Course Manual INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION – week 25 Third trimester: week 13
Course Manual INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION – week 25 Third trimester: week 13
Course Manual INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION 3rd Year Bachelor 2012/2013 Third trimester: week 13 – week 25 TABLE OF CONTENTS: Summary of important rules and regulations for BScIBA and MSc students General Information Summary of Workshop/Team Registration dates Student Advisers Master Event Third Year Elective Choices Article 3.4 – Fraud Financial Accounting (BAD06) Innovation Management (BAD01) Research Training & Bachelor Thesis (BAD10) Supply Chain Management (BAD13) Summary of requirements per course Course Manuals give more detailed information about courses within a trimester. They contain the following information per course: course title, course code, number of credits; name of coordinator; teaching staff; contact person, secretariat, room numbers, phone numbers, visiting hours; educational form; examination form; examination regulation; examples for examinations; aims and objectives of the course; extended description of the course content; subjects per lecture/workshop; required literature: books, syllabus, reader, sheets; literature and course content to be examined; recommended further reading. Course Manuals will be available at the beginning of each trimester, for each year of the programme. 1 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 5 10 15 23 29 Summary of important rules and regulations for BScIBA and MSc students The following rules and regulations, depending on your situation, may have an effect on your studies. For more information and a detailed explanation of all of these rules please consult the BSc IBA Examination Regulations. RSM rules The Bachelor-before-Master rule Admission to all RSM Master programmes is only possible if students have completed the entire Bachelor programme, without a single course left open. Period of validity of grades Final course grades (published in Osiris) for the bachelor programme are valid for six years. The final course grades (published in Osiris) for the master programmes are valid for 3 years. (Consult Examination Regulations for detailed information) Compensation rule for 1st year courses The compensation rule means you can compensate one insufficient grade (between 4.5 and 5.4) with at least two rounded 7s or one rounded 8 or higher, provided that you have passed all your other courses of Bachelor 1 in your first year of enrolment. The grade for the compensated course will remain on your grade list and counts in the grade point average for the total bachelor programme. (Consult Teaching & Examination regulations for detailed information) Compensation rule for 2nd and 3rd year courses Students (excluding Pre-Master students) may graduate from the BSc IBA programme with a 4.5 or higher for one examination part of the course year B2 or B3 (with the exception of the minor, internship, and the Research Training & Bachelor Thesis), provided that the calculated grade point average for the total bachelor programme (including the course to be compensated) mentioned in Article 6.2 paragraph 2 of the Rules and Guidelines is at least 7.0. This compensation rule will only be applied by the Examination Board upon request. The grade for the compensated course will remain on your grade list and counts in the grade point average for the total bachelor programme. (Consult Examination Regulations for detailed information) Last-Result Rule Students have a free choice in the number of times that they wish to take a written examination. The result is the last grade obtained. If the material to be studied for an examination has changed, the new material must be studied. For the examinations of course year B1, the following rule applies: Once the BSA norm (as specified in Article 9.2 of the Rules and Guidelines) is met, with or without compensation, these examinations may not be retaken. **A transition rule for students from cohorts 2011 and earlier is in effect for the 2012-2013 academic year. Please see the BSc IBA Examination Regulations for more information, and the following SIN message: Changes to the BSc IBA & BA re-sit policy per September 2012 & information about the transitional rule General Information You can download the Bachelor 3 Trimester 3 course manual, schedule, and book list via the RSM IBA Current Students page ( Also be sure to subscribe to all of your trimester 3 courses via SIN. If any changes to the schedule, registration dates, etc. should occur, these updates can be found in the respective SIN course channels. Tip: Take the time to peruse the message archive of your courses once a week to make sure you are aware of all relevant registration dates, schedule changes, etc. 2 Registration for the final exams takes place via OSIRIS-Online. The registration dates are always 35 to 7 days before the date of the exam. Mark your calendar! An online course evaluation will be mailed to you at the end of each trimester 3 course. This evaluation will remain open until the course’s exam date. The day of the final examination you will receive a separate evaluation about the exam. Please take the time to fill in both of these evaluations; your comments and feedback are greatly appreciated by members of the IBA teaching staff and programme management. Summary of workshop/team/mid-term registration dates – Register via SIN! Financial Accounting (BAD06) You can register for the tutorials via SIN the Monday through Thursday before each session. Here are the exact dates: Friday 5 April - Registration via SIN 1-4 April Friday 12 April - Registration via SIN 8-11 April Friday 19 April - Registration via SIN 15-18 April Friday 26 April - Registration via SIN 22-25 April Friday 3 May - Registration via SIN 29 April – 2 May Friday 10 May - Registration via SIN 6-9 May Friday 17 May - Registration via SIN 13-16 May Friday 24 May - Registration via SIN 20-23 May Friday 31 May - Registration via SIN 27-30 May Innovation Management (BAD01) Workshop 1 (8-9 April): Wed. 3 April – Sun. 7 April Workshop 2 (22-23 April): Wed. 17 April – Sun. 21 April Workshop 3 (6-7 May): Wed. 1 May – Sun. 5 May Workshop 4 (27-28 May): Wed. 22 May – Sun. 26 May Research Training & Bachelor Thesis (BAD10) Registration for the Bachelor Thesis teams already took place in trimester 2. Supply Chain Management (BAD13) There is no team or workshop registration for this course. Student Advisers The student advisers’ key task is to support students with their IBA studies. Students may contact one of the student advisers for information, advice and/or guidance. The student advisers are familiar with all aspects of the course programmes and can assist students in making decisions in the fields of study planning, study choices, internships, exchange, a second study, mediation with regard to examination board issues, etc. Students who are not able to continue their studies or experience delays, for instance because of personal circumstances such as illness, handicap, family circumstances etc., may also turn to the student advisers for personal advice and guidance. For more information and contact details please consult the following site: Master Event The next Master Event will be held on 25 March, 2013. This event will allow you to visit lectures, workshops and a general information market about the RSM master programmes. Staff and Master student ambassadors will be present to answer your questions. To learn more about the RSM Master programmes please visit From the Academic Year 2013-2014 onwards, most one-year MSc programmes will have a newly designed curriculum. The following SIN message contains a document that outlines the upcoming changes and what they could mean for you: 3 3rd year Elective choices (Exchange or Internship/Minor + 5 ECTS elective) 5 ECTS Options: There are a number of different options available to students who chose to do a minor or an internship and who still need 5 ECTS in order to graduate. For detailed explanations about these options, please consult the following current students page: Questions? Contact Raechel Torner ( Elective course from another faculty / university –with permission from Examination Board ( ) Language Elective - after successful completion of 2 modules of the same language ( ) Article 3.4 – fraud 1. If in the matter of taking an examination, fraud – within the meaning of Article 1.2, paragraph 2 – is detected or suspected, this is set down in writing as soon as possible by the invigilator or the examiner whom he/she must call in. The invigilator or the examiner may ask the student to make available any items of evidence. A refusal to do this is recorded in the written report. The student is given the opportunity to add written comments to the written report of the invigilator or examiner. The written report and any written comments are handed over to the Examination Board as soon as possible. 