Section II National Reform Programme Integrated Guidelines
Section II National Reform Programme Integrated Guidelines
(final) Section II National Reform Programme Integrated Guidelines Manual PART A MACROECONOMIC POLICY FOR GROWTH AND EMPLOYMENT 2 GUIDELINE 1 TO SECURE ECONOMIC STABILITY WITH A VIEW TO SUSTAINABLE GROWTH ACTIONS DESCRIPTION/EXPECTED EFFECT GUIDELINE CROSS-REFERENCE STATUS Balanced budget over the business cycle In 2001, even the cyclically adjusted figures showed the first balanced budget since 1973 and it was maintained for 4 years. This constituted de facto the prerequisite for the 2004/2005 tax reform. GL 2: Safeguards economic and budgetary sustainability, a prerequisite for more jobs. Continuously 2005 Tax Reform Act (Steuerreformgesetz) The second phase of the 2004/2005 tax reform involves in the main a reduction and simplification of the income-tax rate, a reduction of corporate income tax from 34% to 25% and the introduction of a grouptaxation regime. Reducing the income-tax rate increases disposable income while the corporate income tax reform together with the group-taxation regime increases Austria's attractiveness as a location. GL 6: The ability of the employment markets to adapt has an impact on the dynamism and smooth operation of EMU. In force since 1 January 2005 Reducing public expenditure while at the same time improving quality releases more resources for new economic activity. GL 3: Promotes an efficient allocation of resources, which is geared to growth and jobs. Reduction of the total tax ratio to 40% of GDP by 2010 GL 10 and GL 14: Strengthens and creates more competitiveness. Continuously 3 GUIDELINE 2 TO SAFEGUARD ECONOMIC AND FISCAL SUSTAINABILITY AS A BASIS FOR MORE JOBS ACTIONS DESCRIPTION/EXPECTED EFFECT GUIDELINE CROSS-REFERENCE STATUS Harmonisation of pension systems In the course of the 2003 and 2005 pension reforms, an important interim goal was attained and the prerequisite for a future-oriented system created. Makes an important contribution to ensuring that public finances can be covered in the long term; key concern of GL 1. In force since 2005 GL 3: Promotes an efficient allocation of resources, which is geared to growth and jobs. GL 5: Strengthens the consistency of macroeconomic, structural and employment policies. GL 18: Promotes a lifecycle approach to work. Strengthening the second and third pillars The harmonisation of the systems in one single insurance system making up the first pillar will improve the diversification of the financial risk of increased life expectancy and thereby also raise the allocation efficiency of national economic resources. GL 3: Promotes an efficient allocation of resources, which is geared to growth and jobs. Guideline 3 Tp promote a growth and employment-oriented and efficient allocation of resources ACTIONS DESCRIPTION/EXPECTED EFFECT GUIDELINE CROSS-REFERENCE STATUS Research billion Loan-financed billion for technology, distribution of which will last until 2010, thereby giving an additional boost to achieving the 3%-target of research funding. GL 7: Increases and improves investments in R&D, in particular in the private sector. 2005 Growth and Employment Act (Wachstums- und Beschäftigungsgesetz) 4 ACTIONS DESCRIPTION/EXPECTED EFFECT GUIDELINE CROSS-REFERENCE STATUS Act on the Promotion of Business Start-ups (Neugründungsförderungsgesetz - NeuFöG) Under the 2000 Tax Reform Act, the Act on the Promotion of Business Start-ups (NeuFöG) was adopted. This exempted persons starting up new businesses (provided they fulfilled certain conditions) from certain charges, fees and contributions. This measure has since proved its value as an instrument of competition and labour-market policy. GL 15: Promotes a more entrepreneurial culture and creates a supportive environment for SMEs. Adopted under the 2000 Tax Reform Act; since renewed 2005/2006 Regional Employment and Growth Offensive The aim of this campaign is to encourage job-creation investment of €1.18 billion in the regions in order to stimulate growth and employment. Reducing the corporate income tax rate from 34% to 25% Administration reform Measure forming part of the 2005 tax reform. GL 17: Implements employment policies aiming at achieving full employment, improving quality and productivity at work, and strengthening social and territorial cohesion. Reduces the tax and fiscal-charges burden (see GL 1) Administration Innovation Programme (VerwaltungsInnovationsProgramm - VIP) In order to make administrative action more citizen and business friendly and more efficient, the reform measures have been grouped together in an Administration Innovation Programme. Its implementation will ensure Austria's competitive advantages, and increasing annual savings in the Federal Administration release more resources for new economic activities. Has positive employment effects within the meaning of GL 17: persons starting up new businesses are granted a 7 percent-point reduction in non-wage labour costs if they already take on employees in the year in which the business starts up. Memorandum signed on 8 August 2005 In force since 1 January 2005 Since 2000, 150 innovative reform projects - very small or large like the police and finances reform (with 2/3 completed successfully) - have been implemented. This has improved the supply of services to citizens, speeded up bureaucracy and at the same time made savings of around EUR 1,5 billion, i.e. combined budget savings of EUR 7,4 billion. GL 9: Facilitates the spread and effective use of ICTs and builds a fully inclusive information society. In progress GL 14: Creates a more competitive business environment and encourages private initiative by improving regulations. 