K A s ol


K A s ol
The Voice of
Temple Anshei Shalom!
October 2014
Issue No. 66
Kol Anshei Shalom
is published 11 months per year as a Monthly Bulletin
Temple Anshei Shalom
Delray’s Vibrant Synagogue of the Future
Affiliated with the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism
7099 West Atlantic Avenue, Delray Beach, Florida 33446
Phone: 561-495-1300
Interim Rabbi
Rabbi Gerald Weiss
Cantor Efraim Sapir
Baal Koreh
Steven Wallach
Choir Director
Cantor Willian S. Wood
Senior Gabbai
Yona Alter
Lawrence “Larry” Feinberg
President Emeritus
Paul A. Felder
High holiday services
conducted by
Rabbi Gerald weiss & cantor efraim sapir
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Executive Vice President
Barbara Grau
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VP Ritual
Paul Erstein
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VP Membership
Fran Goldman
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VP Communications
Marvin S. Cohen
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Dan Goldman
VP Operations
David Lurie
Financial Secretary
Arlene Lurie
Recording Secretary
Sandy Jacobs
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Sisterhood President
Helene Mendelson
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Men’s Club President
Burton Gerson
'hursday% october 82th% =,34am & 2,*- pm
Immediate Past President
Herb Levine
Kol Anshei Shalom
Paul S. Erstein
simchat 'orah
Minuteman Press
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President’s Office
Cantor Sapir for sponsoring the Selichot prayer books
in memory of his beloved mother, Yehudit Sapir
• Cantor Saul Rubinstein for being our Chazzan
Sheni, for sponsoring our Selichot program in memory
of his beloved wife Ruth and your many contributions
in so many ways for our synagogue
• Stanley Bernsteen, Julian Rubinstein and
Cantor Sapir for reading Torah so beautifully
• Harriet DeCosta, our energetic and
effervescent floor manager and greeter and Howard
Mordis, our always efficient ritual manager
• Barbara Kirshner and Ros Gibson, who
compiled the Aliyah list
• Bob Rothman who coordinates the movement
of those being honored on the bima
• Harvey Miller, Ed Walvick, Michael Halzel and
Yona Alter for serving as a Gabbai on the bima
• Michael Silverman, Bernie Morwitz and Sumner
Greenberg for blowing shofar so magnificently
• Yona Alter, Sol Rosen and Julie Rosenberg
for davening Pesukei Dizimra on the High Holidays
• Ed Gastfriend, Ruth Morwitz and Paul Felder
for chanting Haftorahs on the High Holy Days
• Irwin Nable who will chant Maftir Yonah during
Mincha on Yom Kippur
• My Executive Vice President, Barbara Grau
for coordinating all the ushering and security during
the holidays. Thank you to each and every one of
you who ushered
• Our Ritual Chairman, Paul Erstein, for his
assistance in so many ways and in so many areas of
temple leadership
• Gayle Savitz for her Kol Nidre Appeal
• The Temple Anshei Shalom Choir directed by
Cantor Bill Wood and guest conductor Elliot Kahn for
their hearfelt renditions during our Selichot service
and on the High Holy Days
• Irene Marks and Ruth Kurtz for scheduling
the women’s readings and to all the women who read
and chanted Ashrei
• To our members of Sisterhood, Gerry Berg, Ida
Brass, Bope Kraemer, Ray Misshula, who this year
and for many years before have had the responsibility
of polishing the silver crowns and breast plates
• To those Sisterhood women who set up for
our Oneg and Kiddush for Shabbat and Yom Tovim
• Marvin S. Cohen for compiling and editing the
Book of Remembrance.
• To all those who worked in the ticket office for
selling so many High Holiday tickets to our members
and the public
• Rita Erstein and Florence Ull, who sold
Lawrence Feinberg
In many congregations
during the High Holiday
services, the President gives
a report called the State of the
Congregation. Over the course
of my Presidency through
announcements, articles in the
Kol monthly bulletin, letters to
the congregation and emails,
I have attempted to keep the
congregation informed as to
the functioning, development
and progress of our beloved Temple Anshei Shalom.
Thus at this time I am pleased to say that, in the
simplest of terms, the state of this congregation,
Temple Anshei Shalom, is strong, thriving and
always improving. During this calendar year we
have increased our membership by over 170 new
members. Our overall individual membership is close
to 850, the highest it has been in many years.
Helen Keller once said:
“Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement.
Nothing can be done without hope and confidence.”
This is a statement that we at Temple Anshei
Shalom follow. As the vibrant synagogue of the
future, Temple Anshei Shalom is moving forward with
an optimism that has been demonstrated over the last
four years. We are inspired by our clergy, Rabbi Gerald
Weiss and Cantor Efraim Sapir. We are motivated by
the many dedicated and tireless volunteers who give
of their time and energy so that throughout the year
Temple Anshei Shalom will always be a meaningful,
educational and spiritual home for our community.
This synagogue is a family – and with all families
there may be differences of opinion but we as a
congregation – we as a group of individuals working
as part of the greater Jewish community must always
direct our hearts and minds into doing what is best for
our beloved synagogue and its congregants.
As we are in the midst of the holiest days of the
year and as this is a time for reflection, I would like
to express my appreciation to our clergy and to our
volunteer congregants a Yasher Koach for all they
have done and all that they will continue to do for our
• Rabbi Weiss for compiling the new High
Holiday readings and Selichot prayer booklet and
(continued on page 14)
Kol Nidre
forgiven you, may everything be allowed you. There does
not exist any vow, oath, ... or curse. But there does exist
pardon, forgiveness, and atonement.” And the individual
then concludes with a brief statement that “I cancel from
this time onward all vows and all oaths ... that I will accept
upon myself, whether while awake or in a dream .... from
this moment I preemptively regret them and declare of all of
them they shall be utterly null and void....”
So, from a time before the composition of Kol Nidrei
there was a corresponding ritual intended for Rosh Hashana.
It is believed that Kol Nidrei was added to the liturgy of Yom
Kippur, ten days after Rosh Hashana, because that service
is much more solemn, because the Day of atonement is
entirely attuned to the theme of repentance and remorse,
and because (despite the great importance of Rosh
Hashana) Yom Kippur services are better attended, and
perhaps because Yom Kippur itself is once referred to as
Rosh Hashana in Scripture (Ezekiel 40:1). There may be
an additional reason—perhaps the annulment of vows was
moved to, or repeated at, the commencement of the Day
of Atonement in order to minimize the risk that new vows
would be made in the short interval between the repudiation
of vows in Kol Nidre and the service of Atonement.
