St. Michael Lutheran Church ~ 7000 Sheldon Rd., Canton, MI ... 734.459.3333 Web site


St. Michael Lutheran Church ~ 7000 Sheldon Rd., Canton, MI ... 734.459.3333 Web site
St. Michael Lutheran Church ~ 7000 Sheldon Rd., Canton, MI 48187
734.459.3333 Web site
Rev. Dr. Dave Denzer ~
October 11-12, 2014
Everyone is invited to participate in these activities and we hope you’ll
join in as you’re able. If you need more information please contact the
church office at (734)459-3333 or
Brown Ministry ~ Join us on November 8 at 8 AM
as we carpool in the church van to Detroit to help
support this ministry by sorting clothing, making
sandwiches and whatever tasks they need help with
to minister to the less fortunate in Detroit. Please
call Paul at 734-207-7939 if you’d like to join us.
The last date for 2014 will be December 13.
Food Pantry Needs ~ Our food pantry continues to be a blessing for many
in our community. Thank you all for your generous support of this
important ministry. While you are out shopping, if you feel so led, we are
running low on instant potatoes, scalloped potatoes, pancake mixes,
syrup, peanut butter, spaghetti sauce, rice mixes, pasta sides, soup, lunch
snacks, complete meals and tuna fish and canned chicken.
Nursing Home Stocking Ministry ~ We need people who enjoy sewing to
help make 100+ Christmas stockings for distribution to two local nursing
homes. These stockings are made from felt so they’re pretty simple to
make. We provide the pattern and felt, so you would just need to cut and
top stitch around the edges. Please call Karen McIntee at 397-8461 if
you’re willing and able to help.
LWR Blanket Drive ~ A big THANK YOU to all who donated blankets
for the annual Lutheran World Relief Blanket Drive and/or money to
buy new blankets. Although the blanket drive is over, we will continue to
accept monetary donations until the end of the year. Thank you for your
Prayer Shawls ~ With the cooler weather recently, are you itching to get
at your knitting needles or crochet hooks? If you’re looking for a project,
we could use some new prayer shawls. The pastors take these shawls,
which have been lovingly made with the talents and prayers of our
members, when they visit people in the hospital. If you have any
question, call Dodie Martinek at 734-455-0291 or the church office.
Fall Prayer Vigil Callers ~ Please volunteer approximately 1 1/2 hrs of your time to make telephone
calls, as every St. Michael family will be contacted to
ask if they have any prayers requests or praise reports to be prayed over during the Nov 21/22 Prayer
Vigil. There is a sign-up sheet on the Pastor's
Ladies’ Tea ~ Last weekend to purchase tickets! Come join us on Oct 18,
at 1 PM for finger foods, tea and coffee and to hear the moving testimony
of Dina Vannice (from the Dick Purtan show). Dina will speak on
"Keeping Your Joy in the Midst of Trials and Tribulations". Please see
more information in the October newsletter. Tickets are $10 and will be
available in the narthex after services, by contacting Kathy Gillespie at
(734)844-3515 or in the office.
Ushers Needed ~ We are all gifted to be part of the body of Christ. So as
stewards of God, please think about this ministry. You may have noticed
that Ushers are in short supply. We could use ushers for all services. This
is a very important ministry. As ushers, we are often the first person
that people meet as they walk through the front doors. It is the usher’s
responsibility to make first time visitors and members feel welcome and
Remember our mission to “Connect people to the living God.” It will truly
be a Blessing to serve as a St. Michael Hospitality Usher as we Bring Glory
to God. So please pray about this and if you would like more information,
contact Usher Coordinator, Jim Davis at 734/453/8587 or e-mail Thanks and God’s Blessings
Attention St. Michael Hand Bell Ringers ~ If you are interested in playing
in the hand bell choir, please contact Michelle Snyder (734) 673-2925 or
David Snyder (734) 658-1871. We are in need of 11 full time ringers and
3 substitutes for the season. When all the positions are filled, we will start
practice after Oct. 30 on Thursdays at 6:30 PM.
Amazing Grays Trips ~ Mark your calendar for the following dates:
Oct 29 (Wednesday) 11 AM-3:30 PM ~ “Detroit by Chocolate.” Light
lunch at end of tour (2:30 PM) so eat a good breakfast! Samples at each
stop. Tickets are $40.
Nov 19 (Wednesday) 9:30 AM ~ Turkeyville for “A Christmas
Carol….with a Twist” and lunch. Limit of 15 tickets! Tickets are $42.
Dec 7 (Sunday) 2:00 PM ~ Beckridge Chorale Concert. Tickets are $15.
Twelve Women of the Bible by Lysa TerKeurst ~
continues on Sundays at 9:30 AM in the Portable.
No books or study guides are needed; there will be
handouts available. Each week is a stand alone
session so please come when you are able. Please
call Bev Read at 313-515-8265 for more info.
