Michigan Assessors Association COURSE REGISTRATION
Michigan Assessors Association COURSE REGISTRATION
Michigan Assessors Association 69th Annual Education Program Fall Session October 6 – 10, 2014, Shanty Creek, Bellaire (All fields are required to be completed) COURSE REGISTRATION Registration is now available on-line at www.maa-usa.org Name: _________________________________________________________ STC Cert #: _________________ Title: _________________________________________________________ Cert. Level: __________________ Organization: _______________________________________________________________________________ Email Address: _____________________________________________ Membership Status: Address: __________________________________________________ (will be verified) Member Non-Member City: ________________________________________ State: _________________ Zip: __________________ Work Phone: (_______) _______________________ Home Phone: (_______) _________________________ Oct 6 - 10, 2014 Monday – Friday (5 day courses) SCBINC Basic Income (MAAO/3) SCCIND Commercial/Industrial (MAAO/3) SCPA Principles of Appraising (MAAO/3) Check box to apply STC Test Fee Member/Non-Member Fee STC Exam Fee STC Exam Fee STC Exam Fee Oct 6 - 8, 2014 Monday – Wednesday (3 day courses) SCMCAT Michigan Cert. Assessing Technician (MCAT) SCPRE Transfer of Ownership & PRE’s STC Exam Fee $300.00/$425.00 ____________ $300.00/$425.00 ____________ $300.00/$425.00 ____________ $150.00/$275.00 ____________ ~ not a tested class $150.00/$275.00 ____________ ~ not a tested class $60.00/$180.00 ____________ Oct 7, 2014 Tuesday (1 day course) SCMAMV Mich. Apt. Markets & Valuation Issues Oct 8 - 10, 2014 Wednesday – Friday (3 day courses) SCGCE Golf Course Evaluation SCGIS Using GIS in Assessing SCNET Equalizer Assessing-Leverage Your .NET SCLTW Leadership in Today’s World $25.00 Lab Fee $175.00/$300.00 ____________ ~ not a tested class $150.00/$275.00 ____________ ~ not a tested class $150.00/$275.00 ____________ ~ not a tested class $150.00/$275.00 ____________ ~ not a tested class $60.00/$185.00 ____________ Oct 8, 2014 Wednesday (1 day course) SCAOA Analyzing Operating Expenses Course/Exam/Text Fees Exam Fee - Add $50.00 exam fee per tested course checked above. Failure to submit exam fee(s) will result in no exam being available at the course location. $50.00/exam $_______________ Text Fee - I prefer to have MAA print and deliver my course text to the school location on the first day of class. (add $15.00 per registered course) $15.00/course $ ______________ ~ Leave this box unchecked if you prefer to download your course text prior to class (at no additional cost). Instructions for downloading your course text will be sent to the above email address approximately two weeks before the course date. Late Fee - Add $75.00 for registrations postmarked after September 26, 2014.* * Registration is considered “late” if payment is not received by the registration deadline. $75.00 $ ______________ REGISTRATION GRAND TOTAL ENCLOSED $_______________ Mail Course Registration and payment to: Michigan Assessors Association, P O Box 499, Westphalia, MI 48894 Questions: call or email Evelyn Markowski: (517) 788-4345 x 8229 or emarkowski@blackmantwp.com COURSE DESCRIPTIONS MAAO Prerequisite Courses (Tested) Basic Income - Instructors: Pete Arbour and Scott Vandemergel Basic Income is an introductory course which explores the economic concepts in the Income Approach to Value. Students are exposed to the economic principles underlying the Income Approach. The process of estimating potential gross income, operating expense analysis and the development of net operating income are discussed. Sources of income and expense information for various property types and techniques for gathering this data are explored. Basic capitalization processes are identified with emphasis placed on rate development from direct capitalization methods. Recommended for MAAO Advanced Level Credit Approved for 16 hours of STC Assessor Continuing Education Credit/Limit 35 Students Commercial & Industrial Valuation of Property - Instructor: Michael Lohmeier The Commercial & Industrial Valuation of Property course is required to obtain Master Level (4) certification. Topics will include: 1) proper communication of real estate market activities, via an appraisal report, starting with the determination of the appraisal problem through the identification of the subject; 2) the development of the highest and best use of the subject; and, 3) arriving at a valuation conclusion utilizing each of the three approaches to value. Methods of interpreting abstracted information from the market participants and activities for each of the traditional approaches to value will be explored along with their possible sources. This course will include extensive calculations utilizing the HP 12C. Recommended for MAAO Advanced Level Credit Approved for 16 hours of STC Assessor Continuing Education Credit/Limit 35 Students Principles of Appraising - Instructors: Richard Steffens & Barbara McDermott This course is comprised of general assessment practices, value theory, trends and factor affecting value, land identification and valuation, the sales comparison approach, cost estimation and depreciation. The objectives of the course are to introduce students to the function of assessment administration in public policy; to gain a fundamental knowledge of property tax law in Michigan; and, to understand valuation concepts pertaining to real property and personal property appraisal and assessment. Recommended for MAAO Advanced Level Credit Approved for 16 hours of STC Assessing Continuing Education Credit/Limit 35 Students Michigan Certified Assessing Technician - Instructors: Robert Brandmier & Lynne Houston This course is intended to provide education in assessment administration for assessing personnel that are not required to certify an assessment roll. This course will provide an “overview of Assessment Administration” and will focus on matters such as Principal Residence Exemptions, Property Transfer Affidavits, the Board of Review process and requirements, as well as the clerical aspects of personal property. Other important topics will be a General Overview of Operations of an Assessing Office, Assessment Administration Terminology and a basic overview of Property Descriptions. This class is tested and provides limited certification and students must pass a written examination with a minimum score of 75%. MCAT certificate holders may not certify an assessment roll. Recommended for: Individuals who work in assessing but are not required to be certified Approved for 16 hours of STC Assessing Continuing Education Credit/Limit 35 Students Continuing Education Courses (Untested) Equalizer Assessing–Leverage Your .Net Program - Instructors: David Kirwin & Margaret Mittleman This course