October 12, 2014 11:00 a.m. 28
October 12, 2014 11:00 a.m. 28
Committed to serving Jesus Christ October 12, 2014 Caring about each other and the needs of a broken world 11:00 a.m. 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time Community exploring faith, joyfully sustained by the love of God WORSHIP NOTES - Please silence all cell phones, pagers, and other devices. - Hearing assistance devices and pew cushions are available at the back of the sanctuary. For more information on these items please see a greeter in the narthex. - Bold italicized words are to be said by the congregation. Asterisk indicates please stand if able. - Unless indicated, Bible readings are from the New Revised Standard Version. - Hymnal inserts are found in the front of the hymnals. Please return after use. - An audio file of sermons can be obtained at our church website: www.capitolhillpreschurch.org. PODCASTS are available on ITUNES - Capitol Hill Sermons”. Scan bulletin to your mobile device: Capitol Hill Presbyterian Church Washington, DC GATHERING Our worship begins with the lighting of the chancel candles and the Prelude. Please respect our shared need for silence during this time. PRELUDE Prière de Notre Dame L. Boëllmann WELCOME HYMN OF CALLING #278 “Our God, to Whom We Turn PRAYER OF GRACE, RECONCILIATION, AND ASSURANCE In Unison Spirit of Wisdom, in whose presence is peace, inspire us in this moment, that we may turn our minds from cleverness to kindliness; inhabit our hearts that we may embrace mercy; inflame our spirits with the love of peace, so that wise in mind and heart and spirit, we may sow the seeds of peace and reap a harvest of justice. (A time of silent prayer will begin and end with a bell tone) *RESPONSE please join in singing two times: *PASSING THE PEACE OF CHRIST SHARING IN THE COMMUNITY OF FAITH SILENT PREPARATION (beginning and ending with a bell tone) PROCLAIMING PROCLAMATION OF MUSIC It Is Good to Give Thanks to You, Lord (Psalm 106) J.L. Bell It is good to give thanks to you, Lord, to remember all you have done; Then you will remember our praises when you look on your people with love, Refrain Oh give thanks to the Lord, for God’s love endures forever; oh give thanks to the Lord, for the Lord alone is good. Our sin is the sin of our forebears: we have wronged you and have done evil, Like those who once lived under bondage, paid no heed unto all you had done. O God, save us now in your mercy; bring us back from all that offends you. Lord, look not alone at our evil, but remember compassion and love. Now blest be the Lord, God of Israel. Blest be God both now and forever. Let nations and people cry, Amen! Praise the Lord, hallelujah, Amen! PRAYER FOR ILLUMINATION SCRIPTURE READING Matthew 22:1-14 For the Word of God in scripture, for the Word of God in Creation, for the Word of God within us. Thanks be to God! NT, p.23 SERMON RESPONDING SHARING OF JOYS AND CONCERNS/PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE After each joy/concern is voiced, let us pray for it together, saying: Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. or Lord, for your goodness, we give you thanks. (Silent Prayer) THE LORD’S PRAYER In Unison Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen. *HYMN OF THANKS “We Give Thee but Thine Own” #428 GIVING OF OURSELVES AND RESOURCES LEADER: God has abundantly blessed us and called us to be a community of generosity that blesses others through the sharing of our love, our talents, and our material possessions. In Unison: Let us rejoice now in what we have been given and in what is ours to give as we bring our offerings. Music Meditation Andante cantabile from Sonata in A minor K 310 W.A. Mozart *Response *PRAYER OF THANKSGIVING AND DEDICATION In Unison Holy One, receive our offerings as you receive our lives. Enliven us with your breath that our lives might show forth your glory, for we pray in the Spirit of Christ. Amen. SENDING *HYMN OF COMMITMENT “Christ of the Upward Way” #344 *CHARGE *BENEDICTION POSTLUDE Please join in singing. Fanfare J.N. Lemmens +We invite you to stay and listen to the postlude. Prayer of Grace, Reconciliation and Assurance: , Adapted - Reprinted by permission of the publisher from Touch Holiness ed. Ruth C. Duck and Maren C. Tirabassi © 1990 by Pilgrim Press. “Give Thanks” (Henry Smith, 1978 Integrity’s Hosanna! Music/ASCAP. All Rights Reserved. Used by Permission.) Used by permission CCLI License #2613107. ANNOUNCEMENTS CHOIR HAS RESUMED FOR THE