
STUDENTS 2014/2015
Study in Melbourne
The ESOS Act
The National Code
Student Visa Conditions
Visa Applications
Visa Type
Other Requirements
Health Check
Health Insurance
Chemist or Pharmacy
Working While Studying in Australia
Tax File Number
Travel Insurance
Household Appliances
Personal Computers
Australian Customs and Quarantine
Melbourne Airport
Public Holidays for Victoria
Dealing with Problems
Personal problem…
Cost of Living (All prices are in $AUD)
Car Rental
Legal Services
St Kilda Road Medical Centre
Some Melbourne Hospitals
Student Accommodation
Share and rental accommodation
Private student hostel accommodation
Home stay/full board
Rented House or Flat
Department of Immigration and Border Protection
The ESOS Framework
Pre-Departure Checklist
Act) and related laws set out the requirements for providers
Make sure you have completed all the following well before who deliver education services to international students on a
student visa.
your departure for Australia:
Obtain Travel Insurance (other than OSHC)
These laws protect international students and also help ensure
Obtain a valid Student visa.
Students from some countries can apply online. Others students meet student visa conditions for attending classes and
need to apply to an Australian diplomatic mission. Processing making satisfactory progress in their studies while in Australia.
time varies from one week to three months so be sure to apply Information on the ESOS legislation is available by going to:
Organise airport pickup -
WIT MUST receive your request at least 5 working days The National Code
prior to your arrival or pickup cannot be guaranteed. Pickup is The National Code of Practice for Registration Authorities and
from Tullamarine airport only.
Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students (the
Organise your accommodation
National Code) is a set of nationally consistent standards
You will need to book accommodation for at least the first 2 that governs the protection of overseas students and delivery
weeks after your arrival.
of courses to those students by providers registered on the
Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for
Make copies of all important documents to bring in your hand Overseas Students (CRICOS).
Only CRICOS courses can be offered to international students
Letter of offer from WIT
studying in Australia on a student visa. The National Code
Electronic confirmation of enrolment (eCOE)
provides 15 nationally consistent standards for the professional
Other formal Identification
conduct of education providers and the registration of their
International driver’s license and/or drivers license courses on CRICOS
from your home country
It is important that you have all these documents with you More information is available here:
throughout your stay in Australia. We suggest that you put a Regulatory-Information/Education-Services-for-Overseassecond copy of each in your suitcase and leave a third copy at Students-ESOS-Legislative-Framework/National-Code/
home with your family.
Western Institute of Technology has prepared this guide to assist
you in smooth transition to Australia. Please read it carefully
and make sure you complete all the steps on the pre-departure
checklist. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us by
email or call +61 39866 7555.
Pre – Departure & Arrival Information
Once you have accepted an offer to study at WIT you are ready
to start your journey to Melbourne Australia. Before you arrive
in Melbourne, Australia, there are many things to consider so we
have put together this pre-departure kit containing important
general information and Australian Government requirements
for our international students.
Before Arriving In Australia
Your Rights and Obligations as an International Student
The ESOS Act
The Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 (the ESOS
Student Visa Conditions To study in Australia you must hold a valid student visa prior to
entering the country. The visa is governed by certain conditions,
some of which are as follows:
You must enrol in a course approved by the Australian
You must satisfy all course requirements.
You must maintain a valid enrolment some of which
will have attendance and/academic progress requirements.
You must have current Overseas Student Health Cover
You must notify WIT of your change of address within
7 working days
You must not work for more than 20 hours a week •
You are also expected to have enough money to cover
your tuition fees and living expenses for the full length of the
Visas are issued by the Australian Department of
x-ray referral letter and map directing you to the location for
Immigration and Border Protection
A breach of any of the conditions may result in your x-ray.
Pay all fees for the health check.
cancellation of your visa. More information on •
Visa Applications
Health Insurance
Carefully check the visa requirements relevant to your country All international students are required to have Overseas
and the education sector in which you wish to study to ensure Student Health Cover (OSHC) for the full duration of their stay
that you apply for the correct visa.
in Australia. The fees must be paid before your visa can be
issued. Not all fees are covered and if you wish to have extra
cover for things like dental treatment and glasses please see
Visa Type
You are required to apply for a visa that is appropriate for the Overseas Students at
education sector that you wish to study in. The following visa
types are relevant to studies at Western Institute of Technology: Living in Australia
572 Vocational Education and Training
Other Requirements
Depending on your country of origin and /or assessment level
you will also need:
Evidence of English Language proficiency
Evidence that you have sufficient funds for the duration
of your course
A medical check
An Electronic Confirmation of Enrolment (eCoE)
IELTS and PTE are the English proficiency tests accepted for
non-government and non-agency sponsored students in certain
assessment levels. Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
Credit for your prior skills will affect the duration of your course
and the length of your visa.