will explore the new features in .Net assessing such as GIS integration, APEX sketch integration, integration with other programs especially with tax data displaying in the assessing application. Assessing efficiencies from start to finish will be explored in the class utilizing the many new tools available in .Net. There will be a strong emphasis on the tools & reports available for efficient sales input; good neighborhood structure; accurate & uniform data input and .Net mapping capability. The class will be openly structured to allow user input and sharing of methods from the class participants. Recommended for all assessors Approved for 16 hours STC Assessor Continuing Education Credit Golf Course Evaluation - Instructors: Ed VanderVries This course is designed to assist the assessor with the evaluation of operating golf courses. Learn about slope, course yardage and degree of difficulty, recognize types of clubhouse facilities, i.e., type of food services and use/income related to golf carts. This course will include a field trip to a nearby golf course, in order to learn how to evaluate tees and greens for cost and market approaches. (Dress comfortably; bring your golf clubs and soft shoes.) A CALCULATOR IS NEEDED. Lab fee: $25.00 Recommended for all assessors Approved for 16 hours STC Assessor Continuing Education Credit Leadership in Today’s World - Instructor: Phillip Bertolini A course designed to build leadership skill amongst assessing officers. Whether a leader is born or made over time, they must be able to influence people to accomplish a goal. Assessors lead in many different ways as well as follow in many different ways. The effectiveness of their leadership can be the difference between failure and success. This course will identify the skills needed to become an effective leader. Recommended for all assessors Approved for 16 STC Assessor Continuing Education Credit Transfer of Ownership & PRE’s - Instructors: Heather Frick & Chris Mida – This class will focus on Principal Residence Exemption and Transfers of Ownership issues as it relates to the assessment process. The principal residence exemption (PRE) portion of the class is designed to familiarize assessors with the PRE statutes, specifically MCL 211.7cc. The course consists of lectures and exercises covering ownership, occupancy, conditional rescissions, Michigan Tax Tribunal preparation and other PRE related issues. A non-graded test will be presented and discussed to challenge each individual’s PRE knowledge. The Transfer of Ownership portion of the class will be an in-depth review of the statutory and constitutional framework surrounding the application of MCL.27a. The course will focus on understanding the different types of conveyances and which ones result in uncapping and which ones do not, the filing requirements for property transfer affidavits, and how to correct a delayed uncapping. This course will analyze examples to resolve conflict between transactions which are defined to be transfers of ownership and transactions which are defined as exceptions, where both provisions may arguable apply. Recommended for all assessors Approved for 16 hours of STC Assessor Continuing Education Credit Using GIS in Assessing - Instructor: Anthony Meyaard This course will look at different ways GIS (Geographic Information System) can aid in the Assessing function. The objective of this course is to introduce you to the ways GIS can help us become more accurate and efficient as Assessors by displaying data in a spatial format versus a tabular format. We will explore some GIS basics to familiarize you with industry standards and lingo, the difference between oblique and ortho aerial photography, geocoding and georeferencing information, and creating tax maps using GIS. We will then look into how GIS can help with ECF and Land Value determination and representation using real and current sales data. Instruction on BS&A’s new Assessing Net GIS capabilities will be offered, as well as how to obtain and use free GIS software. Recommended for all assessors Approved for 16 hours of STC Assessing Continuing Education Credit Michigan Apartment Markets and Valuation Issues - Instructor: David Rice This course is primarily for certified general appraisers and MAAO (3) and MMAO (4) assessors. A background in the application of the income approach and familiarity with the operation of a financial calculator (HP 12C or equivalent) is recommended. Types of apartments including building types, rent levels, qualitative characteristics (A, B and C) are reviewed. The state of the national apartment market including supply, median rents, vacancy levels and construction levels are illustrated. Valuation issues including deferred maintenance, atypical vacancy issues and functional obsolescence are explored. Valuation issues in the income approach including operating expense ratios, reserves for replacement and the development of capitalization rates are discussed. Niche properties including student housing and fractured properties (condominiums) are illustrated. A case study on an apartment property is discussed to demonstrate proper techniques. Recommended for MAAO and MMAO assessors Approved for 7 hours of STC Assessing Continuing Education Credit Analyzing Operating Expenses - Instructor: David Rice This course is primarily for general certified MAAO (3) and MMAO (4) assessors with a background in the development and application of the income approach. Participants should bring and be familiar with the operation of a financial calculator (HP 12C or equivalent recommended). This course will explore the analysis of operating expenses for various types of income producing properties including various apartments, offices, retail and industrial. Categories including fixed, variable and reserves for replacement will be discussed. Techniques for data gathering and units of comparison will be reviewed. Course will examine the use of national published data sources and methods to refine that data to local market conditions. Practical case studies will be used to demonstrate proper techniques. Recommended for MAAO and MMAO assessors Approved for 6 hours of STC Assessing Continuing Education Credit ACCOMODATION INFORMATION TAX EXEMPT STATUS REQUIREMENTS: In order to have room costs to be tax exempt, the hotels MUST have a copy of the “Certificate of Exemption” for the unit of government AND the bill MUST be paid with either a unit of government check or unit of government credit card. (Otherwise 6% sales tax must be applied to the bill.) Please make your own reservations. While we recommend you use the facility listed, other accommodations may be available near the location. Please use attached reservation form. Shanty Creek Resorts 5780 Shanty Creek Road - Bellaire, MI 49615 - 800.678.4111 Block Name: Michigan Assessors Association - Fax: 231.533.7004