The Kol Nidrei prayer has been used by non-Jews as a
basis for asserting that an oath taken by a Jew may not be
trusted. Historically, this accusation was leveled so often and
so persistently that many non-Jewish legislators considered
it necessary to have a special form of oath administered to
(“ Oath More Judaico”), and many judges refused
to allow them to take a supplementary oath, basing their
objections chiefly on this prayer. As early as 1240 in the
Disputation of Paris, Yechiel of Paris was obliged to defend
Kol Nidrei against these charges. The Russian government,
in 1857, decreed that the prayerbooks must include, as
an introduction to Kol Nidrei, a Hebrew explanation to the
readers of the limited nature of the vows that could be
released by this ceremony.
Because this prayer has often been held up by antiSemites as proof that Jews are untrustworthy, the Reform
movement removed it from the liturgy for a while. In fact, the
reverse is true: Jews make this prayer because they take
vows so seriously that they consider themselves bound
even if they make the vows under duress or in times of
stress when not thinking straight. This prayer gave comfort
to those who were forcibly converted to Christianity, yet felt
unable to break their vow to follow Christianity. In recognition
of that history, the Reform movement restored this prayer
to its liturgy. And there were even some considerations by
the Orthodox community to abolish it but it was never acted
Our Personal Resolve
As we approach Kol Nidre this year, I implore all of our
membership family to ponder all of the above and while
uttering the words of this haunting ancient formula to resolve
to make the coming year the better one yet.
Dvora and I wish you a meaningful fast and that God
will indeed hear our prayers and grant us all that we wish for
ourselves, our community and for Klal Yisrael, Amen
The formula for the annulment
of vows and promisses that ushers
in the Service of the Eve Yom Kipur
and refers only to such vows which
we had voluntarity promised to God,
and had not kept, or the fulfillment
of which might prove to be beyond
our ability to carry out.
The date of the composition of
the declaration and its author are alike unknown; but it was
in existence at the Geonic period (589–1038 CE).
The tendency to make vows to God was strong in
ancient Israel; the Torah found it necessary to caution
against the promiscuous making of vows: “When you make
a vow [neder] to the LORD your God, do not put off fulfilling
it, for the LORD your God will require it of you, and you will
have incurred guilt; whereas you incur no guilt if you refrain
from vowing. You must fulfill what has crossed your lips
and perform what you have voluntarily vowed to the LORD
your God, having made the promise with your own mouth.”
(Deuteronomy 23:22–24).
As one commentary puts it, “it is considered a fearsome
sin for one to violate his vows and oaths and the Sages
regard it as an extremely serious matter for one to approach
the Days of Judgment [meaning the High Holy Days] with
such violation in hand. Rash vows to God that for whatever
reason were not fulfilled created painful religious and
ethical difficulties for those who had made them; this led to
an earnest desire for dispensation from them. Therefore,
halakha allowed for the absolution from a vow (‘hattarat
nedarim”), which might be performed only by a scholar, or
an expert on the one hand, or by a board of three Jewish
laymen on the other.
This rite declared that the petitioners, who were seeking
reconciliation with God, solemnly retracted their vows and
oaths they had made to God during the period intervening
between the previous Day of Atonement and the present
one; this rite made them null and void from the beginning,
entreating in their stead pardon and forgiveness from God.
Adoption into Yom Kippur services
Originally, the annulment of vows was performed on
Rosh Hashanah, the New Year, ten days before Yom Kippur.
The Talmud (Nedarim 23b) says, “Who wished to cancel
his vows of a whole year should arise on Rosh Hashanah
and announce, ‘All vows that I will pledge in the coming
year shall be annulled.’” There is, in fact, a ritual for this that
is supposed to take place the day before Rosh Hashana
(because one does not do such chores on a holy day),
known as Hatarat nedarim (Annulment of vows), wherein
the individual presents himself before a tribunal of three
and recites a Hebrew formula, very different from that of
Kol Nidrei, asking for annulment of every vow or pledge or
prohibition that he swore “while I was awake or dreaming”,
“whether they were matters relating to money, or to the body,
or to the soul”.... And the tribunal responds by reciting three
times, “May everything be permitted you, may everything be
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Ritual and Rabbi
Search Committees
First and most importantly, if during this year,
I have slighted or insulted you in any way, I ask your
We had very successful Selichot and Rosh Hashanah
services. Our President, Larry Feinberg in his article
on page 3 and beyond thanked all the members who
contributed to our efforts. I just want to say a special thank
you to Rabbi Weiss and Cantor Sapir for being so easy
to work with in putting together the new prayer booklets
for Selichot and the Supplemental Readings for Rosh
Hashanah and Yom Kippur. It is certainly nice to work
with a Rabbi who has 2014 computer skills and is willing
to work far beyond his “interim” “services only” contract.
The phone blast new years message you received right
before Rosh Hashanah was also produced by Rabbi
Weiss and his “apples”. Thank you Rabbi Weiss.
Some of you may know that I recently delegated the
giving out of Aliyot during the year to Harriet Decosta
and Barbara Kirshner. After doing this for nearly eight
months, I recognized that they could do a better job than
I had been doing and for the good of the Temple I gave
this over to them. During my eight month effort, I had
the opportunity to speak to so many of our members,
it was a worthwhile experience. Please continue to call
or email me with concerns, requests and opinions about
either Ritual or Rabbi Search. PaulErstein@yahoo.com
and 561 886 8144
About the Rabbi Search...while in NY visiting my
lady friend, I “pre-interviewed” two promising NY area
candidates for our open position. By the time you read
this, we may also have had the committee do a “Skype”
video interview with them. We have a third local Rabbi
who is also interested in us, and we should be interviewing
him on site after Yom Kippur. Our dear friend and Rabbi’s
Rabbi, Rabbi Jack Reimer, who has extensive experience
with Rabbi placement and seems to know “everybody”
tell us that after the holidays we should expect to receive
additional resumes. Frankly, we are in no rush to hire a
Rabbi. Rabbi Weiss is, as I hope you agree, an excellent
“interim”. He is warm and thoughtful and he likes us and
we like him. So the committee is going to continue to go
through candidates until we find someone who really is
just wonderful and really fits us. I promise to keep you
informed and of course you will get to meet all the finalists
and weigh in with your opinions.
AND finally, G’mar Chatima Tova. May you be sealed
in the book of life for the coming year.
Paul Erstein
Ritual VP
Co-Chairman, Rabbi Search Committee
Would you like to
have a meal in the
Succah with your
family and friends?
(561) 716-1210
In Memoriam
Frank N. Morgenstern
The family of Frank N. Morgenstern, of
blessed memory, appreciates the many
kind expressions of sympathy from both
clergy and membership, having enabled
us to easily surpass attendance for a
minyan at our Shiva. We are also most
grateful for the synagogue's provision of
food from Glick's during this time of
need. Thanks to all.