2. The Examination Board or the examiner may exclude a student who has cheated from further participation in the examination during which the irregularity was detected, and/or take other appropriate measures. The exclusion has the consequence that no result will be established for the examination concerned. Before the Examination Board decides to make the exclusion, it gives the student the opportunity to give his/her account. 3. The other appropriate measures as referred to in paragraph 2 may consist of, among others, the following sanctions: a. reprimand; b. invalidation of the examination concerned; c. exclusion from the examination concerned for at most one year; d. exclusion from one or more rounds of examinations; e. a combination of the above measures with a maximum of one year. f. in a serious case of fraud the Examination Board may advise the Executive Board to end the enrolment for the programme of the person concerned once and for all. 4 Financial Accounting Course name: Course code: Course load: Term: Coordinator: Course structure: Course schedule: Examination: Student Representation: (BAD06) Financial Accounting BAD06 5 ECTS 3rd Trimester Miriam Koning Plenary lectures, exam trainings, e-learning and homework tutorials PL Tuesday afternoons and Friday mornings, exam training Thursday afternoons, tutorials Friday mornings Written closed book examination Contact details For communication with the lecturers or teaching assistant of this course, only the following e-mail must be used: Miriam Koning (coordinator): office hours Friday afternoons 15.30-16.30 (room T843), week 14-22. Teaching assistant: see Blackboard for more information Course Overview Financial information is vital for the functioning of our economies. Financial reports are the principal means of communicating financial information about a corporation to outsiders. The objective of this course is to help you become critical users of financial reports. Achievement of this goal requires an understanding of the basic principles that underlie financial accounting, as well as an appreciation of the amount of judgment required in applying these principles. In addition, you should gain an understanding of the limitations of financial reporting and the impact of alternative accounting choices on the financial reports. Topics include: institutional setting and fundamental concepts, measuring and reporting assets, liabilities and net income, share capital, consolidated accounts, interpretation of financial reports and business ethics. This course continues from the foundations established in the introductory course in Foundations of Finance & Accounting and goes on to explore the theory, concepts and procedures underlying external financial statements and reports for corporate organizations. The course is offered to you by department 7 Accounting and Control. Learning Goals After completion of the course, the student should be able to: Explain and discuss the role and importance of financial statement information; 5 Understand and discuss the conceptual framework of the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) and the institutional context of financial reporting; Describe the main reporting requirements for companies; Understand the main items on a company’s balance sheet, income statement and cash flow statement and their mutual relationships; Prepare a balance sheet, income statement and statement of cash flows in accordance with relevant accounting standards; Account for the main items of the financial statements and apply the accounting rules; Determine the consequences of alternative valuation methods on shareholder equity and earnings; Calculate and interpret financial ratios; Apply the basic rules of consolidation to a group of companies and prepare consolidated financial statements. Course Information Before starting this course, it is recommended that you complete the introductory course BAP69 Foundations of Finance & Accounting and BAB01 Management Accounting. The course load of this course has been set at 5 ECTS, representing a time budget of 140 hrs. For this course, you will spend most of the time reading and preparing exercises. The teaching adds up to some 35 hrs of plenary lectures. This leaves you with some 105 hrs of studying, implying ten weeks of 11 hrs of studying. Beware you will need these 11 hrs per week of studying in order to pass with a satisfactory grade. You are strongly encouraged to read the assigned chapters before attending the lectures. This will help you reinforce the concepts that are discussed and help you to get the maximum out of the lectures. In addition, you are expected to prepare assigned exercises before the lectures. Attempting the assigned work in advance will make the lecture a more meaningful learning experience. Regular, consistent class attendance is essential for success in this course, however attendance is not mandatory. In accounting, your understanding of new topics often depends on your comprehension of prior concepts. The course organization consists of 5 different elements and combines lectures with e-learning. There are four different lecture types: overview lectures, technical lectures, exam trainings and homework tutoring. In addition, we use MyAccountingLab as our e-learning platform. Each of these course elements will be briefly explained below. 1. Overview Lectures The overview lectures (OL) are plenary lectures intended to give you directions and context for your study. Lectures tend to focus on the more challenging subjects. Handouts are available on Blackboard in advance. 6 2. Technical Lectures The technical lectures (TL) are plenary lectures during which the concepts are applied to assigned exercises and problems. In order to provide you with well directed feedback, you are expected to submit your questions concerning the assignments in advance. To assist this process, a forum will be available on Blackboard for each technical lecture to post your questions. 3. Exam trainings To help you prepare for the final exam, we’ve organized 5 exam trainings. During these trainings you can familiarize yourself with the exam format and experience the difficulty of trying to solve an exam question on your own under strict time constraints 4. Homework tutorials To support you with the homework that will be assigned every week via MyAccountingLab (see next item), we organize weekly homework tutorials. In these workgroups you can ask any questions you may have in relation to the assigned exercises. Please note that the tutorials are only open for those of you who actually prepared the exercises in MyAccountingLab. You can register for the tutorials via SIN the Monday through Thursday before each session. See SIN ‘My Registrations’ for the exact dates. 