
Empowering all students to succeed in a changing society
This handbook has been prepared by the Edmond Public School District to
provide general information to certified personnel regarding personnel policies of
the District. These are guidelines only. The actual policies and procedures are
set forth in the Edmond Public School Board Policy Book located on the Edmond
Public Schools website www.edmondschools.net and at the Administrative
Center at 1001 West Danforth in Edmond. In the event of any conflict between
the guidelines set forth in this handbook and any provision of the EPS Board
Policy Book, the board policy shall control. Additionally, it is the intent of the
Edmond Public School District to comply with the Edmond Association of
Classroom Teachers’ Master Agreement and all applicable state and federal laws
relating to the employment of all personnel. In the event there is a conflict
between any law or the Master Agreement in the provisions of this handbook or
the EPS Board Policy Book, the provisions of any applicable state or federal law
shall control. Employees should refer to the Board Policy Book online and the
Master Agreement, which is distributed to each teacher in the fall, for more
specific guidelines.
Compliance Issues
Policy Notification ....................................................................................1
FERPA ....................................................................................................2
Hazardous Communication .....................................................................2
Sexual Harassment .................................................................................2
Drug & Alcohol Free Workplace ..............................................................5
Discrimination/Civil Rights .......................................................................11
Tutoring/Private Lessons ........................................................................12
Advertising or Promotion .........................................................................13
Dress/Appearance ..................................................................................13
Wireless Telecommunication Device ......................................................14
Use of Technology ..................................................................................15
Standards of Performance and Conduct .................................................19
Employment Status
Contract for Regular Teachers ................................................................21
Contract for Teachers Under Temporary Contract ..................................22
Certification/Credentials ..........................................................................22
Resignation/Request for Release from Contract .....................................22
Job Assignments
Assignment .............................................................................................23
Hours of Work .........................................................................................23
Extra Duty Assignments ..........................................................................23
Covering Classes ....................................................................................23
Job Postings............................................................................................23
Request for Transfer ...............................................................................24
Administrative-Directed Transfer .............................................................24
Subfinder System
Reporting Absences ................................................................................25
Payment ..................................................................................................25
Salary Schedule ......................................................................................25
Advancement through Education Levels .................................................25
Direct Deposit..........................................................................................26
Health Insurance .....................................................................................26
COBRA Continuation of Health Insurance upon Termination..................26
Health Insurance while on Leave ............................................................28
Life Insurance..........................................................................................28
Disability Insurance/Salary Protection .....................................................28
Oklahoma Teacher Retirement System ..................................................28
Flexible Benefit Plan ...............................................................................29
Annuities 403(b) Plan ..............................................................................29
Workers Compensation ...........................................................................29
Employee Activity Pass ...........................................................................30
Sick Leave...............................................................................................30
Accumulation of Sick Leave & Teacher Attendance Incentive ................30
Return to Work ........................................................................................31
Medical Leave .........................................................................................31
Maternity ............................................................................................31
Family Medical Leave.........................................................................31
Availability of Leave ................................................................................32
Application for Leave ...............................................................................32
Leave based on Serious Health Condition ..............................................32
Intermittent Leave ...................................................................................32
Effect of Leave on Benefits .....................................................................33
Reinstatement to Former Position ...........................................................33
Sick Leave Sharing .................................................................................33
Parental Leave ........................................................................................33
Leave of Absence (One-Year).................................................................33
Return from Leave of Absence................................................................33
Bereavement Leave ................................................................................33
Personal Leave .......................................................................................34
Jury Duty / Military Leave ........................................................................34
Professional Leave ..................................................................................35
Sabbatical Leave of Absence Without Pay..............................................36
IP Telephone Network .............................................................................37
Employee Portal Instructions...................................................................38
My Current Information.......................................................................43
Payroll Tab .........................................................................................44
Pay Check/Advice Detail ....................................................................45
Global Compliance Network (GCN) Instructions .....................................46
Technology Information……………………………………………………....47
The Edmond Public School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color,
national origin, religion, sex, age, disability, or veteran status in admission to its
programs, services, or activities, in access to them, in treatment of individuals or in
any aspect of their operations. The District provides equal access to the Boy Scouts
and other designated youth groups. The Edmond Public School District also does
not discriminate in its hiring or employment practices.
This notice is provided as required by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Section
504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the Americans with Disabilities Act of
1990. Questions, complaints or requests for additional information regarding these
laws may be forwarded to the designated compliance coordinator.
Mr. Randy Decker
Executive Director of Human Resources
Coordinator of Title IX, Title VI,
Age Discrimination in Employment Act
1001 West Danforth
Edmond, OK 73003
(405) 340-2818
Ms. Nancy Goosen
Director of Special Education
Coordinator of Section 504/Title II ADA
53 East 12th
Edmond, OK 73034
(405) 726-3101
This notice is available from the compliance coordinator in large print, an audiotape, in Braille and on the district website at www.edmondschools.net
Refer to Board of Education policy #5165 for Discrimination/Civil Rights grievance
procedures. Edmond Public School Board policies are available online at the website
listed above or at the Administration Center at 1001 West Danforth, Edmond,
Students and staff members are encouraged to visit with any site counselor or
administrator concerning discrimination complaints. Prior to filing a written
complaint reasonable effort will be made by the building administrative staff to
resolve the problem or complaint.
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords parents and students who are
18 years of age or older ("eligible students") certain rights with respect to the student's education
records. See Edmond Public School Board Policy #4700F for information and interpretation
Board Policy #5430
The School District shall be in compliance with OSHA Hazard Communication Standard
"Right-to-Know laws" and regulation regarding the use and storage of chemicals in the
workplaces and classrooms. (Occupational Safety and Health Act, 1985 (OSHA) Hazard
Communications Law, 1986).
Board Policy # 5700
The District is committed to providing equal employment and educational opportunities and,
therefore, forbids discrimination against any employee, student, applicant for employment or
any other person on the basis of gender. The District further forbids sexual harassment by
any employee or student. This policy also applies to non-employee volunteers and
contractors whose work is subject to the control of District personnel.
Specific Prohibitions:
A. Administrators and Supervisors:
1. It is sexual harassment for an administrator or supervisor to use his or her
authority to solicit sexual favors or attention from subordinates or
District’s patrons when the individual’s failure to submit will result in
adverse treatment or when the individual’s acquiescence will result in
preferential treatment.
2. It is sexual harassment for an administrator or supervisor to subject any
student to any unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature or to engage in a
sexual relationship with a student.
3. Administrators and supervisors who either engage in sexual harassment
or tolerate such conduct by other employees or students shall be subject
to sanctions, as described below.
B. All Employees:
It is sexual harassment for a non-administrative and/or nonsupervisory
employee to subject any District employee or patron to any unwelcome
conduct of a sexual nature.
It is sexual harassment for a non-administrative and/or non-supervisory
employee to subject any student to any unwelcome conduct of a sexual
nature or to engage in a sexual relationship with a student.
Employees who engage in such conduct shall be subject to sanctions, as
described below.
It is sexual harassment for a student to subject any District
employee, patron, or fellow student to any unwelcome conduct of a
sexual nature.
Students who engage in such conduct shall be subject to sanctions,
as described below.
General Prohibitions:
Unwelcome Conduct of a Sexual Nature:
Conduct of a sexual nature may include:
a. verbal or physical sexual advances, including subtle pressure for
sexual activity, flirtation, advances, and/or propositions of a sexual
b. touching, pinching, patting, or brushing against;
c. unwarranted displays of sexually suggestive or sexually explicit
objects or picture, including greeting cards, articles, books,
magazines, or cartoons;
d. sexual assault;
e. comments regarding physical or personality characteristics of a
sexual nature; and
f. sexually-oriented “kidding,” “teasing,” double meanings and jokes.
Conduct of a sexual nature may constitute sexual harassment when the
allegedly harassed employee has indicated, either orally or by his or her
conduct that it is unwelcome.
If the person has initially welcomed such conduct by active
participation, the person must give specific notice to the alleged harasser
that such conduct is no longer welcome in order for any such subsequent
conduct to be deemed unwelcome.
B. Sexual Harassment:
For the purpose of this policy, unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual
favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitute sexual
harassment if:
submission to the conduct is made either an explicit or implicit
condition of employment or instruction;
submission to or rejection of the conduct is used as a basis for an
instruction or employment decision affecting the harassed student or
the conduct substantially interferes with a student’s learning or an
employee’s work performance;
the conduct, either by intent or by effect, creates an intimidating, hostile, or
offensive work or learning environment;
the conduct is directed toward a student, regardless of the basis by an adult
employee or volunteer; or
submission to or rejection of the conduct is used as a basis for providing the
District’s services or participation in the District’s programs.
C. Circumstances of sexual harassment:
Sexual harassment can occur in a variety of circumstances, including, but not
limited to, the following:
the individual who is sexually harassed, as well as the harasser, may be
female or male and does not have to be of the opposite sex from the
the harasser can be the supervisor of the individual who is sexually
harassed, an agent of the employer, a supervisor in another area, a coworker, a subordinate, an instructor, or a non-employee.
the individual who is sexually harassed does not have to be the specific
person to whom the harasser directs the conduct which constitutes sexual
harassment but must be a person who was directly affected by the
offensive conduct of the harasser; and
unlawful sexual harassment may occur without economic injury to or
discharge of the individual who is sexually harassed.
Report, Investigation, and Sanctions:
A. Victims of sexual harassment are encouraged to come forward with such claims.
Furthermore, they have a right to file a grievance and present witnesses and
other evidence. This may be done through the grievance procedure outlined in
the District’s Civil Rights Policy and Grievance Procedures. If the District’s
Civil Rights Compliance Officer is the alleged harasser, the complaint should be
made directly to the Superintendent.
Employees who feel that administrators or supervisors are conditioning
promotions, increases in wages, continuation of employment, or other
terms or conditions of employment upon sexual favors, are encouraged to
report these conditions to the appropriate administrator. If the employee’s
direct administrator or supervisor is the alleged offending person, the
report shall be made to the next higher level of administration or
2. Employees, patrons, and students are also urged to report any unwelcome
conduct of a sexual nature by supervisors, employees, or students if such
conduct interferes with the individual’s work performance or creates a
hostile or offensive working or learning environment.
