Us ! You “


Us ! You “
“It Begins With Me…You…Us!”
Friday, October 17th: EARLY RELEASE DAY
Students will be dismissed at 11:45 am
ALL 8th graders need to participate in this extended learning experience and we invite parents to participate as
chaperones. 260 students have already registered for the trip – 55 students still need to register!
Review the packet of information that was distributed in August 2014 and respond accordingly.
Please contact Christopher, Linda, Leonard, Edmon, 8th grade Assistant Principal or Wanza, Principal regarding your child's participation.
Thank you in advance for your continued support of learning and teaching!
In preparation for the upcoming assessments in October and November, continue to encourage your child in their
school work and studies. If your child is having difficulty in a certain area the West Cary teachers are available for
tutoring on Wednesdays after school or ZAP Time each day. There are several standardized tests that will occur
during the month of October. Each of these tests will be utilized for instruction and intervention as we partner
together with you in ensuring your child’s growth and success. Please add the following testing dates on your
October 15th – PSAT* – 8th Grade Students who have completed CC Math I ONLY
October 16th & 17th – ACT EXPLORE** – All 8th Graders
October 15th – Math 8 CASE Benchmark Assessment
October 16th – Math 7/7+ CASE Benchmark Assessment
October 21st – Math 6/6+ & CC Math I CASE Benchmark Assessment
October 23rd – ALL GRADES: Language Arts CASE Benchmark Assessment
October 27th – Science 8: CASE Benchmark Assessment & Science 6/7: Benchmark Assessment
November 4th – ALL GRADES: Social Studies Benchmark Assessment
The night before an assessment, ensure your child gets plenty of rest. In the morning, make sure your child eats a
healthy breakfast. Please try to avoid being tardy or absent on the day of assessments.
*PSAT - The PSAT/NMSQT (Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test) assesses the critical reading,
mathematics, and writing skills students need for college and beyond. The PSAT/NMSQT results help students prepare for the
SAT, determine Advanced Placement courses, and connect students with colleges and scholarship programs. 8th grade
students who have completed CC Math I are eligible to participate in the PSAT.
**ACT/EXPLORE – Participating in the ACT EXPLORE as an 8th grader informs you things students need to know to plan
their high school courses, prepare for the ACT Test, think about college, or choose a career direction. ACT/Explore includes
four multiple-choice tests: English, Math, Reading, and Science. Individual skills in these subjects will make a big difference—
in school and, eventually, in a career. The ACT/Explore Score Report will help identify individual strengths and areas where
which need improvement.
Saturday, November 1, 2014
Southeast Raleigh Magnet High School
9:00 a.m. – 12 noon
Visit with representatives from each K-12 Magnet and Early College School
Expand your knowledge of educational options within Wake County Public Schools
For More Information Visit: or call 919-431-7355
Tuesday, October 7th, West Cary will begin a “Treatment Plan” that will help to ensure ALL students meet or
exceed expected growth on Quarterly CASE Benchmarks and End of Grade Assessments. We all know that if
we had “just a little more time” to do things, we could all achieve the goals that we set for ourselves each day,
month, or year. With that mind-set, West Cary is utilizing some “creative scheduling” throughout the school year in
order to achieve the Common Core Objectives and NC Essential Standards for Math and Language Arts. While this
approach does require a change in West Cary’s class schedule, we are sure that this change will benefit ALL
students in achieving growth for this school year. The “Double Dose” Class Schedule is similar to the 2-Hour Delay
Class Schedule which is printed in the Student Agenda and also available on the West Cary website.
The “Treatment Plan” will extend time at the beginning of each day on Tuesdays and Thursdays in math and/or
language arts. Students will receive additional instructional time with their math and/or language arts teachers with
additional support from West Cary Instructional Leaders. The math and language arts teachers are developing
focus lessons for the “Double Dose” Time that will intentionally focus on the areas that either groups or individuals
are having difficulty mastering. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, students will remain “on team” to receive the “double
dose” instruction from either their math and language arts teachers. After the “Double Dose” Time, students will
attend all their classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays within a shortened period of time.
Thank you to the team leaders for their collaboration and PLT time for creating their grade level learning teams for
Tuesday and Thursday. Interdisciplinary teaming is at the forefront of student academic excellence and WCMS will
ensure that all students receive all additional support from other specialists that they work with on the Monday,
Wednesday, and Friday schedule. All teacher leaders are involved in this process.
