CMAM Forum Resource Update: July 2014
CMAM Forum Resource Update: July 2014
Collaborating to improve the management of acute malnutrition worldwide Améliorer la prise en charge de la malnutrition aigüe, en collaboration CMAM Forum Resource Update: July 2014 This update is to share some of the newly available nutrition and health resources on the CMAM Forum website. Click on the “link” to access the document. Please let us know if you have any additional resources. Mise à jour des ressources du Forum PCMA: juillet 2014 L’objectif de cette mise à jour est de présenter certaines des nouvelles ressources sur la nutrition et la santé qui sont disponibles sur le site Web du Forum PCMA. Cliquez sur le « lien » pour accéder au document. Veuillez nous faire savoir si vous avez des ressources supplémentaires. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Announcements Annonces NEW : CMAM Forum Arabic section Link Nouvelle : Lancement de la section des ressources en arabe du CMAM Forum Lien إطالق قسم الموارد العربية لمنتدى- جديدCMAM عربي Building a better response e-learning course on the international humanitarian coordination system. Feinstein Intl Center with a consortium, led by the Harvard Humanitarian Initiative and including IMC and Concern Worldwide Link Call for proposals in nutrition research. ORIE seeking proposals for its programme in Northern Nigeria. Deadline 11 Aug Link CMAM Forum India country case study Link Global Nutrition Cluster (GNC) new website Link World Breastfeeding Week 2014 1-7 August. Theme: BREASTFEEDING: A winning goal - for Life! WABA: Link UNICEF: Link Meetings announced Réunions annoncées Technical Meeting on Nutrition ENN (7-9 Oct 2014, Oxford, UK) Link III World Congress of Public Health Nutrition (7-12 Nov 2014, Las Palmas, Canary Islands, Spain) Link Second International Conference on Nutrition FAO (19-21 Nov 2014, Rome, Italy) Link 2nd International Congress Hidden Hunger Univ of Hohenheim (3-6 March 2015, Stuttgart, Germany) Flier Documentation and resources from meetings held Documentation et ressources relatives aux réunions tenues International Symposium on Understanding Moderate Malnutrition in Children for Effective Interventions. IAEA (27-29 May, Vienna, Austria) Final report Link Presentations and videos Link Specific resources on acute malnutrition Ressources spécifiques sur la malnutrition aigüe Associations between wasting and stunting, policy, programming and research implications. ENN Link Coverage matters: a collation of content on coverage monitoring of CMAM programmes. CMN ENN Link Evidence-based recommendations for addressing malnutrition in health care: an updated strategy from the feed M. E. Global Study Group. J of the Am Medical Directors Ass Link 1 Impaired cardiovascular structure and function in adult survivors of severe acute malnutrition. [Abstract] Hypertension Link The role of hepcidin and haemojuvelin in the pathogenesis of iron disorders in patients with severe malnutrition. Ann Agric Environ Med Link Severe malnutrition: building on the past for a brighter future and other articles. [Abstract] FNB Special Supplement Link - Perspectives on the SUN Movement: Waterlow Lecture delivered at the International Congress of Nutrition in Granada, 16 September 2013. [Abstract] FNB Special Supplement Link - Severe acute malnutrition in Asia. [Abstract] FNB Special Supplement Link - Community-based management of acute malnutrition (CMAM) in sub-Saharan Africa: Case studies from Ghana, Malawi, and Zambia. [Abstract] FNB Special Supplement Link - Treatment and prevention of malnutrition in Latin America: Focus on Chile and Bolivia. [Abstract] FNB Special Supplement Link - Severe acute malnutrition during emergencies: burden, management, and gaps. [Abstract] FNB Special Supplement Link - Development and implementation of a locally produced ready-to-use therapeutic food (RUTF) in Vietnam. [Abstract] FNB Special Supplement Link - Application of hazard analysis critical control point in the local manufacture of ready-to-use therapeutic foods (RUTFs). [Abstract] FNB Special Supplement Link - Childhood malnutrition: Toward an understanding of infections, inflammation, and antimicrobials. [Abstract] FNB Special Supplement Link - Fluid management of shock in severe malnutrition: what is the evidence for current guidelines and what lessons have been learned from clinical studies and trials in other pediatric populations? [Abstract] FNB Special Supplement Link - Quality control issues related to assessment of body composition. [Abstract] FNB Special Supplement Link Scaling up a community-based program for maternal and child nutrition in Thailand. [Abstract] FNB Special Supplement Link Information-sharing to improve learning about community-based management of acute malnutrition (CMAM) and its impact. [Abstract] FNB Special Supplement Link General resources on health and nutrition Ressources générales sur la santé et la nutrition A comparison of three infant skinfold reference standards: Tanner–Whitehouse, Cambridge Infant Growth Study, and WHO Child Growth Standards. [Abstract] Maternal & Child Nutrition Link A review of cash transfer programming and the Cash Learning Partnership (CaLP) 2005–2015 and beyond. CaLP Link A systematic assessment of the current capacity to act in nutrition in West Africa: cross-country similarities and differences. Global Health Action Link Countdown to 2015 and beyond: fulfilling the health agenda for women and children. The Lancet Link Effects of dietary interventions on pregnancy outcomes: a systematic review and meta-analysis. [Abstract] Maternal & Child Nutrition Link ICTs for health in Africa. World Bank Link Nutrition in emergencies: do we know what works? Food Policy Link Public health education in South Asia: a basis for structuring a master degree course. Public Health Education and Promotion Link The political process in global health and nutrition governance: the G8's 2010 Muskoka Initiative on Maternal, Child, and Newborn Health. [Abstract] Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences Link What are the factors enabling and constraining effective leaders in nutrition? A four country study. IDS Link Where is everyone, responding to emergencies in difficult places. MSF Link Why worry about the politics of childhood undernutrition? World Development Link Link 2 Country-specific