Table 7.15.1
Table 7.15.1
Table 7.15.1 Dietary recommendations for cancer prevention [based on the World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) report on Food, Nutrition, Physical Activity and the Prevention of Cancer: a Global Perspective (WCRF/AICR, 2007] Recommendation Public health goals Justification Be as lean as possible within the normal range of body weight Median adult body mass index (BMI) to be 21–23 kg/m2 depending on the normal range for different populations Level of overweight/obesity to be no more than the current level, or preferably lower, in 10 years The proportion of the population that is sedentary to be halved every 10 years Average physical activity levels >1.6 Maintenance of a healthy weight throughout life may be one of the most important ways to protect against cancer Be physically active as part of everyday life Limit consumption of energy dense foods Avoid sugary drinks Eat mostly foods of plant origin Limit intake of red meat and avoid processed meat Average energy density of diets to be lowered towards 125 kcal/100 g Population average consumption of sugary drinks to be halved every 10 years Population average consumption of non-starchy vegetables and of fruit to be at least 600 g (21 oz)/day Relatively unprocessed cereals (grains) and/or pulses (legumes), and other foods that are a natural source of dietary fibre, to contribute to a population average of at least 25 g/day of non-starch polysaccharide Population average consumption of red meat to be no more than 300 g (11 oz)/week, very little if any of which to be processed Limit alcoholic drinks Proportion of the population drinking no more than the recommended limits to be reduced by one-third every 10 years Limit consumption of salt Avoid mouldy cereals (grains) or pulses (legumes) Population average consumption of salt from all sources to be <5 g (2 g of sodium/day) Proportion of the population consuming >6 g of salt (2.4 g of sodium)/day to be halved every 10 years Minimise exposure to aflatoxins from mouldy cereals (grains) or pulses (legumes) Maximise the proportion of the population achieving nutritional adequacy without dietary supplements Aim to meet nutritional needs through diet alone Mothers to breastfeed: children to be breastfed Cancer survivors: follow the recommendations for cancer prevention The majority of mothers to breastfeed exclusively for 6 months All cancer survivors to receive nutritional care from an appropriately trained professional. If unable to do so, and unless otherwise advised, aim to follow the recommendations for diet, health weight, and physical activity Manual of Dietetic Practice, Fifth Edition. Edited by Joan Gandy. © 2014 The British Dietetic Association. Published 2014 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Companion Website: Most populations, and people living in industrialised and urban settings, have habitual levels of activity below levels to which humans are adapted Consumption of energy dense foods and sugary drinks in increasing worldwide and is probably contributing to the global increase in obesity An integrated approach to the evidence shows that most diets that are protective against cancer are mainly made up from foods of plant origin An integrated approach to the evidence also shows that many foods of animal origin are nourishing and healthy if consumed in modest amounts The evidence on cancer justifies a recommendation not to drink alcoholic drinks. Other evidence shows that a modest amount of alcoholic drinks is likely to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease The strongest evidence on methods of food preservation, processing and preparation shows that salt and salt preserved foods are probably a cause of stomach cancer, and that foods contaminated with aflatoxins are a cause of liver cancer The evidence shows that high dose nutrient supplements can be protective or can cause cancer. The studies that demonstrate such effects do not relate to widespread use amongst the general population, in whom the balance of the risks and benefits cannot confidently be predicted. A general recommendation to consume supplements for cancer prevention may have unexpected adverse effects. Increasing the consumption of the relevant nutrients through usual diet is preferred The evidence on cancer as well as other diseases shows that sustained, exclusive breastfeeding is protective for the mother as well as the child Subject to the qualifications made in the WCRF report Table 7.15.2 Examples of alternative and complementary dietary regimens used by cancer patients Dietary regimen Philosophy Main dietary principles The Bristol Cancer Centre Diet (complementary) The Centre believes that, as part of an holistic approach, diet and nutritional supplements can be important and may well have an influence on recovery by enhancing the effectiveness and reducing side effects of cancer treatment, improving wellbeing and in some cases prolonging survival Macrobiotics (complementary) Foods are classified as Yin foods, representing feminine, dark and negative principles, and Yang foods, representing masculine, light and positive principles. The aim is to balance these for each individual in order to obtain a healthy mind and body Milk and dairy foods promote the growth of cancer, particularly breast and prostate cancer