2014-2015 Rolling Meadows Park District Early Childhood Parent Manual


2014-2015 Rolling Meadows Park District Early Childhood Parent Manual
Rolling Meadows Park District
Early Childhood Parent Manual
Table of Contents--- Early Childhood Parent Manual 2014-2015
Letter of introduction …………………………………………………………………………………..p.3
Registration Process/Extended Day…….………………………………………………………………p.5
Program Objectives……………………………………………………………………………………..p.6
Daily Activities……………………………………………………………………………………….p.7 & 8
Important Information……………………………………………………………………………….p.9-11
Code of Conduct………………………………………………………………………………………..p.12
Rolling Meadows Park District-Autumn 2013
3705 Pheasant Drive
Rolling Meadows, IL 60008
847-818-3200 rmparks.org
Dear Parents,
We would like to welcome you and your child to the Rolling
Meadows Park District Preschool program. This program is designed to meet the needs of 3
& 4 year olds. We hope to establish an environment in which your child feels comfortable
and to provide experiences that will help children thrive and soar in the classroom.
Our staff is eager to make your child’s first educational experience an enjoyable one. Our
facility provides opportunities to learn and explore many areas. Since parents are the best
resource regarding our participants, communication between staff and families is essential.
During the school year please feel free to discuss your feelings and concerns with your
child’s teachers or with me.
We are continually striving to keep our preschool program competitive, affordable, and
current. Our educational philosophy and goals have been clarified. Our communication
materials and overall look represent a fresh, innovative approach. We will continue to have
exceptional staff, stimulating field trips and special preschool event days.
Included in this handbook are our philosophy, our objectives and information about the
program. Please refer to the handbook for basic information. If there is any additional
information you need, please call the Park District Office at 847-818-3200 x.237 or email at
kmiletic@rmparks.org. We are looking forward to a great preschool adventure this year!
Karrie Miletic
Recreation Supervisor of Early Childhood
The Rolling Meadows Park District Preschool Program is designed to provide a positive and fun first
learning environment where children can thrive. By attending our program your child will:
Feel safe and accepted while developing social and age appropriate developmental skills
Develop a love of learning, self-confidence and the ability to problem solve
Progress at his/her own pace under the supervision of experienced, nurturing teachers
Begin to feel a sense of community and belonging through the friends he/she will make
We offer:
One preschool site with two playgrounds within walking distance
Access to open park space for play
Bright, colorful, kid-friendly, air-conditioned rooms
Opportunities to learn and explore different classrooms as part of the daily schedule
Daily large motor skill development daily in our full size gym
Access to the park district ice arena during several pre-arranged outings
Bussed field trips
Monthly story time provided by the Rolling Meadows Public Library
A working relationship with local school district teachers regarding kindergarten
Registration remains open as long as space is available. To register a child for preschool, tot time or
prekindergarten parents need to bring a birth certificate or passport. Proof of immunization is
required at the start of class. All 4 year olds must be 4 by September 1. Three year olds must be 3 on
or before their start date. Prekindergarten children need to be 5 by March 4 the following year (for
2013-2014 year the child will need to be 5 by March 2014). All children need to be toilet trained.*We
are continuing to offer automatic withdrawal to enable parents to make smaller payments on a
schedule by using a credit card.
We will no longer be sending home cards for pre-registration for upcoming sessions. The monthly
newsletter will provide deadline information in order for spots to remain secure. Reminder notes
will also be on bulletin boards in the preschool hallway. You can also check new session deadline in
the brochure or on the website.
Kid’s Day Out
KDO allows children who are registered in the Park District preschool, pre-k or tot time classes to
extend the day until 3PM after morning class. Participants need to bring their own lunch.
Registration is taken at the Community Center Recreation Office. Please register at least one day in
advance. Fee is $10/day, payable when you register. Cash or checks only. If a child is absent on the
day he/she is signed up, a credit for another day will be given. Otherwise, a 24 hr. notice of
cancellation is required. You cannot come in on that day and switch to another day if your child is
attending class that day. Registration for Fall 2013 begins after labor day.
KinderKid’s Day Out
Morning kindergarteners are also invited to be a part of our KDO program. Sometimes children who
have gone through our program like to visit and re-connect with friends who may still be here or may
be at other schools for kindergarten.
The program is carefully planned to meet the needs of your child at each level of development.