5 GUIDELINE 4 TO ENSURE THAT WAGE DEVELOPMENTS CONTRIBUTE TO MACROECONOMIC STABILITY AND GROWTH ACTIONS DESCRIPTION/EXPECTED EFFECT GUIDELINE CROSS-REFERENCE STATUS Productivity-oriented development of salaries Wage-setting strategy of the social partners with a view to the competitiveness of the export economy. GL 22: Ensures more employment-friendly labourcosts developments and wage-setting mechanisms. Continuously GUIDELINE 5 TO ENSURE MORE COHERENCE BETWEEN MACROECONOMIC POLICY, STRUCTURAL POLICY AND EMPLOYMENT POLICY ACTIONS DESCRIPTION/EXPECTED EFFECT GUIDELINE CROSS-REFERENCE STATUS Diversified packages of measures primarily on the supply front The packages of measures primarily on the supply front have been designed not only to achieve high national economic returns but also to increase the confidence of consumers and enterprises: • priority infrastructure expenditure • greater investment incentives • increased science and education expenditure. GL 23: Expands and improves investment in human capital. Continuously GUIDELINE 6 TO CONTRIBUTE TO A DYNAMIC AND WELL-FUNCTIONING EMU ACTIONS DESCRIPTION/EXPECTED EFFECT GUIDELINE CROSS-REFERENCE STATUS Harmonisation of pension systems With regard to pension entitlements, the pension systems for public and private employees have been made completely open. Cross-reference to employment policy, in particular GL 21. The reduction in the high marginal costs arising with a change of job increases the mobility of the workforce. In force since 1 January 2005 6 ACTIONS DESCRIPTION.EXPECTED EFFECT GUIDELINE CROSS-REFERENCE STATUS New system for severance payment (Abfertigung Neu) A modern labour market and the changed requirements of employers mean that there is also a need for an up-to-date compulsory employee pension scheme. In particular, it was in the past above all the loss of the right to a severance payment by an employee who handed in his notice which discouraged mobility. The present measure has decoupled severance-payment entitlements from the employer and individualised them. GL L21: Promotes flexibility combined with employment security. In force since 1 July 2002 7 PART B MICROECONOMIC REFORMS TO RAISE GROWTH POTENTIAL 8 9 GUIDELINE 7 TO INCREASE AND IMPROVE INVESTMENT IN R&D, PARTICULARLY BY PRIVATE BUSINESS GUIDELINE 8 TO FACILITATE ALL FORMS OF INNOVATION ACTIONS DESCRIPTION/EXPECTED EFFECT GUIDELINE CROSS-REFERENCE Research billion EUR 1 billion for the period 2005 to 2010; further action for research promotion in order to attain the goal of raising R&D spending to 3% of GDP. Gaining and extending a technology lead in order to maintain the competitiveness of Austrian enterprises; site protection (GL 10). Enhancing competence where science and business interact. The effects will only be felt in the medium and long term, but the importance of the signal given should not be underestimated. Helps in the long-term securing of high employment and improves quality at work (e.g. GL 17). Tax concessions for contract research in income tax (research allowance or tax bonus); this should enable a wide SME base to take up research. Strengthens the competitiveness of Austrian SMEs and provides site protection (GL 10 and GL 15). R&D SME promotion offensive Improvement of the framework conditions for venturecapital markets and increasing the share of investment in private equity and venture capital. This measure should provide support for private innovations and improve the financing possibilities for "risky" investments. Headquarters policy In the course of privatisation, the headquarters policy aims to maintain R&D capacities in Austria, or bring them to Austria. STATUS 2005 Growth and Employment Act Long-term growth and employment effects (helps to achieve the objectives of macroeconomic and employment policy guidelines - e.g. GL 3 and GL 17). 2005 Growth and Employment Act Long-term positive growth and employment effects (cross-reference to various employment and macroeconomic policy guidelines). Long-term positive growth and employment effects. Cross-reference to GL 10 and GL 15 and to various employment and macroeconomic policy guidelines). 10 ACTIONS DESCRIPTION/EXPECTED EFFECT GUIDELINE CROSS-REFERENCE STATUS Reform of the Austrian research incentive system Greater funding, harmonisation of subsidy guidelines, consolidation of programmes, development of instruments. Gaining and extending a technology lead in order to maintain the competitiveness of Austrian enterprises; site protection (GL 10). Processes are being regularly evaluated; the reforms are ongoing Considerably increases transparency, not least as regards spending. Reform of the grant system; greater sectoral focusing of synergy effects through Europe-wide programmes (GL 13). Long-term growth and employment effects (helps to achieve the objectives of macroeconomic and employment policy guidelines). Strategic science/business partnerships Objective: Sustainable enhancing of competence where science and business interact; programmes: Kind, Knet, CD-Labors (operational); Laura Bassi Centers (planned). Close link with GL 10 (industrial base), GL 23 (investment in human capital) and GL 24 (education and training). In progress A bottom-up incentive intended to have a wide-ranging effect is primarily targeting enterprises facing particular obstacles to research and innovation (especially SMEs). Technology-transfer programmes aimed primarily at SMEs Improving the RTD competence of Austrian enterprises. Programmes: protec, prokis, Digitale Wirtschaft/IKT, LISA, CIR-CE. Aims to encourage cooperation between innovative Austrian enterprises but also between innovative Austrian enterprises and foreign enterprises. Centred both on the building up of a transnational network and on technology transfers and quality guarantees. Increases the competitiveness of Austrian SMEs (GL 15). Regular evaluation and continuous adaptation Long-term positive growth and employment effects (interaction with various employment and macroeconomic policy guidelines). By building up sectoral or thematic technology and impulse programmes, should secure a long-term competitive advantage for Austrian business in the advanced-technology sector. 