5. MyAccountingLab Extra material to practice is offered via MyAccountingLab (MAL), an Internetbased tool that allows students to autonomously solve multiple choice tests and exercises at the pace that is most suitable for them. We strongly encourage its use, since students are given the opportunity to practice concepts in an interactive way until they have ‘mastered’ the topic. Past results clearly indicate that the regular use of MAL significantly increases the likelihood of passing the exam with a higher grade. Instructions on how to register and use MAL are presented in a separate PPT file on Blackboard. Literature Special custom edition >> Harrison, Horngren, Thomas and Suwardy (HHTS), th ‘Financial Accounting, International Financial Reporting Standards, 8 global edition’ (2011). ISBN: 9781781343821 Class materials (lecture slides, notes) and additional readings * Important note: The special Erasmus custom edition of the book is only sold by Studystore at Erasmus and by STAR. Only Studystore Erasmus and STAR sell the correct version of the book which includes the right access code for MyAccountingLab (24 months access instead of 12 months access). Examination Final Examination: Monday, 10 June, 2013 13:30-16:30 Re-sit Examination: Saturday, 6 July, 2013 13:30-16:30 7 Registration via Osiris required. You can register from 35 to 7 days before the examination. The written closed book exam consists of 40 multiple choice questions (abcd) concerning all of the topics covered during the course and the assigned chapters from the book. Bonus Points For the current academic year, you can obtain maximum 0.5 bonus through participation in the bonus system. Participation in the bonus test system requires your online availability on Thursdays from 17.00 to 19.00 in weeks 17,18, 20, 21 and 22. See Blackboard for more details on the bonus system. Your maximum final grade for this course consists of your exam grade plus any bonus credits, and is capped at 10.0. Any bonus credit obtained can only be used for the regular June exam of the current academic year (2012-2013). Students Retaking the Course Students retaking the course must complete the exams as they are required for the current academic year. The examination for re-takers is thus based on the content and conditions that apply to the current academic year (2012-2013). Any bonus credits obtained during the current academic year expire after the regular June 2013 exam. Lecture schedule The preliminary lecture schedule is as follows: Lecture Overview Lectures Technical Lectures Exam Trainings Tutorials Week 13-22 except week 18 14-22 Day Tuesday Time 13.0014.45 Room LB-107 Friday 09.0010.45 LB-107 17,18,20,21, 22 14-22 Thursday 09.0010.45 11.0012.45 Check SIN-Online Friday Check SIN-Online Please refer to Blackboard for a detailed schedule of the plenary lectures, including topics and assigned book chapters. Always check Sin-online for up-to-date timetables. Changes are announced on Blackboard. A schedule with the assigned exercises and cases per Technical lecture is available on Blackboard. The homework exercises (to be discussed in the tutorials) are available in MyAccountingLab. 8 Registration dates – Homework Tutorial Sessions Friday 5 April - Registration via SIN 1-4 April Friday 12 April - Registration via SIN 8-11 April Friday 19 April - Registration via SIN 15-18 April Friday 26 April - Registration via SIN 22-25 April Friday 3 May - Registration via SIN 29 April – 2 May Friday 10 May - Registration via SIN 6-9 May Friday 17 May - Registration via SIN 13-16 May Friday 24 May - Registration via SIN 20-23 May Friday 31 May - Registration via SIN 27-30 May RSM Student Representation If you as a student have any comment about the quality of your courses, be it positive or negative, please send an email to the corresponding representative or approach him or her personally after the lecture. RSM SR email: 9 Innovation Management Course name: Course code: Course load: Term: Coordinator: Teaching staff: Course structure: Course schedule: Examination: (BAD01) Innovation Management BAD01 4 ECTS 3rd Trimester Dr. D.A. Stam Dr. D.A. Stam Dr. P. Beije Dr. M. Tarakci S.G.M. Langeveld MSc Guest lecturers Plenary lectures and workshops Thursday (except for workshops which are on Mondays and Tuesdays, see schedule) Written, closed book exam; multiple choice and/or open questions Office Hours Dr. D. Stam, coordinator, Room T10-49,, office hours every Wednesday from 15.00-16.00 hours (except on April 17 and May 15). Course Overview What is Innovation Management? Innovation management is turning ideas for new products or services to commercial success. This transformation process is typically multi-disciplinary in nature, which means that in practice people from different backgrounds and with various specializations work together. The innovation process combines creativity and arts, marketing and technology, psychology to understand customers, organizational design to create a proper innovative organization, law in relation to patents and to government regulation, and many more fields of expertise. All these different perspectives must be used to select the few good ideas out of hundreds of ideas and to turn those good ideas into commercially successful applications. The Position of Innovation Management in the Curriculum Entrepreneurship, Strategic Management, and Innovation Management all address important elements of strategic and organizational change in order to create competitive advantage. Entrepreneurship focuses on new business development and management of small and start-up companies. Strategic Management focuses on strategic positioning of (typically) large corporations. In both Entrepreneurship and Strategic Management innovation is discussed as an important part of corporate strategy, but innovation management will not be discussed in great detail. In contrast, Innovation Management focuses on all aspects of managing the innovation process, from a strategic perspective as well as from an operational perspective. Innovation Management analyzes amongst others parallel and serial product development, modular designs and platforms, portfolio management, multi-disciplinary 10 teams, new organizational structures (like innovation hubs at the corporate level or new ventures at the business unit level) and cooperation with other companies. Innovation Management Literature As innovation processes in practice are multi-disciplinary, the literature also makes use of many disciplines and perspectives. Innovation Management combines the strategic with the operational. The literature analyzes complex and detailed processes of teams working on new products and services, on business plans, on processes to allocate innovation resources among business units and projects, on innovation focused transformation processes of business units themselves or even whole corporations. Goal and End Terms The student is at the end of this course able to: Recognize and use the terminology and main concepts from the discipline of Innovation Management; Carry out a strategic analysis of the market dynamics and consequently formulate the innovation strategy of a particular company and its implications; Give a description of the organizational structure of a company with regard to innovation and relate the type of innovation needed with the way to manage them; Explain how a selected innovation strategy relates to the firm’s organizational structure, to the allocation of people and resources to projects, and to the execution of specific projects. Department The course is given by the section Innovation Management of the Department of Technology and Innovation. This section is also responsible for the Master Program Management of Innovation (MI). More Detailed Information on the Course Requirements No explicit prior knowledge is demanded from the students participating in this course. Time budget Contact hours lectures (8 * 2 hrs) Study literature Workshop classes, incl. assignments (4 * 10 hrs) 16 56 40 Total 112 11 hrs hrs hrs ___ hrs Format and nature of the class meetings The course is taught in traditional lectures, guest lectures, and workshop classes. There will be eight traditional lectures. In these lectures the content of the book will be explained. Lecture 1 is an introduction to the course and to innovation management in general. Lectures 2-8 will discuss different chapters of the book as well as additional articles from innovation management literature. It is expected that students study the indicated literature in advance (see Blackboard for an overview of the literature to be prepared for each lecture). During the lectures emphasis is put on explanation and illustration of the concepts and theories from the book. The slides of each lecture can be found on Blackboard (in Power Point “format”) before the lectures. On some occasions during the regular lectures we will also have guest lecturers. These guest lecturers are renowned speakers and experts in the field of innovation management who will discuss their work and experiences There will be four