Following will be the class schedule for Tuesdays and Thursdays (beginning Tuesday, October 7th) while the
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday class schedule will remain the same:
Math/Language Arts
1st Period
3rd Period
4th Period
6th Grade
7th Grade
8th Grade
7:30 am – 9:00 am
7:30 am – 9:00 am
7:30 am – 9:00 am
9:05 am – 9:45 am
9:50 am – 10:30 am
9:05 am – 9:45 am
9:50 am – 10:30 am
9:05 am – 9:45 am
9:50 am – 10:30 am
10:35 am – 11:15 am
10:35 am – 11:00 am
11:05 am – 11:45 am
10:35 am – 11:15 am
11:20 am – 11:45 am
5th Period
11:50 am – 12:35 pm
11:50 am – 12:35 pm
6th Period
7th Period
12:40 pm - 1:25 pm
1:30 pm – 2:15 pm
12:40 pm – 1:25 pm
1:30 pm – 2:15 pm
11:20 am – 12:05 pm
12:10 pm – 12:35 pm
12:40 – 1:25 pm
1:30 pm – 2:15 pm
EVERY WEDNESDAY – Began 9.24.2014
2:15 pm to 5:00 pm
Tutoring sessions will include specific targeted Math and Language Arts objectives and essential
standards. Teachers will either communicate the tutoring topics through class letters sent home, email
updates, or telephone contact.
Students who have an average grade lower than 70% in Math and/or Language Arts will be required to
attend tutoring to receive additional support in obtaining growth standards as measured by quarterly CASE
Benchmark Standards and End of Grade Testing.
Additional students who are not required to attend Math and/or Language Arts tutoring may receive support
in the areas of Science and/or Social Studies.
Tutoring begins immediately following dismissal and concludes at 5:00 pm. Students do not need to stay the entire
time. Parents-when you arrive on campus to pick up your child from tutoring, please report to the main office and
the office staff will call to have your child released from tutoring. The WCPSS Activity Bus is also available for
transportation after tutoring. The Activity Bus leaves campus at 5:00 pm.
2014-2015 STUDENT AGENDAS - $5.00 EACH
Purchase your 2014-2015 Student Agendas in the Main Office. Additional copies of the student agendas have been
ordered and should arrive this week. Limited quantities available so don’t delay. Student Agendas are an important
tool in being organized which leads to student success.
The West Cary Math Club meets on Thursdays from 2:30 - 3:30 pm in the Media Center. The Math Club is open to
students in all grade levels, and new students are welcome to attend at any time. The Math Club is designed for
students interested in math and problem solving, and members will participate in MathCounts and Math Olympiad
competitions as well as in National Math Club activities. Students who are attending the meeting will need a ride to
pick them up promptly at 3:30 by the main office. Detailed information is available from the Math Club section of
Mr. Slechta's Blackboard site.
Please contact Mr. Slechta ( or Mrs. Maynard ( for more information.
The West Cary String Orchestra will be performing as part of the Western Wake Orchestra Festival on Thursday,
October 16 at 7 PM in the auditorium at Green Hope High School. In addition to West Cary, the festival includes
performances by the following orchestras: Davis Drive Middle School, Dillard Drive Middle School, Cary High
School, Green Hope High School, Apex High School, and Athens Drive High School. The concert is free and open
to the public, so please come and support the Western Wake orchestras. If you have questions, please contact Mr.
Slechta (
For String Orchestra families (Mr. Slechta's Period 1 class): Please remember that students need to arrive
at Green Hope on Thursday at 6 PM for tuning and to practice the combined grand finale. Students are
wearing their regular formal concert attire (white shirts, black below the waist, and ties for the young men).
There are some exciting sessions being offered for parents during the WCPSS Parent Academies sponsored by the
Wake County AIG Program. Parents please take note of these and attend if you are interested.
Social and Emotional Needs of Gifted Children: While individual differences (and exceptions to the rule) abound,
there are strong tendencies among gifted students regarding their social and emotional development that can
inform parents and teachers, to help them understand their children and students. Awareness of these
characteristics can turn the "rough seas" of interactions in school and in the home into "smooth sailing" for everyone
involved.). Sessions offered:
Tuesday, October 28, 2014 from 6:30pm-8:00pm at Athens Drive HS
Wednesday, October 29, 2014 from 6:30-8:00pm at Reedy Creek MS
Thursday, October 30, 2014 from 6:30-8:00 pm at Millbrook HS
Visit the following web link for additional information:
2:30 pm to 3:30 pm
Media Center
The West Cary Chapter of the National Junior Honor Society is an extra-curricular club that is open to students that
earn and maintain high grades. It is our goal to encourage students to become responsible citizens of their
community, participate in volunteer opportunities, support their school and community, and develop leadership skills
through membership in the National Junior Honor Society.
