Aiken Newcomers’ Club :


Aiken Newcomers’ Club :
Aiken Newcomers’ Club
October 2014
Volume 38, Number 3
Mission Statement: Aiken Newcomers’ Club shall provide opportunities to its members to become acquainted with other members, as
well as with the many community activities and functions. The Club will undertake and complete charitable, humanitarian, and social
welfare projects, while being nonpartisan, nonsectarian, nonpolitical, and nonprofit.
Guests are welcome for one business meeting/luncheon but must become a member to attend additional
functions of the Club. You must be an Aiken Newcomers’ member to join any Special Interest Group.
Herb Encrusted Pork Loin W/Apricot Chutney Sauce
Seasonal Vegetable and Rice Pilaf
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
9:45am Registration
10:15am Business Meeting
11:30am Lunch
Program: Pink Ribbonettes
With Sue Stutman-King, Irene Hawley, and Cecil Herrin
50/50 Tickets: Cecelia Mark, Ann Schneider, Diane Brace, BJ Schreier
Greeters: Sandy Perkins, Lynn Engeholm, Emily Chambers, and Barbara Meyers
A-L Carol Jones
M-Z Beth Crowder
You are responsible for reservations and cancellations by 12 noon the THURSDAY BEFORE the luncheon. Late reservations CANNOT be
accepted. The Club must pay for every reservation so you will be billed if you make a reservation and don’t attend or fail to cancel your
reservation by noon the Thursday prior to the luncheon. If a member invites a guest who is a “no show” the member is responsible for the
luncheon reservation payment. To cancel or change a reservation, please use the same method you used to make your original
reservation. Please have your $14.00 check payable to Aiken Newcomers’ Club filled out BEFORE getting into line.
The Pink Ribbonettes is an Aiken-based organization assisting people diagnosed with breast cancer and their caregivers. They will do
almost anything needed to support a breast cancer patient. Members have taken those without transportation to doctors’ offices and
facilities offering mammography. The Pink Ribbonettes let the breast cancer patients know they are not alone in their fight. They will help
you find a wig and make sure it looks good on you! Want to know whthe next steps are after your diagnosis? Yes, the doctor will tell you,
but you may not be in a good enough mental state to remember what was told to you. The Pink Ribbonettes stand by to help you through.
Sue Stutman-King, a breast cancer survivor who is also a Nurse Practitioner, will give a brief overview of The Pink Ribbonettes. Also
speaking will be two other breast cancer survivors. Irene Hawley will give you the woman’s and Cecil Herrin the man’s perspective on the
disease. Some of you may want to check the men in your life after you hear from Cecil.
Pink Ribbonettes is funded by donations. Although the American Cancer Society asked a couple of women to start the Pink Ribbonettes,
the local ACS chapter does not have the funds available to assist the organization. You can assist The Pink Ribbonettes by buying one of
their T-shirts, which will be available at our meeting. They cost $15 each or 2 for $25 in sizes S, M, L and XL. Plus sizes cost $17. If you
don’t want another T-shirt, you can always make a donation to the organization.
If you have had breast cancer, or if you are the caregiver for someone with it, please consider joining The Pink Ribbonettes. While nobody
likes to think about breast cancer, one in eight women will have it during their lifetime. So look around your luncheon table – who has
already been treated??? Could you be next??? Be sure to have your annual mammogram and do your monthly self-examination. Always
remember – The Best Protection is Early Detection.
Community Service -- Pink Ribbonettes
In October, members have a chance to win a Girlie Girl Pampering Gift by purchasing tickets for $2.00 each or 3 for
$5.00. All proceeds are going to the Pink Ribbonettes
We are collecting school supplies and children's underwear sizes 6, 8 and 10 on an ongoing basis again this year.
THE NEW MEMBER TEA will be held November 21, 2-4pm at the Cedar Creek Community
Center. Any member who has never attended a tea is welcome. Sign up at the luncheons
or call Lee Morgan @ 226-0048.
October 24 (Friday)
Lunch and shopping on your own in beautiful downtown Beaufort. Price of trip will be $78.00. Visit the Fall
Festival of Historic Homes in Beaufort, S.C. View a selection of private homes, gardens, and plantations. These
homes represent three centuries of Beaufort architecture for which the city is justly famous.
