Freedom of Information Section 16 Reference Manual Clare County Council


Freedom of Information Section 16 Reference Manual Clare County Council
Freedom of Information
Section 16 Reference Manual
Clare County Council
Fourth revised edition – November 2010
Notice: Information in this manual may change
We intend to keep this manual as accurate and up to date as
possible. However some of the information may change after the
manual is published through no fault of Clare County Council. There
may be changes to,
contact details including addresses
organisational structures, and
areas of responsibility
When there are changes, we aim to update this manual within a
reasonable time. You can download the most up-to-date version of
this manual from the Clare County Council’s website
The information contained in this Section 16 Reference Manual is
only a guide. It is not a legal interpretation of any legislation
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Table of contents
Introduction ............................................................................ 4
Housing, Social & Cultural Services.............................................. 7
Planning, land use and transportation ......................................... 12
Environment and water services directorate ................................. 27
Community and enterprise and emergency services .................... 138
Finance and human resources................................................. 150
Corporate services................................................................ 204
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The freedom of information legislation was enacted on April 21,
1997. The Act was initially applied to government departments and
certain government bodies from April 21st, 1998. It was applied to
local authorities and health boards from October 21st, 1998. Since
then the act has encompassed many more public bodies.
The Freedom of Information (FOI) Act established three new legal
everyone is entitled to access information held by public
everyone is entitled to have official information about them
changed when it is incomplete, incorrect or misleading; and
everyone is entitled to find out the reasons why decisions
were made that affect themselves.
The act says people have the right to gain access to official
information to the greatest extent possible, consistent with;
the public interest; and
the right to privacy of individual.
In particular people have the right to access,
all local authority records created since October 21st , 1998
which are not routinely available through other sources;
records created before October 21st , 1998 that are nonpersonal nature as may be needed to understand records
created after the 1997 Act was put in place;
personal records about themselves no matter when they
were created; and
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in the case of local authority staff members personnel
records created since October 21, 1998
The Freedom of Information (Amendment) Act 2003 came into
effect on April 11, 2003. This Act introduced a number of important
amendments to the 1997 Act notably in relation to;
Section 19 (general records);
Section 20 (deliberations of public bodies);
Section 24 (security, defence and international relations);
Section 47 (fees).
We have prepared and published this reference manual in line with
Section 16 of the Freedom of Information Act, 1997. Section 16 of
the Act requires us and all other bodies covered by the Act to
publish a manual that sets down the rules, procedures, practices
and guidelines we use when we make certain decisions that affect
the rights and privileges of members of the public.
This manual is designed to help the public understand how we do
business. Where rules, procedures or guidelines have already been
published this manual will show where and how you can access or
purchase them:
You can buy most of the acts and regulations listed later in this
manual at the Government Publications office in Molesworth Street,
Dublin 2; or you can download them from the Irish Government
Copies of bye-laws and circular letters are available either from us
or directly from the relevant government department (usually the
Department of Environment, Heritage and Local Government) from
which they originated.
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Copies of any other rules, guidelines and precedents, appropriate to
each section as listed in this manual are available for inspection at
that section free of charge.
You should read this reference manual together with our Section 15
Reference Manual. The Section 15 reference manual details:
our structure and function;
the services we provide;
the types of information we keep on record; and
how to make a FoI request to us.
Copies of the Section 15 and Section 16 Reference Manuals are
available directly from our offices (please see contact details shown
below) or from our website;
Name - Valerie Lyons
Title - Freedom of Information Officer
Address - Clare County Council, New Road, Ennis, Co. Clare
Telephone - (065) 6846405
Fax: (065) 6828233
Services are provided by Clare County Council under the following
eight divisions which are standard to all Local Authorities:
Housing and building
Road transport and safety
Water services
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Environmental services
Recreation and amenity
Agriculture, education, health & welfare
Miscellaneous services
In addition to the eight divisions each council has a number of
functional support sections that can be combined under the
additional programme area of:
Finance, I.T. and common activities
Housing, Social & Cultural Services
Rules, Guidelines and Precedents used by the Housing, Social &
Cultural Services Section of Clare County Council.
Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government’s
Handbook Delivering Homes, Sustaining Communities. are relevant
guidelines in the delivery of the services
Assessment of Housing Needs
Assessment of Housing Needs Circular No: N9/88 as
Provision of Local Authority Housing
Assessment of housing needs
Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local
Government Annual Housing Allocation
Standard of construction in accordance with Department of
Environment Memorandum on the procedures to be followed
and the standards to be applied in providing Local Authority
Dwellings Circular Letter No: N8/82
Page 7 of 7
Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local
Government’s Social Housing Guidelines - Site Selection
Allocation of Housing to Qualified Applicants
Local Authority’s Scheme of Letting Priorities April 2009
Local Authority’s Anti Social Behaviour Strategy 2010
Standard Tenancy Agreement
Maintenance of Local Authority Housing
Local Authority’s Statement of Policy on Housing
Management and Tenancy Agreements
Tenant’s Handbook
Policy Statement “Action Against Illegal Dumping within
Local Authority Estates” – October 2005
Estate Management
Local Authority’s Anti-Social Behaviour Strategy 2010
Rent on Local Authority Dwellings
Local Authority’s Differential Rent Scheme
Traveller Accommodation
Housing (Traveller Accommodation) Act, 1998
D.E.H.L.G Guidelines - Residential Caravan Parks for
Policy Statement - Traveller Accommodation Advisory
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Local Authority’s Traveller Accommodation Programme 2009
- 2013
Assistance to those housing themselves
Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government’s
Handbook Delivering Homes, Sustaining Communities, are relevant
guidelines in the delivery of the services
Affordable Housing
1999 Affordable Housing Scheme
Housing (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2004
Part V of the Planning & Development Acts 2000 – 2009
Circular AHS 1/05
Local Authority’s Affordable Housing Scheme
Tenant Purchase
Tenant Purchase Scheme 1995
Incremental Purchase Scheme 2010
Housing Loans
Shared Ownership - Department of Environment Letter:
H.R.T. 10/91 - As amended.
Code of Practice on Dealing with Mortgage Arrears
Dealing with Mortgage Arrears Circular HPS5/2010
Housing (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1992
Housing (Local Authority Loans) Regulations 2009
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Improvement Works in lieu of Local Authority
Department of Environment Circular Letter No: N4/98 as
Housing Grants
Housing Adaptation Grants Scheme for people with a
Scheme of Housing Aid for Older People
Mobility Aids Grants Scheme
Housing (Adaptation Grants for Older People and People
with a Disability) Regulations 2007
Local Authority’s Housing Grants Implementation Scheme
Mortgage Allowance Scheme:
Department Circular No: H.R.T. 7/91. As amended.
Voluntary Housing
Department of Environment Circular No.: VHU: 2/02. As
Section 6 of the Housing (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act
Circular SHIP 2009/05 – Social Housing Leasing Initiative:
Approved Housing Bodies
Rental Accommodation Scheme (RAS)
Residential Tenancies Act 2004
RAS Implementation Strategy 2007
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Housing Legislation Statutes
Housing Act, 1966
Housing (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 1979
Housing (Private Rented Dwellings) Act, 1982
Housing Act, 1988
Housing (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 1992
Housing (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 1997
Housing (Traveller Accommodation) Act, 1998
Housing (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 2002
Housing (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 2004
Housing (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 2009
Community playgrounds
Local Authority Play Policy 2004 – 2008
Community Playground Development Grant Scheme 2006 –
Burial Grounds
Public Health (Ireland) Act, 1878
Public Health (Ireland) Act, 1896
Local Government (Sanitary Services) Act, 1948
Local Government (Sanitary Services) (Joint Burial Boards)
Act, 1952
Local Government (Sanitary Services) Act 1962
Local Government Act, 1994 – Second Schedule
Rules and Regulations for the Regulation of Burial Grounds
etc. 1888
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S. I. No. 600 of 2001 Planning and Development
Regulations, 2001 – Parts 8 and 10
DoEHLG Circular L 3/63
DoEHLG Circular ENV. 23/74 of 23/9/1974
DoEHLG Circular LSS 6/94 Burial Grounds / Exhumation
Licences – Devolution of Controls
Managers Orders on charges – annual
Planning, land use and transportation
Rules, guidelines and precedents used by the
planning section of Clare County Council
Primary legislation - Acts of the Oireachtas
Local Government (Planning & Development) Act, 1963
Local Government (Planning & Development) Act, 1976
Local Government (Planning & Development) Act, 1982
Local Government (Planning & Development) Act, 1983
Local Government (Planning & Development) Act, 1990
Local Government (Planning & Development) Act, 1992
Local Government (Planning & Development) Act, 1993
Local Government (Planning & Development) Act, 1998
Planning & Development Act, 2000
Planning & Development (Amendment) Act, 2002
Strategic Infrastructure Act 2006
Planning & Development (Amendment) Act 2010
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EU directives
EC Directive 85/337/EEC – Assessment of the effects of
certain public and private projects on the environment
(Environmental Impact Assessment)
EC Directive 97/11/EC – 03/03/97 amending Directive
85/337/EEC on the assessment of the effects of certain
public and private projects on the environment
(Environmental Impact Assessment)
Directive 2001/42/EC on the assessment of the effects of
certain plans and programmes on the Environment
European Communities (Environmental Assessment Of
Certain Plans And Programmes) Regulations 2004 (SI
Secondary Legislation – Regulations
Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations 1989
Local Government (Planning & Development) Regulations,
1994, S.I. 86/94
Local Government (Planning & Development) Regulations,
1995, S.I. 69/95
Local Government (Planning & Development) (No. 2)
Regulations, 1995, S.I. 75/95
Local Government (Planning & Development) Regulations,
1996, S.I. 100/96
Local Government (Planning & Development) Regulations,
1997, S.I. 78/97
European Communities (Natural Habitats) Regulations,
1997, S.I. 94 /97
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Local Government (Planning & Development) (No. 2)
Regulations, 1997, S.I. 121/97
Local Government (Planning & Development) (No. 3)
Regulations, 1997, S.I. 261/97
Local Government (Planning & Development) (Fees)
(Amendment) Regulations, 1998, S.I. 119/98
Local Government (Planning & Development) Regulations,
1998, S.I. 124/98
Local Government (Planning & Development) (Fees)
(Amendment) (No.2) Regulations, 1998, S.I. 128/98
Local Government (Planning & Development) (No. 2)
Regulations, 1998, S.I. 194/98
Local Government (Planning & Development) General Policy
Directive (Shopping) 1998 S.I. 193/98
D.O.E. Circular Letter SR 6/91 - Septic Tank & Percolation
Systems - revision of standards recommendations
Planning and Development Regulations 2001
Planning and Development Regulations 2001 S.I. 600/2001
Planning and Development Regulations 2002 S.I. 70/2002
Planning and Development (No 2) Regulations 2002 S.I.
Planning and Development (Certification of Fairground
Equipment) Regulations 2003 S.I. 449/ 2003
Planning and Development (Strategic Environmental
Assessment ) Regulations 2004 S.I. 436/2004
Planning and Development (Amendment) Regulations 2008
Planning and Development (Regional Planning Guidelines)
Regulations 2009
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Planning and Development Regulations 2010
Land use policy
County Clare Development Plan 2005-2011 and Variation
No. 1 and Variation No. 2 (Wind Energy Strategy)
(Draft) County Development Plan 2011-2017
Draft Wind Energy Strategy 2011-2017
Draft Retail Strategy for the Mid West Region
Draft Housing Strategy for the Mid West Region
Draft Strategic Environmental Assessment
Ennis and Environs Development Plan 2008-2014 and
Variation No. 1
North Clare Local Area Plan 2005-2011
East Clare Local Area Plain 2005-2011
South Clare Plan 2009-2015
West Clare Local Area Plan 2009-2015
Draft North Clare Local Area Plan 2011-2017
Draft East Clare Local Area Plan 2011-2017
Development Contribution Scheme 2004
Draft Development Contribution Scheme 2011-2017
Draft Heritage Plan 2011 -2017
County Clare Rural House Design Guide
National and regional policy documents
The National Development Plan 2007-2013
National Spatial Strategy
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DoEHLG Childcare Facilities – Guidelines for Planning
DoEHLG Planning Guidelines for Telecommunications
Antennae and Support Structures, July 1996
DoEHLG Wind Farm Development – Guidelines for Planning
Authorities, September 1996
DoEHLG Residential Density – Guidelines for Planning
Authorities, 1999
DoEHLG A Guide to Protected Buildings, December 1999
DoEHLG Retail Planning Guidelines, 2000
DoEHLG Childcare Facilities – Guidelines for Planning
DoEHLG Landscape and Landscape Assessment – Guidelines
for Planning Authorities
DoEHLG Guidance Document – Part V of the Planning and
Development Act, 2000 – Implementation Issues, February
DoEHLG Part V of the Planning and Development Act 2000
as amended by the Planning and Development
(Amendment) Act 2002 – Further Guidance on
Implementation Issues, Lúnasa 2003
DoEHLG Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) –
Guidance for Consent Authorities regarding Sub-threshold
Development, August 2003
EPA Manual on Treatment Systems for Single Houses (2000)
Forest Service – Department of Communications, Marine
and Natural Resources – Forestry and Archaeology
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Local Agenda 21 Sustainable Development incl. National
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Guidance for
Consent Authorities regarding Sub-Threshold Development
DoEHLG Landscape and Landscape Assessment – Guidelines
for Planning Authorities
Quarries and Ancillary Activities – Guidelines for Planning
Authorities (2004)
Wind Energy Development Guidelines for Planning
Authorities 2004
Sustainable Rural Housing - Consultation Draft of Guidelines
for Planning Authorities – April 2005
Planning Guidelines on Architectural Heritage Protection of
Places of Public Worship - November 2003
Midwest Regional Planning Guidelines 2011-2022.
SEA Directive (2001/42/EC): Assessment of the Effects of
Certain Plans/Programmes on the Environment – (DRAFT)
Guidelines for Regional Authorities and Planning Authorities
S 6/03 Review of the retail planning guidelines in so far as
they relate to the floorspace cap on retail warehousing
Development Management Guidelines –June 2007
NRA No. 9/2007 Traffic and Transport Assessments
Guidelines and circulars
DoEHLG Circular PD 9/82 - Development Control
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EOLAS S.R. 6:1991 Septic Tank Systems –
Recommendations for Domestic Effluent Treatment and
Disposal from a Single Dwelling House
DoEHLG Circular Letter 1/92 Re S. R. 6:1991
DoEHLG Circular Letter PD 2/92 - Planning Applications with
job creation potential
DoEHLG Circular of 17/6/1993 – Regulation of development
by or on behalf of State authorities and local authorities
DoEHLG Circular Letter PD 1/94 - Tree Preservation
Guidelines for Planning Authorities
DoEHLG Circular PD 3/94 - Proprietary Waste Water
Treatment Systems
DoEHLG Circular Letter PD 3/95 - Availability of documents
held by An Bord Pleanála / planning authorities
DoEHLG Circular Letter PD 5/96 - Controls on Forestry
DoEHLG Circular Letter PD 7/96 - Supreme Court Judgment
in Water Pollution Case
DoEHLG Circular PD 3/97 - Local Government (Planning and
Development) Regulations, 1997 (S. I. No. 78 of 1997)
DoEHLG Circular Letter PD 5/97 -Changes to the Planning
Regulations as a consequence of the Waste Management
(Licensing) Regulations
DoEHLG Circular Letter PD 4/98 - Residential Density
DoEHLG Circular 1/99 - Environmental Impact Assessment –
Directive 97/11/EC
DoEHLG Circular PD 4/99 - Environmental Impact
Assessment – Directive 97/11/EC
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DoEHLG Circular PD 11/99 -Local Government (Planning and
Development) (No. 2) Regulations, 1999 – Protection of
Architectural Heritage
DoEHLG Circular Letter PD 4/00 - Local Government
(Planning and Development) Regulations, 2000
DoEHLG Circular PD 11/2000 - Commencement of the
Planning and Development Act, 2000 – Planning and
Development Regulations, 2000
DoEHLG Circular PD 1/2001 - Retail Planning Guidelines
DoEHLG Circular Letter PD 8/01 - Local Government
(Planning and Development) (Fees) (Amendment)
Regulations, 2001 (S. I. No. 525 of 2001)
DoEHLG Circular Letter PD 9/01 - Local Government
(Planning and Development) (Amendment) Regulations,
2001 (S. I. No. 539 of 2001) & European Communities
(Environmental Impact Assessment) (Amendment)
Regulations, 2001 (S. I. No. 538 of 2001)
DoEHLG Circular Letter PD 8/2002 - Planning and
Development Regulations, 2001 – further guidance
DoEHLG Circular Letter PD 11/2002 - Minister for the
Environment and Local Government (Performance of Certain
Functions) Act, 2002 and Planning and Development
Regulations, 2001 – further guidance
DoEHLG Circular Letter PD 2/2003 - Planning and
Development (Amendment) Act, 2002
DoEHLG Circular Letter PD 4/2003 – Development
DoEHLG Circular Letter SP 5/03 Groundwater Protection and
the Planning System
Page 19 of 19
DoEHLG Circular Letter BC 14/2003 - Environmental Impact
Assessment (EIA) – Guidance for Consent Authorities
regarding Sub-threshold Development
DoEHLG Letter of 14th October, 2003 Development
Contributions in respect of Social Housing Units
DoEHLG Circular HMS 4/04 - Planning and Development
Acts 2000-2002: Part V – Housing Supply, Implementation
DoEHLG Circular Letter PD 2/04 - New Registration System
for Quarries
DoEHLG Circular Letter SP 2/04 - Amendment of Procedures
in relation to the Submission of Development Plans,
Variations and Material Amendments to Development Plans,
and Local Area Plans to the Minister for the Environment,
Heritage and Local Government
NRA Circular 08/2004 Re: Development Control and Access
to National Roads: Appeals to An Bord Pleanala, Official
DoEHLG Development Control – Advice and Guidelines,
October 1982
DoEHLG Tree Preservation, Guidelines for Planning
Authorities, 1994
DoEHLG Local Government (Planning and Development)
Regulations, 1995 – Notes for the guidance of planning
authorities, March 1995
Circular PD 1/2006 Taking in Charge of Housing Estates
/Management Companies
SP 3/2005 Groundwater and Planning
Page 20 of 20
Circular PD 2/2003 Planning and Development Amendment
Act 2002
Circular PD 2/2004 Registration of Quarries
PD 2/2007 and NPWS 1/2007 – EIA Compliance Conditions
PD 3/2002 Major Accidents (Seveso) Directive
PD 3/2003 Public Awareness of Building Regulations
PD 3/2005 Planning and Development Regulations 2005: Off
licences, Peat Extraction, Aarhus Directive
PD 3/2006 Launch of Strategic Infrastructure Bill
PD 3/2007 Planning and Development Regulations 2007 (S.I
83 of 2007) Exemptions for Microrenewables
PD 4/2004 Draft Wind Energy Development Guidelines
PD 4/2006 Wind Energy Development Guidelines
PD 4/2007 Planning and Development (No 2) Regulations
2007 (S.I 135 of 2007)
PD 5/2002 Development on the Foreshore
PD 5/2006 Management Companies and Planning Conditions
PD 6/2003 Draft Planning Guidelines on Control of Quarries
PD 6/2006 Wind Energy Development Guidelines
Development Contribution Scheme - Planning Authorities
Circular PD5/2007
PD 6/2007 Meeting Administrators Record, Planning and
Development (Strategic Infrastructure Act) 2006
PD 7/2003 Planning Guidelines on Architectural Heritage
Protection for Places of Worship
PD 7/2007 High Court Judgement on Further Information
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Provision of roads network
Preparation of five years roads plan
Circular No: R.W. 7/96 as amended
Design of roads network
Guidelines for roads standards laid down by An Foras Forbatha:
RT 180 Alignments
RT 181 Junctions
RT 182 Aesthetics
Barbour Index
Land acquisition
Compulsory purchase order procedure
Implementation of environmental impact assessment
S.50 & S.51 of Roads Act, 1993
Environment Assessment Regulations, 1994
Part V of Roads Regulations, 1994 (S.I. No. 119/94)
Planning and Development Act
Public procurement guidelines 1994 edition (green book)
E.U. Directive 2004/17/EC Utilities Sector
E.U. Directive 2004/18/EC Public Sector
E.U. Directive 2001/78/EC (OJEU Notices)
Department of the Environment Circular BC/198
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Department of Local Government and National Road
Authority Procurement Policy
DoEHLG and National Roads Authority Procurement Policy
Supervision of roads scheme
To ensure schemes are carried out to standard
Standards for road works – maintenance and improvements
Department of Environment, specification for road works
Department of Environment, specifications for surface
Road Traffic (Signs) Regulations, 1997 – SI No. 181
Traffic signs manual
Declaration of roads to be public roads
S.11 Roads Act, 1993
Roads Regulations 1994 – Part 2
S.I. No. 119 of 1994
S.I. No. 197 of 1993
Public lighting
S.2 of Roads Act, 1993
In accordance with standards as laid down by the E.S.B.
Control of roads network
Temporary closure of roads
S.75 of Roads Act, 1993
Part VIII of Roads Regulations, 1994
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S.I. No. 119 of 1994
Abandonment of road
S.12 of Roads of 1993
Road opening licence
S.13 of Roads Act, 1993
Vehicle permits
Article 17, Roads Traffic (Construction, Equipment and use
of Vehicles) Regulations, 1963
Damage to public roads
Land owners and the Roads Act – a guide
S. 13 Roads Act, 1993
Section 70 Roads Act, 1993
Landowners and the Roads Act – A Guide
Unauthorised signs, caravans, vehicles on public roads
S.71 Roads Act, 1993
Traffic management
Part VI Road Traffic Act, 1994
Road Traffic (Traffic and Parking) Regulations, 1997
S.I. No. 182 of 1997
Road Traffic (Immobilisation of Vehicles) Regulations, 1998
Road Traffic (Traffic and Parking) (Amendment) Regulations,
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Road Traffic (Signs) (Amendment) Regulations, 1998
Guidance Notes on Road Traffic (Traffic and Parking)
Regulations 1997
Speed limit bye-laws
Part V of Road Traffic Act, 1994
Road Traffic (Traffic and Parking) Regulations, 1997
S.I. No. 182 of 1997
Promotion of road safety
Road safety officer
School warden service
Road Traffic Regulations, 1975-1990
Junior School Warden Scheme – S.96 Road Traffic Act, 1961
A guide to organisation, training and operation of the Junior
School Warden Service – National Safety Council
Co-ordination of road safety committee
D.O.E. Circular Letter TC/4/96
Determination of low-cost accident measures
N.R.A. Circular Letter 28/2/94
Annual Allocation
School flashing lights
S. 95 Road Traffic Act, 1961
Pedestrian crossings
D.O.E. Circular Letter DC2/86
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D.O.E. Circular Letter DC1/91
Traffic calming measures
S 38 Road Traffic Act, 1994
Community involvement
Community roadworks scheme
Circular Letter RW/7/96
Circular Letter RW/7/96
Community Roadworks Scheme Booklet
Local improvement scheme
Department memorandum 1997-1999
Local Government Act 2001
Local Government (Ireland) Act 1898
Local Government Act 1925
Local Government (No 2) Act 1960
Housing Act 1966
Roads Act 1993
Road Traffic Acts 1961, 1968, 1994, 2002, 2004
Drainage Maintenance Act 1924
Arterial Drainage Acts 1925 & 1945
Local Authority Works Act 1949
Local Government Act 1955
Local Government (Roads & Drainage) Act 1968
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Dublin Transport Authorities (Dissolution) Act 1987
Roads (Amendment) Act 1998
Local Government (Planning & Development) Act 2000
Local Government Act 2001
Road Traffic Regulations
Roads Regulations
Environment and water services directorate
Our overall objective is to improve, preserve and enhance the
environment in the interests of the present and future generations.
We wish to ensure effective environmental protection goes hand in
hand with truly sustainable development.
A high quality environment is essential for a good quality of life.
Our aims are to:
Provide first class drinking water quality for all consumers,
and protect and improve water resources.
Promote the development of the water services
infrastructure, through the water services investment and
rural water programmes.
Provide new and updated waste water facilities in towns and
villages throughout Co. Clare.
Oversee finalisation of river basin management plans and
implementation, to comply with the requirements of the
European Water Framework Directive to ensure that all
water bodies in the county retain or achieve good quality
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Manage waste in accordance with the objectives of the
regional waste management plan: diversion of organic
waste, and for segregation, re-use, composting, recycling,
and safe disposal of all waste.
Promote the minimisation and prevention of waste and
breaking the link between economic growth and waste
Promote environmental awareness among the general
public, school children and interest groups using all available
media of communication.
Promote a litter-free culture.
Implement national and local climate change strategies
Conserve our natural environment and heritage
Ensure integration of environmental considerations into
economic and sectoral policies; and to ensure that
environmental impacts are given due consideration in all
Comply with all relevant environmental and water legislation and
standards, and to ensure effective implementation of our
regulatory, licensing and enforcement functions.
Water services
The water services section within Clare County Council provide a
number of services to the public:•
Provision of water supply and waste water schemes
Provision of water supply and waste water schemes acquisition of wayleaves
Catchment based water management
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Water services pricing
Operation and maintenance of water supply schemes
Operation and maintenance of waste water schemes
Water quality (drinking water)
Water conservation
Connections to public water supply and waste water
Group and rural water and waste water schemes
Provision and maintenance of public conveniences
Operation and maintenance - description
Each county council is responsible for the operation and
maintenance of public water supply and waste water schemes in
their geographical area of responsibility. The operation and
maintenance of the public water and waste water schemes in the
local authority area is financed from the council’s own resources.
The maintenance of the schemes is carried out by council staff.
Public Health (Ireland) Act, 1878 S. 61 to S. 79
Public Health (Amendment) Act, 1890
Water Supplies Act, 1942
Local Government (Sanitary Services) Act, 1948
Health (Fluoridation of Water Supplies) Act, 1960
Local Government (Sanitary Services) Act, 1962
Local Government (Sanitary Services) Act, 1964
Local Government Act, 2001 – Part 9, Chapter 5
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Water Services Act, 2007 (No. 30 of 2007)
EU (Drinking Water) Regulations, 2000
European Communities (Drinking Water) Regulations 2007
S.I. 106/2007
European Communities (Drinking Water) (No. 2) Regulations
2007 (S.I. No. 278 of 2007)
Guidelines and circulars
Department of Environment, Heritage and Local Government
(DOEHLG) Circular L 4/00 Application of the Polluter Pays
Principle – A Framework for Water Pricing
DOEHLG Circular L 16/00 Water and Waste Water Pricing –
Roll Out of Policy on Capital and Operational Cost Recovery
DOEHLG Circular L 11/01 Water Services Pricing Policy –
Revised Procedures for Determination/Agreement of NonDomestic Marginal Capital Costs under Water Services
Investment Programme
DOEHLG Circular L 4/02 (WSP) Implementation of Water
Services Pricing Policy – Model Water and Wastewater
Agreements and General Guidance
DOEHLG Circular L 6/02 (WSP) Implementation of Water
Services Pricing Policy – General Guidance and Information
DOEHLG Circular L 14/02 (WSP) Water Services Pricing
Policy Implementation Non Domestic Metering Programme
DOEHLG Circular L 3/03 (WSP) Water Services Pricing Policy
Implementation. Non Domestic Metering – Notes for
Guidance (Issue 2)
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DOEHLG Circular L 8/04 (WSP) Water Services Pricing Policy
Implementation. Non Domestic Metering – Notes for
Guidance (Issue 3)
Drinking water quality and standards - description
Water authorities are required to ensure that all drinking water
meets stringent quality standards in respect of a series of physical,
chemical, toxic and microbiological parameters. Testing is carried
out systematically by local authorities to ensure a pure and safe
supply of water. Independent testing is also carried out by the
Environmental Protection Agency and local Health Board.
S. 67 of the Public Health (Ireland) Act, 1878
Public Health Acts Amendment Act, 1890
Local Government (Sanitary Services) Act, 1948
Health (Fluoridation of Water Supplies) Act, 1960
Local Government (Sanitary Services) Act, 1962
S. 58 and S. 68 of the Environmental Protection Agency Act,
Local Government Act, 2001 – Part 9, Chapter 5
Water Services Act, 2007 (No. 30 of 2007)
Local Government (Water Pollution) Acts 1977-1990
EU directives
EC Directive 75/440/EEC – 16/06/75 Surface Water
EC Directive 79/869/EEC – 09/10/79 Surface Water
EC Directive 80/778/EEC – 15/07/80 relating to the quality
of water intended for human consumption (Drinking Water)
Page 31 of 31
EC Directive 86/278/EEC – 12/06/86 on the protection of
the environment, and in particular of the soil, when sewage
sludge is used in agriculture
EU Directive 98/83/EC – 03/11/98 relating to the quality of
water intended for human consumption (Drinking Water)
EU Directive 2000/60/EC – 23/10/2000 on the assessment
and management of flood risks
Health (Fluoridation of Water Supplies) Act, 1971
S. I. No. 81 of 1988 European Communities (Quality of
Water Intended for Human Consumption) Regulations, 1988
S. I. No. 294 of 1989 European Communities (Quality of
Surface Water Intended for the Abstraction of Drinking
Water) Regulations, 1989
Quality of Bathing Waters Regulations, 1992 (S.I. No. 155 of
1992) (as amended by the Quality of Bathing Waters
(Amendment) Regulations, 1994 [S.I. No. 145 of 1994] and
the Quality of Bathing Waters (Amendment) Regulations,
1996 [S.I. No. 230 of 1996]) It should be noted that the
Quality of Bathing Waters Regulations, 1992 (S.I. No. 155 of
1992) are revoked with effect from 31 December 2014 by
the Bathing Water Quality Regulations 2008 (S.I. No. 79 of
Waste Management (Use of Sewage Sludge in Agriculture)
Regulations, 1998
Waste Management (Amendment of Waste Management
Act, 1996) Regulations, 1998
S. I. No. 148 of 1998 European Communities (Use of
Sewage Sludge in Agriculture) Regulations, 1998
Page 32 of 32
S. I. No. 177 of 2000 European Communities (Quality of
Water Intended for Human Consumption) (Amendment)
Regulations, 2000
S. I. No. 439 of 2000 European Communities (Drinking
Water) Regulations, 2000
Water Quality (Dangerous Substances) Regulations, 2001
S. I. No. 259 of 2003 European Communities (Quality of
Water Intended for Human Consumption) (Amendment)
Regulations, 2003
European Communities (Water Policy) Regulations 2003
(S.I. No. 722 of 2003) (as amended by the European
Communities (Water Policy) (Amendment) Regulations 2005
[S.I. No. 413 of 2005])
European Communities (Control of Major Accident Hazards
Involving Dangerous Substances) Regulations, 2006 (S.I.