resources related to undernutrition Ressources spécifiques aux pays liées à la sous-nutrition Nutritional status of settler and indigenous women of reproductive age group in Khagrachari District, Bangladesh. J of Enam Medical College Link The other Asian enigma. Explaining the rapid reduction of undernutrition in Bangladesh. IFPRI, LANSA discussion paper Link Evaluation of a residential nutrition rehabilitation center in rural Bolivia: Short-term effectiveness and follow-up results. [Abstract] Food & Nutrition Bulletin Link Maternal education, anthropometric markers of malnutrition and cognitive function (ELSA-Brasil) BMC Public Health Link Dietary diversity is a predictor of acute malnutrition in rural but not in urban settings: evidence from Ghana. [Abstract] British J of Medicine and Medical Research Link Relationship between mothers' nutritional knowledge in childcare practices and the growth of children living in impoverished rural communities. [Ghana] J H Popul Nutr Link Mixed‐methods study identifies key strategies for improving infant and young child feeding practices in highly stunted rural indigenous population in Guatemala. Maternal & Child Nutrition Link Preventative lipid-based nutrient supplements (LNS) and young child feeding practices: findings from qualitative research in Haiti. [Abstract] Maternal & Child Nutrition Link Effect of institution of HAART in correlation with various anthropometric indices in paediatric HIV patients. [India] Med Pulse Int Med J Link Maternal risk factors, complications and outcome of very low birth weight babies: prospective cohort study from a tertiary care centre in Odisha. [India] J Neonatal Biol Link Nutritional status of children residing in social welfare hostel in Bangalore City. [India] Annals of Community Health Link Nutritional status of under 5 children belonging to tribal population living in riverine (Char) areas of Dibrugarh district, Assam. [India] Indian J of Community Medicine Link Socio-economic and nutritional determinants of low birth weight in India. N Am J of Medical Sciences Link Changes in food and nutrition security in Malawi. Analysis of recent survey evidence. IFPRI Link Effect of 12-month intervention with lipid-based nutrient supplements on physical activity of 18-month-old Malawian children: a randomised, controlled trial. [Abstract] Eur J of Clinical Nutrition Link Exclusive breastfeeding and its effect on growth of Malawian infants: results from a cross-sectional study. [Abstract] Paediatrics and Int Child Health Link An assessment of nutritional status of children less than 3 years in rural areas of Mahottari district of Nepal. [Abstract] Int J of Medical Research & Health Sciences Link Determinants of nutritional status of under-five children - a cross sectional study in the western region of Nepal. NJIRM Link Risk factors and neonatal/infant mortality risk of small-for-gestational-age and preterm birth in rural Nepal. [Abstract] J of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine Link Environmental Health Condition of Slum Dwellers of Ijora-Badia Area of Lagos State, Nigeria. Academic J of Interdisciplinary Studies Link Gender inequality and maternal and child undernutrition in Northern Nigeria. ORIE Link Prevalence of under nutrition among under five year children in Ekpoma, Edo-Nigeria. Int J of Community Research Link Quantitative impact evaluation baseline report [Full report] [Nigeria] ORIE Link Qualitative impact evaluation: governance and social context for nutrition interventions. [Nigeria] ORIE Link Implementing WHO feeding guidelines for inpatient management of malnourished children. [Pakistan] J of the College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan Link Study of the prevalence of diarrhoea in children under the age of five years: it’s association with wasting. [Pakistan] Indian J. Sci. Res Link 3 The relationship between BMI and dietary intake of primary school children from a rural area of South Africa: The Ellisras longitudinal study. [Abstract] Am J Hum Biol Link Growth status of children in well-baby outpatient clinics and related factors. [Turkey] Turkish Archives of Paediatrics Link Effects of HIV infection on the metabolic and hormonal status of children with severe acute malnutrition. [Uganda] PLoS One Link A retrospective study of the nutritional status of primary school children in Harare. [Zimbabwe] African J of Food Link Ethiopia publications Publications d’Ethiopie Many new and useful documents have come out this month from Ethiopia so we have grouped them together. Some are Ethiopiaspecific and some have much wider relevance and will be of interest to everyone. Plusieurs documents proviennent ce mois-ci d’Ethiopie, nous les avons rassemblés indépendamment. Certains d’entre eux ont un intérêt spécifique pour l'Ethiopie et d’autres un rayonnement plus large. Assessment of breakfast eating habits and its association with cognitive performance of early adolescents (11-13 years) in Shebedino District, Sidama Zone, Southern Ethiopia. J of Food and Nutrition Sciences Link Capacity buildings of traditional medicine practitioners' as a primary health care workers in Gondar Town, Northwest Ethiopia. J Homeop Ayurv Med Link Factors influencing adherence to the food by prescription program among adult HIV positive patients in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: a facility-based, cross-sectional study. Infectious Diseases of Poverty Link Food consumption patterns and malnourished Ethiopian children: is there a link? Research Expo Int Multidisciplinary Research J Link Magnitude and determinants of malnutrition among pregnant women in eastern Ethiopia: evidence from rural, community‐based setting. [Abstract] Maternal & Child Nutrition Link Nutritional status of children under five years of age in Shire Indaselassie, North Ethiopia: examining the prevalence and risk factors Kontakt Link Poverty and its impact on Ethiopian children: the case of Amhara Region. [Abstract] AfricaGrowth Agenda Link Prevalence and risk factors of child malnutrition in community based nutrition program implementing and nonimplementing districts from South East Amhara, Ethiopia. Open Access Library J Link Prevalence of wasting and associated factors among preschool children in Gobu Sayo Woreda, East Wollega, Ethiopia. Food Science and Quality Management Link 4