EISAP REGISTRATION FORM 2014-15 2014 Student Details First name BOY Family name Date of birth Age GIRL Form Class Email: Parental Contact Details Father Father Mobile Email: Mother Mother Mobile Email: 2014-15 Award Details: please select one award type BRONZE SILVER GOLD Have you completed a previous award level – Yes/No If yes which level – Bronze/Silver (this is not a prerequisite) Start date (date of registration):: ___/___/_____ Estimated Completion Date of Award (dependent on award type):: ___/___/_____ Should you be interested in your child becoming a part of EISAP EISAP, then complete the attached registration form and return to me along with the relevant fee, fee in cash please. This registration used to be a one-time one only fee, however with new changes mandated by the International Award (IA) and the introduction of the Online Record Book (ORB), the students now have to pay a fee for each separate level of the award. These are: Bronze award Silver award Gold award Registration Fee -AED 250 -AED 100 (AED250 for 1st time reg) -AED 130 (AED250 for 1st time reg) Expedition Fee An additional cost required for the Bronze expedition An additional cost required for the th Silver expedition An additional cost required for the Gold expeditions expedition * Additional cost MUST be provided ONLY when student/parent has completed the Expedition Student Information & Parent Consent Form (thiss is a separate form to this Registration Form) Form **Any Any questions please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Kenny Lim (EISAP Coordinator) klim@eischools.ae ______________________ Signature of student ______________________ Signature of parent _______________ Date EISAP Payment Instructions All EISAP payments need to be signed/authorised by Mr. Lim ONLY prior to being accepted by the accounts clerk. Please follow these steps: STEP 1: COMPLETE and SIGN EISAP registration form STEP 2: Choose payment type: CASH or CHEQUE (cheque addressed to - Emirates International School) STEP 3: Obtain Mr. Lim’s signature PRIOR to making payment EISAP office is upstairs NB building between E1 & E2 Mr. Lim is nearly always there before school from 7:15 -7:45am If you are visiting during school hours please make STEP 4: Take the completed parent consent & student information form to the accounts clerk IMPORTANT: Take the parent consent & student information form AND the receipt with you Accounts clerk is located in the HS reception foyer (where school fees are paid) Accounts opening times: 7:30am – 3pm STEP 5: Take the parent consent & student information form AND the receipt to Mr. Lim in the EISAP office to complete the process *I apologise for the run around, but these are the necessary steps required by the accounts department