Collab8Master User Manual


Collab8Master User Manual
Collab8Master User Manual
ABOUT THIS DOCUMENT ............................................................................................................................... 3
PURPOSE ...................................................................................................................................................................3
INTENDED AUDIENCE ...............................................................................................................................................3
ABOUT COLLAB8MASTER .............................................................................................................................. 4
WHAT IS COLLAB8MASTER? ..................................................................................................................................4
WHY USE THE COLLAB8MASTER? ..........................................................................................................................4
KEY FEATURES ........................................................................................................................................................4
Display Matrix .....................................................................................................................................................4
Content Recording ..............................................................................................................................................4
Collaboration .......................................................................................................................................................4
RUN COLLAB8MASTER APP ........................................................................................................................... 5
FEATURES .......................................................................................................................................................... 7
START SHARE COLLAB8 SCREEN TO ALL OTHER COLLAB8 ..................................................................................7
Simple Mode ........................................................................................................................................................7
Advance Mode .....................................................................................................................................................7
Save Configuration .............................................................................................................................................9
START RECORDING OF COLLAB8 UNITS ...............................................................................................................10
SHOW PARTICIPANT LIST ......................................................................................................................................11
FILE TRANSFER ......................................................................................................................................................12
Share Files to All Collab8 Units .......................................................................................................................12
Share Files to all Participants ..........................................................................................................................12
START DISPLAY ......................................................................................................................................................13
THIRD PARTY INPUT ..............................................................................................................................................13
ENABLE EASY FILE SHARING MODE FOR MODERATOR ........................................................................................14
Usage of Pairing ................................................................................................................................................15
Stop Pairing .......................................................................................................................................................17
Collab8Master User Manual
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About this Document
The document is meant to describe the features and functionality of Collab8Master. It
will provide you all the instruction on how to use the features of Collab8Master like
Streaming or Pairing.
Intended Audience
This document is written for WOW VISION’s customers, resellers and distributor who
want to understand and use Collab8Master. It is expected you have the knowledge of
Collab8App and Collab8Admin to use the Collab8MasterApp.
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About Collab8Master
What is Collab8Master?
Collab8Master is Server software which allows you to develop a Matrix Switcher with
existing Collab8 units i.e. you can share the content of one Collab8 unit to another
collab8 unit inside the network.
Why use the Collab8Master?
Collab8Master is an organization-level app which allows you to manage “N” number
of Collab8 units. You can record the entire session happening inside the room. You
can run a collaboration mode environment and transfer files to all users connected to
different collab8 units at once. You can share a file for collaboration/ discussion on
all Collab8 units. You can start HDMI Input at all Collab8 units in just one click from
Key Features
Collab8Master contains many features which makes collaboration more efficient and
Display Matrix
Display matrix allows you to make matrix switcher among existing Collab8 units. This
feature provides you the flexibility to share running content of any Collab8 unit to
other Collab8 units. You can also create matrix to share content among the Collab8
Content Recording
Collab8Master gives you the feature to record your running content from Collab8 units.
User can record content from all Collab8 units in just one click an can use this
media file in future.
Collaboration mode allows you can transfer files to all users connected to different
collab8 units in one click as well as at all Collab8 units for collaboration/discussion.
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Run Collab8Master App
1. Go to Collab8Master website by entering the IP Address of Collab8Master in
any web browser
2. Login with valid credentials
o Default User Name: su
o Default password: supass (make sure you change it from web interface)
3. Click on settings
4. Download client as per your OS version
o For Windows: Collab8MasterApp.exe
o For MAC: Collab8MasterApp.dmg
5. Now execute Collab8MasterApp
6. Enter Room/Group Name: This is a text box where user can define the name
of a group of multiple Collab8 units. For example: you have 4 Collab8 units
configured at Conference Room then you can define the name Conference
Room here and all the 4 Collab8 units in this group.
7. Enter Streaming Server Location: Here you need to define the IP Address of
Collab8Master Server.
8. Enter User Name and Password: Enter valid credentials
a. Default User name: su
b. Default Password: supass
9. Click on Load
This will show you all the Collab8 which you have
configured through website of Collab8Master
10. Location: User can change the name of Collab8 in first text box and second
field show you the IP Address of Collab8 units. You can use – sign to remove
Collab8 Unit from the list in case you don’t want to use them in this group.
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11. Select Mode:
a. Streaming Mode: This mode allows you to stream one Collab8 Unit to
all or to any specific Collab8 Unit. User will also have the functionality
to start recording of all the Collab8 units in this mode.
b. Collaboration Mode: This mode provides all the features of collaboration
like Start Display, File Transfer, pairing including streaming and recording
features. User will also able to see the participant list of all the Collab8
Units in this mode.
12. Click on Login
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Start Share Collab8 Screen to All other Collab8
Simple Mode
1. Click on Display Matrix
2. Click on Start
for any Collab8 Unit and streaming of this Unit
Units and Start button will change as Stop
to stop streaming.