Temple Anshei Shalom
Book Club Leader: Arlene S. Ritholtz
Monday, October 13, 2014
12:00 noon
Book Reviewed:
“Rise and Shine”
by Anna Quindlen
Copies, including large print and cd’s are
available at the Hagen Ranch library
From Anna Quindlen, acclaimed author of Blessings, Black and Blue, and One True Thing, a superb novel about
two sisters, the true meaning of success, and the qualities in life that matter most.
It’s an otherwise ordinary Monday when Meghan Fitzmaurice’s perfect life hits a wall. A household name as the
host of Rise and Shine, the country’s highest-rated morning talk show, Meghan cuts to a commercial break–but
not before she mutters two forbidden words into her open mike.
In an instant, it’s the end of an era, not only for Meghan, who is unaccustomed to dealing with adversity, but also
for her younger sister, Bridget, a social worker in the Bronx who has always lived in Meghan’s long shadow. The
effect of Meghan’s on-air truth telling reverberates through both their lives, affecting Meghan’s son, husband,
friends, and fans, as well as Bridget’s perception of her sister, their complex childhood, and herself. What follows
is a story about how, in very different ways, the Fitzmaurice women adapt, survive, and manage to bring the
whole teeming world of New York to heel by dint of their smart mouths, quick wits, and the powerful connection
between them that even the worst tragedy cannot shatter.
Temple Anshei Shalom,
7099 West Atlantic Avenue
Delray Beach, FL 33446 561-495-1300 www.templeansheishalom.org
Questions: Arlene S. Ritholtz 561-369-7666
Beth Israel
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Irwin M. Schultz
Licensed Pre-Need Counselor
Member of Temple Anshei Shalom
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You can rely on Irwin for pre-need information on
Local Burial, In-Ground or Above-Ground Cemetery Property, or Burial Out-of-State
Chapel & Pre-Need Office
11115 Jog Road, Boynton Beach, FL (corner of Woolbright)
(561) 732-3000
Pre-Need Conference Center
6578 W. Atlantic Ave., Delray Beach, FL (Kings Point Shopping Center)
(561) 498-5700
The 16th Annual Conference Of The
International Association Of
Yiddish Clubs takes place on
November 14th-17th at the
Boca Marriott.
Join in this exciting weekend of
celebration of the Yiddish
language, culture and history.
For more information contact :
Genia Kutner @ 561 498-5961
Hagen Ranch Library. As always, the discussion,
lead by Arlene Ritholtz is lively and interesting.
Please join us. The following dates have been
set aside for the Temple Book Club: Monday,
November 10, December 8, January 12, February
9, March 9, April 13, May 11 at noon.
SAVE THE DATE: Friday evening January 16,
2015 ...LETS CELEBRATE ! Those that joined
our Anshei family in 2014, as well as installation
of our 2015 officers.
Please contact me if you have any questions.
Membership is here to make everyone
comfortable in their new home
Fran Goldman, Membership VP
We welcome our new members with great
We thank you for choosing Anshei Shalom as
your new spiritual home:
Irving & Hannah Goldberg, Barbara SeltzerMeister, David & Marilyn Ference, Gary Black
& Jan McCarthy, Dr Stanley Bernsteen, Sol &
Florence Adamsky, Jean Havelin, Marci Havelin,
Bernard & Miriam Herbst, Sally Hyman, Sylvia
Kirschner, Mildred Montauk, Marvin Corin, Harry
& Marlene Lebovitz, Aaron Lomasky, Moe Buller
and Sema Moskowitz.
We encourage you to become engaged and
involved in the many programs and activities that
we have throughout the year. Friday night services
led by Cantor Efraim Sapir has grown though out
the summer months and we look forward to the
New Year with renewed optimism for increased
member participation. Sylvia Engell and Gayle
Savitz greet everyone, as we join with our new
friends to welcome in the Shabbat. After services
we enjoy an Oneg and friendly conversation. Join
us for a relaxed social Shabbos evening.
Our Book Club continues on MONDAY,
OCTOBER 13th at 12:00 with, “Rise and Shine”
by Anna Quinlan. The books are available at the
Celebrate a Simcha or
honor a departed loved
one by sponsoring the
Bima Flowers for Shabbat.
Contact Marilyn in
the office and reserve
your date.
Margaret Vesely wishes to thank everybody for their outpouring of sympathy at the
passing of her beloved son Tommy. Your calls, cards and prayers are most
Thank you to everybody for your acts of kindness in recognizing the passing of my
filler Gene. A reminder that we are truly a family here at Temple Anshei
Sylvia Eisner
many projects; ticket office, gift shop, hospitality,
etc. If you might have just a little time to spare,
please call me- Helene 561-495-8847.
One further note: the gift shop is no longer
able to accept charges- check or cash only.
Please make all checks payable to
“Sisterhood TAS.”
As you can tell, WE ARE READY and, if you
Sisterhood Let’s
held its
me, CALL ME- HELENE 561-495-8847
get ready for an exciting New Year for needand
rty. It was a huge success, Yasher Koach to our chairpersons Helene
Let us make Sisterhood, Temple Anshei
on and Mildred Grant, their terrific ticket sales person, Selma Aison and
an even better place!!!!!
Just to go back a bit, many of us enjoyed a
mmittee of Ida Brass, Harriet DeCosta and Bope Kraemer.
in Miami
7; aguitarist,
huge entertained
Our November
18 day
Ron Dagan,
“thank you”
again to
for her
e well-attended
put us in
a pre-Chanukah
ut the following
dates on your
December 16 , Barbara
most informative
the Holocaust
ll speakMemorial.
to us about “The
and Sisterhood
Lunch followed and then we were
will be December 21 and the Sisterhood Board will be participants in the
privileged to have an excellent tour guide who
so come and join us.
took us through all the highlights of Miami.
The following was written in 1983 by Renata Eckstein, the first President of
Thank you,
for planning
great repeating.
od. Its message
is justMillie,
as prevalent
today this
and bears
I thank her
and all guests, please plan on
ng us print Ladies
IS afternoon
attending another
at a Sisterhood
ncerity –Card,
Be sincere
Game Party and Lunch on Tuesday,
eas – Interest,
go together.
Nov. 18. There will
vendors selling
cial Activities – Getting to know one another. Satisfaction of a job well done.
great gifts for the holidays which are rapidly
What a wonderful feeling!
Of course,–just
a little treat
FOR the most of it.
me - Ourapproaching.
most precious commodity
so make
ffort – AYOU
good would
to bebe
in whatever we are doing.
7 offers
an entertaining
eligion – Attend
and December
participate in
afternoon at the Delray Playhouse to see “Over
organized – working together.
The –River
The Woods.”
bligation – To do the best you know how.
Tickets for these fun fund raising events
vote yourself to do what you are doing for Sisterhood. Determination to
are available in our ticket office Monday thru
oject a success.
