2010-09 PE - Vintage Mustang Owners Association


2010-09 PE - Vintage Mustang Owners Association
The Pony Express
The Monthly Newsletter of the
Vintage Mustang Owners Association
September 2010
Featured Cars of the Month
Shelby American Automobiles at SAAC 35
The First Shelby Ford Mustang GT-350 SFM5003
Next VMOA Meeting:
Friday, September 3rd 7:30 pm At Sunnyvale Ford , 650 East El Camino Real , Sunnyvale, CA
Between Remington Ave / Fair Oaks Ave and Wolfe Road. Meetings are on the first Friday of the month.
Featured Cars of the Month , Calendar of Events , General Club Information,
Past Events , Membership Renewal Form , and More....
Volume 33 Issue 12
August 2010
2010 VMOA Officers And Volunteers
Vice President
Past President
Board Members
Steve Chapman
Robert Wilson
John O’Toole
Walt Boeninger
Ken Mannina
Sally O'Toole
Rod Davison
John Cortez
Geno Brickey
Craig Bauer
John Cortez
Events Coordinator Chuck Brown
Don Arnaudo
MCA Representative Phil Deardorf
Car Show
Myron Moreno
Rick Pickering
Craig Bauer
Walt Boeninger
Sally O’Toole
Louise Gibino
Mike Riccardi
John Cortez
Jenny Jump
Next Board Meeting
When: September 21st(Always 2 Tuesdays before the monthly
meeting) Time: 7:00 pm
Where: Harry’s Hofbrau
390 Saratoga Avenue , San Jose, CA 95129 408-243-0434
MCA Mustang Club of America
"Get more from your Mustang"
As a member of VMOA (an MCA regional club), you should
really consider membership in our national organization.
The monthly magazine, MUSTANG TIMES, is an outstanding
publication. They cover the full range of information from the
national offices and staff, current events, future events, individual
cars, technical subjects, cars and parts for sale and more. Please
see me at our meetings or contact me at 408-356-7421 to join
Phil Deardorf , MCA Chairperson
Parades and Displays Of Mustangs
If you hear of a group lookingfor Mustangs for their parades or
other events, please contact Don Arnaudo
Parades Chairman at Parades@vintagemustang.org
Get your VMOA name Badges!
You may order your VMOA name badges for $7.00 , or $10.00 for
the New Magentic Style at the monthly meeting or by contacting
our Vice President and membership chairperson,
at Vice-President@VintageMustang.org
Did you know... ? When you wear your badge to the meeting, you
automatically get one FREE Raffle ticket when you go see Mike
Riccardi or Louise Gibino at the raffle table. When we attend
mustang events it helps if you wear your badge so others can
know who is from VMOA. It also helps the new people in our club
to get to know the names and faces.
Car Of The Month Sign Up
Note to our Members:
If you are not able to attend our Monthly meetings or a Board
meeting, there are still ways to participate! If you have feedback or just
want to volunteer some time, contact one of your club officers or
Oct : , Nov : , Dec : All Open
volunteers.They will point you in the right direction.
Please Consider volunteering for Car Of The Month
Everyone is welcome to attend & give input!
Please Sign up and Send in a story about your Mustang , the
About The Vintage Mustang Owners Association
Mustang you once had or your love of Mustangs
The Vintage Mustang Owners Association (VMOA) was founded in
NOTE: There will be a sign up sheet at the monthly meeting or if
August, 1977 to provide a focal point for Mustang owners who wished you can’t make the meeting, tell the Editor that you are interested.
to further their enjoyment of ownership. The club was originally
On the day of the club meeting, your feature car needs to be parked
dedicated to the restoration and preservation of only the 1965 and
in the front at 7:00 pm.
1966 Mustangs, but now welcomes all Mustangs up to and including
NOTE: If an emergency comes up and you can’tdo the month
the current model year of production. Your interest in Mustangs is the
you signed up for, please arrange for someone else to take your
most important thing, not the condition of your car or the fact that you place! It is your responsibility to be there or contact one of the
may not even own a Mustang yet. Club members keep current on the
others to take that slot. Be sure to tell the Editor in case things are
latest Mustang information and participate in numerous fun events all
being planned around that year of car for that issue. We might have
a backup for you.