3. Confidentiality shall be maintained and no reprisals or retaliation shall be
allowed to occur as a result of the good faith reporting of charges of sexual
B. In determining whether alleged conduct constitutes sexual harassment, the
totality of the circumstances, the nature of the conduct, and the context in which
the alleged conduct occurred shall be investigated in the manner set forth in the
District’s Civil Rights Policy and Grievance Procedures. The District’s Civil
Rights Compliance Officer has the responsibility of investigating and resolving
complaints of sexual harassment. In the event the Compliance Officer is the
subject of the complaint, the Superintendent’s designee shall investigate the
If a violation is established, the District will take prompt action to address the
violation and prevent it from reoccurring. Any employee found to have
engaged in sexual harassment shall be subject to sanctions, including, but not
limited to, warning, demotion, suspension, or termination subject to applicable
procedures and due process requirements. Any student found to have engaged
in sexual harassment shall be subject to disciplinary action according to
District’s policies.
Board Policy #2279
Alcohol and Drug Free Workplace: Employee well-being and the maintenance of safe
school and workplace environments are of paramount concern to the Board. Employees
under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or controlled substances are a serious risk to
themselves and others. The Board hereby commits itself to a continuing good faith effort to
maintain a drug-free workplace. The Administration shall provide a copy of this policy to all
present and future employees, and each employee of this District is hereby notified that, as a
condition of employment, the employee must abide by the terms of this policy.
While on District property or engaged in District activities, employees of the District shall
not manufacture, use, possess, sell, distribute, or be under the influence of drugs, controlled
dangerous substances, or alcohol (including low-alcohol beer). Any person who has
reasonable cause to suspect that an employee on District property or engaged in District
activities may be under the influence of or in possession of controlled dangerous substances
or alcohol shall report the suspicion to the employee’s supervisor or the Superintendent.
When it is evident that an employee has consumed alcoholic beverages or used illegal drugs
off District property and/or before a District activity, the employee shall not be allowed on
District property and/or shall not be allowed to participate in District activities. Any
employee who violates this policy may be subject to disciplinary action which may include
suspension, demotion, dismissal, non-reemployment, or termination.
Each employee shall notify the Superintendent, or the Superintendent’s designee, of any
criminal drug statute conviction for a violation occurring in or on the premises of this District
or while engaged in regular employment. Such notification must be made to the
Superintendent, or the Superintendent’s designee, no later than five (5) days after conviction.
Within thirty (30) days following receipt of the above notification, the District shall take
appropriate disciplinary action which may include termination or require the employee to
participate satisfactorily in a drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program; provided that
nothing herein will preclude the District from taking disciplinary action prior to any such
notice when cause exists.
Each employee shall attend a drug-free awareness program at which employees shall be
informed about the dangers of drug abuse in the workplace, available drug counseling,
rehabilitation, employee assistance programs, and the penalties that may be imposed upon
employees for drug abuse violations occurring in the workplace. The Board recognizes that
employees who have a drug abuse problem should be encouraged to seek professional
assistance. An employee who requests assistance shall be referred to a treatment facility or
agency in the community if such facility or agency is available.
Alcohol and Drug Testing: Drug and alcohol testing of employees may be conducted in
accordance with applicable federal and/or state law as set forth in Administrative
Regulations. As outlined within Policy #5175 (Drug Testing for Drivers), the District shall
comply with the Omnibus Transportation Testing Act of 1991, which helps to prevent
accidents and injuries resulting from misuse of alcohol and controlled substances by
employees who serve in safety-sensitive positions.
The employee assistance counselor is available to district employees for personal,
psychological, or emotional problems that may be impacting their job performance.
Contact Randy Decker at 340-2818 for a referral.
Alcohol and Drug Testing: The District requires employees to undergo testing for
drugs and/or alcohol in accordance with District policy and administrative regulations. The
District complies with all applicable state and federal laws and regulations.
Employee Questions: Any employee who has questions relating to the District’s
drug and /or alcohol testing policy, or about these regulations, or about other educational
materials regarding drug and/or alcohol testing should contact District’s Human Resource
Employees Affected: All employees are subject to testing for drugs and/or alcohol
upon application for employment and upon reasonable suspicion that the employee has
violated these regulations.
Bus Drivers: Drug testing for bus drivers is conducted using different procedures
than those set forth in these regulations. Bus drivers should consult Policy #5175 for
procedures that apply to them.
Compliance: All employees are prohibited from using, possessing, or being under
the influence of illegal drugs. All employees are prohibited from using, possessing, or being
under the influence of alcohol on school property or during a school-related activity.
A. Testing Situations:
1. Applicants: Upon a conditional offer of employment, a job applicant may be
required to undergo drug and/or alcohol testing. A refusal to undergo testing
or a confirmed positive test result will serve as a basis for refusal to hire,
provided that such testing does not violate the provisions of the Americans
with Disabilities Act of 1990, 42 U.S.C., Section 12101 et seq., and provided
that such testing is required for all applicants who have received a conditional
offer of employment for a particular employment classification. Applicants
may be placed in an assignment as a substitute employee until the results of
such testing are received by the District. All positive results will be confirmed
by an alternative test method as provided by Oklahoma statute and
2. Reasonable Suspicion: The District may require an employee to undergo drug
and/or alcohol testing upon a reasonable suspicion that the employee has
violated these regulations. Reasonable suspicion exists when a specific
contemporaneous event or observation points to recent alcohol and/or drug
use. These observations or events must be documented. The documentation
should include specific, observable facts and reasonable inferences that
suggest the employee is using drugs or alcohol.
3. Post Accident: District employees may be tested for drugs and/or alcohol after
an accident if the employee or another person has sustained a work-related
injury or the District’s property has been damaged, including damage to
equipment, in an amount reasonably estimated at the time of the accident to
exceed Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00).
B. Consent: Employees will not be required to sign any consent or waiver prior to
drug and/or alcohol testing. All employees recognize that by continuing their
employment with the District they have consented to the District’s adoption of a drug
and/or alcohol testing program.
C. Refusal: Under this regulation, an employee will be deemed to have refused to be
screened if he or she:
1. Fails to appear for a test within a reasonable time after being directed to do
2. Fails to remain at the testing site until the test is complete (except in the case
of a pre-employment applicant who leaves the testing site prior to the
commencement of the test);
3. Fails to provide a urine specimen (except in the case of a pre-employment
applicant who leaves the testing site prior to the commencement of the test);
4. In the case of a directly observed or monitored collection, fails to permit
observation or monitoring;
5. Fails to provide an adequate amount of urine, despite the lack of a medical
explanation for the failure;
6. Fails or declines to take an additional test upon request; or
7. Fails to cooperate with any part of the testing process.
D. Procedure for Alcohol Testing and Confirmation: Alcohol testing is generally
performed using breath or saliva samples. Employees may be required to allow a
blood sample under certain limited circumstances. Tests shall be conducted to afford
the employee reasonable privacy, but may depend upon the circumstances of the
situation. If an initial test demonstrates an alcohol concentration level of .02 or
higher, then a confirmation test will be required. Confirmation tests for alcohol must
be conducted at least 15 minutes after the initial test. No disciplinary action will be
taken against an employee unless the confirmation test also results in an alcohol
concentration of .02 or higher. If the alcohol test was by breath or saliva samples, the
confirmation test must be performed on a blood or urine sample of the employee.
E. Procedure for Drug Testing: The District will use the following procedures to
test for the presence of controlled substances, to protect the employee and the
integrity of the testing processes, to safeguard the validity of the test results, and to
ensure that those results are attributed to the correct employee:
1. With the exception of pre-employment applicants, an employee will not be
given advance notice of a test.
2. Collection for testing may take place off-site or on campus.
3. If an employee shows overt signs of impairment or intoxication, the District
will offer transportation to preclude the employee from driving home or to the
collection site. The District may utilize a taxi service or transportation
provided by another District employee, a family member of the employee, or
law enforcement.
4. The collection of samples shall be performed under reasonable and sanitary
5. Samples shall be collected and tested with due regard to the privacy of the
individual being tested. No employer or representative, agent or designee of
the District shall directly observe an applicant in the process of producing a
urine sample. However, collection shall be in a manner reasonably calculated
to prevent substitutions or interference with the collection or testing of reliable
6. A sample shall be collected in sufficient quantity for splitting into two
separate specimens to provide for any subsequent independent analysis in the
event of challenge of the test results of the main specimen.
7. The cutoff levels to be applied in initially determining whether an employee
has submitted a positive test are set forth in District Form DH-F1. If the
employee undergoes a second test, the District may test for lower levels as
provided by state regulations.
8. The laboratory results of employees subject to this policy will be reviewed by
a review officer who has met the minimum criteria to qualify for that position
in accordance with guidelines established by the State Board of Health.
9. Sample collection shall be documented, and the documentation procedures
shall include:
a. labeling of samples so as reasonably to preclude the probability of
erroneous identification of test results, and
b. an opportunity for the employee/applicant to provide notification of any
information which the employee/applicant considers relevant to the test,
including identification of currently or recently used prescription or
nonprescription drugs, or other relevant information.
10. Sample collection storage and transportation to the testing facility shall be
performed so as reasonably to preclude the probability of sample
contamination or adulteration.
11. Sample testing procedures shall conform to scientifically accepted analytical
methods and procedures, and shall include confirmation of any positive test
result before the results of any test may be used as the basis for any action.
12. A written record of the chain of custody of the sample shall be maintained
from the time of the collection of the sample until the sample is no longer
F. Results: If the laboratory makes a finding that the specimen is positive,
adulterated, dilute, or refused, then the results will be reviewed by a qualified review
officer. The review officer will give the employee an adequate opportunity to
confidentially explain the positive result. The review officer will then use his or her
expertise in determining whether the employee has presented a valid medical
explanation for the positive result. If so, the positive result will not be verified, and no
adverse action may be taken against the employee. If not, then the review officer will
report the verified positive result to the District.
The review officer must make an effort to contact the employee so that he or she may
confidentially explain a positive test result. However, the review officer may verify
a result without speaking to an employee in certain instances, including but not
limited to, when the employee has expressly declined to discuss the result, or has not
responded to the medical review officer or review officer’s invitation to discussion.
G. Confirmation: If an employee believes his or her positive drug test result to be in
error, then he or she may request a confirmation test which will be performed on the
original specimen or a split-sample of the specimen. The confirmation test will utilize
scientifically accepted methods of equal or greater accuracy than were required for
the initial test. Employees should be aware that the cutoff levels necessary to confirm
a positive result will be lower than those necessary to verify a positive result in the
initial screening. The employee shall bear the expense of the confirmation test.