December 3 (Wednesday)
We are going to Blue Willow Inn in Social Circle, GA for lunch and then to Madison, GA for shopping. Cost: $47.00
includes lunch and bus including all tips.
We Are Joining the 21st Century!! The Aiken Newcomers’ Club is moving toward providing the newsletter in
digital format ONLY. If you didn’t provide us with your email address when you joined or renewed your
membership, please do so now. Please check with Membership to verify your email address. If you do NOT have
an email address, this is a golden opportunity to make friends with a member who has a computer, printer and
email. You may need her assistance! Information on the meetings will be submitted to the Aiken Standard, but
we have no control over what is or is not printed. Please note that our luncheon meetings are always held on the
2nd Tuesday of the month. As a last resort, you can call our Luncheon Chair, Chris Jakubec (641-2011), to make
your reservation. Thanks for graciously and promptly providing this information, which is NOT shared outside of
the organization.
Snacks & toiletries were sent
to Afghanistan by the USO. Funds
collected were donated to USO.
School supplies donated to Christ Central
Volunteers hold tote bag they made to hold
school supplies distributed to students.
Aiken Newcomers “Open”
Holiday Wine Tasting
October 11
9am Shotgun Start
Cedar Creek Golf Club
CCGC $25
Non CCGC $36
Lunch Available
November 19th
6pm – 9pm
Newberry Hall
8 Wines
Heavy Hors d’oeuvres
With Beef Carving Station
$50 per person
Contact Carole Stamm at 803-226-9598 to sign up. Fliers are in your email
Special Interest Groups… Chair: Felicia Lehman (226-9261)
You must be an Aiken Newcomers’ member to join any Special Interest Group
historic sites, museums and antique
shops in our area. Group
membership fee of $10. Go to
Beaufort Oct 24th $78. Go to Social
Circle Dec. 3 @ $47. Chairs: Linda
Caldwell (226-0546), Penny Dowd
(648-2609), Joan Gallagher (5142682), Arlene Irwin (514-2757), and
Linda Kilelee (514-2447)
BOOK CLUB: Meets at 1:30 pm on the
fourth Tuesday of the month. The
Other Typist by Suzanne Rindell.
RSVP to chair for location. Chairs:
Sandy Perkins (643-9669) & Lee
Morgan (226-0048).
BRIDGE, CONTRACT: Meets @ 9:30
a.m. on 1st Tuesday of each month @
Cumberland Village. Cost per
meeting: $10.00 which includes
lunch. Done @ approximately 2:30
pm Chairs: Trudie Hubbard (6480918) and Mary Jo Langford (6425596)
BRIDGE, COUPLES: Meets @ 7:00pm
on the 2nd Friday of the month at
Harbor Chase. Chairs: Lois Parker
(648-1656) and Jeannine Wright (6485139)
Monday of the month @ 9:30am at
Cumberland Village. Chairs: Mary Jo
Langford (642-5596), Trudie Hubbard
BUNCO: Meets @ 1:00pm on the 3rd
Thursday of the month @ St. John’s
United Methodist Church. This is a
very simple dice game. NEW Chair:
Judee Mitchell (648-6931)
Friday of each month @ 9:30am. For
details contact the chairs. Chairs:
Judy Ruocco (643-5650) and Sara
Sweeney (644-3558)
HAND & FOOT: Meets 2nd Friday of
each month from 1:30pm to 4:30 pm
at Cedar Creek Community Center.
Chair: Lynn Engeholm (642-0605 or
Smelser (648-6437)
MAH JONGG: Meets monthly @
1:00pm on the 2nd Wednesday (new
date) at the Cedar Creek Community
Center. Chairs: Claudia Creaven
(641-2197) & Pat Pluff (226-9602)
MEXICAN TRAIN: Play 1:00 to 4:00pm
on the 4th Friday of the month at
Cedar Creek Community Center. Call
to reserve your ticket! Chairs:
Marianne Bange (514-2563) and Kaye
Dzwileski (648-5410)
food & meet new friends as you lunch
at a different spot @ 11:30am on the
3rd Friday of each month. Acropolis
Restaurant on 10/17. Please RSVP to
chairs. New Chairs: Lee Rand (6430343) and Wilma Brownlee (648-6105)
1:00pm on the 2nd Monday. The
group performs short plays for local
organizations. $10 member fee.