Note: If any Collab8 Unit(s) shows disable, please check Streaming Server configured
properly on that Collab8 unit(s).
Advance Mode
1. Click on Display Matrix
2. Click on Advance
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3. Here you will see 2 list of Collab8 Unit
c. Left side Collab8 Units will act as master units and will share the
d. Right side Collab8 Units will act as child units and will receive the
4. Click on any left side Collab8 Unit then click on any right side Collab8 Unit,
will show at both side of the units
5. Click on Start
Note: If Collab8 Unit(s) from left side shows disabled, please check Streaming server
is configured properly on that Collab8 unit(s).
Use Case1: Here streaming of CR Ground Floor start at all Collab8 units
Use Case2: Here streaming of CR Ground Floor start at CR First Floor and CR
Use Case3: Here streaming of
1. CR Ground Floor start at CR First Floor
2. CR First Floor 2 start at CR MGMT
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In the same way user can create display matrix as per their requirement
Save Configuration
User can also save these configurations for future use.
1. Select Collab8 Units
2. Enter Configuration name as per your configuration
3. Click on save
4. You can find these configurations under Load Configuration drop down.
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Start Recording of Collab8 Units
1. Click on Features
2. Click on Start Recording
3. Recording will start and a icon image will show on Features
4. Click on Stop recording to stop recording
User can download these recording files from Collab8Master website.
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Show Participant List
1. Login into Collaboration Mode
2. You will see below screen:
3. Now click on Participants
for any Collab8 Unit and the list of all
logged in participant will show.
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File Transfer
Share Files to All Collab8 Units
1. Click on File Transfer
2. It will
against any Collab8 Unit
ask to choose from various options.
Yes: It will open your file at Collab8 for collaboration
Yes To All: It will open your file at all logged in users
Cancel: It will cancel the process
Share Files to all Participants
1. Click on File Share
against any user to whom you want to transfer file
2. It will open a window to browse your system, select file and click on open
3. File transfer process will start and receiver need to save this file
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Start Display
1. Login into Collaboration mode
2. Click on Participant again Collab8 Unit
3. Click on
against any user to start display of this user
4. Display will start and button will change as
Third Party Input
1. Login into Collaboration mode
2. Click on
for any Collab8 Unit to start HDMI Input
start on Collab8 Unit and the button will
to stop HDMI Input
4. User can also Start / Stop HDMI Input from Features > HDMI Input On /
HDMI Input Off in one click at all Collab8 Units
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Enable easy file sharing mode for Moderator
Collab8 Controller has the feature of Pairing which make any user as master, when
controller give rights to any user that will also able to share files among the Collab8
Units or all the participants.
1. Login into Collaboration mode
2. Click on Participant
3. Click on
for any user
4. A window will popup containing session code
5. A window will also popup at participant side for entering the same session
code which generated at Controller side
6. User enter this session code and click on Send
7. Pairing will start and
will show at Controller as well as in the Participant
List of User
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Usage of Pairing
1. Paired user can share files with all Collab8 Units
a. Open participant list then click on Pairing
below window will open
b. Click on File Transfer to All collab8
c. It will browse your system, select file and click on open
d. File Transfer to all Collab8 units will start and at the finish file will open
at all Collab8 unit
e. User can find this file in Cloud at Collab8 Unit
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2. Paired user can share files with the logged in participants of all Collab8 Units
a. Open participant list then click on Pairing
b. Click
c. It will browse your system, select file and click on open
d. File transfer will start to All logged in Participants of All Collab8 units
e. Receivers need to save this file.
3. Paired user can share file with any Collab8 Unit
a. Open participant list then click on Pairing
b. Click on Collab8 Unit from the list
c. It will ask to choose from various options.
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i. Yes: It will open your file at Collab8 for collaboration
ii. Yes To All: It will open your file at all logged in users of that
particular unit
iii. Cancel: It will cancel the process
Stop Pairing
From Participant side:
1. Open participant list then click on Pairing
2. Click on
, pairing will stop
From Controller Side:
1. Click on
to stop pairing.
2. Click on Yes and pairing will stop
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© 2014 WOW Vision Pte. Ltd. All rights reserved.
Under the copyright laws, no part of this manual may be copied, distributed,
transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system or translated into any human or
computer language, in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, without the
express written permission of WOW Vision Pte. Ltd.
Every effort has been made to ensure that the information contained in this manual is
accurate. Instructions for use in this manual are provided “as is” without warranty of
any kind.
Collab8 is a trademark of WOW Vision Pte. Ltd. Windows, Internet Explorer and
Microsoft are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Apple, Mac and Macintosh
are trademarks of Apple Inc. Other company and product names mentioned in this
manual are trademarks of their respective owners.
WOW Vision Pte. Ltd. reserves the right to make changes without further notice to
any products described herein to improve reliability, function or design.
WOW Vision Pte. Ltd.
62 Ubi Road 1
Oxley Bizhub 2, #10-14
Singapore 408734
Tel: +65 6745 7798
Support URL:
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