However, in the event that the confirmation test results in a negative finding, the
employee will be reimbursed by the District.
The District will not initiate disciplinary action against any employee who has
requested a confirmation test until the confirmation results have been returned as
positive, adulterated, or dilute, or the employee has refused to provide a sample.
H. Record Retention: The District will maintain records as follows:
5 years
alcohol test results with alcohol concentrations of .02 or higher
records of verified positive test results
records of refusals
records of Substance Abuse Professionals
records of follow up tests and schedules
3 years
records obtained from previous employers
1 year
records of alcohol tests with alcohol concentrations of .02 or lower
All drug and/or alcohol testing records will be stored separately from an employee’s
ordinary personnel file.
I. Confidentiality: Records relating to drug and/or alcohol testing will not be
released to a third party, unless there is a valid legal reason to do so. Those reasons
include, but are not necessarily limited to 1) when an employee authorizes the release
in writing, 2) upon certain legal proceedings involving the employer and the
employee, or 3) upon court order.
The testing facility will not release information regarding the employee’s health,
pregnancy status, or physical or mental condition to anyone except the employee. The
testing facility will not release information regarding the presence of drugs for which
the District does not test.
J. Consequences for Violation: Employees in violation of this policy may be
subject to discipline, up to and including termination. All discipline will be
determined on a case-by-case basis.
K. Post-Rehabilitation Testing: Any employee who is permitted to return to work
after a positive test for drugs and/or alcohol, or participation in a treatment program
for chemical dependency is subject to testing without notice for a period of two years,
beginning with the day the employee returns to work.
L. Employee Assistance Program: The District will provide employees with a
confidential Employee Assistance Program (“EAP”) which includes drug and alcohol
dependency evaluation and referral for assistance in resolving or accessing treatment
for addiction to, dependence on, or problems with alcohol or drugs. The cost of
treatment, counseling, or rehabilitation resulting from the employee assistance
program (“EAP”) referral will be the responsibility of the employee.
When documented job impairment has been observed and identified, a supervisor
may recommend participation in the EAP. Any action taken by the supervisor,
however, will be based on job performance. A supervisor’s decision to recommend
participation in the EAP does not preclude the supervisor from administering
discipline in accordance with District policy. An employee who wishes to participate
in the EAP shall notify the Superintendent or designee.
With regard to leave, absences due to EAP-related activities, such as referral
appointments, will be treated on the same basis as other personal business or health
M. Remedies: Any person aggrieved by a willful violation of this policy may
institute a civil action as provided by law.
Board Policy #5165
The District complies with the Civil Rights laws, including but not limited to, Title VI of the
Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the
Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, in assuring the
students and employees of the District and all other persons that the District does not
discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, national origin, disability, religion, or age in its
programs and activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated
youth groups. The Superintendent is designated by the Board to coordinate the District’s
efforts to comply with this assurance. The Executive Director of Human Resources has been
designated to handle inquires regarding the non-discrimination policies.
The District shall promptly investigate discrimination complaints; take appropriate action
against any student or employee who violates this policy; and take any other action reasonably
calculated to end and prevent further discrimination against students, employees, or others. All
employees shall cooperate with any investigation of alleged discrimination conducted under
this procedure or by an appropriate state or federal agency.
Informal Pre-filing Procedures: Prior to the filing of a complaint, any student, employee or
other person who believes he or she has been discriminated against on the basis of race,
color, sex, national origin, disability, religion, or age is encouraged to visit with the
Compliance Officer and to make a reasonable effort to informally resolve the problem or
Extension of Time: Any time limits established by this policy and these procedures may be
extended by mutual consent of the parties involved. However, the total number of days from
the date that a complaint is filed until the complaint is resolved shall not exceed one hundred
eighty (180) days.
Confidentiality of Records: All records, complaints, notes, documents, and statements
made during or relating to allegations of discrimination shall be maintained on a confidential
basis by the Compliance Officer, and no information concerning any complaint shall be
documented in an employee’s personnel file. However, in the event official proceedings
relating to such allegations are initiated by a party or the District, such records may become
public in accordance with law. Information pertaining to complaints shall be maintained for
three (3) years after resolution of the complaint.
Non-retaliation Provision: No person filing a complaint nor anyone participating in the
complaint process under this policy will be subjected to any form of reprisal, retaliation,
intimidation or harassment because he or she has utilized this complaint procedure in good
faith or because he or she has in any way participated in any investigation or hearing
involving or related to any complaint filed under this policy. The School District will
discipline or take appropriate action against any student, employee, agent, or representative
of the District who is determined to have engaged in such retaliatory behavior.
Board Policy #2770
The Board of Education does not promote or provide private tutoring or private
lessons for its students by faculty members. If faculty members provide these
services (collectively referred to as “Additional Instruction “), the following
procedures shall be followed:
1. It shall be the responsibility of the parent and the faculty member to mutually
agree upon a fee and place of Additional Instruction.
2. Except for instructors participating in the Instrumental Music Enrichment
Program, only certified employees of the District may use school facilities for
Additional Instruction. No charge will be made for the use of the facility, but
such use may not disrupt regular school activities.
Administrative Guideline -All music tutors must have a felony background
check on file with the district prior to tutoring students in school facilities.
3. Only students of the Edmond Public Schools may use school facilities or
equipment to receive Additional Instruction.
4. Faculty members may not receive a fee for Additional Instruction when the
student is enrolled in that faculty member’s class.
5. Faculty members may not provide Additional Instruction for pay during any
part of their regular employment hours.
Board Policy #5010
The school staff and/or student body shall not be employed in any manner at school for
the purpose of delivering home advertising for any commercial, religious, charitable, or
other non-school organization. A school may cooperate in furthering the work of the
Edmond Public Schools Foundation, local municipal agencies, institutions of higher
education or CareerTech, local Scout organizations, and pre-approved school employeesponsored camps and clinics, provided such cooperation does not restrict or impair the
District's educational program. The school may use materials bearing only simple
mention of the producing firm, if the materials are approved for instructional use.
Dress/Appearance – Board Policy #2275
All employees are expected to dress appropriately and to conduct themselves responsibly.
The image they portray as Edmond Public Schools’ employees through day-to-day contact
with the public and with colleagues has a direct bearing on how they judge the effectiveness
of our school system. It is important that a positive image be portrayed. Cleanliness and
personal grooming are essential and expected.
Administrative Guidelines:
1. Employees’ attire should never fail to meet dress requirements
established for students.
2. Shorts, spaghetti straps, overalls and mini skirts are not appropriate
to wear in a school setting.
Clarification concerning shortsPhysical education teachers and coaches may wear shorts when they are teaching
outside or in the gym. They should not wear shorts when teaching health or other
classes in the regular school building. When P.E. teachers are serving as duty
teachers (Breakfast/Morning, Lunch, Detention, Bus Duty), shorts should not be
worn. Nice Capri-type pants or knee length skorts may be worn. This dress code
requirement applies only to the regular school day and not to after school activities.
Dress Code, Student – Board Policy #4510
The student dress code is based upon the premise of recognizing fashion without
sacrificing decency, safety, and appropriateness. It is the intent to restrict extremes
and indecency which will detract from the main purpose of the educational program.
Dress and grooming which causes or is likely to cause disruption of the instructional
program of the school is prohibited.
The following are general guidelines regarding proper dress. Inappropriate attire
includes but is not limited to the following:
1. Headgear (examples: hats, caps, bandanas, sunglasses, stocking caps)
is not to be worn in the building. Any headgear brought to school
should be kept in the student’s locker or cubby during regular school
hours. The principal may make exceptions for spirit days or special
2. Halter tops, off-the shoulder tops, bare midriffs, tube tops, spaghetti
straps, [muscle shirts, mesh shirts or fishnet (unless a t-shirt is
underneath)], backless or partial backless garments, or outer garments
with the appearance of underwear are not permitted to be worn by
3. Frayed, shredded, ripped or torn garments are not to be worn by
students. Normal wear and tear is accepted unless it is to the extent
that causes or is likely to cause disruption of the instructional program.
4. Apparel that is too tight or too loose is not to be worn by students.
Clothing which is too revealing or does not completely cover
undergarments may not be worn, (examples: mini skirts, short shorts,
low cut clothes or exposed cleavage.)
5. Apparel that reveals offensive writing, suggestive slogans or logos
which pertain to beer, liquor, drugs, or tobacco is not to be worn.
Items which carry connotations of immorality, vulgarity, obscenity,
nudity, or promotion of violence and /or gang/ cult activity (examples:
article of clothing, belts, jewelry, or school material) are not allowed.
6. Apparel identifying a student as “security” or “police” is not to be
7. Bike or animal chains/collars/spikes are not to be worn.
Additional guidelines include the following:
1. Shoes must be worn. House shoes are not permitted.
2. Clothing normally worn when participating in a school sponsored
extracurricular or sports activity may be worn to school when
approved by the Administration.
3. Exceptions to these guidelines may be made by the principal for spirit
days or special activities.
4. Additional modification or exception to the dress code may be enacted
as deemed necessary by the administration. Such modifications will
be based upon safety or related factors.
5. Administrative guidelines are to be developed for enforcement of the
dress code.
Use of Wireless Telecommunication Device by Employees - Board Policy #5730
General Use: The Board of Education recognizes that the use of telecommunications is
important for communicating with parents, vendors and others in conducting school
business. Timely and appropriate use (effective, efficient, ethical and lawful) is
expected. Use of district telephone equipment for personal business is discouraged and is
to be limited to times that do not interfere with or detract from the employee’s work
Long Distance: Long distance calls are sometimes required in conducting school
The superintendent/designee is responsible for developing/maintaining
procedures for authorizing and tracking long distance use. Employees are prohibited
from making long distance calls for personal business at district expense.
Wireless Telecommunication Devices:
For the purpose of this policy,
wireless telecommunication devices are deemed to include cellular phones, pagers, twoway radios, and other devices that use radio frequencies for communication. While
wireless telecommunication devices are at times assigned to employees for conducting
school business, other staff members may possess wireless communication devices while
on school premises; however, the usage of these devices is limited. The above-stated
“General Use” provisions also apply to employee use of wireless communication devices.