workshop classes. In these classes we discuss a specific case related to innovation management. The workshop classes will deal with discussions on the case and on the relationships of the case with concepts and theories from the book and other literature. Students should sign in to participate in these workshops via Sin Online. The exact registration dates are listed below the timetable (see last page). In order to be able to participate in these classes students are required to read the case, to read background literature (in the form of articles) and to hand in the assignments based on the case and the literature. These assignments are posted on Blackboard. The deadline for these assignments is the Sunday before the case workshops start at 23:59 hours via safe-assignment on Blackboard. This assignment will be assessed (with a grade from 0-10) and count towards the final grade. Please note that these are individual assignments and that we thoroughly check these assignments for plagiarism. Rules of the game We expect that students are present before the class starts and that the selected literature has been studied. Presence at the lectures or workshop classes is not obligatory. Presence at the lectures and workshop classes is strongly recommended, because the materials that are dealt with supersede the reading materials. Literature dealt with in workshop classes is explicitly part of the exam (with the exception of the cases discussed). This is also true for subjects discussed in guest lectures. Literature (Study material for the exam) Goffin, K. & Mitchell, R., (2010) Innovation Management: Strategy and imnd plementation using the pentathlon framework, Palgrave Macmillan, 2 edition. ISBN: 978-0-230-20582-6 Articles for the workshops Class materials (slides, notes) 12 Examination Dates Final Examination: Monday 13 June 2013, 09:30-12:30 hrs. Re-sit Examination: Friday 12 July 2013, 9:30 – 12:30 hrs. Registration via Osiris required. You can register from 35 to 7 days before the examination. Assessment and Examinations The closed book exam consists of closed questions and an open bonus question. The final grade will be based on the exam grade (60%) and the average grade of all 4 assignments (40%). There is no minimum grade requirement. There is a resit for the exam, but not for the assignments. The overall grade for the assignments (but not individual grades of assignments) will be valid for two years (this year and the next year but not subsequent years), but only if it is 5.5 or higher. The exam grade is also valid for two years (this year and next year but not subsequent years), but only if it is 5.5 or higher. Bonus Points Bonus points can be earned by participating in ERIM research at the ERIM Behavioral Laboratory (students can earn 0.2 per credit with a maximum of 0.4 points for two credits - approximately 1 hour of work). Bonus points for participating in ERIM research are only accredited when the final grade of the course - exam plus workshop assignments - is 5.5 or higher. ERIM bonus points are only valid this year. Students that have participated in at least 2 case workshops have the possibility to answer a bonus-question during the exam. This can earn them a maximum of 0.6 added to their exam grade. Students Retaking the Course Students who retake this course last year must study the materials of the current academic year (2012-2013) for the exam. Furthermore, last year’s ERIM bonus points are no longer valid. Students can use the overall grade for the assignments they made last year (but not individual grades of assignments), but only if it is 5.5 or higher. Students can also use last year’s exam grade, but only if it is 5.5 or higher. Examination Perusal Date, place and time of the perusal for the exam will be corresponded to you via Blackboard or SIN-Online. For the assignments answer models are discussed during workshop lectures and these are also posted on Blackboard. Requests to reconsider exam or assignment grades must be submitted to the coordinators of this course in paper or by email. We note that re-grading may also result in a lower grade. Example examination questions Some example examination questions will be provided during class and published on Blackboard. Organisation and Format Please take notice of the announcements on Blackboard or during the lectures concerning last minute changes or additional information. 13 Time Table (Please check SIN-Online/My timetable regularly for possible changes!) Date/time 28 March 11:00-12:45 Room CB-1 Lecture Lecture 1 Lecturer Daan Stam 4 April 11:00-12:45 7 April 23:59 8-9 April 11 April 11:00-12:45 18 April 11:00-12:45 21 April 23:59 22-23 April 25 April 15:00-16:45 2 May 11:00-12:45 5 May 23:59 6-7 May 16 May 11:00-12:45 23 May 11:00-12:45 26 May 23:59 27-28 May 13 June 09:30-12:30 CB-1 Lecture 2 Daan Stam Milestone Literature Goffin & Mitchell chapter 1,2, and 3 Deadline Assignment 1 Varies M2-03 Workshop 1 Lecture 3 Murat Tarakci Daan Stam CB-1 Lecture 4 Daan Stam Goffin & chapter 5 Goffin & chapter 5 Mitchell Goffin & chapter 6 Goffin & chapter 4 Mitchell Mitchell Deadline Assignment 2 Varies M2-03 Workshop 2 Lecture 5 Murat Tarakci Daan Stam CB-1 Lecture 6 Daan Stam Mitchell Deadline Assignment 3 Varies CB-1 Workshop 3 Lecture 7 Paul Beije Daan Stam CB-1 Lecture 8 Daan Stam Goffin & Mitchell chapter 7 Goffin & Mitchell chapter 8, 9, and 10 Deadline Assignment 4 Varies Mbuilding Workshop 4 Exam Paul Beije Workshop Registration Dates (via SIN-Online) Workshop 1 (8-9 April): Wed. 3 April – Sun. 7 April Workshop 2 (22-23 April): Wed. 17 April – Sun. 21 April Workshop 3 (6-7 May): Wed. 1 May – Sun. 5 May Workshop 4 (27-28 May): Wed. 22 May – Sun. 26 May 14 Research Training & Bachelor Thesis Course name: Course code: Course load: Term: Coordinator: Course structure: Course schedule: Examination: Contact information: Student Representation: (BAD10) Research Training & Bachelor Thesis BAD10 12 ECTS Trimesters 2 and 3 Dr. A. Hak & S. Langeveld MSc. See course schedule and the individual workgroup schedule See SIN-Online Assignments, Final Report General aim of the course The Research Training & Bachelor Thesis course is a hands-on methodology course. You will acquire a number of basic research skills by practicing them in a structured setting (“training”) and by getting feedback on your practice reports. As in any practical – such as an anatomy practical in a medical program, or a lab practical in a chemistry program – you receive a set of tasks (an “assignment”); you complete the assignment and report about it; and an instructor gives you feedback. The general learning objective of the Research Training & Bachelor Thesis course is that you acquire the skills that are necessary for successfully designing and conducting an empirical study of a hypothesis that expresses an expectation regarding an effect of an “independent variable” on a “dependent variable”. The independent variable might be a strategy, an intervention, an activity, an investment, a policy, or any other variable specified in the hypothesis. More specifically, after having finished this course you should be able To analyse the current empirical evidence regarding the effect of an independent variable and to draw conclusions about what type of next study (“replication”) is needed in order to contribute to the extant evidence regarding the hypothesis. To design an empirical research project in which such a replication is conducted. To select cases, measure the relevant concepts, and estimate the effect. To draw conclusions regarding the contribution of the study to what is known about the hypothesis. To justify in writing (i.e., in a report) the decisions taken in the research project. It is assumed that you have not previously designed, conducted and reported on an empirical research project. Because this course is only your very first experience of what is entailed in designing and conducting an empirical research project, it is not a realistic aim of this course that you, after having completed this course, will be able to design and conduct a research project on your own. More experience, such as in a Master thesis project, is necessary to achieve that aim. Theory-oriented research In this course you will design and conduct an empirical study in which you