No. 74 of 2006)
European Communities (Good Agricultural Practice for
Protection of Waters) Regulations 2006 (S.I. No. 378 of
Fluoridation of Water Supplies Regulations 2007 (S.I. No. 42
of 2007)
European Communities (Drinking Water) Regulations 2007
S.I. 106/2007
European Communities (Drinking Water) (No. 2) Regulations
2007 (S.I. No. 278 of 2007)
Guidelines and circulars
DOEHLG Circular Letter L 4/86 Guidelines for Emergency
Planning to Protect Water Resources
Page 33 of 33
DOEHLG Circulars L 6/88 and L 13/88 European
Communities (Quality of Water Intended for Human
Consumption) Regulations, 1988
DOEHLG Circular L 10/88 EC Directive 86/278/EEC of 12
June 1986 on the protection of the Environment and, in
particular of the soil, when sewage sludge is used in
DOEHLG Circular Letter L 1/89 Group Water Schemes /
European Communities (Quality of Water Intended for
Human Consumption) Regulations, 1988
DOEHLG Circular L 6/89 Aluminium levels in Water Supplies
DOEHLG Circulars L 12/89 and L 4/90 A Handbook on
Implementation for Sanitary Authorities of the European
Communities (Quality of Water Intended for Human
Consumption) Regulations, 1988
DOEHLG Circular L 17/89 European Communities (Quality of
Surface Water Intended for the Abstraction of Drinking
Water) Regulations, 1989
DOEHLG Circular L 2/90 Environment Action Programme –
Aquaculture in inland Waters
DOEHLG Memorandum on Drinking Water Quality Monitoring
Returns, January 1991 EPA Annual Reports on the Quality of
Drinking Water in Ireland
DOEHLG Circular L 1/91 A Handbook on Implementation for
Sanitary Authorities of The European Communities (Quality
of Surface Water Intended for the Abstraction of Drinking
Water) Regulations, 1989
DOEHLG Circular L 8/91 European Communities (Use of
Sewage Sludge in Agriculture) Regulations, 1991
Page 34 of 34
DOEHLG Protection of Drinking Water Supplies – Guidelines
for Local Authorities, December 1992
DOEHLG Circular Letters L 14/92 and L 9/96 Protection of
Drinking Water Supplies – Guidelines for Local Authorities
DOEHLG Circular L 15/92 The Quality of Drinking Water in
Ireland – Reports for the year 1990
DOEHLG Circular L 8/93 The Quality of Drinking Water –
Report for 1991
DOEHLG Circular L 2/94 Action Plans for the protection of
drinking water supplies
DOEHLG Circular L 3/94 Lead in Drinking Water
DOEHLG Circular Letter L 9/96 Protection of Drinking Water
DOEHLG Circular L 12/96 Fluoridation of Public Water
DOEHLG Protection of Drinking Water Supplies – Guidelines
for Local Authorities on Minimizing the Risk of
Cryptosporidium in Water Supplies, July 1998
DOEHLG Circular L 7/98 Protection of Drinking Water
Supplies against contamination from Cryptosporidium
DOEHLG Circular WQ 2/00 European Communities (Quality
of Water Intended for Human Consumption) (Amendment)
Regulations, 2000 (S. I. No. 177 of 2000)
DOEHLG Circular WQ 1/01 Water Quality (Dangerous
Substances) Regulations 2001 (S.I. No. 12 of 2001)
DOEHLG Circular WQ 1/02 EPA Report on the Quality of
Drinking Water in Ireland 2000
Page 35 of 35
DOEHLG Circular Letter WQ 2/02 Re: Naturally Occurring
Uranium and Drinking Water
DOEHLG Circular L 1/03 Drinking Water National Monitoring
DOEHLG Circular Letter WQ 2/03 European Communities
(Quality of Water Intended for Human Consumption)
(Amendment) Regulations, 2003 (S. I. No. 259 of 2003)
DOEHLG Circular L6/06 Protection of Drinking Water
DOEHLG Circular Letter: WSP4/07 Drinking Water
Monitoring Report 2006
DOEHLG Circular Letter: WSP 7/07 European Communities
(Drinking Water) (No.2) Regulations 2007
DOEHLG Circular Letter: WSP 8/07 Implementation of the
European Communities (Drinking Water) (No. 2) Regulations
DOEHLG Circular L4/09 Drinking Water Incident Response
Waste water standards - description
Local authorities are responsible for the operation and maintenance
of public waste water schemes in its area. Under the EU Directive
on Waste Water, local authorities must treat wastewater to a certain
standard. The council has embodied the objectives set by the
Directive in its Water Services Improvement Programmes
throughout the county. The operation and maintenance of the public
waste water supply schemes is financed from the council’s own
Page 36 of 36
S. 15 to S. 34 of the Public Health (Ireland) Act, 1878
Public Health Acts Amendment Act, 1890
Local Government (Sanitary Services) Act, 1948
Local Government (Sanitary Services) Act, 1962
Local Government (Sanitary Services) Act, 1964
Local Government Act, 2001 – Part 9, Chapter 5
Water Services Act, 2007 (No. 30 of 2007)
EU directives
EC Directive 79/323/EEC – 30/10/79 Quality Requirements
for Shellfish Waters
EC Directive 86/278/EEC – 12/06/86 on the protection of
the environment, and in
particular of the soil, when sewage sludge is used in
EC Directive 91/271/EEC – 21/05/91 Urban Wastewater
EC Directive 91/492/EEC laying down the health conditions
for the production and the placing on the market of live
bivalve molluscs
EU Directive 98/15/EC – 27/02/98 (including Corrigendum
of 2 June 1999) amending Directive 91/271/EEC
Directive 2006/121/EC amending Council Directive
67/548/EEC provisions relating to the classification,
packaging and labeling of dangerous substances
Page 37 of 37
S. I. No. 84 of 1988 European Communities (Quality of
Bathing Waters) Regulations, 1988
European Communities (Quality of Bathing Waters)
Regulations, 1989
S. I. No. 293 of 1988 European Communities (Quality of
Salmonid Waters) Regulations, 1988
S. I. No. 155 of 1992 European Communities (Quality of
Bathing Waters) Regulations, 1992
S. I. No. 145 of 1994 European Communities (Quality of
Bathing Waters) (Amendment) Regulations, 1994
S. I. No. 200 of 1994
S. I. No. 419 of 1994 Environmental Protection Agency Act,
1992 (Urban Waste Water Treatment) Regulations, 1994
S. I. No. 147 of 1996 Waste Management (Use of Sewage
Sludge in Agriculture) Regulations, 1996
European Communities (Quality of Bathing Waters)
Regulations, 1996
Waste Management (Amendment of Waste Management
Act, 1996) Regulations, 1998
S. I. No. 148 of 1998 European Communities (Use of
Sewage Sludge in Agriculture) Regulations, 1998
S. I. No. 41 of 1999 Protection of Groundwater Regulations,
S. I. No. 208 of 1999 Environmental Protection Agency Act,
1992 (Urban Waste Water Treatment) (Amendment)
Regulations, 1999
Page 38 of 38
Water Quality (Dangerous Substances) Regulations, 2001
(S.I. No. 12 of 2001)
Urban Waste Water Treatment Regulations, 2001 (S.I. No.
254 of 2001) (as amended by the Urban Waste Water
Treatment (Amendment) Regulations 2004 - S.I No. 440 of
European Communities (waste water treatment) (prevention
of odour and noise) Regulations 2005 S.I 787/2005
Waste Water Discharge (Authorisation) Regulations, 2007
(S.I. No. 684 of 2007)
Bathing Water Quality Regulations 2008 (S.I. No. 79 of
Sea Pollution (Prevention of Pollution by Sewage from Ships)
(Amendment) Regulations 2008 (No. 281 of 2008)
Sea Pollution (Prevention of Pollution by Sewage from Ships)
(Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations 2008 (No. 372 of 2008)
Water Services Act 2007 (Waste Water Complaint Notice
Form) Regulations (No. 141 of 2009)
European Communities (Quality of Shellfish Waters)
(Amendment) (No.2) Regulations 2009 (S.I. No. 464 of
Urban Waste Water Treatment (Amendment) Regulations
2010 (No. 048 of 2010)
Waste Water Discharge (Authorisation) (Amendment)
Regulations (S.I. No. 231 of 2010)
Guidelines and circulars
DOEHLG Circular L 10/88 - EC Directive 86/278/EEC of 12
June 1986 on the protection of the environment and, in
Page 39 of 39
particular, of the soil when sewage sludge is used in
DOEHLG Circular L 8/91 - European Communities (Use of
Sewage Sludge in Agriculture) Regulations, 1991
DOEHLG Circular L 6/94 - Strategy Study on Options for
Treatment and Disposal of Sewage Sludge in Ireland
DOEHLG Circular L 13/97 - Sludge Register
DOEHLG Circular L 16/97 - Inventory on Non-Hazardous
Sludges in Ireland
DOEHLG Circular WQ 7/99 - Environmental Protection
Agency Act, 1992 (Urban Waste Water Treatment)
(Amendment) Regulations, 1999
DOEHLG Circular L 9/99 - Sludge Management
DOEHLG Circular L 13/99 - Sludge Management
DOEHLG Circular L 4/00 - Application of the Polluter Pays
Principle – A Framework for Water Pricing
DOEHLG Circular L 16/00 - Water and Waste Water Pricing –
Roll Out of Policy on Capital and Operational Cost Recovery
DOEHLG Letter ref: WQ 03/01 - Urban Waste Water
Treatment Regulations, 2001
DOEHLG Circular L11/01 - Water Services Pricing Policy –
Revised Procedures for Determination/Agreement of NonDomestic Marginal Capital Costs under Water Services
Investment Programme
DOEHLG Circular L 4/02 (WSP) - Implementation of Water
Services Pricing Policy – Model Water and Wastewater
Agreements and General Guidance
Page 40 of 40
DOEHLG Circular L 6/02 (WSP) - Implementation of Water
Services Pricing Policy – General Guidance and Information
DOEHLG Circular L 14/02 (WSP) - Water Services Pricing
Policy Implementation Non Domestic Metering Programme
DOEHLG Circular L 3/03 (WSP) - Water Services Pricing
Policy Implementation. Non Domestic Metering – Notes for
Guidance (Issue 2)
DOEHLG Circular L8/04 (WSP) - Water Services Pricing
Policy Implementation. Non Domestic Metering – Notes for
Guidance (Issue 3)
Connections to public water and wastewater mains description
Any person wishing to connect premises to the council’s water
mains or Wastewater System must apply for permission to do so.
The council may serve a notice on the owner of any premises which
is not satisfactorily serviced, and which is not more than 100 feet
from a waterman or sewer, as the case may be, requiring him/her
to lay a pipe connecting the premises to the public system.
Waterworks Clauses Act, 1847
S. 67 of the Public Health (Ireland) Act, 1878
S. 18 of the Public Health (Amendment) Act, 1890
S. 8 of the Local Government (Sanitary Services) Act, 1962
Local Government (Sanitary Services) Act, 1964
S. 25 and the Third Schedule of the Local Government
(Planning and Development) Act, 1990
Page 41 of 41
Roads Act, 1993
Water Services Act, 2007 (No. 30 of 2007)
Water conservation - description
The objective of water conservation is to reduce the overall level of
water losses in water supply systems in the county, to improve the
level of supply to consumers, to lower operating costs and to
protect and facilitate improved management of finite water
Water Services Act 2007
S.I. No. 527/2008 — Water Conservation Regulations 2008
Guidelines and circulars
DOEHLG Circular L 7/96 Water Conservation
DOEHLG Circular L 14/97 Rural Water Programme
DOEHLG Circular L 8/98 National Water Conservation Study
Agenda 21
EU Guidelines
DOEHLG Circular L 5/01 Roll out of the National Water Study
DOEHLG Circular L 7/01 Complete Information System Data Capture
DOEHLG Circular L9/03 National Water Conservation
Programme 2003
DOEHLG A Guidance Manual on Water Distribution Network
Management and Leakage Control
Page 42 of 42
National Water Study
National Water Conservation Programme – Increased
Funding Circular L6/05
National Water Conservation - Programme of Works 2007
Section 56 Water Services Act 2007 – Water Conservation
Guidance Circular WSP 4/09
Non domestic metering - description
All properties are charged for metered water supplied for nondomestic purposes. Accounts for these metered supplies can be
issued on an annual or a more regular basis the frequency of which
is determined by the local authority. We also charge for nondomestic customers who have waste water connections.
Public Health (Ireland) Act, 1878
Local Government (Sanitary Service) Act, 1962
Local Government (Financial Provisions)(No. 2) Act, 1983
Local Government (Financial Provisions) Act, 1997 Circular
Fin 12/97
Local Government (Delimitation of Water Supply
Disconnection Powers) Act, 1995
Guidelines and circulars
DOEHLG Circular L 4/00 Application of the Polluter Pays
Principle – A Framework for Water Pricing
DOEHLG Circular L 16/00 Water and Waste Water Pricing –
Roll Out of Policy on Capital and Operational Cost Recovery
Page 43 of 43
DOEHLG Circular L11/01 Water Services Pricing Policy –
Revised Procedures for Determination / Agreement of NonDomestic Marginal Capital Costs under Water Services
Investment Programme
DOEHLG Circular L14/01 Re: Implementation of Water
Services Pricing Policy and Management Information
Questionnaires 2000 and 2001
DOEHLG Circular L4/02 (WSP) Re: Implementation of Water
Services Pricing Policy – Model Water and Waste Water
Agreements and General Guidance
DOEHLG Circular L 10/02 (WSP) Re: Water Services Pricing
Policy Implementation – Non-Domestic Metering – Notes for
DOEHLG Circular L 16/02 (WSP) Water Services Pricing
Policy – Consolidation of
Water Services Pricing Policy
Water Services Pricing Policy: Information Sheet No. 1 –
Charging Policy, February 2002
Water Services Pricing Policy: Information Sheet No. 2 –
Charges, March 2002
Water Services Pricing Policy: Information Sheet No. 3 –
Frequently Asked Questions, May 2002
Implementation of National Water Services Pricing Policy:
Water Metering – Notes for Guidance, Issue 2, February
Circular WSP8/04 dated 26th August 2004 Water Services
Pricing Policy Implementation Non-Domestic Metering
Programme: notes for guidance (Issue 3)
Page 44 of 44
Circular WSP 5/06 dated 21st December 2006 Water
Services Pricing Policy Implementation Non-Domestic
Metering Programme. Notes for Guidance (Issue 4)
Water Services Pricing policy Implementation Circular
Provision of new water supply and new wastewater schemes
- description
The procedure for the provision of a major water or sewerage
scheme commences with a preliminary report, determining the need
for the scheme, the potential benefits, location, estimated cost etc.
Once the need for a scheme is determined, the detailed design of
the scheme begins, usually by consultants. The scheme goes
through a number of stages, each stage requiring approval from the
Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government.
The work is normally carried out by contractors. The council’s
ongoing water and sewerage programme is funded from a
combination of Exchequer Grants, EU Structural Funds and Clare
County Council’s own resources.
S. 15 to S. 34 and S. 61 to S. 79 of the Public Health
(Ireland) Act, 1878
Local Government Act, 1925
Water Supplies Act, 1942 (Acquisition of Water Rights)
Local Government (Sanitary Services) Act, 1948
Local Government (Sanitary Services) Act, 1962
S. 4 of the Local Government (Sanitary Services) Act, 1964
S. 72 of the Environmental Protection Agency Act, 1992
Page 45 of 45
Foreshore Acts 1933 - 1992
S. 12 of the National Monuments (Amendment) Act, 1994
Local Government Act, 2001 – Part 9, Chapter 5
Water Services Act, 2007 (No. 30 of 2007)
EU directives
Council Directive 91/271/EEC – 21/05/91 on Urban Waste
Water Treatment
EC Regulation 1164/94
Commission Regulation No. 2064/97 (Financial Management
and Control Procedure reporting arrangements)
Commission Regulation EC 1685/2000 regarding eligibility of
expenditure on ERDF co-financed project
S. I. No. 265 of 1945 Water Supplies (Application for
Provisional Order) Regulations, 1945
S. I. No. 349 of 1989 European Communities
(Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations, 1989
S. I. No. 84 of 1994 European Communities (Environmental
Impact Assessment) (Amendment) Regulations, 1994
S. I. No. 419 of 1994 Environmental Protection Agency Act,
1992 (Urban Waste Water Treatment) Regulations, 1994
S. I. No. 101 of 1996 European Communities
(Environmental Impact Assessment) (Amendment)
Regulations, 1996
S. I. No. 254 of 2001 Urban Waste Water Treatment
Regulations, 2001
Page 46 of 46
Guidelines and circulars
DOEHLG Circular L. 1/74 Water and Sewerage Programmes
(as amended)
DOEHLG Circular Letter L 14/88 Irish Standards: Cover Note
to be inserted in all Specifications for Sanitary Services
DOEHLG Circular Letter L 1/90 Sanitary Services Capital
Programme – Environment Action Programme and New
Sanitary Services Projects
DOEHLG Circular Letter L 3/90 Sanitary Services Major
Schemes Programme – Development of Proposals
DOEHLG Circular Letter L 9/92 Sanitary Services Major
Schemes Programme – Appointment of Consultants
DOEHLG Circular L 4/94 Water Services: Financial
Arrangements 1994
DOEHLG Circular L 5/94 Water Services: Economic and
Environmental Justification of EU co-financed proposals
DOEHLG Circular L 6/94 Strategy Study on Options for the
Treatment and Disposal of Sewage Sludge in Ireland
DOEHLG Circular Letter L 1/96 Public Water and Sewerage
Small Schemes Programme
DOEHLG Circular L 6/96 Advance Notification by Local
Authorities to the Department of Arts, Culture and the
Gaeltacht of Proposed Water Services Schemes
DOEHLG Circular L 11/96 Obligations of local authorities
concerning information and publicity measures in regard to
the activities of the Cohesion Fund
Page 47 of 47
DOEHLG Circular L 3/97 Proposed Water Services Schemes
requiring consent under the Foreshore Acts 1933 - 1992
DOEHLG Circular L 14/97 Rural Water Programme
DOEHLG Circular L 19/97 Information and publicity
measures in regard to the activities of the Cohesion Fund
DOEHLG Circular Letter L 21/97 Maintenance of Accounts
and Other Records for Water Services Schemes
DOEHLG Guidelines for the Maintenance of Accounts and
Other Records for Water Services Schemes (Reference:
WS:G01) – December, 1997
DOEHLG Circular L 22/97 Water and sewerage schemes
providing services to land for development
DOEHLG Circular L 5/98 Serviced Land Initiative – Proposals
for water and sewerage schemes
DOEHLG Circular L 11/98 Devolution of responsibility to local
authorities for the approval of certain elements of capital
projects within the Water Services Investment Programme
DOEHLG Circular L 4/99 Water Services Investment
Programme: Post Project Review
DOEHLG Circular L 5/99 Water Services Investment
Programme – The Provision of Serviced Land – Interim and
Temporary Facilities
DOEHLG Circular L 8/99 Water Services Investment
Programme – Operational and Maintenance Costs of Water
Services Infrastructure
DOEHLG Circular L 11/99 Water Services Investment
Programme – Assessment of Needs
Page 48 of 48
DOEHLG Circular L 2/2000 Water Services Investment
Programme – Grouping of Small Schemes
DOEHLG Circular L 3/2000 Water Services Schemes and the
Foreshore Acts, 1933 - 1992
DOEHLG Circular L 3/01 Revision of Procedures for Approval
of Schemes and Engagement of Consultants under the
Water Services Investment Programme
DOEHLG Letter ref: WQ 03/01 Urban Waste Water
Treatment Regulations, 2001
DOEHLG Circular L10/01 Water Services Investment
Programme – Procurement using Public Private Partnership
DOEHLG Circular L 11/02 Procurement Procedures for the
Engagement of Consultants under the Water Services
Investment Programme
DOEHLG Circular L 12/02 Performance Management System
for DBO and Operational Contracts in the Water Sector
DOEHLG Circular L 15/02 Increases in Expenditure on Water
Services Contracts
DOEHLG Circular L 11/03 Water Services Investment
Programme – Assessment of Needs
DOEHLG Circular L 18/03 Recoupment of expenditure on
water services capital projects – Updated Procedures 2003
DOEHLG Circular L7/04 Water Services DBO Contracts – Site
DOEHLG Circular L9/04 Recoupment of expenditure on
water services capital projects – Updated Procedures 2004
Page 49 of 49
DOEHLG Annual Notification – Water and Sewerage Services
Investment Programme
DOEHLG Circular L16/02 Water Services Pricing Policy –
Consolidation of Water Services
Pricing Policy Procedures
DOEHLG Circular L1/06 dated 30th January 2006 WSIP
revision of approval & recoupment procedures
DOEHLG Circular L7/06 dated 3rd November 2006 WSIP
further revision of approval procedures
DOEHLG Circular L11/06 of 28th December 2006 web
enable PCs for WSIP
DOEHLG Circular L12/06 of 20th December 2006 new
conditions of engagement for construction. Consultants and
new forms of construction contracts for public works.
Implementation on water services projects
DOEHLG Circular L1/07 dated 4th January 2007 WSIP
revision of serviced land initiative Programme
Water Services Investment Programme 2010-2012 (WSIP)
DOEHLG Circulars notifying updates of CONDOC for Water
Services Civil Works and Mechanical and Electrical Plant
Contracts (V. 3.4 Release 7 June 2001)
DOEHLG Circulars notifying updates of CAPAC (Capital
Accounting, Processing and Claiming) for water services
projects (CAPAC 2 – November 2001)
DOEHLG Memorandum on Procedures – Sanitary Services
Page 50 of 50
DOEHLG A Policy Framework for Public Private Partnership
Projects in the Water Services Sector
DOEHLG Public Private Partnerships in the Water Services
Sector – Technical Note no. 1 – Appointment of Advisers
DOEHLG Public Private Partnerships in the Water Services
Sector – Technical Note no. 2 – Preparing a PPP Assessment
WSNTG Water Services Procedures Manual
WSNTG Project Control System (PCS) for Water Services
Investment Programme (WSIP)
DOEHLG Guidance Note: Model Duties for Employer’s Site
Staff on Water Services DBO Contracts
Assessment of needs - description
The Department of the Environment Heritage and Local Government
(DOEHLG) requires local authorities to prepare an updated
assessment of needs for water services capital works in their areas
every five years. The main purpose of the assessment is to enable a
local authority to develop an overall strategic investment plan for
the medium to long term and to set out a programme of works to
meet the identified water services needs. The assessment of needs
provides the basis for scheme approval and scheduling for
implementation in the Water Services Investment Programmes,
which are updated by the DOEHLG on an annual basis. In this
context water services include:
drinking water treatment and distribution
wastewater collection and disposal
stormwater management, including collection and disposal
Page 51 of 51
Guidelines and circulars
Department Circular Letters
DOEHLG Circular L1/94 Determination of Needs
DOEHLG Circular L9/98 of 22/10/1998 Determination of
DOEHLG Circular L11/03 of 26/06/2003 Determination of
DOEHLG Circular L2/06 of 16/03/2006 Assessment of Needs
DOEHLG Circular L6/09 Water Services Investment
Programme 2010 – 2012, Needs Assessment 2009
Water Services Investment Programme 2010 – 2012 (WSIP)
– description
The high level goal of the Water Services Investment Programme
(WSIP) 2010 - 2012 is to ensure that the timing and scale of water
services investment facilitates economic and other development,
compliance with statutory requirements for drinking water and
wastewater treatment and the achievement of environmental
sustainability objectives. The programme for 2010 - 2012 prioritises
projects that target public health and environmental compliance
issues, rehabilitation of existing water supply networks and projects
which support economic and employment growth
Guidelines and circulars
Water Services Investment Programme 2005-2007 (WSIP)
DOEHLG Circular L2/10Water Services Investment
Programme 2010-2012 (WSIP)
Water Services Investment Programme 2010-2012 (WSIP)
Administrative Arrangements L4/10
Page 52 of 52
Acquisition of water rights/water abstraction - description
Where the Water Services Authority propose to abstract water from
a source such as a lake, they must prepare a proposal under the
Water Supplies Act 1942. The proposal shall state the source of
water from which the supply of water is proposed to be taken, the
rate of abstractions, the locations and the levels resulting from the
abstraction. It is a requirement of the county council to ascertain
the persons affected by the abstractions of water and to enter in a
book of reference every persons name. The making of the proposal
is a reserved function of the council, and public notice is given of
the making of the proposal. Where an objection is lodged following
the making of the proposal, the council must apply to the Minister
for the Environment and Local Government, for a provisional order
declaring that such a proposal may come into force.
Water Supplies Act 1942
Water Supplies Act 1942 as altered by acts up to S.I. No.
139-2009 – Water Services Act 2007 (Commencement)
Order 2009
County Management (Reserved Functions) Order 1948 S.I
Land acquisition/way leaves - description
Local Authorities, in progressing a major water or sewerage
scheme, may need to acquire wayleaves. The wayleave is acquired
by giving “reasonable notice” to the owner or occupier of the
relevant land and paying the necessary compensation. A Water
Services Authority, where it considers that wayleave consent is
Page 53 of 53
unreasonably withheld, may appeal to An Bord Pleanála for
determination of the matter.
S. 202 / 203 of the Public Health (Ireland) Act, 1878
Water Supplies Act, 1942
Local Government Act 2001
S. 213 of the Planning and Development Act, 2000
Planning & Development (Amendment) Act, 2002
Planning & Development (Strategic Infrastructure) Act, 2006
Water Supplies (Application for Provisional Order)
Regulations, 1945 – SI No. 265 of 1945
S.I. No. 97/1961 — Local Government (No. 2) Act, 1960
(Acquisition of Land Regulations) Order, 1961
Housing Act, 1966 (Acquisition of Land) (Amendment)
Regulations, 2001. S.I. No. 320 of 2001
Guidelines and circulars
DOEHLG Circular L 1/01 - Acquisition of Wayleaves
DOEHLG Circular L 15/03 (WSP) - Consent to run pipes
through private land
WSIP- Serviced Land Initiative Circular L3/09
Contract documents and tendering - description
Local authorities are subject to national and EU public procurement
policy. Public sector tendering procedures are designed to ensure
Page 54 of 54
transparency and accountability in the placing of public contracts
funded from local, national and EU revenue.
