CU Manual 30 Version: 1.
CU Manual 30 Version: 1.
CU Manual Version: 1.30 Date Last Modified: September 4, 2014 TABLE OF CONTENTS Table of Contents ............................................................................................. 2 1 CU training ................................................................................................ 5 2 Rules and Regulations ................................................................................ 6 3 General Information ................................................................................... 8 4 5 6 3.1 Emergency Phone Numbers ................................................................... 8 3.2 Contact numbers for MRI Scanning Facility - Oxfordlaan 55 ....................... 8 3.3 Out of Office Hours............................................................................... 8 3.4 Reserving Scanner Time ....................................................................... 8 3.5 MRI Logbook ....................................................................................... 9 Safety Instructions ................................................................................... 10 4.1 Emergency buttons ............................................................................ 11 4.2 Key System ....................................................................................... 12 4.3 Safety checks .................................................................................... 12 Subjects ................................................................................................. 14 5.1 Physiological Effects on Subjects .......................................................... 14 5.2 Screening Form ................................................................................. 14 5.3 Safety screening ................................................................................ 14 5.4 Data Handling.................................................................................... 15 5.5 Incidental Findings ............................................................................. 15 Scanning procedure general ...................................................................... 16 6.1 Preparation ....................................................................................... 16 6.2 Scanning Children .............................................................................. 16 6.3 Positioning of Patient .......................................................................... 18 6.4 Patient Registration ............................................................................ 18 6.5 Table Operation ................................................................................. 20 6.6 Coils ................................................................................................. 24 6.7 Intercom........................................................................................... 24 6.8 Magnet Bore fan & light ...................................................................... 25 6.9 Export data ....................................................................................... 26 6.10 Export to PDF ................................................................................. 26 6.11 Finish Measurement ........................................................................ 27 6.12 Local Dicom Data ............................................................................ 27 2 7 8 9 7T Scan Procedures .................................................................................. 28 7.1 Shim tool box .................................................................................... 28 7.2 manual shimming .............................................................................. 30 Equipment rack........................................................................................ 33 8.1 Mixer ................................................................................................ 33 8.2 Audio amplifier .................................................................................. 34 8.3 Radio................................................................................................ 34 8.4 Speaker ............................................................................................ 34 8.5 Interface buttonbox and joystick .......................................................... 34 8.6 Switch boxes ..................................................................................... 35 8.7 Piezo module ..................................................................................... 35 Stimulus PC............................................................................................. 36 9.1 Presentation ...................................................................................... 36 9.2 E-prime ............................................................................................ 39 9.3 Projector control ................................................................................ 43 9.4 3T Projector Settings .......................................................................... 44 9.5 7T Projector settings .......................................................................... 44 10 Eyetracker and goggles............................................................................. 46 10.1 Goggles 7T..................................................................................... 46 10.2 Eyetracker 7T and 3T ...................................................................... 48 11 Magnet room equipment ........................................................................... 50 11.1 Sensimetric earplugs (+canal tips) .................................................... 50 11.2 Music............................................................................................. 50 12 Physiologic sensors .................................................................................. 51 12.1 Charging Station ............................................................................. 51 12.2 Respiratory Sensor.......................................................................... 52 12.3 ECG Sensor .................................................................................... 52 12.4 Wireless Pulse Sensor ...................................................................... 53 12.5 Measured Data ............................................................................... 53 13 Auto Align ............................................................................................... 54 13.1 First subject ................................................................................... 54 13.2 Following subjects / Measurements ................................................... 55 14 Geometrical Distortion Correction............................................................... 56 15 Access to the Scannerlabs ......................................................................... 57 3 15.1 Burglar alarm system ...................................................................... 57 16 Default Settings 3T .................................................................................. 59 16.1 Magnet Room ................................................................................. 59 16.2 Stimulus equipment ........................................................................ 59 16.3 console room.................................................................................. 59 17 Troubleshooting 3T................................................................................... 60 17.1 Trigger / buttonbox / joystick ........................................................... 60 17.2 PC/projector screen......................................................................... 60 17.3 Auditory System ............................................................................. 