All staff members having a wireless telecommunication device on school premises must
keep the device turned “off” or on “silent” and are not to engage in telephone
conversations during instructional time. Use of wireless telecommunications devices for
personal business during the workday is discouraged and is to be limited to times that do
not interfere with or detract from employees’ work functions. It is the expectation
that wireless telecommunication devices are not to be used during meetings or school
programs except in the case of an emergency.
The superintendent/designee is responsible for developing/maintaining procedures
specific for the use and care of district provided wireless telecommunication devices.
Note: Employees who choose to bring personal wireless telecommunications devices
to school do so at their own risk. Edmond Public Schools is not responsible for the theft
or loss of a wireless telecommunication device.
Technology: Access to and Responsible Use of Technology Resources & Information
Databases - Board Policy #5720
The Edmond Public Schools Access to and Responsible Use of Technology Resources &
Information Databases Policy will govern all of the District’s Computer Systems and
information databases accessed by all technology users. The term “Users,” refers to all
technology users and is defined as all staff, students, School Resource Officers, substitutes,
Francis Tuttle employees, and individuals provided access to the Network. Users will be
required to sign an Information Technology Staff or Student Agreement based upon this
policy prior to using the System and Network.
The Edmond Public Schools recognizes that as emerging technologies affect the manner in
which information may be accessed, communicated, and transferred by members of society,
those changes will also alter instruction and student learning. It is our intent to provide
reasonable, equitable, and safe access to and storage of information for both employees and
The use of the terms “Computer Systems”, “Network” and “Systems” refer to all hardware
and software components comprising the District’s Wide-Area-Network, Local-AreaNetworks, including the Internet, E-mail systems, District’s Web pages, File Servers,
computer workstations, and electronic media resources. All other resources that may connect
to and/or communicate with the Computer Systems are included in the definition and covered
by this policy.
The District will take reasonable steps to secure the Network and Computer Systems against
unauthorized access and/or abuse,, while making Network Services available and accessible
for authorized Users. These responsibilities include informing users of expected Standards
of Conduct and the punitive measures for not adhering to them. Any attempt to violate the
provisions of this policy will result in disciplinary action.
1. Shared Responsibility
The successful daily operation and maintenance of a large Wide-Are-Network (WAN)
requires the assistance and cooperation of users. The District’s policy of “Shared
Responsibility” means that users are expected to act responsibly in their use of technology
resources. Users will strictly adhere to this policy and to the rules and regulations relating to
the use of the Network or the District’s Computer Systems, and will be held accountable for
their actions in this regard. The District, for its part, will continue to maintain a welldesigned, high performance WAN that will be capable of managing thousands of users. The
district’s technology staff will provide the leadership and management necessary to advance
technological capacities and access/use safeguards. Teamwork and cooperation among users
will allow the system to operate successfully and in harmony with the thousands of Network
users who share these services.
2. Networked Information Systems Responsibility
Access to the District’s Computer Systems and to the Network is a privilege, it is not a right.
The Network is provided to Users for educationally related communication, research, and/or
job related activities.
The users of the Network will respect and comply at all times with local, state, federal and
international laws governing or relating to their use of the Network. The District will
cooperate fully with local, state, federal, or international officials in any investigation
concerning or relating to any illegal activities conducted through or otherwise involving the
District’s Computer Systems.
3. Limitation of Liability
The District makes no warranties of any kind; either expressed or implied that the functions
or services provided by or through the District’s Network will be error-free or without defect.
The District uses Internet filtering to control and regulate access to Internet sites. This does
not provide an absolute means for preventing access to inappropriate material and should
never take the place of direct supervision in the classroom.
4. System Security
Failure to secure a computer for even a short period of time can have significant
consequences. Users are responsible for their user ID accounts and passwords and should take
reasonable precautions to prevent others from gaining access to their accounts. Users are solely
responsible for all actions taken under their User ID.
Sharing a User ID or password with any other person is prohibited. Under no circumstances
may users provide their passwords to another person or permit another person to use their
account once activated.
For the protection and security of Edmond Public Schools networked system it is prohibited to
directly attach any network device, such as a wireless access point, to the Edmond Public Schools
network or to create a personal wireless network while on campus.
When using the Internet for class activities, teachers will select material that is age appropriate
for their students and is relevant to the course objectives. Teachers will review the material and
Internet sites they require or recommend students access in order to determine the
appropriateness of the material. Teachers also should be mindful of the regulations and
restrictions regarding the posting of student pictures and personal information on web pages and
other Internet accessible resources.
5. Respecting Resource Limits
The District Network System should be used for educational and professional or career
development activities. It may also be used to communicate with elected representatives or
professional education associations.
Users will not be allowed to download large files. As defined under Inappropriate Activity
Restrictions, the Network is not for personal entertainment, personal storage, commercial
use, political purposes, or the promotion of a personal business.
6. Copyright and Plagiarism
United States Copyright Law will govern the use of material accessed through the Network.
Employees and students will make a standard practice of requesting permission from the
holder of the work before copying the material or incorporating substantial portions of the
material in other works, except for personal use in scholarly research.
7. Confidentiality of Information
Users should never give out private or confidential information about themselves or others on
the Internet, particularly credit card numbers and Social Security numbers.
8. Active Restriction Measures
To comply with the Child Internet Protection Act (CIPA) and other federal and state statutes,
the school district will utilize filtering software or other technologies to protect users from
accessing visual depictions that are (1) obscene, (2) pornographic, or (3) harmful to minors.
9. Education of Users in appropriate online behaviors
Users will be educated about appropriate online behavior, including interacting with other
individuals on social networking websites and in chat rooms and cyber bullying awareness
and response.
10. Use of Personal Technology
All EPS resources are intended for instructional and job related activities. Personal computing
devices and software are permitted, as long as, Policy 5720, the Technology Standard of
Conduct, and all site rules and procedures are followed. Personal computing devices and software
will not be supported by the district nor will the district be held financially liable for loss or
damage of said equipment or software. Users shall not attach personal wireless access devices or
any other personal hardware directly to the Network. Personal data, images, other media, or
software may be removed at the discretion of the district as required to properly maintain district
11. Inappropriate Activity Restrictions
Use of the District’s Network for or in furtherance of the following activities is prohibited:
Accessing, uploading, downloading, transmitting, displaying, or distributing obscene
or sexually explicit material; transmitting obscene, abusive, or secularly explicit
language. Users will not use the District’s Network to access material that is profane
or that advocates illegal acts, or that advocates violence or discrimination towards
other people (hate literature).
Damaging computers, Computer Systems, Network services, or date; vandalizing,
damaging or disabling the property of another person or organization; disabling
computers, Systems or Networks through the intentional misuse or excessive use of
Network resources or the spreading of computer viruses and/or malware through the
use of infected files or other electronic/digital media.
Using inappropriate language while accessing the District’s Network. Inappropriate
language includes obscene, profane, lewd, vulgar, rude inflammatory, threatening, or
disrespectful language.
Participating in cyber bullying, defined as when one or more people use technology to
intentionally harm, harass, intimidate, or reject another person. Such activities or
knowledge of the activity shall be reported to school personnel.
Attempting to gain unauthorized access to the District system or to any other
computer system within the District, or go beyond a User’s authorized access.
Attempting to browse the system, hide files, or encrypt files, will be construed as an
attempt to gain unauthorized access or compromise the system.
Using the District Network system for personal gain, defined as advertising a
personal or commercial business, offering or selling a product or service.
Using the System for political purposes or speech.
Downloading, streaming and/or storage of audio, video, software, or other
electronic/digital media for personal purposes.
Sending mass emails to large groups or all contacts in the District’s email system.
Users should not post chain letters or engage in “spamming.” Spamming is sending
an unnecessary email message to a group of people.
Using social networking or messaging sites in a manner that distracts from or disrupts
the educational process.
12. No Expectation of Privacy
No student or employee shall have any expectation of privacy in any computer usage,
electronic mail being sent or received by the District’s computers or District-provided
Internet access. The District’s system operators may access any electronic mail or computer
usage and may delete any inappropriate material found, sent or received using the District’s
computers or District-provided Internet access. In addition, discipline may be imposed for
improper usage.
The State Board of Education has adopted the following Standards of Performance and
Conduct for Teachers. Amendments to the Standards of Performance and Conduct for
Teachers will be distributed to all certified personnel in August of each year.
Teachers are charged with the education of the youth of this state. In order to perform
effectively, teachers must demonstrate a belief in the worth and dignity of each human being,
recognizing the supreme importance of the pursuit of truth, devotion to excellence, and the
nurture of democratic principles.
In recognition of the magnitude of the responsibility inherent in the teaching process and by
virtue of the desire for the respect and confidence of their colleagues, students, parents, and
the community, teachers are to be guided in their conduct by their commitment to their
students and their profession.
Principle I: Commitment to the Students
The teacher must strive to help each student realize his or her potential as a worthy and
effective member of society. The teacher must work to stimulate the spirit of inquiry, the
acquisition of knowledge and understanding, and the thoughtful formulation of worthy goals.
In fulfillment of the obligation to the student, the teacher:
(1) Shall not unreasonably restrain the student from independent action in the
pursuit of learning,
(2) Shall not unreasonably deny the student access to varying points of view,
(3) Shall not deliberately suppress or distort subject matter relevant to the
student’s progress,
(4) Shall make reasonable effort to protect the student from conditions harmful to
learning or to health and safety,
(5) Shall not intentionally expose the student to embarrassment or disparagement,
(6) Shall not on the basis of race, color, creed, sex, national origin, marital status,
political or religious beliefs, family, social or cultural background, or sexual
orientation, unfairly
(a) Exclude any student from participation in any program
(b) Deny benefits to any students; or
(c) Grant any advantage to any student;
(7) Shall not use professional relationships with students for private advantage,
(8) Shall not disclose information about students obtained in the course of
professional service, unless disclosure serves a compelling professional purpose
and is permitted by law or is required by law.
Principle II: Commitment to the Profession
The teaching profession is vested by the public with a trust and responsibility requiring the
highest ideals of professional service.
In order to assure that the quality of the services of the teaching profession meets the
expectations of the state and its citizens, the teacher shall exert every effort to raise
professional standards, fulfill professional responsibilities with honor and integrity, promote
a climate that encourages the exercise of professional judgment, achieve conditions which
attract persons worthy of the trust to careers in education, and assist in preventing the
practice of the profession by unqualified persons.