3 year olds
Adjustment to preschool
Development of self confidence
Development of continuing communication skills
Cooperation with other children and adults
Creativity in arts
Awareness of feelings
The ability to follow directions
The ability to make choices
Large and small muscle development
4 year olds
Adjustment to preschool
Development of self confidence
Development of continuing communication skills
Cooperation with other children and adults
Creativity in arts
Awareness of feelings
The ability to follow directions
The ability to make choices and plan for themselves
Cognitive growth and development that is necessary for kindergarten readiness
Large and small muscle development
The children will move to different educational areas each day. These areas are designed to
encourage the children’s learning through investigation, exploration and problem solving. The
program is designed to encourage development in all areas.
Group Time
To start each day, each classroom group will meet to share the activities that the children will be
participating in and the choices that can be made in each area of play. The children will be
encouraged to express their thoughts and feelings. At the end of each day they will meet again for
group time. At this point they will discuss the experiences of their day and prepare to go home.
Creative Art Area
A number of art projects are included in the program. In planning the projects the end product is not
as important as the learning process used in developing the artwork. Each project relates to the
total program and encourages conceptual development as well as the ability to manipulate a variety
of materials. The art area also provides for manipulative experiences with clay, dough, paints and
other multimedia materials. A variety of materials are made available to help develop the children’s
ability to create and explore on their own developmental level.
The children will participate in an active music program during preschool. In this area they will be
encouraged to participate in songs and musical activities. They will also experience rhythm tools and
other musical instruments as available.
Magnets, magnifying glasses, rocks, shells and nature items are a few of the items that will be made
available for the children to explore. Other units of study which explore the world around us will be
Library and Language Area
Finger plays, dramatics and storytelling will be used to help develop the child’s imagination. While
some of the activities will be teacher initiated a variety of manipulative items including: storybooks,
cd player, simple reference books, flannel boards and puppets will be available for the children to
explore. Simple math and alphabet items will also be available for exploration and discussion.
Play Area
This is an area that is developed around encouraging the child to explore their environment. Each
child is encouraged to make choices of activities. The teachers will encourage the child to try a
variety of activities and encourage interaction with other children. Several centers of interest are
provided including: dramatic play centers, block center and transportation center. Weather
permitting the children will also use the early childhood playground adjacent to the preschool rooms.
Motor Movement
The children are encouraged to develop both small and large motor skills. A variety of activities are
planned that use the gym as well as the outdoor play areas. The children will participate in games,
motor movement music, mat activities, balance beams and other manipulative equipment. In good
weather nature walks and the outdoor play areas are used.
Snack Time
During each day the children and teachers relax together and enjoy a snack. We will offer water to
drink at this time. Snack time provides the children some time to enjoy individual discussions with the
other children and the teachers. They also learn about nutrition and proper eating habits.
Nutrition education is part of the preschool program. This is both a learning and sharing experience.
Parents are asked to provide prepackaged store sealed snacks approximately once each session. A
sign up calendar is located in each classroom. Due to severe allergies in some children items that
contain nuts are not allowed for snack. Suggested foods include: raw fruits and vegetables, dried
fruits, cheese, whole grain crackers, pretzels and popcorn. It is essential that you read all labels.
Toilet Training
Your child must be toilet trained before entering the program, however we realize for our 3-year-olds
this is “an assisted process and at school they need to do this independently.” Prior to preschool
have them practice pulling on and off their pants on their own, buttoning and snapping pants as
well. Please remember to send your child in clothing that is easy for them to get on and off on their
own (elastic or tie string pants or shorts are best). The teachers cannot assist them in wiping so
please have them practice this on their own. We realize a child might have an accident and if this
happens a parent will be called to change the child. If a parent is not available the person listed as
the emergency contact will be called. If a child repeatedly (3 times or more) soils their clothes it may
be an indication that toilet training is not complete and continuing preschool will need to be
discussed. Potty training can be tough transition, know we are available to help.
Drop-off and Pick-up
During the first week of school we ask that you bring your child into the classroom each day, so the
staff can become familiar with the parents and so the child can become familiar with the preschool
teachers and surroundings. After the first week of school a drop off service will be available at the
north end of the building. Please do not drop a child off before a staff member is stationed at the
arrival door and holding the door open. The door will be opened 5 minutes before school starts. At
pick up time please enter the preschool room and sign your child out. Only approved parties will be
allowed to pick up children. Any person picking a child up needs to be prepared to show a photo ID.
This includes parents. Please make sure that adults come in with an ID and do not leave it in the car
or at home. If we do not have an approval form we will not release the child. This is for your child’s
protection. For parents using car-pools please be sure to have all persons on your approval form.
