break this contract again I will be immediately sent back to my home country.
Signed: ___________________________________
(Student Name)
Signed: ___________________________________
(Parent Name)
___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________
Arrivals/Departures & Visitation
Atlantic Education International requires arrival information be sent to the administration office two weeks
(14 days) prior to the arrival of the student. The information should include: student’s full name, arrival
date, time and flight number. If students having connecting flights in either the United States or Canada it
would be helpful to have that information as well.
A member of AEI and/or their host family meets students at the airport. AEI cannot guarantee pick-up if
the arrival information is not provided two weeks (14 days) prior to arrival.
All students must have round-trip tickets. AEI administration should be given the date of departure at the
same time they are given arrival information. If a student wishes to make a change to their ticket, the
onus is on the student to contact AEI to request this change. Students are requested to give their host
family two weeks (14 days) notice of their intended departure.
Students who are enrolled until June are to leave the province no later than June 30th of the academic
year. Students enrolled for only the first semester are to leave no later than February 1st. Following these
dates AEI will no longer be responsible for the students and insurance coverage will have ceased unless
prior permission for a longer stay has been granted.
Visiting Parents
The International Student Program welcomes parents visiting their children as part of the program.
However, parents visiting in the first month can be quite disruptive and stressful for the new host family as
well as making it difficult for their child to make a transition to a new culture, family, and school. Therefore,
ISP strongly discourages parents accompanying their children to attend our program. Should they
accompany their child anyway, they may not stay with the host family during the first month of school. As
well, ISP host families are not obliged to host visiting parents at any point during the school year. (See
Item 8 in Participation Terms).
Length of Stay in New Brunswick
School Holidays
The school year in New Brunswick runs from September to June. Major holidays occur in December (2
weeks), March (1 week), July and August. Students may visit their home countries during the school
holidays. However, it is not recommended that students go home in December or March during their first
year in the program. As well, any extension of these holidays that involves students missing school is
strongly discouraged; and any exams or tests missed due to that practice will be forfeited. A fee for
holiday travel during these periods may also be incurred.
Students are not the responsibility of International Student Program upon completion of their school year.
A student’s year finishes depending on the length of term in the program; most students opt for the 5 or
10 month program. This would have them ending typically January 31st or June 30th. Students are
strongly encouraged to leave by that date. AEI does not accept responsibility for the student after the
above dates.
Please note: Students staying beyond those dates are responsible for their own homestay arrangements
and any payments to homestay families must be made directly.
Health Insurance
Student Coverage
Students receive medical coverage through the Ingle International Insurance. Students pay for their
medical coverage through their program fees. They receive a card showing they have coverage through
Ingle International. If they have any procedure done at the hospital, Ingle Insurance – in some cases receives a direct bill from the hospital. However, sometimes a student will be required to pay for a service
upfront but will be reimbursed after Ingle Insurance receives their original receipt and claim form which
must be submitted within 30 (thirty) days of initial treatment.
Ingle International does not cover regular trips to the dentist. However, the insurance will cover the cost of
the dentist if the visit is the result of an accident.
Teacher Information
(Please print clearly—in English using blue or black ink)
Last Name: _____________________________
First Name: _____________________________
Date of Birth (mm/dd/yy) ______________
Middle Name: ___________________________
E-mail Address: _____________________
Gender: ! Male ! Female
Teaching Information
School: _________________________________________________________________________
Current Teaching Area: ____________________
Current Grade Level: _________________
What level are you interested in? (Please circle)
Elementary Middle School
High School
What subjects are you interested in? _________________________________________________
Please rate your level of English (Circle the level that applies)
Pre-Beginner Beginner Moderate Comfortable Proficient
Family Information
Full Name, Relationship
Personal Data
Do you have any allergies or medical conditions?
If yes, please specify (i.e., medication, animals, foods)
! Yes ! No
Interests & Hobbies
Please list all current interests and hobbies.
The school board will choose a school(s) for you based on availability and your interests. Please
complete the following educational learning plan which will assist us in providing the best
educational opportunity for you.
In a school you will participate in the many educational activities which could include: observing
classroom instruction; assisting teachers through student tutoring; lesson preparation; student
supervision; teaching classes; chaperoning student excursions; participating in professional development
activities and meetings, etc.
Please indicate what you hope to learn/ participate in while working at school:
Please indicate what you hope to learn/ participate in while working in a junior high/ middle school:
Which grade level/ subject areas are you most interested in?
Why? __________________________________________________________________________
Personal Growth
Please expand upon any personal goals you wish to explore/ improve during your stay in Canada. Share
what you hope to experience in Canada (outside of program- organized activities and your academic
Expectations - Short-Term Groups
The role of the teacher/chaperone is to provide support to the students from their home school
and to act as a window to their home culture for students in Canada. They will be expected to
be a leader for all activities undertaken by their students outside the host school and be fully
engaged in the activities of their host school during the regular school day. The teacher/
chaperone will be under the direction of and responsible to the local school board Director of the
International Student Program.
As part of the program team, all teacher/chaperones will:
Be aware of students’ academic, social, and medical background before arrival and be
prepared to communicate this with the host school.
Participate in and chaperone activities upon request.
Provide support and assist with student situations as requested.
Support and enforce the program guidelines.
Attend school every day. A schedule will be provided.
Be prepared to teach classes and do presentations on your country, language, and
Provide communication with home school regarding student issues and behaviour as
Be prepared to learn new teaching strategies and share previous teaching strategies
with host school staff.
Report to short term Project Manager regularly to communicate student/ home school
needs/ concerns.
Take advantage of every opportunity to increase English proficiency and awareness and
understanding of the Canadian education system by attending and participating in extracurricular activities; staff meetings; professional development activities; community
events; or language classes.
Be willing to work independently in the host school.
PLEASE NOTE: All teacher/chaperones should have a good command of the English
language. If additional English classes/lessons are requested this will be at the teacher/home
school’s expense and are not the responsibility of the program.
I have read the expectations above and I understand and agree to participate fully in
the role of teacher/chaperone while in Canada.
Chaperone Teacher Signature: ________________
Principal’s Signature ________________________