2014 COOKIE PROGRAM Troop Cookie Manager Guide KEY DATES:


2014 COOKIE PROGRAM Troop Cookie Manager Guide KEY DATES:
Troop Cookie Manager Guide
Cookie Program Training/Planning
January 10:
Cookie Rally
January 11:
Cookie Program Begins
January 11-12:
Optional Cookie Booth Sale Weekend
January 25:
Cookie Program Ends
January 26:
Cookie Program orders are due to
January 28:
Submit troop product orders to
February 17-21:
Cookie Delivery
March 18:
Cookie payments are due to troop
March 21:
Cookie payments and Girl Reward
orders are due to SUCM
Girl Rewards Distributed
Council Wide Booth Weekends:
February 28-March 2
March 7-9
March 14-16
February 28- May 30:
Troop Booth Sales
Dear Volunteer,
Our Girl Scout Cookie program is an amazing way for our girls to learn
skills for their future in a way that no other experience can teach! They
can use their imagination to plan their Girl Scout year, fund those plans
with their proceeds and get “hands on” experience developing the 5
Skills for Girls!
Did you know . . . .
9 out of 10 people will purchase Girl Scout Cookies if asked?
Approximately half of adult women in the USA were Girl Scouts at
some point in their life.
This guide is designed especially for you in the important role of Troop
Cookie Manager. You are the person who every Girl Scout in your troop
is counting on to provide opportunities and life skill experiences they
will carry with them throughout their lives.
Your enthusiasm and support of our cookie program will make all of
the difference in the world to girls and volunteers in your service unit.
If they know they can count on you to support them, nothing will get in
the way of achieving their goals. We know how much time, energy, patience and dedication this takes on your part to make your service unit
cookie program a success. We can’t do this without you!
Your Product Program Team,
Kelly Jansen
Product Program Manager
Katie Grayling
Product Program Assistant
Regional Service Center
4102 S. Water Tower Place
Mt. Vernon, IL 62864
Phone: 618.242.5079
Toll Free: 800.345.6858
Fax: 618.242.5191
Girl Scouts of Southern Illinois
Program Basics
Benefits for Girls
• Girls start taking orders on
January 11
• Payment is expected at the
time of delivery
• Gift of Caring donations are
taken and paid for at the time
of order
• Cookies sell for $4
per package
Cookie Club™ = program for girls
to send e-mails to customers
Cookie Cupboard = a place where
troops may get more cookies to
replenish their inventory
eBudde™ = Little Brownie Bakers’
electronic operating system
GSSI = Girl Scouts of
Southern Illinois
GOC = Gift of Caring (Cookie
donation program)
LBB = Little Brownie Bakers
(cookie vendor)
PPM = product program manager
SU = service unit
SUCM = service unit cookie manager
In Girl Scout Product Programs, girls learn
5 Skills they will use throughout their lives:
Goal Setting, Decision Making, Money Management, People Skills and Business Ethics.
Flexible Ways for Girls and Troops to Participate
Door to Door:
By Phone:
Social Media:
Cookie Club™:
Cookie Booth:
Gift of Caring:
Parent Workplace:
Take cookie orders using the cookie order card
Call customers personally
Text, e-mail and post messages on social networking sites
Send e-mail requests to customers to make a “promise”
to place an order using the Cookie Club electronic form
Sign up for a cookie booth (one, several or all)
Promote the Gift of Caring program as an option for your
customers; Organize a Gift of Caring campaign
Make a presentation, write a letter or design a flier for
parent/guardian workplace
Vendor Logins and Passwords
eBudde™ Operating System: https://eBudde.littlebrownie.com
Cookie Club™: http://cookieclub.littlebrownie.com
Cookie Locator: http://littlebrowniebakers.com/cookies/
VIP e-Learning: http://vipetraining.littlebrownie.com/Login.aspx
Girl Scout Program Links: www.girlscouts.org/program/gs_cookies
Little Brownie Baker website: www.littlebrownie.com
The following topics and resources are available to volunteers on the Little Brownie Baker website
5 Skills for Girls – Cookie Club Success – Why Sell Cookies? – Cookie Information –
Clip Art – Games & Activities – Girl Safety
eBudde Login and Password:
eBudde has changed their password information page to include security questions. All eBudde login information is the same as last year. Please use
119Samoas!! to create your new password and security information.