Thursday mornings. If necessary, you can
what Sisterhood
to Renata
and myself.
I hope it 561means the same to
always means
call Millie
for further
information495-0056. She is usually available 24 hrs. a
day to answer questions!
Gerry Berg
Please, put on your calendar the Sisterhood/
Club Spring
s for Sisterhood
be held Sunday, March, 22, 2015. Collections
k your
for Sunday
begin after January
1, 2015.January
We need19
your for a joint
help to Club
make this
a great
Sign ticket
Of success.
Music” The
office has
Don’t miss this exciting evening.
The next Sisterhood Meeting will be Monday,
Oct. 20. We are delighted to have Barbara Grau
as the guest speaker: Topic- Anti Semitism.
We are always happy to have you sponsor
refreshments for the meeting in honor of some
special occasion; just give me a call- Helene
Many volunteers are needed to continue our
As I See It
The Torah foresees that “all the people of the earth
will come to see G-d’s glory”. The implication, according to the Gaon of Vilna, is that it is Israel’s task
to bring G-d’s knowledge to them. A heavy burden
indeed but not one from which we can run. This is
our angst, but this is our mission. Long live Jewish
guilt, bless the Jewish mothers, and announce to
the world that we are here to stay.
May this year be the year that we all feel the
power, majesty and truth of our ancient teachings
and be for a blessing to all. May we be inscribed
for another year of life, one filled with joy, health,
and a sense of accomplishment.
Barbara Grau
By Barbara Grau
As I See It
Jewish angst and anxiety/guilt complexes have
been fodder for Jewish writers forever. Philip Roth’s
character, Portnoy, has a problem with a mother
who loved him too much. Others write of being (s)
mothered with food, love or guilt: How could you
do that to Momma? Jewish guilt and/or smothering have been a rich source for comics as well.
Anything going wrong is always the Jews’ fault: for
better or worse, the world is obsessed with Jews
as Jews are obsessed with collective guilt. We are
obsessed with how to make the world “like” us.
We have bobbed our noses, changed our names,
turned our backs on traditional Judaism and have
made ourselves strangers to ourselves.
At this time of the year, the ‘pintele yid’ emerges
somewhat, as attendance at formal services increases dramatically. One could posit that it is
partly our doing. In our DNA, guilt is but one component. Why should we assume the responsibility
and the guilt because we were to be a light unto the
Nations. In the Parsha, Ki Tavo, we are given the
blessings and the curses. As all Israel was at the
Mount to receive the original Ten Commandments,
so are we at Mt. Gerizim and Mt. Ebal to hear our
choices and their consequences. IF we are bringing
such a clear message of how to live, why should we
not be hailed as heroes? Possibly we have set the
bar too high and therefore, we become the cursed
for trying to elevate humanity.
When we come together for Kol Nidre, we
acknowledge the power of words and the penalty
for betraying those words. Like Ruth, we take an
oath, a solemn act, which allows G-d to punish us
if we break that oath. That is the solemnity of Kol
Nidre, a call to ethical behavior, to answer to a
higher power. It is a burden. Abarbanel, a medieval
Sephardic scholar, noted that other nations erect
monuments to memorialize their conquests, victories and heroes, while Israel inscribes on stone
its words of Torah. That is our monument. What is
asked of us at this time of year? That we match
the words of G-d with our own righteous acts. A
Chasidic writer concluded that all curses refer to
secret transgressions. For public offenders, there is
hope of repentance, for hypocrites, there is none.
Sisterhood functions
are fund raisers
for the Temple but
also fun. Please
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Visit us on the web at: www.templeansheishalom.org
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Judeo/Christian Issues
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Health Issues
Loss & Separation
Irwin M. Schultz
Temple Member
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Torah where we will be honoring Rabbi Baruch
Goldstein as Chatan Bereshit and Rabbi and Ethel
Rothenberg as Chatan and Kallah Torah.
Also don’t forget our upcoming congregational
meetings on Wednesday, October 8, November 12
and December 10 at 11 AM.
We at Anshei Shalom cannot do it alone. We need
the assistance, input and ideas of each and every one
of you. My door is open – please come in and talk.
In order to change, we must realize the importance of
each and every small step that we take to make our
congregation even better for both the long time and
the many new members.
We have taken many of these steps during the
last few years. We look to the continuing success of
the state of our Congregation. As I say over and over,
Temple Anshei Shalom is the vibrant synagogue of
the future. Temple Anshei Shalom is always moving
forward and improving. Temple Anshei Shalom of
Delray Beach is the place to be!
A year of good health to each and every one of
you. May each and every one of you be inscribed in
the Book of Life for the coming year and many years
to come.
Larry Feinberg,
This article was shared with the congregation by
President Larry Feinberg on the morning of the first
day of Rosh Hashanah. In appreciation of the service
given by all of our volunteers, we are printing it so that
the whole congregation including the “snowbirds” will
be informed and can honor those who work so hard
for our beloved Temple Anshei Shalom
PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE (continued from page 3)
tickets, made reservations and organized the seating
plans for Rosh Hashana dinner and Break Fast gettogether
• Arlene Lurie and Dan Goldman along with our
fantastic bookkeeper, Joanne Kessler for maintaining
all of our accounts in a professional manner
• Paul Erstein and Millie Grant for all of the
publicity and marketing about the High Holidays
• Herb Levine for his computer expertise in
generating much needed High Holiday information
• Fran Goldman and her membership committee
for their efforts in inspiring many of you to join our
• David Lurie, House Chairman, and his fantastic
hardworking and dedicated custodial staff (Rolly,
Chad & Mark) who cleaned, set-up and provided
security for all of the services
• The Office Staff of Marilyn, Janette and
the many volunteers – thank you for your smiles,
cooperative attitudes and pleasant demeanors
during the most spiritual and most stressful time of a
synagogue’s year
• Beth Israel Memorial Chapel for sponsoring
the Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur Supplementary
Readings and Prayer books
At this time of forgiveness, please forgive me if I
have not mentioned your name. Whatever you have
done for our Synagogue is greatly appreciated.
As in the past, I ask you to step up and become
part of our family. I encourage you to come to services,
to participate in our LifeLong Learning program, join
our Sisterhood, Men’s Club, Choir, Book Club Bar/
Bat Mitzvah class, and Rosh Chodesh luncheons,
to attend the Cantor Sapir and Friends Concert and
our Avi Hoffman show, to learn with our Scholarin-Residence and to honor our leadership at our
upcoming gala.
I also encourage you to contribute to our Kol Nidre
Campaign if you have not already done so.
I encourage you to join us for Sukkot and Simchat
May The Almighty
protect and defend the
State Of Israel.