60 17.4 Scanner ......................................................................................... 60 17.5 Data .............................................................................................. 60 18 Default Settings 7T .................................................................................. 61 18.1 Magnet Room ................................................................................. 61 18.2 Stimulus equipment ........................................................................ 61 18.3 Console room ................................................................................. 61 19 Troubleshooting 7T................................................................................... 62 19.1 Table/laser light does not respond..................................................... 62 19.2 Trigger / buttonbox / joystick ........................................................... 62 19.3 PC/projector screen......................................................................... 62 19.4 Auditory System ............................................................................. 62 19.5 Scanner ......................................................................................... 62 19.6 Data .............................................................................................. 62 4 1 CU TRAINING Register for the CU training with the Scannexus Support Staff ( There o o o o will be a total 4 appointments, usually about 3 hours each: Magnet Safety Training and a tour of the facility. Rules and regulations and an introduction to the software. Practical session at the scanner. Your first measurement will be accompanied by a member of the Scannexus support staff. You will be asked to read some basic information about MRI and safety before the course starts. Furthermore, you have to complete the online screening forms ( beforehand and fill in the safety screening during the first session of the CU training. After the course you have to confirm that you know how to operate the scanner and that you are aware of the risks and safety issues related to MRI and Scannexusspecific procedures, by signing the Certified User Agreement. This will be also signed by a member of the Scannexus Support Staff. 5 2 RULES AND REGULATIONS Booking rules: o Bookings must be consecutive. The gap between bookings has to be at least 60 minutes. o Cancellation or editing of your booking can be done until one week in advance. o If you scan longer than you booked, lengthen your booking time in Calpendo. o If a booked timeslot will not be used by the original booker, they may contact other researchers to take over the timeslot. This has to be communicated with Support Staff. Scanning rules o By picking up the key and unlocking the magnet room door, the CU becomes the Keyholder, and takes responsibility for safety until the door is locked again and the key returned. o Any (near) incident of a projectile accident must be reported to Scannexus Support Team. o Equipment damage or failures must be reported in the logbook and to a member of the Scannexus Support Team. o CU is responsible for leaving the magnet room and console room in the condition which they found it. Problems should be reported to a member of the Scannexus Support Team. o Do not bypass the door card readers by leaving the doors unlocked. o Do not bypass the card system by lending out your UMcard, this card is strictly personal! Scanning during out of office hours: o One CU and one person with at least Magnet Safety training have to be present. o One of the CU’s has to be an ERO (BHV). o Out of office hours are: before 9:00, after 17:00, and during the weekends and national holidays. Additional out of office hours will be identified in Calpendo. Taking others with you to your scan sessions: o Do not leave uncertified people (for example interns/ students) without you in the rooms (including the room with the mock scanner!). o Uncertified people cannot be given responsibilities around the scanners. o Do not take uncertified people with you into the magnet room if it is not absolutely necessary. o Anyone who enters the magnet room has to complete the safety screening form. o Do not bring visitors to your scan session. 6 Visitors: o A visit is not allowed during a scan session or maintenance: a timeslot must be booked. o Submit the request for the visit at least 24 hours in advance. o Approval of the CEO and Senior Staff Scientist is required. o You must be accompanied by a member of the Scannexus staff. o Do not enter the magnet rooms. Magnet room objects clearance: o It is prohibited to introduce and use in the magnet rooms any device or instrument that has not been tested and approved by the Scannexus support team/ senior staff scientist. The senior and support staff of Scannexus have the authority to ask anyone present within the MR scanner rooms to immediately leave these areas. Such a request must be immediately obeyed by said person. 7 3 3.1 GENERAL INFORMATION EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS For medical/fire emergencies: 1333. In case of a quench: 070-3332752 general service number of SIEMENS (24/7). 3.2 CONTACT NUMBERS FOR MRI SCANNING FACILITY - OXFORDLAAN 55 Room Reception 3T Console 7 T Console 9.4T Console RF Laboratory Room # T0.007 T0.009 T0.027 T0.026 T0.004 Person Support team Christopher Wiggins Alard Roebroeck Federico De Martino Benedikt Poser UM phone 85668 85669 85670 85831 85667 UM Phone 85668 84802 84039 84532 82427 Mobile - E-mail UM Phone Full number Servicedesk facilitaire dienst 82002 043-3882002 Burglar Alarm 75566 043-3875566 UM Emergency 1333 043-3882452 Siemens Hotline 070-3332752 070-3332752 Contact person for out of office hours: Stimulus related problems: Federico de Martino Scanner related problems: Chris Wiggins 3.3 OUT OF OFFICE HOURS Office hours (Mon – Fri from 9:00 -17:00): o At least one CU has to be present during the entire time of scanning. Out of office hours (Mon – Fri before 9:00, after 17:00 and in the weekend/collective holidays): o At least one CU and one person with at least Magnet Safety training have to present. At least one of them has to be BHV certified. 3.4 RESERVING SCANNER TIME An online system, Calpendo, is used for this: A video guide to Calpendo is available. Once you complete Certified User qualification you can request a username on the system. 8 3.5 MRI LOGBOOK Each scanner has his own logbook on the wiki o o o For entering incidents with the stimulus equipment or the scanner. If error occurs during scanning or with the stimulus equipment always check logbook for a general solution. 9 4 SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS Details on safety issues can be found in the Power Point presentation called Safety Instructions. There are only some issues that are repeated in this document. o MRI-safe: "MR safe" means that an object or device, when used in the MR environment, will present no additional risk to the patient but may affect the quality of the diagnostic information. o MRI-compatible: "MR compatible" means that an object or device, when used in the MR environment, is MR safe and will not significantly affect the quality of the diagnostic information, nor will its operation be significantly affected being in the MR environment. 10 4.1 EMERGENCY BUTTONS 4.1.1 SQUEEZE BALL o When squeeze ball is pressed by the subject used to turn off the alarm again. talk button on the intercom is 4.1.2 TABLE STOP BUTTON o 2 buttons: one at the scanner bed, one in the control room (7T only in the magnet room). o To re-activate the automatic control of the scanner bed, press the two flashing buttons in turn. 4.1.3 EMERGENCY ELECTRICAL SHUT-DOWN o Shuts down all electrical systems of the scanner (gradients, RF) but NOT the magnet, which will still remain at field. o 3 buttons: one in the technical room, one in the magnet room, one in the control room. o Should be used for any dangerous situation in the magnet room, especially when there is a fire in the magnet room. 4.1.4 o o o o o o MAGNET SHUT-DOWN Shuts down the magnet via a process known as a quench. Should be used only if subject is in immediate danger! A large volume of helium gas is discharged during a quench. Quench system should direct the cold gas outside, so keep subject and yourself away from these vents. Slight risk that gas vents into the room, causing the oxygen level to drop. Very expensive, might also be dangerous. 