Contracts are usually advertised in the national press. EU
Directives set out the thresholds in respect of service contracts,
supplies contracts, works contracts and utilities contracts. If
contracts exceed the stated threshold the contract must be
advertised in the Official Journal of the European Communities
(OJEC). Prior Indicative Notices (PIN) may be required and this can
reduce the length of the required tender period. Tendering may be
carried out using open tender procedures (open advertisement),
Restricted Tender procedures (selected contractors invited to
tender) or negotiated tender (negotiation with individual
contractor). Tenders may not necessarily be awarded to the lowest
tenderer – the most economically advantageous tender may be
S. 229 of the Local Government Act, 2001
EU Directives
89/106/EEC - Construction Products Directive (CPD)
89/665/EEC - Public Remedies / Compliance Directive
92/13/EEC - Utilities Remedies Directive
92/50/EEC - Public Services Directive (as amended by
93/36/EEC - Public Supplies Directive
93/37 EEC - Public Works Directive (as amended by
93/38/EEC - Utilities Directive (as amended by 98/4/EEC)
Page 55 of 55
97/52/EC - Coordination of procedures for the award of
public service contracts, public supply contracts and public
works contracts respectively
Commission Directive 2001/78/EC – 13/9/2001 (Directive
on the use of standard forms in the publication of public
contract notices)
Directive 2004/17/EC of 31st March 2004
Directive 2004/18/EC of 31st March 2004
S. I. 36/92 and S. I. 293/94 (Public Works Directive)
S. I. 37/92 and S. I. 292/94 (Public Supplies Directive)
S. I. (38/92; 5/94 and) 309/94 (Public Remedies /
Compliance Directive)
S. I. (103/93 and) 51/95 (Utilities Directive)
S. I. (104/93 and) 51/95 (Utilities Remedies Directive)
S. I. 173/93 (Public Services Directive)
S. I. No. 198 of 1992 European Communities (Construction
Products) Regulations, 1992
S.I. 173/93 (Public Services Directive)
S. I. No. 210 of 1994 European Communities (Construction
Products) (Amendment) Regulations, 1994
S.I. 36/92 and S.I. 293/94 (Public Works Directive)
S.I. (38/92; 5/94 and) 309/94 (Public Remedies /
Compliance Directive)
S.I. (103/93 and) 51/95 (Utilities Directive)
S.I. (104/93 and) 51/95 (Utilities Remedies Directive)
Page 56 of 56
S. I. No. 378 of 1998 European Communities (Award of
Public Service Contracts) Regulations, 1998
S. I. No. 379 of 1998 European Communities (Award of
Public Supply Contracts) (Amendment) Regulations, 1998
S. I. No. 380 of 1998 European Communities (Award of
Public Works Contracts) (Amendment) Regulations, 1998
EC (Award of Public Authorities Contracts) Regulations 2006
S.I. 329/2006
EC (Award of Contracts by utility undertakings) Regulations
2007 S.I No. 50 of 2007
Guidelines and circulars
DOEHLG Circular BC 5/87 Procedures for the engagement of
Consultants and Settlement of Fees in Public Construction
Contracts (incorporating Department of Finance Circular
DOEHLG Circular Letter L 3/90 Sanitary Services Major
Schemes Programme – Development of Proposals
DOEHLG Circular BC 7/90 Council Directive 89/440/EEC
enclosing a copy of the directive
DOEHLG Circular BC 9/90 Council Directive 89/440/EEC
concerning co-ordination of procedures for the award of
public works contracts
DOEHLG Circular BC 4/91 Publication of Contract Notices in
the OJEC
DOEHLG Circular BC 1/92 Prior Indicative Notices
DOEHLG Circular BC 2/92 Standardisation of Contract
Notices in the OJEC
Page 57 of 57
DOEHLG Circular BC 3/92 Public Procurement Contract
Award or Post Award Notices
DOEHLG Circular BC 5/92 Council Directive 89/665/EEC on
the application of review procedures to the award of public
supply and public works contracts
DOEHLG Circular BC 13/92 Compliance with the rules in the
publication of tender notices in the OJEC
DOEHLG Circular Letter L 9/92 Sanitary Services Major
Schemes Programme – Appointment of Consultants
DOEHLG Circular BC 7/93 Council Directive 92/50/EEC
relating to the co-ordination of procedures for the award of
public service contracts
DOEHLG Circular BC 9/93 Revision of procedures for the
Engagement of Consultants
DOEHLG Circular BC 4/94 EU Directives on Public
DOEHLG Circular BC 7/94 Public Procurement Guide (1994
DOEHLG Circular BC 5/95 Tax Clearance Procedures for
Public Sector Contracts (replaces BC 1/91 and BC 11/94
DOEHLG Circular BC 5/96 GCC Guidance Notes in
Infringement Procedures
DOEHLG Circular BC 9/98 Remedies Directive
DOEHLG Circular BC 13/98 Public Procurement – EU
Amending Directive 97/52/EC – Option for Tender
Quotations / Payments in Euro
Page 58 of 58
DOEHLG Circular Letter BC 11/2000 Third Party Certification
of Standard of Re-Enforcing Steel Bars
DOEHLG Circular BC 1/2001 Report of the Strategic Review
Committee (SRC) on the Construction Industry ("Building
our Future Together" – 1997) : Implementation of the SRC
Procurement Recommendations – Public Funded
Construction Projects
DOEHLG Circular BC 2/2001 Evaluation of Tenders – Most
Economically Advantageous Tender Criteria
DOEHLG Circular L 3/01 Revision of Procedures for Approval
of Schemes and Engagement of Consultants under the
Water Services Investment Programme
DOEHLG Circular HS 4/01 Procurement Procedures for the
appointment of consultants to assist in the preparation of
Housing Strategies under Part V of the Planning and
Development Act
DOEHLG Circular BC: 11/2001 Construction Tender
Quotations / Payments in Euro only
DOEHLG Circular VHU 04/01 Competitive tendering
procedures for construction contracts in voluntary housing
DOEHLG Circular BC 21/2001 Tax Clearance Procedures
Dept. of Finance Circular Letter of 13 May 2002 DIRECTIVE
2001/78/EC New Standard Forms for publication of notices
for contracts placed by public bodies and by entities
operating in the Utilities sector
DOEHLG Circular Letter BC 9/2002 New European Standard
for Cement
Page 59 of 59
DOEHLG Circular PD 10/02 Public Works Contracts – EU
Directive 93/37/EEC: Court of Justice of the European
Communities Judgement of 12 July, 2001 – Case C – 399/98
– Project “Scala 2001”: Implications for local authorities –
Planning and Development Act 2000
DOEHLG Circular Letter: B.C. 8/2002 Construction Products:
Transition from National Standards to European Harmonised
Standards for the purposes of (1) Building Regulations; and
(2) Public Procurement of Construction Products / Projects
DOEHLG Circular BC 1/2003 Public Procurement Guidelines
– Engagement of Consultants – Clarification
DOEHLG Circular Letter BC 5/2003 Contractor Membership
of Pension / Sick Pay Scheme Condition for Award of Public
Works Contracts
DOEHLG Circular BC 7/2003 “Procedural Arrangements for
Implementation of the Procurement Recommendations of
the Strategic Review Committee on the Construction
Industry applicable to Construction projects with effect from
31 March, 2001” (February, 2001)
DOEHLG Circular BC 10/2003 Architectural Design
Competitions – Eligibility
DOEHLG Circular IPPP 3/03 Revision to the Standard Rules
of Measurement for Building Work
DOEHLG Circular IPPP 05/03 Modernising Public
Procurement – A Strategy for the Local Government Sector
DOEHLG Circular L7/04 Water Services DBO Contracts – Site
Page 60 of 60
DOEHLG Circulars notifying updates of CONDOC for Water
Services Civil Works and Mechanical and Electrical Plant
Contracts (V. 3.4 Release 7 June 2001)
Circular 33/06 Construction Procurement Reform-revision of
arrangements for the procurement of public works projects
and for the engagement and payment of construction
Circular 04/08 Construction Procurement Reform
DOEHLG Periodic Circulars notifying revised threshold values
for contracts which must be published in the OJEC
DOEHLG Memorandum on the provision of houses by local
authorities (N7/92)
Public Procurement (1994 Edition)
Procedural Arrangements for Implementation of 26
Recommendations of the Strategic Review of the
Construction Industry applicable to Public Funded
Construction Contracts with effect from 31 March, 2001 –
Department of Finance, December 2000
DOEHLG Explanatory Memorandum – Transition from
National Standards to Harmonised European Technical
Specifications / Standards (Construction Products), August
DOEHLG Guidance Note: Model Duties for Employer’s Site
Staff on Water Services DBO Contracts
National public Procurement Guidelines Competitive Process
2004 (Supplies & Services)
Conditions of engagement for construction consultant’s guidance
notes 16 & 17 – appointment of consultants for construction related
Page 61 of 61
Building works designed by the employer
Building works designed by the contractor
Civil engineering works designed by the employer
Civil engineering works designed by the contractor
Minor civil engineering and building works designed by
Rural water and group schemes section - description
A group of two or more householders can get together to provide
themselves with a water supply or waste water facilities where no
such supply or facilities already exist. Grants are available from the
council for group schemes. The council also assists with the design
and supervision of these schemes. These schemes are
administered under the rural water programme. A subsidy is
available from the council to group water schemes towards the
operational cost of supplying water for domestic use. This facility is
payable to both privately sourced and publicly sourced group
schemes. Terms and conditions apply. Also, grants are available
from the council to assist with the provision or upgrading of a water
supply to a house.
S. 26 of the Local Government (Sanitary Services) Act, 1948
Health (Fluoridation of Water Supplies) Act, 1960
Local Government (Sanitary Services) Act, 1962
S. 5 of the Housing (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 1979
Page 62 of 62
EU directives
EC Directive 80/778/EEC – 15/07/80 relating to the quality
of water intended for human consumption (as amended by
81/858/EEC, 90/656/EEC and 91/692/EEC) (Drinking Water)
Council Directive 98/83/EC – 03/11/98 relating to the
quality of water intended for human consumption (Drinking
EU Directive 2000/60/EC – 23/10/2000
S. I. No. 81 of 1988 European Communities (Quality of
Water Intended for Human Consumption) Regulations, 1988
S. I. No. 177 of 2000 European Communities (Quality of
Water Intended for Human Consumption) (Amendment)
Regulations, 2000
S. I. No. 439 of 2000 European Communities (Drinking
Water) Regulations, 2000
S. I. No. 259 of 2003 European Communities (Quality of
Water Intended for Human Consumption) (Amendment)
Regulations, 2003
Guidelines and circulars
DOEHLG Circular Letter L 1/89 Group Water Schemes /
European Communities (Quality of Water Intended for
Human Consumption) Regulations, 1988
DOEHLG Circular L 2/94 Action plans for the protection of
drinking water supplies
DOEHLG Circular Letter L 1/96 Public Water and Sewerage
Small Schemes Programme, 1996
Page 63 of 63
DOEHLG Circular Letter 5/96 Group Sewerage Schemes
DOEHLG Circular L 6/97 Arrangements for the devolution of
responsibility for certain group and small public water and
sewerage schemes to local authorities
DOEHLG Circular L 8/97 Grants for the provision or
necessary improvement of an individual water supply to a
DOEHLG Circular L 10/97 Subsidy towards the operational
costs of group water schemes
DOEHLG Circular L 12/97 Rural Water Grants and Subsidies
DOEHLG Circular L 14/97 Rural Water Programme
DOEHLG Circular L 18/97 Rural Water Supplies – Allocations
towards the administrative costs of local authorities
DOEHLG Circular L9/98 Implementation of Rural Water
DOEHLG Circular L 10/99 Rural Water Strategic Plans
DOEHLG Circular L 10/2000 Scheme of grants for (A) the
development of new group water schemes and (B) the
installation of water filtration and disinfection equipment in
privately sourced schemes
DOEHLG Circular L 5/01 Roll out of the National Water Study
DOEHLG Circular L 13/01 National Urban Wastewater Study
DOEHLG Circular WQ 1/02 EPA Report on the Quality of
Drinking Water in Ireland 2000
DOEHLG Circular L 17/02 Performance management System
(PMS) for DBO and Operation and Maintenance Contracts for
Group Water Schemes
Page 64 of 64
DOEHLG Circular L 18/02 Procurement Guidance Document
for Small Water Services Schemes. Part A – Rural Water
(Group Schemes) Module: Design, Build, Operate
DOEHLG Circular WQ 1/03 Quality of Drinking Water
DOEHLG Circular Letter WQ 2/03 European Communities
(Quality of Water Intended for Human Consumption)
(Amendment) Regulations, 2003 (S. I. No. 259 of 2003)
DOEHLG Circular L 4/04 Part 8 Planning for Group Water
Scheme DBO Contracts
DOEHLG Letter of 10th March 2004 Rural Water Programme:
Block Grant Allocations 2004
DOEHLG Circular L7/04 Water Services DBO Contracts – Site
DOEHLG Annual Notification of Capital Allocation
DOEHLG Annual Notification of Allocation towards the
administrative costs of administering schemes relating to
Rural Water Supplies
DOEHLG Protection of Drinking Water Supplies – Guidelines
for Local Authorities, December 1992
DOEHLG A Guidance Manual – Rural Water Strategic Plans
DOEHLG Explanatory Memorandum – Grant for the provision
or necessary improvement of an individual water supply to a
house, April 1997
DOEHLG Explanatory Memorandum – Subsidy towards the
operational costs of group water schemes, May 1997
DOEHLG Guidance Document on the Procurement of Water
Treatment Plants for Group Water Schemes
Page 65 of 65
DOEHLG Guidance Note: Model Duties for Employer’s Site
Staff on Water Services DBO Contracts
Taking in charge of existing group water supply scheme
Circular Letter No.L14/97
Upgrading of existing group water supply scheme
Circular Letter No. L14/97
General conditions for group water supply scheme 2000
GW 32 – instructions to tenderers/form of tender
Construction of new group water supply scheme
Circular letter No. L14/97
GW 3- Group Water Supply Schemes-General Information
General Conditions for Group Water Supply Scheme 2000
Information Requirements for Group Water Supply Schemes
Design Date for Group water supply schemes
GW 32 – instructions to tenderers/form of tender
Subsidies towards the operational costs of a group water
supply scheme
Circular Letter No. L10/97
Provision of improvement of individual water supply to a
Circular Letter No.L8/97
Application forms
GW1 Survey Sheet, Group Water Supply Scheme
GW 26 Wayleave Agreement Form
Page 66 of 66
GW 41 Application for State and Sanitary Authority Grants in
respect of a Group Water Supply Scheme
GW41A Participants obtaining farm supplies
WG1 Application for grant for the provision or necessary
Improvement of an individual water supply to a house.
WS1 Application for Annual Subsidy Payment towards the
Operational costs of a group water supply scheme
WS2 Application for Advance Subsidy Payment towards the
Operational costs of a group water supply scheme
Provision and maintenance of public conveniences
The Council maintains public conveniences in a number of locations
as well as at all the major tourist resorts in the Council area.
S. 49 of the Public Health (Ireland) Act, 1878
Public Health Acts Amendment Act, 1890
Public Health Acts Amendment Act, 1907
DOEHLG Circular Letter 7/89 Sanitary Conveniences
Application forms available in water services section
For permission to connect to public water mains
For permission to connect to public sewerage mains
For permission to connect to a group water scheme
Discharge to Water Amenities Application Form
Register maintained under European Communities (Waste Water
Treatment) (prevention of odour and noise) Regulations 2005.
Page 67 of 67
Environment Section
The environment section provides a number of services to the
Environmental awareness and education
Environmental partnership fund
Regional waste management plan
Waste prevention & recovery
Provision and operation of waste management facilities
Litter control and street cleaning
Beach cleaning
Water quality management
Air quality management
Control of noise emission
Renewable energy and climate change policy
Control of horses
Control of dogs
Milk and dairies
Abattoirs & food safety
Dangerous substances
Access to information on the environment
Environmental awareness and education - description
Enviro Brief
Page 68 of 68
Environmental Priming Grant – Environment & Amenity
Environmental Priming Grant – Clean up of illegal dumps
Village Paint Scheme
Composting initiative and information
Green Schools
Spring Clean Campaign
Blue flag awareness
Anti –Litter awareness grants
Local Agenda 21 Environmental Partnership Fund
Also various promotions around national environmental events,
such as National Recycling Week and National Tree week.
Each local authority is constantly seeking ways to promote an
inclusive and integrated society and to ensure the regeneration of
marginalised urban and rural communities. The county council
identifies a number of areas as priorities and then grant aids
community and voluntary based projects in these or related
categories. In deciding to grant aid particular projects the council
will favour projects which could not proceed without grant aid. The
council will also favour new projects, or new elements of existing
projects, in place of funding ongoing operational costs of existing
S. 66 and S. 67 of the Local Government Act, 2001
Page 69 of 69
Guidelines & Circulars
Community & Voluntary Sector Grants Scheme for Community
Based Events.
Waste management
Ireland is well advanced in achieving most EU waste recovery and
recycling targets. However, continued effort is required to direct
biodegradable waste from landfill, in order to meet the Landfill
Directive targets. Regional Waste Management Plans outline the
infrastructure that should be put in place to meet the needs of a
growing population and economy. Clare is part of the Limerick,
Clare and Kerry waste region for this purpose. See
The council takes measures to reduce waste production by
encouraging the reuse of goods, the recycling of as much waste as
possible, and the disposal of the remainder in the most
environmentally friendly way.
Waste Management Acts, 1996-2005
Merchant Shipping (Salvage and Wreck) Act, 1993 (No. 34
of 1993)
Waste Management Act, 1996 (No. 10 of 1996) (as
amended by the Waste Management (Amendment of Waste
Management Act, 1996) Regulations, 1998 [S.I. No. 146 of
1998] and the European Communities (Amendment of
Waste Management Act, 1996) Regulations [S.I. No. 166 of
1998] and by article 257 of the Planning & Development Act
2000, by article 26 of the Protection of the Environment Act,
2003 and by the Waste Management (Registration of
Page 70 of 70
Brokers and Dealers) Regulations 2008 [S.I. No. 113 of
Dumping At Sea Act, 1996
Litter Pollution Act, 1997 (No. 12 of 1997)
Waste Management (Amendment) Act, 2001
Protection of the Environment Act 2003
Dumping at Sea (Amendment) Act 2004
Foreshore and Dumping at Sea (Amendment) Act 2009
EU directives
EC Directive 75/439/EEC – 16/06/75 on the disposal of
waste oils (as amended by EC Directive 87/101/EEC –
EC Directive 75/442/EEC – 15/07/75 on waste (as amended
by EC Directive 91/156/EEC – 18/03/91)
EC Directive 91/689/EEC – 12/12 91 on hazardous waste
EU Directive 94/62//EC – 20/12/94 on packaging and
packaging waste
E.C Transfrontier Shipment of Waste Regulations, 1994
EU Directive 99/31/EC – 26/04/99 on the landfill of waste
EU Directive 2002/95/EC on the restriction of the use of
certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic
EU Directive 2002/95/EC on the Restriction of Hazardous
Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment (RoHS)
EU Directive 2002/95/EC 2002/96/EC on Waste Electrical
and Electronic Equipment (WEEE)
Page 71 of 71
EU Directive 2004/12/EC of the European Parliament and of
the Council amending Directive 94/62/EC on packaging and
packaging waste
EU Directive 2006/12/EC on waste
Commission Regulation EC No. 1685/2000 – 28/07/2000
laying down detailed rules for the implementation of Council
Regulation (EC) No. 1260/1999 as regards eligibility of
expenditure of operations co-financed by the Structural
Recommendation 2001/331/EC providing for minimum
criteria for environmental inspections
Commission Regulation (EC) No. 2355/2002 – 27/12/2002
amending Commission Regulation (EC) No. 438/2001 laying
down detailed rules for the implementation of Council
Regulation (EC) No. 1260/1999 as regards the management
and control systems for assistance granted under the
Structural Funds
Council Regulation (EC) No. 1105/2003 – 26/05/2003
amending Regulation (EC) No. 1260/1999 laying down
general provisions on the Structural Funds
Commission Regulation (EC) No. 1145/2003 – 27/06/2003
amending Regulation (EC) No. 1685/2000 as regards the
rules of eligibility for co-financing by the Structural Funds
EU Directive 2006/12/EC on Waste
Waste Management (Licensing) Regulations, 1997 (S.I. 133
Waste Management (Planning) Regulations, 1997 (S.I. No.
137 of 1997)
Page 72 of 72
Waste Management (Register) Regulations, 1997 (S.I. No.
183 of 1997)
Waste Management (Movement of Hazardous Waste)
Regulations, 1998 (S.I. No. 147 of 1998)
Waste Management (Use of Sewage Sludge in Agriculture)
Regulations, 1998 (S.I. No. 148 of 1998)(as amended by
Waste Management (Use of Sewage Sludge in Agriculture)
(Amendment) Regulations, 2001 - S.I. No. 267 of 2001)
Waste Management (Packaging) (Amendment) Regulations,
Waste Management (Hazardous Waste) Regulations, 1998
(S.I. No. 163 of 1998)
Waste Management (Miscellaneous Provisions) Regulations,
1998 (S.I. No. 164 of 1998)
Litter Pollution Regulations 1999 (S.I. No. 359 of 1999)
Waste Management (Licensing) Regulations, 2000 (S.I. 185
Waste Management (Hazardous Waste) (Amendment)
Regulations, 2000
Waste Management (Farm Plastics) Regulations, 2001 (S.I.
No. 341 of 2001)
Waste Management (Licensing) (Amendment) Regulations,
2001 S.I. No. 397 of 2001
Waste Management (Collection Permit) Regulations 2001
Waste Management (Environmental Levy) (Plastic Bag)
Regulations 2001
(S.I. 605 of 2001)
Page 73 of 73
Waste Management (Landfill Levy) Regulations 2002 (S.I
No. 86 of 2002) (as amended by the Waste Management
(Landfill Levy) (Amendment) Regulations 2006 - S. No.I 402
of 2006)
European Communities (Port Reception Facilities for Ship
Generated Waste and Cargo Residues) Regulations 2003
(S.I. No. 117 of 2003)
Waste Management (Packaging) Regulations 2003
Waste Management (Licensing) Regulations 2004 (S.I. No.
395 of 2004)
Waste Management (Packaging) (Amendment) Regulations
Waste Management (Waste Electrical and Electronic
Equipment) Regulations 2005 (S.I. No. 340 of 2005)
Waste Management (Collection Permit) Regulations 2005
Waste Management (Facility Permit and Registration)
Regulations 2005
Waste Management (End-of-Life Vehicles) Regulations, 2006
(S.I. No. 282 of 2006)
Waste Management (Shipments of Waste) Regulations 2007
(S.I. No. 419 of 2007) (as amended by the Waste
Management (Registration of Brokers and Dealers)
Regulations 2008 (S.I. No. 113 of 2008))
Waste Management (Tyres and Waste Tyres) Regulations,
2007 (S.I. No. 664 of 2007)
Waste Management (Packaging) Regulations, 2007 (S.I. No.
798 of 2007)
Page 74 of 74
Waste Management (Collection Permit) Regulations, 2007
(S.I. No. 820 of 2007) (as amended by the Waste
Management (Collection Permit) (Amendment) Regulations,
2008 (S.I. No. 87 of 2008))
Waste Management (Facility Permit and Registration)
Regulations, 2007 (S.I. No. 821 of 2007) (as amended by
the Waste Management (Facility Permit and Registration)
(Amendment) Regulations 2008 (S.I. No. 86 of 2008))
Waste Management (Registration of Brokers and Dealers)
Regulations, 2008 (S.I. No. 113 of 2008)
Waste Management (Landfill Levy) Order 2008 (S.I No. 168
of 2008)
Waste Management (Landfill Levy) Regulations 2008 (S.I
No. 199 of 2008)
Waste Management (Batteries and Accumulators)
Regulations 2008 (S.I No. 268 of 2008)
Waste Management (Waste Electrical and Electronic
Equipment) (Amendment) Regulations 2008 (S.I No. 375 of
Waste Management (Certification of Historic Unlicensed
Waste Disposal and Recovery Activity) Regulations 2008 (S.I
No. 524 of 2008)
Waste Management (Batteries and Accumulators)
(Amendment) Regulations 2008 (S.I No. 556 of 2008)
Waste Management (Prohibition of Waste Disposal by
Burning) Regulations 2009 (S.I No. 286 of 2009)
Waste Management (Landfill Levy) Order 2009 (S.I No. 496
of 2009)
Page 75 of 75
Waste Management (Food Waste) Regulations 2009 (S.I No.
508 of 2009)
Waste Management (Landfill Levy) (Amendment)
Regulations 2009 (S.I No. 550 of 2009)
Waste Management (Management of Waste from the
Extractive Industries) Regulations 2009 (S.I No. 566 of
Waste Management (Landfill Levy) Order 2010 (S.I No. 013
of 2010)
Waste Management (Landfill Levy) (Amendment)
Regulations 2010 (S.I No. 031 of 2010)
Waste Management (Registration of Sewage Sludge Facility)
Regulations 2010 (S.I No. 032 of 2010)
Waste Management (End-Of-Life Vehicles) (Amendment)
Regulations 2010 (S.I No. 142 of 2010)
Waste Management (Waste Electrical and Electronic
Equipment) (Amendment) Regulations 2010 (S.I No. 143 of
Guidelines and circulars
DOEHLG Recycling for Ireland, Manual, 1994
DOEHLG An Overview of the Waste Management Act, 1996
Waste Working Group – handbook on sustainable waste
DOEHLG Circular WM 1/98 - Making of Waste Management
DOEHLG Circular WM 3/98 - New Regulations on Waste
Page 76 of 76
DOEHLG Circular WIR 06/03 – Protection of the Environment
Act 2003
DOEHLG Circular WIR 12/03 - Commencement of Certain
Provisions of the Protection of the Environment Act 2003
DOEHLG Circular BS 14/03 – Consent Authorities Regarding
Sub-Threshold Development
DOEHLG Circular WPPR 17/08 National Strategy on
Biodegradable Waste
Regional waste management plan
Local authorities are obliged to prepare and adopt waste
management plans for their functional areas every five years. The
plan addresses all aspects of the prevention, minimization,
collection, recovery and disposal of non-hazardous waste. Waste
management plans may be made on a joint or regional basis
involving a number of local authorities. The statutory objective of
these plans include:
Preventing or minimising the production and harmful nature
of waste
Encouraging and supporting the recovery of waste
Ensuring that such waste as cannot be prevented or
recovered is safely disposed of
Part II of the Waste Management Act, 1996
Waste Management (Amendment) Act, 2001
Protection of the Environment Act 2003
Page 77 of 77
EU directives
EC Directive 75/439/EEC – 16/06/75 on the disposal of
waste oils (as amended by EC Directive 87/101/EEC –
EC Directive 75/442/EEC – 15/07/75 on waste (as amended
by EC Directive 91/156/EEC – 18/03/91)
EC Directive 91/689/EEC – 12/12 91 on hazardous waste
EU Directive 94/62//EC – 20/12/94 on packaging and
packaging waste
EU Directive 99/31/EC – 26/04/99 on the landfill of waste
EU Directive 2006/12/EC on Waste
S. I. No. 137 of 1997 Waste Management (Planning)
Regulations, 1997
S.I. No. 162 of 1998 – Waste Management
(Licensing)(Amendment) Regulations 1998
S.I. No. 163 of 1998 – Waste Management (Hazardous
Waste) Regulations 1998
S. I. No. 164 of 1998 Waste Management (Miscellaneous
Provisions) Regulations, 1998
S.I. No. 165 of 1998 – Waste Management (Permit)
Regulations 1998
S.I. No. 166 of 1998 – European Communities (Amendment
of Waste Management Act) 1996
Waste Management (Packaging) (Amendment) Regulations,
Page 78 of 78
Draft Waste Management (Permit) (Amendment)
Regulations, 2000
S.I. No. 185 0f 2000 - Waste Management (Licensing)
Regulations, 2000
Waste Management (Hazardous Waste) (Amendment)
Regulations, 2000
S. I. No. 341 of 2001 Waste Management (Farm Plastics)
Regulations, 2001
S. I. No. 390 of 2001 - Waste Management (Prescribed
Date) Regulations, 2001
S. I. No. 397 of 2001 - Waste Management
(Licensing)(Amendment) Regulations, 2001
S. I. No. 605 of 2001 Waste Management (Environmental
Levy)(Plastic Bag) Regulations, 2001
S. I. No. 86 of 2002 Waste Management (Landfill Levy)
Regulations, 2002
S. I. No. 336 of 2002 - Waste Management
(Licensing)(Amendment) Regulations, 2002
S. I. No. 61 of 2003 - Waste Management (Packaging)
Regulations, 2003
S. I. No. 395 of 2004 - Waste Management (Licensing)
Regulations, 2004
S.I. No. 871 of 2004 Waste Management (Packaging)
Regulations, 2004
S.I. No. 240 of 2005 Waste Management (Electrical and
Electronic Equipment) Regulations, 2005 (No 2)
S.I. No. 340 of 2005 Waste Management (Waste Electrical
and Electronic Equipment) Regulations, 2005
Page 79 of 79
S.I. No. 341 of 2005 Waste Management (Restriction of
Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment
Regulations, 2005 Amendment)
S.I. No. 308 of 2006 Waste Management (Packaging)
(Amendment) Regulations 2006
SI No. 282 of 2006 Waste Management (End-of-Life
Vehicles) Regulations 2006
S.I. No 419 of 2007 Waste Management (Shipments of
Waste) Regulations 2007
S.I. No 798 of 2007 Waste Management (Packaging)
Regulations, 2007
S.I. No. 62 of 2007 Waste Management (Environmental
Levy) (Plastic Bag) (Amendment) Regulations, 2007
S.I. No. 821 of 2007 Waste Management (Waste Facility
Permit & Registration) Regulations, 2007
S.I. No.820 of 2007 Waste Management (Collection Permit)
Regulations, 2007
S.I. No. 268 of 2008 Waste Management (Batteries &
Accumulators) Regulations
S.I. No.86 of 2008 Waste Management (Waste Facility
Permit & Registration)
S.I. No.87 of 2008 Waste Management (Collection Permit)
(Amendment) Regulations, 2007
S.I. No. 199 of 2008 Waste Management (Landfill Levy)
Regulations 2008
S.I. No. 168 of 2008 Waste Management Landfill Levy Order
Page 80 of 80
S.I No. 113 of 2008 Waste Management (Registration of
Brokers & Dealers) Regulations 2008
Waste Management (Waste Electrical and Electronic
Equipment) (Amendment) Regulations 2008 (S.I No. 375 of
Waste Management (Batteries and Accumulators)
(Amendment) Regulations 2008 (S.I No. 556 of 2008)
Waste Management (Landfill Levy) Order 2009 (S.I No. 496
of 2009)
Waste Management (Landfill Levy) (Amendment)
Regulations 2009 (S.I No. 550 of 2009)
Waste Management (Landfill Levy) Order 2010 (S.I No. 013
of 2010)
Waste Management (Landfill Levy) (Amendment)
Regulations 2010 (S.I No. 031 of 2010)
Waste Management (End-Of-Life Vehicles) (Amendment)
Regulations 2010 (S.I No. 142 of 2010)
Waste Management (Waste Electrical and Electronic
Equipment) (Amendment) Regulations 2010 (S.I No. 143 of
Guidelines and circulars
DOEHLG Circular WM 1/98 - Making of Waste Management
DOEHLG Circular WM 3/98 - New Regulations on Waste
DOEHLG Circular WM 04/01 Re: Waste Management
(Amendment) Act, 2001
Page 81 of 81
DOEHLG Circular WM 04501 Re: Waste Management
(Prescribed Date) Regulations, 2001
DOEHLG Circular WIR 02/03 Re: Operative Date of
(Regional) Waste Management Plans
DOEHLG Circular WIR 06/03 – Protection of the Environment
Act 2003
DOEHLG Circular WIR 12/03 - Commencement of Certain
Provisions of the Protection of the Environment Act 2003
DOEHLG Circular BS 14/03 – Consent Authorities Regarding
Sub-Threshold Development
DOEHLG Circular WIR 06/04 - Review of Waste Management
DOEHLG Circular WPPR 17/08 National Strategy on
Biodegradable Waste
DOEHLG Manual – Recycling for Ireland, 1994
DOEHLG An Overview of the Waste Management Act, 1996
Waste Working Group – handbook on sustainable waste
Policy Guidance 1998 Changing our Ways
Policy Guidance 2000 Delivering Change
Policy Guidance 2004 Taking Stock and Moving Forward
Waste prevention and recovery
The Local Authority takes measures to reduce waste production by
encouraging the reuse of goods, the recycling of as much waste as
possible, and the disposal of the remainder in the most
environmentally friendly way.