Cookie Support Team
Contact your Service Unit Cookie Manager (SUCM) first with any questions or
SUCM Name:
SUM = service unit manager
Where to go for more information:
TCM = troop cookie manager
GSSI website: www.gsofsi.org
eBudde dashboard contains important cookie program messages
2014 Cookie Lineup
Do Si Dos
Dulce de Leche
Savannah Smiles
Thank You Berry Munch
Thin Mints
Cookie Program
Selling Strategies
• Bundle cookies in 3s, 4s, or 5s
• Market cookies as 5 for $20
• “Bling” your cookie booth to attract attention
• Hold a Gift of Caring Campaign
• Join the Cookie Club™
• Make a plan to decide what to do with the troop’s unsold packages
• Sign up for another booth sale (girls can do one, several or all)
• Cookies on Wheels! Load cookies into your vehicle and travel
from street to street until your packages are sold
• Use wagons to conduct door-to-door sales
• Let parents know what is left to be sold
• Donate packages to a pantry, shelter or other charitable organizations through
Gift of Caring
• Ask current customers if they would like to purchase more cookies
A Cookie Team
Successful troops rely on a Troop Cookie Team to help them accomplish their
goals and to distribute the work load, drawing upon the strengths and skills of each
team member. Working as a team is fun, and it makes the work easier for everyone!
Positions for the troop cookie team are:
• Troop Cookie Manager: oversees all areas of the program including
training, order processing, delivery, money collection and cookie inventory;
responsible for date reminders to girls and parents; communicates instructions to parents for booth site weekends, receives program updates, checks
the eBudde™ dashboard, reads newsletters from the SUCM and ensures that
the information is passed along to the girls and their parents.
• Troop Leader: responsible for implementing program elements with the
girls, particularly financial literacy; supports the troop cookie manager.
• Order Coordinator: responsible for collecting girl orders, checking for
accuracy and entering girl orders into eBudde™.
• Reward Coordinator: reviews the troop’s reward orders and submits both
the initial and final reward orders in eBudde™; receives the reward order
shipments, verifies the orders and distributes rewards to the girls; re-orders
additional, damaged or missing rewards.
November 1 - 31:
• Plan and hold a meeting with
parents and girls to introduce the
program, set goals and generate
• Set up troop information in
December 15:
TCMs gain access to eBudde to
enter girl Cookie Club log in only
January 10:
• Annual Cookie Kickoff Rally
January 11-25:
• Girl order taking period
• Cookie Club™ Promises – girls
register on Cookie Club™ and
send out e-mails to customers
January 26-27:
• Review girl orders; check for
• Enter girl orders into eBudde™
• Submit troop initial product order
February 17-21:
Product pick up
February 17-27:
• Deliver product to customers;
collect payment
• Deposit all money into troop bank
February 24-March 16:
• Cookie Cupboards Open
• Delivery Coordinator: responsible for picking up the troop’s cookie order;
verifies, sorts and distributes each girl’s order; arranges a pick-up schedule
for girls and their families.
• Booth Site Coordinator: organizes the troop’s booth sale site(s) by
recruiting parents to help during the scheduled booth site dates and arranges to get more products to restock troop booth sale inventory.
Appointed annually by the troop
leader; Must be a registered Girl
December - April
Troop Manager Guide Updates:
Due to publication deadlines,
updates or corrections may occur. All changes will be communicated to the SUCM in the eBudde
Message box on the Dashboard.
The TCM Guide will be updated
accordingly and a revised copy
will be posted to GSSI’s website,
VIP eTraining
Attend the VIP e-training modules set up on the Little Brownie
Bakers website for information or
program reviews.
Position Description:
Troop Cookie Manager
Reports to the service unit cookie manager (SUCM)
Purpose, Related to the Girl Scout Mission:
Supports a program where girls learn financial, organization, goal setting and
teamwork skills and build their confidence and self-esteem.