11 ACTIONS DESCRIPTION/EXPECTED EFFECT Promotion of young academics GUIDELINE CROSS-REFERENCE Positive impact on the quality of the human capital of Austrian enterprises (GL 10 and GL 15). This action will at the same time have positive effects for the objectives of GL 17 and GL 18 concerning women. STATUS In progress Helps to guarantee high employment and improves quality at work (employment policy GL 17, GL 23 and GL 24). Greater mobility of national and foreign researchers Better comparability of academic qualifications, bilateral social-insurance agreements. Adjustments in vocational training Modularisation of the dual education system, introducing more flexibility to trades requiring apprenticeship training and the qualification of the vocational trainers. Mobility leads to the transfer of knowledge, which in turn creates a positive feedback in national research. Responds postively to the challenges of globalisation (GL 13), of the internal market and of flexibility on the labour market (GL 21). Supplements the measures and objectives in GL 18, GL 23 und GL 24. Beginning of 2006 This is intended to bring trades requiring apprenticeship training into closer touch with the requirements of everyday life and practice. Innovation-friendly market conditions Raising competition intensity in markets for goods and services; removal of market-access barriers in individual markets, simplification of the regulatory system and increasing market transparency. Promotes flexibility in the requirements imposed by the awarder of the public contract in order to strengthen the competitive advantages (GL 10 and GL 13). Rigorous inclusion of the innovation aspect in the awarding of public contracts. Working out a pattern for framing calls for tender in a way which encourages innovation. 12 GUIDELINE 9 TO FACILITATE THE SPREAD AND EFFECTIVE USE OF ICTS AND BUILD A FULLY INCLUSIVE INFORMATION SOCIETY ACTIONS Implementation of the "i2010" strategy Broadband initiative Administration Innovation Programme (VIP) DESCRIPTION/EXPECTED EFFECT Objective: Elaboration of a national implementation strategy on the basis of the three pillars of the "i2010" strategy (creating a uniform European information area; increasing innovation and investment in ICT research; building an inclusive European information society). Knowledge and innovation are the essental driving forces behind sustainable growth, and the building of a fully inclusive information society which is founded on the widespread use of ICTs in public services, in small and medium-sized enterprises and in private households is the key challenge. Objective: Increase availability from the current 80% to 98%; more intensive continuation of the previous initiative should above all provide rural regions with access to the broadband internet. The Federal Government is doubling the previous funding of €10 million (the Länder are to contribute equivalent amounts). Concentrating on regions which have hitherto been undersupplied or lacked access represents a very conscious attempt to give a new impetus to entrepreneurial innovation and make a positive impact on employment. Creation of a modern, efficient public administration: 82 out of 132 planned reform projects have been completed successfully to date, under the EU-wide benchmarking system Austria's eGovernment rating managed to improve from 11th place (2003) to 2nd place (2005). Savings in administration are making available resources, which are being redeployed as part of a future-oriented economic policy. GUIDELINE CROSS-REFERENCE STATUS Close link with GL 7, GL 8 and GL 10. In progress Strengthens the competitiveness of Austrian enterprises; secures the attractiveness of Austria as a location through better access to modern information technology and infrastructure (GL 10). 2005 Growth and Employment Act Strengthens the competitiveness of Austrian SMEs through better access to modern information technology and infrastructure (GL 15). Wider access to an efficient information-technology infrastructure creates the technical conditions for a competition-friendlier business environment and a simplification of regulations, e.g. eGovernment (GL 14) and has positive effects on employment (GL 17). Close link with GL 3 (efficient allocation of resources). A modern public administration, simplification of regulations and internet-based administrative services have a positive effect on the competitiveness of Austrian enterprises and reduce the burden on private individuals with regard to job-seeking, social security, training and mobility (GL 14; GL 19 & GL 20). In progress 13 ACTIONS DESCRIPTION/EXPECTED EFFECT Assistive technology for the elderly Planning of application-oriented R&D activities to strengthen research into "assistive" technologies with the medium-term goal of enabling above all the elderly, people in need of nursing care and the handicapped to enjoy a better quality of life in their own homes longer through the use of adaptive and supporting information technologies. GUIDELINE CROSS-REFERENCE STATUS Cross-reference to GL 7, GL 8 and GL 10. Advanced planning stage and feasibility study Through the development of innovative new technologies, the early involvement of all players at local, regional and federal level and the taking account of regulatory, national and EU legislative issues, this initiative is expected to have a considerable impact on the building up and further development of appropriate markets. Close cooperation between these activities and European initiatives in this area (e.g. the launching of an Article 169 initiative in the framework of the 7th RP: "Ambient Assistive Living" or initiatives associated with "i2010") will ensure the lasting cohesion of national and European measures. GUIDELINE 10 TO STRENGTHEN THE COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES OF EUROPE'S INDUSTRIAL BASE ACTIONS DESCRIPTION/EXPECTED EFFECT GUIDELINE CROSS-REFERENCE STATUS Improvement of the legal framework Shortening of procedures by exploiting synergies (regional planning and legislation governing civil engineering projects, avoidance of duplication of effort by consolidating procedures). Procedures Acceleration Act (Verfahrensbeschleunigungsgesetz). Considerable