Chair: Lani Snug (643-1788). Meets at
Lani’s home, 2031 Cardigan Drive in
Cedar Creek.
SCRABBLE: Meets @ 1:00pm on the
3rd Monday of the month at a
member’s home. Chairs: Nancy Ring
(803-221-3414) and Polly Naramore
(642-7268). RSVP to Trudy Gaughran
if you wish to play on Oct 20th, and for
directions to her home. (642-8094)
STITCH & CHAT: This is a laid-back
group who enjoy sharing techniques
and chatting. Meets on 4th
Wednesday of the month @ 9:30am at
a member’s home. RSVP to Chair for
location. Chairs: Margaret Hayden
(649-4346) and Susan Calderone
Sara is available for small, private,
guided walks—just give her a call.
Chair: Sara Wampole (641-4270)
WINE TASTING: Each group meets at
a host’s home (Sun. 4:00 to 6:00 pm)
to sample wines. Light appetizers are
included. Groups are open to couples
or singles. Wine costs shared among
attendees. Questions? Call Colleen
Jones (502-0569).
Group #1—3rd Sunday of each month.
Chair: Colleen Jones (502-0569)
Group #2—1st Sunday of each month.
Chair: Doris Larson (642-4226)
WINE & DINE: Each group meets at a
host’s home for wine and appetizers,
followed by dinner at a local
restaurant. Open to singles or
couples. For questions, contact
Janet Emerick (642-0290).
Group #1—2nd Thursday of the
month. Info: Charlene Engebrethson
Group #2—2nd Wednesday of the
month. Info: Janet Emerick (6420290)
Group #3—3rd Thursday of the month
Info: Anne Smith (648-1025)
Group #4—1st Thursday of the month.
Info: Nancy Karl (803-649-7907)
the 2nd Friday of the month. For
single ladies who enjoy getting
together for lunches, concerts, plays,
movies, etc. Annual fee is $8.00.
RSVP to Lori for location and details.
Chair: Lorie Dilendik (648-6344)
For additional information and locations, contact the group chair.
Membership Info: The membership year is June 1st—May 31st. Yearly dues are $20.00 payable to Aiken
Newcomers’ Club. New members joining after Dec. pay 1/2 dues of $10.00. Contacts are: Renewals, Marion
McIntyre (cell 803-270-3300) and New Memberships, Darcy Funkhouser (643-3323) and Tracy Spaeth (226-0743).
Call Marion McIntyre for address changes.
Database Manager: Debbie Kasper (648-9420). Directory Editor: Anne Kelty (502-0648)
Newsletter Staff: Marie Carter (641-777-8414 or and Anne Smith (648-1025 or
smith5494@ Note: All newsletter submissions are due the 1st day of the month for the following
month’s newsletter.
Web Staff: Web administrator Anne Kelty (502-0648)
Aiken Newcomers’ Club
PO Box 5002
Aiken, SC 29804-5002
Address Service Requested
PERMIT # 545
October 2014
President: Edie Hubler; 1st VP: Beth Crowder; 2nd VP: Lee Morgan; Co-Treasurers: Chris Bell & Ann Schneider; Secretary: Sharon Kah
ANC Membership Form
If you are interested in renewing your membership or joining the Aiken Newcomers’ Club, please
complete this form and mail it with your annual dues check of $20.00 to Aiken Newcomers’ Club,
P.O. Box 5002, Aiken, SC 29804-5002. Our membership year runs from June 1st to May 31st.
You can also stop by the Membership Table at our luncheon meetings to join or renew. Thanks,
in advance, for being a part of the Aiken Newcomers’ Club. We enjoy your company!
Please Print:
Flu shots will be available after the
October and November meetings. $0
for Medicare members, $25 for nonMedicare members
Telephone #: ____________________________
Date of Birth: Month: _______ Day: ________
Email Address:
□ New Member or are you □ renewing your Membership?
Method of Payment:
□ Cash or
□ Check & Check Number __________________
Are you a
This form must be included with your payment.
Spread a Little Sunshine
Remember how nice it feels to
know someone is thinking of you?
If you know someone who could
benefit from a greeting
(condolence, encouragement, get
well,), please call Jean Layton
(649-5179). Speak slowly,
repeating your information.