Seventh and eighth grade students that qualify as candidates to become members of NJHS were given letters and
forms to fill out this week. Reminder that the due date for those forms is September 30th, and can be turned
in to Mrs. Taylor in Student Services. Any 7th or 8th grader that was not here last year that believes they qualify
with an end of year GPA of 3.65 from last year and did not receive a letter please come by Student Services to see
Mrs. Taylor. Please bring a copy of your report card from last year if you have one.
Remember to take the teacher recommendation forms to four of your teachers to give them time to fill them out and
return to Mrs. Taylor.
Sixth graders are not eligible at this time to become members of NJHS. Sixth graders that demonstrate a
GPA of 3.65 by the end of first semester will be invited to participate and become members during second
semester this year.
Please contact Mrs. Taylor at for additional information or if you have questions.
Buy your advance gate tickets to the NC State Fair and earn money for West Cary! West Cary gets $2.00 back for
every adult advance ticket, and $1.00 back for every child advance ticket. You will need to enter our school code 604.
Let your neighbors, relatives and friends know about this great opportunity!
Once the fair begins, the price goes up and no money comes back to our school.
Demonstrate your commitment to a healthy, drug-free lifestyle by creating a poster with the theme “i-TuneOut
Drugs” during Red Ribbon week October 23-31. Red Ribbons are worn during the week each year to remind us of
the importance of a drug-free life-style and to show those needing support we are there for them. The Town of
Cary’s Police and Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resources Departments coordinate this event as an opportunity
to unify the Cary community through a visible commitment to empower youth to stay away from drugs. The top 5
representatives from each school will be notified and will be invited to attend a celebration November 5th.
Acknowledgement and prizes will be given, as well as a reception will follow.
The contest is open to Town of Cary’s 6th, 7th, & 8th grade students from Davis Drive, Reedy Creek, West Cary,
East Cary, West Lake and Mills Park Middle Schools
1st Place Winner -$100.00 gift card
2ndPlace Winner -$75.00 gift card
3rd Place Winner -$50.00 gift card
Overall winner will receive an additional $100 gift card
If you have any questions regarding the Red Ribbon Poster Contest, please contact School Resource Officer
Bernhardt or the Herbert C. Young Community Center (919) 460-4965. Visit the West Cary website to
download complete contest guidelines and application.
“Connecting parents, students, teachers and the community”
Thank you to those who have ordered T-shirts. We are still placing orders so what are you waiting for? This new
and innovative design is buzzing all around campus. Order forms are available in the main office. Make checks
payable to WCMS PTSA and be sure to indicate your size and your preference for a short sleeve ($15) or
long sleeve ($20) shirt.
Have you sent in your Box Tops? Do you have more to send in?
When you send your Box Tops into school, please be sure to identify which homeroom your child is in so that
homeroom will get the credit. The homeroom with the highest number of Box Tops at each deadline will receive an
ice cream party! The first deadline is Monday, October 20th.
Follow PTSA on Twitter: @WCMSPTSA
FaceBook: West Cary Middle School PTSA
Monday, October 13
NJHS Meeting – 2:30 pm to 3:30 pm – Media Center
Tuesday, October 14
Fall Sports Picture Day – 2:30 pm to 3:30 pm
Battle of the Books Meeting – 2:30 pm to 3:30 pm – Media Center
Wednesday, October 15
PSAT Testing – 7:30 am – 8th Grade CC Math II & III Students ONLY
CASE Benchmark: Math 8
Extended Learning Time – After School Tutoring
2:15 pm – 5:00 pm – ALL GRADES
Football Game @ Mills Park – 4:00 pm
Thursday, October 16
CASE Benchmark: Math 7/7+
Explore ACT – 3rd Period – 8th GRADE ONLY
Math Club Meeting – 2:30 pm to 3:30 pm – Media Center
Girls’ Volleyball & Soccer Game vs Mills Park @ HOME – 4:00 pm
Friday, October 17
Explore ACT Testing – 7:30 am – 8th GRADE ONLY
Early Release Day – Students dismissed at 11:45 am
Wanza Cole, Principal