11 4.2 KEY SYSTEM After the CU training the CU will be given access to the labs with their UM card. o o o 4.3 The key for the magnet room is available in the Key box. - This box is located in the corridor towards the 7T and 9.4T rooms. - Accessible with your UM card. - It registers who possesses which key. The Keyholder is responsible for the safety. - The CU that picks up the key is the Keyholder! - The Keyholder is responsible for safety until the key is returned to the Key box. - Do not lock the door while scanning! Return the key after scanning. - Failing to lock the door after scanning keeps you responsible for safety. - Failing to return the key will result in loss of booking privileges. - Usage of the Key box is registered. This activity log is used as a checkup for usage and scan times. Any misusage will result in a loss of booking privileges for the Keyholder. SAFETY CHECKS The MR system safety checks are automatically performed according to IEC guidelines. Always be aware that the correct patient is registered (correct weight, gender, age)! 4.3.1 PERIPHERAL NERVE STIMULATION Warn subject about peripheral nerve stimulation, but let the subject also know that it is not dangerous! You can proceed but inform the subject! 12 You cannot proceed without altering your parameters. The system will make a suggestion. 4.3.2 SAR LIMITS The Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) describes the potential for heating of the patient's tissue due to the application of the RF energy. The SAR is defined as the RF power absorbed per unit of mass of an object, and is measured in watts per kilogram (W/kg). o Maximum temperature rise of 1°C is allowed. - At the end of the sequence you are at 38% of 1°C. - This varies per sequence. - Sum of sequences and delay time in between. 4.3.3 LEVEL 1 OPERATION MODE You can proceed but only if the subject has no contraindications for thermoregulation! o o Peripheral nerve stimulation: - About 1% chance in standard operation mode of scanner. - About 50% chance in level 1 operation mode of scanner. SAR increases more rapidly in level 1 operation mode of scanner. 13 5 SUBJECTS 5.1 PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECTS ON SUBJECTS 5.1.1 STATIC FIELD o Attractive Force o Nausea / Vertigo / Metallic taste 5.1.2 o o o GRADIENT FIELD Peripheral nerve stimulation Sound pressure Loops / Eddy Currents 5.1.3 RF FIELD (SAR) o Important to register correct weight of subject. 5.2 SCREENING FORM o o o Either use own screening form or the Scannexus recommended forms, accessible online: Has to be completed only ONCE before the subject enters the magnet room for the first time. Every person entering the magnet room has to complete the online screening form. Contraindications: The questions on these forms should give the researcher an idea of the medical history of the subject and its compatibility with MR. It is a tool to gather information that might be forgotten otherwise. o If YES for questions: 5 and 6 of part A Do not scan. o If YES for all other questions of part A Discuss with Scannexus Support Staff. o If YES for questions 9 and 10 of part B Discuss with Scannexus Support Staff. 5.3 SAFETY SCREENING o o o o Has to be completed and signed EVERY TIME by everybody who enters the magnet room. Printed out and signed by both the subject and CU. Printed version has to be handed in at the reception’s mailbox. An explanation regarding the checklist is available. Contraindications: o If YES for questions 1, 2, 4, 8 and 9 - Exceptions: 14 Do not scan! o 5.4 DATA HANDLING o o 5.5 - Metal wire behind teeth only allowed at 3T en 7T! - Tattoos Discuss with Scannexus Support Staff. YES for questions 3, 5, 6 and 7 Discuss with Scannexus Support Staff. Subjects are not allowed to get the raw images. CU can decide to hand out screenshots or reconstructions to the subjects, but never for clinical purposes. INCIDENTAL FINDINGS Researchers can arrange their own incidental findings protocol or use the Scannexus incidental findings procedure, to which the following applies: o Subjects who don’t want to know about incidental findings WILL NOT be scanned at Scannexus. If the CU believes they have noticed some anomaly in the brain: o DO NOT inform the subject right away. o Seek contact with the qualified medical expert associated with the Maastricht Brain Imaging Center, Dr. P. Hofman. o To provide Dr. P. Hofman with the relevant data, you also contact the Scannexus Support Staff. o If you are not a staff member of the faculty you must immediately inform the senior staff member who is your supervisor about the situation. 15 6 SCANNING PROCEDURE GENERAL 6.1 PREPARATION o o o o o o o o o 6.2 Subject needs to complete the safety screening form. Subject needs to complete the online screening form the first time. Subject and CU need to remove all metal from body. Subject needs to remove: - hair clips / bobby pins and hair ties - shirts, sweaters, vests containing metal (e.g. zipper, buttons) - piercings and other jewelry - belts - contents of pockets - bra (with metal wire) - make-up (especially mascara) - glasses (MRI corrective glasses are available) - shoes (only at 7T and 9.4T) Remind subject to go to the toilet before starting scanning. Before entering the magnet room, inform the subject about the tasks. Before entering the magnet room, inform the subject about peripheral nerve stimulation, heating, loops and the noise. Instruct subject about usage of the alarm ball. Prepare experiment. SCANNING CHILDREN It is recommended to screen and inform the parent/guardian and child before inviting them for a scan session to make sure the child is eligible for the study. Make sure during positioning and putting the child into the scanner that the other CU starts a movie. This makes the experience of “getting moved into the bore” less stressful. Keep in constant contact with the child during scanning and play the movie during anatomical scans and in breaks. After the scan session the child will be reunited with the parents/guardians in the waiting area. It does not have the preference to let the parent/guardian enter the scanner room. Parents/guardians will be in the waiting area during scanning, unless the researcher has a good reason to let one of the parents/guardians enter the scanner room during scanning. Make sure to take the proper precautions, like checking the safety screening, metal objects, earplugs, instructions not to open the door etc. Parents/guardians must not stay in the control room during scanning to avoid incidental findings and the disturbance of the researchers. In some cases, the child needs reassurance of a parent/guardian’s voice in between runs. It might then be beneficial for all parties to let the parent/guardian talk to the 16 child through the intercom. This can only be the case when the initial scans do not show any incidental findings. 