Parents who are habitually late picking up will be subject to late fees. All children must be signed out
on the daily sign out sheet.
Cell Phones
In accordance with Illinois law, you may not use a cell phone while driving in the Community Center
Dress for School
We work with a variety of materials and have an assortment of activities, so please dress your child
prepared for “spills and accidents”. The children are involved in an active motor movement program
so non-skid shoes should be worn. Gym shoes are preferred. Please mark all items of outerwear with
your child’s name. The children will have outdoor play when weather is permitting so please dress
School Phone Number and School Closing Information
The Park District phone number is 847-818-3200 to call to check for weather closings. In case of
inclement weather if school would be cancelled, a District email will be sent and a message is posted
on our Facebook page. We have planned for the possibility of four snow/emergency days when
setting fees. We do not offer makeup classes.
Each child is required to have an emergency release form on file. When filling out the emergency
release form, please choose an emergency contact that is readily available while your child is at
school. This person should be located close to school to insure a quick response time in case of
emergency. In addition, we need forms for release of the child at the end of the school day. Please
fill out forms for anyone that you will allow to pick up your child. We will not release a child without
written approval.
Health Policy
If your child has been ill during the night or in the morning before school, please keep your child
home. For the protection of all children we cannot accept a child who arrives and seems ill or has
experienced fever, vomiting or diarrhea within 24 hours. If your child becomes ill at school, you will
be notified and required to take your child home. If you are not available, the emergency contact
listed release form will be contacted. Please notify the preschool immediately if your child has a
communicable disease, in order that other parents may given notification. Proof of current
immunizations will be required at the start of the school year.
Parties and Birthday Celebrations
There will be special parties in several sessions of preschool. The room parents will do the planning
but may need some donations. Please watch the classroom bulletin boards or notes sent home for
information. If you wish to bring a special birthday treat for your child’s class please talk to the
teacher in advance. Birthday invitations will not be passed out unless the whole class is invited
throughout the year. Resource people including the librarian will visit our classes.
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Teaching Staff
The preschool staff is first aid and cpr certified for infants through adults. All of the preschool staff
members are experienced early childhood instructors.
Parent Days
We would like to encourage all parents to enjoy this experience with their child. We will be having
Dad’s Nights and Mom’s Teas during the year. If a parent cannot attend, please invite another adult
friend or family member. These special days are held to provide information and let you experience
your child’s schedule. Conferences may be arranged by either teacher or parent at any time during
the year.
Newsletter and Calendar
A monthly newsletter and calendar will be sent home with your child. Please take time to read this
information and save it for reference all month. Newsletters contain specific information about field
trips, special events, school activities, kids’ day out and registration information. For information
about daily activities please check the bulletin board outside the classroom, our website
www.rmparks.org and parent emails that will be send periodically. We encourage you, if you have
any questions or concerns, to feel free to discuss them with your child’s teacher or the Supervisor of
Early Childhood.
Parent Volunteers
Parents will have the opportunity to help with centers in the classroom or come in to read stories.
We also use volunteers to help plan crafts or gym time during our class parties. See your teacher for
more information on classroom sign ups.
Children with Special Needs
We do our best to accommodate children with special needs. We work closely with the Northwest
Suburban Recreation Association (NWSRA) to provide a positive experience.
Acceptance & Discharge
Children who demonstrate the inability to benefit from the program offered or whose presence is
detrimental to the group will not be accepted. If a child is enrolled and his or her individual needs
cannot be met, the child will be discharged from the program.
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Rolling Meadows Park District Preschool
Code of Conduct
All participants are expected to exhibit appropriate behavior at all times while participating in
preschool, prekindergarten and tot time programs. The following guidelines are designed to provide
safe and enjoyable activities for all participants.
Participants shall:
1. Show respect to all participants, staff and/or supervisors.
2. Take direction from staff and/or supervisors.
3. Refrain from using abusive or foul language.
4. Refrain from causing bodily harm to self, other participants, or program
5. Refrain from damaging equipment, supplies, and facilities.
The Park District reserves the right to dismiss a participant whose behavior consistently disrupts the
program atmosphere or endangers the safety of him or others. Dismissal from the program is the
final step and will occur only after several measures to improve behavior have taken place. These
1. Time outs.
2. Discussion with preschooler, teacher and or the Recreation Supervisor Early childhood.
3. Staff notifies parents of problem.
4. Recreation Supervisor of Early childhood speaks with parents.
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