• Attend the service unit cookie program training for TCMs and leaders
• Sign and submit the Troop Manager Agreement Form which acknowledges
responsibility for all product and money received.
• Submit or have a Volunteer Application on file
• Offer every Girl Scout the opportunity to participate in the cookie program
• Verify that every girl participating in the cookie program is a registered Girl
Scout for the current membership year
• Secure a signed Parent/Guardian Permission and Responsibility Form for
each Girl Scout participating in the cookie program
• Organize a troop cookie team that could include some or all of the following
positions: orders, rewards, delivery, and booth sales
• Provide cookie program training to Girl Scouts and their parents/guardians
• Arrange for the immediate distribution of all materials, products and rewards
to every girl
• Instill goal setting to the girls and to the troop; support the girls and the lead
ers with the goal-setting process
• Review every girl order for accuracy
• Enter girl orders into the eBudde™ Operating System
• Submit the troop product order by the established deadline
• Submit the troop reward orders by the established deadline
• Be responsible for all money collected and properly deposited into the
troop’s bank account.
o Each Parent/guardian is financially responsible for the products he/she
signs for. Make sure a receipt is filled out.
o Girl Scouts of Southern Illinois reserves the right to initiate collection
procedures by its designated collection agency and/or prosecute to
the fullest extent allowable under the law for any individual theft or out
standing monies.
• Notify the SUCM of any girl(s) who are not paid in full by completing and
submitting the appropriate collection form
• Provide the troop leader with accurate and timely reports
• Honor all established deadlines and schedules
• Must be a registered Girl Scout member in the current membership year
• Must be computer literate, have an e-mail account and have accessibility to
the Internet
• Ability to provide clear concise and motivational instructions to girls
• Ability to work with and motivate girls and adults throughout the duration of
the program...a positive attitude is key!
• Be a flexible and reliable individual
• Demonstrate respect for all people; ability to work effectively with adults from
diverse racial, cultural, social, educational, and economic backgrounds
• Have no outstanding debt to Girl Scouts of Southern Illinois
• Must have sufficient time to fulfill position responsibilities
• Possess good conflict resolution and problem solving skills
• Commit to meeting deadlines
• Support the decisions of Girl Scouts of Southern Illinois
Girl and Family Training
Schedule a meeting with girls and parents/guardians before girls begin to take orders. It is important that each girl and her family be given the opportunity to participate in a way that best suits them.
At the Meeting:
• Collect permission and responsibility forms from each girl, if the leader
does not already have them. The permission form can be found on GSSI’s
website, www.gsofsi.org.
• Explain the importance of participation and how it affects the troop, the
service unit and our council.
• Create a visual aide to present the timeline to the girls and parents
• Emphasize the 5 Skills for Girls gained by participating in the cookie program.
• Describe the Cookie Club™ and how it can promote girl and troop sales.
• Review safety requirements.
• Describe how the materials are used and how orders are obtained.
• Work with the troop leader to encourage girls to set goals and participate in
activities that tie to the financial literacy badges featured in the Girl’s Guide
to Girl Scouting.
• Promote the Cookie Rally and then remind them of the registration deadline.
• Distribute cookie program materials to every girl.
• Generate enthusiasm for the program.
Emphasize Goal Setting
Assist the leader in presenting the Little Brownie Baker (LBB) Activity Kit to the
girls. The Activity Kit provides fun ways to teach the girls how to set goals. Program
activities on the LBB website at www.littlebrownie.com complement the Journeys and fulfill requirements for cookie program badges.
Action Items:
Ensure all girls are registered
members for the current
membership year before
they participate in any Girl
Scout activities, including the
cookie program.
Verify that all participating
girls have a signed Product
Program Permission and Responsibility Form on file with
the troop leader.
All troop volunteers handling
money or product are required to be registered Girl
Scout members.
Pre-sort materials for each
girl BEFORE the troop meeting.