Page 82 of 82
European Communities Act, 1972
Waste Management Act, 1996
Waste Management (Amendment) Act, 2001
Protection of the Environment Act 2003
EU directives
EC Directive 75/439/EEC – 16/06/75 on the disposal of
waste oils (as amended by EC Directive 87/101/EEC –
EC Directive 75/442/EEC – 15/07/75 on waste (as amended
by EC Directive
91/156/EEC – 18/03/91)
EC Directive 80/68/EEC – 17/12/79 on the protection of
groundwater against pollution caused by certain dangerous
EC Directive 85/337/EEC – 27/06/85 on the assessment of
the effects of certain public and private projects on the
environment (as amended by EC Directive 97/11/EC –
EC Directive 87/217/EEC – 19/03/87 on the prevention and
reduction of environmental pollution by asbestos
EU Directive 91/157 on batteries and accumulators
EU Directive 91/689/EEC – 12/12/91 on hazardous waste
EU Directive 94/62//EC – 20/12/94 on packaging and
packaging waste
EU Directive 94/67/EC – 16/12/94 on the incineration of
hazardous waste
Page 83 of 83
EU Directive 96/59/EC – 16/09/96 on the disposal of
polychlorinated biphenyls and polychlorinated terphenyls
EU Directive 96/61/EC – 24/09/96 concerning integrated
pollution prevention and control
EU Council Directive 99/31/EC – 26/04/99 on the landfill of
EU Directive 2000/53/EC on end-of-life vehicles
EU Directive 2000/76/EC on the incineration of waste
EU Directive 2002/95/EC on the restriction of the use of
certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic
EU Directive 2002/95/EC on the Restriction of Hazardous
Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment (RoHS)
EU Directive 2002/95/EC 2002/96/EC on Waste Electrical
and Electronic Equipment (WEEE)
EU Directive 2004/12/EC of the European Parliament and of
the Council amending Directive 94/62/EC on packaging and
packaging waste
EU Directive 2006/12/EC on waste
Council Regulation (EEC) No. 259/93 – 01/02/93 on the
supervision and control of shipments of waste within, into
and out of the European Community (as amended)
Council Regulation (EC) No. 120/97 – 20/01/97 amending
Regulation (EC) No. 259/93 on the supervision and control
of shipments of waste within, into and out of the European
Council Regulation (EC) No. 1420/1999 – 29/04/99
establishing common rules and procedures to apply to
Page 84 of 84
shipments to certain non-OECD countries of certain types of
Commission Regulation (EC) No. 1547/1999 – 12/07/99 –
determining the control procedures under Council Regulation
(EEC) No. 259/93 to apply to shipments of certain types of
waste to certain countries to which OECD Decision C (92) 39
final does not apply
Commission of the European Communities: Commission
Decision – 24/11/99 – adapting Council Regulation (EEC)
No. 259/93 on the supervision and control of shipments of
waste within, into and out of the European Community
Commission Decision 2000/532/EC – 03/05/2000 –
replacing Decision 94/3/EC establishing a list of wastes
pursuant to Article 1(a) of Council Directive 75/442/EEC on
waste and Council Decision 94/904/EC establishing a list of
hazardous waste pursuant to Article 1(4) of Council
Directive 91/689/EEC on hazardous waste
Commission Decision 2001/118/EC – 16/01/2001 –
amending Decision 2000/532/EC as regards the list of
Commission Decision 2001/119/EC – 22/01/2001 –
amending Decision 2000/532/EC replacing Decision 94/3/EC
establishing a list of wastes pursuant to Article 1(a) of
Council Directive 75/442/EEC on waste and Council Decision
94/904/EC establishing a list of hazardous waste pursuant
to Article 1(4) of Council Directive 91/689/EEC on hazardous
Regulations (EC) No. 1013/2006 on shipments of waste
Commission Regulation (EC) No. 1379/2007 of 26
November 2007
Page 85 of 85
Recommendation 2001/331/EC providing for minimum
criteria for environmental inspections
S. I. No. 137 of 1997 Waste Management (Planning)
Regulations, 1997
S. I. No. 183 of 1997 Waste Management (Register)
Regulations, 1997
S. I. No. 146 of 1998 Waste Management (Amendment of
Waste Management Act, 1996) Regulations, 1998
S. I. No. 147 of 1998 Waste Management (Movement of
Hazardous Waste) Regulations, 1998
S. I. No. 148 of 1998 Waste Management (Use of Sewage
Sludge in Agriculture) Regulations, 1998
S. I. No. 149 of 1998 Waste Management (Transfrontier
Shipment of Waste) Regulations, 1998
S. I. No. 163 of 1998 Waste Management (Hazardous
Waste) Regulations, 1998
S. I. No. 164 of 1998 Waste Management (Miscellaneous
Provisions) Regulations, 1998
S. I. No. 165 of 1998 Waste Management (Permit)
Regulations, 1998
S. I. No. 166 of 1998 European Communities (Amendment
of Waste Management Act, 1996) Regulations, 1998
S. I. No. 267 of 2001 Waste Management (Use of Sewage
Sludge in Agriculture) (Amendment) Regulations, 2001
S. I. No. 341 of 2001 Waste Management (Farm Plastics)
Regulations, 2001
Page 86 of 86
S. I. No. 402 of 2001 Waste Management (Collection
Permit) Regulations, 2001
S. I. No. 540 of 2001 Waste Management (Collection
Permit) (Amendment) Regulations, 2001
S.I. No. 605 of 2001 Waste Management (Environmental
Levy) (Plastic Bag) Regulations, 2001
S. I. No. 86 of 2002 Waste Management (Landfill Levy)
Regulations, 2002
S. I. No. 61 of 2003 Re: Waste Management (Packaging)
Regulations, 2003
S. I. No. 395 of 2004 Waste Management (Licensing)
Regulations 2004
S.I. No. 871 of 2004 Waste Management (Packaging)
Regulations, 2004
S.I. No. 240 of 2005 Waste Management (Electrical and
Electronic Equipment) Regulations, 2005
S.I. No. 340 of 2005 Waste Management (Waste Electrical
and Electronic Equipment) Regulations, 2005
S.I. No. 341 of 2005 Waste Management (Restriction of
Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment
Regulations, 2005
S.I. No. 308 of 2006 Waste Management (Packaging)
(Amendment) Regulations 2006
SI No. 282 of 2006 Waste Management (End-of-Life
Vehicles) Regulations 2006
S.I. No 419 of 2007 Waste Management (Shipments of
Waste) Regulations 2007
Page 87 of 87
S.I. No 798 of 2007 Waste Management (Packaging)
Regulations, 2007
S.I. No. 62 of 2007 Waste Management (Environmental
Levy) (Plastic Bag) (Amendment) (No 2) Regulations 2007
S.I. No. 821 of 2007 Waste Management (Waste Facility
Permit & Registration) Regulations, 2007
S.I. No.820 of 2007 Waste Management (Collection Permit)
Regulations, 2007
S.I. No. 199 of 2007 Waste Management (Batteries &
Accumulators) Regulations
S.I. No.86 of 2007 Waste Management (Waste Facility
Permit & Registration) (Amendment) Regulations, 2007
S.I. No.87 of 2007 Waste Management (Collection Permit)
(Amendment) Regulations, 2007
S.I. No. 199 of 2008 Waste Management (Landfill Levy)
Regulations 2008
S.I. No. 168 of 2008 Waste Management Landfill Levy Order
S.I No. 113 of 2008 Waste Management (Registration of
Brokers & Dealers) Regulations 2008
Waste Management (Batteries and Accumulators)
Regulations 2008 (S.I No. 268 of 2008)
Waste Management (Waste Electrical and Electronic
Equipment) (Amendment) Regulations 2008 (S.I No. 375 of
Waste Management (Certification of Historic Unlicensed
Waste Disposal and Recovery Activity) Regulations 2008 (S.I
No. 524 of 2008)
Page 88 of 88
Waste Management (Batteries and Accumulators)
(Amendment) Regulations 2008 (S.I No. 556 of 2008)
Waste Management (Prohibition of Waste Disposal by
Burning) Regulations 2009 (S.I No. 286 of 2009)
Waste Management (Landfill Levy) Order 2009 (S.I No. 496
of 2009)
Waste Management (Landfill Levy) (Amendment)
Regulations 2009 (S.I No. 550 of 2009)
Waste Management (Management of Waste from the
Extractive Industries) Regulations 2009 (S.I No. 566 of
Waste Management (Landfill Levy) Order 2010 (S.I No. 013
of 2010)
Waste Management (Landfill Levy) (Amendment)
Regulations 2010 (S.I No. 031 of 2010)
Waste Management (End-Of-Life Vehicles) (Amendment)
Regulations 2010 (S.I No. 142 of 2010)
Waste Management (Waste Electrical and Electronic
Equipment) (Amendment) Regulations 2010 (S.I No. 143 of
Guidelines and circulars
DOEHLG Circular WM 1/96 - REPAK Scheme for Packaging
DOEHLG Circular WM 3/97 Re: Waste Management
(Licensing) Regulations, 1997 (S. I. No. 133 of 1997)
DOEHLG Circular WM 6/97 Re: Amendment of Council
Regulation (EC) No. 259/93 on the supervision and control
Page 89 of 89
of shipments of waste within, into and out of the European
DOEHLG Circular WM 7/97 Re: Waste Management
(Packaging) Regulations, 1997
DOEHLG Circular WM 10/97 - Waste Management
(Packaging) Regulations, 1997
DOEHLG Letter WM 15/97 Re: Waste Management
(Packaging) Regulations, 1997
DOEHLG Circular WM 3/98 (25/5/98) Re: New Regulations
on Waste Management
DOEHLG Circular WM 3/98 (6/7/98) Re: Waste Management
(Packaging) Regulations, 1997
DOEHLG Circular Letter WM 7/98 Re: Movement of
Hazardous Waste Within the State
DOEHLG Circular WM 1/99 Re: Enforcement of the Waste
Management (Packaging) Regulations, 1997
DOEHLG Circular WM00/4 Re: Waste Management
(Licensing) Regulations, 2000
DOEHLG Circular WM 3/01 Re: Waste Management (Farm
Plastics) Regulations, 2001 – S. I. No. 341 of 2001
DOEHLG Circular WM 04/01 Re: Waste Management
(Amendment) Act, 2001
DOEHLG Circular WM 07/01 - Waste Management
(Collection Permit) Regulations, 2001
DOEHLG Circular L9/2001 Re: Waste Management (Use of
Sewage Sludge in Agriculture) (Amendment) Regulations,
2001 – S. I. No. 267 of 2001
DOEHLG Circular WP & R 2/02 Re: Plastic Bag Levy
Page 90 of 90
DOEHLG Circular WIR 3/02 - Waste Management (Collection
Permit) Regulations, 2001 – Collection of animal slurries,
manure and septic tank sludge
DOEHLG Circular WP & R 6/02 Re: Arrangements for dealing
with abandoned vehicles
DOEHLG Circular WPR 1/03 Re: Waste Management
(Packaging) Regulations, 2003 – S. I. No. 61 of 2003
DOEHLG Circular WPR 2/03 - All-island contract for the
Management of Waste Refrigerators and Freezers
DOEHLG Circular WIR 07/03 – European Communities
(Incineration of Waste) Regulations, 2003
DOEHLG Circular WIR 12/03 - Commencement of Certain
Provisions of the Protection of the Environment Act 2003
DOEHLG Circular WIR 13/03 –Weight/Volume Related waste
Charging 2003
DOEHLG Circular WIR 14/03 - Commencement of Certain
Provisions of the Protection of the Environment Act 2003
DOEHLG Circular WIR 17/03 –Landfill Levy, 2003
DOEHLG Circular WPR 1/04 - All-island contract for the
Management of Waste Refrigerators and Freezers
DOEHLG Circular WPR 2/04 - All-island contract for the
Management of Waste Refrigerators and Freezers
DOEHLG Circular WIR 04/04 Re: Export of dry recyclables
DOEHLG Circular WIR 05/04 - Waste Collection Permit
DOEHLG Circular WIR 07/04 (i) Commencement of waste
licensing provisions of the Protection of the Environment Act
2003 (ii) Waste Management (Licensing) Regulations 2004
Page 91 of 91
DOEHLG Circular WIR 09/04 – Weight/Volume Related
Waste Charging
DOEHLG Recycling for Ireland Manual 1994
DOEHLG An Overview of the Waste Management Act, 1996
DOEHLG A Guide to the Waste Management (Packaging)
Regulations, 1997 (Revised) – 16 December 1997
DOEHLG Waste Management (Collection Permit)
Regulations, 2001 – Information Note and Guidance,
September 2001
DOEHLG Information Note on Plastic Bag environmental
levy, January 2002
DOEHLG Waste Management (Landfill Levy) Regulations,
2002 – Information Note and Guidance
DOEHLG Study on Chewing Gum, Fast Food Packaging and
ATM Receipt Litter
Circular 16/08 Explanatory Notes in Respect of the Draft
Waste Management Regulations 2008(Part 4 of 4)
WPPR 18_08 Waste Management _Batteries and
Accumulators_Regulations 2008 _S.I. 268 of 2008
Circular WPR 05/07 - Plastic Bag Levy increase
Circular No.WIR 08/07 Transfrontier Shipment Regulations
Transitional Arrangements
Circular No. WIR 16/07- 17 December 2007 Re:
Transfrontier Shipment Regulations
Circular WPR 06/08 10 March 2008 Landfill Levy - Annual
Report and Forms
Circular No. WPR 07/08 28 April 2008Re: Local Authority
Enforcement Measures – Grant Scheme
Page 92 of 92
Circular No. WPRR 02/08 29 April 2008 Re: Waste
Management (Registration of Brokers and Dealers)
Regulations 2008
Circular Letter WM 03/08 – May 12, 2008 – Guidance on
Waste Management (Collection Permit) Regulations 2007,
and Waste Management (Collection Permit)(Amendment)
Regulations 2008
Circular WPR 9/08, July 18, 2008 Waste Management
(Packaging) Regulations 2007 S.I. No. 798 of 2007
DOEHLG Circular WPRR: 04/08, 25th July 2008 Policy
guidance pursuant to section 60 of the Waste Management
Act, 1996 Action against illegal waste activity - the use of
DOEHLG Circular WPR:9/08, 28th July 2008 Guidance on
Waste Management Packaging Regulations, S.I. No. 798 of
Local authorities actively promote a recycling ethos within their
council area. Recyclable collection facilities contribute to the
development of sustainable employment coupled with sound
environmental management. Bring centres have been provided
throughout the county. Bring centres and bottle banks are located
in 54 locations in Clare.
Waste Management Act, 1996
Waste Management (Amendment) Act, 2001
Protection of the Environment Act, 2003
Page 93 of 93
S.I. No. 133 of 1997 - Waste Management (Licensing)
Regulations, 1997
S.I. No. 183 of 1997 - Waste Management (Register)
Regulations, 1997
S.I. No. 315 of 1997 - Waste Management (Farm Plastics)
Regulations, 1997
Waste Management (Packaging) Regulations, 1997
S.I. No. 162 of 1998 - Waste Management
(Licensing)(Amendment) Regulations, 1998
S.I. No. 165 of 1998 - Waste Management (Permit)
Regulations, 1998
EC (Amendment of Waste Management Act, 1996)
Regulations, 1998
S.I. No. 382 of 1998 - Waste Management
(Packaging)(Amendment) Regulations, 1998
S.I. No. 185 of 2000 - Waste Management (Licensing)
Regulations, 2000
S.I. No. 341 of 2001 - Waste Management (Farm Plastics)
Regulations, 2001
S.I. No. 397 of 2001 - Waste Management
(Licensing)(Amendment) Regulations, 2001
S.I. No. 401 of 2001 - Waste Management (Collection
Permit) Regulations, 2001
S.I. No. 540 of 2001 - Waste Management (Collection
Permit) (Amendment) Regulations, 2001
S.I. No. 605 of 2001 - Waste Management (Environmental
Levy)(Plastic Bag) Regulations, 2001
Page 94 of 94
S.I. No. 86 of 2002 - Waste Management (Landfill Levy)
Regulations, 2002
S.I. No. 336 of 2002 - Waste Management
(Licensing)(Amendment) Regulations, 2002
S.I. No. 61 of 2003 - Waste Management (Packaging)
Regulations, 2003
S.I. No. 395 of 2004 - Waste Management (Licensing)
Regulations, 2004
S.I. No. 871 of 2004 - Waste Management
(Packaging)(Amendment) Regulations, 2004
S.I. No. 209 of 2005 - Waste Management (Waste Electrical
and Electronic Equipment) Regulations, 2005
S.I. No. 340 of 2005 - Waste Management (Waste Electrical
and Electronic Equipment) Regulations, 2005
S.I. No. 341 of 2005 - Waste Management (Restriction of
Certain Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic
Equipment) Regulations, 2005
Guidelines and circulars
DOEHLG Manual – Recycling for Ireland 1994
DOEHLG Circular WM 3/98
National Spring Clean 2001
DOEHLG Circular EAS 01/02 – Local Environment
Partnership Fund
DOEHLG Circular WIR 10/03 – Use of Environment Fund to
Support Local Authority Enforcement Measures
DOEHLG Circular WPR 06/03 – All-Island Contract for the
Management of Waste Fridges & Freezers
Page 95 of 95
DOEHLG Circular WIR 16/03 – Use & Support of the
Environment Fund to Support Local Authority Enforcement
DOEHLG Circular WPR 06/04 - Management of Waste
Fridges & Freezers – Recoupment of Expenditure incurred by
local authorities
DOEHLG Circular WIR 10/04 – Use of Environment Fund to
Support Local Authority Enforcement Measures
National Waste Prevention Programme
Race Against Waste Campaign
Policy Document - Changing our Ways
Provision and operation of waste management facilities
The county council is responsible for the provision of facilities for
the disposal of non-hazardous waste in the county. A waste licence
is generally required from the Environmental Protection Agency for
the larger facilities.
Environmental Protection Agency Act, 1992
Waste Management Act(s) 1996-2003
Protection of the Environment Act, 2003
EU directives
EU Council Directive 1993/31/EC of 26th April, 1999 on the
landfill of waste
Commission Regulation EC No. 1685/2000 – 28/07/2000
laying down detailed rules for the implementation of Council
Regulation (EC) No. 1260/1999 as regards eligibility of
Page 96 of 96
expenditure of operations co-financed by the Structural
Commission Regulation (EC) No. 2355/2002 – 27/12/2002
amending Commission Regulation (EC) No. 438/2001 laying
down detailed rules for the implementation of Council
Regulation (EC) No. 1260/1999 as regards the management
and control systems for assistance granted under the
Structural Funds
Council Regulation (EC) No. 1105/2003 – 26/05/2003
amending Regulation (EC) No. 1260/1999 laying down
general provisions on the Structural Funds
Commission Regulation (EC) No. 1145/2003 – 27/06/2003
amending Regulation (EC) No. 1685/2000 as regards the
rules of eligibility for co-financing by the Structural Funds
S. I. No. 262 of 1994 EC (toxic and Dangerous Waste
(Regulations), 1994
S. I. No. 133 of 1997 Waste Management (Licensing)
Regulations, 1997
S. I. No. 137 of 1997 Waste Management (Planning)
Regulations, 1997
S. I. No. 147 of 1998 Waste Management (Movement of
Hazardous Waste) Regulations, 1998
S. I. No. 146 of 1998 Waste Management (Amendment of
Waste Management Act, 1996) Regulations, 1998
S. I. No. 162 of 1998 Waste Management
(Licensing)(Amendment) Regulations, 1997
Page 97 of 97
S. I. No. 164 of 1998 Waste Management (Miscellaneous
Provisions) Regulations, 1998
S. I. No. 166 of 1998 European Communities (Amendment
of Waste Management Act, 1996) Regulations, 1998
S. I. No. 185 of 2000 Waste Management (Licensing)
Regulations, 2000
S.I. No. 397 of 2001 – Waste Management (Licensing)
(Amendment) Regulations, 2001
S.I. No. 336 of 2002 – Waste Management (Licensing)
(Amendment) Regulations, 2002
S.I. No. 395 of 2004 – Waste Management (Licensing)
Regulations, 2004
S.I. No. 199 of 2008 Waste Management (Landfill Levy)
Regulations 2008
S.I. No. 168 of 2008 Waste Management Landfill Levy Order
Guidelines and circulars
DOEHLG Circular WM 3/97 Re: Waste Management
(Licensing) Regulations, 1997 (S. I. No. 133 of 1997)
DOEHLG Circular WM 3/98 - New Regulations on Waste
DOEHLG Circular WM00/4 Re: Waste Management
(Licensing) Regulations, 2000
Dept. of Finance Circular 34/2001 Financial Management
and Control Procedures for the European Regional
Development Fund (ERDF) 2000-2006
Page 98 of 98
DOEHLG Circular No. WIR 04/03 Re: Expenditure
Certification Procedure for Assistance granted under the
Structural Funds (Form B1)
DOEHLG Circular PPP 3/03 Re: Financial Management and
Control Procedures for the European Regional Development
Fund 2000-2006
DOEHLG Circular WIR 11/03 Re: Rules of Eligibility for CoFinancing by the Structural Funds
DOEHLG Circular WIR 02/04 Development of Waste
Management Infrastructure through Public Private
Partnerships (PPPs)
DOEHLG An Overview of the Waste Management Act, 1996
Landfill Manuals prepared under Section 62 of the
Environmental Protection Agency Act, 1992 – Landfill
Operational Practices, Investigation for Landfill, Landfill
Monitoring, Waste Acceptance, site Selection
DOEHLG Guidance Notes for Applicants; Waste Licensing –
Waste Disposal Activities (landfill and non-landfill sites)
EPA Guidelines on Environmental Management Systems and
Reporting to the Agency
Waste Management Licensing: Aspects of Licensing
Procedures – Objection and Oral Hearings
DOEHLG Circular WM 01/02 – Waste Management
Infrastructural Grant Scheme
DOEHLG Circular WIR 05/03 – Waste Management
Infrastructure – Subvention of Operating Costs of Recycling
Page 99 of 99
DOEHLG Circular WIR 15/03 – Waste Management
Infrastructure – Allocation of €2.5m Funding for Operating
DOEHLG Circular WIR 01/04 – Waste Management
Infrastructure capital Grants Scheme – Commencement of
Waste Licensing Provisions of the Protection of the
Environment Act, 2003
DOEHLG Circular WIR 07/04 – Waste Management
(Licensing) Regulations, 2004
National Strategy on Biodegradable Waste
Litter management
The Litter Pollution Acts 1997 – 2003 states that no person shall
deposit any substance or object so as to create litter in a public
place or in any place that is visible to any extent from a public
place. The onus is equally placed on both the occupier of a public
place and the local authority to keep public places free of litter. The
Council may serve notices under the Litter Pollution Acts in order to
prevent and control the creation of litter and/or to remove litter.
The objective is to make effective arrangements for the prevention
and control of litter so as to achieve a cleaner outdoor environment.
Litter Act, 1982
Litter Pollution Act, 1997
S. 14 of the Waste Management (Amendment) Act, 2001
Part 4 and S. 59 of the Protection of the Environment Act
Waste Management Acts, 1996-2003 Section 32(2)
Page 100 of 100
S. I. No. 214 of 1997 Litter Pollution Regulations, 1999
S. I. No. 359 of 1999 Litter Pollution Regulations, 1999
Litter Pollution (Increased Notice Payment) Order 2007 S.I.
No. 558 of 2007
Guidelines and circulars
DOEHLG Circular ALU 03/97 – Fixed Penalty Notices
DOEHLG Circular ALU 05/97 – Public Information Campaign
DOEHLG Circular ALU 04/97 – Grants for Litter Initiatives
DOEHLG Circular Letter EP 3/99 - National Litter Pollution
Monitoring System
DOEHLG Circular EP 6/99 - Increased Penalties under the
Litter Pollution Act 1997
DOEHLG Circular WM 04/01 Re: Waste Management
(Amendment) Act, 2001
DOEHLG Circular Letter EPS 7/01 - National Litter Pollution
Monitoring System
DOEHLG Circular Letter LU 9/01 - Increase in On-the-Spot
Litter Fine to €125
DOEHLG Circular Letter 06/2002 - National Litter Pollution
Monitoring System
DOEHLG Circular EP 04/03 Re: Litter Management in Coillte
Forest Properties
DOEHLG Circular Letter 05/03 - National Litter Pollution
Monitoring System
DOEHLG Circular Letter 06/03 - Protection of the
Environment Act, 2003
Page 101 of 101
DoEHLG Circular Letter EPS 2/04 -National Litter Pollution
Monitoring System
DOEHLG Circular EP 05/04 – Litter Pollution Acts 1997-2003
DOEHLG Circular EP 04/04 – Litter Laws and Elections
DOEHLG Annual Allocation: Grants for Anti-Litter Awareness
DOEHLG Action Against Litter – Guidelines for Local
DOEHLG Litter Action Plan, January 2001
Litter Management Plan 2009 – 2013
The National Litter Pollution Monitoring System (NLPMS)
Taking Pride in our Environment, A National Anti-Litter
Strategy, Report of
the National Anti-Litter Forum
Water Quality Management
In response to the increasing threat of pollution and the increasing
demand from the public for cleaner rivers, lakes and beaches, the
EU has developed the Water Framework Directive (WFD). This
Directive is unique in that, for the first time, it establishes a
framework for the protection of all waters including rivers, lakes,
estuaries, coastal waters and groundwater, and their dependent
wildlife/habitats under one piece of environmental legislation.
Specifically the WFD aims to:
protect/enhance all waters (surface, ground and coastal
achieve "good status" for all waters by December 2015
manage water bodies based on river basins (or catchments)
Page 102 of 102
involve the public
streamline legislation
Water framework directive: river basin management
Identification of responsible authorities
Characterisation of River Basin Districts and International
River Basin Districts
Reporting on monitored networks, Environmental Objectives
and Programmes of Measures
A register of protected areas
Summary of the consultative and participative activities
undertaken to support River Basin Management Plan
production and the outcome of these activities
The River Basin Management Plans (RBMP) were made by the
Minister for Environment, Heritage and Local Government on 30th
June, 2010. County Clare is covered by the Shannon International
RBMP and the Western RBMP (about 5% of county area).