synergies arise with the macroeconomic objectives set (e.g. in GL 3). Procedures Acceleration Act in force since 1 September 2005 Technology-Financing Programme (Technologiefinanzierungsprogramm) Combining of guarantees for equity investments in technology-oriented SMEs with a guarantee for subordinated loans and equity investments of venture capital funds within an "aws" (Austria Wirtschaftsservice GmbH) framework agreement. Equity investments are thus doubled by outside capital. Current initiatives and actions to strengthen the competitiveness of Austrian industry and business are indicated mainly under GL 7 (R&D) and GL 8 (Innovation). In progress 14 Strengthening the capital market In recent years, there has been lasting consolidation of the national capital market. The financing of research and development is a typical capital-market task. Synergies with the macroeconomic objectives set in GL 3 and GL 5. GUIDELINE 11 TO ENCOURAGE THE SUSTAINABLE USE OF RESOURCES AND STRENGTHEN THE SYNERGIES BETWEEN ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AND GROWTH ACTIONS DESCRIPTION/EXPECTED EFFECT GUIDELINE CROSS-REFERENCE STATUS „Klima:aktiv“ Impulse Programme Objective: Effective change in the market for climaterelevant technologies (rapid and broad-based market launch of climate-friendly technologies in the sectors of construction, mobility, enterprises, electricity conservation and renewable energies). In addition to contributing to ecological sustainability, encourages innovative technology sectors, compensation for market failure in the area of sustainable use of resources. Since 2005 Funding: €3 million per annum (until 2012). Tax measures • Increase in taxes on mineral oil and staggering tax rates based on sulphur content • Introduction of a levy on coal and natural gas • Reorganisation of the compensation for energy levies A rigorous sustainability policy in the field of energy and natural resources makes possible the decoupling of growth and resource intensiveness (e.g. oil), the correcting of market failure (globalisation of external costs; GL 13) and the safeguarding of social, economic and budgetary sustainability (GL 2). already implemented (as part of the first phase of the tax reform - in force since 1 January 2004) In addition, making available for a limited period of time of public funds to • • Promote the installation of particle filters Grant tax concessions to stimulate the use of biofuels As from 1 July 2005 As from 1 October 2005 15 ACTIONS DESCRIPTION/EXPECTED EFFECT GUIDELINE CROSS-REFERENCE STATUS National measures to implement the Environmental Technologies Action Plan (ETAP) Development of a national action plan Not only contributes to ecological sustainability but also encourages innovative technology sectors and consequently the gaining and extending of a technology lead in order to maintain the competitiveness of Austrian enterprises (GL 10). Being implemented Compilation of a database on environmental technologies; Awarding of pilot projects for the establishment of technology platforms; Collaboration in the development of performance targets for production processes and services; Site protection through use of comparative advantages and first-mover advantages on globalised markets(GL 13). Execution of studies to encourage sustainable patterns of production and consumption; Strengthens the competitiveness of Austrian SMEs (GL 15). Cooperation in the implementation of ETAP at the international level; Long-term positive growth and employment effects (helps to achieve the objectives of macroeconomic and employment policy guidelines). Advisory Council on Environmental Technology (to support national activities and actions in international networks for ETAP implementation). Sustainability and climate strategy Two fundamental national strategies from the year 2002 constituting one package ("Shaping a Sustainable Future for Austria" and the Climate Strategy 2008-2012") are currently undergoing evaluation and adaptation. Decoupling of growth and resource intensiveness, globalisation of external costs (GL 13) and the safeguarding of social, economic and budgetary sustainability (GL 2). Introduction of ecological considerations into public procurement Catalogue of criteria entitled „Check it!“ is addressed to units engaged in purchasing and procurement, in particular Länder and local authorities. A rigorous sustainability policy not only safeguards long-term high-quality jobs (GL 17), but also supports macroeconomic policy initiatives to achieve efficient allocation of resources (GL 3) and economic and budgetary sustainability (GL 2). BeschaffungsServiceAustria (BSA) is a procurement service agency financed by the Natural Resources Ministry (Lebensministerium) and facilitating environmentally sound procurement practices. Already set up Evaluation and adaptation being implemented Implemented 16 ACTIONS DESCRIPTION/EXPECTED EFFECT GUIDELINE CROSS-REFERENCE STATUS Promotion of renewable sources of energy (expansion of power-plant capacities with simultaneous use of energy-saving potential); amendment of the Eco-Electricity Act (Ökostromgesetz) Transposition of Directive 2001/77/EC under the EcoElectricity Act - Federal Law Gazette I No. 149/2002): targets for the year 2008 (9% from small hydro-power stations; 4% from other ecological sources) may already be attained in 2005. Funding: from 2003 to 2005 - about EUR 200 million; in 2006 about EUR 300 million. A rigorous sustainability policy in the field of energy and natural resources makes possible not only the decoupling of growth and resource intensiveness (e.g. oil) but also creates the institutional conditions for innovations in environmental technology. Being implemented Action plan to increase the Austrian economy's efficient use of resources Dialogue process with the business sector, the scientific community and civil society to encourage the efficient use of resources (definition of reduction and decoupling targets, guidelines for their attainment and suitable monitoring measures). Not