Guide to Training
Help your girls kick start their cookie season with a bang! Your training session is essential to have a positive and fun experience for everyone and to have a successful
Girl Scout Cookie Program. We encourage you to use all the information, but feel
free to adjust to meet the needs of your troop.
Setting troop and individual goals
• Brainstorm with girls what they would like to do with their cookie proceeds
and take a vote to determine which activities will be their goals.
• Estimate how many boxes of cookies they need to sell to reach their goals.
• Review the rewards. (all rewards are cumulative)
• Explain Cookie Dough.
• Help set individual girl goals based on the number of packages each girl wants
to sell in order to earn the specific rewards.
• Encourage the girls to share their goals with their customers.
Review dates and deadlines
with girls and parents/guardians; have the girls enter all
program information on the
front panel of their order
Girls should fill out their first
name, last initial and 5-digit
troop number on their order
cards- NO full names.
• Review the safety guidelines on our website at www.gsofsi.org
Learn about the cookies
• Share with them the cookie names and basic ingredients in each cookie.
• Have the girls share what their favorite cookies are and why.
Order Taking/Practice Selling and Tips
• Review the ways that girls can take orders.
• Review programs – Cookie Club, Gift of Caring, Booth Sales.
• Have girls practice making a sale by role playing with each other.
• Have the girls make a list of potential customers.
• Have girls share their ideas with the troop.
• Share tips on how to be successful.
Cookie Program Links to The Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting
Girls can fulfill requirements for the age-appropriate cookie badges featured in The Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting,
the resource that complements the Journeys and forms the backbone of the National Program Portfolio. Help
troops understand that participating in the Girl Scout Cookie program is a way to introduce girls at any age to important financial skills they will use throughout their lives.
Benefits for Girls
Girls Develop New Skills
Girl Scouts provides a financial literacy curriculum that helps girls in their daily lives and in the future. Our Girl
Scout Cookie program, one of the best known financial literacy and entrepreneurial programs for girls, gives girls
opportunities to put their financial literacy skills into practice.
The 5 Skills for Girls are:
Goal setting: girls set their own goals and contribute to
setting troop/group goals
Decision making: girls make decisions about how to spend their
troop/group proceeds
Money management: girls tally orders and count change
People skills: girls learn to interact with people and understand
the importance of customer service
Business ethics: girls learn how important it is to be honest, meet deadlines and
understand how to properly market a product
Great Reasons to Participate
• Cookie program activities help fulfill requirements for badges featured in the Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting.
• This year’s cookie program features options for making donations that benefit the community through local
chapters of the American Red Cross.
What is Cookie Club™?
Cookie Club™ is the online business tool girls can use to reach new customers
and reach higher cookie sales! Girls send secure e-mails from Cookie Club™ to
ask customers to help them reach their goals by promising to purchase packages of cookies. In turn, customers use a Cookie Club electronic form to submit
their “promises.” Girls’ Cookie Club™ accounts are updated every time a customer places a “promise” order so that the “promises” can be transferred onto
each girl’s order card. “Promises” are actual cookie orders. Payment cannot be
made when promises are placed to a girl through the Cookie Club™. Girls deliver the customer’s order during the delivery phase and collect payment at that
Girls under the age of 13 must have parent permission to use the Cookie Club™.
Girls who are over the age of 13 may use their own e-mail accounts; parent
permission is not required. The eBudde™ Quick Instruction Guide contains instructions on how to sign girls up for the Cookie Club™. Questions regarding the
Cookie Club™ can be directed to cookieclubhelp@littlebrownie.com; you will
receive a response within 24 hours.
Visit http://cookieclub.littlebrownie.com
Gift of Caring Program
The Gift of Caring program is a wonderful alternative to offer customers who do
not want to purchase cookies because they are on restricted diets or have set
New Year’s resolutions! The Gift of Caring program provides individuals in our
communities and members of the military with delicious treats and comforts
from home.