In fulfillment of the obligation to the profession, the educator:
(1) Shall not in an application for a professional position deliberately make a
false statement or fail to disclose a material fact related to competency
and qualifications;
(2) Shall not misrepresent his/her professional qualifications;
(3) Shall not assist any entry into the profession of a person known to be
unqualified in respect to character, education, or other relevant attribute;
(4) Shall not knowingly make a false statement concerning the qualifications of a
candidate for a professional position;
(5) Shall not assist an unqualified person in the unauthorized practice of the
(6) Shall not disclose information about colleagues obtained in the course of
professional service unless disclosure serves a compelling professional
purpose or is required by law;
(7) Shall not knowingly make false or malicious statements about a colleague; and
(8) Shall not accept any gratuity, gift, or favor that might impair or appear to
influence professional decisions or actions.
Principle III
Subject to the provisions of the Teacher Due Process Act of 1990, a career teacher may be
dismissed or not reemployed for:
(1) Willful neglect of duty;
(2) Repeated negligence in performance of duty;
(3) Mental or physical abuse to a child;
(4) Incompetency;
(5) Instructional ineffectiveness;
(6) Unsatisfactory teaching performance; or
(7) Commission of an act of moral turpitude.
(8) Abandonment of contract.
Subject to the provisions of the Teacher Due Process Act, a probationary teacher may be
dismissed or not reemployed for cause.
A teacher shall be dismissed or not reemployed unless a presidential or gubernatorial pardon
has been issued, if during the term of employment the teacher is convicted in this state, the
United States, or another state of:
(1) Any sex offense subject to the Sex Offender Registration Act in this state
or subject to another state's or the federal sex offender registration
provisions; or
(2) Any felony offense.
A teacher may be dismissed, refused employment or not reemployed after a finding that such
person has engaged in criminal sexual activity or sexual misconduct that has impeded the
effectiveness of the individual’s performance of school duties. As used in this subsection:
(1) “Criminal sexual activity” means the commission of an act as defined in
Section 886 of Title 21 of the Oklahoma Statutes, which is the act of
sodomy; and
(2) “Sexual misconduct” means the soliciting or imposing of criminal sexual
Board Policy #2190
School law prohibits an employee from receiving gratuities or commissions to influence the
purchase of materials or supplies by the School District.
All certified personnel are employed pursuant to written contracts of employment with the
Employment Contract for Regular Teachers
With the exception of substitute teachers, adult education teachers and teachers employed
pursuant to a temporary contract, teachers will be notified prior to the first Monday in June if
a recommendation is made not to reemploy a teacher for the ensuing fiscal year. If such a
recommendation is not made, then the teacher will be considered as employed on a
continuing contract basis for the ensuing fiscal year, unless the teacher notifies the District in
writing by fifteen (15) days after the first Monday in June that such teacher does not desire to
be reemployed by the District for the ensuing fiscal year.
Prior to making a recommendation for nonrenewal based upon failure of a career teacher to
meet minimum performance expectations, the teacher will have been provided an evaluation
during the final year of employment and the teacher will have been given time to comply
with any Plan for Improvement (See Master Agreement, subsection titled Plan for
Employment Contract for Teachers Under a Temporary Contract
A teacher may be employed under a temporary contract for a period not to exceed four
semesters, or on multiple temporary contracts by a school district that together are for more
than four semesters, unless the teacher has been hired to replace a teacher who is on an
approved leave of absence and who is expected to return to employment with the District.
Teachers on temporary contracts and new teachers to the district will be issued semester-long
contracts for the first four semesters of employment with the district. At the conclusion of
the temporary contract, the teacher’s employment with the District will end. Positions that
were filled with temporary contract employees may be eliminated, re-posted and filled, or
filled with employees returning from a leave of absence. Employees who complete a
temporary contract are encouraged to re-apply for their current position or other positions in
the District for which they are qualified. Employees who wish to be considered for a
position for the following semester should write a letter of interest and send it to the
principal and the Human Resources Department at the Administrative Center. Teachers
who are on temporary contracts must be informed by the principal/administrator on or before
Teacher Record Day if they will be rehired, if they will not be rehired or when the
principal/administrator will be conducting interviews for the position.
Certification/Credentials – Section from Board Policy #2130
The Board of Education shall not enter into any written contract with a teacher who does not
hold a valid certificate/license issued or recognized by the state Board of Education
authorizing the teacher to teach the grade(s) or subject matter for which the teacher is
If, at the beginning of a school year, official valid certification is not on file with the School
District, the employee shall revert to non-certified substitute teacher status, being paid at the
current substitute pay rate until evidence of certification is provided, but not to exceed a legal
maximum of 100 days. During the term of the non-certified substitute service being
performed by the employee, all leave benefits will cease. If certification is furnished before
the end of the 100 days of substitution, contract salary payments can be retroactive only to
the date on the certificate. If official certification is not on file with the District by the end of
the 100 days of substitution, the employee’s continuing contract will be declared null and
void and by law no further relationship will exist between such person and the School
Resignation from Employment by Teachers– Section of Board Policy #2230
Resignations to dissolve a continuing contract at the end of a teaching year must be submitted to
the Superintendent in writing by certified mail or hand-delivered prior to the date set forth by
A request for release from continuing contract may be submitted at any time during the year.
Except in extreme emergency such a letter requesting release from a continuing contract should
be submitted to the Superintendent at least twenty (20) teaching days before the proposed
effective date of the resignation.
The Superintendent will make every effort to fill the vacancy within that twenty-day period.
However, in view of the welfare of the students for whom the schools exist and in whose
interests contracts with teachers are made, the Board of Education cannot consider releasing a
teacher from a contract until a satisfactory replacement is available.
Certified personnel will be assigned to serve in capacities where their services will best
contribute to the total school program. Teachers under a continuing contract are under
contract with the District and are not guaranteed a specific position at a specific site.
Hours of Work
The length of the workday will be seven and one-half hours, which includes the twenty (20)
minutes before, and the twenty (20) minutes after the student day that teachers are required to
be in the building. According to Article 11 of the Master Agreement, teachers may be
required to attend school activities and meetings outside the school day in an equitable
manner. The building principal or supervisor will schedule lunch breaks and planning
periods for the expressed purpose of professional planning.
Extra Duty Assignments
From time to time, certified personnel may be assigned additional duties. Examples of such
assignments are coaches and band and orchestra directors. While such assignments are
compensated for by addenda to the contract of certified personnel, such assignments are not
considered to be a part of a continuing contract with certified personnel and such assignments
may be changed or reduced at any time at the discretion of the District.
Covering Classes
Teachers may be asked to cover another teacher’s class during a scheduled planning time. If
your administrator asks you to do this, you will be compensated according to the Master
Agreement, Article 13.
If a fellow teacher requests you to cover as a favor, no compensation from the district will be
provided and the site administrator must approve the arrangement.
Job Postings
Vacancies will be posted at the Administrative Center and at all District sites as well as the
Edmond Public Schools website. A vacancy will remain open for 5 school days following
the posting of the vacancy to allow for interviews. According to the Master Agreement,
Article 20, temporary positions may be filled immediately. The posting of vacancies and
interviews may be waived in cases of an emergency vacancy.
Request for Transfer to Another Building
If an opening occurs during the school year, in-district teacher transfers will be strongly
discouraged. According to the Master Agreement, Article 22, the Superintendent will be
reluctant to break the continuity of classroom instruction by transferring a teacher during a
semester and will generally do so only when a promotion which includes a salary adjustment
is involved. Any teacher on a continuing contract may request a transfer to another building
for the upcoming school year by contacting the principal by email requesting consideration to
interview. The request should include the “specific” position for which the teacher is
applying for by the posted deadline. Principals may request a resume. Current teachers shall
be given consideration for all new or current position vacancies for which they are qualified
and apply for a transfer. Prior to June 15 the responsible principal shall be required to
interview a minimum of three current teachers, if available, before filling a position. The
deadline for granting an interview through the transfer request policy is June 15.
Administrative-Directed Transfer
In accordance with the Master Agreement Article 23:
A. Elementary – After the first contract day, after first requesting volunteers, should it become
necessary to fill a vacancy with currently employed staff members during the school year, the
qualified employee at the grade level with the least seniority at the site shall be the one transferred. A
person being administratively transferred shall be notified in writing by the Administrative Office in
charge of Personnel. If an opening exists at the original school within the next two (2) years, the
teacher moved has the option to return to the original schools.
B. Secondary – After the first contract day, after first requesting volunteers, should it become
necessary to fill a vacancy with currently employed staff members during the school year, the
qualified employee with the least seniority at the site shall be the one transferred. A person being
administratively transferred shall be notified in writing by the Administrative Officer in charge of
Personnel. If an opening exists at the original school within the next two (2) years, the teacher moved
has the option to return to the original school.
C. Before the first contract day, the administration further retains the right to assign a teacher to any
position for which he/she is qualified and certified prior to the first day of class. The teacher may
request a conference with the building administrator regarding the transfer. Refer to Board Policy
regarding change implementation.
D. Before the first contract day, when reassignment of certified personnel becomes necessary due to
declining enrollment or overstaffing, it is expected that administration will make an attempt to follow
the procedure outlines in Article 21, Section A, Number 2. If the administration finds it necessary to
invoke Article 23, Section C. then the administration shall consider the following factors, in no
particular order, when making the decision: volunteers, seniority, specialized training and experience
in program area, areas of certification, site needs, and extra-curricular assignments and interests.
The District utilizes a system known as SubFinder for the purpose of reporting intended
absences, canceling intended absences and finding substitute teachers.
Every certified employee and teacher assistant must report his or her absences via SubFinder
even if an employee does not require a substitute. Additionally, each employee should refer
to the specific rules of his or her building to determine the procedures for notifying the
building principal or supervisor of an absence.
According to Article 15, Section 8, when taking Personal Business Leave, “prior
arrangements must be made for a substitute. Except in case of emergency, the teacher will
notify the building administrator regarding the absence.” Professional leave and school
activity leave substitutes should be arranged several days prior to the absence.
Sick leave should be called in at least two hours prior to the time the employee is ordinarily
required to report to work. The SubFinder reporting procedure will be distributed to all
employees. Orientation on the SubFinder system is conducted at each building.
Comprehensive lesson plans, the site safety plan, seating charts and a schedule of the day’s
events should always be readily available for substitutes. When leaving special instructions
for substitutes on SubFinder, high school teachers should leave their parking space number
and all teachers should report any changes in the class routine or duties that will need to be
covered during their absence.