S. 171 and S. 172 of the Fisheries (Consolidation) Act, 1959
European Communities Act, 1972
Local Government (Water Pollution) Act, 1977
Local Government (Water Pollution) (Amendment) Act, 1990
Environmental Protection Agency Act, 1992
Part VII of the Local Government Act, 1994
Waste Management Act, 1996
Local Government Act, 2001 – Part 9, Chapter 5
Page 103 of 103
Water Services Act 2007
EU directives
EC Directive 75/440/EEC – 16/06/75 concerning the quality
required of surface water intended for the abstraction of
drinking water in the Member States (as amended by
79/869/EEC, 90/656/EEC and 91/692/EEC) (Surface Water)
EC Directive 76/160/EEC – 08/12/75 concerning the quality
of bathing water (as amended by 90/656/EEC and
91/692/EEC) (Quality of Bathing Waters)
EC Directive 76/464/EEC – 04/05/76 on pollution caused by
certain dangerous substances discharged into the aquatic
environment of the Community (as amended by
91/692/EEC) (Dangerous Substances)
7 Daughter Directives all amended by 90/656/EEC and
EC Directive 78/659/EEC – 18/07/78 on the quality of fresh
waters needing protection or improvement in order to
support fish life (as amended by 90/656/EEC and
91/692/EEC) (Designated Salmonoid Waters)
Measurement and Sampling of Drinking Water 79/869/EEC
amended by 81/855/EEC
EC Directive 79/923/EEC – 30/10/79 on the quality required
of shellfish waters (as amended by 91/692/EEC) (Shellfish
Council Directive 80/68/EEC on the protection of
groundwater against pollution caused by certain dangerous
substances (as amended by 90/656/EEC and 91/692/EEC)
(Ground Water)
Page 104 of 104
EC Directive 80/778/EEC – 15/07/80 relating to the quality
of water intended for human consumption (as amended by
81/858/EEC, 90/656/EEC and 91/692/EEC)
(Drinking Water) Mercury Discharges from Chlor-alkali
Industries 82/176/EEC
Other Mercury Discharges by sectors other than the chloralkali electrolysis industry 84/156/EEC
HCH Discharges 84/491/EEC
EC Directive 86/280/EEC – 12/06/86 on limit values and
quality objectives for discharges of certain dangerous
substances included in List 1 of the Annex to Directive
76/464/EEC (as amended by 88/347/EEC and 90/415/EEC)
EC Directive 91/271/EEC concerning urban waste water
Council Directive 91/676/EEC – 12/12/91 concerning the
protection of waters against pollution caused by nitrates
from agricultural sources (Nitrates)
Council Directive 91/692/EEC – 23/12/91 standardizing and
rationalizing reports on the implementation of certain
directives relating to the environment
Council Directive 98/83/EC
EU Directive 2000/60/EC the Water Framework Directive
Council Decision 77/795/EEC – 12/12/77 establishing a
common procedure for the exchange of information on the
quality of surface freshwater in the Community (as amended
by Decision 86/574/EEC)
Commission Decision 92/446/EEC – 27/07/92 concerning
questionnaires relating to directives in the water sector
Page 105 of 105
Regulations - general
Local Government (Water Pollution) Act, 1977 (Discharge of
Trade Effluent and Sewage Effluent to Waters) Regulations,
S. I. No. 108 of 1978 Local Government (Water Pollution)
Regulations, 1978
S. I. No. 37 of 1983 Local Government (Water Pollution)
Act, 1977 (Transfer of Appeals) Order, 1978 (Amendment)
Order, 1983
S. I. No. 271 of 1992 Local Government (Water Pollution)
Regulations, 1992
S. I. No. 360 of 1995 Local Government Act, 1994 (ByeLaws) Regulations, 1995
S. I. No. 184 of 1996 Local Government (Water Pollution)
(Amendment) Regulations, 1996
S. I. No. 257 of 1998 Local Government (Water Pollution)
(Nutrient Management Planning Consultation) Regulations,
S. I. No. 42 of 1999 Local Government (Water Pollution)
(Amendment) Regulations, 1999
S. I. No. 78 of 1999 Local Government Act, 1994 (ByeLaws) Regulations, 1999
S. I. No. 573 of 2001 Local Government (Water Pollution)
(Fees) Regulations, 2001
S. I. No. 722 of 2003 European Communities (Water Policy)
Regulations 2003
Page 106 of 106
S.I. No 378 of 2006 European Communities (Good
Agricultural Practice for Protection of Waters) Regulations
S.I. No 526 of 2007 European Communities (Good
Agricultural Practice for Protection of Waters) Regulations
S.I. No. 79/2008 — Bathing Water Quality Regulations 2008
S.I. No 219 of 2008 European Communities (Water Policy)
Amendment Regulations 2008
S.I. No. 101/2009 — European Communities (Good
Agricultural Practice For Protection of Waters) Regulations
S.I. No. 272/2009 — European Communities Environmental
Objectives (Surface Waters) Regulations 2009
S.I. No. 296/2009 — The European Communities
Environmental Objectives (Freshwater Pearl Mussel)
Regulations 2009
European Communities (Quality of Shellfish Waters)
(Amendment) (No.2) Regulations 2009 (S.I. No. 464 of
S.I. No. 9/2010 — European Communities Environmental
Objectives (Groundwater) Regulations 2010
Urban Waste Water Treatment (Amendment) Regulations
2010 (No. 048 of 2010)
Waste Water Discharge (Authorisation) (Amendment)
Regulations (S.I. No. 231 of 2010
Water Framework Directive and River Basin Management
Page 107 of 107
Regulations - control
S. I. No. 294 of 1985 Local Government (Water Pollution)
(Control of Cadmium
Discharges) Regulations, 1985
S. I. No. 55 of 1986 Local Government (Water Pollution)
(Control of Hexachlorocyclohexane and Mercury Discharges)
Regulations, 1986
S. I. No. 31 of 1990 European Communities (Control of
Water Pollution by Asbestos) Regulations, 1990
S. I. No. 348 of 1993 Local Government (Water Pollution)
Acts, 1977 and 1990 (Control of Aldrin, Dieldrin, Endrin,
Isodrin, HCB, HCBD and CHCL3 Discharges) Regulations,
S. I. No. 43 of 1994 Local Government (Water Pollution)
Acts, 1977 and 1990 (Control of Carbon Tetrachloride, DDT
and Pentachlorophenol Discharges) Regulations, 1994
S. I. No. 245 of 1994 Local Government (Water Pollution)
Acts, 1977 and 1990 (Control of EDC, TRI, PER, and TCB
Discharges) Regulations, 1994
Regulations - quality
Local Government (Water Pollution) Act, 1977 (Water
Quality Management Plans) Regulations, 1978
S. I. No. 81 of 1988 European Communities (Quality of
Water Intended for Human Consumption) Regulations, 1988
S. I. No. 84 of 1988 European Communities (Quality of
Bathing Waters) Regulations, 1988
S. I. No. 293 of 1988 European Communities (Quality of
Salmonoid Waters) Regulations, 1988
Page 108 of 108
S. I. No. 89 of 1989 European Communities (Quality of
Bathing Waters) (Amendment) Regulations, 1989
S. I. No. 294 of 1989 European Communities (Quality of
Surface Water Intended for the Abstraction of Drinking
Water) Regulations, 1989
S. I. No. 155 of 1992 European Communities (Quality of
Bathing Water) Regulations, 1992
S. I. No. 145 of 1994 Quality of Bathing Waters
(Amendment) Regulations, 1994
S. I. No. 200 of 1994 Quality of Shellfish Waters
Regulations, 1994
S. I. No. 146 of 1996 Quality of Bathing Waters
(Amendment) Regulations, 1996
S. I. No. 177 of 1998 Quality of Bathing Waters
(Amendment) Regulations, 1998
S. I. No. 258 of 1998 Local Government (Water Pollution)
Act, 1977 (Water Quality Standards for Phosphorus)
Regulations, 1998
S. I. No. 41 of 1999 Protection of Groundwater Regulations,
S. I. No. 42 of 1999 Local Government (Water Pollution)
(Amendment) Regulations, 1999
S. I. No. 12 of 2001 Water Quality (Dangerous Substances)
Regulations, 2001
S. I. No. 22 of 2001 Quality of Bathing Waters (Amendment)
Regulations, 2001
S. I. No. 459 of 2001 Quality of Shellfish Waters
(Amendment) Regulations, 2001
Page 109 of 109
European Communities (Quality of Shellfish Waters)
(Amendment) (No.2) Regulations 2009 (S.I. No. 464 of
Urban Waste Water Treatment (Amendment) Regulations
2010 (No. 048 of 2010)
Waste Water Discharge (Authorisation) (Amendment)
Regulations (S.I. No. 231 of 2010)
Bathing water
Water authorities are required to ensure that bathing water quality
is maintained and if necessary improved so that it complies with
specified standards designated to protect health and the
Quality of Bathing Water Regulations, 1988 (S.I. No.84
Quality of Bathing Water (Amendment) Regulations, 1989
(S.I. No. 89 of 1989)
Quality of Bathing Water Regulations, 1992 (replaces the
Regulations 1988 and 1989)
Quality of Bathing Water (Amendment) Regulations, 1994
S.I. No. 145/1994
Quality of Bathing Water (Amendment) Regulations, 1996
S.I. No. 230/1996
Quality of Bathing Waters (Amendment) Regulations, 1998.
S.I. No. 177/1998
Quality of Bathing Waters (Amendment) Regulations, 2001
S.I. No. 22/2001
Page 110 of 110
Water Quality (Dangerous Substances) Regulations 2001
Bathing Water Quality Regulations 2008 S.I. No. 79/2008
Guidelines and circulars
DOEHLG Circular WP 9/89 Local Government (Water
Pollution) Act 1977 – Consultation Procedures
DOEHLG Circulars WP 7/92, WP 9/95 and WP 1/97 –
Directive 91/676/EEC
concerning the Protection of Waters against Pollution caused
by Nitrates from Agricultural Sources
DOEHLG Circular WP 3/96 Re: Section 22 of Local
Government (Water Pollution) (Amendment) Act 1990
DOEHLG Circular WP 6/96 Local Government (Water
Pollution) (Amendment) Regulations, 1996
DOEHLG Circular WP 6/97 Managing Ireland’s Rivers and
Lakes – A Catchment- Based Strategy Against
DOEHLG Circular WP 7/97 Measures to Prevent and Deal
with Water Pollution Incidents
DOEHLG Circular Letter WQ 9/99 Catchment Based Water
DOEHLG Circular Letter WQ 3/00 River Basin Management
DOEHLG Circular WSQ 4/01 – Prevention of Fish Kill and
Other Water Pollution Incidents
DOEHLG Circular L8/03 (WSP) Licensing of Trade Effluent
Discharges to Sewers under Section 16 of the Local
Government (Water Pollution) Act 1977
Page 111 of 111
DOEHLG Circular WQ 1/03 Quality of Drinking Water
DOEHLG Circular W 2/03 - European Communities (Quality
for Water Intended for Human Consumption) (Amendment)
Regulations 2003
DOEHLG Circular Letter WQ 3/03 European Communities
(Water Policy) Regulations 2003
DOEHLG Circular L1/04 – Implementation of National
Drinking Water Regulations – European Court of Justice
DOEHLG Circular WSP 2/04 – Drinking Water National
Monitoring Programme
DOEHLG Circular WSP 3/04 – Drinking Water Monitoring
Report 2002
DOEHLG Circular WSP 2/04 – Drinking Water National
Monitoring Programme
DOEHLG Circular WSP 5/04 – Drinking Water Monitoring
Report 2003
DOEHLG Code of Good Agricultural Practice, July 1996
Nutrient Management Planning Guidelines for Local
DOEHLG / EPA Guidelines for the Establishment of River
Basin Management Systems, July 2000
EPA Annual Reports on the Quality of Drinking Water in
Managing Ireland’s Rivers and Lakes – A Catchment-Based
Strategy Against Eutrophication
EPA Code of Practice Wastewater Treatment And Disposal
Systems Serving Single Houses (P.E. < 10)
Page 112 of 112
DOEHLG Circular Circular Letter PSSP 1/10
Air quality management
The EPA is responsible for the licensing and regulation of
large/complex industrial, agricultural and other processes with
significant pollution potential. Local and environmental authorities
continue to be responsible for the licensing and control of activities
which are not licensable by the agency. The aim is to control air
pollution in order to ensure the protection of air quality. This is
achieved by way of licensing of discharges and monitoring of air
Each local authority keeps a register of licenses issued and this
register is available for public inspection.
European Communities Act, 1972
Air Pollution Act, 1987
Environmental Protection Agency Act, 1992
S. 32 of the National Standards Authority of Ireland Act,
EU directives
Air quality limit values for Sulphur Dioxide and Suspended
Particulates 80/779/EEC, amended by 81/857/EEC,
89/427/EEC, 90/656/EEC and 91/692/EEC
Limit value for Lead 82/884/EEC amended by 90/656/EEC
and 91/692/EEC
Air Pollution from industrial plants 84/360/EEC amended by
90/656/EEC and 91/692/EEC
Page 113 of 113
Air quality standards for Nitrogen Dioxide 85/203/EEC
amended by 85/580/EEC, 90/656/EEC and 91/692/EEC
EU Directive 88/609/EEC of 24/11/88 on the limitation of
emissions of certain pollutants into the air from large
combustion plants (amended by 90/656/EEC and
Council Regulation (EC) No. 3322/88 of 14th October, 1988
EU “Framework” Directive 92/30/EC on ambient air quality
assessment and management
Air Quality Framework 96/62/EEC including 3 older
Directives to be replaced by new requirements under the
Framework Directive
EU Directive 1999/13/EC of 11/03/99 on the limitation of
emissions of volatile organic compounds due to the use of
organic solvents in certain activities and installations
EU Directive 1999/30/EC relating to limit values for sulphur
dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and oxides of nitrogen, particulate
matter and lead in ambient air
Council Directive 1999/94/EC
EU Directive 2000/69/EC relating to limit values for benzene
and carbon monoxide in ambient air
Directive 2001/80/EC of the European Parliament and of the
Council – 23/10/2001 – on the limitation of emissions of
certain pollutants into the air from large combustion plants
EU Directive 2002/3/EC relating to ozone in ambient air
S. I. No. 190 of 1963 Road Traffic (Construction and Use of
Vehicles) Regulations, 1963
Page 114 of 114
European Communities (Vehicles Testing) Regulations,
S. I. No. 378 of 1985 European Communities (Lead Content
of Petrol) Regulations, 1985
S. I. No. 374 of 1986 European Communities (Lead Content
of Petrol) Regulations, 1986
S. I. No. 244 of 1987 Air Pollution Act, 1987 (Air Quality
Standards) Regulations, 1987
S. I. No. 212 of 1988 European Communities (Benzene
Content of Leaded Petrol) Regulations, 1988
S. I. No. 266 of 1988 Air Pollution Act, 1987 (Licensing of
Industrial Plant) Regulations, 1988
S. I. No. 298 of 1988 Air Pollution Act, 1987 (Authorised
Fuel) Regulations, 1988
S. I. No. 317 of 1988 Local Government (Planning and
Development) General Policy Directive, 1988
S. I. No. 333 of 1989 Air Pollution Act, 1987 (Retail Sale of
Fuels) Regulations, 1989
S. I. No. 28 of 1990 Air Pollution Act, 1987 (Emission Limit
Value for Use of Asbestos) Regulations, 1990
S. I. No. 123 of 1990 Air Pollution Act, 1987 (Marketing,
Sale and Distribution of Fuels) Regulations, 1990
S. I. No. 257 of 1991 Industrial Research and Standards
(Section 44) (Petroleum Coke and other Solid Fuels) Order,
S. I. No. 273 of 1992 Air Pollution Act, 1987 (Combustion
Plant) Regulations, 1992
Page 115 of 115
S. I. No. 274 of 1992 Air Pollution Act, 1987 (Marketing,
Sale and Distribution of Fuels) Regulations, 1992
S. I. No. 297 of 1993 Air Pollution Act, 1987 (Marketing,
Sale and Distribution of Fuels) (Amendment) Regulations,
S. I. No. 347 of 1993 Air Pollution Act, 1987 (Municipal
Waste Incineration) Regulations, 1993
S. I. No. 363 of 1993 European Communities (Mechanically
Propelled Vehicle Emission Control) Regulations, 1993
S. I. No. 194 of 1994 European Communities (Mechanically
Propelled Vehicle Emission Control) Regulations, 1994
S. I. No. 256 of 1994 Air Pollution Act, 1987 (Sulphur
Content of Gas Oil) Regulations, 1994
S. I. No. 264 of 1996 Air Pollution Act, 1987 (Emission Limit
Values for Combustion Plant) Regulations, 1996
S. I. No. 377 of 1996 Rules of the Superior Courts (No. 2) of
S. I. No. 374 of 1007 - Control of Volatile Organic
Compound Emissions Resulting from Petrol Storage and
Distribution Regulations 1997
S. I. No. 375 of 1997 Air Pollution Act, 1987 (Petroleum
Vapour Emissions) Regulations, 1997
S. I. No. 118 of 1998 Air Pollution Act, 1987 (Marketing,
Sale and Distribution of Fuels) Regulations, 1998
S. I. No. 278 of 2000 Air Pollution Act, 1987 (Marketing,
Sale and Distribution of Fuels) Regulations, 2000
Page 116 of 116
S. I. No. 339 of 2001 European Communities (Consumer
Information on Fuel Economy and CO2 Emissions of New
Passenger Cars) Regulations, 2001
S. I. No. 575 of 2001 Air Pollution Act, 1987 (Licensing of
Industrial Plant) (Fees Amendment) Regulations, 2001
National Standards Authority of Ireland Act, 1996 (Section
32) Regulations, 2001
S. I. No. 271 of 2002 Air Quality Standards Regulations
S. I. No. 543 of 2002 Emissions of Volatile Organic
Compounds from Organic Solvents Regulations 2002
S.I. No. 728/2007 — Sea Pollution (Prevention of Air
Pollution from Ships) Regulations 2007
Arsenic, Cadmium, Mercury, Nickel and Polycyclic Aromatic
Hydrocarbons in Ambient Air Regulations 2009 (S.I No. 058
of 2009)
European Communities (Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading)
(Aviation) Regulations 2009 (S.I No.274 of 2009)
Guidelines and circulars
DOEHLG Circular Letter AQ 2/97 – Implementation of Air
Pollution Act
DOEHLG Circular Letter AQ 3/97 – Implementation of Air
Pollution Act
DOEHLG Circular Letter AQ 6/97 –Air Pollution Act, 1987
(Petroleum Vapour Emissions)
DOEHLG Circular Letter A/C 1/2001 European Communities
(Consumer Information on Fuel Economy and CO2 Emissions
of New Passenger Cars) Regulations, 2001
Page 117 of 117
DOEHLG Circular Letter AQ 1/2002 - National Standards
Authority of Ireland Act, 1996 (Section 32) Regulations,
DOEHLG Circular Letter AC 3/02 - Air Quality Standards for
SO2, NOx, PM10, Lead, Benzene and CO – Air Quality
Standards Regulations 2002
DOEHLG Circular Letter AQ 1/03 - Emissions of Volatile
Organic Compounds from Organic Solvents Regulations
DOEHLG Circular Letter AQ 2/03 – Extension on the Ban on
the Marketing, Sale and Distribution of Bitumous Coal
DOEHLG Circular Letter AQ 3/03 – Strategy to Resource
Emission of Trans Boundary Air Pollution by 2010
Control of noise emission
Clare County Council facilitates third parties in taking action to
prevent or limit noise.
S. 106 to S. 108 of the Environmental Protection Agency
Act, 1992
S. 77 of the Roads Act, 1993
EU Directives
Directive 2005/88/EC on noise emissions
S. I. No. 190 of 1963 Road Traffic (Construction, Equipment
and Use of Vehicles) Regulations, 1963
Page 118 of 118
S. I. No. 320 of 1988 European Communities (Construction
Plant and Equipment) (Permissible Noise Levels)
Regulations, 1988
S. I. No. 102 of 1989 European Communities (Lawnmowers)
(Permissible Noise Levels) Regulations, 1989
S.I. No. 157 of 1990 – EC (Protection of Workers)(Exposure
to Noise) Regulations, 1990
S.I. No. 297 of 1990 - EC (Construction Plant and
Equipment)(Permissible Noise Levels) (Amendment)
Regulations, 1990
S.I. No. 179 of 1992 – EPA Act 1992 (Noise Regulations)
S. I. No. 178 of 1994 Environmental Protection Agency Act,
1992 (Commencement) (No.2) Order, 1994
S. I. No. 179 of 1994 Environmental Protection Agency Act,
1992 (Noise) Regulations, 1994
EPA Noise Regulations, 1994
S.I. No. 359 of 1996 - EC (Construction Plant and
Equipment) (Permissible Noise Levels) (Amendment)
Regulations, 1996
S.I. No. 320 of 1998 – EC (Construction Plant and
Equipment)(Permissible Noise Levels) Regulations, 1988
S.I. No. 632 of 2001 – EC (Noise Emissions by Equipment
for Use Outdoors) Regulations, 2001
Road Traffic (Construction, Equipment & use of Vehicles)
Regulations, 1963 – 2002
European Communities (Waste Water Treatment)
(Prevention of Odours and Noise) Regulations, 2005 (S.I.
No. 787 of 2005)
Page 119 of 119
Environmental Noise Regulations 2006 S.I. No. 140/2006
European Communities (Noise Emission by Equipment for
Use Outdoors) (Amendment) Regulations 2006 S.I. No.
Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (Control of Noise at
Work) Regulations 2006 S.I. No. 371/2006
Irish Aviation Authority (Noise Certification and Limitation)
Order, 2009 S.I. No. 492/2009
Dangerous substances
The dangerous substances regulations prescribe water quality
standards in respect of 14 dangerous substances in surface waters
(rivers, lakes and tidal waters). These include:
Pesticides (atrazine, simazine, tributyltin)
Solvents (dichloromethane, toluene, xylene)
Metals (arsenic, chromium, copper, lead, nickel, zinc)
Other substances such as cyanide and fluoride
Water quality targets set in the regulations must be met by 2010.
Where the existing condition of waters does not meet a particular
standard, there must be no deterioration in water quality in the
New licences granted by the Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) and local authorities must reflect the prescribed
standards. Existing licences had to be reviewed, and revised where
necessary on the basis of meeting the prescribed standards by July
Water Safety – Sanitary Services Act, 1964
Dangerous Substances – Dangerous Substances Act, 1979
Page 120 of 120
Dangerous Substances Act, 1972 – Guide to the storage or
keeping of petroleum spirit
Dangerous Substances Act, 1972
Dangerous Substances (Retail & Petroleum) Stores
Regulations, 1979
Dangerous Substances (Retail & Petroleum) Stores
(Amendment) Regulations
Dangerous Substances (Conveyance of Petroleum by Road)
Regulations, 1979
Dangerous Substances (Oil Jetties) Regulations, 1979
Dangerous Substances (Bulk Storage) Regulations 1979
Dangerous Substances (Licensing Fee) Regulations1979
Dangerous Substances (Conveyance of Scheduled
Substances by Road) (Trade or Business) Regulations, 1980
S.I. No. 107/2000 — European Communities (Dangerous
Substances and Preparations)(Marketing and Use)
Regulations, 2000
E.U. Control of Major Accident Hazards involving Dangerous
Regulations, 2000 S.I. 476 of 2000
Water Quality (Dangerous Substances) Regulations, 2001
S.I. No. 12/2001
Dangerous Substances (Retail and Private Petroleum Stores)
(Amendment) Regulations, 2001 S.I. No. 584/2001
Page 121 of 121
Dangerous Substances (Retail and Private Petroleum Stores)
(Amendment) Regulations 2002 S.I. No. 624/2002
European Communities (Classification, Packaging, Labelling
and Notification of Dangerous Substances) Regulations 2003
S.I. No. 116/2003
European Communities (Dangerous Substances and
Preparations) (Marketing and Use) Regulations 2003 S.I.
No. 116/2003
European Communities (Control of Major Accident Hazards
Involving Dangerous Substances) (Amendment) Regulations
2003 S.I. No. 402/2003
European Communities (Dangerous Substances and
Preparations) (Marketing and Use) (Amendment)
Regulations 2003 S.I. No. 503/2003
European Communities (Dangerous Substances and
Preparations) (Marketing and Use) (Amendment)
Regulations 2004 S.I. No. 852/2004
Dangerous Substances (Retail and Private Petroleum Stores)
(Amendment) Regulations 2004 S.I. No. 860/2004
European Communities (Classification, Packaging, Labelling
and Notification of Dangerous Substances) (Amendment)
Regulations 2006 S.I. No. 25/2006
European Communities (Control of Major Accident Hazards
Involving Dangerous Substances) Regulations 2006 S.I. No.
European Communities (Dangerous Substances and
Preparations) (Marketing and Use)(Amendment) Regulations
2006 S.I. No. 364/2006
Page 122 of 122
Dangerous Substances (Retail and Private Petroleum Stores)
(Amendment) Regulations 2006 S.I. No. 630/2006
European Communities (Dangerous Substances and
Preparations) (Marketing and Use) (Amendment)
Regulations 2007 S.I. No. 746/2007
Dangerous Substances (Retail and Private Petroleum Stores)
(Amendment) Regulations 2008 S.I. No. 593/2008
European Communities (Control of Dangerous Substances in
Aquaculture) Regulations 2008 S.I. No. 466/2008
European Communities (Dangerous Substances and
Preparations) (Marketing and Use) (Amendment)
Regulations 2008 S.I. No. 371/2008
European Communities (Classification, Packaging, Labelling
and Notification of Dangerous Substances) Regulations 2008
S.I. No. 272/2008
European Communities (Control of Dangerous Substances
From offshore Installations) Regulations 2009 S.I. No.
Guidelines and circulars
Annual D.O.E Circulars
Control of animals, trading and intoxicating substances
Control of Dogs
All dog owners are responsible for the licensing their dogs and for
keeping them under proper control. The council deals with the
licensing of dogs and the control of dogs generally, including strays,
in co-operation with animal welfare agencies including the Irish
Page 123 of 123
Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ISPCA). Dog
licences can be purchased from any Post Office.
Control of Dogs Act, 1986
Control of Dogs (Amendment) Act, 1992
S. 107 and S. 108 of the Environmental Protection Agency
Act, 1992
S. 22 of the Litter Pollution Act, 1997
Euro Changeover (Amounts) Act, 2001
S. I. No. 16 of 1987 – (Commencement) Order, 1987
S. I. No. 30 of 1987 – Control of Dogs Remuneration, 1987
S. I. No. 59 of 1987 – Control of Dogs (No. 2) Regulations,
S. I. No. 79 of 1987 – (Commencement) No.2 Order 1987
Control of Dogs Act, 1986
S. I. No. 255 of 1988 Control of Dogs Act, 1986 (Guard
Dogs) Regulations, 1988
S. I. No. 329 of 1989 Control of Dogs Act, 1986 (Guard
Dogs) (Amendment) Regulations, 1989
S. I. No. 123 of 1991 – (Restriction of Certain Dogs)
Regulations, 1991
S. I. No. 146 of 1991 – (Restriction of Certain Dogs)
(Amendment) Regulations, 1991
S. I. No. 442 of 1998 Control of Dogs Regulations, 1998
Page 124 of 124
Importation of Dogs and Cats Order, 2003 S.I. No.
Guidelines and circulars
DOEHLG Circular LSS 8/99 – Disposal by Local Authorities of
Carcasses of Dead Dogs
DOEHLG Circular LSS 6/01 – Dog License Fees and Dog
DOEHLG Circular LSS 8/02 – Control of Dogs Act - Local
Authorities Returns for 2001 and related matters
DOEHLG Circular LSS 05/02 – Control of Dogs Act - Local
Authorities Returns for 2002 and related matters
DOEHLG Circular LSS 2/04 – Control of Dogs Act - Local
Authorities Returns for 2003 and related matters
Control of Horses
The council has power to make bye-laws for the control of horses in
its area.
Animals Act, 1985
Control of Horses Act, 1996
S. I. No. 306 of 1985 Pounds Regulations, 1985
S. I. No. 30 of 1995 Pounds (Amendment) Regulations,
Control of Horses Regulations, 1997 S.I. No. 171/1997
Page 125 of 125
The Diseases of Animals Act, 1966 (Foot-And-Mouth
Disease) (Restriction on Movement of Horses) (Amendment)
Order, 2001 S.I. No. 216/2001
Beach Bye-Laws 2008
Stray animals may be impounded by the local authority. The
council maintains a pound and employs a caretaker who looks after
impounded animals.
Pounds (Provision and Maintenance) Act, 1935
Animals Act, 1985
S. I. No. 306 of 1985 Pounds Regulations, 1985
S. I. No. 30 of 1995 Pounds (Amendment) Regulations,
Abattoirs and disease control
Responsibility for food safety rests with the Food Safety Authority of
Ireland (FSAI). Provision is made however for service contracts
between the FSAI and local authorities. Local authorities have
responsibility under the Abattoirs Act and the Public Health Acts to
ensure that standards of hygiene in abattoirs etc. are maintained,
and that all abattoirs in the council area are operated in accordance
with legislation and regulations. The veterinary section of a local
authority is therefore concerned with the supervision and control of
the production, distribution and sale of food of animal origin.
Page 126 of 126
Agriculture Act, 1931
Slaughter of Animals Act, 1935
Health Act, 1947
Disease of Animals Act(s) 1966-1996
EC Act, 1972
Abattoirs Act, 1988
Food Safety Authority of Ireland Act, 1988
Agriculture (Research, Training & Advice) Act, 1988
Animal Remedies Act, 1993
EU directives
Council Directive 64/433/EEC of 26 June 1964 as amended
Council Directive 91/494/EEC of 19 July 1991 amending
EU Directive 91/497
Council Directive 91/498/EEC of 29 July 1991
EU Directive 92/5
Council Directive 93/11/EEC
Council Directive 93/11/EC (on the protection of animals at
the time of slaughter or killing
EU Directive 94/65
Council Directive 95/23/EEC of 22 June 1995
Health Act, 1947 (Food Hygiene Regulations 1950) as
Page 127 of 127
Poisons (Control of Residues in Food of Animal Origin)
Regulations 1985
EC (Veterinary Medicinal Products) Regulations, 1986
S.I. No. 152 of 1989 – Abattoirs Act 1988 (Abattoirs)
Regulations 1989
EC (Control of Veterinary Medicinal Products and their
Residues) Regulations, 1990
S.I. No. 88 of 1992 – Abattoirs Act 1988 (Commencement)
Order 1992
Abattoirs (Health Mark) Regulations 1992
Abattoirs Act, 1988 (Veterinary Examination) Regulations
S.I. No. 89 of 1992 – Abattoirs Act 1988 (Veterinary
Examination) Regulations 1992
EC (Protection of Animals at Time of Slaughter) Regulations,
EC (Welfare of Calves) Regulations, 1995
EC (Welfare of Pigs) Regulations, 1995
EC (Rabbit Meat and Farmed Game Meat) Regulations, 1995
EC (Wild Game Meat) Regulations, 1995
Animals Remedies Regulations, 1996
Abattoirs (Control of Designated Bovine Offal) Regulations
Abattoirs (Health Mark)(Amendment) Regulations 1997
S.I. No. 66 of 1997 – The European Communities (Fresh
Meat) Regulations 1997
Page 128 of 128
S.I. No. 144 of 1998 – Diseases of Animals (BSE)(Specified
Risk Material) Order 1998
S.I. No. 12 of 1998 - Abattoirs Act, 1988
(Abattoirs)(Amendment) Regulations 1998
Control of Animal Remedies & their Residues Regulations,
Abattoirs Act, 1988 (Veterinary Examination) (Amendment)
Regulations 1999
Abattoirs Act, 1988 (Abattoirs) (Amendment) Regulations
EC (Specified Risk Material) Regulations, 2000-2001
Diseases of Animals (BSE)(Specified Risk Material) Order
EC (Minced Meat and Meat Preparation) Regulations, 1996
EC (Meat products and other Products of Animal Origin)
Regulations, 1995 and 1997
EC (Labelling of Beef and Beef Products) Regulations, 2000
Abattoirs Act 1988 (Veterinary Examination) (Amendment)
Regulations 2003 S.I. No. 153/2003
Diseases of Animals Act 1966 (Foot-and- Mouth Disease)
(Regulation of Sheep Shearers) (Revocation) Order 2007 S.I. No.