Australia is a land of contrasts - sweeping golden beaches,
coral reefs rich with marine life, tropical rainforests, mountain
ranges, vast grazing lands and sparse deserts. One of the
oldest continents, Australia is the only country to occupy an
entire continent.
As Australia is surrounded by the Indian and Pacific Ocean,
Visa Extensions
If you need to extend your visa to complete your course of Australia is home to many animals and plants that are unique
study, you must lodge an application prior to your current visa to its ecosystem.
expiring. Currently the cost for an extension is $550 AUD. Please
get in touch with the Dept. of Immigration + Border Protection. Victoria – Melbourne
Normally your application for extension requires the following:
A health check result
A financial statement
Your academic transcripts
Electronic Confirmation of Enrolment (eCoE)
Health Check
Your health check cannot be obtained from a local medical
practitioner, you will have to:
Attend a medical appointment at Health Services
Health Services Australia will provide you with an Melbourne is the capital of the State of Victoria and is built
automatically receive permission to work with their visa grant.
Most student visa holders will no longer need to apply separately
in Australia for permission to work. You can get more info by
Melbourne is a multicultural city and is considered to be one of You can work up to 20 hours, provided this does not interfere
the most liveable cities in the world. Apart from this, Melbourne with your attendance to your studies. This is a requirement for
is a very safe city by world standards. The crime rate is low and both paid and unpaid work.
it has excellent emergency and hospital facilities.
around the shores of Port Philip Bay. The city itself, laid out
in a large rectangle and boasting a lively and cosmopolitan
pulse, sits on the northern banks of the Yarra River, about five
kilometres from the bay.
How much should you be paid? Melbourne enjoys four distinct seasons every year - spring, The government has set wages for certain jobs and employers
summer, winter and autumn. Melbourne does not have a must abide by them.
specific wet season - it can rain at any time of the year. Sports
and other outdoor activities are possible at all times of the
Tax File Number
year. Further information on Melbourne is available at After you have a visa that allows you to work, you can apply for
a Tax File Number (TFN). This ensures that the correct amount
of tax is deducted from your earnings. It also allows you to
From fashion and sports, to theatre and cultural events, there
claim a refund at the end of the financial year. Most students
are many exciting and interesting activities you can do while
who work part time are eligible for a refund. living in Melbourne. If you want more information about
attractive places to visit, Melbourne’s Tourist Information Office
is located at Federation Square, opposite Flinders St Station. LEAVING HOME
This office is open 7 days a week and offers information about Travel Insurance
Melbourne and Victoria. You can also get the information from Students are advised to take out at least four weeks of travel
insurance before departure.
the Melbourne’s Tourist website at
Sport and Fitness in Melbourne
Booking Flights
Melbourne is the sporting capital of Australia. Every year
Melbourne hosts several major sporting events --- Tennis
Australian Open in January, the F1 Grand Prix in March, and
the AFL Grand Final in September as well as AFL matches
throughout March to September.
International flights can be fully booked especially from
December to February and May to July. Once your course application has been fully processed, course
tuition fees paid and your student visa granted you should
book your flight to Melbourne.
There are also many sport and fitness facilities such as pools
and gyms located around Melbourne. There are many fitness
centres close to WIT. If you are interested in playing sports or
joining a sporting club, Student Services Officer at WIT can help
you to find a club that suits your interest.
Read the section on Living Expenses to get an idea of the costs
involved in living in Melbourne.
It is a good idea to arrive with some Australian money,
approximately $250AUD in cash and maybe $500-$1000AUD
in Travellers cheques. There is a limit to how much cash you can bring or take out of
Chemist or Pharmacy
The pharmacist can give you advice on the choice of medication the country.
It is helpful in Australia to have a Visa or Master Card especially
and provide medication prescribed by a doctor.