The girls of Girl Scouts of Southern Illinois did an amazing job, collecting over
35,000 packages of Girl Scout Cookie donations during our 2013 cookie program! Donations were collected during order taking, at their booth sales, on our
website and through phone orders. The Gift of Caring program teaches girls
what a difference they can make in the lives of others within their community
and around the world. In 2013 cookies were donated to:
• Southern Illinois Veterans Hospitals
• Local Food Banks with the help of United Way organizations
This year, Girl Scouts of Southern Illinois has partnered with our local American
Red Cross to donate to those families who are in need within our community.
How does it work?:
Girl Scout Troops will not handle cookies designated for Gift of Caring recipients.
Girls will take orders and receive payment for the cookies. Girl Scout Troops will
turn in payment to GSSI Council and retain their proceeds.
GSSI staff will combine all Gift of Caring orders into one large order which will be
sent directly to the Gift of Caring organizations from the bakery and/or through
our offices. Gift of Caring cookies are kept in a virtual warehouse until the time
of delivery.
Donations to Local Organizations – Troop Projects
Action Items:
Cookie Club™
Register the troop in Cookie
Instructions on how to register
your troop for the Cookie Club™
can be found on the Cookie
Club Flyer.
Give each girl a Cookie Club™
login when you enter the girls’
names in eBudde™.
Gift of Caring
Set a troop goal for Gift of Caring donations.
Girls collect payment for all
donations and submit it when
turning in their order cards.
GOC donations are ordered in
a designated column on the girl
order card.
Be especially careful when
entering girl orders that do not
contain GOC donations into
GOC packages are not included
with the troop’s delivery. The
council delivers GOC donations
to community organizations.
Troops can collect packages of cookies for donation during their booth sales and
deliver them directly to a local organization of their choice, such as a food pantry, shelter, military organization (VFW or American Legion), nursing home, etc.
Troops participating in their own cookie donation service project are responsible for payment of the packages and delivery to their organization of choice.
Packages collected for troop donation should not be delivered to council.
Troops can promote Gift of Caring by either creating their own Gift of Caring
signs or printing copies of those provided by GSSI.
Step By Step:
Girls must submit initial orders
including cookie club reports
by January 26.
Troop initial order must be
submitted in eBudde by January 28.
If the troop earned the Troop
Award (150+ PGA {Per Girl Average} from initial sales) enter
T-shirt sizes for each girl before
submitting the reward order.
The troop proceed option cannot be changed after the initial
product and reward orders are
Allocate troop packages BEFORE the end of the program
to credit girls for additional
sales or booth site sales so girls
can earn maximum rewards.
No adjustments to girl-rewards
will be made after the established program end date.
Refer to the eBudde™ Quick Instruction Guide for detailed instructions on how to order and
submit final rewards.
Goal Getter is new for GSSI and will encourage the girls to keep selling cookies after
traditional sales and before booth sales to help girls reach their next reward level.
Goal Getter cookie orders can be filled through troop extras and booth cookies.
Distribute Goal Getter order cards to the girls and urge them to keep selling –
there’s still over a month left to raise Troop funds and earn incentives! Have the
girls check their progress toward their goal - and use the Goal Getter period to
bump up sales.
Enter Goal Getter orders in eBudde (Transactions tab) as they come in under the
“OTHER” column
Pick up orders from the Council Cupboard you selected (whomever is picking up
must bring the receipt for the order, which you print from eBudde when you place
the order)
What is Cookie Dough?
Cookie Dough is in the form of a gift card that girls may use in the GSSI council
shops and to help girls attend special GSSI council sponsored trips, camp programs and all other GSSI programs.
Family Award
A Family Award will be given in recognition to the family that sells the most Girl
Scout Cookies in each GSSI Service Unit. To qualify, the family must have 2 or more
girls selling and do not have to be registered in the same troop. Girls living together
in the same house- hold, as a family, are also eligible. If a family wishes to be considered for this award, they should fill out the “Family Award” application form and
return back to their Troop Cookie Manager.
Troop Cookie Managers should turn in forms with all other paperwork to their SU
Cookie Manager by given deadline.
The Product Sales department will review all entries and determine the top selling
family within each Service Unit.
Each girl whose family submits a Family Award Application form receives a Theme
Family patch. The overall top selling family from each SU will receive a $20.00
Cookie Dough Gift Card to use towards GSSI programs and/or purchases in the
council shops.