6.2.1 MOCK SCANNER TRAINING It is strongly recommended to use the Mock scanner and head motion training as a preparation tool, especially for young children (8-12 years). The head motion training is a very useful tool that allows tracking head motion of the child and giving visual feedback of the fact that they moved excessively. The child sees a movie that stops every time they exceed a certain threshold. The use of the Mock scanner will decrease dropouts and increase data quality. Furthermore, it is recommended to organize the experiment and information stream to the parent/guardian optimally, so that the presence of the parent/guardian in the scanner room or control room is not necessary. Researchers are free to decide whether to deviate from the recommendations and do not use the Mock scanner and/or let the parent/guardian in the scanner room. MOCK SCANNER PROTOCOL Place the child in the scanner while explaining everything that you do and what the child has to do! Ensure to explain the use of response boxes beforehand. Ensure that the child is comfortable. Uncomfortable subjects are moving subjects! Explain the use of foam around the ears (prevents movement) and the leg cushion (helps having a comfortable, stable position) while you place them. Place the top part of the coil while explaining what it does. It allows taking pictures of the brain. Adjust the mirror, through which they can see the screen. Ask how they feel. If everything is fine, start the movie. MOTION TRAINING Start Datalogger and Movieplayer. Datalogger: Press ‘ Get Temp’ Press ‘Set Offset’ Press ‘Select or Create File’ button. A new window opens to let you create the database table that will contain all the data of the movements. Check that it opens in the folder of your choice and name with the coding you give it. Press ‘Get Data’. A window appears asking if you are ready to start. Do not press anything yet. Movieplayer: Press ‘ Select and Open DB’. When the window appears load the file you created in Datalogger. Check the ‘Control’ section and if necessary change the parameters (everything on 7 first and gradually decrease later in video). Press ‘Select File’ and choose the video. 17 ‘Get Data’ Now you can press OK on the window that previously appeared on Datalogger. (Optional: you might have to click on Switch Mode if the video does not start on the Stimulus PC after pressing ‘Get Data’). After the motion training, ask if the child is fine and whether they perceived the movement that the device detected. Give the child feedback! Make the child aware that moving too much causes the scan to fail. If necessary, repeat the movie. 6.3 POSITIONING OF PATIENT o o o o o o o o o o o o 6.4 Give subject earplugs. Give subject cushion for under the knees. Ask whether the subject wants a blanket. No loops of hands or legs. Position head of the subject in the coil using cushions besides the ears. - Hearing protection - Stability For other body parts: - Stabilize the body part in the coil by using cushions. - Use the headphones for hearing protection and communication. Place the alarm ball in the hand of the subject. Position any stimulatory devices or sensors that you need, and check if they are placed correctly. Adjust the mirror on the coil. Test the alarm ball Move to isocenter. Start your measurement and keep in contact with the subject. PATIENT REGISTRATION Fields that are in bold need to be filled in order to proceed. These are: Last name, Patient ID, Date of Birth, Sex, Weight, Height (only Prisma), Study and Patient Position. The field ‘Last name’ needs to be used as follows: o First 3 letters of CU’s first name + first 3 letters of CU’s last name. o Date (YYMMDD). o Numerical code (which links with your subject, if you need it). o Optional Measurement information. o The fields are separated with an underscore. Patient ID is filled in automatically. Finally press Exam to register your patient and confirm the next window. 18 PRISMA The Prisma is a little different. It will show a second screen with the following bold fields: Study, Patient Position and Body Part. *Only the bold fields need to be specified for the registration of the patient. 19 6.5 TABLE OPERATION All Siemens MR tables have approximately the same set of buttons. A list of the most used is shown below. Table Stop: The tabletop stops immediately. Table Inward/Outward: Moving the tabletop in or out the magnet bore. The tabletop moves when button is pushed in. Speed: Moving the tabletop at increased speed. Do not use when a subject is being examined. Only for phantoms! Isocenter Position: The tabletop moves in to the magnet bore until it reaches the defined isocenter. The tabletop moves automatically. Stop the movement by pressing another move button. Home Position: The tabletop moves completely out of the magnet bore. The tabletop moves automatically. Stop the movement by pressing another move button. Laser Light Localizer: When pressed a red laser cross is displayed to indicate the isocenter. Deactivate the light to set the position. Always ask subject to close their eyes during operation!! On/Off: Switch the table ON/OFF. A corresponding LED is lighting when ON. When switching the table ON, it takes about 10s to get out of the sleep mode. 6.5.1 TABLE STOP Small accidents, medical emergencies or inconvenience for the patient and quick removal of the table is needed. o The fastest method for moving the tabletop out of the magnet bore is to press the ‘Home Position’ button. Use this method whenever the power supply and/or motorized drive are intact. o In case of power failure and/or defective motorized drive, pull the tabletop manually out of the magnet bore. However, the table is still connected to the motor of the table and will therefore not easily move. To disconnect 20 the tabletop from the motor an additional handle needs to be pulled, which is underneath the end of the table support. 6.5.2 3T PRISMA 3T SYSTEM OPERATION 3T EMERGENCY BUTTONS The table stop buttons are located on the side of the table and on the intercom system. The pull for manual table removal is located at the end of the table support Intercom Table 21 Manual table removal 6.5.3 7T The bed of the 7T system is different than that of the Trio. There are three main differences: o It has its own control panels o In standard operating mode it varies the speed of the bed to reduce the dB/dt that the head of the subject experiences. o To reduce the risk of RF noise being picked up during scanning, the bed (1) Control units on both sides of the magnet bore. (2) Control units at the patient table. (1) Home Direction button (2) Isocenter Direction button (3 Isocenter Position button (4) Speed button (5) Home Position button (6) On/Off button (7) Table stop button should be turned off. 7T EMERGENCY BUTTONS The table stop buttons are located on the side of the table, NOT on the intercom system. The pull for manual table removal is located at the end of the table support 7T WEIRD BED BEHAVIOR: o When turning the bed back on it can take up to 20 seconds for the electronics to be fully operational. o If the bed is not responding try putting it back to home position. If that does not resolve the issue turn it off and on again. o If the bed is still not responding check the emergency stop buttons and handle. Someone might have used them but not put them back properly. o The buttons on the bed control panel tend to get stuck. Then the buttons will not respond at all. You can just wiggle the button loose again. o Turning on the SPEED feature (which turns on the GREEN LED above this button) disables the special speed regulation of the bed. Do not use this when positioning or removing subjects. 22 o Sometimes the system detects a "bed stop" event. Clicking on the “release table stop”- button might resolve it. O If the table is still not responding the only solution found is to reboot the scanner. 6.5.4 9.4T Not available yet.. 23 6.6 COILS Please, be very careful with the available coils. Make sure that -if you switch coils- you put the standard one back when finishing your measurement. o For 3T this is the 64 Channel Head/Neck Coil. o For 7T this is the 32 Channel Nova Volume Coil. - The 32 channel coil has a set of electronics that extends from the head end of the coil. - This part of the coil should NOT rest on the ridge in the bed! Move the coil towards the foot end so that this part of the coil is not resting on the ridge. 6.7 INTERCOM The intercom allows communication between the researcher and subject during the measurement. On the 7T system the red top button is not in operation. 