The cost of medication is not covered by your Medical Insurance/ in emergencies.
(OSHC) provider
Working While Studying in Australia
From 26 April 2008, people granted student visas will
Make sure that you can carry all your Baggage by yourself.
you in Australia. Anything sent by mail must be declared on the
Melbourne has four distinct seasons so you should be prepare postal declaration label.
For more information go to
and dress accordingly.
Australians dress casually most of the time and students wear
jeans and T-shirts, shorts and casual shoes. At some occasions, Melbourne Airport
such as job interviews and celebrations you will need to dress Melbourne’s International and Domestic Airport is known as
“Tullamarine” and is approximately 25 minutes drive from the
more formally.
city of Melbourne.
Some airlines also fly into Avalon Airport, approximately 50
Household Appliances
These can be easily purchased in Melbourne at Kmart, Big W minutes away from the city of Melbourne. and Target who sell good value household goods. If you bring
these from home you may need to pay customs duties.
Personal Computers
Customs fees apply on personal computers.
Australian Customs and Quarantine
Prior to landing in Melbourne you will be given an Incoming
Passenger Card to complete. Please read all of the information
and fill out the card correctly with your flight details and the
required customs information. This is a legal document and you must tick YES if you are
carrying any food, wooden material, plant material or animal
products. If you are unsure, declare them, tick yes and let the officers
Any item that has a pest or disease risk will be destroyed, or if
it can be treated, the choice and cost will be yours.
If you fail to declare any quarantine items or make a false
declaration you could•
Be fined on the spot approximtaley $220AUD
Be prosecuted and fined up to $66,000 AUD and/or
risk 10 years imprisonment
Luggage is screened using a combination of x-rays, sniffer dogs
and physical inspections.
A special bus service runs approx. every 20 minutes from the
Tullamarine Airport to Melbourne city, the cost is $17 AUD one way.
Sunbus meets all Avalon flights and provides transport to
Melbourne for approximately $25.00 AUD.
Public Holidays for Victoria
There are no classes on Victorian Public Holidays.
Counselling and Support Services
Office Staff is always available to assist at any time during
your course. Students may talk to their trainer, or make an
appointment at any time to see a Student Support Officer or
Counsellor for confidential information or advice on:
Class allocations
Subjects/units you have completed •
Subjects/ units you need to undertake
Coping with assessments
Overseas student health cover
Ways of managing your time
Assistance with the setting and achieving of your goals
Tutorial support and assistance
Looking for work
Make sure that you have your passport and incoming Passenger •
support and counselling services are available at
card ready for the Entry Control Point.
When you have passed through the Entry Control Point, you no cost to the student.
will collect your baggage and exit via Customs and Quarantine. There are two exit points after you collect your baggage:
Dealing with Problems
1. If you have anything to declare walk through the Red It may be difficult for you at first since you have moved to a
new country and culture and may be away from your family
2. If you have nothing to declare walk through the Green for the first time so it is normal to have some problems in
Channel Mail
settling down. Sometimes the problem is that you do not really
All mail arriving into Australia is also screened, so it is important understand the way things are done in this new country, but
that your friends and family know what items they can send to the best way to deal with any problem is to talk about it. So if
you have a problem, the first person to contact is your Student Melbourne’s attractive lifestyle and low cost of living are,
in part, owing to its plentiful supply of reasonably priced,
Support Officer.
high-quality housing. Housing and rental costs are lower in
Melbourne than in most other modern cities of the world.
Any problem or worry that you have, Talk to your SSO.
Before lodging an application for a student visa students
Unhappy with your home stay -Talk to the Student Support should consider whether they will have enough money to live
in Melbourne as well as pay for air fares (including return),
course tuition fees, overseas student health cover (OSHC) and
all general expenses during their stay in Australia.
Medical problem -Talk to a Student Support Officer
The lifestyle in Australia is safe and friendly. Australians have a
high standard of living. The climate is pleasant, there is plenty
of food and the vast natural resources in Australia enable most
Money problem -Talk to a Student Support Officer
people to live well. Fruit, vegetables and meat are available
Personal problem…
fresh and at reasonable prices. Clothing and personal effects
- Homesickness, loneliness
are usually good quality and available at a wide variety of
- Harassment, bullying
prices. Below is a price table of typical daily items. This is only
Talk to a Student Support Officer who may refer you to a a guide. Remember that you can shop around for items such as
clothing and shoes to find a cheaper source.