561-736-3820 or 561-395-8920
There is a small charge for non-medical trips.
There is no charge for a medical transport,
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PALM TRAN: 1-877-870-9840 or 561-233-1111
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Pray for the brave
Men and Women
of the IDF.
Tuesday Wedne
9:30am Executive
10:30am Folk Da
1:30pm Movie of
11 Tishri
18 Tishri
25 Tishri
10:00am Men’s Club Breakfast
2 Cheshvan
12 Tishri
13 Tishri
3:30pm Sociable Singles
9:30am men’s club board meeting
10:30am Choir
2 pm Cantor Sapir’s Parshat Class
19 Tishri
20 Tishri
9:30am Full Boar
10:30am Folk Da
11 am Congregat
11:30am Finance
1:30pm Movie of
6:30pm Erev Suk
Columbus Day
12 pm Book Club
3:30pm Sociable Singles
2 pm Cantor Sapir’s Parshat Class
Hoshanah Rabah
10:30am Folk Da
1:30pm Movie of
6:30pm Yom Tov
26 Tishri
27 Tishri
3:30pm Sociable Singles
2 pm Cantor Sapir’s Parshat Class
10:30am Folk Da
1:30pm Movie of
3 Cheshvan
12 pm Rosh Chodesh Luncheon
3:30pm Sociable Singles
4 Cheshvan
2 pm Cantor Sapir’s Parshat Class
10:30am Folk Da
1:30pm Movie of
esday Thursday
7 Tishri
e Committee
the Week
14 Tishri
rd Meeting
tional Meeting
e Meeting
the Week
21 Tishri
the Week
8 Tishri
10:30am Choir Rehearsal
10:30am Conversational Hebrew
2 pm Chug Ivrit
15 Tishri
8:45am Sukkot Services
6:30pm Sukkot Services
22 Tishri
8:45am Shemini Atzeret/Yizkor
6:30pm Simchat Torah eve
9 Tishri
10 Tishri
10:30am Yiddish Club
2:00 pm Mincha
6:45pm Kol Nidre Service
9 am Yom Kippur Services
11 am Yizkor
3:30pm Community Yizkor
5 pm Mincha/Nielah
6:47pm Candle Lighting
7:39 pm Yom Kippur Ends
16 Tishri
17 Tishri
8:45am Sukkot Services
6:30pm Shabbat Services
8:45 am Shabbat Morning Services
12:30pm Mincha
6:40pm Candle Lighting
7:31 pm Shabbat Ends
23 Tishri
8:45am Simchat T orah Services
7:30pm Friday Night Services
24 Tishri
8:45 am Shabbat Morning Services
12:30pm Mincha
6:33pm Candle Lighting
28 Tishri
the Week
5 Cheshvan
the Week
29 Tishri
10:30am Choir Rehearsal
10:30am Conversational Hebrew
2 pm Chug Ivrit
5 pm
6 Cheshvan
9:30am Hebrew Reading
10:30am Choir Rehearsal
10:30am Conversational Hebrew
2 pm Chug Ivrit
30 Tishri
Early Evening Services
6:27pm Candle Lighting
7:30pm Late Friday Evening Services
7 Cheshvan
10:30am Yiddish Club
5 pm Early Shabbat Service
7:30 pm Late Friday Night Service
6:21pm Candle Lighting
1 Cheshvan
8:45 am Shabbat Morning Services
12:30pm Mincha
Men’s Club Bulletin
Sam Perlowitz – Editor Sam Wasserman – Co-Editor (Z.L.)
Leslie Leon-Kennedy – Publisher
Breakfast Meeting – Sun. Oct. 19th - Guest Speaker:
Jayne Chapman from Ted Deutsch’s Office
Topic - Community Outreach
Breakfast $7.00 per person
NO TICKETS will be sold at the door.
Reservation Deadline: Thursday, Oct. 16th
Email Communication – if you are not receiving our emails, then please
call Sam Perlowitz at 561-495-7410 and we’ll add you to our address
Cruise – Dec 12th a 10-day cruise on the fabulous Celebrity Equinox (see
flyer on Carousel in Temple lobby).
Condolences – Our deepest sympathies to the Langmeyer and London
families on the loss of Herbert and Frank. Herbert Langmeyer was our
oldest lifetime member.
Israel Trip – The Men‘s Club and Cantor Sapir are co-sponsoring a trip to
Israel. The trip to Israel is from Nov. 4th thru Nov. 17th; the side trip to Italy
has been cancelled. Contact the Cantor for details.
Volunteers Needed – We need at least two people to volunteer for our
Telephone Committee. You’ll spend about 10 minutes, one day per month,
calling our brothers to remind them of the next Men’s Club meeting.
President’s Message:
We had a great turnout for our first Breakfast Meeting for this season. The
Men’s Club and Sisterhood are co-sponsoring a Rummage Sale. PLEASE
SAVE THE DATE: SUNDAY, MARCH 22ND, 2015! Please start saving
clothing and household items to donate for the sale.
To All Our
New Members
Board Meeting
Tues., Oct. 7th
9:30 a.m.
If you have a Simcha or a Yahrzeit, we would
be honored if you would allow us to call you to
the Torah or have you open the ark.
If you can lead portions of the daily or Shabbat
services that lay people lead, call or email me.
Call me well in advance of the
date of your request.
My phone number is (561) 886-8144.
Email is PaulErstein@yahoo.com
SAVE THESE DATES.....January 23rd-25th….
Scholar In Residence Weekend:
Dr. Prof. Shalom Paul
Professor Shalom Paul is a Professor at the Hebrew University of
Jerusalem and former Chair of the department of Bible, who specializes
in the Bible and the Ancient Near East, its cultures, languages, and
He is the Chair of the Dead Sea Scrolls Foundation, an international
organization of leading scholars on the Dead Sea Scrolls, and is also the
chair of the curriculum committee of Bible for the Ministry of Education
for all grades in Israel.
Professor Paul is known as a charismatic and dynamic teacher of Bible
who has charmed generations of students at universities, educational
institutions and synagogues in Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americas.
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Tickets go on sale in mid-August
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(561) 495-1300
Temple Anshei Shalom 7099 West Atlantic Avenue Delray Beach
Rosh chodesh luncheon
Monday, October 27th
We kick off another exciting season of Rosh
Chodesh Luncheons with:
AIPAC’s Sammy Kalmowicz
He will explain how AIPAC works to promote the
interests of Israel and The United States.
The luncheon begins at noon, the lecture at 1pm.
Please make your reservations by leaving a check
and a note in the Rosh Chodesh mailbox in the
Temple office.