If you have extra articles or information about your year of car
The Pony Express
surrounding it that might be of general interest to the
The Pony Express is the official publication of the Vintage Mustang
please include that info so the editor can use it.
Owners Association. It is published for the exclusive use of its memEmail all info to: Editor@VintageMustang.org
bers. Please send information and articles to:
by the 20th of the month prior to your car being the Featured Car:
Editor@VintageMustang.org Information and articles to appear in the
Pony Express must be received by the 22nd of the month in order to
be in the next newsletter. Articles: Members are encouraged to submit
Advertising In The Pony Express
articles for inclusion in the newsletter. Tell us how you found your car
Business Card ad [Print and Web]: $48 year or $5 issue
or it found you! Send in Tech Articles or Tips and Tricks that make life
1 Time or Year[Print/Web]1/4 Page $96 year or $10 issue
easier for you and your car. Ads: Want ads and For Sale ads can be
1/2 Page $192 year or $20 issue
submitted at the monthly meeting or by writing to the editor. Free for
Mail to: VMOA , P.O. Box 5772San Jose, CA 95150
members! Others at Editor’s discretion.
Attn: Editor - Advertising
And Thanks
Artwork due on the 15th , one month prior to issue.
To everyone who contributed items for this months issue of the Pony Express And our host SUNNYVALE FORD
From The Presidents Desk
Presidents Letter, September 2010
From The Editors Desk
Don’t miss some of the great Events and Car Shows
that are coming up in these next few months. And Please
send you editor pictures of events and if possible , I not
allways able to attend every event that is out there.
And Please consider Volunteering for Car Of The
Month. We have not had a VMOA Car of the Month for
the Past few issues, We know there are story’s out there
about your car and We all would like to hear those
story’s about them.
Well this year is already half over and it seem as
though you never have enough time to get your projects
done. Between work and daily life’s schedule, the work
on your Mustang never gets done. My 68 has a bad axel
seal that I have be trying to get fixed for about six months
now. When did life become so fast ! So many things
going on in our lifes that it seems to just blend into year
after year. It seems as though I had just purchased our ’68
Mustang and the long list of thing to do on it. Just when
you think you are done fixing everything that you wanted
Birthday Greetings to those in
to fix, something else pops-up. It would be nice if the old
cars had the dependability of the new cars. We have
become spoiled with the new car technology. But that
Ken Mannina
new technology comes with a price. To expensive and to Martha O'Rourke 2
complicated to work on. I wish we could just step back in Jacquie Sherlock 4
time were life was simple and car’s were easy to work on.
Tina Meza
Jeremy Bligh
Liz Hasenberg
George Graner
Cole Reif
Louise Gibino
Terry Jenkins
Mitchell Pinnix
Pete Mallamace
If we don’t have your
birthdate yet (month,day) and
you would like to be included in
the birthday greetings, please send your info to the editor. Every
month now (just for fun), we will print Birthday Greetings to those
club members who provide us with their name, month, and day of
birth. There are already several club members who have discovered
that not only do they share a love for Mustangs, but they also share the
same birthday!
To make our refreshment table more enjoyable at our monthly
meetings, we are asking members to bring their favorite treat.
Find the first letter of your last name
and bring your favorite snack or
beverage to that meeting.
Jan :
- - - Feb :
Mar: A-C - - - Apr: D-F
May: G-I - - - Jun: J-L
July: M-O - - - Aug: P-R
Sept: S-U
- - Oct: V-Z
Nov: Everyone!
Thank you for your support.
You are welcome tobring food to
share anytime you wish too!
Marilyn Brown Refreshments Chairperson
VMOA Monthly Meeting and Board Meeting Minutes
Vintage Mustang Owners’ Association Board Minutes
Meeting: Board of Directors , Date:
August 24, 2010 , Location: Harry’s Hofbrau
Meeting called to order by President Steve Chapman at 7:30pm
Present: Officers: President Steve Chapman , Secretary John O’Toole, Treasurer Walt Boeninger.
Board Members: John Cortez, Sally O’Toole, Rod Davison.
Also Present: Jennifer Chapman, Carol Davison, Al Thomas, Jenny Jump, Phil & Mary Deardorf
Membership. Steve reported that membership now stands at 105.