Visa problem -Talk to a Student Support Officer
We have a counselling service to help you but if have a personal
problem and would like to see a counsellor independently of
WIT you can contact one of the services listed here:
Melbourne Counselling Services (03) 9653 3250
Salvation Army (03) 13 7258
Anglicare (03) 9412 6133
St Vincent de Paul 1300 305 300
Local Information
Cost of Living (All prices are in $AUD)
Melbourne is a reasonably priced city providing good quality
affordable living and abundant accommodation. Students will
need about $18,610 per year (excluding tuition fees) to cover
living expenses. According to the Government Website, Study in
Australia, Australia is a sophisticated, friendly and affordable
country which enjoys one of the highest standards of living
in the world. The average international student in Australia
spends about $360 per week on accommodation; food;
clothing; entertainment; transport; international and domestic
travel; telephone; incidental costs.
The cost of living depends a lot on the kind of accommodation
a student chooses. A married student with dependents will
need approximately an additional $3,000 per year for each
Food Personal Effects/Services (AUD)
Milk - 1 litre $1.50 Shoes - 1 pair $80.00
Bread - 1 loaf $3.00
Jeans - 1 pair $100.00
Apples - 1 kg $4.00 Toothpaste - 140g $2.50
Potatoes - 1 kg $3.00 Shampoo - 500ml $3.00
Beefsteak - 1 kg $5.00 T-shirt $30.00
Eggs - 1 dozen $4.00 Hairdresser $30.00 to $50.00
Cereal $3.00 Newspaper $1.50
Fruit Juice - 2 litres $4.00 Cinema ticket $18.00
Rice - 1 kg $2.00 Public transport city and inner suburbs $6.00 for a day pass*
or $3.82 for one-way ticket.
timetables may be found at the following website: http://ptv.
As no student concession is available for International students,
it is recommended that students buy a weekly, monthly or
period myki in order to save on cost. A weekly ticket is about
the same price as four return tickets. The Melbourne Public Transport system is divided into 2 Zones•
Zone 1 (yellow) inner Melbourne
Zone 2 (blue) suburban and outer Melbourne
You will be required to purchase a “myki”card which is the new
ticketing system adopted by Public Transport Victoria. This can
be bought at all 7-11 stores and most major train stations/
stops. This must be topped up and used to “touch on” and
“touch off” for each journey you make.
Trams, trains and buses all run under the same system, so you
can use your myki on any or all of these.
Driving around Melbourne
In order to drive in Australia, you must have either an
Australian Driver’s License or an International Driving Permit.
If the International Driving Permit or License is not in English,
You should be aware that these amounts are only an indication you must carry a certified translation. Cars drive on the left
of everyday expenses and do not include airfares, health side of the road in all states of Australia.
insurance or the cost of the course.
Victoria has very strict driving laws. When driving, you must
always wear your seat belt and ensure that all passengers
would also have their seats belts fastened. We also recommend
that you do not drink and drive. It is very dangerous and if you
are caught by the police, you could lose your driver’s license.
Victoria also has speed limits which all drivers must follow. You
must not go over the speed limit by more than 3kmh.Speeding
incurs heavy fines and you may also lose your driving license.
Driving outside Melbourne
The central location of WIT means that few students will be able
to live in the immediate area of the college and walk to and
from school. Most students will be living in suburbs further
away and will need to catch a bus, tram or train. Trains run
regularly throughout peak hours and all of Melbourne’s major
railway lines go through Flinders St Station.
Information about Melbourne’s public transport is available at
this website for trains, buses and trams. Metropolitan rail, bus and tram and free city trams city circle
If you are going out of Melbourne for a weekend or during term
breaks, remember to always have a map (such as the Melway
Street Directory) of the area you are travelling to. Before you
leave, tell someone where you are going and when you will
be back. Always carry plenty of water when going on a long
trip. You should also go to a police station before driving, just
to check if there are any road rules in Australia that you are
not familiar with. Finally, if your car breaks down, stay with
your car and do not walk off to find help as this is the preferred
advice from State Emergency Services, and staying with your car
allows you to have shelter against rain, or Australia’s harsh sun.