Bonus Patch
Girls that participate in both product
programs (Nut/Candy/ Magazine &
Cookie Programs) during the
Girl Scout 2013 -14 year will receive
this patch.
Troop Proceeds
Proceed Options
The selection of the proceed option is a troop decision voted on by the girls - the majority rules. The TCM, along with the girls
and their leader, must take the responsibility of explaining this process and the outcome to the girls’ parents.
The girls elect one of the two proceed options:
Option 1: Troops earn 75¢ on every package ordered; girls qualify for the final rewards and patches
Option 2 : Cadette, Senior and Ambassadors Girl Scouts can opt out of rewards and earn 85¢ per box.
Final Reward Program
The final reward program detailed on the back panel of the order card is cumulative. This means that as the girls sell more
packages, they earn all of the items up to, and including, the final level they achieve.
• If the troop chooses the 75¢ proceed option with rewards, eBudde™ automatically calculates the final rewards. Troop
managers may be required to select rewards if the earning level offers a choice to girls. Consult with the girls before making a
reward choice in eBudde.
o If the troop qualified for the Troop Award, T-shirt sizes must be entered into eBudde™ on the GIRLS tab for each
girl who participated (no adults)
• If a girl continued to sell until the end of the scheduled program end date, and earned additional reward(s), the TCM must
inform the SUCM no later than March 17.
• Changes to the troop proceed option cannot be made after the reward orders have been submitted.
• Girls who have additional sales, other than Booth, after the initial product order is submitted, can receive additional rewards.
To credit additional sales to a girl, go the Girl Orders tab, click on the girl’s name, click on ADD TRANSACTION and enter the
number of additional packages the girl sold in the OTHER column.
• Girls who participate in the troop’s booth sites can also be credited for the packages sold at the cookie booth. To credit girls
who participated at the booth site, divide the number of packages sold at the booth by the number of girls who participated.
Post the number of packages to each girl on the Girl Orders tab in the BOOTH column.
Tips for Success
Make an attractive table display to
gain customers interest.
Bring along your troop goal poster
Offer free samples
Have girls share their story and what
they will do with the money
Market cookies at 5 for $20 and let
the customer know they are only
here for a limited time only.
Use GSSI promotions like the 5 for
Five and Gift of Caring
January Cookie
Booth Rules
For the optional January Booth Sale
turn in all paperwork to GSSI by December 5, 2013.
Cookies must be picked up at the
Glen Carbon or Mt Vernon office.
Troops must pay for their order up
front or return what didn’t sell on
Monday January 13. This is the only
time we will take 100% returns.
Cookie Booth Rules
Applications must be turned in to
GSSI by January 13, 2014
GSSI will send out information
on how to order cookies through
eBudde and how many cases a
troop can initially order.
Troops can only return 15% of their
initial order.
5 for Five Promotion
Customers that purchase 5+ packages at a time should receive a 5 for
Five business card.
Each troop will receive 60 business
cards in their troop materials
Business cards with the QR code will
prompt the consumer to go to GSSI’s website to enter in their con-
tact information.
Random drawing for 5 FREE cases of cookies
Site Sales
Booth sites are a fast and easy way for troops to get cookies to customers – AND
the fastest way to receive their troop proceeds!
My Sales
My Sales sites are defined as a merchant location where a troop member may have
a special connection to a location that is suitable for one troop. Troops must obtain permission from the merchant first before requesting approval for the site in
eBudde™. The Product Program Team is responsible for reviewing “My Sales” requests in eBudde™ and will approve or deny requests. Sites may be denied if they
are deemed inappropriate for girls, are already reserved by another troop, or if there
are safety concerns.
Cookie Cupboards If a troop needs more cookies for their customer sales
or to replenish their cookie booths, cookie cupboards are available in many locations within the council’s jurisdiction. Troops will receive information about which
cupboard they are assigned to. They will also receive the hours and location of this
cupboard. They will not be open at all times since they are volunteer staffed. So
please plan according.
Placing a Troop Order from the Cupboard
(Cupboards are going electronic!)