Wholefoods Fresh fruit and vegetables Organically grown foods Whole grains Organic poultry, eggs, game and fish in moderation Beans and pulses Freshly made fruit and vegetable juices Supplements of vitamin C, beta-carotene, vitamin B complex, selenium, zinc Mainly based on cereal grains Vegetables, sea vegetables and fruit Bean and bean products Nuts and seeds Fish Soup made with vegetables, beans and grains Sea vegetables seasoned with sea salt, soy sauce or miso Soya foods, including soya milk, are substituted for dairy foods Increase consumption of fruit and vegetables (preferably organic) Avoid processed foods, including meats, oils, refined starchy foods, alcohol and fizzy drinks Vegan Fresh fruit and vegetables Freshly made fruit and vegetable juices Supplements of digestive enzymes, niacin, liver capsules, iodine, thyroid extract, potassium compound and vitamin B12 injections Coffee enemas Dairy free diets (complementary) Gerson therapy (alternative) Aim is to stimulate the body’s own defence system to overcome cancer. Both the nutritional and detoxification parts of the therapy are required Table 7.15.3 Factors contributing to malnutrition in head and neck cancer (source: Talwar 2010. Reproduced with permission of Wiley-Blackwell Publishing) Contributory factors Cause Poor dietary habits Excessive alcohol intake Depression and anxiety Difficulty with chewing Consumption of unbalanced meals can lead to energy, protein and micronutrient deficiency Associated with appetite suppression, inadequate nutrient intake and micronutrient deficiency These can result in aversion to food and/or loss of appetite with reduced quality of life Lack of teeth, ill fitting dentures and physical problems with jaw movement can markedly affect food choice in favour of a limited range of soft or liquid foods Presence of the tumour mass, pain on eating, ulcerated mouth and fear of choking can compromise the safety of swallowing and result in the consumption of a diet restricted in variety, texture and nutritional content Altered nutritional and metabolic response due to the presence of the tumour can result in symptoms such as anorexia, loss of appetite, early satiety and marked weight loss associated with muscle wasting and increased production of acute phase protein Disturbance in energy balance with changes in resting energy expenditure, glucose uptake, mobilisation of fat and protein stores, and muscle protein release Anaerobic respiration with the production of lactic acid and subsequent build-up of ammonia released via the mouth Combined effect of the causes and consequences of malnutrition in this patient group, leading to risk of starvation for longer than 7–10 days and unintentional significant weight loss Patients who live alone or have no family can be less motivated and often find it more challenging to maintain adequate nutrition Increased risk of infection due to decreased muscle, respiratory, gut and immune functions Nutritional deterioration requiring feeding management with greater length and cost of hospital stay Increased lethargy and decreased ability to mobilise, work and socialise Difficulty with swallowing Cachexia Changes in body composition Halitosis High risk of refeeding syndrome Limited support network Impaired wound healing Higher risk of hospital admission Poor functional status and quality of life Increased morbidity and mortality Poor nutritional status at presentation combined with malnutrition and its associated consequences, limiting the options and choice of cancer therapy due to tolerance and therefore contributing towards poorer tumour control and survival Table 7.15.4 Effects of surgery and nutritional consequences (source: Talwar 2010. Reproduced with permission of Wiley-Blackwell Publishing) Effects of surgery Nutritional consequences Loss of taste Surgery to the tongue, salivary glands or olfactory nerve negatively influence taste acuity, leading to reduced appetite and gustation Loss of nasal airflow via the olfactory receptors in the nasal cavity leading to reduced enjoyment of meal times and social interaction Partial or total inability to masticate due to loss of bony supporting structure (mandible), exacerbated by dental extraction, misalignment of the jaw and trismus, leading to the requirement for texture modification, increased effort and reduced enjoyment of food, and social isolation Reduced pressure to move the bolus into the pharynx occurs due to surgery or nerve damage, and can be embarrassing and isolating, causing anxiety and depression Prolonged meal times with risk of avoiding food and fluid, leading to inadequate diet, dehydration, constipation and weight loss Due to reconstruction or gastric transposition (pharyngolaryngo-oesophagectomy) requiring small frequent meals, remaining upright for 1 hour post meal, and lying down with the head elevated Functional impairment of the soft palate or motor activity of the graft can be embarrassing and distressing, and require to be maintained whilst eating and drinking Causes nausea, bloating, abdominal cramps and explosive diarrhoea; fear of food and eating is common and changes in eating habits are required due to prolonged meal times and early satiety Loss of smell Difficulty chewing Drooling and pocketing of food and fluid Reduced peristalsis Oral regurgitation Nasal regurgitation Dumping