Certified employees will receive their salaries in twelve (12) monthly payments. An
employee who is hired after the beginning of the school year or who leaves employment at a
time other than the beginning or end of the fiscal year or the school year will receive pay prorated to the appropriate number of pay periods.
Salary Schedule and Extra Duty Pay
The Board of Education establishes salary schedules and extra duty pay for certified
personnel during contract negotiations with the Edmond Association of Classroom Teachers.
(See the Master Agreement, Article 26, for salary schedules and extra duty pay.)
Advancement Through Education Levels – Board Policy #2500
No contract can be awarded for any educational level or degree, nor any payment issued
upon such level or degree until an official transcript from an accredited institution of higher
education is filed with the Personnel Department. In addition, higher degrees must appear on
a teacher’s certificate before salary adjustment will be made.
Academic course work leading to a change in educational level or degree, completed during
the summer preceding the start of a contract year or previous semester, will result in a
contract change for that year provided an application and official documentation are filed any
time prior to October 1 of that contract year. Course work completed at the end of the first
semester of a contract year will result in a contract change for the second half of the contract
year provided an application and official documentation are filed any time prior to March 1
of that contract year.
The awarding of back pay for earlier completed course work or degree is not permitted
beyond the conditions set forth.
*Additional hours (i.e. Bachelors plus 16) must have been completed after and above the
hours for the granted degree.
Direct Deposit
Effective October 1, 2008, all employees will be required to participate in the district’s direct
deposit program.
Health Insurance
The District provides health insurance benefits for employees in accordance with Oklahoma
State Law and the Master Agreement. Insurance coverage paid by the District terminates on
the last day of the month of the resignation or termination, subject to the right to continuation
of coverage described in this section. For detailed information regarding the terms and
benefits, please refer to the summary plan report which has been provided to you or for a
complete summary of benefits and coverage http://www.ok.gov/sib/Member/Handbooks/ .
To request a paper copy call Member Services 405-717-8780 or contact Laura Potter
Benefits Coordinator 340-2824.
COBRA Notification - Continuation of Health Insurance Upon Termination
Employees and covered dependents of employees have the right to continue their health
insurance if an employee loses insurance due to a reduction in hours of employment or the
termination of employment for reasons other than gross misconduct. Spouses of employees
will have the right to elect continuation coverage in the following situations: (i) death of the
insured employee; (ii) termination of the spouse’s employment for reasons other than gross
misconduct; (iii) reduction in the spouse’s hours of employment; (iv) divorce or legal
separation from the spouse; or (v) Dependent children of an employee will have the right to
elect continuation coverage in the following situations: (i) death of insured employee; (ii)
termination of parent’s employment for reasons other than gross misconduct or a reduction in
the parent’s hours of employment; (iii) parent’s divorce or legal separation; (iv) the
dependent ceases to be a “dependent child” under the health insurance plan.
Under the law, the employee or family member will have 60 days from (i) the date of the
event or (ii) the date on which coverage would be lost, whichever is later, to inform the
District of an employee’s divorce, legal separation or of an employee’s child losing
dependent status. You should provide such notice in writing to the Benefits Coordinator in
the Administration Building. When the District, and in turn, the Group Insurance Board is
notified of a qualifying event, the District will notify the employee, spouse and dependents
that they have the right to choose COBRA continuation coverage. The employee, spouse and
dependents will then have 60 days from either (i) the date coverage is lost or (ii) the date of
notice, whichever is later, to inform the Group Insurance Board that he or she intends to
continue insurance coverage. If the employee does not elect continuation coverage within
this time period, then the right to continue the group health insurance will be lost.
The employee must pay the initial COBRA premium within 45 days following the election of
coverage. This payment will be applied retroactively toward coverage for the period
beginning after the date on which coverage would have been lost as a result of the qualifying
If group health insurance was lost because of termination of employment or a reduction in
work hours, the continuation coverage period is 18 months from the date of the qualifying
event, if elected.
The 18 months of continuation coverage can be extended to 29 months if the Social Security
Administration determines that the employee, spouse or dependent child was disabled on the
date of the qualifying event according to the Old Age Survivors and Disability Insurance
Provisions or the Supplemental Security Income provisions of the Social Security Act.
Disabilities, which occur after the qualifying event, do not meet the criteria for extended
COBRA coverage period. The employee, spouse and dependent must obtain the disability
determination from the Social Security Administration and notify the Group Insurance Board
of the result within 60 days of the date of disability determination before the close of the
initial 18-month period. The employee, spouse or dependent has 30 days to notify the Group
Insurance Board from the date of a final determination that he or she is no longer disabled.
If the group health coverage was lost because of the death of the employee, divorce, legal
separation, Medicare entitlement, or a dependent child ceasing to be a dependent child under
the group insurance plan, then the continuation coverage is 36 months from the date of the
qualifying event, if elected.
A person does not have to show that he/she is insurable to choose continuation coverage;
however, under the law, he/she may have to pay all or part of the premium for continuation
coverage. At the end of the 18-month or 3 year continuation coverage period, a person must
be allowed to enroll in an individual conversion health plan if otherwise provided under the
District Health Protection Plan.
The law further provides that continuation coverage may be cut short for any of the following
- The District no longer provides group health coverage to any of its employees
The premium for continuation coverage is not paid in a timely manner
The employee, spouse or dependent becomes covered under another group health
plan that does not contain any exclusion or limitation with respect to any preexisting
The employee, or spouse or dependent extended continuation coverage to 29 months
due to a Social Security disability and a final determination has been made that he or
she is no longer disabled
The employee, spouse or dependent notifies the Group Insurance Board that they
wish to cancel continuation coverage.
An employee, spouse or dependent may have to pay the entire applicable premium, which
generally cannot exceed 102% of the plan costs for a 12-month period. An exception exists
for coverage of employees with disabilities during the extension from the 19th month to the
29th month. During that time, 150% of the plan cost may be charged. The group health plan
may increase the cost that must be paid for COBRA coverage if the applicable premium
increases. The period for paying the initial COBRA premium following the election of
coverage is 45 days. The first payment made is to be applied retroactively toward coverage
for the period beginning after the date on which coverage would have been lost as a result of
the qualifying event.
There is a 30-day grace period following the date regularly scheduled monthly premiums are
due. Only in the case of mental incapacity is any further extension permitted, since the group
health plan does not permit extensions.
If you have any questions about the law or your obligations, please contact the Benefits
Coordinator at the District’s Administration offices or the Group Insurance Board.
Health Insurance While on Leave
An employee granted a leave of absence (other than an FMLA approved leave) would be
eligible to participate, at the employee’s expense, for the duration of the employee’s leave.
Life Insurance
The Board of Education provides a $24,000 life insurance policy for all eligible employees.
Eligible employees are those who work 6 hours or more a day.
Disability Insurance /Salary Protection
Eligible employees are those who work 6 hours or more a day. Short-term disability provides
a weekly benefit up to $150 with a 14 day waiting period for accidents and a 21 day waiting
period for illness. A long-term disability plan is also provided and becomes effective after
the employee has been temporarily disabled for six months.
Oklahoma Teacher Retirement System
All certified personnel who are employed 4 or more hours per day with Edmond Public
Schools will become members of the Teachers’ Retirement System. The amount contributed
for each member will be in accordance with State law and regulations of the Oklahoma
Teachers’ Retirement System.
In accordance with the Master Agreement, the Edmond Public School District pays all of
each teacher’s required contribution to the Oklahoma Teachers’ Retirement System as part of
the total District compensation on the certified salary schedule. Employees must send
written notification to the Executive Director Human Resources of their intent to retire. A
retirement severance benefit is provided to retirees with at least 13 consecutive years of
service in the District. See Article 26 – Section 3 for specifics of this benefit.
The OTRS Client Handbook states: Sick Leave Credit is service credit for documented
unused sick leave accrued while working in Oklahoma public education. A total of 120 days
of unused sick leave may count as one year of service credit. As of August 1, 2012, if client
has less than 120 days, additional service credit for sick leave days shall be equal to the
number of unused sick leave days divided by one hundred twenty (120) days. Please refer to
www.ok.gov/TRS/ for more details.
Flexible Benefit Plan
The District has a flexible benefit plan that allows eligible employees to select among one or
more nontaxable benefits according to Section 125 of the Internal Revenue Code.
Participants who select this program will be reimbursed for qualifying medical expenses
under Code Sections 105(b) and 106 and qualifying dependent care expenses under Code
Section 129. The plan also enables eligible employees to convert their premium
contributions for health benefits from an after-tax expense to a pre-tax expense. Contact the
Benefits Coordinator for complete details of this plan.
Annuities – 403(b) Plan
The Edmond Public Schools maintains a 403(b) Plan for the benefit of its employees.
Participation in the plan is voluntary.
In 2007, the IRS issued regulations relating to the operation of 403(b) plans. These
regulations became effective January 1, 2009 and require that the employer assume more
responsibility over the administration of the plan. One requirement of the new regulations
and included in the District's Plan is that all eligible employees must be informed of his/her
right to participate in the District's plan.
Under the Edmond Public School's 403(b) Employee Plan, all full-time, part-time, and
substitutes are eligible to participate in the District's plan. If you would like to receive more
information regarding the District's plan please contact Laura Potter 340-2824 in the Human
Resources Department.
Workers’ Compensation
The District pays a premium into a workers’ compensation program to cover the cost of
injuries or illnesses incurred in the course of employment. Workers’ compensation benefits
help pay for employee’s medical treatment and a portion of income lost while recovering.
Specific benefits are prescribed by law depending on the circumstances of each case. To be
assured of maximum coverage, work-related accidents, injuries and illnesses must be
reported immediately to your immediate supervisor. An accident report form must be
completed within 24 hours and sent to Human Resources in order for your claim to be filed.
Employees whose injury requires immediate medical attention must report the injury to
his/her supervisor and to Carla Cormack at 340-2959 at EPSAC before medical treatment
will be provided. During an emergency situation, the supervisor may also contact Randy
Decker at 227-7583. EPS board policy will be followed if medical treatment is sought.
Employee Activity Pass
At the beginning of the school year each employee shall be provided the opportunity to sign
up for a school activity pass entitling the employee and family to free admission to extracurricular district school activities during the school year.