Treasurer’s report. Walt provided a monthly statement of Net Worth and statement of Current Year Cash
Flows. Copies are available to paid members upon request.
MCA National Meeting. Phil Deardorf discussed the upcoming MCA general meeting in Grand Prarie, TX on
October 10. The meeting will be preceded by the first MCA Regional Directors Meeting. VMOA is a Regional Club
and Phil is our club’s Regional Director. Phil wants to attend this inaugural meeting and asked the club cover his
airfare and hotel costs. Phil will contact prior MCA reps from DVMA and BAMA for background on this meeting.
The board approved a motion to cover Phil’s hotel and air fare costs.
Steve talked about upcoming events. Cherry’s Jubilee, Sept 10-12, UAL Family day Oct 10, Marina Air Fare
Oct 16, VMOA Poker Run Oct 23. There will be sign up sheets for these and other events at the next club meeting.
All events are listed in the club news letter.
VMOA Poker Run. Mary Deardorf spoke further regarding this club event. The wineries are still a secret, but
the final stop for the picnic lunch wants a fee of $5 per person to cover the cost of the facilities use and a private wine
tasting. The club will cover this cost for VMOA members only. The board approved Mary’s request for prize money
of $275 for the winning poker hands.
DeAnza Auto Tech. Sally O’Toole reported that she has notified Mike Brandt of the amount of the donation
that VMOA has for his school. He said that he would provide a list of his classroom needs so that VMOA can complete this gift from the proceeds of our annual auto show.
Speaker at Meetings. Steve mentioned that he is trying to line up a speaker from Optima Batteries for one of
our general meetings, possibly as soon as September.
Car of the Month. John Cortez announced that he currently has no one signed up for COM. A request will be
made at the next general meeting, particularly for new members to introduce themselves to their new club this way.
The club needs a volunteer to serve on the steering committee for a new car show that is for the benefit of vets
who are at the VA facility in Palo Alto. The show will be put on by several car clubs in our area. More information on
this when it becomes available.
A request for volunteers to fill the vacancies for the club officers for the upcoming 2011 and 2012 years are
needed. Steve will speak to this at the September meeting.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:50pm
Respectfully submitted
John O’Toole, VMOA Secretary
Per Person Payable Day Of The Event
Sept 3
VMOA Club Meeting----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sunnyvale Ford
Sept 10-12 Cherry’s Jubilee-------------------------------------------------------------------------Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca
Sept 11
Mustang Ranch OPEN HOUSE/BBQ-------------------------------------------1375 El Camino Real, Santa Clara
Sept 12
14th Annual FUN FORD SUNDAY!!!--------------------------------------------------Solano County Fairgrounds
Sept 12
10th Annual Antique Autos in History Park-----------------------------------------------------Kelly Park, San Jose
Sept 18-19 Corkscrew Invitational Special Invite!-----------------------------------------------Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca
Sept 21
Board of Directors Meeting----------------------------------------------------------------Harry’s Hofbrau-San Jose
1st Annual On The Boulevard Car Show-----Show Canceled---------------------------------------------- Milpitas
Oct 1
VMOA Club Meeting----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sunnyvale Ford
Oct 3
Horses to Horsepower------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Redwood City
Oct 9
Sunnyvale Rotary Car Show ----------------------------------------------Former Sunnyvale Chevrolet - Sunnyvale
UAL Open House--------------------------------------------------------------UAL Terminal , San Francisco Airport
Marina Air/car Show---------------------------------------------Marina Municipal Airport (Fort Ord) Marina, CA
Oct 16-17 Fall Classic 2010 Open Track----------------------------------------------Thunderhill Raceway Park-Willows, CA
Oct 23
VMOA 5th Annual Poker Run Wine Tour---------------------------------------------------More Details To Follow
Oct 23 Mustangs Plus October 2010 Car Show Stockton, Ca-------------http://www.mustangsplus.com/xcart/home.php
Oct 26
Board of Directors Meeting-----------------------------------------------------------------Harry’s Hofbrau-San Jose
Nov 5
VMOA Club Meeting-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sunnyvale Ford
Nov 23
Board of Directors Meeting----------------------------------------------------------------------------Harry’s Hofbrau
Dec 3
General Membership Meeting--------------------------------------------------------------------------Sunnyvale Ford
Dec 28
Board of Directors Meeting----------------------------------------------------------------------------Harry’s Hofbrau
Future Plans for VMOA Fun!!!