24 6.8 MAGNET BORE FAN & LIGHT 25 6.9 EXPORT DATA Data should be exported right after finishing your measurement. o o o Patient Browser. Select your exam. Transfer Export to offline: - Create a new folder in your personal folder. - The system verifies you are creating a new folder. 6.10 EXPORT TO PDF o o o o Click on Exam Explorer (button on the right side) o Create new subdirectory in own directory: YourName\PDF_print\NameMeasurement Patient Browser o Select all sequences of your measurement. o Drag and drop the sequences in the new folder of the Exam Explorer. o Click on the Save icon in the Exam Explorer. Back in the Exam Explorer, go to Object, Print o Print to: Adobe PDF. o Check the “protocols” checkmark. o File Name: T:\YourName\name.pdf o Click on “OK”. CTRL+ESC Windows Explorer o Programs Advanced user PW: meduser1. o CTRL+ESC Windows Explorer. o T:\YourFolder copy PDF. o Z:\BackedUpData\YourFolder copy PDF to your own folder on the BUserver. 26 o Patient Close Patient 6.11 FINISH MEASUREMENT o o o o o o o o o Put stimulatory devices and sensors back to their standard position. Clean mirror and head coil. Renew paper cover on scanner bed. Place a set of new earplugs on the scanner bed. Export your data. Close patient in Syngo MR. Set projector and stimulus PC to Standby. Lock the magnet room. Place magnet room key back! 6.12 LOCAL DICOM DATA All measured MRI data (dicom) is automatically stored to the Hard Drive of our Syngo system. This data is not backed up and we need to make sure that there’s enough space left on the local Hard Drive for new MRI measurements. Due to its storage limitations all data older than 1 week is deleted. Because of this make sure to export your data within one week and check afterwards whether all data has been successfully exported. 27 7 7T SCAN PROCEDURES 7.1 SHIM TOOL BOX o o o o o o o o Open the localizer, do not scan yet. Hit Ctrl + Esc to open the start menu. - Open the “ScannexusShimTool”. Select “Open Shim File”. - Brows to C:\Scannexus\SavedShims - This folder contains several shim sets. - Choose “Standard Head”, when scanning a head. Click “Apply, Shim, Acquire”. - This will automatically run the adjustments with the chosen shim set. - The localizer starts scanning automatically afterwards. In the folder “BU Supported Protocols 7T” you find the protocols for preparation of your measurement. - Drag “Head Shim B0 WIP” and “B1 map WIP” to your work list. Run the B0 shim protocol. - Open the B1 map protocol, do not scan yet. - When finished click “Run SetShim”. Run the B1 map protocol. - When finished load this into the viewing tab. - Here you draw a ROI in your image to get the Flip Angle. For anatomical images you draw this ROI in the center of the brain. For EPI images the location of this ROI depends of your area of interest. For example: If you are especially interested in analyzing the visual cortex, this is where you draw the ROI. If you analyze a big amount of the brain tissue the ROI should be placed in the center of the brain to get the best image. Therefore it is possible that you have to switch between Flip Angles. - Divide the mean in this ROI by 10. This is your Flip Angle in that region. - Put this value in the Angle box of the ScannexusShimTool. - Open the first protocol of your measurement, do not scan yet. Click “Get TxRef”. - This will store the value for TxRef that was used to get the B1 map. - It is used to switch between different Flip Angles as it is the reference value calculated with. 28 o o - Press this button only once. Click “Set TxRef”. - This will calculate the “TxRef”. The value in the box above should change. Run your measurement protocols. 7.1.1 SWITCHING BETWEEN FUNCTIONAL AND ANATOMICAL PROTOCOLS o If you run both anatomical and functional protocols and you are especially interested in analyzing a region of the brain that is not in the center you need to draw two ROI’s. - One in the center of the brain for the anatomical images. - One in the area of interest that is not in the center for the functional images. o When switching from one to the other. - Have the next protocol open, do not scan yet. - Find the corresponding Flip Angle by dividing the mean in the ROI by 10. - Put this value in the Angle box of the ScannexusShimTool. o Click “Set TxRef”. - This will calculate the new value for “TxRef”. - The value in the box above should change. - Run the next protocols o Remember: Do NOT use “Get TxRef” again! - The value of “System TxRef” should not change! o You can switch between anatomical and functional protocols as much as you like. Draw Flip Flip 29 7.2 MANUAL SHIMMING Step What to do 1 Run Localizer (and/or AAHscout) 2 Open B0map Explanation The B0map is used to measure B0 (inhomogeneity) and to get a B0 map with a higher resolution than default. It can be optimized by reducing the slice box even more. (Adjust slice box) (Adjust shim box) Run B0 3 The B1 map is used to measure the different flip angles in different areas of the brain. Open B1map Run MBICsetshim.bat Adjust shim box The MBICsetshim program imports the new calculated B0 shim currents Open adjustments 3D shim-> calculate, apply Transmitter voltage (system value)-> write down You have to write down the transmitter voltage because you will need the value for calculations later on Freq GO! Run B1map 4 The 3D shim calculates the new shim currents to optimize shims within the shim box Load B1 map in viewing tab Go to the mid slice mid brain, select the circle tool and define a ROI, divide the mean value by 10 Go to area of interest, select the circle tool and define a ROI, divide the mean value by 10 30 You have to calculate the transmitter voltages needed for your other protocols (ADNI, DTI, EPI etc) Formula: new_transm_voltage = (90/determined angle)* transm_ voltage_B1map 5 The slice box has to be smaller than your slice box of the B0 map Open anatomical protocol Move slice box The 3D shim calculates the new shim currents to optimize shims within the shim box Adjust shim box Open adjustments With the interactive shim the shims are optimized further. FWHM (width of the pulse received) has te be as low as possible (between 45-35 hz) 3D shim-> calculate, apply Interactive shim -> measure, stop, apply T2* (transverse relax time) as high as possible Open adjustments) Transmitter voltage -> enter value,apply Freq GO! Run anatomical protocol **Note: If your shim box is the same as the shim box of your B1map-> you can do the interactive shim while preparing the B1 map and copy the parameter (adjust volume). It is not necessary to repeat the shimming and you can skip 3D shim and interactive shim at this stage You have to enter the at step 4 calculated value for the transmitter voltage 6 Open EPI Move slice box Adjust shim box Open adjustments 3D shim-> calculate, apply Interactive shim Transmitter voltage -> enter value , apply Freq GO! Run EPI 31 Enter the calculated value Troubleshooting Possible solutions SAR too high -EPI decrease flip angle/ transmitter voltage Increase pulse length (max ~6500) MB & ME only decrease fat suppression pulse Decrease number of slices SAR too high -DTI Increase TR 32 8 8.1 EQUIPMENT RACK MIXER The mixer controls all audio of the subject. The small (inner) knobs adjust volume. Big (outer) knobs control left and right balance. For your measurement 5 knobs are important: o The MIC knob controls the microphone settings. - Small button on the right-hand side of knob must be pushed in. - Talk through microphone on desk: returns automatically to off. o The STIM knob controls stimuli from the stimulus PC. - Small (inner) knob adjusts volume. Big (outer) knob controls left and right balance. - Small button on the right-hand side of knob must not be pushed in. o The Master volume controls the overall volume (audio in subject’s room and control room). - Small button on the left must be pushed in for mono - When using stereo you can adjust the volume per left/right individually. o The Radio is not yet working. In the picture the standard settings are shown. Return the equipment to the standard after finishing your measurement! AUDIO MIXER RADIO 33 8.2 AUDIO AMPLIFIER Must be set on Aux2 and must be on for all audio. 