All cupboard order requests must be prepared in advance using the pending order
system in eBudde. Cupboard transactions will be electronic as paper troop order
forms will no longer be used.
Follow the eBudde Quick Guide provided in your booth packet for step by step instructions.
Only TCMs, leaders or designated pick up volunteers will be allowed to pick up cookies at the cupboard. All transactions will be processed electronically; no paper orders; no paper receipts
Pending orders placed through eBudde™ are automatically posted to the troop’s
account by the cupboard manager after pick up.
Getting More Cookies Using eBudde™
Troops must place a pending cookie order (order reservation) by using eBudde™.
This feature ensures that your cookie order will be complete and available when you
arrive for pick up. Cookie Orders should be placed in eBudde with 24-hour advance
notice. In addition, TCMs who own a Smart Phone can use the Booth Recorder
App to order cookies right from the booth sale site and can be picked up from the
cupboard during cupboard hours. Your troop account will automatically be updated in eBudde. However, if a pending order is not placed in advance all cookie varieties may not be readily available. A pending order must be entered into eBudde
before the order will be prepared for pick up. Paper orders will no longer be used or
accepted as a cookie cupboard order.
Refer to the eBudde™ Quick Instruction Guide for detailed information on how to
place a pending order for cases of cookies from a cupboard.
Booth sales are a great way to increase
girl and troop sales...girls and troops can
participate in one, several or all!
Cookies and Credit Cards
GSSI is going Hi-tech
Troops may now use credit card swipes during the Cookie Season. Here is
some information for you. There are many companies willing to work with
Girl Scout troops to accept mobile credit card payments for Girl Scout
cookies. Some companies troops may want to consider working with are:
o Square
Free card reader
Fees range from 2.75%- 3.5%
o Intuit Go Payment
Different plans are available
Fees range from 1.7% -3.7% and a monthly access fee may apply
• Troops assume the responsibility of contacting these companies,
paying of fees, and handling any issues that arise as a result of
accepting credit cards payments.
• Girl Scouts of Southern Illinois will not be able to provide any
technical support or guidance when working with any company or
accepting credit card payments for Girl Scout cookies.
• Troops are responsible for paying the council $3.25 per package of
cookies purchased with a credit card.
• All fees associated with credit card use are the responsibility of the
• Troops may not up charge on cookies to cover the cost of credit card
Cookie Pickup
Use this guide to estimate how many cases of cookies will fit in your
vehicle. The amounts assume the car will be empty except for the driver
and maximizes all space except the driver’s seat.
Safety Note: Avoid carrying cookie cases and children in the
Car Type
Compact Car
Hatchback Car
Mid-Size Sedan
Sport Utility Vehicle
Station Wagon
Minivan (seats in)
Pick-up Truck (full bed)
Cargo Van (seats in)
Number of Cases
Login Info
eBudde™ Operating system
• Go to the eBudde login screen and follow the instructions to reset your password. All users are considered NEW and have a temporary password of
119Samoas!!. Complete the security questions and update your new password.
• Cadette, Senior and Ambassador troops that want to earn more money
and not receive rewards must click the “No Incentives” check box on
the troop SETTINGS tab.
Login for returning TCMs remain
the same as last year. A temporary password of 119Samoas!!
will gain access to eBudde. Please
complete the security questions and change to a permanent
eBudde™ will send new troop
managers an e-mail once the
troop has been entered into
eBudde™ by the SUCM. This will
provide TCM/Leader with login
and password information.
New troop managers temporary
password is 119Samoas!!
After logging in for the first time,
eBudde will prompt you to
change your password.
Girls, not adults should track their
sales by using their goal chart.
• When entering a girl’s order be sure her cookie promises have been included
on her order card. Double check the girl’s order card to be sure that the order
has not been duplicated.
• Be very careful when entering GOC packages! GOC packages are detailed in
the first column of eBudde and are specific to either Council (CGOC) or Troop
(TGOC). CGOC packages are monetary donations only and will not be included in your troop order delivery.