Abattoirs Act 1988 (Veterinary Examination and Health Mark)
Regulations 2009 S.I. No. 154/2009
Abattoirs Act 1988 (Veterinary Examination and Health
Mark)(No. 2) Regulations 2009 S.I. No. 373/2009
Page 129 of 129
Guidelines and circulars
EPA Guidance Notes on Emergency disposal of animals
arising from FMD Outbreak (March, 2001)
Foot and Mouth Disease (Circular FMD 1/02)
Foot and Mouth Disease (Letter March, 2003)
Recommendations of the Expert Group in relation to Foot &
Mouth Disease Controls
Updated guidance note on emergency disposal of animals
arising from foot and mouth disease
Precautionary measures against the possible spread of FMD
(Circular 08/01)
FSAI Guidance Notes
Milk and dairies
Local authorities have responsibility for the inspection of milk
production holdings which supply milk for the preparation of heat
treated drinking milk. The sale of raw milk is illegal in Ireland.
Milk & Dairies Act(s), 1935-156
Health Act, 1947
Milk (Regulations of Supply) Act 1994
EU directives
EU Directive 92/46 EEC on the Hygienic Production of Milk
and Milk Based Products
Milk and Dairies Regulations 1938-1962
Page 130 of 130
Food Hygiene Regulations 1950 (as amended)
Milk and Dairies Act, 1935 (Sale of Milk) Order, 1984. S.I.
No. 78/1984
Poisons (control of residues in foods of animal origin)
Regulations, 1985
S.I. No. 9 of 1996 – EC (Hygienic Production and Placing on
the Market of Raw Milk, Heated Milk and Milk based
products) Regulations, 1996
E.C Production Processing & Placing on the Market of Milk &
Milk based
European Communities (Milk Quota) Regulations 2008 S.I.
No. 227/2008
European Communities (Milk Quota) (Amendment) (No. 2)
Regulations 2006 S.I. No. 284/2006
Guidelines and circulars
Dept of Agriculture, Food & Forestry Guidelines for the inspection of
the on-farm structural facilities and hygienic practises on a milk
production holding.
Casual trading
Casual Trading Act, 1995
Casual Trading Act, 1995 (Forms) Regulations, 1996. S.I.
No. 146/1996
Page 131 of 131
Casual Trading Act 1995 (Section 2(3)) Regulations 2004
S.I. No. 191/2004
Casual Trading Bye-Laws 2008
Control of the consumption of intoxicating substances in
public places
Intoxicating Liquor (National Conference Centre) Act 2010
Intoxicating Liquor Act 2008
Intoxicating Liquor Act 2004
Intoxicating Liquor Act 2003 (Section 21) Regulations 2004
S.I. No. 271/2004
District Court (Intoxicating Liquor) Rules, 2005 S.I. No.
Intoxicating Liquor Act 2003 (Section 21) Regulations 2005
S.I. No. 824/2005
Intoxicating Liquor Act 1988 (Age Card) Regulations 2007
S.I. No. 159/2007
Intoxicating Liquor Act 2008 (Commencement) Order 2008
S.I. No. 286/2008
Intoxicating Liquor Act 2003 (Section 21) Regulations 2008
S.I. No. 388/2008
District Court (Intoxicating Liquor Act 2008) Rules 2009 S.I.
No. 174/2009
Intoxicating Liquor Act 2003 (Section 21) Regulations 2010.
S.I. No. 160/2010
Page 132 of 132
County Clare (Regulation and Control of the Consumption of
Substances in Public Places) Bye Laws 2006
Access to information – environment
The access to information on the environment regulations set out
the procedures for public access to information relating to the
environment, held by public authorities. Requests should be made
in writing and generally, should be replied to within one month of
receipt. Reasonable charges may be made having regard to the
cost of making available the information. Public authorities may
refuse requests on certain mandatory grounds (e.g. personnel
information/third party information) or discretionary grounds (e.g.
commercial confidentiality/matters “Sub Judice” etc.).
EU directives
EU Directive 2003/4/EC, on the public access to information
on the environment.
Integrated Pollution Control Licensing – EPA Act, 1992
(Established Activities) Order, 1988
S.I. No. 133 of 2007 – Access to Information on the
Environment Regulations, 2007
Guidelines and circulars
DOEHLG Circular EPS 2/93 – Access to Information on the
Environment Regulations, 1993
DOEHLG Circular EPS 2/95 – Review of Access to
Information on the Environment Regulations, 1995
Page 133 of 133
DOEHLG Circular EPS 3/96 – Access to Information on the
Environment Regulations, 1996
DOEHLG Circular EPS 6/98 - European Communities Act,
1972 (Access to Information on the Environment)
Regulations, 1998
DOEHLG Circular EPS/01/01 - Access to Information on the
Environmental impact assessment
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is the process by which the
anticipated effects on the environment of a proposed development
or project are measured. If the likely effects are unacceptable,
design measures or other relevant mitigation measures can be
taken to reduce or avoid those effects.
The document from this process is called an Environmental Impact
Statement (EIS).
Projects listed in Annex I have mandatory EIA requirements. The
Planning Authority makes decisions on a case-by-case basis on
whether Annex II projects require an EIA.
Thresholds have been set for Annex II projects. Even if schemes
fall below the legal threshold for an Environmental Impact
Statement, it is necessary to demonstrate that the scheme was
developed taking into account environmental considerations, and
studies assessing the environmental impacts should be carried out.
EIA requirements in Ireland are incorporated into planning laws and
other infrastructural consent systems.
Page 134 of 134
EU directives
Directive 97/11/EC on the assessment of the effects of
certain public and private projects on the environment
Directive 85/337/EEC on the assessment of the effects of
certain public and private projects on the environment
Directive 2003/35/EC of the European Parliament providing
for public participation in respect of the drawing up of
certain plans and programmes relating to the environment
European Communities (Environmental Impact
(Assessment) Regulations 1989
European Communities (Environmental Impact
(Assessment) (Amendment) Regulations 1994
European Communities (Environmental Impact
(Assessment) (Amendment Regulations 1996
European Communities (Environmental Impact
(Assessment) (Amendment) Regulations 1998
European Communities (Environmental Impact Assessment)
(Amendment) Regulations 1999
European Communities (Environmental Impact Assessment)
(Amendment) S.I. No. 450/2000
European Communities (Environmental Impact Assessment)
(Amendment) S.I. No. 538/2001
European Communities (Environmental Impact Assessment)
(Amendment) S.I. No. 659/2006
European Communities (Environmental Impact Assessment)
(Forestry Consent System) (Amendment) Regulations 2006
S.I. No. 168/2006
Page 135 of 135
Records/files held
Water Pollution Acts (discharge licences)
Pollution complaints (prosecutions)
Waste disposal
Casual trading
Dangerous substances (petroleum licences)
Noise pollution
Animals, abattoirs, slaughter licences
Nuisance/illegal dumping
Caravan site licences
Atmospheric pollution
Oil pollution incidents (Co. Clare coastline)
EU Directive – Noxious Weeds Act, 1936
Miscellaneous – adverts, managers orders
Sewerage complaints
Environmental campaign
Blue flag beaches
Potentially dangerous drugs washed ashore
Abandoned vehicles
Dog control
Boats (Jet-ski regulations)
Major emergency plan
Page 136 of 136
Water services section
Register maintained under European Communities (Waste Water
Treatment) (prevention of odour and noise) Regulations 2005
Environment section
DOEHLG Circular L8/03 (WSP) Licensing of Trade Effluent
Discharges to Sewers under Section 16 of the Local
Government (Water Pollution) Act 1977
Local Government (Water Pollution) Act, 1977 (Discharge of
Trade Effluent and Sewage Effluent to Waters) Regulations,
Air Pollution Act, 1987
S. I. No. 543 of 2002 Emissions of Volatile Organic
Compounds from Organic Solvents Regulations 2002
Schedule 5 Limitation of Emissions of Volatile Organic
Compounds Due to the Use of Organic Solvents in Certain
Paints, Varnishes and Vehicle Refinishing Products
Regulations 2007 (S.I. No. 199 of 2007)
Waste Management (Collection Permit) Regulations, 2007
(S.I. No. 820 of 2007) (as amended by the Waste
Management (Collection Permit) (Amendment) Regulations,
2008 (S.I. No. 87 of 2008)
Waste Management (Facility Permit and Registration)
Regulations, 2007 (S.I. No. 821 of 2007) (as amended by
the Waste Management (Facility Permit and Registration)
(Amendment) Regulations 2008 (S.I. No. 86 of 2008))
Page 137 of 137
Community and enterprise and emergency
The procedures, practices and guidelines, which govern the
activities of the community and enterprise and emergency services
directorate are set out below:
County development board
The department facilitates the county development board in
developing and implementing a ten-year strategy for the economic,
social and cultural development of the county
Integrated Strategy for the Social, Economic and Cultural
Development of County Clare (“Shaping the Future”) –
February 2002
Procedures and Protocol of Clare County Development Board
– Updated September 2004
Preparing the Ground: Guidelines for the Progress from
Strategy Groups to County/City Development Boards –
DoEHLG – April 1999
A Shared Vision for County/City Development Boards –
DoEHLG – May 2000
Shaping the Future – Priorities 2006 – 2008
National Development Plan 2007 – 2013
County Enterprise Strategy - Collaborating to Compete 2008
- 2010
Social, Economic and Cultural Profile of County Clare – June
Page 138 of 138
RAPID Guidance Documentation and Implementation Plans
County Clare Recreation & Sport Strategy 2009-2011
Integrated Strategy for the Co-Ordination of services to
Immigrant Communities in County Clare 2009 – 2012
County Clare Tourism Strategy 2010-2012
County Clare Social Inclusion Strategy 2010-2012
County Clare Environment & Rural Development Strategy
County Clare Energy & Climate Change Strategy 2010-2012
Draft Integrated Strategy for the delivery of services to
members of the Travelling Community 2010-2013
Clare - Live the Life
Service Information Guide for Lone Parents Living in County
Clare 2009
Study into the Barriers and Challenges facing Lone Parents
in County Clare
Quality of Life in Ennis – Key Indicators, Trends and
Marketing Options for Hub Towns
Review of County/City Development Board (CDB) Strategies
2009 to 2012 – Key Trends
Review of County/City Development Board (CDB) Strategies
2009 to 2012 – Policy Review
Review of Research into Key Target Groups to Inform the
County Clare Social Inclusion Strategy
Our Elders – The Post Independence Generation in Clare
Connect with Clare
Page 139 of 139
Annual Reports
Enterprise – Clare Business Listings Database
Audit of Community, Arts and Sports Facilities –
Community support
CLAR Funding Guidelines
Small Scale Funding for Existing Youth Cafes guidelines
Guidelines on Small Scale funding for existing youth cafes guidelines
Social, Community & Capital Grants Scheme 2006/2007
Community Smoke Alarm Scheme
National children’s strategy
The county development board is tasked with co-ordinating with the
relevant agencies to ensure that county structures are set up to
give children a voice and to ensure that a “whole child” perspective
is included in the ten-year strategy for economic, social and cultural
Comhairle na nÓg are local youth councils, which give children and
young people the opportunity to be involved in the development of
local services and policies. The National Children’s Strategy sets
out three primary goals for children in Ireland. The first of these is
that children will have ‘a voice in matters which affect them and to
ensure that their views are given due weight in accordance with
Page 140 of 140
their age and maturity’ (2000:30). The Dáil na nÓg was set up ‘to
provide a national forum where children can raise and debate issues
of concern to them on a periodic basis’ (2000:32). Comhairle na
nÓg were set up in the 34 City and County Development Boards
around the country to support, at the local level, the work of Dáil na
The National Children’s Strategy
National Play Policy
Comhairle na n-Og Action Plan
• na-nog/
Page 141 of 141
Fire services and building control
Rules, guidelines and precedents used by the fire services and
building control section of Clare County Council.
Fire fighting and operations
Fire Services Act 1981 & 2003
Fire Authority (Emergency Operations) Regulations S.I. 210
of 1987
Fire and operations plan adopted by the council
Clare County Council’s Major Emergency Plan
Ancillary Safety Statement for the Fire Service
Safety Health and Welfare at Work Act, 2005
European Communities (Control of Major Accident Hazards
Involving Dangerous Substances) Regulations S.I. 476 of
2000 & S.I. 74 of 2006
Major emergency plan
A Framework for Major Emergency Management Appendices (2006)
Clare Local Authorities Major Emergency Plan 2008
Framework for Major Emergency Management (2006)
A Framework for Major emergency Management Appendices
Clare Local Authorities Major Emergency Plan (2008)
Training of operational personnel
Fire Service Council Recruit Firefighter & Breathing
Apparatus Notes
Fire Service Council Drill Book
Page 142 of 142
Fire Service Council On Station Training Guidelines
DoEHLG “Use of Breathing Apparatus Guidelines, 1995”
Fire Service Council Fire-Fighter Handbook
Fire Service Council Junior Officer Handbook
Fire Service Council Senior Officer Handbook
Fire safety and prevention
Fire Services Act 1981 & 2003
Fire Services Act (Prescribed Premises) Regulations S.I.319
of 1989
Fire Safety in Places of Public Assembly (Ease of Escape)
Regulations S.I. 249 of 1985
Dangerous substances act 1972
Dangerous Substances (Retail & private petroleum Stores)
Regulations SI 311 1979 and subsequent amendments, SI
424 of 1999, SI 624 of 2002, SI 860 of 2004, SI 630 of
(Retail & private petroleum Stores) (Amendment)
Regulations SI 303 of 1988
(Retail & private petroleum Stores) (Amendment)
Regulations SI 424 of 1999
(Petroleum Bulk Stores) Regulations SI 313 of 1979 as
(Oil Jetties) Regulations SI 312 of 1979
Air pollution act 1987
Petroleum Vapour Emissions Regulations 1997 S.I. No. 375
of 1997
Page 143 of 143
Dangerous Substances (Storage of L. P. G.) Regulations S.I.
201 of 1990
IS 3216 part 2 1989 Code of Practice for the Bulk Storage of
Liquefied Petroleum Gas
Note for automotive use
IS 3216 part 1 1988 Code of Practice for the Bulk Storage of
Liquefied Petroleum Gas
IS 3213 1987 Code of Practice for Storage of LPG Cylinders
and cartridges
IS 813 1996 Domestic Gas Installations
IS 820 2000 Non Domestic Gas Installations
Building control
Building control act 1990 to 2007 (No. 21 of 2007)
S.I. No 352 of 2009 Building Control Act 2007
(Commencement) Order 2009
Building control regulations 1997 – 2009
Building Control Regulations Amendment (No. 1)
Regulations 2000, SI No. 10 of 2000: Revised Fire Safety
Certificate application form, Building Control Register, An
Board Pleanala issues
S.I. No.85 of 2004 (Building Control (Amendment)
Regulations 2004- Commencement Notices
S.I. no 351 of 2009 Building Control (Amendment)
Regulations 2009
Building regulations 1997- 2009
S.I 497 of 1997 and subsequent amendments
Page 144 of 144
Building Regulations (Amendment) Regs 2000, SI No. 249 of
2000:Revised Part D
Building Regulations (Amendment) (No.2) Regulations 2000,
SI No. 179 of 2000: Revised Part M
Building Regulations (Amendment) (No.3) Regulations 2000,
SI No. 441 of 2000: Exemption of private electrical utilities
Building Regulations (Amendment) Regulations S.I. No. 566
of 2009 (Part F)
European Communities (Energy Performance of Buildings)
Regs S.I. No. 872 of 2005
S.I. No 854 of 2007 (Part L)
Building Regulations (Amendment) Regulations S.I. No. 259
of 2008Revised Part L
Building Regulations (Amendment) Regulations S.I. No. 115
of 2006 Revised Part B
Building Regulations (Amendment) Regulations S.I. No. 666
of 2006 European Communities (Energy Performance of
Buildings) Regulations 2006
S.I. no 229 of 2008 European Communities (Energy
performance of Buildings) (Amendment) regulations 2008
Technical guidance documents to the building regulations
Part A – Structure – 1997 Regs. (Reprint May 2005)
Part B – Fire Safety – 2006 Regs.
Part C – Site Preparation and Resistance to Moisture – 1997
(Regs.) (Sept 2004)
Part D – Materials and Workmanship – 2001 Regs. (Reprint
May 05)
Page 145 of 145
Part E – Sound – 1997 Regs. (Reprint May 2005)
Part F – Ventilation – 2009 Regs (reprint May 2009)
Part G – Hygiene – 1997 Regs. (Reprint May 2005)
Part H – Drainage and Waste Water Disposal – 1997 Regs.
(Reprint May 2005)
Part J – Heat Producing Appliances – 1997 Regs. (Reprint
May 2005)
Part K – Stairways, Ladders, Ramps and Guards – 1997
Regs. (Reprint May 2005)
Part L – Conservation of Fuel and Energy – Buildings Other
than Dwellings 2008 regs (reprint October 2008)
Part L – Conservation of Fuel and Energy Dwelling– 2008
Regs. (Reprint December 2008)
Part M – Access for People with Disabilities – 2000 Regs.
(Reprint May 2005)
All DoEHLG documents available from Government Publications
Office, Dublin.
Irish Standards
IS 3217:2009 Emergency Lighting
IS 3218:2009 Fire Detection and Alarm Systems for
Buildings – System Design, Installation, Servicing and
Guidance documents on fire safety issued by DoEHLG
“Code of Practice for Fire Safety of Furnishings and Fittings
in Places of Public Assembly” as issued by DoE in March,
Page 146 of 146
“Code of practice for the Management of Fire Safety in
places of Public Assembly” as issued by DoE in February,
"Guide to Fire Precautions in Existing Hotels Guesthouses
and similar premises" as issued by DoE in 1989
“Fire Safety in Nursing Homes” as issued by DoE in July,
“Fire Safety in Pre-Schools” as issued by DoEHLG, 1999
“Fire Safety in Flats” as issued by DoE in July, 1994
“Fire Safety in Hostels” as issued by DoEHLG, 1998
“Fire Safety in Guest Accommodation” as issued by DoEHLG,
“Guide to Fire Precautions in Community-Based Residences
for Mentally Handicapped or Mentally Ill People” as issued by
DoE in November, 1987
“Code of Practice for Safety at Indoor Concerts” as issued by
DoEHLG, 1998
“Code of Practice for Safety at Outdoor Pop Concerts and
other Musical Events” as issued by DoE, 1996
BS5588 series as referenced in TGD B Fire Safety to the
Building Regulations, 1997
BS 5588:Fire precautions in the design, construction and
use of buildings
Part 0: 1996 Guide to fire safety codes of practice for
particular premises/applications
Part 1: 1990 Code of practice for residential buildings
Page 147 of 147
Part 4: 1998 Code of practice for smoke control using
pressure differentials
Part 5: 1991 Code of practice for firefighting stairs and lifts
Part 6: 1991 Code of practice for places of Assembly
Part 7: 1997 Code of practice for the incorporation of atria
in buildings
Part 8: 1999 Code of practice for means of escape for
disabled people
Part 9: 1999 Code of practice for ventilation and air
conditioning ductwork
Part 10: 1991 Code of practice for shopping complexes
Part 11: 1997 Code of practice for shops, offices, industrial,
storage and other similar buildings
BS 5839: Part 6 – 2004 Fire Detection and Fire Alarm
Systems for Buildings
BS 5423:1995 (EN3:1995) Specification for Portable Fire
“Fire and the Design of Educational buildings” as issued by
Department of Education and Science (UK), 1988 available
from HMSO UK
BS9999 2008 Code of Practice for Fire Safety in the Design,
Management and Use of Buildings
Page 148 of 148
Organisational Chart of the Fire and Building Control Section
County Manager
Director of Services
Community & Enterprise
and Emergency Services
Chief Fire &
Building Control Officer
Building Control
Senior Assistant
Chief Fire Officer
Senior Assistant
Chief Fire Officer
Senior Assistant
Chief Fire Officer
Senior Staff Officer
Major Emergency
Station Officer
Chief Fire Officer
Sub-Station Officer
Chief Fire Officer
Chief Fire Officer
Chief Fire Officer
Fire Officer
Chief Fire Officer
Chief Fire Officer
Clerical Officer
Fire Officer
x 57
Civil defence
Rules, guidelines and precedents used by the Civil Defence Section
of Clare County Council.
Air Raid Precautions Acts, 1939-46
Towards 2000 initiative, Department of Defence training
Organisation of Civil Defence, Circulars, 12/90 & 2/91
Regulations regarding active member and age of civil
defence members, 7/91
Guidelines to develop good safety practice for civil defence,
Page 149 of 149
Clerical Officer
Civil Defence Act 2002
Civil Defence Circular 23/09 Garda Vetting Policy and Child
Protection Policy
Finance and human resources
Rules, guidelines and precedents used by the finance section of
Clare County Council.
Legislation relating to books, accounts and records, requirement to
prepare the budget, dates and budget meeting, power to borrow
money and authorise overdraft facilities, co-ordination of accounts
and procedures.
Local Government Act 2001
Local Government(Financial Procedures & Audit) Regulations
2002 (S.I. 508 2002)
Local Government (Financial Procedures & Audit)
(Amendment) Order 2008 (S.I. 467/2008)
Accounting Code of Practice
Circulars Fin 24 / 2003, 02/ 2004, 07/2004, 11/2004,
06/2008, 10/2009
Power to levy charges for services
Local Government (Financial Provisions) (No. 2) Act 1983
Value for money
Local Government Act 1991
Local Government (Financial Provisions) Act 1997
DOHELG –VFM Unit –Reports
Page 150 of 150
Administration of higher education grants scheme
Local Authorities (Higher Education Grants) Act 1968.
Local Authorities (Higher Education Grants) Act 1978.
Local Authorities (Higher Education Grants) Act, 1992.
Annual Higher Education Grant Scheme.
Department circulars issued by Department of the
Environment, Heritage and Local Government in line with
national agreements
Holiday Pay (Employees Act) 1973
Regular (Part-Time) Employees Act 1991
Recoupment Rates For Officers
Sick Pay – Local Scheme
Overtime – DOEHLG Circulars
Holiday Pay Entitlements
Starting Pay On Promotion – Circulars
Incremental Credit – Temporary Staff – Circulars
Acting Allowances
Introduction of Full P.R.S.I. – Circular CL 695 LAS
P.A.Y.E. – Employer’s Guide as issued by Revenue
P.R.S.I. – SW (PRSI 3) issued by the Dept of Social Welfare
Paragraph 52 Appendix to Circular LA/P4/96
Page 151 of 151
Circular S17/97 (Superannuation of Acting Allowances)
Sub-contractor and withholding tax
Taxes Consolidation Act 1997
Water charges
Public Health Act 1878
Local Government Act 1962
Financial Provisions Act 1983
Local Govt (Delimitation of Water Supplies /Disconnection
Powers) Act 1995
Financial Provisions Act 1997 and Circular Fin 12/97
Waiver of charges
Circulars as issued by DOEHLG
Service - payment of wages and salaries to staff
Processing of wages and salaries for all staff including deduction of
P.A.Y.E. and P.R.S.I. and other statutory and non-statutory
deductions and for all returns relating to same.
Payment of Wages Act 1991
Holidays (Employees) Acts, 1973 and 1991
Worker Protection (Regular Part-Time Employees) Act, 1991
Various Finance Acts
Page 152 of 152
Local Government Officers Regulations, 1943 and
Guidelines and circulars
Rates of Wages and Salaries- Circulars
Payment of Acting Allowances- Circulars
Payment of Overtime -Circulars
Starting Pay On Promotion - Circulars
Increments For Temporary Staff- Circulars
Allowances For Outdoor Staff: Listing of Rates of Allowances
P.A.Y.E. Employers Guide
P.R.S.I. Employers Guide
Sick Leave (Officers)- Circular s and Local Government
Officers Regulations, 1943
Sick Leave (Employees)- Local Authorities Sick Pay Scheme
Special Leave - Circulars
Holiday Pay Employees - Holidays (Employees) Act 1973
and Worker
Protection (Regular Part-Time Employees) Act, 1991 as
Computer Payroll System: User Manual
Local Interpretations, Procedures and Practices
Page 153 of 153
Service - payment for goods and services (creditors
payments) including higher education grants
Processing of payment for goods and services on receipt of invoices
and approval for payment.
Local Government (Financial Provisions) Act 1997
Local Government Act, 1991
Prompt Payment of Accounts Act, 1997
Higher Education Grants Act, 1968, 1978 & 1992
Local Government (Expenses of Local Authority Members)
Regulations, 1993
Guidelines and circulars
General - Local Authorities Payment Procedures and
Tax Clearance - Circulars
Withholding Tax- Revenue Commissioners Notes For
Guidance of Accountable Persons in relation to Withholding
Tax on Professional Services
Relevant Contracts Tax: Revenue Commissioners
Explanatory Notes for Principal Contractors
Members Expenses - Guidelines on New System of
Councillors Expenses and Circulars
Travelling and Subsistence Allowances- Circulars
Page 154 of 154
Higher Education Grants - Local Authority Higher Grants
Scheme and Dept of Education Guidelines on Higher
Education Grants Scheme
Computer Payments: User Manual
Local Interpretations, Procedures and Practices
Service - payment of pensions to former staff of
Clare County Council and spouses & children, where
Calculation of pensions and lump sums for retiring staff and
payment of same. Calculation of lump sum for V.E.C. staff is
carried out by the V.E.C. and paid by the county council.
Local Government Superannuation Act, 1980.
Local Government (Superannuation) (Gratuities)
Regulations, 1984.
Guidelines and circulars
Pension Increases- Circular
Local Government (Superannuation Revision)
(Consolidation) Scheme, 1986
Local Government Employees (Widows & Orphans
Contributory Pension) Scheme
Local Government Officers (Widows & Orphans Contributory
Pension) Scheme
Page 155 of 155
Local Government Employees (Widows & Orphans Ex Gratia
Pension) Scheme
Local Government Officers (Widows & Orphans Ex Gratia
Pension) Scheme
Local Government Employees (Spouses & Childrens
Contributory Pension) Scheme
Local Government Officers (Spouses & Childrens
Contributory Pension) Scheme
Service - budget
A draft budget is prepared annually by the Director of Service for
finance, accountants and senior administrative and technical staff
and approved by the county manager. Statutory budget meetings
are open to the public and are held each year between the 25th
November and 13th January. Public notice of budget meeting is
given in local press. Budget booklets are available for inspection
during opening hours at the County Council Offices and County
Library. A copy of the budget booklet may be purchased for a
nominal charge.
City & County Management (Amendment) Act, 1955
Local Government (Financial Provisions) Act, 1978
Local Government (Financial Provisions) No. 2 Act, 1983
Local Government (Financial Provisions) Act, 1997
Local Government Superannuation Act, 1991
Local Government Act, 1994
Local Government Act 2001
Page 156 of 156
Local Government(Financial & Audit) Regulations 2002 (S.I.
508 2002)
Accounting Code of Practice
Circulars Fin 24 / 2003, 02/ 2004, 07/2004, 11/2004,
Service - annual financial statement
The annual accounts of a local authority are called the “Annual
Financial Statement” (AFS). This is prepared at the end of each
financial year.
The AFS is prepared by 1st April and available by 1st July from the
end of the financial year. Copies are available at the offices of the
County Council and the County Library.
Accounts are open for public inspection during office hours for seven
days before audit - notice of which is given in local press.
Local Government (Financial Provisions) Act, 1997
Local Government Act 2001
Local Government(Financial & Audit) Regulations 2002 (S.I.
508 2002)
Accounting Code of Practice
Circulars Fin 24 / 2003, 02/ 2004, 07/2004, 11/2004,
Service - audit of accounts
The Local Government Auditor is appointed by the Minister for the
Environment and Local Government to audit the accounts of the
Page 157 of 157
Local Authority and to report on them. Notice of commencement of
the audit is published and members of the public are entitled to
bring to the attention of the auditor any item of the accounts which
they believe to be incorrect. Internal audit reviews the operations
and procedures of the county council in terms of efficiency,
effectiveness of internal checking and accounting procedures.
Local Government Act 2001
Local Government (Financial Provisions & Procedures)
Regulations 2002
Local Government Financial Provisions Act 1997
Rules, guidelines and precedents used by the revenue/rates section
of Clare County Council.