Be sure to send your event info to Editor@vintagemustang.org if you want it in the newsletter. Remember to send it in early, by the 15th of
the month prior to your event. Subsequent updates can be made once the layout is complete. Volunteer to organize an event! Big or Small,
Short or Long. Have an idea?
Contact Chuck Brown, the Event Calendar Coordinator: Events@VintageMustang.org
VMOA Event Details
Cherry's Jubilee 2010 September 8-12, 2010
Mark your calendar for September 8-12, 2010. Whether it is the coastal views, the "Cork Screw" on
the famous Mazda Laguna Seca Track, or the pure beauty of the hot rods, and classic cars, Cherry's
Jubilee 2010 will provide a "Jaw-Dropping" good time. Toss in the great wine and food the Peninsula
has to offer, plus the camaraderie with car folks and you have the makings of a great weekend.
Car Package : Show’n Shine – Downtown Monterey Alvarado Street, Monterey Wharf Waterfront, Laguna Seca and Cannery Row
Poker Run, Monterey, Cannery Row, Pacific Grove, Carmel Valley, Pebble Beach, Wharf Waterfront
Cruise - Alvarado Street and Wharf Waterfront , Parade Laps – Famous Laguna Seca Track
Vendor Booths , Awards (Over 200 awarded last year!) , Two 2-day adult passes for Laguna Seca
$20 worth of tokens to be used as cash at participating local businesses , Two entries to Sunday pancake breakfast
One Official Cherry’s dash plaque & Goodie Bag and special gift Otis’ Thursday Ride-in party New family and kids’ activities
5th Annual Poker Run & Wine Tour
Here is some info on the 5th Annual Poker Run & Wine TourThe event will be held on Saturday October 23rd. All
participating cars are to meet at 9:15 at the Mervyns Parking lot -corner of Blossom Hill and Meridian in San Jose. All
information and directions will be handed out at that time
Sign ups at the September meeting or contact:
Phil & Mary Deardorf
This trip will be the best yet!!
More Car Show and Event Details
14th Annual FUN FORD SUNDAY!!!
Solano County Fairgrounds
Sept 12th 8am to 3pm
Celebrating 55 years of THUNDERBIRD,
50 years of FALCON, 25 years of MERKUR, and
25 Years of TAURUS!!! http://www.funfordsunday.com/
Solano County Fairgrounds
900 Fairgrounds Drive Vallejo, CA 94589
------------------------------------------------------10th Annual Antique Autos in History Park. September 12
This event presented by the Santa Clara Valley Model T Ford
Club and History San Jose takes place at History Park, 1650
Senter Road in San Jose, CA. Antique vehicles that existed or
would have existed prior to 1946 are welcome. The Park is open
to the public from noon to 5:00 PM. It is free to participants and
visitors. Contact Allan Greenberg (408)997-0879
for additional information.
------------------------------------------------------ON THE BOULEVARD Car Show, 2010
Sponsored by Milpitas Chamber of Commerce
The Milpitas Chamber of Commerce invites you to the:
1st Annual On The Boulevard Car Show on Saturday
September 25th, 2010.
Notice This Show Has Been Canceled
------------------------------------------------------Swap meet and Car Show,
Sunday,September 26,2010
Join us for Buying,Selling and Swaping.
The All Ford Store will also be open.
and the Car Show. Ford,Chevy,Olds.Pontiac, and ???? parts
Date and Time Sun Sep 26, from 6:00 am – 12:00 pm
All Ford Parts Store
1600 Dell Ave, Campbell, Ca
San Jose, California 95127
Nor-Cal Shelby Club
Meeting Speakers
September 10 We will be at Custom Alignment this time
for sure! Joe Silva will discuss suspension technology and
why our early cars lack it. This is a perfect venue for club
cars so I expect to see many! Be sure to arrive early for
the customary parking lot bench racing discussions.