8.3 RADIO Does not work. 8.4 SPEAKER Allows researchers to hear what the subject is hearing. You can adjust the volume of audio within console room without affecting subject’s parameters. 8.5 INTERFACE BUTTONBOX AND JOYSTICK The box controls how the buttonbox stores data. Researchers can switch between parallel mode and USB mode on the device besides the interface. A reset must be done in order for the change in mode to take place. To change how the buttonbox stores data: o push knob o change mode,yes o manual config o select setting (turn knob) o default mode HHSC-2x4_c, usb, HID key 12345 Every button is given a number. The interface auto connects with the button box in the scanner room. To use joystick the settings has to be changed into HHSC-JOY-5, HID JOY COMP. Before changing the settings make sure the joystick is connected. 34 8.6 SWITCH BOXES The switchboxes allow researchers to switch between the TBV monitor and secondary stimulus monitor. Also to switch between the EEG and Eye tracker monitor. The orange light indicates the current setting. SWITCH BOXES 8.7 PIEZO MODULE 35 9 9.1 STIMULUS PC PRESENTATION 9.1.1 USB MODE For USB trigger mode: check the “use response button event” box on the Port panel and return to the Response panel. On the Response panel select: Keyboard, 5, and choose Use fMRI 36 On the port panel “Keyboard: 5” will appear. On the response panel you can choose the other buttons you need. Select Keyboard, the right buttons (1-4, 6-9) and Use. The corresponding buttons and fingers in default mode are: o o o o 9 8 7 6 - L L L L Pinky (red) Ring (green) Middle (yellow) Index (blue) o o o o 1 2 3 4 - R R R R Index (blue) Middle (yellow) Ring (green) Pinky (red) The USB mode is recommended. During programming and preparing you can use the 5 of your keyboard to simulate the trigger of the scanner. After copying your files to the stimulation pc you are ready for scanning without changing your settings. 9.1.2 PARALLEL PORT However, it is possible to use the parallel port. On the Port panel check the “use port input channel” box. Select properties. Select LPT2, status port, check independent lines. 37 For the use of the button box: Click on Add below Input Ports. Select LPT2, data port, check independent lines. On the response panel add your port device by clicking with your right mouse button on the "device field". Select your port device and add the buttons you need. The corresponding buttons and fingers in default mode are: o o o o 1 2 3 4 - L L L L Pinky (red) Ring (green) Middle (yellow) Index (blue) o o o o 38 5 6 7 8 - R R R R Index (blue) Middle (yellow) Ring (green) Pinky (red) 9.2 E-PRIME 9.2.1 USB-MODE For USB trigger mode: you need the keyboard to be selected. Double-click on “Experiment” to check this. Open a slide that should wait for a scanner trigger by double-clicking on it, doubleclick on the properties icon, open the Duration/Input tab, add the keyboard. Under the response options: enter 5 for the allowable. 39 The USB mode is recommended. During programming and preparing you can use the 5 of your keyboard to simulate the trigger of the scanner. After copying your files to the stimulation pc you are ready for scanning without changing your settings. Open a slide that should wait for input from the button boxes by double-clicking on the slide, double-click on the properties icon, open the Duration/Input tab, add the keyboard. Under response options: enter the buttons you need. (You cannot enter {ANY}, because the trigger of the scanner shows up as 5) The corresponding buttons and fingers are: o o o o 9 8 7 6 - L L L L Pinky (red) Ring (green) Middle (yellow) Index (blue) o o o o 40 1 2 3 4 - R R R R Index (blue) Middle (yellow) Ring (green) Pinky (red) 9.2.2 PARALLEL PORT MODE The USB mode is recommended, but it is possible to use the parallel port. Doubleclick on “Experiment” and add Port, change the name in TrSync, change the adresses in 8209. Open a slide that should wait for a scanner trigger by double-clicking on it, doubleclick on the properties icon, open the Duration/Input tab, add the TRsync. Under the response options: enter {ANY} for the allowable. 41 If you want to use the button boxes you need to add another port. Double-click on “Experiment” and add Port, change the adresses in 8208. Open a slide that should wait for a button press by double-clicking on it, double-click on the properties icon, open the Duration/Input tab, add the Port. Under the response options: enter {ANY} for the allowable. The corresponding buttons and fingers are: o o o o 1 2 3 4 - L L L L Pinky (red) Ring (green) Middle (yellow) Index (blue) o o o o 42 5 6 7 8 - R R R R Index (blue) Middle (yellow) Ring (green) Pinky (red) 9.3 PROJECTOR CONTROL To turn the projector on or to standby: o Open de program “Projector Control” on the desktop. o Hit the button “Projector Control”. O Choose either “Standby” or “ON”. The resolution of the screen is recommended to be 1920*1200. If not, you can change this by: o Right mouse click on desktop. o Choose “Screen Resolution”. o Choose the desired resolution. 43 9.4 3T PROJECTOR SETTINGS When using the 64 channel head/neck coil, make sure the subject is placed in the center of the coil. If the subject has a small head, an extra cushion underneath the head might be necessary in order to have a view of the whole projection on the screen. This will elevate the head a little, the movement of the mirror is very restricted. 64 CHANNEL HEAD/NECK COIL - Distance from eye to mirror is about 15 cm, mirror to screen is 60 cm - Image width: 42 cm - Image height: 25 cm - Image diagonal: 49 cm 9.5 7T PROJECTOR SETTINGS The 7T has a variety of different head coils. To use the projector with the different head coils (volume/visual) the distance to the projector screen varies. Also the position of the projector screen on the table can vary. Therefore the user has to choose the right setting on the lens of the projector. The projector is located in the technical room next to the magnet room. Two screens are available to me mounted in two positions behind the coils o position 1, back o position 2, front The screens as well as their respective positions are labeled. Please make sure to that the labels face you when putting the screens in! Make sure that the screens are securely tightened using the mounting screws! If you touch the screens, clean them afterwards! NOVA 32 CHANNEL COIL o Please use only screen position 1 due to cable routing o Please adjust the focus on the projector to position 1 (pos1-pos1) - Distance from eye to screen: 99 cm - Image width: 30 cm - Image height: 18 cm - Image diagonal: 35 cm VISUAL 16 CHANNEL COIL o Both screen positions can be utilized using the visual coil o The distance from eye to screen can slightly vary depending on how you bend the mirror Screen position 1 Please adjust the focus on the projector to position 1 vis (pos1-pos1vis) - Distance from eye to screen: 70 cm 44 - Image width: 32 cm - Image height: 19 cm - Image diagonal: 37 cm Screen position 2 In this case, small parts of the lower right and left visual field are covered by the mirror holder This setup gives the user the biggest visual field available Please adjust the focus on the projector to position 2 (pos2-pos2) - Distance from eye to screen: 29.5 cm - Image width: 35 cm - Image height: 21 cm - Image diagonal: 41 cm This setting is used This setting is used with the visual coil with the visual coil with the screen on with the screen on nd the 2nd position the 1 position (closest to the coil). (furthest from the Always set the projector to standby and standard settings when your measurement is finished! This setting is used with the head coil with the screen on