Collection of commercial rates – rate book
The Grand Juries (Ireland) Act 1836
The Poor Relief (Ireland) Act 1838
The Valuation (Ireland) Act 1852
The Valuation (Ireland) Act 1854
The Local Government Act 1941
The Local Government Act 1946
The Local Government (Financial Provisions) Act 1978
The Valuation Act 1988
Urban Renewal Acts 1986-1998
Page 158 of 158
Valuation Act, 2001
Local Government (Business Improvement Districts) Act
Collection of water and waste charges
Public Health Act 1878
Local Government (Sanitary Services) Act 1962
Local Government (Financial Provisions) Act 1983
Local Government (Delimitation of Water Supplies
Disconnection Powers) Act 1995
EU Water Framework Directive
Financial Provisions Act 1997 – Circular Fin 12/97
Water Services Act 2007 – not all commenced
Local Government (Charges) Act 2009
Motor taxation
Rules, guidelines and precedents used by the motor taxation section
of Clare County Council.
Taxation of vehicles
Vehicles which are used on public roads must be licensed. The
motor taxation office issues vehicle licenses (tax discs) on an
agency basis on behalf of the Department of the Environment,
Heritage and Local Government. The Central Vehicle Registration
Unit (VRU) of the Department of the Environment, Heritage and
Local Government is responsible for the maintenance of the
Page 159 of 159
computerised national vehicle file. This file includes details of
driving licences and taxation/registered ownership details for all
vehicles registered in the state. Motor taxation reminders and
renewal notices are issued by the VRU. Each local authority has
connections to this database of information.
Road Traffic Act 1991 to 2006
Finance (Excise Duties) (Vehicles) Act, 1952 and successive
Finance Acts
Local Government (Financial Provisions Act), 1997
Local Government Act, 1998
Motor Vehicle (Duties and Licences) Act, 2000
Motor Vehicle (Duties and Licences) Act, 2001
Motor Vehicle (Duties and Licences) Act, 2003
Motor Vehicle (Duties and Licenses) Act, 2004
Motor Vehicle (Duties and Licenses) Act, 2008
S.I. No. 126 of 1993 - Road Vehicles (Registration and
Licensing) (Amendment) (No.2) Regulations, 1993
S.I. No. 15 of 1958 - Road Vehicles (Registration and
Licensing) Order, 1958
S.I. No. 198 of 1993 - Road Vehicles (Registration and
Licensing) (Amendment) (No. 3) Regulations, 1993
S.I. No. 23 of 1993 - Road Vehicles (Registration and
Licensing) (Amendment) Regulations 1993
Page 160 of 160
S.I. No. 263 of 1993 - Road Vehicles (Registration and
Licensing) (Amendment) (No. 4) Regulations 1993
S.I. No. 277 of 1994 - Road Vehicles (Registration and
Licensing) (Amendment) Regulations 1994
S.I. No. 125 of 1996
S.I. No. 338 of 1996 - Finance Act 1993 (Section 60)
Regulations 1996
S.I. No. 385 of 1992 - Road Vehicles (Registration and
Licensing) (Amendment) Regulations 1992
S.I. No. 405 of 1997
S.I. No. 409 of 1992 - Road Vehicles (Registration and
Licensing) (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations 1992
Road Vehicles (Reg. and Licensing) Amendment Regulations,
Road Traffic (Licensing of Trailers and Semi-Trailers)
Amendment Regulations, 1998
S.I. No. 207 of 1998
S.I. No. 208 of 1998
S.I. No. 247 of 1998 - Road Traffic (Immobilisation of
Vehicles) Regulations 1998
S.I. No. 395 of 1999
S.I. No. 74 Road Vehicles (Registration & Licensing)
(amendment) Regulations of 2001
S.I. No. 75 Road Traffic (Licensing of Trailers & Semi
Trailers) (Amendment) Regulations of 2001
S.I. No. 516 of 2001
Page 161 of 161
S.I. No. 537 Road Vehicles (Registration & Licensing)
(Amendment) No.2 Regulations of 2001
S.I No.486 Road Vehicles (Registration & Licensing)
(Amendment) 2003
S.I. No.213 Road Vehicles (Registration & Licensing)
(Amendment) Regulations 2004
Guidelines and circulars
DoEHLG Circular MT 672 Motor Tax liability of road marking
DoEHLG Circular MT 720 Motor Tax liability of Mobile
Libraries and Banks
DoEHLG Circular MT 740 Refund of Motor Tax
DoEHLG Circular MT 744 Motor Tax Liability of Refuse Carts
DoEHLG Circular MT 835 Licensing Gap on First Taxing of
Vehicle on Change of Ownership
DoEHLG Circular MT 836 Refund of Motor Tax
DoEHLG Circular MT 838 Insertion of “special alert” in
certain cases
DoEHLG Circular MT 863 Dishonoured Cheques
DoEHLG Circular MT 882 Motor Tax Liability of Refuse/Waste
Collection Vehicles
DoEHLG Circular MT 893 Transfer of Registered Ownership
of Vehicles
DoEHLG Circular MT 896 Taxing of Vehicle without
production of Vehicle Registration Book
DoEHLG Circular MT 896A Veteran and Vintage Vehicles
Page 162 of 162
DoEHLG Circular MT 899 Motor Tax Liability of Off Road
DoEHLG Circular MT 916 Refund of Motor Tax
DoEHLG Circular MT 922 Motor Tax Liability of Recovered
DoEHLG Circular MT 928 Registration and Licensing of Motor
Vehicles from 1/1/1993
DoEHLG Circular MT 963 Licensing of Trailers and SemiTrailers
DoEHLG Circular MT 978 Disabled Drivers/Passengers (Tax
Concessions) Regulations
DoEHLG Circular MT 997 Motor Vehicle Insurers permitted to
operate in Ireland
DoEHLG Circular MT 1008 Motor Tax Liability on All-Terrain
DoEHLG Circular MT 1014 Mobile Machines/Workshops Rate
of Motor Tax
DoEHLG Circular MT 1023 Motor Tax Liability on Motor
DoEHLG Circular MT 1048 Special Arrangements for the First
Licensing of Cars to facilitate Car Hire Companies in the
Tourist Season
DoEHLG Circular MT 1051 Changes in Motor Tax Rates 2001
and Euro rates
DoEHLG Circular MT 1052 Changes in vehicle Registration
Tax Rates & Taxation of Crew Cabs
DoEHLG Circular MT 1053 Euro changeover and redesign of
Department’s web
Page 163 of 163
DoEHLG Circular MT 1057 Introduction of Euro currency and
issue of discs commencing Jan 2002
DoEHLG Circular MT 1061 Euro changeover, information
notice issued with renewals
DoEHLG Circular MT 1062 Taxation of electrically assisted
pedal cycles “Pedelec”
DoEHLG Circular MT 1065A/B Special arrangements for first
licensing of cars to facilitate Car Hire Companies in the
tourist season
DoEHLG Circular MT 1071 Motor Tax Expenses 2003 –
Change of Recoupment System
DoEHLG Circular MT 1072 Changes in Motor Tax Rates and
Trade Plates from 1st January 2003
DoEHLG Circular MT 1073 Special arrangements for first
licensing of cars to facilitate Car Hire Companies in the
tourist season
DoEHLG Circular MT 1077 First Licensing of Car Hire
Vehicles VS 20/04 Roadworthiness Testing of Commercial
DoEHLG Circular MT 1080 & MT 1081 Propose New Rates of
Motor Tax & Trade Plates
DoEHLG Circular MT 5/2004 Taxation of Island Vehicles
DoT VS 20/04 Roadworthiness Testing of Commercial
DoEHLG Circular MT 1/2005 Taxation of Motor Caravans
DoEHLG Circular MT 3/2005 Taxation of Ride-on Mowers
DoEHLG Circular MT 4/5/2005 Taxation of Articulated
Page 164 of 164
DoEHLG Circular MT 6/2005 Incorrect Taxation of Articulated
DoEHLG Circular MT 9/2005 Taxation of Vehicles constructed
to carry a machine, or Contrivance or a workshop or
DoEHLG Circular MT 10/2005 Taxation of Goods vehicles
and adapted goods vehicles
DoEHLG Circular MT 1/2006 Taxation of ATV Quads
DoEHLG Circular MT 2/2006 Joint owner details on the NVDF
DoEHLG Circular MT 3/2006 Trade plates for years
DoEHLG Circular MT 4/2006 Annual general conference
Motor Tax Offices 2006
DoEHLG Circular MT 5/2006 Electronic Fund Transfers
DoEHLG Circular MT 6/2006 Advice on Security procedures
DoEHLG Circular MT 1/2007 Incorrect sequencing on 2007
tax discs
Driver licensing
Provisional driving license
A provisional license is issued to enable a person to learn to drive
and apply for a driving test. All persons making applications for a
first provisional license in any particular vehicle category must first
undergo a driver theory test. A first provisional license is issued for
a period of 2 years. The holder may apply to have the license
renewed for a further two years. When applying for a third or
subsequent license evidence is required of having (a) undergone a
driving test within the last two years or (b) receiving notification of
Page 165 of 165
a driving test appointment. In the case of (b) a one year license is
Driving license
A full driving license is issued when an applicant has passed a
driving test or where an applicant wishes to exchange a driving
license issued by another EU member state or a recognised country.
The holder of a license may apply within one month of its expiry
date to have it renewed. A driving license may be issued for a
period of three or ten years. A one-year license may be granted in
circumstances where, for medical reasons, a longer term of license
cannot be granted. A medical report may be necessary when
applying for certain categories of license.
Driving licences are issued by the motor taxation office.
An application is submitted with the relevant documentation e.g.
medical certificate, eyesight certificate, birth certificate. The licence
is issued in accordance with regulations. Endorsements and
disqualifications are included if applicable. Counter applications are
dealt with immediately. Postal applications are normally dealt with
on a same day return basis.
Road Traffic Acts, 1961 -2004
S.I. No. 234 of 1984 European Communities (Licensing of
Drivers) Regulations, 1984
S.I. No. 285 of 1989 Road Traffic (Licensing of Drivers)
Regulations, 1989
Page 166 of 166
S.I. No. 286 of 1989 Driving Licences (Repayment of Excise
Duties) Regulations, 1989
S.I. No. 287 of 1989 European Communities (Licensing of
Drivers) Regulations, 1989
S.I. No. 353 of 1989 Road Traffic (Licensing of Drivers)
(Amendment) Regulations, 1989
S.I. No. 320 of 1991 Road Traffic (Licensing of Drivers)
(Amendment) Regulations, 1991
S.I. No. 384 of 1992 Mechanically Propelled Vehicles
(International Circulation) Order, 1992
S.I. No. 5 of 1993Road Traffic (Licensing of Drivers)
(Amendment) Regulations, 1993
S.I. No. 56 of 1994 Road Traffic (Licensing of Drivers)
(Amendment) Regulations, 1994
S.I. No. 217 of 1995 Road Traffic (Licensing of Drivers)
(Amendment) Regulations, 1995
S.I. No. 328 of 1996 Road Traffic (Licensing of Drivers)
(Amendment) Regulations, 1996
S.I. No. 511 of 1997 Road Traffic (Licensing of Drivers)
(Amendment) Regulations, 1997
S. I. No. 367 of 2000 Road Traffic (Public Service Vehicles)
(Amendment) (No. 3) Regulations, 2000
S. I. No. 38 of 2001 Road Traffic (Public Service Vehicles)
Regulations, 2001
S. I. No. 534 of 2001 Road Traffic (Public Service Vehicles)
(Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations, 2001
Page 167 of 167
S. I. No. 411 of 2002 Road Traffic (Public Service Vehicles)
(Amendment) Regulations, 2002
S.I. No. 597 of 2002 – Road Traffic Act 1994 (Section 25)
(Commencement) Order 2002
Road Traffic (Licensing of Drivers) Regulations 2006
Guidelines and circulars
DoEHLG Circular DC 4/90 – Exchange of recognised driving
license: Japan
DoEHLG Circular DC 10/91 - The issue of Certificates under
Article 29 (I)(a)(iii) of the Road Traffic (Licensing of Drivers)
Regulations, 1989
DoEHLG Circular DC 3/93 - The issue of Certificates under
Article 29 (I)(a)(ii) of the Road Traffic (Licensing of Drivers)
Regulations, 1989
DoEHLG Circulars DC 7/93 & DC 5/94 - Exchange of
recognised driving licences
DoEHLG Circulars DC 2/95 – Issuing of drivers licenses
DoEHLG Circulars DC 2/96 – Free-in-lieu driving licenses
DoEHLG Circulars DC 6/96 – Road Traffic (Licensing of
Drivers)(Amendment) Regulations, 1996
DoEHLG Circulars DC 2/97 – Provisional driving licenses-5
year rule
DoEHLG Circulars DC 5/97 – Road Traffic (Licensing of
Drivers)(Amendment) Regulations, 1997
DoEHLG Circulars DC 2/98 - Certificates of Competency
DoEHLG Circulars DC 6/98 - Third and subsequent
provisional licences
Page 168 of 168
DoEHLG Circulars DC 2/99 - Issue of provisional licences
DoEHLG Circulars DC 3/99 – Exchange of recognised drivers
DoEHLG Circulars DC 5/99 – Road Traffic (Licensing of
Drivers) Regulations 1999
DoEHLG Circulars DL 2/00 – Submission of Medical reports –
higher category drivers
DoEHLG Circulars DL 6/00 – Personal Public Service Number
DoEHLG Circulars DL 7/00 – Exchange of Queensland
Drivers License
DoEHLG Circulars DL 8/00 – Conversion of driving license
records to driver File on NVDF
DoEHLG Circulars DL 9/00 – Third or subsequent provisional
DoEHLG Circulars DL 4/01 - Theory Test Certificate under
European Communities (Licensing of Drivers) Regulations
2001 S.I 168 of 2001
DoEHLG Circulars DL 4/01 – Driver Theory Test
DoEHLG Circulars DL 7/01 – South African Driving Licenses
DoEHLG Circulars DL 10/01 - Army Certificate of
Competency under Section 30 (2) (b) of the Road Traffic
(Licensing of Drivers) Regulations 1999
DoEHLG Circulars DL 12/01 – Revised fee arrangements for
Provisional License and Driving License
DoEHLG Circulars DL 1/02 – Garda Certificates of
Competency under Section 30 (2) of the Road Traffic
(Licensing of Drivers) Regulations 1999
Page 169 of 169
DoEHLG Circulars DL 2/02 – New Style Medical Report
Forms – D.501
DoEHLG Circulars DL 3/02 – Revised Theory Test
DoEHLG Circulars DL 8/02 – Driver Licensing - Personal
Public Service Number (PPSN)
DoEHLG Circulars DL 12/02 – New Edition Driving License
Exchange Booklet, 2002
DoEHLG Circulars DL 13/02 – Exchange of a recognised
License while under Disqualification
DoEHLG Circulars DL 14/02 – Requirements to carry Driving
DoEHLG Circulars DL 1/03 – Certificates of Competency
DoEHLG Circulars DL 2/04
DoEHLG Circulars DL 3/04 – Driving Licenses for New EU
Member States
DoEHLG Circulars DL 4/2004 Road Traffic (Licensing of
Drivers) (Amendment Regulations) 2004
DoEHLG Circulars DL 5/2004 Endorsements and
DoEHLG Circulars DL 2/2005 Introduction of New Format
Driving Licence
DoEHLG Circulars DL 3/2005 Introduction of New Format
Driving Licence
DoEHLG Circulars DL 4/2005 Amendment to New Edition
Driving Licence Exchange Booklet, 2002
DoEHLG Circulars DL 1/2006 Endorsement of Driving
Licences - Penalty Point Offences
Page 170 of 170
DoEHLG Circulars DL 2/2006 New Format Lithuanian Driving
DoEHLG Circulars DL 3/2006 Form R.F. 15/1(a)
DoEHLG Circulars DL 4/2006 Road Traffic (Licensing of
Drivers) Regulations 2006
DoEHLG Circulars DL 6/2006 Driver Theory Test Certificates
DoEHLG Circulars DL 1/2007 Driving Licences for New
Member States
DoEHLG Circulars DL 2/2007 Revised Medical Report Form
DoEHLG Circulars DL 4/2007 Driving Licence Renewal
Human resources
Rules, guidelines and precedents used by the human resources
section of Clare County Council.
Planning and recruiting our workforce
Local Authorities (Officers & Employees) Acts 1926, 1940,
County Management Act, 1940
Local Government Act, 1941
Local Government Act, 1946
Section 12(1) Local Government Act, 1955
Section 6(1) County and City Management (Amendment)
Act, 1955
Section 160 (1) a to e Local Government Act 2001
Page 171 of 171
Terms of Employment (Information) Act, 1994
S. 11 of the Local Government Act, 1998
Part 14, Chapter 4 of the Local Government Act, 2001
Protection of Employee (Part Time Work) Act 2001
Protection of Employees (Fixed Term Work Act) 2003
Employment Equality Act 2004
Data Protection Acts 1988 & 2000
Freedom of Information Act 1997
Local Government (Officers) Regulations, 1943
S. I. No. 221 of 1966 Local Officers (Irish Language)
Regulations, 1966
S. I. No. 61 of 1974 Local Government (Appointment of
Officers) Regulations, 1974
Local Government (Age Limit Order), 1991
S. I. No. 262 of 1997 Local Government (Appointment of
Officers) (Amendment) Regulations, 1997
S. I. No. 190 of 1999 Local Government (Major Offices)
Order, 1999
S. I. No. 222 of 1999 Local Authorities (Officers and
Employees) Act, 1926 Local Authorities (Declaration of
Offices) Order, 1999
S. I. No. 505 of 2002 Local Authorities (Officers and
Employees) Act, 1926 Local Authorities (Declaration of
Offices) Order, 2002
Page 172 of 172
S. I. No. 529 of 2002 Local Authorities (Officers and
Employees) Act, 1926 Local Authorities (Declaration of
Offices) (No. 2) Order, 2002
S. I. No. 293 of 2003 Local Authorities (Declaration of
Offices) Order, 2003
Guidelines and circulars
Circular Letter G 33/47 Acceptance of Office
Circular Letter EL 7/52 Local Government Officers
Circular Letter EL 7/75 Re-grading of Clerical and
Administrative Staff
Circular Letter L.A. (P) 12/84 Restrictions on Staffing
Circular Letter LA (P) 19/84 Recruitment methods for Local
Authority Employees (Servant Grades)
Circular Letter LA (P) 11/85 Rationalisation of Rate/Revenue
Collection arrangements
Circular Letter LA (P) 8/94 Provisions in Part IX of the Local
Government Act, 1994 relating to Local Authority Personnel
Circular Letter LA (P) 4/96 Devolution of Responsibility for
Personnel Matters
Circular Letter LA (P) 13/96 Amendment of Qualifications of
Grades IV–VII and Particulars of Office of Grade IV
Circular Letter EL 3/97 Restructuring of Technician Grades
Circular Letter LA (P) 3/97 Restructuring of Clerical /
Administrative Grades
LA (P) 4/97 Restructuring of Technician Grades
Page 173 of 173
Circular Letter LA (P) 6/97 Recruitment to posts for which
the Leaving
Certificate is a requirement
Circular Letter LA (P) 7/97 New Structure for Technician
Qualifications and Particulars of Office for various posts
Letter EPS 15/98 of 7th December, 1998 Pilot Environmental
Graduate Internship Programme
Circular Letter LGP 1/99 Recruitment of Directors of
Community and Enterprise
Circular Letter LG (P) 2/99 Local Government (Officers Age
Limit) Order, 1999
Circular LG (P) 4/99 Recruitment to posts for which the
Leaving Certificate is a requirement
Circular LG (P) 7/99 Local Government (Major Offices)
Order, 1999
Circular LG (P) 10/99 Local Authorities (Officers and
Employees) Act, 1926 Local Authorities (Declaration of
Offices) Order, 1999
Circular Letter LGP 11/99 Recruitment of Directors of
Community and Enterprise
Circular Letter LG (P) 2/00 Extension of the Common
Recruitment Pool – Amendment to Qualifications and
Particulars of Office
Circular Letter LG (P) 6/00 Recruitment to posts for which
the Leaving Certificate or an examination of equivalent
standard is a requirement
Page 174 of 174
Circular Letter LGP 9/00 Better Local Government – a
Programme for Change
Circular Letter LGP 12/01 Better Local Government –
Confined Competitions
Circular Letter LG (P) 13/01 Garda Clearance for Local
Authority Social Workers
Letter of 21st June 2001 Qualifications and Particulars for the
new office of Head of Finance
Circular Letter EL 10/2001 Re: Clerk of Works
Circular Letter LGP 16/01 1. Local Government (Declaration
of Duties of Office – Local Authority Professional Officers)
Order, 2001 and 2. Director of Services and County / City
Engineer – Particulars of Office
Circular Letter LGP 7/02 Arts Officer and Archivist
DoEHLG Letter of 7th February 2002 Recruitment of
Community and Enterprise Development Officers to serve as
Local Co-ordinators for the Rapid Programme
Circular Letter LG (P) 03/02 Creation of new information
systems employments
Circular Letter EL 1/02 Remuneration of County and City
Circular Letter LGP 10/02 Local Authorities (Declaration of
Offices) Order, 2002
DoEHLG Letter of 20th November 2002 Clerk of Works /
Building Inspector
DoEHLG Letter of 17th June 2003 Partnership Facilitators
Page 175 of 175
Circular Letter LG (P) 18/03 Protection of Employees (PartTime Work) Act, 2001 and Protection of Employees (FixedTerm Work) Act, 2003 – Amendment of Qualifications
Circular LG (P) 05/04 Amendment of Clerical Officer
Circular LG (P) 08/04 – Assistant Staff Officer Qualifications
Circular LG (P) 11/04 Amendment of Library Assistant,
Library Assistant (Special) Qualifications
Circular Letter EL 04/07 Administrative Officer Posts –
Community & Enterprise Function, formerly employed as
Community & Enterprise Development Officers
Circular LG (P) 12/07 Revised Fire Service Qualifications
Circular Letter LG (P) 14/07 Towards 2016, Filling of 20% of
posts at Grade V to Grade VII by open competition
Circular Letter LG (P) 05/09 Implementation of Savings
Measures on Public Service Numbers
Circular Letter LG (P) 07/09 Implementation of Savings
Measures on Public Service Numbers
Circular Letter LG (P) 13/09 Staffing Moratorium
Circular Letter LG (P) 05/10 Health & Safety Officer
Various Circular Letters LG Public Sector Employment –
Local Authority Staffing Returns
Various Circular Letters LG Public Sector Employment Statistics for the 3% Target for the Employment of People
with Disabilities in the Public Service
Page 176 of 176
Conditions of employment
Local Authorities (Officer and Employees) Act, 1926
Local Authorities (Officer and Employees) Act, 1940
Local Government Act, 1941
Local Government Act, 1946
Local Government Act, 1955
County & City Management (Amendment) Act, 1955
Local Authorities (Officer and Employees) Act, 1983
Payment of Wages Act, 1991
Section 47 of the Local Government Act, 1991
Organisation of Working Time Act, 1997
National Minimum Wage Act, 2000
Minimum Notice and Terms of Employment Acts, 1973-2001
Unfair Dismissals Acts, 1977-2001
Terms of Employment (Information) Acts 1994-2001
Part 14, Chapter 4 of the Local Government Act, 2001
Protection of Employees (Part-Time Work) Act, 2001
Redundancy Payments Acts, 1967-2003
Section 159 (3) a and b Local Government Act 2001
Employment Permits Act 2003
Protection of Employees (Fixed-Term Work) Act 2003
Sections 10 & 20 of the Local Government Act, 1941
Page 177 of 177
S. R. & O. 1943 No. 161 Local Government (Officers)
Regulations, 1943
Article 32 (1) Local Government (Officers) Regulations, 1943
Article 32 (2) of the Local Government (Officers)
Regulations, 1943
S. I. No. 140 of 1957 Age Limit Order, 1957
Local Government (Irish Language) Regulations, 1966
Local Government (Appointment of Officers) Regulations,
S. I. No. 128 of 1991 Local Government (Tenure of Office)
Order, 1991
Local Government (Appointment of Officers) (Amendment)
Regulations, 1997
S. I. No. 221 of 2000 Local Government (Tenure of Office)
Order, 2000
Organisation of Working Time (Records) (Prescribed Form
and Exemptions) Regulations 2001
Guidelines and circulars
Circular Letter EL 7/52 Local Government Officers
Circular Letter EL 5/67 Starting Pay on Appointment or
DoEHLG Letter of 29/7/75 Starting Pay on Promotion
Circular Letter EL 7/75 – Re-grading of Clerical &
Administrative Staff
Circular Letter EL 4/76 Starting Pay of Clerical Officers
appointed to A.S.O. posts
Page 178 of 178
Circular Letter EL 1/81 (additional increments for post
graduate experience – engineering grades)
Circular Letter LA (P) 11/85 – Rationalisation of
Rate/Revenue Collection Arrangements
Circular Letter LA (P) 23/86 Employment of Officers over the
Age Limit Extension
Circular Letter LA (P) 2/92 Local Government (Tenure of
Office) Order, 1991
Circular Letter LA (P) 8/94 Provisions in Part (IX) of the
Local Government Act, 1994 relating to Local Authority
Personnel Matters
Circular Letter LA (P) 4/96 Devolution of Responsibility for
Personnel Matters
Circular Letter LS (P) 6/96 – Employment of People with
Circular Letter EL 8/96 Senior Fire Officers Rostering
Circular Letter EL 10/96 Site Supervision for Capital Projects
– Engineering Posts
Circular Letter EL 11/96 Site Supervision for Capital
Projects: Site Technician /Clerk of Works Posts
Circular Letter LA (P) 4/96 – Amendment of Qualifications
Circular Letter LA (P) 3/97 – Recruitment of Clerical
Administrative Grades
Circular Letter LA (P) 4/97 – Recruitment of Technician
Circular Letter LA (P) 6/97 – Recruitment of Posts for which
the Leaving Certificate is a Requirement
Page 179 of 179
Circular Letter EL 18/97 Starting Pay on Promotion
Circular LGP 7/2000 Local Government Act, 2000: Local
Government (Tenure of Office of Managers) Regulations,
2000: Local Government (Tenure of Office) Order, 2000
Circular Letter EL 8/00 Retained Fire-fighters 1999
Circular Letter LGP 9/00 Better Local Government – a
Programme for Change
Local Authorities (declaration of Offices Order) 2002
Local Authorities (declaration of Offices Order) No 2 2002
DoEHLG Letter of 11th July, 2002 Scheme of Performance
Related Awards for Managers, Assistant Managers and
Directors of Services
DoEHLG Letter of 13th August, 2002 Scheme of Performance
Related Awards
Local Authorities (declaration of Offices Order) 2003
Circular Letter LG (P) 11/03 Scheme of Performance Related
Awards for Managers, Assistant Managers and Directors of
Circular Letter EL 9/2003 Re: Craftworkers Parallel
Benchmarking / Analogue Review
Circular Letter LA (P) 13/03 – Protection of Employees
(Fixed Term Work) Act, 2003
Circular Letter EL 4/2004 Re: General Operative and Related
Grades (including Waterworks and Sewerage Caretakers,
Retained Fire-fighters and Traffic Wardens)
Circular Letter LG (P) 5/04 – Amendment of Clerical Officer
Page 180 of 180
Circular Letter LG (P) 5/04 – Amendment of Staff Officer
DoEHLG Rule on promotion of a servant to an officer grade
DoEHLG Periodic Notifications of revision of remuneration in
line with National Wage Agreements etc.
Dept. OF Enterprise, Trade & Employment - Protection of
Employees (Fixed-Term Work) Act 2003 – Explanatory
Booklet for Employers and Employees
Circular Letter E.L. 08/2005 Calculation of acting up
allowances and incremental credit on promotion
Department of Environment rule on promotion of a servant
to an officer grade
Qualifications & Particulars of Office for each Post as laid
down by the DoEHLG
Core HR/payroll
Section 10 and 22 of the Local Government Act, 1941
Section 29 and 30 of the Local Government Act, 1941
Section 42 of the Local Government Act, 1946
Section 9 of the Local Government Act, 1955
Section 20 of the Local Government Act, 1955
Payment of Wages Act, 1991
National Minimum Wage Act, 2000
Section 158 (1) a Local Govt Act 2001
Page 181 of 181
S. R. & O. 1943 No. 161 Local Government (Officers)
Regulations, 1943
Articles 11, 12 and 13 of Local Government (Officers)
Regulations, 1943
Article 21 of Local Government (Officers) Regulations, 1943
Guidelines and circulars
Circular Letter EL 7/52 Local Government Officers
Circular Letter EL 5/67 Starting Pay on Appointment or
Circular Letter EL 15/70 Recoupment of Salaries and
Chargeable Expenses (Secondment)
Letter of 29/7/75 Starting Pay on Promotion
Circular Letter EL 4/76 Starting Pay of Clerical Officers
appointed to A.S.O. posts
Circular Letter 4/79 Incremental Credit for temporary
Circular Letter LA (P) 3/80 Overtime
Circular Letter EL 1/81 (additional increments for post
graduate experience – engineering grades)
Circular EL 1/89 Overtime
Circular Letter EL 3/95 Increments for Temporary Staff /
Incremental Credit
Circular Letter EL 9/96 Remuneration of Substitutes
Circular Letter EL 14/96 credit for temporary service and
previous permanent service for incremental purposes
Circular Letter EL 17/97 Overtime
Page 182 of 182
Circular Letter EL 18/97 Starting Pay on Promotion
Circular Letter EL 7/00 ‘Personal to holder’ Long Service
Increments and Age Related Pay Scales
Circular Letter EL 8/00 Retained Fire-fighters 1999
Circular Letter LGP 9/00 Better Local Government – a
Programme for Change
Circular Letter EL 9/01 Clerical Officers and Analogous
Grades – Permanent and Temporary staff – Incremental
Circular Letter EL 04/02 Car Allowances and Substitution
DoEHLG Letter of 11th July, 2002 Scheme of Performance
Related Awards for Managers, Assistant Managers and
Directors of Services
DoEHLG Letter of 13th August, 2002 Scheme of Performance
Related Awards
Circular Letter LG (P) 11/03 Scheme of Performance Related
Awards for Managers, Assistant Managers and Directors of
Circular Letter EL 9/2003 Re: Craftworkers Parallel
Benchmarking / Analogue Review
Circular Letter EL 4/2004 Re: General Operative and Related
Grades (including Waterworks and Sewerage Caretakers,
Retained Fire-fighters and Traffic Wardens)
Circular Letter EL 02/08 Full-time Firefighters – Application
of increases under Section 27.17 of Towards 2016
Page 183 of 183
Circular Letter EL 3/08 Assistant Engineers and Analogous
Granting of Incremental Credit
Periodic Notifications of revision of remuneration in line with
National Wage Agreements etc.