October 8 Steve Wood from the Mustang Ranch, will be
speaking about the new Borgeson Power steering conversion for Early Mustangs. Steve has completed this update
recently to his personal 64 1/2 V8 convertible. The car is
equipped with a 5 speed and a traditional Ford clutch
“equalizer bar” release. Very interesting notes, photos and
tips will be shared!
for more information ... http://www.norcal-saac.org/
October 3 Redwood City - - - - Horses to Horsepower
Food, Raffle, Entertainment, Vendor Spaces. T-Shirts, Dash
Plaques, First 500 Cars. Registration $35 ( T-Shirt size
guaranteed only when pre-registered by August 25 ).
Two Award Ceremonies.
CALL: Larry & Loretta 650-368-8212 WEB SITE:
------------------------------------------------------Sunnyvale Rotary Car Show
Oct 09 at 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Location: Former Sunnyvale Chevrolet
Car registration fee $40.00/car – Space is limited to first 120 cars
Registration Deadline: September 24, 2010
Proceeds from this event will be contributed to
local non-profit organizations
supported by The Rotary Club of Sunnyvale
Follow us on Facebook @ SunnyvaleRotaryCarShow
For questions regarding this event contact Event Producer
Suzi Blackman 408-768-4021 or via email:
1st Annual Sunnyvale Rotary Car Show
held at the Former Sunnyvale Chevrolet ,
660 W El Camino Real Sunnyvale, CA 94086USA
------------------------------------------------------Come join us for a full day of Fun and Enjoyment at the
Eleventh ANNUAL MARINA AIR FAIRE. Classic Car Show
,Wine Tasting , Fine Art Show , Great Food and Free Admission.
This years event will be held on Saturday, Oct. 16th, 2010, 10
AM to 4 PM at the Marina Municipal Airport (formerly Fritzche
Army Airfield Fort Ord) in Marina, CA. Sponsored by the
Marina Rotary Foundation in conjunction with the City of
Marina. This Fly-in is set in a casual atmosphere and all pilots
and enthusiasts are welcome to attend.
FREE ADMISSION. Some of the many highlights of this years
event will be STATIC AIRCRAFT DISPLAYof many different
types of planes including Vintage, Experimental, Contemporary
Aircraft and Warbirds. Visitors will be able to get an up close
and personal look at these aircraft and be able
to talk with the owners and pilots.
You can also attend or compete in the
Community Chili Challenge ,
There will be an CLASSIC CAR SHOW sponsored by the Gold
Coast Rods. http://www.marina-airfaire.com/
------------------------------------------------------November 13 - 14 - - - - - 21st AUTUMN GET-TOGETHER
Pleasanton, CA Fairgrounds - All years American Powered
Cars & Trucks. AutoCross, Vendors, Swap Meet & Car Corral.
Featured Cars of the Month
Photographs from the SAAC 35 Convention Held at Sears Point Raceway
Pictures from John Cortez and Ken Mannina
SAAC 35 Open Track Action
A group of California Specials at The Car Show
GT350R Barn Find
Parade Lap Grid
Sundays Popular Vote Car Show
VMOA Members Playing With their Cars at SAAC 35 ... Joe Praxel And Ray Banks
Says-it-all 1968
More Popular Vote Car show
SAAC-35 Miller Motorsports Collection
Pacific Grove Concours Auto Rally
Staged in downtown Pacific Grove for the
2010 Auto Rally poster. The Rally took place on
Friday, August 13.
In attendance were Steve and Jennifer
Chapman, Rick Pickering, Rod Davison, Myron
Moreno, John and Sally O’Toole, Rob Lee,
Robert Wilson, Tom Hasenberg, and prospective
member Steve Randazzo for the photo shoot.
We were met by the auto rally coordinator
Vic Johnson and photographer Rick Pharaoh.
The deal was that VMOA would supply the cars,
and they would select the ones they wanted to
use in the photos for the poster.
They had set up a backdrop by the storefronts on Lighthouse Avenue. Their idea was to
photograph the cars and superimpose them onto
the backdrop shot that they had taken at
5:00AM. The photographer loved Tom’s Shelby,
and heavily favored Robert’s Sportsroof and
Rob’s fastback in the shots he took.
Here are some of the pages from the Pacific
Grove Concours Auto Rally Program that was
handed out to participants and spectators the day
of the event.