The Luncheon is $12.50 pp
KEY: IMO In Memory of IHO In Honor of HB Happy Birthday HA Happy Anniversary GW Get Well
Kol Nidre Pledges
Louis & Lillian Adamsky
Jacob K & Evelyn Alter
Helene Aronoff
Beverly Berman
Doris Bernfeld
Natalie Biegel
Charles & Gertrude Bornstein
Arthur & Barbara Brandon
Ida Brass
Rita Brown
Harold Cohen
Jerome L. & Marilyn Cohen
Marlene Cooper
Vera Deblinger
Harriet DeCosta
Janet Devinsky
Sandra Dickstein
Stephen Edelman
Harold & May Ehrenman
Trudy Ehrlich
Phyllis Eisen
Sylvia Eisner
Morris Epstein
Rita Erstein
Gerald Fahrer & Charlotte Feinholz
Sheldon & Shirley Fant
Lawrence & Linda Feinberg
Beverly Fine
Bernard & Eileen Finegold
Florence Gardner
Elaine Geller
Robert & Rosalyn Gibson
Joan Goldberg
Morris Goldberg
Daniel & Frances Goldman
Emma Goodman
Rhoda Goydel
Mildred Grant
Lois Green
Sumner Greenberg
Arthur H. Greenwald
Howard & Irma Greif
Michael & Celie Halzel
Herbert L. Isaacs
Gloria Jacobs
Irwin & Eileen Jacobs
Selma Jacobs
David & Elaine Kagan
Janette Kanfer
Fania Keck
Leonard & Sandra Keller
Philip Klein
John Korn
Hannah Krakauer
Lillian Kramer
Max & Jean Kushner
Morris & Doris Kushner
Bernard & Greta Labush
Morris & Lena Lazarus
Paula Lenchner-Eisen
Sol Lepson
David & Arlene Lurie
Tobie Markowitz
Irene Marks
Rosalie Meltzer
Nathan Mitchell
Ber & Hana Mlawski
Bernard & Ruth Morwitz
Milton & Marilyn Ozar
Pearl Perlman
Samuel & Evelyn Perlowitz
Edward & Myrna Phillips
Charlotte Ratafia
Sam & Ceil Reich
Donald & Janet Reichler
Solomon Z. & Ray Rosen
Roberta Rosenzweig
Rita Roslin
Robert & Barbara Rothman
Jack & Shirley Rubin
Arista Salzstein
Joan Savitt
Gilbert & Beatrice Schechtman
Michael Scheinzeit
Stanley & Claire Schneider
Jeffrey & Linda Schultz
Debbie Schwartz
Lester & Joan Schwartz
Melvin & Marilyn Schwartz
Chrissy Seidenfeld
Carole Shaffer
Estelle Sherer
Benno & Phyllis Silberman
Gerald & Florence Slatin
Hyman & Renee Slavin
Vivian Sloves
Seymour Solomon
Daniel Spector
Harold Sperling
Dr. Joseph & Selma Starr
Bernard & Evelyn Tran
Judith Weinberg
Morris & Patricia Weinman
Jacob Weiss
Sam Weiss
IMO May Weiss/Wife
Benjamin & Gerda Weltman
Bricks Gold/Silver
Mildred Grant
IHO Milton Ozar
John Korn
IHO Milton Ozar on his 90th BD
Irene Marks
IHO Ruth Kurtz on her 90th BD
Dolores Rubin
IHO Milton Ozar
Gerald & Ingrid Schwartz
IMO Eugene Eisner
Margaret Vesely
IMO Tom Vesely. Dearest Son
Jay Weintraub
IMO Fred (Sonny) Weintraub
Memorial Plaques
Jack & Nancy Bushinsky
Arthur Bushinsky
Phyllis Levine
Joyce Amit
Irving Rosenblatt
transfer of memorial plaque
Irving Rosenblatt
transfer of memorial
Simcha Board(Leaf)
David & Karen Marks
IMO Leslie Marks
Edward & Diane Tichi
IMO Leslie Marks
Simcha Shabbat Donat
Ruth Kurtz
IHO her birthday
Selma Scott
IHO her 98th BD
Oneg Shabbat
Beverly Berman
Florence Ull
Arthur & Joan Wiener
General Donations
Selma Aison
HA Celie & Michael Halzel
Selma Aison
HA Herb & Sharon Levine
Selma Aison
HB Ida Brass,
HB Jeffrey Perlmutter,
HB Barbara Grau
Selma Aison
HB Maria Meisler,
HB Pearl Perlman,
HB Adina Moseson
Selma Aison
HB Ruth Kurtz,
HB Lena Lazarus,
HB Sandy Sadowitz
Selma Aison
IMO Gene Eisner,
IMO Tommy Vesely
Geraldine Berg
IMO Tommy Vesely
Jack & Nancy Bushinsky
HB Annie Rubenstein
Harriet DeCosta
HB Marlene Goldman
Harriet DeCosta
IMO Jack Goldman
Vivian Edelman
IMO Eugene Eisner
Phyllis Eisen
HB Ruth Kurtz, Good Health
Sylvia Eisner
GW Morty Schwartz
Daniel & Frances Goldman
HA Celie & Michael Halzel,
HA Jim & Marilyn Bachner
Daniel & Frances Goldman
HB Lenore Jaye,
HB Hadassah Wang,
HB Hana Mlawski
Daniel & Frances Goldman
HB Ruth Morwitz
Mildred Grant
GW Sandy Crain
Mildred Grant
IMO Frank Morgenstern
Arthur H. Greenwald
GW George Ehrlich, HA Celie
& Michael Halzel
Arthur H. Greenwald
HB Joel Jacobs,
HB Rosalyn Gibson,
HB Ruth Kurtz
Arthur H. Greenwald
HB Ruth Morwitz,
HB Rabbi Jacob Halpern,
HB Sam Perlowitz
Howard & Irma Greif
IMO Henry Levine
Michael & Celie Halzel
IHO Rabbi Gerald Weiss
for enhancing & enriching
our Shabbat
Michael & Celie Halzel
IMO Eugene Eisner
Martin & Sharon Klein
Ruth Kurtz
GW Burt Lieberman
Ruth Kurtz
HA Jeff & Linda Schultz,
HA Manfred & Margot Nussbaum
Ruth Kurtz
HB Phyllis Walsh
Harvey Miller
HA Michael & Celie Halzel
Harvey Miller
HB Lenore Jaye,
HB Hadassah Wang,
HB Charlotte Solomon
Harvey Miller
HB Rosalyn Gibson,
HB Henry Borenstein
Marilyn Mishkin
IMO Elizabeth DeKercado
Deborah Morgenstern
IMO Frank Morgenstern
Adina Moseson
HB Barbara Grau
Adina Moseson
IMO Eugene Eisner
Ayne R Rauch
HB Lilyan Wien
Arlene Ritholtz
IHO Rita Erstein
Edward & Gayle Savitz