only contributes to ecological sustainability but also encourages innovative technology sectors and compensates for market failure in the sustainable use of resources. In progress; completion by 2006 Extension of the deadline for the start-up of plants entitled to compensation for power fed into the grid at the rates for previously approved plants based on biomass (solid and liquid), biogas and revitalised small hydro-power stations to 31 December 2007; this will safeguard up to 3 000 jobs in the long run. On the basis of its considerable future market potential and high technical complexity (and the export possibilities and spillover effects it brings with it), such technology helps to make Austrian enterprises more competitive internationally (link to GL 10, GL 13, GL 14 and GL 15). Accordingly, a rigorous sustainability policy not only safeguards long-term high-quality jobs (GL 17) but also supports macroeconomic policy initiatives to achieve an efficient allocation of resources (GL 2 and GL 3). 17 GUIDELINE 12 TO EXTEND AND DEEPEN THE INTERNAL MARKET ACTIONS DESCRIPTION/EXPECTED EFFECT Transposition into national law of the measures in the Financial Services Action Plan (FSAP) In recent years a large number of Directives governing financial services have been transposed into national law. One of the last milestones will be the adoption of the new capital adequacy rules for banks (Basel II). National transposition of the Single European Payment Area (SEPA) Setting up of the Austrian Payments Council (APC) in order to establish a common position of Austrian credit institutions and defend it internationally. GUIDELINE CROSS-REFERENCE Contributes to the competitiveness and openness of the Austrian financial market and thereby results in greater overall economic efficiency; it is easier to meet the challenges of globalisation and reap its rewards (GL 13). An efficient capital market increases the competitiveness of Austria's enterprises and facilitates the (innovative) start-up of businesses (GL 8, GL 10 and GL 15). Facilitates financial transactions within the Euro area; thereby increases the competitiveness of enterprises (GL 10, GL 14 and GL 15). Making of the necessary organisational and technical changes to Austrian payment transactions for transposition of SEPA. Setting up the clearing agency for stock-exchange transactions (CCP.A) New basis for the clearing and settlement of security trades. STATUS Implemented with the exceptionof Basel II Completed By 2010 An efficient capital market increases the competitiveness of Austria's enterprises and facilitates the (innovative) start-up of businesses (GL 8, GL 10 and GL 15). Started in August 2004 18 GUIDELINE 13 TO ENSURE OPEN AND COMPETITIVE MARKETS INSIDE AND OUTSIDE EUROPE AND TO REAP THE BENEFITS OF GLOBALISATION ACTIONS DESCRIPTION/EXPECTED EFFECT GUIDELINE CROSS-REFERENCE STATUS Internationalisation offensive „Go international“ Promotion of exports of goods and services as well as direct investment. Favours long-term site protection (close interaction with GL 10 - strengthening the industrial base). Runs until the end of 2006; extension already decided Enhancing the competitive position of the Austrian export trade. Funding of EUR 50 million (until year-end 2006). Strong presence on international markets and high export levels are the outcome of the good competitive position of Austrian enterprises, while conversely the resulting economies of scale afforded by large sales markets are in turn having a positive effect on competitiveness. Revision of competition law Modernisation of the legal framework for competition supervision; adaptation of the substance law on cartels to the European Union's competition legislation; notification of mergers of enterprises to the Federal Competition Authority; lifting the notification threshold in merger control (relief for both enterprises and the Federal Competition Authority). Not only safeguards public finances but also has longterm growth and employment effects (helps to achieve the objectives of macroeconomic and employment policy guidelines - every 3rd job in Austria is exportdetermined). Simplifies procedures - GL 14 (more competitive business environment). Enters into force on 1 January 2006 Supports long-term site protection (GL 10). 19 GUIDELINE 14 TO CREATE A MORE COMPETITIVE BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT AND ENCOURAGE PRIVATE INITIATIVE THROUGH BETTER REGULATION GUIDELINE 15 TO PROMOTE A MORE ENTREPRENEURIAL CULTURE AND CREATE A SUPPORTIVE ENVIRONMENT FOR SMES ACTIONS DESCRIPTION/EXPECTED EFFECT GUIDELINE CROSS-REFERENCE 2004/2005 tax reform General reduction of tax rates. Preferred taxation for undistributed profits of sole proprietorships and partnerships; reduction of the corporate income-tax rate from 34% to 25%; introduction of a modern grouptaxation regime. A supportive environment for enterprises increases the competitiveness, innovative power and dynamism of European enterprises (GL 8 & GL 10); this makes it easier to meet the challenges of globalisation and reap its rewards (GL 13). STATUS Since beginning of 2005 Competitive enterprises and in particular the innovative start-up of businesses and SMEs help to create and safeguard high-quality jobs (GL 17) and thereby safeguard economic and budgetary sustainability (GL 2). Austrian Corporate Governance Code Administrative procedures offensive Practicable guidelines for the management and supervision of companies. Enhances the quality of the Austrian capital market and strengthens investor confidence. The adaptation of the Austrian Corporate Governance Code to the requirements of international business dynamism helps to strengthen the competitiveness of the industrial base (GL 10), while at the same time companies have to fulfil their decisive role in assuming their social and ecological responsibilities: GL 13 (sustainable use of resources); GL 23 (investment in human capital). Newly created Procedures Acceleration Act will contribute to the rapid realisation of investment projects (power stations, eco-electricity projects, etc., with a volume of € 6.2 billion). Renewing procedures for eco-electricity projects contributes to the sustainable use of resources and thereby also interacts positively with GL 10 and GL 11 as well as in the field of macroeconomic policy GL 3. Since beginning of 2005 In force since 1 September 2005 20 ACTIONS DESCRIPTION/EXPECTED EFFECT GUIDELINE CROSS-REFERENCE STATUS Better regulation Beter regulation should help to reduce the burden on administration and business. Guidelines for drafting bills and structuring the rules for the legislative process should enhance the quality of existing as well as new legal rules. In addition, the impact in terms of bureaucratic effort and the consequences for competitiveness have to be taken into account more effectively. The objectives set are closely related to those in GL 10. But there are also major synergies with the macroeconomic-policy objectives in GL 3. In preparation Regional Employment and Growth Offensive 2005-2006 Incentive for investments designed to create and safeguard jobs, projects of large enterprises in regional-aid areas, innovative investment by business promoters and SMEs as well as pilot tourism projects; volume of funding: € 1.18 billion; expected effects: some € 3 million in in investment and around 20.000 jobs. Has a positive effect on employment, particularly in economically weak regions, strengthens social and territorial cohesion (GL 17). Supports macroeconomic-policy guidelines to achieve economic stability (GL 1), sustainability (GL 2) and efficient allocation of resources at national economic level (GL 3). From September 2005 until end of 2006 Improving corporate finance Support programme focusing on corporate strategy and corporate finance (alternative sources of funding for enterprises in the light of Basel II). Facilitates business innovation and the innovative start-up of businesses (GL 8). From Autumn 2005 In view of the scope and complexity of the operations of credit institutions and the structure of the Austrian banking system, large credit institutions playing an important role in the system are to report adequately about the risks involved in their operations, whereas smaller banks are not to be excessively burdened by a disproportionate workload. Strengthens the international competitiveness of Austrian banking institutions through simplified reporting requirements - reaping the benefits of internationalisation and globalisation (GL 13). Supervisory reporting system Has positive employment effects - as regards quantity and in particular quality at work (GL 17). Is to enter into force on 1 January 2007 (at same time as Basel II) 21 GUIDELINE 16 TO EXPAND, IMPROVE AND LINK UP EUROPEAN INFRASTRUCTURES AND COMPLETE PRIORITY CROSS-BORDER PROJECTS ACTIONS DESCRIPTION/EXPECTED EFFECT GUIDELINE CROSS-REFERENCE Development of power-plant capacities The continuous development of the Austrian highvoltage and very-high-voltage networks aims to secure the power supply in Austria as well as an efficient international power exchange. Close link also with the objectives in GL 11. Infrastructure initiative under the General Transport Plan Due to the geographical situation of Austria, the main focus will be on the creation and upgrading of transport links to Central and Eastern Europe. Funding: EUR 40,5 billion on roads and railways in the period 20002014; also additional financing of EUR 300 million for 2005; priority railway projects, especially the Brenner Base Tunnel (completion of planning stage by 2006, which will also see the Quick Start construction of the pilot tunnel) and the Kufstein-Innsbruck section (total investment volume of EUR 1,8 billion with construction scheduled for completion by 2013). Contributes to economic stability through the positive cyclical effects of public investment expenditure (GL 1); with targeted investment in "future-oriented" areas, contributes to economic and budgetary sustainability (GL 2) and efficient allocation of resources (GL 3). STATUS In progress Since 2003; in progress Reduces the factor cost and thereby increases the competitiveness of industry and business (GL 10 & GL14). Has a positive impact on employment (GL 1 & GL 17). Giving railways priority over roads contributes to a sustainable transport policy (GL 13). 22 PART C THE EMPLOYMENT GUIDELINES 23 GUIDELINE 17 IMPLEMENT EMPLOYMENT POLICIES AIMING AT ACHIEVING FULL EMPLOYMENT, IMPROVING QUALITY AND PRODUCTIVITY AT WORK, AND STRENGTHENING SOCIAL AND TERRITORIAL COHESION ACTIONS DESCRIPTION/EXPECTED EFFECT GUIDELINE CROSS-REFERENCE STATUS 2005/2006 Regional Growth and Employment Initiative Funding totals EUR 1,18 billion. The planned national grants total EUR 370 million and are provided by the Federal Government and the Länder at a ratio of 1:1. These will be supplemented by the maximum EU funds mobilisable through the "aws". Moreover, ERP loans of EUR 405 million are available and further "aws" liability instruments of EUR 405 million are reserved for this action. Close link with the content of GL 15 and GL 16. Investments to create and secure jobs in regional development areas. From September 2005 to end of 2006 Gender mainstreaming Current levels of implementation: gender budgeting, gender mainstreaming in legislation, gender mainstreaming in hospital care, more women in business and administration. These measures aim to prevent structurally embedded unemployment, continue the steep rise in women's educational attainment level, achieve a fair distribution of wages and incomes and overcome labour-market segmentation. Positive interaction, in particular with the objectives of GL 21. 