FALL. The fall schedule includes: gathering from 9:00 to 9:30 a.m., then at 10:45 a.m. in the choir room to dress and warm up. Rehearsal following worship for the following Sunday’s music, from 12:30 1:30 p.m. Please contact our Music Director Caitriona McEniry-Roschke (music@capitolhillpreschurch.org) if you would like to participate. A GIFT TO CHPC’S PEACE & GLOBAL WITNESS OFFERING enables the church to promote the Peace of Christ by addressing systems of injustice across the world. Individual congregations are encouraged to utilize up to 25% of this new Peace and Global Witness Offering (formerly the Peacemaking Offering) to sustain their local peacemaking ministries. The local portion of CHPC’s 2014 Peace & Global Witness Offering will be donated to Mary’s Center. Founded in 1988, Mary’s Center provides health care, family literacy and social services to individuals whose needs too often go unmet by public and private systems, using a holistic approach to help each participant access individualized services that set them on the path toward good health, stable families, and economic independence. In recent months, Mary’s Center has received more than 500 children from Central America at its four locations in DC and Maryland. Because of the traumatic experience they’ve been exposed to, these children are in urgent need of medical, legal, counseling and mental health services. As a newly arrived population, these children lack health insurance and access to other services, but Mary’s Center has made services available to the children and their families despite the financial burden created by this situation. Learn more about the wonderful work done at Mary’s Center at www.maryscenter.org/ where you can also watch a PBS Newshour segment on the center’s work with unaccompanied minors by going to News & Events: Mary’s Center in the News. We collect the Peace and Global Witness Offering October 5-19. THE CHPC SECOND SUNDAY SUPPER GROUP is an informal gathering for young adults (20-40 year age group) which offers a chance to share in conversation and a meal. Children and visitors are more than welcome, as this is a great opportunity to meet new people as well as to reconnect with familiar faces. The October Second Sunday Supper event will be held today, October 12th from 5:30-7:30 p.m. Contact Missy Boyette (missyboyette@gmail.com) for event information if you did not yet receive an evite. Also, please let Missy know if you are able to host a future event. INQUIRERS SUNDAY - FOR ANYONE INTERESTED IN LEARNING MORE ABOUT PARTICIPATING IN THE LIFE OF CHPC OR BECOMING A MEMBER. This Sunday and every 2nd Sunday of each month, Pastor Walton and representatives from The CHPC Session will be available following worship in the church Library to answer questions, share information and have discussion about involvement and possible membership at CHPC. SESSION MEETS on Thursday, October 16th at 7:30 p.m. FRIDAY NIGHT OUT We will be having Friday Night Out this month on October 17th, 7:30 p.m., at Carolina Kitchen in Rhode Island Row (at the Rhode Island metro stop). Friday Night Out is a monthly meal shared with others in the CHPC community, held at a local restaurant the third Friday of each month at 7:30 pm. Please sign up to participate using a form on the welcome table, or contact Mary Beth Weaver by email (hi_marybeth@hotmail.com). It is located at 2350 Washington Pl NE Washington DC 20018. It is right off the Rhode Island Metro stop (on the Red Line), and employes our own Luis Booker! It offers an array of Southern food choices! Please see thecarolinakitchen.com for more information. SATURDAY MORNING MINDFULNESS CHPC and the Kagyu DC Tibetan Community on Capitol Hill are co-sponsoring a time of mindfulness instruction and practice each Saturday from 10:30 a.m. - 12:00 noon in the chapel / annex. Contact Pastor Walton for more information. OCTOBER BIRTHDAYS Maryann Stampfli: 3, Robert Haywood: 12, Emilie Sommer: 13, Beth Hannold: 16, Nick Stampfli: 17, Lisa Smith: 18, Joe Boyette: 19, Shirley Brown: 24, Marisa Scalera: 30. TODAY’S VOLUNTEER STAFF LITURGISTS .............................................................................................................. Lee Cliburn GREETERS .............................. Paul Dunn, Adrianne Marsh, Bryant Ingram, and Claudia Nadig OFFERING .................................................................................. Rebecca Mann and Joe Boyette COFFEE HOUR ........................................................................... Bryant Ingram and Brian Testa THIS WEEK @ CHPC Sunday 10-12 Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 10-16 10-17 10-18 10-19 Worship Coffee Hour Inquirer’s Sunday Choir Rehearsal Second Sunday Supper Group Session Meeting Friday Night Out Saturday Morning Mindfulness Choir Rehearsal Church School Worship Coffee Hour Burrito Sunday Choir Rehearsal 11:00 a.m. 12:15 p.m. following worship 12:30 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 10:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 12:15 p.m. following worship 12:30 p.m. THIS WEEK @ The Washington Seminar Center 10-10 to 10-12 10-18 to 10-25 Friends of St. Vincent’s University of Notre Dame DC IN 14 participants 28 participants strategic planning educational visit PRAYER CONCERNS Prayer Concerns: Earlene Thompson (sister of Brenda Dunlap), Dudley Brown, John Farr (Peg and Andy Walton's brother-inlaw), Adrian Birney and his family, Billy Gormley, Bucky Holmes, Charlotte Heiligenstein and family (friends of Claudia Nadig), Jeanie Mamo (friend of Chris Smith), Anne Nickel, Shirley Pecore, Christy Birdsong, Sue Van Slyke, Jack Carter (Brenda Carter's brother), Vicki Glass, Suzanne and family (friend of Diane Shages), Joni Bell, Rowena Nadig (mother of Claudia Nadig), Ken Hammond (brother of Liz Hammond), Dot and Joe Levy (Dave Levy's parents), Sue Scott (friend and colleague of Diane Shages), Terry Lewis of Washington City Church of the Brethren, Shirley Brown, Jorge Garcez-Rocha (Chantal Dalton's husband), Chantal Dalton, Dariana Verdi, Bill Wheeler (Alyson's friend), Barbara Whitford (former member of CHPC), Milton Bell, Tom Walton (Andy Walton's brother). WELCOME! We’re glad you are worshiping with us this morning. Please take a moment to leave some information on the attendance register (small black folder) at the end of each pew. There are also nametags available in the pew racks. We invite you to join us for Coffee Hour immediately following worship, for fellowship and refreshments in Fellowship Hall, which is located on the entry level of the building. As an urban congregation we are blessed by the opportunity to worship with and minister to people from all walks of life. Our congregation meets the immediate needs of people who are homeless through several ministries supported by your offering dollars. If you are approached by an individual worshiper for money, please direct them to the pastor for assistance. CHILDREN WELCOME IN WORSHIP Parents are encouraged to bring children to worship. We have an enclosed worship room available in the balcony for parents to stay with your children during worship. Childcare for infants through pre-school is available in the Nursery (on the entry level) from 9:45 a.m. until 12:15 p.m. You can use the Nursery for the entire time, or you are encouraged to bring your children with you to worship at the beginning of the service for the Time with the Younger Church, and then take them down to the Nursery to be picked up following the service. Children’s Activity bags are available in the narthex. CURRENT ELDERS OF SESSION (noting the chair of each ministry) Class of 2015 Emily Counts (Finance) Hannah Ford (Education) Bucky Holmes (Clerk of Session) Mary Beth Weaver (Worship) Kathryn Wills (Hospitality) Class of 2016 Paul Dunn (Hospitality) Beth Hannold (Service) Barrett Karr (Stewardship) Diane La Voy (Personnel & Admin) Jonathan Sager (Facilities) THE CHURCH STAFF Pastor .................................................................................................................... Andrew Walton Parish Associates……………………………………Rev. Alice Ogden Bellis, Rev. Byron Buck Church Administrator ................................................................................................ Olivia James Facilities Manager ...............................................................................................Robert Haywood Washington Seminar Center Coordinator ................................................................. Doris Warrell Music Director ................................................................................... Caitriona McEniry-Roschke Child Care........................................................................ Christina Kostuk and Kathleen Harford 201 Fourth Street SE Washington, DC 20003 (202) 547-8676 TEL (202) 547-2182 FAX www.capitolhillpreschurch.org (church website) www.capitolhillpreschurch150.org (Grateful Hearts celebration)