If renting a car, make sure that the only person who drives
is the person who has signed in as the registered driver otherwise your insurance may not cover you if you have an
accident. Although, it is not against the law in Australia to drive
a car without insurance, however, we strongly recommend that
you secure car insurance.
You must:
wear an approved safety helmet
have a bell as a warning device to other road users
have fitted reflectors and lights
obey all road rules
301, Clarendon St, South Melbourne
03 8699 1422
National Australia Bank
260, Clarendon St, South Melbourne
Legal Services
If you need legal advice from a solicitor you can go to the Law
Institute of Victoria’s online Legal Referral Service. This is a
free referral service, and the solicitors who you will be referred
to provide the first 30 minutes consultation for free. After that
you will have to pay. The website is
As this is the Law Institute of Victoria, it has a listing of all
solicitors and their specialisations, so it is the most reliable
place for information regarding solicitors.
Most Melbourne suburbs have a shopping area or mall where
students can find a variety of shops, so there is no need for
them to travel to the CBD for their daily requirements. As a
multi cultural country, Australian supermarkets stock a large
variety of products from different countries, especially from the
Indian Continent, China, Thailand and Malaysia as well from Medical Services
many European countries. Fresh fruit and vegetables are cheap If you cannot find a doctor locally you can go to the Outpatients
and plentiful and most other goods can be bought in our large Department of any public hospital. In an emergency call 000
supermarkets, and markets like Preston, Prahran, Footscray and ask for an ambulance (it will be covered by your OSHC)
and Victoria Market. Australia has a multicultural population, so
food and other items from many countries are readily available.
Choosing a doctor
Your health insurance allows you to consult the doctor of your
choice, but it may be difficult for you to choose a doctor.
Students will need to set up an Australian bank account on their Some doctors are listed below.
arrival in the country to avoid the necessity of carrying large
amounts of cash. They will need to show their passport and Doctors
proof of address.
Albert Rd Clinic
Most shopping centres have Automatic Teller Machines (ATM) 31, Albert Rd
facilities. These machines can be used for withdrawals and, in 03 9256 8311
many instances, deposits 24 hours a day. Many department
stores, supermarkets and specialist shops have electronic Dentists
transfer terminals (EFTPOS) where cash withdrawals can also Please be aware that your health insurance does not cover you
be made in addition to purchasing goods. Most banks open for dental visits.
from 9.30am – 4pm Monday to Thursday, and 9.30 am – 5 pm
on Friday. There are a number of major banks with branches Freedom Dental
close to WIT where students may wish to open an account.
6/37-39 Albert Rd
220 Albert Rd, South Melbourne, VIC 3205
307, Clarendon St, South Melbourne
Dental + Health on Clarendon
383, Clarendon St
Student Accommodation
There are various types of student accommodation available
off-campus and located close to Western Institute of Technology.
Share and Rental Accommodation
and costs would be higher for furnished accommodation.
In share houses each person usually has their own bedroom Please note that all prices quoted are in Australian dollars and
and shares the kitchen, bathroom and living areas. Rental are subject to change.
costs range from $90 AUD –$200 AUD per person per week,
depending on location and facilities.
List of real estate agents
Real estate agents offer a variety of rental accommodation, Melbourne Central Real Estate
including houses and apartments. The average weekly 360 St Kilda Road Melbourne VIC 3004
rent ranges from $200 AUD –$400 AUD for a one bedroom
apartment, and $240 AUD –$500 AUD for a two bedroom Sunland Real Estate
apartment. Additional expenses for both share and rental 480 St Kilda Road Melbourne VIC 3004
accommodation include: food, gas, electricity, transport and
telephone calls.
Map Real Estate Pty Ltd
Suite 606, 566 St Kilda Road Melbourne VIC 3004 Private Student Hostel Accommodation
There are many private hostels close to the Western Institute of
Technology, offering a furnished bedroom, shared bathroom,
living and leisure areas. Some hostels provide meals, while
others provide kitchen facilities. Computer facilities may also
be available. Weekly prices range from $220 AUD –$350
AUD. Extra costs may include payment of a bond. A bond is a
security deposit that is held until your tenancy has finished. It
will usually be refunded fully if you have no rental arrears or
you have not caused any damage to the premises.