Carroll Shelby Gets His Due
A legend is defined by Merriam Webster Dictionary as,
“A story coming down from the past; a person or thing that
inspires legends.”
On March 26-28, 2010, the Legends of Riverside II
Film Festival and Legends Gala took place at the
Riverside International Automotive Museum in Riverside,
California. This year’s honoree was racer, team owner, car
builder and certifiable legend, Carroll Shelby. Surrounded
by friends, racers and former competitors, Shelby held court,
answering questions about his winning days at Le Mans, SCCA
and designing and building his iconic Cobra cars.
Shelby was born in Leesburg, Texas, on January 11, 1923,
was a flying instructor during WWII, and his first race was
actually a drag race behind the wheel of a Ford V-8
flathead-equipped hot rod. It was only a few months later, in
1952, that Shelby won his first road race and only two years
later, in 1954, Shelby was in Europe and behind the wheel of a
Aston Martin team car at Le Mans. In 1957, Shelby raced for
the first time at Riverside where, after spinning out in the first
turn, he proceeded to pass the entire field on his way to winning
the 100-mile event. Shelby ended his driving career in 1960
with the USAC driving championship.
In 1961, Shelby entered into partnership with AC Cars
of Ditton, England. AC had lost its engine source, and Shelby
figured that the new Ford 260-ci V-8 HiPo engine would work
just fine. He also claims that he came up with the name Cobra
in his sleep, and only woke up long enough to jot the name down
on a handy piece of paper before he went back to sleep.
“Next morning when I looked at the name ‘Cobra’” says Shelby,
“I knew it was right.” And the rest, as they say, is history.
This event was just as good as last year’s, which honored
The man of the hour: the one and only Carroll Shelby.
hometown hero, Dan Gurney. Being surrounded by Riverside
memorabilia, race cars and others who love racing is a great way to spend a weekend. The “Legends” weekend included film
screenings, bench racing sessions with old friends, and reminiscing about racing in general and Riverside Raceway, in particular.
Some of Shelby’s racecars were on display
during the event. In 1964, Shelby built five
Cobras to compete in Formula 1. They had
modified bodies (to get over the larger wheel/
tire combination) and other F1A rule
mandatory changes. This car is CSK 7024, just
one of the 40 “replica” cars that Shelby
produced for those wanting the F1A
experience. This car is owned by Bob
Stockwell, past SCCA racer and President of
the Cobra Owners Club of America-Orange
County, who still races it in selected vintage
During the 1968 Trans Am
season, this ’68 Team Shelby
Mustang was driven by guys
such as Dan Gurney, Parnelli
Jones, David Pearson and
Horst Kwech. Amazingly, it
was sold to Kar Kraft’s Tom
Tluski after the season for a
dollar. Yes, you read that right:
1 dollar. Luckily, it was
virtually untouched since then,
and retains the majority of its
original components.
For those who don’t know, Riverside International Raceway
was the one of the greatest road course tracks ever built, and was
where everyone raced. From 1957 to 1988, RIR hosted races such
as Formula One Grand Prix, NASCAR, Can-Am, USAC, IMSA,
IROC, CART and even the Mickey Thompson Off Road Championships. The first IROC race was run at Riverside, which pitted
racers from a wide variety of disciplines to a race on a track that
virtually everybody knew, and half-mile drag races were also run
there for a time. RIR is sometimes known as “The House That
Gurney Built,” due to its being the then Riverside residents’ home
track. It was also where Gurney won an awful lot of races, and
where RIR rode the cusp of sports car racing as it was hitting its
stride in the 1960s.
Drivers ranging from Mario Andretti, Stirling Moss, Phil Hill
and Bob Bondurant to Richard Petty, Dale Earnhardt and Parnelli
Jones made history there. It was a great place to be when the
engines wound up and many owe a lot to the hot, dusty acreage
that allowed everyone from club racers to world class names to
compete on a such a historic facility. Yours truly is proud and
now feels very lucky to have had the experience of racing offroad motorcycles there a few times in the 1980s. Then, in their
infinite wisdom, the city council of Moreno Valley, California,
decided that the world needed yet another shopping mall instead
of a world famous racetrack, and in 1988, the Riverside International Raceway was gone.