estimate an effect that is expressed in a hypothesis. In this course, the hypothesis is your 15 “theory”. You will not conduct a practice-oriented research project (aimed at solving a specific practical problem). The main reasons for the focus in this course on theory-oriented research are: Most published research papers are reports of findings of theory-oriented research. The course will help you to learn to evaluate such papers. Practice-oriented research is different from theory-oriented research in important respects. It requires a partly different set of skills, such as skills in getting access to practical situations and in cooperating closely with “practitioners”. Such close and time-intensive cooperation is not feasible in this course. How you will learn Being designed as a “practical”, the learning method in this course consists mainly of “learning by doing”, i.e., by doing something (probably for the first time and probably imperfectly) and, then, understanding and applying an instructor’s feedback on that work. You will study two books that explain core methodological and statistical principles but you will learn what these principles mean by applying them in your own research project. You will do this in teams of three students. Multiple parts and functions of the assignments The course is designed as a ladder with eight steps. Each of these steps consists of an assignment and a feedback session. Each assignment must be handed in before the published deadline. The feedback sessions are scheduled two days after each deadline. Each of these eight steps consists itself of three consecutive elements. 1. The starting point for each assignment is a deliverable which is specified in the course book. The deliverable is always accompanied with a set of instructions. Step 1 of each assignment is, thus, practicing as instructed by the course book. 2. You must hand in a report of how you have practiced and what you have achieved in that practice. Hence step 2 of each assignment is writing a report. 3. Instructors will give you customized feedback from which you will learn how to evaluate and, if necessary, to improve your skills. Step 3 of each assignment, thus, is receiving feedback and learning from it. One function of each assignment, thus, is that skills are practiced and that this practice is reported and evaluated. From this perspective, assignments could be seen as stand-alone teaching and learning occasions. However, the results of the assignments are also cumulative. (That’s why the term ladder is used at the beginning of this section.) Taken together the assignments constitute one single research project about which one single report (the Bachelor Thesis) is written. This implies that two more functions of the assignments can be specified: 1. In each assignment you will produce something (e.g., a literature review, a research proposal, a data matrix, an estimate of an effect, a discussion) that directly and cumulatively contributes to the progress in your research project. These outputs are inputs in next assignments: a research proposal is applied; data are analysed; an effect size is meta-analysed; etc. 16 2. In each assignment you will produce text that will be used (in a revised form) in the final report. Feedback from the instructor, therefore, is not only useful as a means of evaluating what has been practiced and what has been learned in an assignment but also as (a) An instruction for how to improve a result in such a way that it can be used in the next step of the project, and as (b) An instruction for how to revise the report before it can be used in the Bachelor Thesis. You must revise your work according to the feedback that you receive and you must integrate this in later assignments. Mandatory reading There are two mandatory books in this course: Geoff Cumming (2012). Understanding the new statistics. Routledge, New York. This book is the main reference in this course regarding techniques of generating quantitative research findings. A digital course book that will be provided on Blackboard. This course book is the main reference in this course regarding the general principles of designing and conducting a theory-oriented empirical research project (“research methodology”). It also contains the eight assignments that you must complete in this course. Your instructor is entitled to set additional texts as mandatory reading. Workload The workload of this course is 12 ECTS. The time equivalent of 12 ECTS is 42 days of 8 hours each, or an average of about 5 full 8-hour working days per student per assignment. The size of the assignments is based on this calculation. Evaluation of your assignments is based on the assumption that this effort (5 days of work per student, i.e., 15 days per student team) was available to the team and that it should have been spent if needed. Mandatory participation Deadlines for submission of the assignments are strict and attendance at the feedback sessions is mandatory. Only personal circumstances that are clearly beyond your control (such as illness, urgent family circumstances, etc.) that have been validated by a student adviser are legitimate reasons for absence, for insufficient participation in team work, or for not adhering to a deadline for submission of an assignment. Students who fail to comply with these requirements (e.g., students who do not sufficiently contribute to the work of their team; those who submit an assignment late; or do not participate in a feedback session) will not get a grade for this course (and hence fail the course). Please note that study trips, holidays, job interviews, seminars, business courses, and so on are not valid reasons for being absent from a scheduled feedback session. Note that instructors are not entitled to evaluate students’ reasons for absence and to waive a student’s obligation to attend a feedback session. Only the student advisers (in the event that personal circumstances beyond the student’s control are at hand) are entitled to validate the justification for a student’s absence and will report this to the course coordinators. You must immediately report to the student 17 advisers, not to your instructor, if there are conditions beyond your control that hinder you to participate fully in the course. The course coordinators, not your instructor, will decide on the appropriate sanctions if the student adviser cannot validate the reasons for non-attendance in a feedback session or for not meeting your other obligations in the course. Plagiarism In this course you will use ideas and other contents from a diverse set of sources (such as scientific articles, papers, books, news media, etc.). If you make use of such ideas and contents, you must always mention your source, regardless of whether your source is in a library, on the Internet, or elsewhere. If you literally copy text (either electronically by ‘cutting and pasting’ from documents or manually) without using quotation marks and mentioning the source is plagiarism. Also taking ideas from work by others by paraphrasing them without referring to the source is considered plagiarism and will be treated as cheating. Tips for quoting and referencing Follow these rules: • Always place a literal quotation between quotation marks and provide an adequate reference to the source. • Do not edit or paraphrase other people’s words and present them as your own. If you are paraphrasing, say where the paraphrasing begins and where it ends and give the source. • Never present other people’s ideas as your own, even if you are presenting them in your own words. Tip 1: Take the online course on “References and citations” offered by the University Library (UB). You can find it on the website of the UB under “Courses and training” ( You have free access and you can do the course whenever you like. Tip 2: Take other Information literacy courses offered on the UB website. They help you to acquire practical and useful strategies and techniques for the searching and processing of scientific information, digital or otherwise. Tip 3: While searching and writing, keep a record of all the steps you take. Also save the results of your literature searches and all relevant bibliographic information in a document or database program. Software such as RefWorks (see