the 1st position 45 10 EYETRACKER AND GOGGLES 10.1 GOGGLES 7T The binocular goggle system of the 7T incorporates eye tracking. This system can only be combined with the Life Science Visual Coil. The visual stimuli can be presented biocular (same image to each eye) and binocular (different images to each eye). The video interface is located in the equipment rack. o Set resolution of stimulus PC to 1024x763/60 Hz! This resolution is less than the normal projector. Set resolution back in default settings (1920x1080) after your scan session! Set switchboxes in right setting: o Set switch box of TBV to stim o Set switch box of goggle 1 to stim1 o Set switch box of goggle 2 to stim2 Set second screen of stimulus PC to extended or duplicate, depending on presenting different or the same stimuli to the left and right goggle. Use TBV screen for second screen (resolution 1024x763!). o Turn on the visual system by the black power switch of the video interface. o Check diagnostic indicators Orange and flashing lights indicate something is wrong: Check cable connections, cooling system. No light of the alarm: System is ok, otherwise the alarm light is orange blinking. o o o Red/Off: Check output settings on source computer (1024x763/60 Hz) 46 The goggles and the projector are located on a consolidation cart in the magnet room. o Mount and adjust glasses o o o o Place the head coil mount (picture) on the coil. Goggles system cables face into the bore of the magnet! On the visual coil there are guiding’s attached for the cables. The Silent Vision Glasses have adjustments for refractive correction (focus) on the side of each eyepiece. To adjust the focus move the focus slide until there is a clear image in each eye. The glasses can be positioned above the eyes by the 3-Axis mount. A. B. C. D. Position goggles in vertical direction Position goggles in left right direction Position goggles in feet head direction Refractive correction PLEASE BE CAREFULL WITH CABLES AND DO NOT TURN SCREWS TOO TIGHT!!!! 47 10.2 EYETRACKER 7T AND 3T EYETRACKER 7T At the 7T the eyetracker can only be used in combination with the goggles, not with the projection screen. The eyetracker interface is located in the equipment rack. o Set the switchbox of the projector to eye tracking. o Set the resolution of the stimulus PC equal to the resolution of the eye tracking when doing the calibration. o Turn on tracker interface o Adjust IR level, initial setting of one-third EYETRACKER 3T The mounting with the eyertracker is located in the console room of the Prisma fit. o Mount the eye tracker support on the 64 channel head neck coil o Locate the eye image in the monitor, see picture below A B C position of mirror to center the projection screen image to the subjects field of view, you can slide back and forward center the eye image in the Real Eye monitor, you can slide back and forward center the eye image in the Real Eye monitor, you can slide left and right Tighten all directional lock screws 48 D+E F positioning if the lenses and illumination housings, tighten using thumb wheels focus the eye image by rotating the lens PLEASE BE CAREFULL WITH CABLES AND DO NOT TURN SCREWS TOO TIGHT!!!! PROJECTION SCREEN 3T o Set projector switch to eyetracker With this mounting system you have to change the position of the projector screen to see the complete projected screen. Change position to position eyetracker. The projector settings are: - Distance from eye to screen: 84 cm - Image width: 23.5 cm - Image height: 38.5 cm - Image diagonal: 45 cm Change setting on the lens of the projector in the technical room to eyetracker position. Always set the projector to standby and standard settings when your measurement is finished! Put projector screen back at default position! VIEWPOINT The original manual for the ViewPoint software of the eyetracker can be found here See also on Stim PC D:\ViewPointClient. o Open ViewPoint on the eyetracker PC: o Set up communication between Stim PC and eyetracker PC by clicking on the ViewPoint shortcut on the Stim PC. o Use the DLL interface in your stimulus program 49 11 MAGNET ROOM EQUIPMENT 11.1 SENSIMETRIC EARPLUGS (+CANAL TIPS) Inside the magnet room you find the in-ear system for auditory stimuli. The ear buds come in different sizes: o Slim (small) - Standard length - Short length o Standard (medium) o Large They are stored in the supply box in the console room. When applying the foam ear buds, handle with care. Do not squeeze tip when applying it on earplug! When screwed on: gently expose a bit of the black top by pulling down the foam. Shape tip to the ear. Very expensive ear buds! Reusable for the same subject! The earplugs stick a bit out from the ear. In some cases the padding that is used to stabilize the head is pushing too much on the ear plugs. In that case you can use the black circular cushions that have an open space in the middle to make room for the earplugs. 11.2 MUSIC Connections for audio equipment are located at the central unit of the intercom in back of Syngo Acquisition Workplace. 50 12 PHYSIOLOGIC SENSORS 12.1 CHARGING STATION The physiologic sensors are located in the console room in the charge unit (B). Respiratory belt, ECG electrodes and pulse sensor are available in the magnet room. Application tools (gel, wipes) are available in the supply box in the console room. The green LEDs flash when positioned correctly. Always place sensor back into charging station! 51 12.2 RESPIRATORY SENSOR The unit can acquire the ECG channel as well as the respiratory channel of the subject. The ECG electrodes and respiratory cushion (attached with respiratory belt) are attached to the unit. Unit has to be placed in the application cushion to prevent skin irritation during examination. 12.3 ECG SENSOR Unit has to be placed in the application cushion to prevent skin irritation during examination. 52 12.4 WIRELESS PULSE SENSOR The unit acquires the subject’s peripheral pulse. The finger clips are available in three sizes (cupboard scanner room). 12.5 MEASURED DATA Measured data can be viewed at Physiological Display within Syngo MR. 53 13 AUTO ALIGN AutoAlign is the method for automatic positioning and alignment of slices for an MR examination. AutoAlign assists the user in positioning the slices in a robust and reliable way regarding positioning standards and arbitrary patient positions, different patient ages, pathologies and interventions. The specific AutoAlign Head scout scans a sagittal, T1-weighted 3D volume in the isocenter and computes the AutoAlign Head references. The resulting MPR localizer images are automatically loaded into the graphic segments of the Exam task card. AutoAlign Head references: o Head > Basis o Head > Brain o Head > Inner ear o o o Head > Orbits Head > Optic nerves Head > Temporal lobe 13.1 FIRST SUBJECT Start the measurement o Scan a localizer if preferred o Scan the AutoAlign scout. o Open your first protocol: - Reset AutoAlign reference to none (--); - Predefine the main orientation and reset the position to Isocenter; - Set the required AutoAlign matrix in the field AutoAlign of the Routine parameter card; - Position the sliced as required; - If required, define an offset for Position and Orientation; o For all the following protocols in the same orientation. - Open the protocol; - Right click on the first protocol of the same orientation. - Use “Copy references”. - The slices will automatically align to the set position; - Apply. When you finish the first measurement: o Copy the measured protocols into the Exam Explorer as a new program. o For all the protocols in the same orientation as the first protocol: o Make sure the AutoAlign reference is set to none (--) o Set “Copy reference” from the first protocol o Queue > Save as program. Save. 54 13.2 FOLLOWING SUBJECTS / MEASUREMENTS Use the protocol you saved in the Exam Explorer with your first subject. The position of the slices should be the same as in your first subject. o o In the protocol you can (de)activate the AutoAlign option at any time. If you do not agree with the auto-aligned slices, you can reposition the slices manually. 