Thankfully, due to the diligent crew at the Riverside International Automotive Museum, it’s a long way from forgotten. For
those who raced at Riverside, saw an event there or just love
history, go to this museum and check out all of the cool cars and
memorabilia. The racing scene in California back in the 1960s,
’70s and ’80s was as big as it got anywhere, and places like
Riverside, with its ability to host virtually every type of racing
there was, was at the heart of it all.
Event posters, such as this one, were (and are) available at
the museum’s gift shop. Of course, unlike the ones at the
counter, this one was signed by drivers such as Dan Gurney,
Bob Bondurant, George Follmer and Elliot Forbes-Robinson,
just to name a few. This one went to the highest bidder during
the auction held later.
Text and Photos by Matt Emery
The Riverside International Automotive Museum
815 Marlborough Ave. Unit 200
Riverside, CA 92507
Here’s an offer for our club members
20% off Retail on Parts and 10% off Retail Labor Rates When asking for the parts discount have them reference Account # 197336 Parts
discount Excludes – Motorsport – Ford Accessories – Engine and Transmission Assemblies All new vehicle purchases at invoice price (except
for GT500’s) Thanks for the opportunity, Sales Manager Sunnyvale Ford 408-522-0261 www.fordautodirect.com
Performance Art
5755-B Rossi Lane Gilroy CA 95020
Phone: 408.848.6325 , Fax: 408.848.6349
Email: info@performanceartonline.com
Open Monday - Friday 8:00am to 5:00pm
Limited Saturday appointments available Closed Sunday
Kevin Patten/ General Manager
INTEX Auto Parts cash and credit card only, NO CHECKS
- Mention Account Number 92289
- San Jose store 1432 Old Bayshore Hwy
San Jose, Ca, 95112
408 282-9888
Vintage Mustang Owner’s Association
New Membership / Renewal / Info Update Form
(Circle one of the above)
(Please print clearly or affix corrected mailing label)
Name: ________________________________
Spouse: _______________________________
Address: ______________________________
City, State: ____________________________
Zip: _____________
Phone(s): ______________________________
Email: ________________________________
Mustangs owned:
Yr: _____ Model:__________ Color: _______ VIN:_________________________
Yr: _____ Model:__________ Color: _______ VIN:_________________________
Do you wish to have your address and phone number listed in the annual roster? YES NO
Are you interested in participating in parades and car displays? YES NO
We acknowledge birthdays on a monthly basis in the newsletter.
Please list the Month & Day of your birth, if you wish to be included:
Name: ___________ Month _____ Day ____
Name: ___________ Month _____ Day ____
Renewal dues are $35.
New memberships are prorated: Joining Oct-May $45 (If joining in Oct/Nov/Dec, term is
through Dec of following year) Joining June-Sep $27.50 (Membership to end of current year)
Make checks payable to V.M.O.A. Total payment enclosed: $_______Date: _______
Or Visit http://www.VintageMustang.org and Pay your Dues online Via PayPal
_____ Check here if this is just an information update for our files and no fees.
Bring this form to the meeting or mail to:
Attn: Membership
P.O. Box 5772
San Jose, CA 95150
September is the Month for ...
Sept 3
Sept 10-12
Sept 11
Sept 12
Sept 12
Sept 18-19
Sept 21
Oct 1
Oct 3
Oct 9
Oct 16-17
Oct 23
VMOA Club Meeting
Cherry’s Jubilee
Mustang Ranch OPEN HOUSE/BBQ
14th Annual FUN FORD SUNDAY!!!
10th Annual Antique Autos in History Park
Corkscrew Invitational Special Invite!
Board of Directors Meeting
VMOA Club Meeting
Horses to Horsepower
Sunnyvale Rotary Car Show
UAL Open House
Marina Air/car Show
Fall Classic 2010 Open Track
VMOA 4th Annual Poker Run Wine Tour
Don’t Miss
some of these
great upcoming events !
See pages 6 & 7 for more
details and
to register
The Pony Express
P.O. Box 5772
San Jose , CA 95150
First Class Mail
VMOA club meetings are held on the
first Friday of the month 7:30pm
Sunnyvale Ford
650 East El Camino Real
Sunnyvale, CA 94087
Between Remington Dr. / Fair Oaks Ave. and Wolfe Road
Map: http://tinyurl.com/bdknq