Understanding Slavery in Scripture: To Whom Do You Belong? ~
Pr. Dave’s Wednesday evening Bible study resumes this Wednesday,
October 15 at 7:00 PM in the Chapel.
Embraced by God: Studies on God's Love by Max Lucado ~ is the new
topic for the 9:30 AM Chapel Bible Study that will begin on Sun, Oct 19.
According to Isaiah 49:16, our names are written on God's hand. When
we meet our Father in Heaven He will call us by name. What a thought –
the Creator of the Universe calling your name. Not only does God know
us, He wants us to fully experience life with Him – His Joy, His Grace,
His protection, and His presence. Each session in this series is a separate
faith lesson - so drop in whenever you are available. Greg Anderson will
facilitate the discussion and can be reached at 453-0861 for info.
The Truth Project ~ through Nov 23 at 10:30 AM Sunday mornings in
the Abraham room. The Truth Project contrasts the Biblical view with
the secular across 12 different areas of life, such as family, history,
philosophy/ethics, theology, science, labor, and government. The Truth
Project is a starting point for looking at life from a Biblical perspective.
The lessons will discuss the relevance of living your daily life with
a Christian worldview. Drop in any week that you are available.
Discussion is facilitated by Allan Geisler.
SPRING HILL RETREAT for 4th-6th graders! ~ Nov 7-9
Join us for a fun filled weekend of awesome music
and worship, zip line, great speakers, flying squirrel
game, a Noodle Hockey tournament and much,
much more! See Family Faith Bulletin Board for sign
up and Parent info packet. Cost is $115.00 per
person plus any additional stuff you choose to add on. Adult chaperones
are needed as well. Talk to Brenda if you have any questions.
Moms in Prayer Group ~ I would like to start a Moms in Prayer group
for our area and I want to see who is interested from St. Michael. The
prayers are by name for the teachers and children of our schools. This is
an international organization that mobilizes moms to pray for their
children and schools. It is making a great impact as people see the movement of God as a result of prayer in the lives of their children. For more
on it check out the website: Sign up on the Parish life
bulletin board if you are interested in more information or in participating.
Oct 31st ANNUAL Harvest Party! ~ Performance by Captive Free, Dinner,
Bouncy House, CANDY.….More CANDY, Music, Skits, and Puppets.
Costume contest (no scary costumes please). Pumpkin carving contest!
Bring your friends to celebrate All Saints Day and God’s blessings in our
lives! (5:30-8:30 PM). See Parish Life board to sign up ….we NEED a
count to feed every one. Candy donations needed and accepted ~ please
place in the big orange bucket by the Parish Life board in the Narthex.
Weekly Calendar
Week of October 12-18, 2014
9:00 AM Worship Service-Sanctuary
5:15 PM Family Dinner-KR
9:30 AM Sunday School-all ages
5:15 PM Teen Choir-Chapel
10:30 AM Adult Bible Study-Abraham
6:00 PM Sonbeam Choir-Sarah
11:00 AM Worship Service-Sanctuary
6:15 PM Kids’ Kingdom-Chapel
12:30 PM Praise Team Practice-Sanctuary
6:30 PM Leaping Lambs-Sarah
6:30 PM Confirmation-Sanctuary
6:00 AM Open Prayer-Sanctuary
10:00 AM Alanon-Abraham
7:00 PM Nursery > 3 years-Nursery
10:00 AM Esther-Portable
7:00 PM Kids’ Kingdom-Alpha/Omega
5:30 PM Monday Evening Prayer-Library
8:00 PM Church Council-Abraham
7:00 PM New Hope Grief-Chapel/Lib/M/M/D THU
6:00 AM Open Prayer-Sanctuary
11:00 AM Seasoned Citizen Bible Study-Abe
7:00 PM Esther-Portable
7:30 PM Boy Scouts-KR
7:00 PM The Forum-YR/KR
6:00 AM Open Prayer-Sanctuary
7:00 PM Crossways-Portable
7:30 PM Adult Choir-Chapel
11:00 AM Plymouth Ct.
6:00 PM Boys’ Basketball-KR
6:30 PM Plymouth Landing-M/M
6:30 AM Men’s Bkfst & Bible Study-Bob Evan’s
7:00 PM AA-Abraham
9:00 AM Equipping Ministry-Abraham
12:00 PM Alanon-Abraham
7:00 PM Mission & Outreach-Dorcas
6:00 AM Open Prayer-Sanctuary
6:00 AM Open Prayer-Sanctuary
6:00 PM Tea Set Up-KR
6:30 AM Men’s Bkfst & Bible Study
7:00 PM Friday Night Bible Study-Library
1:00 PM Ladies Tea-KR
5:30 PM Worship-Sanctuary
This week’s altar flowers were given in honor of
Pat and Donna Butler’s 30th Anniversary
And in honor of David and Diana Collin’s
13th Anniversary