can be helpful in this process. Cheating Plagiarism is only one form of cheating. Obviously other types of cheating such as making up data or manipulating data are not allowed either. All cases of cheating will be reported to the Examination Board. The sanction for students caught cheating is generally that your participation in this course will be declared invalid and that you will thus fail the course. Be aware that each individual student is responsible for all of the team’s work (assignments and Bachelor Thesis), not only for their “own” part. Therefore, it is your task as a team member to check each piece of information and each argument mentioned in the team’s documents with the team member that first produced (cal18 culated, wrote, etc.) it. Or, in other words, it is recommended to establish an “audit trail”. Prerequisites You must have successfully completed all courses of the first year of the BA or IBA programme or you must be a pre-master student. nd In this course it is assumed that you have successfully completed the 2 year course Applied Business Methods. Regrettably pre-master students have not yet completed one of these courses when they enter this course. Pre-master students must, at a minimum, fully understand the contents of Chapter 3 (Concepten) of the book Statistisch onderzoek met SPSS for Windows (Van Dalen & De Leede) or of Chapter 11 (Introduction to hypothesis testing) of the book Managerial statistics (Keller), in order to be able to begin this course. Enrolment in Themes In this course you work in a team of 3 students. The team is enrolled in a “Theme”, a research topic offered by an instructor. The instructor has selected a hypothesis. You will design and conduct an empirical study of that hypothesis. The instructor of the Theme will be the instructor who provides you with feedback on your assignments. The enrolment procedure is explained on the SIN-channel of this course. IBA: BAD10 Research Training + Bachelor Thesis A kick-off session took place on 15 November, 2012. A second kick-off session for students who went on exchange or did an internship will be held in the first week of January. All necessary up-to-date information that students enrolling in this course should know will be presented. By enrolling in this course you declare that are aware of all information that was presented during this meeting. Grading The course will be concluded with a report (Bachelor Thesis) for grading. Instructors will fill out an Assessment Protocol for each Bachelor Thesis, will formulate a grade proposal, and will forward this to the course coordinators. The course coordinators award the grades for this course after consulting the instructor. You will pass the course if your grade is 5.5 or higher. The average of the grade proposals in a Theme (i.e., of the grades proposed by one instructor) must be in the range from 6.5 to 7.5. This rule is a response to concerns of students in previous years that instructors might use different criteria and hence might propose systematically different grades to equally good student work. If following this rule might lead to evidently unfair grades – i.e., if there is evidence that the average quality of projects in a Theme is exceptionally low or high – an exception to the rule is allowed. Note that this rule applies to the average of the grades proposed by an instructor and that this rule does not limit the possibilities for instructors to propose, and for the course coordinators to award, high grades (such as 9.0 or 9.5) and low grades (such as 4.0 or 5.0). 19 Schedule – International Business Administration (IBA) There are two plenary lectures: Introduction lecture November 15 (15:00-16:45hrs, location: CB-5) and on 7 January (15:00-16:45hrs, location: LB-097) for exchange students. Lecture on meta-analysis on January 9 (13.00-15.45hrs, location: Lb-079). For the Premaster students we will have an additional lecture to introduce them to the basic ideas of the old and new statistics. Assignment Week Deadline Feedback session Pre-assignment 3 14 January Assignment 1 4 21 January 23 January Assignment 2 6 4 February 6 February Assignment 3 8 18 February 20 February Assignment 4 10 4 March 6 March Assignment 5 15 8 April 10 April Assignment 6 17 22 April 24 April Assignment 7 19 6 May 8 May 1 Assignment 8 21 20 May 22 May 1 Please note that this is Pentecost Monday (NL: Pinksteren), a holiday Deadline final Bachelor thesis: 3 June, 1 PM Team work The learning objectives of the Research Training course are individual, but you will design and conduct your research and write your report in a team of three students. Your success will depend to a large extent on the qualities (both in terms of academic and social skills as well as in terms of personality) of your teammates. This is why we strongly advise you To spend considerable time, from the outset of this course, on discussing o Each team member’s level of ambition and potential differences between team members in this respect. o Whether there are circumstances which might hinder a team member to fully participate in the team’s work. o How you will organize your work. To meet very frequently as a team. To keep records of your discussions and decisions. To openly discuss difficulties and to spend sufficient effort to find remedies. To report unresolved difficulties in team-work immediately to your instructor. Pre-assignment on team-work The deliverable of this assignment is a document in which you specify your working arrangements as a team. You must specify in this document any activity by any team member during the course that might hinder full participation in the team’s work (i.e., any activity that might hinder a team member to contribute about 5 full days of work to the completion of an assignment in this course and/or to attend a team meeting and/or to attend a meeting with an instructor) and how this is solved. Attach the schedule of team meetings that has been agreed. 20 Note 1: Note that you are enrolled in a full-time day program and that it is possible to do all work that is required for this course in office hours on times in which no other lectures or activities are scheduled. Only personal circumstances verified by a student adviser are legitimate reasons for absence, for limited availability for teamwork, or for not adhering to the deadline for submission of an assignment. Note 2: By handing in this pre- assignment, you declare as a team that you know the contents of Note 1 and that you have verified that you can meet these requirements as a team (of which your schedule of team meetings is evidence). The aim of this pre-assignment is for you as a team to lay a foundation for good team-work during the course. Your working arrangements must be adequate to achieve your ambitions and must be made explicit to your instructor. Deadline: Pre-assignment, i.e., 14 January (IBA) Instructions for the pre-assignment on teamwork Meet as a team and discuss your individual interests and experience, if any, in the area of the Theme. Discuss your ambitions, both individually and as a team. Do you want to “just pass” this course, or do you want to achieve a high grade? Compare ambitions between team members and discuss implications of differences. Discuss the schedule of this course and its two-week cycle. One cycle consists of 10 workdays. You must submit your assignment not later than 1pm on Day 8 of this cycle and you will get feedback on Day 10 of this cycle, after which you will work on the next assignment in the next two weeks. Each of you must be able to spend about 5 full days per cycle on this course. You must schedule both your individual work (reading, writing, etc.) and team meetings in such a way that your team functions adequately. Explore any potential obstacle to your team’s work, such as structural obligations (e.g., paid work, voluntary work, membership of associations, family duties, etc.) and foreseeable absences. You are enrolled in a full-time day program in which none of these potential reasons for absence or for limited availability for teamwork are legitimate. That is why you must arrange team work in such a way that no one (team mates or instructor) experiences any hinder of such activities. Decide about details such as: o How frequently you will meet in one