Home stay/full board
Home stay is an excellent choice for students wanting to
experience living in an Australian home, while at the same
time improving their English. Students generally have their own
furnished bedroom and share living spaces with their home
stay family. Weekly rates are approximately $230 AUD. Meals
are included; however telephone calls and travel expenses are
not. Your host family will help you learn about travelling to
classes by public transport. Voyler Real Estate
601/83 Queens Road Melbourne VIC 3004
Department of Immigration and Border Protection
offices Please phone the department before coming into any office
so that you know what documentation to bring with you. See for further details
You may find that you do not need to visit an office in person
or that you will need to make an appointment.
Melbourne CBD
Casselden Place
Ground Floor 2 Lonsdale Street
Melbourne VIC 3000
General Enquiries ph 131881
Dandenong office
51 Princes Highway
Rented House or Flat
This option gives students the chance to live with fellow Dandenong VIC 3175
students or on their own. However, there are several issues General Enquiries ph 131881
to consider. In many cases, students need to sign a 12 month
lease and provide a bond and references. While this type of WIT Training Locations
accommodation allows students to be independent, they need Contact Support Officer: Mr. Gills Mathews/Sheere Catania
to buy their own food, prepare meals and complete other Contact Numbers: 0433357466 or 0398667555
household tasks such as cleaning. Costs to rent a house are Email:
about $450.00 AUD per week for a 3 bedroom home in the
suburbs. A 2 bedroom apartment is approximately $300.00 City Campus
AUD per week. These prices do vary however, depending upon Level 4 & 5 220 Albert Road
South Melbourne Vic 3205
The above costs are generally for unfurnished accommodation Contact Support Officer: Sahil Kansal
Contact Numbers: 0450300655
records of relevance to the application for transfer, on the
student’s file.
Maidstone Campus:
122 Mitchell St, Maidstone, VIC 3012
Contact Support Officer: Dev Singh
Contact Numbers: 0398667555
Email: dev@wit.
Assessment of the Application for transfer
Caroline Springs Campus:
183-191 Caroline Springs Boulevard,
Caroline Springs, VIC 3023 Contact Support Officer: Gills Mathews/Sahil Kansal
Contact Numbers: 0450501786
WIT will assess each application to determine if it meets its
grounds for transfer.
Acceptable grounds for transfer are as follows:
The student can provide evidence that remaining in
the course will impact on their well being or welfare/personal
circumstances. WIT may seek the advice of the Student
Support Officer with the assessment of applications with these
The student can demonstrate and provide evidence
that they do not have the skills to successfully complete the
Should Western Institute of Technology purchase or lease new course, and thus are experiencing educational problems which
facilities, students will be advised at least 3 weeks prior to any cannot be addressed by the WIT. WIT will review the academic
intended re-location of training premises.
records of the student in this circumstance.
Transfer between registered providers policy and procedures
1. Western Institute of Technology (WIT) will not accept for
enrolment a student wishing to transfer prior to completing six
months of their principal course (highest qualification) except
where it is established that:
a. The original registered provider has ceased to be registered
or the course into which the student was enrolled has ceased
to be registered;
b. The original registered provider has provided the College
with a written letter of release;
c. The original registered provider has had a sanction imposed
on its registration which prevents the student from continuing
their enrolment in their principal course;
d. A government sponsor of the student provides the College
with written support for the change of enrolment to occur
Circumstances have occurred within the College
whereby the course that the student has been accepted into,
will not continue to be offered.
Grounds which WIT would not consider as acceptable are as
The student has changed their mind about their
chosen course of study and does not satisfy any of the grounds
for approval of transfer.
WIT assesses that the transfer would not be in the best
interests for the educational progress of the student. This may
include the student’s ability to progress successfully through
a package of courses. WIT will document the reasons for this
The student is at risk of not making course progress
due to circumstances within their control. For instance, the
2. WIT will assess a student’s grounds for seeking transfer to student’s course progress is not satisfactory. The student will
another registered provider prior to the student completing six be referred to the Compliance officer for course progress
months of his or her principal course of study.
counselling. The Student Support officer will be advised of the
3. A Letter of Release, if granted, will be issued at no cost to
the student.
The student requests a transfer as they do not agree
with their scheduled course contact hours/timetable.