Sick Leave
Certified employees are entitled to ten (10) days of paid sick leave per year. The right to sick
leave begins on the first day of the school year as defined for each individual certified
employee. If a certified employee’s effective date of employment is not at the beginning of
the school year, he/she shall be eligible immediately for sick leave in an amount equal to one
day for each month to be worked between the effective date of employment and the end of
the current school year. In cases of excessive absences, the District may require certification
by a health care provider stating that continued use of paid sick leave is necessary.
After exhausting all paid sick leave, personnel absent from their duties due to personal
accidental injury or illness will receive the full contract salary less the amount paid a
substitute for an additional twenty emergency sick leave days. Personnel working other than
full time will receive emergency sick leave in proportion to time worked. The District will
require certification by a health care provider to qualify for additional twenty days. The
District reserves the right to require the employee to obtain a second medical opinion from a
health care provider of the District’s choice at the District’s expense.
Should a discrepancy exist between the employee’s medical certification and the opinion of
the health care provider chosen by the District, the District reserves the right to require the
employee to obtain a third medical opinion from a health care provider mutually selected by
the District and the employee. In the event of a third opinion, the expense will be paid by the
District and the opinion is final and binding on the District and the employee.
Accumulation of Sick Leave & Teacher Attendance Incentive
According to the Master Agreement, after a teacher has accumulated one hundred ten (110)
days of sick leave, the Board shall compensate the teacher at the end of the school year for up
to ten (10) days at the rate of thirty-five dollars ($35.00) per day. All accumulated sick leave
days up to one hundred twenty (120) shall be counted for purposes of retirement provided a
teacher joined Teachers’ Retirement prior to June 30, 1992.
Return to Work
Any employee absent due to personal illness or injury utilizing the 20 emergency sick leave
days or a leave of absence without pay must provide certification from a health care provider
stating that the employee is able to perform his/her essential job functions, with or without
reasonable accommodations, before said employee may return to his/her job assignment.
Medical Leave
See Article 15, Section 3 of the Master Agreement
Maternity Leave Information
According to the Master Agreement, sick leave may be used for maternity reasons
immediately following the birth or adoption of a newborn, not to exceed thirty (30) days
unless medical documentation is provided. For the six weeks or 30 working days a teacher
uses accrued sick leave, the teacher will receive a regular salary. If the teacher does not have
the 30 sick days accrued, up to 20 emergency days may be used at a cost of substitute pay per
day. Additional time off beyond the six weeks of maternity leave requires one of the
1. Use of personal days.
2. A doctor’s note documenting a medical condition that also explains why the
teacher is unable to work and when the teacher will be able to return to work.
3. Apply 30 days in advance of the anticipated absence to take Family Medical
Leave (up to 12 weeks) if eligible. Paid leave (30 sick days and any personal
days used) will run concurrently with Family Medical Leave. After using the
paid leave, the remainder of the leave will be unpaid. Detailed information
regarding an employee’s rights under the Family Medical Leave Act and the
district’s responsibility is sent as soon as a teacher applies for maternity leave.
More information on FMLA is listed in the next section of this handbook.
4. Take unpaid Parental Leave, Leave of Absence or Medical Leave if applicable
up to one year.
Family and Medical Leave Act -FMLA
(Refer to Board Policy #2405)
It is the policy of Edmond School District to comply fully with the requirements of the
Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (the “Act”). This Act requires that the employer
provide up to twelve (12) weeks of unpaid leave to eligible employees. “Eligible employees”
are those employee who: (1) have been employed for at least one year by the Edmond
School District; and (2) worked at least 1,250 hours during the previous twelve-month
period; and (3) have requested leave for a reason covered by the Act.
- Reasons for Leave
All eligible employees who meet the Act’s requirement may be granted a total of
twelve (12) weeks of unpaid family leave and paid sick, vacation and personal leave
combined (during any year as defined below) for the following reasons:
5. For the birth of a child and to care for such child, or placement for adoption or
foster care of a child;
6. To care for a spouse, child or parent with a serious health condition; or
7. For a serious health condition of the employee that makes the employee
unable to perform his or her job functions.
The term “serious health condition” means one which requires either in-patient care, or
continuing treatment by a health care provider. This term is intended to cover conditions or
illnesses affecting a health care provider.
- Availability of Leave
In determining the availability of leave the District will consider the leave available to
a person (whether paid or unpaid) by virtue of existing employment conditions. It is
not the intent of the District of this policy to provide leave benefits that exceed those
authorized by rule, policy or existing law as supplemented by the Act. Where the
employee’s spouse is also employed by the District, the total number of work weeks
of Act leave to which both spouses are entitled to is limited to twelve (12) work
weeks during a year if such leave is for the birth of a child or to care for a child or for
placement for adoption or foster care of a child.
- Application for Leave
An employee leave must complete an “Application for Family or Medical Leave.”
The application must state the reason for the leave, the duration of the leave (if
known), and the starting and ending dates of the leave. An application can be
obtained from the office of the Superintendent. The application for leave must be
submitted at least thirty (30) days before family or medical leave because of an
expected birth or placement of a child, or because a planned medical treatment is to
begin. If, for reasons beyond the employee’s reasonable control, the leave is to begin
in less than thirty (30) days, an employee must give notice to his or her immediate
supervisor and to the office of the Superintendent as soon as possible, ordinarily
within one or two school days of when the employee learns of the need for leave.
- Leave Based on a Serious Health Condition
A “Medical Certification Statement” must accompany an application for leave based
on the serious health condition of the employee or the employee’s spouse, child, or
parent. This statement must be completed by the applicable health care provider.
If the employee has a serious health condition, the certification must state that the
employee cannot perform the functions of his or her position. Likewise, when the
employee is prepared to return to work, he or she must provide certification by his or
her health care provider that the employee is able to resume work.
- Intermittent Leave or Leave on a Reduced Leave Schedule
An employee may request to use available leave intermittently or on a reduced leave
schedule. Where leave is requested in connection with a serious health condition of
the employee or his or her family member, the request for leave must be supported
with a certification from the health care provider that such leave is medically
necessary and stating the expected duration and schedule of such leave. Any eligible
employee seeking leave on an intermittent or reduced leave basis must obtain and
complete a request for leave and submit the medical certification required. The
employee must try to schedule the leave so as not to unduly disrupt the District’s
operations. In the event the employee takes intermittent leave or reduced leave, the
District reserves the right to place the employee in an alternative position which
better accommodates intermittent or reduced leave.
- The Effect of Leave on Benefits
During a period of family or medical leave, an employee will be retained on the
District’s medical insurance plan under the same conditions that applied before leave
began. In order to continue medical insurance coverage, the employee must continue
to make any contributions that he or she made to the plan before the leave. Failure of
the employee to pay his or her share of the medical insurance premium may result in
a loss of coverage. The employee is required to pay all of the premiums for any other
type of insurance coverage which may exist. The employee may not accrue any
seniority or employment benefits that would have accrued if not for the taking of
leave; however, the employee who takes family or medical leave will not lose any
seniority or employment benefits that accrued before that date of leave began.
- Reinstatement to Former Position
An employee generally is entitled to be restored to an equivalent position and to
equivalent conditions of employment. The District cannot guarantee that an
employee will be returned to his or her original job. A determination as to whether a
position is an “equivalent position” will be made by the District.
An employee who is ready to return from leave must complete a “Notice of Intention
to Return from Family or Medical Leave” before he or she can be returned to work.
The failure of an employee to return to work upon the expiration of a family or
medical leave of absence will subject the employee to immediate termination unless
an extension is granted.
Sick Leave Sharing Program
See Article 15, Section 2 of the Master Agreement
Parental Leave
See Article 15, Section 4 of the Master Agreement
One-Year Leave of Absence
See Article 15, Section 6 of the Master Agreement
Return from Leave of Absence
See Article 15, Section 7 of the Master Agreement
Bereavement Leave
Employees of the District are allowed bereavement leave each year without loss of pay. This
leave is not chargeable against sick leave and is non-cumulative. If an employee’s effective
date of employment is not at the beginning of the school year, the number of days allowed
for bereavement leave shall be prorated. Certified staff working other than fulltime will
receive time in proportion to time worked. Except in cases of emergency, prior notice should
be given to the building principal.
A total of five (5) days of bereavement leave may be used annually for the death of the
following: parents, grandparents, children, spouse, brothers, sisters, brothers-in-law, sistersin-law, parents-in-law, daughters-in-law and sons-in-law. Two days of the five may be used
to attend the funeral(s) of persons not in the teacher’s immediate family.
Personal Business Leave
(See Master Agreement Article 15 – Section 8)
Teachers will be allowed five (5) days of personal business leave per year. If personal days
are not used, up to 4 days will be converted to sick leave at the end of the school year.
Prior arrangements must be made for a substitute when taking personal business leave.
Except in case of emergency, the teacher will notify the building administrator regarding the
personal business absence.
One-half of substitute pay will be deducted from the employee’s salary for the first three (3)
personal days used. Full substitute pay will be deducted for the remaining 2 days.
Personal business leave may not be taken on the days before or after any school holiday or
Teacher Reporting Day or Teacher Record Day, except in cases of emergency with the
approval of the Superintendent or his designee, the Executive Director Human Resources. A
letter should be written prior to the absence stating the reason for the absence to be
considered an emergency and requesting approval. If approval is not granted, the teacher
will be docked his/her daily rate of pay for the absence.
Employees are not allowed more than 5 days of personal business leave. Excessive absences
will be considered a violation of the teaching contract.
Jury Duty and Court Appearances – Board Policy #2400
The Board of Education recognizes the importance of a jury system in a democracy and the
obligation of all citizens to serve as jurors. An employee will be granted a temporary leave
of absence, with pay, for court appearances required by subpoena except in cases in which
the employee is a party to the action. Jury duty is considered an involuntary court
Military Leave - Board Policy #2400
Emergency military leave will be granted, without pay, to any teacher who has completed
one successful year in the District and who is inducted in, or recalled to, active military
service in time of war or other emergency declared by proper authority of the state or of the
United States. Upon return from such leave, the teacher will be placed on the salary schedule
at the level which would have been achieved if the leave had not been taken. Military leave
is for one year at a time, and the teacher may renew leave each year thereafter for the
duration of the military service.