cycle. (We advise you to have at least two meetings, one in which the assignment is discussed and a work plan is agreed on, and one in which team consensus is achieved on the texts that you will hand in to your instructor. Very likely you will need more meetings.) o How team meetings will be scheduled. Decide on fixed dates and times such as a meeting on Day 1 (or on Day 10, i.e., directly after the meeting with your instructor) to discuss the next assignment and to agree on a work plan, and on Day 7 to discuss the text you are going to submit by Day 8. o Where you will meet, e.g. in the university or at a team member’s home. 21 o How you will keep in touch with each other. Exchange mobile telephone numbers, email addresses, times that should or should not be used when contacting each other (e.g., a time in the evening after which no telephone contact must be made; a time in the morning before which no such contact should be made; a similar arrangement about weekends). o Whether one of you will be in charge of arranging meetings or changing times and places. o Etc. Write a report of this meeting, in which you explicitly formulate each decision that you have made (i.e., regarding the team’s ambition, schedules for meetings, etc.) and their implications for individual team members in such a way that you can use it as a reference for the duration of the course. General instructions for each assignment and for the Bachelor Thesis Submit each assignment on the Assignments page of the blackboard site of your Theme. Submit each assignment as an MS-Word or PDF document. Title each assignment according to group number and assignment number using the following format: team1_assignment1.doc or team1_assignment1.pdf. Add to each assignment a separate front page with the following information: o Assignment number o Your team number o The names of all team members and the hours spent per person on the assignment o Date of submission o The following disclaimer: “This document is written by [name 1], [name 2], and [name 3], who declare that each individual takes responsibility for the full contents of the whole document. We declare that the text and the work presented in this document is original and that no sources other than mentioned in the text and its references have been used in creating it. RSM is only responsible for supervision of completion of the work but not for the contents.” Always number the pages Always use font size 12, line spacing 1.5 22 Supply Chain Management Course name: Course code: Course load: Term: Coordinator: Lecturers: Course structure: Course schedule: Course Email ID: (BAD13) Supply Chain Management BAD13 5 ECTS Trimester 3 Prof. Marco Bijvank Prof. Marco Bijvank, Prof. Rene de Koster Plenary lectures, Case assignments (individual), Final exam (multiple choice and open questions) Plenary lectures on Tuesdays from 15:00-16:45 (week 13-17, week 19-22); Exercise lecture on Thursday 18 April (week 16) from 9:0010:45 Case feedback sessions on 1 May (week 18) from 12:00-12:45 and on 29 May (week 22) from 12:00-12:45 Course Overview Subject and relevance Companies have over time specialized in a very limited number of business activities which they consider to be their core business. By doing so, they have been able to greatly increase their expertise, innovative capabilities and process efficiency. Companies have subsequently located their operations in regions that are most suitable in terms of natural resources, labour (either cheap or high grade), sales markets etc. As a consequence, a long chain of companies is involved in the manufacture of products. These companies have limited insight into each other’s operations, and are often dispersed around the world. Such a situation requires that the chain of companies is effectively managed otherwise processes would falter, customers would have to be disappointed, and costs would surge. Therefore, supply chain management is vital to companies that operate in such chains. Proper planning and managing of the supply chain can make the difference between a successful business and an outright failure. Progress in information technology has contributed to both the increasing need and opportunities for improved supply chain management. With IT, companies in a supply chain can be connected in real-time, which allows for efficient and effective sharing of information. The course program presents cases of real-world situations calling for appropriate state-of-the-art models and solution methods for the design, planning, control and improvement of supply chain operations. The course Supply Chain Management builds on the knowledge obtained in the course Operations Management offered in Bachelor 1. 23 Academic department The plenary lectures are delivered by Prof. M. Bijvank and Prof. R. de Koster. The course is also organizationally accompanied by Sandra Langeveld, MSc. Prof. Bijvank, Prof. de Koster and Ms. Langeveld are members of the Department of Management of Technology and Innovation. This department offers two MScBA specializations: one in Supply Chain Management and the other in Management of Innovation. For more information about the department as well as the lecturer, visit Learning Goals In this course students are not only encouraged to acquire the necessary knowledge, but also to develop a critical attitude to the position of firms in relation to various strategic and operational choices related to the supply chain. The course attempts to: make you conversant in the language of supply chain management; allow you to see the role of supply chain management in the overall strategy and performance of the firm by providing a conceptual, strategic view of supply chain design and operations; enhance your critical thinking, not only in the area supply chain management but also as a future general manager; provide you with qualitative tools to identify, analyze, and manage basic supply chain management issues. At the end of the course the student should be able to: identify and use the main concepts and terminology in the domain of supply chain management; identify and describe the needed design features of the supply chain; select and use the appropriate instruments and tools to construct a supply chain management solution for a given situation; clarify and leverage the value of information sharing as assisted by information technology for the integrated supply chain; identify strategic issues that play a part in the selection process of appropriate strategic alliances; identify and explain issues related to global supply chains; identify the dimensions of customer value and describe ways to enhance it; analyze cases of real world situations and develop suitable supply chain management solutions. Course Information Pre-requisites Before taking this course it is strongly recommended that you have a firm grasp on the following concepts: The fundamentals of Operations Management; Setting up a strategic business plan; Some knowledge of Marketing, Information and Organizational management. 24 Course Workload Contact hours for 9 plenary lectures Contact hours for 1 exercise lecture Contact hours for the case feedback sessions Self-study including case assignments Total course load 18 hours 2 hours 2 hours 118 hours 140 hours Teaching Methods The course consists of 9 two-hour plenary sessions for lectures, 1 two-hour session to practice numerical exercises, and 2 one-hour sessions for feedback on the case assignments. The main objective of the lectures is to give you directions, guidelines and context for preparation and study. This objective will be achieved by explaining concepts, giving you industry examples, and in-class practice questions. The material covered in these sessions will also be tested on the exam. Two Written Case Assignments There are two written case based assignments. Each case counts for 10% of the course grade. For the grading of these cases and the exact weights of the case grades, please refer to the section “Assessment and Examinations” below. For each case assignment you need to answer a few questions regarding the corresponding case and possibly some additional readings. Each assignment needs to be submitted electronically before its deadline, which is announced in the schedule below. Although you are encouraged