• Girls must collect payment in advance for GOC donations; payment must be
turned in with each girl’s initial order card.
• Girls earn final rewards based on their total sales through the end of the
Cookie Program.
• Troops must deposit all money collected into their TROOP BANK ACCOUNT.
• Troop managers must report any girl who has not paid in full using the
Individual Collection form.
Tab Descriptions
Dashboard: Provides up to the minute information on the sale, important messages from your SUCM, a checklist to keep you on task, a SU calendar and Goal updates
Contacts: TCM and Leader personal information (address, e-mail, phone, etc)
Settings: Contains the number of girls selling, number of girls in the troop and the
opportunity for troops to take more proceeds in lieu of rewards
Girls: Place to list all participating girls’ and their grade; Indicates which girls are registered; all girls must be registered to participate in the cookie program;the place to
record girls Cookie Club™ Login; the GSUSA ID number is not required
Initial Order: Detail of each girl’s order from her order card and Cookie Club™ ; also
the place where the initial booth sale order is made (in packages-not cases)
Delivery: Select who will be picking up your cookies; select the delivery site; if allowed, select a pick up time
Girl Orders: Enter additional packages sold by each girl; allocate booth sales to
applicable girls; post the girl’s total payment
Booth Sites: Allows you to select and reserve council booth sites; MY SALES can
be requested
Transactions: Provides a detail accounting of all cupboard and troop to troop
transactions to the troop; place a pending order with a cookie cupboard
Incentives: (Rewards) Where initial and final rewards are reviewed and ordered
Sales Report: A complete report detailing all troop information, proceed rate(s),
packages sold, transactions, and recorded payments;
For step-by-step instructions about entering data into eBudde™, refer to the
eBudde™ Quick Instruction Guide found on the GSSI website.
Payment Procedures
Cookies are $4 per box.
Action Items
Deposit Procedures
Customers should pay for cookies at the time of delivery.
Cash or a check is acceptable for payment from customers.
• Customer checks should be written out to: Troop # ______ of Girl Scouts
of Southern Illinois. All checks should include the customer name, address,
phone number, and driver’s license number.
• The Troop Cookie Manager is responsible for all monies collected for cookies
and should safeguard the monies collected by depositing them into the troop’s
bank account. Troops will keep their troop proceeds in their troop accounts.
February 3- March 16
Troops continue to sell
March 18
Collect money from girls
and deposit all checks and
cash into Troop Account
Deposit promptly and frequently into the troop bank account. Please make
sure there are records of all deposits. No payments should be deposited into a
parent/guardian bank account.
Payment to Council
Troop Cookie Managers should provide one troop check for the amount due to Girl
Scouts of Southern Illinois to their SU Cookie Manager by the given payment deadline. Troop checks should be written out to: Girl Scouts of Southern Illinois.
Things to
Delinquent Girl/Family Payments
If a family fails to pay their cookie bill, the Troop Cookie Manager should make every
effort to collect the money. If unsuccessful, the Troop Cookie Manager must complete a collection form to report the delinquency.
Troops should not pay Council for cookies if they have not received the funds from
a family; neither does the troop keep their proceeds from the cookies that are delinquent. Remove the boxes from your totals.
Issue a receipt for everything
you give.
Get a receipt for everything you
Please do not take the responsibility for paying for your girl/parent delinquency.
The collection form is submitted to the SU Cookie Manager with final paperwork. A
copy of the permission and responsibility form and signed receipts must accompany all collection forms.
If a troop should collect on any delinquent amount, notify the SU Cookie Manager and Product Program department. If the Council is successful in collecting the
debt, the troop will be notified and will receive the proceeds due.
Each collection is handled individually and every effort is made to collect the debt
before it is sent to collections. If the amount due is paid in full prior to being sent to
collections it will be removed from our collection list.
Delinquent Troop Payments
If a troop fails to pay their cookie bill, the SU Cookie Manager completes a collection form. Once submitted, the Product Program department will make efforts to
contact the Troop Cookie Manager for payment. If unresolved collection issues still
exist on May 26th, all delinquent accounts will be turned over to the Finance Department for collections.