3rd GenderMainstreaming Resolution adopted by the Austrian Council of Ministers in 2004; territorial employment package Employment Promotion Act (Beschäftigungsförderungsgesetz - BeFG) Skills training initiative targeted on young people and women. Additional funding of around EUR 284 million will be made available to facilitate the re-entry and skills/higher skills training of women and young people. Interaction with measures under GL 18 und GL 19 (in particular the combined wage model). Enters into force on 1 January 2006 24 GUIDELINE 18 PROMOTE A LIFE-CYCLE APPROACH TO WORK ACTIONS DESCRIPTION/EXPECTED EFFECT GUIDELINE CROSS-REFERENCE STATUS AMS-subsidised businessapprenticeship bonuses Employers providing additional apprenticeships will be subsidised with a bonus per apprentice and month (EUR 400 per month and apprentice in the first year of apprenticeship, EUR 200 in the second year and EUR100 in the third year). Close link with GL 23 and GL 24. Starting in September 2005 Jobs for You(th) ´05 (J4Y ´05) Youth-specific skills-training and employment programme. Over 10 000 young people are expected to be enrolled, over 50% of whom are female. Another target group comprises persons with only compulsory schooling. Synergies with the contents and objectives of GL 23 and GL 24. Period March 2005 to December 2005 Individual coaching The AMS will enhance the skills-training aspect of programmes for young people. In Autumn 2005, a joint initiative by employers and the AMS will be launched for young people out of work for more than six months. GL 23 and GL 24. Autumn 2005 to end of 2006 Modular design of apprenticeships (Modularisierung der Lehre) The training system "modular design of apprenticeships" is by way of response to the fact that increasingly specialised companies often are no longer able to provide apprenticeships that cover the whole range of an apprenticed trade. The modular approach should also result in a marked reduction of the currently around 250 apprenticed trades. GL 23 and GL 24. Beginning of 2006 Five-point programme on female employment Specific measures at AMS offices; awareness-raising and support for young women in their career choices; skills development for those groups most at risk of losing their jobs; opening up the growing market of health and nursing occupations; improving the framework for reconciling work and family life. Synergies with the objectives of GL 23 und GL 24. Project stage completed; concrete actions in preparation 25 ACTIONS DESCRIPTION/EXPECTED EFFECT GUIDELINE CROSS-REFERENCE STATUS Extension of working life Between 2005 and 2007, an appropriate priority programme is to be carried out for employees aged 40+ and job-seekers aged 50+. Interaction with GL 20, company-related skills training (implacement foundation). Beginning of 2005 Age-compliant work Aspects of age-compliant work are to be incorporated into labour-inspection routine (providing counsel to employees, evaluating age-compliant workplaces). Measures in this area are closely related to measures under GL 19. Beginning of 2006 Labour-Market Reform Act (Arbeitsmarktreformgesetz) Revised job-suitability criteria and the obligation for the AMS to draft personalised action plans. Synergies in particular with GL 19. In force since 1 January 2005 Pension-Harmonisation Act (Pensionsharmonisierungs gesetz) Creation of a uniform pension law for the entire active population and introduction of a transparent and performance-based pension account. Modern social-security systems. In force since 1 January 2005 Positive effects in particular for the mobility of workers. Makes a major contribution to economic and budgetary sustainability (GL 2) and efficient allocation of resources (GL 3). GUIDELINE 19 ENSURE INCLUSIVE LABOUR MARKETS, ENHANCE WORK ATTRACTIVENESS, AND MAKE WORK PAY FOR JOB-SEEKERS, INCLUDING DISADVANTAGED PEOPLE, AND THE INACTIVE ACTIONS DESCRIPTION/EXPECTED EFFECT Employment campaign for people with disabilities ("disability billion") Under the "disability billion" the AMS general budget will be supplemented by special measures to ensure the labour-market integration of people with disabilities. The new Federal Disability Equality Act (BundesBehindertengleichstellungsgesetz) also includes an amendment to the Disability Recruitment Act (Behinderteneinstellungsgesetz) whereby disabled workers may not be discriminated against and employers are obliged to make appropriate workplace arrangements for people with disabilities. GUIDELINE CROSS-REFERENCE STATUS In progress since 2001, Federal Disability Equality Act enters into force on 1 January 2006 26 ACTIONS DESCRIPTION/EXPECTED EFFECT GUIDELINE CROSS-REFERENCE STATUS Early notification of the AMS by workers at risk of losing their jobs Early-intervention strategy, i.e. early agreement with the (still employed) job-seekers on concrete steps regarding their renewed job take-up and the early use of labour-market programme tools to avoid long-term unemployment. Interaction with the objectives of GL 17. In force since 1 January 2005 Action plan for the unemployed The action plan makes it possible to adjust reintegration measures to an individual's needs and to use a targeted combination of a tried and tested tradition of agreement with incentives for compliance. Link with GL 17. In force since 1 January 2005 Services cheque Introduction of the services cheque is designed to tap new sources of jobs in services for private households and thereby facilitate sources of earnings inter alia for people having difficulties in accessing the labour market. See also GL 21. Enters into force on 1 January 2006 Combined wage model According to the AMS, there are some 5 000 job openings which cannot be filled because of inadequate pay. These (frequently part-time) jobs mainly involve retail or clerical work or services for businesses. A subsidy should raise earnings and thereby provide greater incentive to take up such a job. Moreover, subsidies to employers create incentives for employing hard-to-place individuals. The target group are young adults, older workers and the long-term unemployed. The subsidy granted to employers amounts to 15% of gross pay up to a pay limit of EUR 1 000 with a duration limited to one year. The present action contributes directly to restructuring in the field of marginal part-time work. Also supplements GL 21. Enters into force on 1 January 2006 27 GUIDELINE 20 IMPROVE MATCHING OF