to work with a study group in discussing and completing the assignments, the reports need to be submitted individually. Duplicated and/or group work will be considered as a case of fraud and/or plagiarism, and it will be reported to the Examination Board. According to article 1.2 of the Rules and Guidelines 2012-2013, fraud is defined as: “the action or negligence of a student as a result of which it is impossible, entirely or in part, to form a correct judgment concerning his/her knowledge, insight and skills”. This implies also that the (digital) providing of a document to a fellow student can be labeled as fraud, if this fellow student copies the entire document or parts thereof. In other words, students who distribute information can be punished as well. Lecture Schedule All plenary lectures will be delivered on Tuesdays from 15:00-16:45 (week 13-17, week 19-22) and the exercise lecture will be taught on Thursday, 18 April (week 16) from 9:00-10:45. The case feedback sessions will be delivered on Wednesday, 1 May (week 18) from 12:00-12:45 and on Wednesday, 29 May (week 22) from 12:00-12:45. The PowerPoint slides of the lectures will be published on the Blackboard site of this course. This is a tentative course schedule. Any changes will be announced on Blackboard. 25 Week Lecturers 13 14 15 16 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 22 Topic Literature Chapters of book Course manual Ch 1 Ch 6 Ch 3 Course information Introduction to SCM Supply chain integration Bijvank Network planning Project planning Inventory management and risk pooling Bijvank Ch 2 Assignment I: Case 1 – consult Blackboard for details Deadline: April 15 at 8:00 am Bijvank The value of information Ch 5 Strategic Alliances Ch 8 Exercise Lecture Bijvank Bijvank Supply contracts Ch 4 Procurement and outsourcing strategies Ch 9 Feedback on Case 1 Bijvank de Koster Distribution strategies Ch 7 Assignment II: Case 2 – consult Blackboard for details Deadline: May 13 at 8:00 am Bijvank Global logistics and risk management Ch 10 Coordinated product & supply chain design Ch 11 Bijvank Customer value Ch 12 Smart pricing Ch 13 Bijvank IT and business processes Ch 14 Technology standards Ch 15 Feedback on Case 2 Bijvank Bijvank Required Literature Simchi-Levi, D., Kaminsky, P. and Simchi-Levi, E. (2009), Designing and managing the supply chain, 3rd ed., McGraw-Hill Irwin, ISBN 978-007-127097-7 Additional literature as indicated on Blackboard Office Hours Prof. M. Bijvank: Tuesdays 5:00-5:45 pm (office T10-36); Please contact the secretariat. Secretariat: Mrs. C. Meesters, office T10-25, Phone: 010-4081719, e-mail: Course E-mail Address For questions regarding the course organization or course content, any of the assignments or the final exam, you can also send an email to: 26 Examination Dates Final Examination: Monday, June 17, 2013 from 9:30-12:30 in the M-building. Re-sit Examination: Saturday, July 13, 2013 from 9:30-12:30 in the M-building. Registration via Osiris required. You can register from 35 to 7 days before the examination. Assessment and Examinations Grading Your course grade will be determined by an assessment of your performance on: 1. A written, closed-book exam which counts for 80% of the final grade; and 2. Two written case assignments which each count for 10% of the final grade. 1. The written exam will have 30 multiple choice questions, each with four alternative answers, and eight open-ended questions. The multiple choice questions make up 68% of the exam grade and each open-ended question can result in 0.4 points at most (maximum of 3.2 points). During the exam, you may use only a nonprogrammable alphanumerical calculator. You need to score at least a 4.5 for your written exam to receive a grade for this course. 2. For each of the case based assignments you will receive a separate grade. Each case counts for 10% of your final grade. When failing to hand in one or both of the cases, your maximum grade for this course will be reduced to 9 or 8 respectively. There will be no opportunity for a re-sit for the case assignments. The cases cannot compensate exam grades which are lower than 4.5. Minimum grade requirement According to article 5.2, point 4 of the Rules and Guidelines 2012-2013: “If the examination part is assessed on the basis of more than one examination, no final grade for the examination part will be calculated if one of the examination grades is lower than a 4.5. Examinations that can be taken only once per academic year, most likely practicals such as case reports and team assignments, are exempted from this rule.” This means that you do not need to receive a 4.5 or higher on the cases in order to receive a grade for this course, unlike the exam. Validity of Partial Grades In accordance with the Teaching and Examination regulations 2012-2013 (article 4.2, point 3): “If an examination component should be tested by more than one examination, the term of validity of the partial result shall be limited to the academic year in which the partial examinations are taken, unless the examiner determines otherwise”. In other words, all partial grades of this course are only valid for the current academic year 2012-2013, and previous results for the case assignments and written examinations are no longer valid. 27 Students Retaking the Course Students retaking the course must complete the assignments and exams as they are required for the current academic year. The examination for re-takers is thus based on the content and conditions that apply to the current academic year (20122013). Examination Perusal The date, time and place of the perusal will be announced when the grades are published. RSM Student Representation If you as a student have any comment about the quality of your courses, be it positive or negative, please send an email to the corresponding representative or approach him or her personally after the lecture. RSM SR email: 28 Course Innovation Management Financial Accounting Name Exam Code BAD01 ECTS 4 Date & time 13 June 2013, 9:30-12:30 closed questions and an Questions open bonus question % of grade 60% Yes, 4 Workshops BAD06 5 10 June 2013, 13:30-16:30 40 MC 100% TL's (plenary), Exam Trainings, and HW tutorial Supply Chain Management Research Training + Bachelor Thesis (and trimester 3) BAD13 BAD10 5 12 17 June 2013, 9:30-12:30 30 MC and 8 open questions 80% 2 case feedback sessions (PL)Feedback sessions No (but of course it is highly No (but of course it is highly No (but of course it is highly Attendance at the feedback recommended that you recommended that you recommended that you sessions is mandatory attend) Mandatory attendanceattend). Bonus is linked to attend) WS participation (see bonus) Assignments Minimum Grade Requirement Bonus Validity of grades overall grade of 4 assignments worth 40% - 2 case assignments, each worth 10% of final grade No minimum grade requirement. Not applicable. You need to score a 4.5 or Not applicable. higher on the exam in order to receive a grade for the course. Max 0.4 ERIM (only if overall grade is 5.5), and students who participated in at least 2 case workshops can answer a bonus question on the exam and earn up to 0.6 bonus which would be added to their exam grade. The overall grade for the assignments will be valid for two years (this year and the next year but not subsequent years), but only if it is 5.5 or higher. The exam grade is also valid for two years, but only if it is 5.5 or higher. Exam and assignment grades from last year that are 5.5 or higher can be used this year. See CM for details. Max 0.5 bonus through participation in the bonus system. Participation in the bonus test system requires online availability on Thursdays from 17.00 to 19.00 in weeks 17,18, 20, 21 and 22. Bonus can only be used for regular June exam. Students retaking the course must complete the exams as they are required for the current academic year. Any bonus credits obtained during the current academic year expire after the regular June 2013 exam. No bonus No bonus Grades obtained in previous academic years (assignments, final exams) are no longer valid. Retakers must complete the assignments and exam this academic year (2012-2013) - 29 Pre-assignment, 8 assignments and final thesis. 30 31
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