Visual Dolphin Approval process of accounting manual transactions
Visual Dolphin Approval process of accounting manual transactions
Visual Dolphin Approval process of accounting manual transactions How to approve manual accounting transactions MARCH.2014 © SOFTWARE DESIGN CONSULTING GROUP - 2014 Setting parameterss A new parameter in the finance stating to “Enable the approval on the manual transactions” If so, any transaction entered manually will be saved as Pending. A new monitoring screen will show all pending transactions excluding the parent ones generated from other modules (like Job Costing, Media Module, Billing, Purchasing…) A double click on the line will open the transaction screen and allow the controller to read the transaction and approve it, by clicking on the Approval button in the toolbar. Or the controller can just select the transaction from the monitoring screen and use the button “Approve” to approve the transaction. MARCH.2014 © SOFTWARE DESIGN CONSULTING GROUP - 2014 How to approve journal transactions Once done, the transaction will be “Un-pended” & “Locked”. There will be no possibility of modification after approval by controller. At the same time, the Approval date, Time and User name will be saved in the Approval log. In case of exceptions for amending the transaction, the button “Unlock” can be used by a user of high level. It will unlock the transaction and save it as “Pending”, waiting for another approval Therefore, because of this parameter, the “Locking/unlocking Transactions” procedure will move the date pointer till the selected date. MARCH.2014 © SOFTWARE DESIGN CONSULTING GROUP - 2014 In case of “Locking Till date”, the system will flag the parent transactions as “Locked” and prohibit from generating any transaction prior to “Till date” All transactions within the locking period must be approved. No pending transactions are allowed. In case of “Unlocking Transactions From Date”, the system will move the date pointer to the “From date”, unlock all parent transactions, and keep the approved ones as “Locked” It will allow entering manual transactions having date greater or equal to “From date” Let us note that: - The Approval procedure will not change the update/date of the approved transaction - The “Lock/Unlock Transactions” will lock a period after financial reports were issued, while the locking of transaction after being controlled, is for prohibiting its change after approval. MARCH.2014 © SOFTWARE DESIGN CONSULTING GROUP - 2014