4. WIT will maintain records of the application for, reasons for
approval or refusal of the request to transfer, and any other •
The transfer is sought within 4 weeks of the
commencement of the student’s first course after arrival to
Australia has. In this circumstance, the student will be referred
to the Student Support Officer who will be able to provide
support to the student. The Student Support Officer will be
advised to provide regular updates to Management on the
status of the student’s adjustment to study and life in Australia.
application via mail within ten working days of attending the
above mentioned meeting (or receipt of the application with
APPROVED: If the application is approved, the student
will be notified and will need to meet with Administration to
collect the Release Letter. Release letters may be forwarded to
the student by registered post if required. The student will be
The student has outstanding tuition fees.
advised to notify Department of Education of change of provider
and for visa advice; to cancel their enrolment at WIT; and to
Students wishing to apply for a Release Letter submit a refund application if appropriate. Administration is
must submit an Application to Transfer Provider form to to then update Wisenet (advising of the release letter, update
PRISMS, Print and place course variation in Students file along
Administration. The student needs to:
with all relevant paperwork
•Provide a copy of a valid Offer Letter from another institution
5. A statement of attainment is to be attached to the
•Meet one of the grounds for release –
student release letter.
RTO has cancelled/ceased to offer the student’s
REJECTED: If the application is rejected, the student
program (letter from RTO required)
Unable to meet academic requirements for entry into will be notified. The student will then have the right to lodge an
appeal against this decision. If the student chooses to appeal,
the program (documentation required)
Exceptional circumstances (documentation required) they must lodge an appeal in writing to the Director of Studies
Government sponsor considers the change to be in the within 20 working days of the notification. best interest of the student (documentation required)
The following grounds are not deemed acceptable for student Who is responsible for the assessment of request to transfer to
another registered provider and granting of letter of release?
release (this list is not inclusive)
Enrolment Officer
Personal reasons that are not deemed exceptional •
circumstances (moving to a provider closer to their home, •
Evidence and documentation to support these procedures (held
transferring to be closer to their friends, etc)
We form a view that the student is trying to avoid on the student file)
being reported to Department of Education for failure to meet
Letter of Release application
our Colleges attendance or academic progress requirements
The transfer may jeopardise the students progression
Valid enrolment/Offer letter from another registered
through a package of courses
The transfer would be detrimental to the students provider
future study, welfare and/or career objectives
Documentation to support the request for transfer
The student has not accessed RTO’s student support or •
welfare services after being requested to do so
Letter of release not granted including details of
The documents provided by the student do not, in our •
view, adequately support grounds upon which the transfer is grounds for not granting the letter of release
Letter of Release granted
Upon receipt of the Application to Transfer Provider
Documentation of the College’s internal/external
Form, an authorised administrator is to contact the student and •
arrange a meeting to discuss the application. This meeting complaints and appeals process (where the student lodges an
should counsel the student about the decision, implications (if appeal)
applicable), cancellation process and any applicable refunds
Students will be notified of the outcome of their Emergency and Important Contact Numbers
The following is the list of other important contact details that students should be aware of:
Contact Number
1. Police, Ambulance, Fire
2. National Security Hotline
3. Victoria State Emergency Service
4. Interpreting Services
5. Poisons Information Centre (24hr advice on all exposures to poisons, medicines, plants, bites/stings)
6. Abortion Grief Counselling
7. Centres Against Sexual Assault
8. Direct Line (24hr telephone counselling, information and referral)
9. Gambler’s Help
10. Nurse-on-call (24hr health advice and information form a registered nurse)
11. Pregnancy Help Line (Pregnancy options and alternatives to abortion)
12. Suicide Help Line Victoria (24hr crisis intervention, support and information)
13. Disability Information and Support (9.00 am to 5.00pm, Monday to Friday)
14. Royal Children’s Hospital
15. St Vincent’s Hospital (Melbourne)
16. The Royal Dental Hospital of Melbourne
17. The Royal Melbourne Hospital