syndrome (pharyngolaryngooesophagectomy) Poor wound healing Fistulae Risk of wound infection Nerve injury Aspiration Chylous fistulae Strictures and stenosis Patient comorbidity factors Examples include flap failure, dehiscence at anastomosis, necrosis and infection. Contributing factors include previous radiotherapy, malnutrition and increased nutritional requirements, necessitating assessment for vitamin and mineral supplementation Occur in the oral cavity, pharynx or larynx, caused by previous radiotherapy and affect tissue healing and swallowing, requiring alternative feeding At wound site or chest with extensive or revision surgery and lengthy operations when entering into or resecting part of the upper aerodigestive tract, increasing nutritional requirements Damage to the trigeminal, facial, glossopharyngeal, vagus, accessory, hyoglossal and recurrent laryngeal nerves affect swallowing coordination, chewing and taste, increasing the risk of aspiration and fatigue during meals, as well as facial disfigurement Can be a silent or reactive cough with food or fluid entering the lungs, requiring the patient to be nil by mouth and needing alternative feeding Tumour invasion or surgical trauma of the thoracic duct with <500 mL/day lymphatic drainage, requiring conservative management or >600 mL/day over a prolonged period and suggesting surgical repair Complete or partial obstruction of the food bolus, requiring dilatation with texture modification, and smaller size food bolus with plenty of fluid and multiple swallows Diabetes, renal impairment, malnutrition, previous surgery or radiotherapy, anaesthetics for procedure and duration of the surgery Table 7.15.5 Side effects of radiotherapy and nutritional consequences (source: Talwar 2010. Reproduced with permission of WileyBlackwell Publishing) Side effect Nutritional consequences Taste changes Diminished, distorted, abnormal and/or loss of taste (described as cardboard, metallic or sandpaper) leading to food aversion and reduced intake Oral mucosal reaction that can result in pain, infection or retching Requires good oral hygiene, artificial saliva and food texture modification Pre-existing or post treatment with tissue damage impairing wound healing Reduced range of lingual motion and strength, impaired bolus formation and transport through the oral cavity, prolonged transit time and increased residue occur in floor of mouth resections, causing difficulty with chewing, taste changes and fatigue during meals Impaired tongue base movement, delayed trigger of the swallow, reduced pharyngeal contraction, reduced laryngeal function, reduced opening of the oesophageal sphincter, resulting in impaired bolus clearance and aspiration Silent or reactive coughing on food and fluid associated with fear of eating; can be due to lethargy, weakness and reduced alertness secondary to malnutrition Restricted ability to open the mouth, which can be due to pre-existing tumour obstruction, radiation induced or reduced mastication over a prolonged period Mandible incapable of healing itself or fighting infection due to poor blood supply, resulting in reduced ability to masticate and limited mouth opening Permanent tissue damage increasing risk of poor wound healing Apathy and severe tiredness limiting physical function, as well as motivation with swallowing increasing time and effort at meals with an overall reduced nutrient intake Due to poor oral hygiene or exacerbated in the presence of xerostomia as food and fluid stick to the teeth, there is no flushing effect from saliva and the teeth rapidly decay Decreased salivary flow resulting in altered colonisation of the oropharynx, impaired bolus preparation due to lack of saliva and increased thickness of sputum Mucositis Xerostomia Dysphagia Swallowing impairment of oral phase Swallowing impairment of pharyngeal phase Aspiration Trismus Osteoradionecrosis Impaired wound healing Fatigue Dental caries Dehydration Table 7.15.6 Side effects of chemotherapy and nutritional consequences (source: Talwar 2010. Reproduced with permission of Wiley-Blackwell Publishing) Side effect Nutritional consequences Severe mucositis Although radiation induced, this can be exacerbated by the systemic effects of the drug and can impair wound healing Systemic or anticipatory; triggered by taste, smell and anxiety Reduced appetite accompanied by reduced intake Diminished, distorted, abnormal and/or loss of taste (described as cardboard, metallic or sandpaper), leading to food aversion and reduced intake Risk of dehydration and distressing to the patient Sore mouth significantly affecting food intake Renal impairment can lead to nausea and loss of appetite Can lead to increased energy expenditure and micronutrient deficiency Nausea and vomiting Anorexia Taste and smell alterations Diarrhoea Stomatitis Nephrotoxicity/ ototoxicity Metabolic abnormalities Table 7.15.7 Consequences of malnutrition and dehydration in head and neck cancer patients Consequences of malnutrition Consequences of dehydration Swallowing impairment and increased risk of aspiration due to lethargy, weakness and reduced alertness Reduced strength of the cough and mechanical clearance in the lungs Impaired wound healing and increased risk of infection due to decreased muscle, respiratory, gut and immune functions Higher risk of admission to hospital and