Teachers who are members, either officers or enlisted men or women, of the Reserve Corps
of the Army, the Navy, the Marine Corps, the Coast Guard, the Women’s Auxiliary Corps, or
any other component of the National Guard, shall, when ordered by the proper authority to
active duty of service, be entitled to a leave of absence from such civil employment for the
period of such active service without loss of status or efficiency rating and without loss of
pay during the first thirty (30) days of such leave of absence.
Professional Leave – Board Policy #2400
Oklahoma law does not define professional leave. Edmond Public Schools authorizes
professional leave with prior approval for school activities. Educational conferences,
conventions, in-service training, and possible other activities may be considered eligible for
professional leave. Any professional leave taken must be in the best interest of the District,
and travel is subject to availability of funds.
A. Selection Criteria:
1. Is the activity in the best interest of the District?
2. Has the individual taken previous trips?
3. How much time has been missed by the individual due to illness, school
activities, etc?
4. How much does the trip cost?
5. Is the individual to receive an award or is he/she making a presentation?
Before proposing or accepting an offer to make an out-of state
presentation, prior approval is required from the Superintendent’s office.
B. Procedure for Requesting Professional leave for in-state travel:
1. Any certified or support employee should make application on the
appropriate form at least five (5) working days prior to the date of the
leave. The request should be made to the building principal/supervisor.
2. The building principal/supervisor will recommend approval or rejection of
the request and forward it to the designated Associate Superintendent.
3. Approval from the Associate Superintendent is not required when site
funds are used to pay the cost of the substitute.
4. If the District is requested to pay the cost of the substitute, the Associate
Superintendent must approve and process the application and return it to
the school, notifying the school of the final decision.89
C. Procedures for Requesting Professional Leave for Out-of State Travel:
1. Any certified or support employee should make application on the
appropriate form at least six (6) weeks prior to the trip. The request
should be made to the building principal/supervisor.
2. The building principal/supervisor will recommend approval or rejection of
the request and forward it to the designated Associate Superintendent.
3. The Associate Superintendent will discuss the request with appropriate
instructional/administrative staff, recommend approval or rejection, and
forward the request to the Superintendent.
4. The Board authorizes the Superintendent or his/her designee to make the
final determination with regard to the status of requests for out-of-state
professional leave.
Sabbatical Leave of Absence Without Pay – Board Policy #2400
A sabbatical leave of absence is interpreted as leave from active service to the District
granted for improving instruction. Any employee who has completed at least five (5)
consecutive years of service in Edmond Public Schools may be granted a sabbatical leave of
absence for travel or study which will contribute to his/her cultural and professional
qualifications. A sabbatical leave may be granted by the Board of Education upon the
recommendation of the Superintendent. The District will not give a salary or other
compensation to an employee while on sabbatical leave. The experience in the District,
which has already been accumulated prior to the period of sabbatical, shall count toward
placement on the salary schedule.
The maximum period of sabbatical leave shall not exceed twelve (12) calendar months. No
sabbatical leave shall be granted to permit an employee to take gainful employment in an
unrelated field of work.
An application for sabbatical leave shall be filed in writing in the office of the Superintendent
of Schools not later than April 1, or November 1, preceding the semester for which the leave
is requested. Application must include a detailed outline of the project or program to be
undertaken. The employee returning from sabbatical leave shall submit such reports as are
requested by the administration.
Prior rights to re-employment and effective date of return shall be determined at the time of
approval of the application for the sabbatical. The employee shall reaffirm in writing the
intent to return at least six (6) months prior to the effective date of return.
IP Telephone Network
In the Edmond School District, dial 8 to reach an outside line from any IP phone.
Remember to setup your voice mailbox for the new school year.
The Voicemail PIN is 4321, for:
o all new personnel;
o if you have changed rooms in your school (you have a different phone #)
o or if you moved to a different EPS school (you have a different phone #)
o Instructions can be found in the Resource Folder on the “R” drive, in the IPTelephone
Information folder.
Check the Resource Folder (on the “R” network drive) for a variety of current
IPTelephone information and instructions. This is a very handy & helpful resource.
Some of the instructions/information you will find include the following topics:
 Changing your voicemail settings
 Checking Voicemail from any phone, inside or outside the District.
 Changing the speed of a voicemail message (if it’s too fast or too slow).
 How to retrieve a deleted voicemail message (may be retrieved for up to 10 days).
 How to permanently delete your deleted messages if you have a “full voice mailbox”,
Other Information~
 Two options for turning the phone ringer OFF in the classroom during instructional
 Specific instructions for various models of IP Telephones used in our district.
 Instructions for accessing the Technology Work Order Database and placing a
If 911 is dialed accidentally… STAY ON THE LINE and let emergency services know it was
an accident. If you do not, they WILL send a police officer to your site.
If you experience a problem with your IPTelephone, submit a Technology Work Order,
or contact your site Technology Specialist (or building administrator).
Employee Portal Instructions
Double- click on the EPS Portal icon from the Applauncher window on the computer desktop to start.
The portal can also be accessed from your home by going to the edmondschools.net website. Click on the red
Staff tab, then select Address Book on the left side. A link to the portal is on this page; click on it to log on.
This is the initial screen. Click on Create an account the first time you enter the Portal.
If you have already created an account, you will log on here using the user name and password that you created.
All fields are required on this screen, including the email address. If you do not have an
Edmond Public Schools email account, you may use your personal email address. Click
on the Submit button when all items are filled in.
All fields must be filled in. The information in the Personal Information section must match
what is on your payroll advice. If you have moved, but not notified Employee Benefits, use
your old zip code. The Birth Date field is in a Year-Month-Day format, like 1960 Jul 4.
For the Profile Information section, pick out a user name and password. The user name
must be at least six characters long, and the password should be at least seven characters long.
Be sure to create a user name and password that you will remember. Note: If you do not
have an Edmond Public Schools email address, you can use your personal email address.
If you forget your password, an email will be sent to this address to reset your password.
If items are left blank, or do not match the information in the payroll system, errors will show.
An example is shown here:
To log in to the Employee Portal, enter your user name and password, and click on Sign In.
If you do not remember your password, enter your user name, and click on Forgot your
Enter your user name or the email address you registered with, and click on Reset Password.
An email will be sent to your registered email address. You have 48 hours from the time the
email is sent to click on the link in the email to reset your password. After 48 hours, you will
have to request the password reset again. An example of the email is below.
After you click on the link, the following screen will appear. Enter your new password on
both lines, and click on Reset Password. If the passwords do not match, an error will appear.
Try again.
If you log in with the wrong user id or password, the following error screen will appear. Try
Once you are logged in, this screen will display. The tabs across the top are your choices.
Please click on Logout at the far right before you close the window. The tabs within the
screen, under My Current Information, show the information that the system current has on
record for you.
To view your payroll advice, click on the Payroll tab. A partial example is shown here. Click
on the highlighted date that you would like to view your payroll advice for.
The Leaves tab shows your current balances and detail of leaves taken for the fiscal year, and
Benefits & Deductions shows the detail of what is withheld from each paycheck (not
including taxes).
No changes can be made to your personal information in this portal; it is for viewing only. If
you see changes that need to be made, please submit them to Personnel or Employee Benefits.
To print a “pay stub”, select the date to be printed in the PastPay Checks dropdown box.
Click on the printer icon on the left.
Need help? Email us at help@gcntraining.com
Please be sure to have your speakers turned on.
TYPE www.gcntraining.com into your browser’s address bar and Press Enter
(ROLLOVER why? next to the icon to learn what the icons mean).
If you have not created an account with GCN,
select: I have NOT yet created an account
Press Next >>
If you have already created an account
with GCN, select: I already have an
Press Next >>
Enter your Organization ID:
Press Submit
Locate your Account by completing the
Required fields. If prompted:
Enter your Preferred Personal ID
Enter your Personal ID
If you’ve forgotten your PID,
Press I Don’t Know My Personal ID
Press Submit
Press Submit
If prompted, complete the Personal Information fields. ( * indicates Required Fields)
Press Submit
The Welcome Page
The tutorials available to you are listed to the left.
Choose a tutorial by pressing VIEW
Verify your information. Press START TUTORIAL ⇒
(if available)
The tutorial will begin with an Instructions slide that will explain the many buttons on this page.
Once the Next button appears you may move on to the next slide.
After you complete a tutorial, return to the Main Menu to Print your Certificate of Completion*
*SAVE SOME PAPER -- Wait until you complete the last of your tutorials before printing your
Certificate. They're all printed on a single page.
Edmond Public Schools
New Personnel Overview
Your Network User ID is your 3 initials and the last three digits of your employee ID number.
For example, the User ID for Amy B. Clark, 054123, would be abc123
Any employee that does not have a middle name listed in their personnel records, will have an ‘x’ as
their middle initial in their Network User ID.
Your Network password is Fmlmmddyyyy First, middle, last initials, and your birth date using two
digit month and day and 4 digit year. For example, for Amy B. Clark born Jan. 1, 1950 ~ her network
password would be Abc01011950
Use this password the first time you login, and reset your password when prompted.
Network Passwords are case‐sensitive; they must be at least 8 characters in length; they must
include at least one number or special character as well as at least one upper case and one
lower case letter; your password may NOT include your name or your user ID, and must be
unique each time you change it.
Your Email Account format is first.last@edmondschools.net
Your Email password is Fmlmmddyyyy (the same as your Network password)
When you open Groupwise, you may see “Shawn” in the User ID … if so, replace his name
with your user ID (your 3 initials and 3 numbers); then enter your default e‐mail password.
You should reset your email password immediately. When you are in Groupwise,
open Tools /Options / Security … this is where you change your e‐mail password.
Need help with Technology?
1) The site Technology Specialist is your initial contact for any Technology questions.
2) Check the Resource folder on the “R” drive ~ The Technology folder has detailed information
on everything Technology! USE this valuable Resource !
3) Call Joann Adair at the Technology Help Desk (x2812)
4) Use the SchoolDude work order system (instructions are in Resource folder, on “R” drive)
Know Your Responsibilities
You are responsible for understanding and following all information provided in:
• District Technology Policies and Procedures, Policy # 5720, and 5720 Regulations
- These can be found on our district website, in Policies and Procedures/Administration
• GCN Tutorials ~ packed with important information you need to know, including
-Do NOT store personal data, music or photos on the EPS network
-Do NOT stream live audio or video over the internet for personal use
-And NEVER let anyone use your network ID/password
-Always use ONLY YOUR network credentials (network ID & password)
Become familiar with the Resources available to you in the Technology Information folder on
the “R” drive.