55 14 GEOMETRICAL DISTORTION CORRECTION To correct for geometrical distortion in EPI images you need to run about 10 extra volumes of you EPI protocol. Open the EPI protocol to be scanned and change the volumes to 5 (BOLD card). Press scan so the protocol is copied. Open this copy and adjust the Pase encoding direction.(Routine card) Add or subtract 180 depending on your orientation. (thus AP becomes PA, RL becomes LR etc.) Now run your normal EPI experiment with the original phase encoding direction. Example workflow: o Localizer o B0 B1 etc. o Anatomical acquisitions o 5 EPI volumes of your preferred protocol o 5 EPI volumes with 180° phase encode reversal o Your normal EPI experiment run (with the same phase encode direction as in step 4) 56 15 ACCESS TO THE SCANNERLABS The facility is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. However, between 21:00 and 7:00, a burglar alarm is activated if nobody is in the building. There is no difference in alarm settings between weekdays, weekend days or collective holidays. 15.1 BURGLAR ALARM SYSTEM To work during out of office hours, CU’s will need to pick up a smart key from a member of the Scannexus Support Team: - CUs should pick up the smart key at least 24 hours before their scan slots - Smart keys must be returned within 48 hours of the finish of the scan slot (Tuesday 5pm in the case of weekend work). - It is not permitted for one CU to pass the key on to another user. A Scannexus Support Team member must be involved in the transfer. - The booking CU is responsible for obtaining and returning the smart key for their scan slot. Entrance to the scannerlab building outside of normal hours is by the entrance facing Oxfordlaan. To open door, place your UM ID card on the card reader, and wait for the sound of the door unlocking to finish. Pulling on the handle early can cause the door to not unlock. 57 The burglar alarm control panel is just inside the entrance. To use the smart key system: o To de-activate the alarm: - When you enter the building you will hear a tone indicating the alarm is on. - Place the smart key near the display of the burglar alarm control panel until a beep is heard. - The delay time will stop and the tone will stop. o To activate the alarm: - Please make sure the building is empty! - The setting is clearest if you open the cover, which hinges down. - Place the smart key near the display of the burglar alarm control panel until a beep is heard. It only needs a very short period of time. - Repeat this twice. - If the system has accepted this, the first indicator at the bottom (circled in the image below) will light up and a tone will be generated. - There is a time delay that allows you to exit the building. On leaving the facility, the booking CU is responsible for checking whether other users are in the facility and activating the alarm if they are the last to leave. 58 16 DEFAULT SETTINGS 3T 16.1 MAGNET ROOM o o o MRI table Paper / Alarm ball / Earplugs 64 Head/Neck coil White Siemens cushions on MRI table 16.2 STIMULUS EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT o Stimulus devices stored in cupboard or neatly on hooks on scanner o Physiological sensors in charge unit (charge lights blinking) TRIGGER o Interface box: o Settings for Button boxes: - USB HHSC-2X4-C - HID KEY 12345 o Switch box for Trigger: USB VISUAL o Projector screen position: against 2nd wheel o Projector filter: 0.3 o Screen resolution Stim PC: 1920x1200 o Switch box1: STIM o Switch box2: VGA2STIM o Switch box3: EYE AUDIO o Audio Amplifier Aux2 o Mixer : o MIC small button in o STIM small button out o MASTER small button out o All adjustment knobs centered (also outer ring) PIEZO o Switch box (top): Normal Mode o Switch box (bottom): Piezo Normal Mode 16.3 CONSOLE ROOM o o o o o Close Patient (in all tabs) Door Magnet room locked Magnet room key in key cabinet Turn projector off (standby) Power off monitor Stim PC 59 17 TROUBLESHOOTING 3T 17.1 TRIGGER / BUTTONBOX / JOYSTICK Stimulation program does not receive trigger from scanner: o Check default settings o Check if trigger is received at interface box: o Circled light should flash every TR o Now check if trigger is received at STIM PC: o Open notepad/word/wordpad/etc… o 5 should appear every TR (in USB mode) o Still nothing in your Stimulus? o Check your stimulus program 17.2 PC/PROJECTOR SCREEN Projector screen stays blue: o Check switch boxes in equipment rack Projection not focused/blurred o Check screen position 17.3 AUDITORY SYSTEM Subject does not hear/balanced L/R stimulus: o Check if ear buds are correctly used, do not squeeze tip o Check if the right size of ear buds are used o Check default settings of mixer and Audio Amplifier in equipment rack o Check the volume settings on the STIM PC 17.4 SCANNER Scanner does not scan: o Click echo sign (below) when red or yellow stripe o Follow instructions (do not call Siemens Service) 17.5 DATA Inhomogeneous intensity distribution: o Check if all coils are selected o Check if anterior part of coil is recognized Artifacts: o Check if door is closed o Check if subject moves too much o Check if hairpins/etc. are still on subject 60 18 DEFAULT SETTINGS 7T 18.1 MAGNET ROOM o o o MRI table Paper / Alarm ball / Earplugs 32 channel Nova coil Table in home position 18.2 STIMULUS EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT o Stimulus devices stored in cupboard or neatly on hooks on scanner o Physiological sensors in charge unit (charge lights blinking) TRIGGER o Interface box: o Settings for Button boxes: - USB HHSC-2X4-C - HID KEY 12345 o Switch box for Trigger: USB VISUAL o Projector screen position: Back position o Projector focus: POS 1 > … < POS 1 o Projector filter: 0.3 o Screen resolution Stim PC: 1920x1200 o Switch box1: STIM o Switch box2: VGA2STIM AUDIO o Audio Amplifier Aux2 o Mixer : o MIC small button in o STIM small button out o MASTER small button out o All adjustment knobs centered (also outer ring) PIEZO o Switch box (top): Normal Mode o Switch box (bottom): Piezo Normal Mode 18.3 CONSOLE ROOM o o o o o Close Patient (in all tabs) Door Magnet room locked Magnet room key in key cabinet Turn projector off (standby) Power off monitor Stim PC 61 19 TROUBLESHOOTING 7T 19.1 TABLE/LASER LIGHT DOES NOT RESPOND o o Go to home position if laser does not respond No response of table movement: o Check buttons in control panel, might be stuck o Turn table off and on again o Deactivate table stop alarm (on console) o Check table stop buttons / manual movement handle o Always move table back home when problem is solved (recalibration) o If nothing works, shutdown system 19.2 TRIGGER / BUTTONBOX / JOYSTICK Stimulation program does not receive trigger from scanner: o Check default settings o Check if trigger is received at interface box: o Circled light should flash every TR o Now check if trigger is received at STIM PC: o Open notepad/word/wordpad/etc… o 5 should appear every TR (in USB mode) o Still nothing in your Stimulus? o Check your stimulus program 19.3 PC/PROJECTOR SCREEN Projector screen stays blue: o Check switch boxes in equipment rack Projection not focused/blurred o Check focus on projector (technical room) 19.4 AUDITORY SYSTEM Subject does not hear stimulus: o Check if ear buds are correctly used, do not squeeze tip o Check if the right size of ear buds are used o Check default settings of mixer and Audio Amplifier in equipment rack o Check the volume settings on the STIM PC 19.5 SCANNER Scanner does not scan: o Click echo sign (below) when red or yellow stripe o Follow instructions (do not call Siemens Service) 19.6 DATA Inhomogeneous intensity distribution: o Check if all coils are selected Artifacts: o Check if door is closed o Check if subject moves to much o Check if hairpins/etc. are still on subject 62