
12 October 2014 : Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity - Harvest Festival Gift Day
WELCOME TO OUR SERVICES TODAY. If you are a visitor and usually
take communion in your own church, we hope you will share the sacrament
with us. If you are not a communicant, please still come to the altar, but
carry a book, and you will receive a blessing. Do join us for Fairtrade
refreshments in Church House after the 8:00 am and 9:00 am services and
at the back of church after the 10:45 am service.
A Crèche is available in the North Room during the 10:45 am service. All
children attending the 10.45 am service are welcome to meet in school year
groups during term time as follows:
Bubbles - Pre-school & Reception: North Room
JC Club - Years 1 - 5: Church House
Bell Tower - Years 6 - 9: Bell Tower
Please take this sheet home with you as a reminder of events in the coming
week which you might want to join in with, or pray over.
Almighty God,
you have made us for yourself,
and our hearts are restless till they find their rest in you:
pour your love into our hearts and draw us to yourself,
and so bring us at last to your heavenly city
where we shall see you face to face;
through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,
who is alive and reigns with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever. Amen.
Post Communion Collect:
Lord, we pray that your grace
may always precede and follow us,
and make us continually to be given to all good works;
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Church Notices: please send to
Today's readings with their pew bible page numbers are:
Old Testament Reading:
Isaiah 25: 1-9 (page 708)
This reading underlies Jesus' parable about the banquet of the kingdom.
The prophet sees that although Jerusalem will be laid waste, within the
divine plan of salvation the land will be restored, suffering and death will
come to an end, and God and humanity will feast together in joy.
New Testament Reading:
Philippians 4: 1-9 (page 1180)
Our weekly readings from this warm and affectionate letter come to an end
with some personal messages, and a resounding call to constancy in
prayer, to mutual love, and to an intense dedication to all the best things in
life within God's peace.
Gospel Reading:
Matthew 22: 1-14 (page 990)
In Jerusalem, Jesus' parable is a lesson for those who oppose him, and for
all who do not accept his invitation to join him in feasting in his kingdom.
8:00 am Holy Communion (Said) (Common Worship)
9:00 am Matins (Sung) (BCP)
Psalm 23 (Oxford Psalter page 57)
10:45 am Family Communion
If at the Family service you would like to receive prayer for healing, general well being,
comfort and strength by our trained Prayer Team, please make your way up early to the
communion rail and then go into the North Chapel (doorway by the organ) where you will be
warmly and confidentially welcomed.
6:00 pm Evensong (Sung) (BCP) (No sermon)
Psalm 139 (Oxford Psalter page 261)
Proverbs 3: 1-18 (page 637)
Hymn 260
1 John 3: 1-15 (page 1226)
Hymns 261 & 253
In our prayers this week we remember Joan Gibson, Stella
Blake, Joan Sweet, Annie Coles, Avis Clinch, Ann Way,
Rudi Gelsey, Jim and Anne Long - Jim has been diagnosed
with cancer - and all who care for and about them.
Marion Richardson, in Axminster, is remembering her
mother Eva, whose birthday fell on 5 October, and also
wishes to be remembered to her friends in this parish.
Church House Teas: This and next week’s teas are organised by Lin Smit
(462094). If you are able to offer any help in the usual areas, be it ever so
small, please ring as appropriate. Last week’s teas took £203.70.
Morning Prayer is said on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday at
7:30 am and on Tuesday and Thursday at 7:45 am. Do join us.
MONDAY 13 October
10:15 am Ladies' Daytime Fellowship & Bible Study. A warm welcome to all.
Further details - Judith Camplisson (565108) or Ann Long (564009)
TUESDAY 14 October
1:45 pm Art Fellowship Group: Church House
WEDNESDAY 15 October
11:15 am Interment of Ashes of James Poutney
7:30 pm Alpha Course: Church House
THURSDAY 16 October
9:30 am Hughenden Toddlers: North Room
10:30 am Tiny Tots’ Service: Church
10:30 am Friendship Morning: Church House
FRIDAY 17 October
SATURDAY 18 October Luke the Evangelist
9:00 am Holy Communion: Church
Next Sunday:
19 October : Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity
8:00 am Holy Communion (Said) (Common Worship)
9:00 am Holy Communion (Sung) (Common Worship)
10:45 am Informal Family Service
12:30 pm Holy Baptisms
3:48 pm Piggott’s Choir Concert
6:00 pm Evensong (Sung) (BCP)
12 October – Gift Day Sunday Today is our Gift Day. This year, special
donations are requested for 1. the continued funding of a youth worker or
2.Church House maintenance. You may also 3. give simply to our general
fund. You may also give to any combination of the three. Please place your
donation in a yellow envelope from the pews, and state your choice of
destination on the envelope. Please also fill in the envelope if you wish, and
are eligible, to gift aid your donation. Place the envelope with donation in
the collection plate or in the vestry or through the front door of Church
Cottage. Cheques should be payable to Hughenden PCC. And thank you
for your generosity.
12 October – Harvest Festival will support ‘One Can Trust’. Requested
items: jellies & Angel Delight, tinned meat, tinned potatoes, tinned veg,
nappies (sizes 3, 4 & 5), wipes, shampoo & soap. Please NO baked beans;
NO dried pasta; NO soup - thank you!
19 October – Piggotts Concert at 3:48 pm in Church. A choir from
Piggotts Farm will perform a capella music, from early to modern classical.
Conducted by Michael Veazey; no tickets required; collection for the Church
at the conclusion.
Mission Aviation Fellowship Would you like to further support the work of
MAF, one of our supported charities, by praying regularly with other MAF
supporters? A prayer group meets in High Wycombe every 2 months to
pray for the work of MAF, and the group would welcome new people. The
next meetings will be in November and January. For further details please
speak to David Tester (01494 563354) or call Graham Bunsell, of Totteridge
Baptist church, (01494 535347)
Wycombe Homeless Connection is looking for 50 hardy volunteers to
take part in their Big Sleepout 2014 on Saturday 15th November at Eden
Shopping Centre. No entry charge, but it is hoped that participants will raise
at least £100 in sponsorship. This will help fund our work rebuilding
shattered lives here in High Wycombe. Over 18s only. You'll need to bring
your own sleeping bag and pillow, but cardboard boxes will be provided! A
cold, uncomfortable night will be made better by takeout pizza, hot drinks,
entertainment and a sense of camaraderie. Both our local MP and the
Mayor are taking part so why don't you?! You will really appreciate the hot
shower when you get home...
Outlook The editors for the November issue are Bob and Jane Tucker.
Items for inclusion should reach the editors by the 15 October. Email at or hand-written articles can be
delivered or posted to Helen Byrne at 67 Friars Gardens, Hughenden