GW Hadassah Wang
Sonia Schaeffer
IHO her children’s
50th anniversary
Joan Storch
MT Dawn Canarick on your
new teaching position
Florence Ull
HA Dennis & Arlene Gertzer
Florence Ull
HA Margot & Marvin Cohen,
HA Harold & Lois Deutsch
Florence Ull
HB Arlene Lurie, HB Ceil Reich,
HB Marianna Gluck
Florence Ull
HB Barbara Grau, HA Sandy
& Irwin Chalfin
Sema Weinberg
GW George Ehrlich
Special Donation
Deborah Morgenstern
Gerald & Carol Abrahams
IMO Shirley Marcus/Mother
Selma Aison
IMO Morris Gergel/Father
Marc Anselmo & Sharon Barrett IMO Nathan Barrett/Father
Lillian Becker
IMO Louis Zarabet/Brother
Miriam Behar
IMO Hal Behar/Husband
Barry Benson
IMO Louis Benson/Grandfather
Sylvia R. Berman
IMO Henrietta Reiner/Mother
Doris Bernfeld
IMO May Weiss/Sister
George & Sylvia Blackstein
IMO Steven Leonard
Eileen Bondy
IMO Seymour Bondy/Husband
Shirley Botwinick
IMO Eve Wainstock/Sister
Arthur & Barbara Brandon
Bronia Bronkesh
Gayle Bucolo
Irene Clayman
Judith Danto
Harold & Lois Deutsch
Harold & May Ehrenman
Marshall & Sylvia Engell
Ilene Shepard Epstein
Jean Epstein
Joan Esterson
Bernard & Eileen Finegold
Hedy Fladell
Kenneth Golberg
Kenneth Golberg
Beulah Goldberg
Daniel & Frances Goldman
Elizabeth Goldsmith
Sheldon & Carol Goldsmith
Bertha Gordon
Rose Graffeo
Gerald & Rose Halpern
Andras & Liela Hamori
Gloria Jacobs
Joel Jacobs
Ethel Katz
Joseph & Rima Krieger
Oscar Krieger
Jacob & Florence Landsman
Donald Lerman
Morton I. & Muriel Levine
Mindy Levitt
Henry Lowenbraun
Irving & Sue Mandel
Irving & Sue Mandel
Harvey Miller
Marilyn Mishkin
Claire Moses
Renee Murray
Neal Oknowsky
Neal Oknowsky
Neal Oknowsky
Samuel & Evelyn Perlowitz
Rhonda Post
Linda Rabinowitz
IMO Etta Biawitz/Mother
IMO Shaye Zimerman/Father
IMO Anna Block/Grandmother
IMO Joseph Clayman/
IMO Joseph Fishman/Father
IMO Dina Lefkowitz/Sister
IMO Sadie Ehrenman/Mother
IMO Bebe Byer/Mother,
IMO Harry Engell/Father
IMO Rabbi Jordan H
IMO Murray Prottas/
Significant Other
IMO Irwin Esterson/Husband
IMO Morris Finegold/Father
IMO Henry Fladell/Husband
IMO Esther Golberg/Mother
IMO Phyllis Sue
IMO Pearl Goldberg/
IMO Murray Goldman/father
IMO Liesel Erman/Aunt,
IMO Fred Liebenthal/Uncle
IMO Hyman
IMO Frank Finkelstein/ Father,
IMO Ida Finkelstein/Mother
IMO Arthur Hochreich/Father
IMO Sarah Bienstock/Mother
IMO Louis Grodner/Father
IMO Irene Levy/Mother
IMO Pinchus Jacobs/Father
IMO Sadie Solomon/Mother
IMO Margot Melon/Sister
IMO Morris Krieger/Father
IMO Mary Grossman/Aunt
IMO Max Lerman/Father
IMO Shirley Mendelson/Sister
IMO Anna Halperin/Grandmother
IMO Mendel Lowenbraun/Father
IMO Fannie Cohan/Mother
IMO Robert Matorin/
IMO Sam Miller/Father
IMO Joshua Rosenblum &
others who died at 9/11/01
IMO Alex Spielman/Father
IMO Stanley Murray/Husband
IMO Lawrence Oknowsky/
IMO Usher Oknowsky/Son
IMO Morris Oknowsky/Father
IMO Toby Oknowsky/Wife,
IMO Lillian Lerner/Mother-in-law
IMO Samuel Braunstein/Father
IMO Benjamin Post
IMO Seymour Rabinowitz/Father
Zenia Revitz
Arthur Rosen
Roberta Rosen
Norma Rosenfeld
Deborah Sabarra
Barry & Patricia Schneider
Carole Shaffer
Paul M. & Sheila Siegel
Harold & Lillian Silow
Harold & Lillian Silow
Eugene Singer
Eugene Singer
Melvin & Selma Snow
Mark & Sally Soirefman
Seymour Solomon
Harold Sperling
Fay Stein
Harvey Stein
Bertha Sutin
Bertha Sutin
Daniel Toberisky
Charlotte Uffner
Margaret Vesely
Jerome Weinstein
Robert & Ruth Kaplan Weiser
Robert & Ruth Kaplan Weiser
Gilbert & Sheila Weisman
Sam Weiss
Ida Weitzman
Edythe Wlody
Renee Wolfson
IMO Samuel Bolotin/Father
IMO Judith Myrna Rosen/Wife
IMO Elsie Press/Mother
IMO Rabbi Paul
IMO Anne Sabarra/Aunt
IMO Henry Margaritow/Uncle
IMO Leon Glass/Father
IMO Elsie Press/Mother
IMO David Silow/Father
IMO Klara Rosenberg/Mother
IMO Grace Singer/Mother
IMO Nathan Kaplan/
IMO Sheppard Werner/Brother
IMO Sylvia Soirefman/Mother
IMO Joan Solomon/Wife
IMO Sandra Sperling/Wife
IMO Melvin Stein/Brother
IMO Melvin Stein/Brother
IMO Abraham
IMO Rose Sutin/Mother-in-law
IMO Elsie Toberisky/Mother
IMO Joseph Hudis/Father
IMO Andrew Vesely/Husband
IMO ida Weinstein/Mother
IMO Anna Goldberg
IMO Mollie Chernofsky
IMO Herman Schweiger/Father
IMO May Weiss/Wife,
IMO Hyman Bernfeld,
IMO Hyman Dien
IMO Sarah Weitzman/
IMO Anita Wlody/Daughter
IMO Frank Turner/Grandfather
Joseph Plonsky
Stanley & Claire Schneider
Dr Stanley Bernsteen
IHO Reading the Torah
Morris Epstein
Sheldon & Carol Goldsmith
Honor of Hagbah & Gelilah
Leonard & Sandra Keller
John Korn
Lillian Kramer
Ruth Kurtz
Sol & Eleanor Levine
Bernard & Ruth Morwitz
Julius Rosenberg