LABOUR-MARKET NEEDS ACTIONS DESCRIPTION/EXPECTEF EFFECT GUIDELINE CROSS-REFERENCE STATUS 2005 foreign nationals law package (Fremdenrechtspaket) The transposition of three EU Directives will improve labour-market access for immigrating family members of established foreign workers from third countries, extend the right to free movement to relatives of EU citizens in the descending line and finally harmonise the rights of long-term resident third-country nationals and the conditions for residence and employment in another Member State. To ensure orderly immigration, individual work permits will be adjusted to the issued residence permits and periods of residence. Synergies with the requirements of GL 10 and GL 13. enters into force on 1 January 2006 GUIDELINE 21 PROMOTE FLEXIBILITY COMBINED WITH EMPLOYMENT SECURITY AND REDUCE LABOUR-MARKET SEGMENTATION, HAVING DUE REGARD TO THE ROLE OF THE SOCIAL PARTNERS ACTIONS DECSCRIPTION/EXPECTED EFFECT GUIDELINE CROSS-REFERENCE STATUS Fight against pseudocompanies and undeclared work Rise in the staff of Austrian law-enforcement units (KIAB) and extension of their powers. Increase in the maximum penalties for the illicit employment of foreign workers Stronger action against undeclared work positively encourages proper employment situations – this not only increases the overall employment rate but also improves quality at work (positive interaction above all with employment policy GL 17 & GL 19). Additional proper employment situations have a positive effect on social-security systems (macroeconomic policy GL 2). 2005 Growth and Employment Act 28 ACTIONS DECSCRIPTION/EXPECTED EFFECT GUIDELINE CROSS-REFERENCE STATUS Services Cheque Act (Dienstleistungsscheckgesetz) Creation of legal and attractive alternatives to undeclared work in private-household services (including social insurance protection); if the sum total of all services cheques submitted exceeds the marginal earnings threshold (EUR 323), a mandatory social health and pension insurance scheme comes into play with a contribution rate of 14,2%. Interaction with GL 19. Enters into force on 1 January 2006 2006/08 labour-market policy programme targeted on women Through special skills training, more women in crafts and technical trades; Objective: mitigate labour-market segregation and combat the gender pay gap. Funding: EUR 15 million. Austria's social partners will continue efforts to enhance working-time flexibility at collective-bargaining levels. Through the expected positive impact on the employment rate of women and gender pay gaps, interaction with economic policy GL 17 (increasing employment) and GL 22 (wage developments/differences). Adopted; period 20062008 Greater working-time flexibility GUIDELINE 22 ENSURE EMPLOYMENT-FRIENDLY LABOUR-COST DEVELOPMENTS AND WAGE-SETTING MECHANISMS ACTIONS DESCRIPTION/EXPECTED EFFECT GUIDELINE CROSS-REFERENCE STATUS Reforms in the tax and benefit systems Incentives in the tax and benefit systems are geared to eliminating poverty and unemployment traps. Interaction in particular with employment policy GL 17 (full employment) and GL 20 (labour-market needs); with those microeconomic policy guidelines aimed directly at strengthening the competitiveness of enterprises and business - GL 10 (industrial base) and GL 15 (SMEs/entrepreneurial culture); and at macroeconomic policy GL 4. In progress 29 GUIDELINE 23 EXPAND AND IMPROVE INVESTMENT IN HUMAN CAPITAL ACTIONS DESCRIPTION/EXPECTED EFFECT Quality initiative for vocational schools (QIBB) Pilot projects in some strands of vocational schools. Technical-commercial schools ESF Objective 3 measures • Encouraging of teaching projects and final diploma work in cooperation with business enterprises • Crediting of higher curricula towards the business certificate • Upgrading of the wider access certificates • Further development of the learninginformation management (LIM) project. GUIDELINE CROSS-REFERENCE STATUS Starts with 2005/06 school year Interaction with microeconomic policy guidelines aimed directly at strengthening the competitiveness of enterprises and business (GL 10 and GL 15). Under ESF Objective 3, corresponding initiatives are being taken in schools with a view to facilitating adjustment to job-market requirements. Being planned Continuation of measures until end of 2006 GUIDELINE 24 ADAPT EDUCATION AND TRAINING SYSTEMS IN RESPONSE TO NEW COMPETENCE REQUIREMENTS ACTIONS DESCRIPTION/EXPECTED EFFECT GUIDELINE CROSS-REFERENCE Agreement on social-care occupations Better recognition of occupations in care for the elderly and the disabled: undertaking by the Länder to issue rules on career profiles, fields of activity and vocational training. Growth sector social and nursing care, as also covered by GL 18. STATUS Signed 2004; implementation 2007 30 ACTIONS DESCRIPTION/EXPECTED EFFECT Adaptation of technicalcommercial schools In technical-commercial schools, greater emphasis is being placed on broad-based education in the schools' specific strands because this will diversify graduates' pathways into the world of work both within their own and within neighbouring occupations, and it will better prepare them for more job switches in future. GUIDELINE CROSS-REFERENCE Close link with microeconomic policy guidelines aimed at competitiveness, flexibility and an entrepreneurial culture (GL 10 and GL 15). STATUS Being planned Introduction of e-learning sequences should reduce the number of hours students are required to be present. Contribution to making it easier to reconcile vocational further training and private/family life. Amendment to the Vocational Training Act (Berufsausbildungsgesetz) The modular design of vocational training should enable more employers to train apprentices and create conditions for better dovetailing of initial training and further training. Training should be practice-oriented (see also GL 18); this has positive effects for the competition framework conditions in GL 14 and GL 15. Enters into force on 1 January 2006 31
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