XIMAHR - The HR Association of XIMB CASE-IN-POINT presents


XIMAHR - The HR Association of XIMB CASE-IN-POINT presents
XIMAHR - The HR Association of XIMB
XIMAHR, the HR Association of XIMB proudly presents Case-In-Point, a case-study competition for all the aspiring HR managers.
Case In Point is a National level Case Study competition organized by XIMAHR in which all the top B-schools of India participate.
The participants have to analyse the case which will be pertaining to certain issues in an organization bringing in new and not-so
obvious perspectives. The event is a test of one's analytical abilities, data interpretation skills, extrapolation skills and
conceptualization. The industry specific managers themselves judge the students and also interact with them for mutual learning and
Rules for the entries:
A team can have maximum two members
Each team can submit a maximum of 1 entry
The team members should be pursuing full-time two years MBA or its equivalent management courses.
Format of submission: Power Point Presentation (.ppt/.pptx)
The presentation should be maximum of 12 slides
First slide should contain the name of the team members, college name, team name
The teams have to clearly state the references in the final slide, if used any
The teams have to register in the link: http://ximbxpressions.com/case-in-point.html on or before 12th October 2014. Each
member is required to register for Xpressions, as the individual’s Xpressions Id is mandatory to register for Case In Point.
Entries should be mailed to ximahr@ximb.ac.in with the file name and subject name as
CIP_<INSTITUTENAME>_<TEAMNAME> on or before 22nd October 2014
Results of the Top 4 shortlisted teams will be declared on our official FB page- https://www.facebook.com/XIMAHR on 28th October 2014
The Top 4 shortlisted teams will be invited to the campus for the final rounds of Case-In-Point during Xpressions 2014.
Accommodation for out-station participants will be provided by us.
The decisions of the judges will be final and binding on all the participants.
Important Dates:
Last date for registration: 12th October 2014
Case study will be mailed on: 13th October 2014
Submission of entries: 22nd October 2014
Declaration of Shortlist Result: 28th October 2014
Final Round in campus: During Xpressions (7th to 9th November)
First Prize worth : Rs. 12,500/Second Prize worth: Rs 8,500/-
All campus finalists will be awarded certificates
Follow us at www.facebook.com/XIMAHR to get updates on the results.
In case of any queries, mail to ximahr@ximb.ac.in or contact Ewin Varghese (+91-7538095179)