Jack & Shirley Rubin
Arista Salzstein
Lester & Joan Schwartz
Irving & Shirley Stiel
Lorraine Arbetman
Marion Harris
Charles David Harris
Lawrence & Carole Shamis
Carole bat Tzipka
Book of Remembrance
Keri Barnes
Carol Belmer
Beverly Berman
Morris H. Berman
Dr Stanley Bernsteen
Gilbert & Hana Bogen
Irwin & Sandra Chalfin
David & Jackie Cohen
Sylvia Eisner
Marshall & Sylvia Engell
Rita Erstein
Joan Esterson
Harold & Barbara Greenberg
Marion Hankin
Eleanor Hansen
Marion Harris
Selma Jacobs
Ruth Kurtz
Janet Lichtenfeld
Arthur & Elaine Liebhaber
Rosalie Meltzer
Rose Mond
Neal Oknowsky
Julius Rosenberg
Norma Rosenfeld
Gertrude Rudd
Bernard Saklad
Irwin M Schultz
Hyman Shmulewitz
Samuel & Roslyn Stein
Barbara Weinberger
Sam Weiss
David Wilansky
Sol & Eleanor Levine
Cantor Discr Fund
Selma Aison
IMO Herbie Langmeyer
Geraldine Berg
IMO Herbie Langmeyer
Gilbert & Hana Bogen
IMO Herbie Langmeyer
Irwin & Sandra Chalfin
HB Faye Gluck
Harriet DeCosta
IMO Herbie Langmeyer
Sylvia Eisner
IMO Herbie Langmeyer
Rita Erstein
IMO Herbie Langmeyer
Dr Burton & Nora Gerson
IMO Herbie Langmeyer
Mildred Grant
IMO Herb Langmeyer
Michael & Celie Halzel
IMO Herb Langmeyer
Ruth Kurtz
IMO Herb Langmeyer
David & Karen Marks
IMO Herb Langmeyer
David & Karen Marks
IMO Herbie Langmeyer
Don & Barbara Metsky
Adina Moseson
Milton & Rachel Popkin
Miki Romanow
Bernard Saklad
Cantor Efraim & Dvora Sapir
Edward & Gayle Savitz
Leon & Roslyn Schor
Sylvia Simon
Edward & Diane Tichi
Edward & Diane Tichi
Florence Ull
Edward & Doris Weitzner
IMO Herbie Langmeyer
IMO Herbie Langmeyer
IMO Herbie Langmeyer
IMO Herb Langmeyer
IMO Herbie Langmeyer
IMO Herbie Langmeyer
IMO Herbie Langmeyer
IMO Herbie Langmeyer
IMO Herb Langmeyer
IMO Herbie Langmeyer
IMO Herbie Langmeyer
IMO Edward Weitzner
Flower Fund
Daniel & Frances Goldman
IHO Ruth Kurtz
Michael & Celie Halzel
IHO their 52nd
wedding anniversary
Louise Kurtz
IHO Ruth Kurtz on her
90th birthday
Milton & Marilyn Ozar
IHO Milton’s 90th BD
Rebecca Summers
IMO Rachel Peretz &
Shimone Peretz
Gilbert & Sheila Weisman
IHO Gil’s 90th BD
Choir Fund
Gilbert & Hana Bogen
IMO Mickey Weinberg
Robert & Miriam Milamed
IMO Mickey Weinberg
Martin & Connie Rabinovitz
IMO Mickey Weinberg
Prayer Book Fund
Jack & Nancy Bushinsky
IHO Ayla Miriam Bushinsky
Edward Kertes
IMO Ester Kertes
Howard & Mildred Schoen
IHO Ruth Kurtz on her 90th BD
Gerald & Ingrid Schwartz
IMO Eugene Eisner
Martin & Carol Schwartz
IMO Eugene Eisner
Israel EmergencyFund
Gilbert & Hana Bogen
Mickie Corsun
Sylvia Eisner
Michael Gordon
Seymour Greenspan
Irwin & Eileen Jacobs
Joanne Kessler & Andrew Molinaro
Ayne R Rauch
Norma Rosenfeld
Rabbi Tobias & Ethel Rothenberg
Norman & Helen Rubin
Gertrude Rudd
Dr. Joseph & Selma Starr
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(561) 482-8000
Palm Beach
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October Birthdays & Anniversaries
Leonard Feigenbaum1st
Steven Dyzenhaus 9th
Barbara Margolis
Norma Rosenfeld 22nd
Diane Malakoff
Alvin Hearst
Ella Klein
Dr Burton Gerson 23rd
Nancy Black
Manfred Nussbaum 9th
Ray Misshula
Nathan Mitchell
Esther Geizhals
Marion Valinsky
Gloria M. C. Kay
Irene Rabinovitz
Arthur Glick
Ethel Fran Eddy
Martin Rotter
Greta Labush
Rabbi Raphael Miller2nd
Esther Strickler
Roslyn Schor
Sema Moskowitz
Helene Aronoff
Hava Weg
Harold Stein
Fania Keck
Roslyn Stein
Aaron Frank
Renee Wolfson
Rita Rosen
Sidney Weiss
Irving Weiner
Violet Darling
Helen Bedrick
Marion Harris
Louise Zweifler
Diane Begleiter
Dr Howard Wang
Sema Weinberg
Ivy Schamis
Jane Finger
Irene Dworkin
Milton Walzer
Selma Ackerman
Bernard Hochberg 20th
Michael Silverman 30th
Noah Fields
Moe Buller
Ruth Brotman
Zenia Revitz
Selma Kleinman
Edward Friedman 14th
Helen Goldman
Seymour Robbins 31st
Morris Lazarus
Gilbert Bogen
Rebecca Summers 8th
Martin & Linda Radnor
30th anniversary
Jack & Elizabeth Rosenthal
64th anniversary
Robert & Rosalyn Gibson
36th anniversary
Gilbert & Hana Bogen
4th anniversary
Arthur & Barbara Brandon
39th anniversary
Morris & Marilyn Silberstein
42nd anniversary
Albert & Sylvia Weinstein
68th anniversary
Bertram & Lee Lieberman
62nd anniversary
Ronald & Rochelle Rohin
45th anniversary
Jack & Nancy Bushinsky
38th anniversary
David & Jackie Cohen
49th anniversary
Rabbi Raphael & Jeannette Miller
56th anniversary
Arie & Susan Greenberg
54th anniversary
Sidney & Harriet Lenowitz
66th anniversary
Temple Anshei Shalom
7099 W. Atlantic Ave.
Delray Beach, FL 33446-1601
(561) 495-1300
Non Profit Org.
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Simchat Torah