Removal expenses and travel and subsistence
Local Government (Officers) Regulations, 1943
Guidelines and circulars
Circular Letter EL 13/78 – Removal Expenses Scheme
Circular Letter LG (P) 1/00 Payment of lodging allowances
under removal expenses scheme
Circular LA (P) 10/04 – Removal Expenses
Periodic Circulars Payments allowable under the removal
expenses scheme
Periodic Circular revising rates for removal expenses
Periodic Circular revising rates for Travel & Subsistence
Pensions (superannuation)
Local Government (Superannuation) Act, 1956
Pensions (Increase) Act, 1964
Pensions (Abatement) Act, 1965
Local Government (Superannuation) Act, 1980
Page 184 of 184
S. 54 of the Pensions Act 1990-1996
Family Law Act, 1995
Family Law (Divorce) Act, 1996
Local Government (Superannuation) Consolidation Scheme
Pensions (Amendment Act), 2002
Public Service Superannuation (Miscellaneous Provisions)
Act 2004
Regulations and schemes
S. I. No. 346 of 1984 Local Government (Superannuation)
(Gratuities) Regulations, 1984 and amendments
Local Government (Superannuation) Act 1956
(Consolidation) Scheme, 1987
Local Government (Superannuation Revision)
(Consolidation) Scheme, 1986
Local Government Spouses and Children Scheme, 1986
S. I. No. 215 of 1991 Occupational Pension Schemes
(Disclosure of Information) Regulations
S. I. No. 84 of 1997 Circuit Court Rules
S. I. No. 349 of 1998 Disclosure Regulations
S. I. No. 362 of 1998 Vocational Education Superannuation
Schemes (Transfer of Departmental Administration and
Ministerial Functions) Order, 1998
S. I. No. 455 of 1998 Local Government (Superannuation)
(Consolidation) Scheme, 1998
S. I. No. 288 of 2002 Local Government (Superannuation)
(Consolidation) (Amendment) Scheme, 2002
Page 185 of 185
S. I. No. 397 of 2003 Pensions Ombudsman Regulations,
S. I. No. 178 of 2004 Local Government (Superannuation)
(Consolidation) (Amendment) Scheme 2004
Guidelines and circulars
Circular Letter EL 41/75 Local Government
(Superannuation) Act, 1956 Marriage Gratuities
Circular Letter EL 3/92
Circular Letter S 14/95 Reckonability for Pension Purposes of
Service Abroad with APSO
Circular Letter of 30/3/95 Introduction of Full PRSI
Circular Letter LA 6/95 Revised social insurance status and
conditions of service of certain local authority officers
Circular Letter S 17/97 Reckonability of Acting-Up Payments
for Superannuation Purposes
Circular Letter S 18/98 Pensionability of Temporary Wholetime Officers
Circular Letter S 21/98 Transfer of responsibility for the
superannuation of VEC teachers to the Department of
Education and Science
Circular Letter S 24/98 Revised Forfeiture Provisions under
the Local Government Superannuation Code
Circular Letter S 25/98 Additional Voluntary Contributions
Circular Letter S 1/99 Local Government
(Superannuation)(Consolidation) Scheme, 1998
Page 186 of 186
Circular LG (P) 18/99 Superannuation of Directors of
Community and Enterprise
Circular Letter S 8/99 Dispensing with probate in certain
Circular Letter S 9/99 Additions to service in the case of illhealth retirements
Circular Letter S 10/99 Supplementary Pensions
Circular Letter S 3/00 Additional Voluntary Contributions
(Retirement Benefits) Plans (A.V.C.’s)
Circular Letter S 6/00 Application of a Personal Long Service
Increment (LSI) to Pensioners
Circular Letter S 9/00 Payment of a Death Gratuity in
respect of a whole-time employee who dies during the
qualifying period for pensionability
Circular Letter S 5/2001 Transfer of responsibility for the
superannuation of Institute of Technology and VEC staff
(other than vocational teachers) to the Department of
Education and Science
Circular Letter of 1st March, 2001 Better Local Government Pension Issues
Circular Letter S.8/2001 Tax Deduction from Refunds made
under the Purchase of Notional Service Scheme
Circular Letter S. 10/2001 Increase in Retirement Lump
Circular Letter S. 17/2001 Local Government
Superannuation Scheme – Budget 2002
Circular Letter S. 1/2002 Family Law Legislation and the
Administration of Public Service Pensions
Page 187 of 187
Circular Letter S. 2/2002 Superannuation Contributions –
Officers on full PRSI
Circular Letter S. 4/2002 1. Equalisation of Pension
Provisions for all Local Authority Staff 2. Superannuation
Implications of the Protection of Employees (Part-Time
Work) Act, 2001
Circular Letter S. 6/2002 Reduction in Qualifying Period for
Preserved Benefits
Circular Letter of 21st August, 2002 Better Local Government
- Pensions Issues
Circular Letter S. 10/2002 Additional Voluntary
Contributions (AVCs) - SIPTU Officer Grades
Circular Letter S. 13/02 Superannuation Seminars
(questions and answers)
Circular Letter S. 14/02 Pensionability of Temporary Wholetime Officers Employed by Local Authorities
Circular Letter S. 15/2002 Pensionability of Part-Time Staff
Circular Letter S. 1/2003 Abolition of the qualifying period
for pensionability for whole-time non-officers
Circular Letter S. 2/2003 Possible Tax Refunds to Certain
Circular Letter S. 3/2003 Pensions (Amendment) Act, 2002
– Remittance of contributions within 21 days
Circular Letter S.11/2003 Personal Retirement Savings
Accounts (PRSAs)
Circular Letter S.12/2003 Personal Retirement Savings
Accounts (PRSAs)
Page 188 of 188
Circular Letter S. 13/2003 Pensions Ombudsman –
Procedures for Internal Resolution of Disputes
Circular Letter LG (P) 19/03 Retained Fire-fighters – Review
of Retirement Age; Retirement Gratuity
Circular Letter S.1/2004 Pensions Ombudsman – Procedures
for Internal Resolution of Disputes
Circular Letter S.3/2004 Pension Increases – Waterworks
and Sewerage Caretakers
Circular Letter S.4/2004 Public Service Superannuation
(Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2004
Circular Letter S.5/2004 Public Service Superannuation
(Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2004
Circular Letter S. 16/2004 – Responsibility for Payment of
VEC/IOT Pensions
Circular Letter S. 4/2005 – Award of Professional Added
Years for New Entrants retiring from a professional post
Circular Letter S. 6/2005 – Introduction of Cost Neutral
Early Retirement Scheme
Circular Letter S. 18/2005 – Revised arrangements for Parttime Public Servants
Circular Letter S. 17/2006 – Purchase of Notional Service
Circular Letter S. 9/2007 – Payment of Superannuation
contributions in respect of previous temporary and part-time
Circular Letters S. 11/07 (Latest Revision of Local Govt.
Superannuation Scheme 1998)
Circular Letter S. 1/2008 – Retained Fire-fighters Revised
Superannuation Arrangements
Page 189 of 189
Circular Letter S. 4/2009 – Revised method of reckoning
pensionable allowances for pension purposes
DoEHLG Revisions of the Guide to Local Authority
DoEHLG Local Government Superannuation Scheme –
Annual Reports
Pensions Board Guidance Notes (Family Law Acts), April
Pensions Board A Brief Guide
Computer System for the Local Government Superannuation
Scheme, Version 8.05 (Superannuation Scheme
Management System – SSMS)
Explanatory Booklet on the Local Government
Superannuation Scheme – 1956 Scheme Employees,
December 2001
Explanatory Booklet on the Local Government
Superannuation Scheme – 1956 Scheme Officers, December
Explanatory Booklet on the Local Government
Superannuation Scheme – Revision Scheme Employees,
December 2001
Explanatory Booklet on the Local Government
Superannuation Scheme – Revision Scheme Officers Paying
Modified (Class D) PRSI, December 2001
Explanatory Booklet on the Local Government
Superannuation Scheme – Revision Scheme Officers Paying
Full (Class A) PRSI, December 2001
Page 190 of 190
Explanatory Booklet on the Local Government
Superannuation Scheme – Temporary Wholetime Officers
Appointed Prior To 6 April 1995, December 2001
Explanatory Booklet on the Local Government
Superannuation Scheme – Temporary Whole-time Officers
Appointed On or After 6 April 1995, December 2001
Work sharing
Guidelines and circulars
Circular LA (P) 11/86 – Job Sharing Scheme
Circular LA (P) 18/87 – Reduction in Local Authority Staff
Circular Letter LG (P) 13/02 – Local Authority Worksharing
Circular Letter LG (P) 22/04 – Local Authority Worksharing &
Social Insurance Contributions
Circular Letter LP (G) 13/07
Worksharing & Social Insurance Contributions
Circular Letter LP (G) 11/08 Worksharing & Social Insurance
Leave entitlements
Holidays and Employees Act, 1973-1991
Worker Protection (Regular Part Time Employees) Act, 1991
Organisation of Working Time Act, 1997
The Parental Leave Act 1998
Page 191 of 191
Carers Leave Act 2001
Art. 22 and 23 Local Government (Officers) Regulations,
Holidays (Employees) Act, 1973
(Public Holidays) Regulations, 1993
Social Welfare (Consolidated Payments Provisions)
(Amendment) (No.2) Regulations, 1995
S. I. No. 475 of 1997 Organisation of Working Time
(Determination of Pay for Holidays) Regulations, 1997
Organisation of Working Time (records) Regulations 2001
Guidelines and circulars
Circular Letter EL 7/52 Local Government Officers (Part F –
Circular Letter EL 12/71 Special Leave (Interviews)
Circular Letter EL 59/75 Special Leave with pay on marriage
Circular Letter EL 59/75 - Marriage
Circular Letter EL 12/71 – Interview Leave
Circular Letter LA (P) 19/80 & 4/98 - Study/Exam Leave
Circular Letter 18/80 – Death/ Family
Circumstances/Anticipation of Annual Leave
Circular Letter LA (P) 10/81 - Training with Defence Forces
Circular Letter LA (P) 12/88 – Special Leave on the Death of
a Child
Dept. of Finance Circular 28/91 Special Leave for domestic
Page 192 of 192
Circular Letter LA 6/95 Revised social insurance status and
conditions of service of certain local authority officers
Circular Letter LA (P) 4/96 – Devolution of Responsibility for
Personnel Matters
Circular Letter LG (P) 3/99 Organisation of Working Time
Act, 1997 – Entitlement of Jobsharers to the benefit of
public holidays
Circular Letter LG (P) 5/2000 Paternity Leave
Circular Letter LG (P) 5/01 Changes in Maternity Leave and
Adoptive Leave
Circular LG (P) 11/02 – Term Time Leave Scheme
Circular Letter LG (P) 12/02 Amendments to Parental Leave
Entitlement (Age & Disability)
Circular Letter LG (P) 07/03 – Public Holiday Entitlement
Circular letter LG (P) 06/03 - Term time leave
Circular LG (P) 20/06 – Term Time Leave Scheme
Circular Letter EL 09/09 – Shorter Working Year Scheme
Maternity, adoptive and parental leave
Maternity Protection Act, 1994
Adoptive Leave Act, 1995
Parental Leave Act, 1998
Part 14, Chapter 4 of the Local Government Act, 2001
Maternity Protection (Amendment) Act 2004
Page 193 of 193
S. I. No. 446 of 1994 Safety, Health and Welfare at Work
(Pregnant Employees, etc) Regulations, 1994
S. I. No. 446 of 1994 Maternity Protection (Disputes &
Appeals) Regulations, 1995
S. I. No. 18 of 1995 Maternity Protection (Time off for AntiNatal & Post-Natal Care) Regulations, 1995
S. I. No. 19 of 1995 Maternity Protection (Health & Safety
Leave Certification) Regulations, 1995
S. I. No. 20 of 1995 Maternity Protection (Health & Safety
Leave Remuneration) Regulations, 1995
S. I. No. 195 of 1995 Adoptive Leave (Referral of Disputes
and Appeals) (Part V) Regulations, 1995
European Communities (Parental Leave) Regulations, 2000
Guidelines and circulars
Circular Letter EL 7/52 Local Government Officers (Part F –
Circular Letter LA (P) 15/81 Maternity Leave
Circular Letter LA (P) 7/84 Adoptive Leave
Circular Letter LA (P) 11/88 Public Holidays in periods of
Maternity Leave
Circular Letter LA 6/95 Revised social insurance status and
conditions of service of certain local authority officers
Circular Letter LA (P) 4/96 Devolution of Responsibility for
Personnel Matters
Page 194 of 194
Circular Letter LG (P) 3/99 Organisation of Working Time
Act, 1997 – Entitlement of Jobsharers to the benefit of
public holidays
Circular Letter LG (P) 5/2000 Paternity Leave
Circular Letter LG (P) 5/01 Changes in Maternity Leave and
Adoptive Leave
Circular Letter LG (P) 12/02 Amendments to Parental Leave
Entitlement (Age & Disability)
Circular Letter LG (P) 07/03 Public Holiday Entitlement
Circular Letter LG (P) 21/03 Amendment to Parental Leave
Entitlement (Age)
Circular Letter LG (P) 18/04 – Parental Leave & Sick Leave
Explanatory Note on the amendment of 8th February, 2001
of the Maternity Protection Act, 1994
Explanatory Note on the amendment of 8th February 2001 of
the Adoptive Leave Act, 1995
Carer’s leave
Carers Leave Act 2001
Sick leave scheme (officers)
Section 20 of the Local Government (Officers) Regulations,
Guidelines and circulars
DoEHLG Circular Letter EL 7/52 – Local Government Officers
Page 195 of 195
DoEHLG Circular Letter LA (P) 17/80 – Sick Leave
DoEHLG Circular Letter LA (P) 6/95 - Revised social
insurance status and conditions of service of certain local
authority officers
DoEHLG Circular Letter LA (P) 5/93 – Payment of Salary to
Officers on Extended Sick Leave
DoEHLG Circular Letter LA 6/95 Revised social insurance
status and conditions of service of certain local authority
Local Attendance Management Policy
Sick leave scheme (employees)
Guidelines and circulars
Circular Letter LA 6/95 Revised social insurance status and
conditions of service of certain local authority officers
Local Attendance Management Policy
Career break
Guidelines and circulars
Circular Letter LA (P) 18/84 - Career Breaks
Circular Letter LA 7/86 - Career Breaks in the Local
Authority Service
Circular LA (P) 18/87 - Reduction in Local Authority Staff
Circular LA (P) 1/93 – Career Breaks in the Local Authority
Circular Letter LA (P) 4/96 Devolution of Responsibility for
Personnel Matters
Page 196 of 196
Circular Letter LG (P) 8/2000 Career Break and Job-Sharing
Circular Letter LG (P) 22/04
Circular Letter LG (P) 08/08 Local Authority (Consolidated)
Career Break Scheme
Circular Letter EL 08(a) 2009 Special local authority
incentive career break scheme 2009
Staff learning and development
Guidelines and circulars
Circular Letter LA (P) 19/80 Study Leave
Circular Letter LA (P) 6/83 Fees for third-level courses of
Circular Letter LA (P) 4/96 Devolution of Responsibility for
Personnel Matters
Circular Letter LA (P) 4/98 Fees and Study Leave for Third
Level Courses of Education
Successive National Wage Agreements
Sectoral Action Plans required for Public Sector
Local Training Policy
Local CPD Policy
Local Mentoring Policy
Local PMDS Policy
Page 197 of 197
County Management Act, 1940
Local Government Act, 1941
Local Government Act, 1955
Local Government Act, 1994
Part 14, Chapter 4 of the Local Government Act, 2001
Sections 10 & 20 of the Local Government act, 1941
S. R. & O. 1943 No. 161 Local Government (Officers)
Regulations, 1943
Article 32 (1) Local Government (Officers) Regulations, 1943
Article 32 (2) of the Local Government (Officers)
Regulations, 1943
S. I. No. 140 of 1957 Age Limit Order, 1957
Local Government (Appointment of Officers) Regulations,
Local Government (Officers) Regulations, 1983
Guidelines and circulars
Circular Letter LA (P) 8/94 Provisions in Part (IX) of the
Local Government Act, 1994 relating to Local Authority
Personnel Matters Circular Letter LA (P) 4/96 – Ex-Gratia
Payments to officers under Suspension
Page 198 of 198
Termination of employment
County Management Act, 1940
Unfair Dismissals Acts, 1977 – 1993
Redundancy Payments Acts, 1967 – 2003
Protection of Employments Act, 1997
Payment of Wages Act, 1991
Organisation of Working Time Act, 1997
National Minimum Wage Act, 2000
Local Government Act, 2000
Minimum Notice and Terms of Employment Acts, 1973-2001
Terms of Employment (Information) Acts 1994-2001
Part 14, Chapter 4 of the Local Government Act, 2001
Protection of Employees (Part-Time Work) Act, 2001
Protection of Employees (Fixed-Term Work) Act 2003
Sections 10 & 20 of the Local Government act, 1941
S. R. & O. 1943 No. 161 Local Government (Officers)
Regulations, 1943
Article 32 (1) Local Government (Officers) Regulations, 1943
Article 32 (2) of the Local Government (Officers)
Regulations, 1943
S. I. No. 140 of 1957 Age Limit Order, 1957
Local Government (Appointment of Officers) Regulations,
Page 199 of 199
Local Government (Officers) Regulations, 1983
S. I. No. 128 of 1991 Local Government (Tenure of Office)
Order, 1991
Local Government (Appointment of Officers) (Amendment)
Regulations, 1997
S. I. No. 221 of 2000 Local Government (Tenure of Office)
Order, 2000
Organisation of Working Time (Records) (Prescribed Form
and Exemptions) Regulations 2001
Guidelines and circulars
Circular Letter EL 7/52 Local Government Officers
Circular Letter LA (P) 23/86 Employment of Officers over the
Age Limit Extension
Circular Letter LA (P) 2/92 Local Government (Tenure of
Office) Order, 1991
Circular Letter LA (P) 8/94 Provisions in Part (IX) of the
Local Government Act, 1994 relating to Local Authority
Personnel Matters
Circular Letter LA (P) 4/96 Devolution of Responsibility for
Personnel Matters
Circular Letter LS (P) 6/96 – Employment of People with
Circular Letter EL 10/96 Site Supervision for Capital Projects
– Engineering Posts
Circular Letter EL 11/96 Site Supervision for Capital
Projects: Site Technician / Clerk of Works Posts
Page 200 of 200
Circular LGP 7/2000 Local Government Act, 2000: Local
Government (Tenure of Office of Managers) Regulations,
2000: Local Government (Tenure of Office) Order, 2000
Circular Letter LGP 9/00 Better Local Government – a
Programme for Change
Circular Letter LA (P) 13/03 – Protection of Employees
(Fixed Term Work) Act, 2003
Dept. of Enterprise, Trade & Employment - Protection of
Employees (Fixed-Term Work) Act 2003 – Explanatory
Booklet for Employers and Employees
Local Authorities (declaration of Offices Order) 2003
Local Authorities (declaration of Offices Order) 2002
Local Authorities (declaration of Offices Order) No 2 2002
Qualifications & Particulars of Office for each Post as laid
down by the DoEHLG
Extension beyond the age limit
Age Limit Order, 1957
Section 158(1) C Local Government Act 2001
Guidelines and circulars
Circular Letter LA (P) 23/86
Rules of conduct
Local Government Act, 2001 Section 159 (5) (a-d)
Page 201 of 201
Local Government (Officers) Regulations, 1984
Guidelines and circulars
Circular Letter EL 2/60 Rules of Conduct
Circular Letter EL 48/74 Rules of Conduct for Officers of
Local Authorities
Circular Letter LA (P) 10/84 Engaging in Private Practice
Circular Letter LA (P) 3/96 Engaging in Private Practice and
Declaration of Interests
Circular Letter LG (P) 13/04 Code of Conduct for Employees
National Code of Conduct for Local Government Employees
DoEHLG Letter of 13th March, 2007 Newly updated and
translated Code of Conduct for Employees
Local Code of Conduct Document
Local Communications Policy
Ethical framework for local government service
Local Government Act 2001 Section 166 - 182
Guidelines and circulars
Circular LG 24/02 Local Government Act, 2001 – New
Ethical Framework for Local Government Service
Circular LG 77/3/15 Part2 New Ethics Framework – Annual
Declaration and Public Register
Page 202 of 202
Industrial and employee relations
Industrial Relations Acts, 1946 – 1990
Holidays (Employees) Acts, 1973 & 1991
Payment of Wages Act, 1991
Minimum Notice and Terms of Employment Acts, 1973 –
Terms of Employment (Information) Act, 1994
Maternity Protection Act, 1994
Adoptive Leave Act, 1995
Organisation of Working Time Act, 1997
Local Government (Officers) Regulations, 1943
Local Government (Officers) Regulations, 1984
Guidelines and circulars
Local Grievance & Disciplinary Policies
Local Dignity at Work Policy
Employment Agreements
Labour Court Decisions
Labour Relations Commission Decisions
Employment Appeals Tribunal Decisions
Anti-Discrimination (Pay) Act, 1974
Page 203 of 203
Employment Equality Act, 1977
Employment Equality Acts, 1998 – 2007
Equal Status Act, 2002
Safety, Health & Welfare Act 2005
Guidelines and circulars
Circular Letter LG (P) 10/98 Equality Action Programme
DoEHLG Code of Practice for the Employment of People with
Disabilities in the Local Authority Service, July 1999
Dignity at Work Policy
Maternity Policy
Code of Practice for the employment of people with
Workplace partnership
Guidelines and circulars
Partnership 2000 and subsequent national wage agreements
between the social partners
Framework Document for partnership in Local Authorities
Deepening Partnership in Local Government/Strategic Plan
Circular Letter LG (P) 02/2008
Corporate services
Rules, guidelines and precedents used by the corporate services
section of Clare County Council.
Page 204 of 204
Courts accommodation
Courthouse (Provision and Maintenance) Act 1935.
Local Government (Planning & Development) Act, 1976
Local Government Act 1991
Local Government Act 2001
Annual report
Local Government Act 1991
Department of the Environment L.G. 24/7 (1992)
Local Government Act 2001
Malicious injury claims
Malicious Injury Act 1981
Malicious Injury (Amendment) Act 1986
Permit for events
Local Policy and Procedure
Freedom of information
All requests for information received under the Freedom of
Information Acts, 1997 – 2003 are processed by the Freedom of
Information Officer. The Section of the Section 15 Reference Book
‘Freedom of Information Acts 1997 – 2003 - General Outline’
provides details on how to make a Freedom of Information Request
and the time limits which apply and the appeal procedures.
Page 205 of 205
Freedom of Information Act, 1997
Freedom of Information (Amendment) Act, 2003
FoI Act, 1997 (Section 6 (4), (5) & (6)) Regulations, 1998
FOI Act 1997 (Local Authority and Health Board)
(Commencement) Order, 1998
FoI Act, 1997 (Section 6 (9)) Regulations, 1998
FoI Act, 1997 (Section 28 (1)) Regulations, 1998
FoI Act, 1997 (Section 47 (3)) Regulations, 1998
FoI Act, 1997 (Section 17) Regulations, 1998
FoI Act, 1997 (Section 18) Regulations, 1998
FoI Act, 1997 (Section 25 (6) Regulations, 1998
FoI Act, 1997 (Section 47 (3)) (Amendment) Regulations,
FoI Act, 1997 (First Schedule) (Amendment) Regulations,
FoI Act, 1997 (Third Schedule) (Amendment) Regulations,
FoI Act, 1997 (Section 6 (4)(b)) Regulations, 1999
FoI Act, 1997 (Section 28 (6)) Regulations, 1999
FoI Act, 1997 (First Schedule) (Amendment) Regulations,
FoI Act, 1997 (Prescribed Bodies) Regulations, 1999
FoI Act, 1997 (Prescribed Bodies) Regulations, 2000
FoI Act, 1997 (Prescribed Bodies) (No. 2) Regulations, 2000
Page 206 of 206
FoI Act, 1997 (Prescribed Bodies) (No. 3) Regulations, 2000
FoI Act, 1997 (Prescribed Bodies) Regulations, 2001
FoI Act, 1997 (Prescribed Bodies) (No. 2) Regulations, 2001
FoI Act, 1997 (Prescribed Bodies) (No. 3) Regulations, 2001
FoI Act, 1997 (Prescribed Bodies) (No. 4) Regulations, 2001
FoI Act, 1997 (Classes of Health Professionals) Regulations,
FoI Act, 1997 (Prescribed Bodies) Regulations, 2002
FoI Act, 1997 (Prescribed Bodies) (No. 2) Regulations, 2002
FoI Act, 1997 (Miscellaneous Revocations) Regulations,
FoI Act, 1997 (Fees) Regulations, 2003
FoI Act, 1997 (Prescribed Bodies) Regulations, 2003
FoI Act, 1997 (Prescribed Bodies) Regulations, 2006
FoI Act, 1997 (Section 17 (6)) Regulations, 2009
FoI Act, 1997 (Section 18 (5)(a)) Regulations, 2009
FoI Act, 1997 (Section 28 (6)) Regulations, 2009
Decisions of the Information Commissioner 1998 to date
Guidelines and circulars
Freedom of Information (Amendment) Act, 2003
Explanatory Notes
DoEHLG Circular Letter LG (P) 08/03 – Amendment Act,
Page 207 of 207
DoEHLG Circular Letter LG (P) 10/03 – FoI (Fees)
Regulations, 1998, FoI Section 17 (6) Regulations, 2003,
FoI Section 18(5A) Regulations, 2003
DoEHLG Circular Letter LG (P) 12/03 – FoI & EU Complaints
Circular Letter BC 4/99 – FOI Act, 1997 “Tender Notices –
Commercially Sensitive Information
LGMSB Publication (2002) – National Records Retention
Policy for Local Authority Records
CPU (Central Policy Unit) Guidelines
Further information
Meetings of council and committees of the council
Standing order for meetings of council
Application for Enactments Order 1898 (Article 35)
Local Government Act 1955 Section 62
Local Government Act 1994
Local Government Act 2001
Statutory meetings of council
City & County Management Act 1955 – Estimates Meeting
Application of Enactments Order 1898 (Article 35) – Annual
meeting of County Council
Application of Enactments Order 1898 (Article 36) –
Quarterly meeting of County Council
Page 208 of 208
Standing Order of Council (Local) – Ordinary meetings of
Procedure at Meetings: Standing Orders (adopted February
Local Government Act 2001
Other meetings of council
Standing Orders – Monthly Meetings
Committees of council
City & County Management (Amendment) Act 1955 Section
Local Government (Reorganisation) Act 1985 Section 27
Local Government Act 1991
Local Government Act 2001
Better Local Government – A Programme for Change
Payments to members of council for attendance at meetings
Local Government Act 2001
Department of the Environment Circular Letter L.G. 49/2
Periodic Department of the Environment and Local
Government Circulars – Current Circular EL 221/2A.
Circulars amending rates thereof
Loudspeaker licences
Road Traffic (Construction, Equipment and Use of Vehicles)
Regulations 1963
Page 209 of 209
Health and safety
Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act, 2005 and
associated regulations
Clare County Council’s Parent Safety Statement
Clare County Council’s Safety Management System
Various statutes re. Obligation to publish statutory notices
Value for Money Report
Local policy on report
Receipt and recording of tenders
Local Policy on Tender Procedures & City and County
Management (Amendment) Act, 1955
Local Government Act 1994
Local Government Act 2001
Special schools and residential homes
Children’s Act 1941
Children’s (Amendment Act) 1957
Malicious Injuries (Amendment) Act 1986
Malicious Injuries Act 1981
Electoral Acts 1992-2002
Local Government Act 2001
Page 210 of 210
Road Traffic (Construction Equipment & Use of Vehicles)
Regs 1963
Children’s Act 1941, 1957 and 2001
Circulars from DOELG
Local Government Act 1941
Local Elections (Petitions & Disqualifications) Act 1974
Electoral Act 1992
Electoral Amendment Act 1996
Electoral Act 1997
Electoral Amendment Act 2001
Electoral Amendment Act 2002
Local Government Act 2001
Local Government (No. 2) Act 2003
Delegated legislation
Presidential Election and Referendum Regulations, 1997
Local Elections Regulations, 1995
European Parliament Elections (Voting and Candidature)
Regulations, 1994
Memorandum of Registration Process, D.O.E., F24/97
Page 211 of 211