greater length and cost of hospital stay Poor functional status and quality of life due to lethargy and decreased ability to mobilise, work and socialise Increased morbidity and mortality Decreased salivary flow resulting in altered colonisation of the oropharynx Impaired bolus preparation due to lack of saliva and increased thickness of sputum Increased risk of aspiration due to lethargy and mental confusion Table 7.15.8 Professional consensus statement of dietetic advice post oesophageal stent placement (British Dietetic Association’s Oncology Group, 2008) Fluids Food Caution with certain foods Nutrition support Fluids only for 24 hours post insertion of stent. Local policy needs to be agreed, as many areas extend this to 48 hours Role of fluid thereafter is to wash away debris. There is no evidence base to support the advice to use fizzy fluids. Fizzy fluids may cause problems if acid reflux is experienced. A stent positioned at the distal end of the oesophagus may result in reflux Advise frequent consumption of any type of fluid after consuming food Education will depend on extent of tumour, ability to chew, continuing dysphagia and position/posture of patient Gradual introduction of small amounts of liquid/soft foods may be required Importance of chewing well needs to be emphasised Dietitians should be aware of any limitations on food intake. Literature provided should reflect individual need for texture modification. Patients should be advised to chew all food well, to sit upright, not to rush eating and to drink plenty of fluids. They should also be aware of foods that are most likely to cause a problem. Controversy remains about the use of a standard list of foods to avoid, but observational reports point to risk from: • Bread and toast • Egg • Fish with bones • Stringy, pithy fruit • Stringy/hard raw vegetables • Chips Required by the majority of patients to some extent Table 7.15.9 Influence of dietary components on prostate cancer risk [source: WCRF/AICR Report 2007. Reproduced with permission of the World Cancer Research Fund International (] Strength of evidence Decreases risk Increases risk Convincing Probable Nil Foods containing lycopene Foods containing selenium Selenium supplements Pulses (legumes) Foods containing vitamin E Alpha-tocopherol Nil Calcium Limited (suggestive) Milk and dairy products Limited – no conclusion Alpha-tocopherol, cereals (grains) and their products; dietary fibre; potatoes; non-starchy vegetables; fruit; meats; poultry; eggs; total fat; plant oils; sugar (sucrose); sugary foods and drinks; coffee; tea; alcohol; carbohydrate; protein; vitamin A; retinol; thiamine; riboflavin; niacin; vitamin C; vitamin D; delta-tocopherol; vitamin supplements; multivitamins; iron; phosphorus; zinc; other carotenoids; physical activity; energy expenditure; vegetarian diets; Seventh Day Adventist diets; body fatness; abdominal fatness; birth weight; energy intake Table 7.15.10 Effect of hormone therapy on lipid profile (Fillippatos et al., 2008) Hormone therapy type Total cholesterol Low density lipoprotein High density lipoprotein Triglyceride Oestrogen Anti-androgen Lutein hormone releasing hormone analogues ↓ ↓ ↑ ↓ ↓ Unchanged ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ Not available Table 7.15.11 Mineral and electrolyte changes with drugs commonly used in stem cell transplantation Drug Therapeutic use Biochemical side effect Ciclosporin Immunosuppression Hyperkalaemia, hypomagnesaemia Tacrolimus Amphotericin Ambisome Foscarnet Antifungal Antiviral Hyperkalaemia, hypokalaemia Hypokalaemia, hypomagnesaemia Hypocalcaemia, other electrolyte disturbances Table 7.15.12 Dietary restrictions according to neutrophil count (Leukaemia and Lymphoma Research, 2012) Neutrophil count Foods to restrict <2.0 × 109 Mould ripened or blue veined cheeses Unpasteurised dairy products Raw or lightly cooked shellfish Raw or undercooked meat, poultry or fish Raw or undercooked eggs Probiotic products Fresh pâté Raw or unpeeled fruit, dried fruit, vegetables and salad Unpasteurised fruit or vegetable juices or smoothies Water or ice from wells, coolers or bottled water Ice cream from ice cream vans Fresh nuts Uncooked herbs, spices and pepper Unpasteurised honey Unnecessarily large packets of food items < 0.5 × 109 Table 7.15.13 Examples of drugs used in the management of cancer cachexia Drug Actions Disadvantages Further reading Megestrol acetate A synthetic progestogen, which stimulates appetite; mechanisms not fully known but may induce neuropeptide Y and suppress proinflammatory cytokines Improve appetite/ oral intake Increases resting energy expenditure Increases risk of thromboembolic events Suppresses testosterone production in men No improvements have been shown in physical function, fatigue or lean body mass Berenstein & Ortiz (2005) Loprinzi et al. (1999) Mantovanu et al. (2009) Corticosteroids (glucocorticoids) Cannabinoids Thalidomide Stimulate appetite Maintains lean body mass through affecting proinflammatory cytokines Can exacerbate cachexia due to myopathy, insulin resistance and infections Lower gastrointestinal motility, which undermines the effect on appetite stimulation No quality of life improvement No quality of life or survival benefit Jatoi et al. (2002) Sarhill et al. (2003) Strasser et al. (2006) Khan et al. (2003) Gordon et al. (2005)