18. The Royal Victorian Eye & Ear Hospital
19. The Royal Women’s Hospital
20. Medical One (23 QV Terrace, 292 Swanston Street, Melbourne 3000)
21. Alcoholics Anonymous
22. North Melbourne Legal Service (504 Victoria Street, North Melbourne 3051)
23. Fitzroy Legal Service (124 Johnston Street, Fitzroy 3065)
1800 123 400
132 500
131 450
13 11 26
1300 363 550
1800 806 292
1800 888 236
1800 156 789
1300 606 024
1300 139 313
1300 651 251
1800 783 783
9345 5522
9288 2211
9341 1000
9342 7000
9929 8666
9344 2000
8663 7000
9429 1833
9328 1885
9419 3744
For further information please visit:
Lists Victorian public holiday dates for 2013 & 2014
Event 2013
New Year’ Day
Australia Day
Tueday 1 January
Monday 28 January
*substitute for Sat 26 January
Monday 11 March
Friday 29 April
Saturday 30 March
Monday 1 April
Thursday 25 April
Monday 10 June
Tuesday 5 November
Wednesday 25 December
Thursday 26 December
Wednesday 1 January
Monday 27 january
*substitute for Sun 26 Jan
Monday 10 March
Friday 18 April
Saturday 19 April
Monday 21 April
Friday 25 April
Monday 9 June
Tuesday4 November
Thurdsday 25 December
Friday 26 December
Labour Day
Good Friday
The Saturday before Easter Sunday
Easter Monday
Anzac Day
Queen’s Birthday
Melbourne Cup Day
Christmas Day
Boxing Day
Daylight saving dates and times
Starts : 2am S/T Sunday
Ends: 3am S/T Sunday
7 Oct 2012
7 Apr 2013
6 Oct 2013
6 Apr 2014
At start of daylight saving period, move clock forward one hour at 2 a.m. standard time Eastern
Standard Time) to 3 a.m. summer time
The ESOS framework – providing quality education and protecting your rights
The Australian Government wants overseas students in Australia to have a safe, enjoyable and
rewarding place to study. Australia’s laws promote quality education and consumer protection for
overseas students. These laws are known as the ESOS framework and they include the Education
Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) Act 2000 and the National Code 2007.
Protection for overseas students
As an overseas student on a student visa, you must study with an education provider and in a course
that can be found on the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students
(CRICOS) at CRICOS registration guarantees that the course and the
education provider at which you study meet the high standards necessary for overseas students.
Please check carefully that the details of your course  including its location  match the information
Your rights
The ESOS framework protects your rights, including:
your right to receive, before enrolling, current and accurate information about the courses,
fees, modes of study and other information from your provider and your provider’s agent. If you are under 18, to ensure your safety, you will be granted a visa only if there are
arrangements in place for your accommodation, support and welfare.
your right to sign a written agreement with your provider before or as you pay fees, setting
out the services to be provided, fees payable and information about refunds of course
money. You should keep a copy of your written agreement.
The Tuition Protection Service (TPS) is a placement and refund service for international students,
which is activated in the event that your provider is unable to teach your course. Visit the TPS
website for more information, at
The ESOS framework sets out the standards Australian providers offering education and training
services to overseas students must meet. These standards cover a range of information you have a
right to know and services that must be offered to you, including:
orientation and access to support services to help you study and adjust to life in Australia
who the contact officer or officers is for overseas students
if you can apply for course credit
when your enrolment can be deferred, suspended or cancelled
what your provider’s requirements are for satisfactory progress in the courses you study and what support is available if you are not progressing well
if attendance will be monitored for your course
a complaints and appeals process.
provider’s permission.!!
if attendance is recorded for your course, follow your provider’s attendance policy, and!
Go to your provider’s website!
Main Campus/City Campus:
Western Institute of Technology
Level 4-5, 220 Albert Road, South Melbourne VIC 3205
Second Campus:
Western Institute of Technology
122 Mitchell Street, Maidstone, VIC 3012
Western Institute of Technology
67-73 Jeffcott Street, West Melbourne, VIC 3003
Western Institute of Technology
83-191 Caroline Springs Blvd, Caroline Springs, VIC 3023
Version: WIT-M-V012014-10 Original Creation: Feb/2008 - Date Modified: Jan/2014 - Review Date: Jan/2015 Approved: CEO/DOS
Enrol now 03 9866 7555
Visit us:
Head Office: Level 4-5, 220 Albert Road, South Melbourne VIC 3205,||ABN: 66 126 049 821|RTO
No:22098|CRICOS Code: 02957G||Western Institute of Technology Pty Ltd trading as Western Institute of Technology

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