Royal Herald 


Royal Herald 
Royal Herald October 10, 2014 The Best Haunted House Ever! What happens when two groups of students from different schools choose the same house to haunt? Well only silliness, scariness and hilarity of course! But add to it that the house already seems to be haunted by a third party and you’ve got a fun evening of Halloween mischief. Come join us Friday Oct. 10 or Saturday, Oct. 11 for the Regis Middle School production of The Best Haunted House Ever! The curtain goes up at 7 p.m. both nights. Tickets are $5 for adults, $3 for students and senior citizens and those 5 years and under are free. House doors open at 6:30 PM each night! Come early for the Fall Play and enjoy the Regis Book Fair! The Regis Book Fair will be open from 6 ­ 7 PM both Friday and Saturday nights before the play so come on out and support the Regis Book Fair! Iowa Assessments are Next Week Iowa Assessments will be administered at Regis Middle School the week of October 13­17. The tests will be administered in the mornings, each day except for Wednesday. Students should plan on getting a good night’s sleep and to eat a good breakfast to help maximize test performance. Please help your student(s) be prepared for Iowa Assessments. Encourage them to put forth their best effort on these tests. The results are most meaningful when students take the tests seriously and give their best effort. Students who are absent during the week, will make up the tests they missed, possibly on Wednesday October 15 and the week of October 20th. Parent Teacher Conferences Thank you to everyone who has already registered for Regis Parent Teacher Conferences! We are a week away and already have 87.5% of our families registered online for their conference. If you haven't already registered, please be sure to do so soon, as times are filling up. Currently, all conference times have been filled for Wednesday, Oct. 15th and there are only a couple of time slots available for next Thursday, Oct. 16th. If you are looking for your PT Conference sign in info, please note that it was emailed out last Friday and the email came from Ms. Tracy Murphy. Everything you need for signing up online is in that email. There are still many time slots available for the following week. One additional note, if your student is an 8th grader, please be sure to bring YOUR CHILD'S iPAD to Parent Teacher Conferences, so that teachers can walk you through Schoology. Help Feed Our Teachers During Conferences! We are looking for some help in feeding our teachers during those Parent Teacher Conference nights. If you are willing and able to bring an item please sign up here. Thank you to Dayna Harrington and Bonnie Beardsworth for their help in assisting with this sign up! Thank you also to the many parents who have already volunteered to help with this! Student Council Spirit T­Shirts Student Council has extended the deadline for the navy and silver ‘Anchored in Hope’ themed t­shirt to October 15th. Order forms are available in the Main Office, shirts are available in S, M, L, and XL for $12 and XXL for $13. All sizes are adult, no youth sizes available. T­shirts will be sent home with students once the order has arrived. Grandparent’s Prayer Service on October 22nd Each year, the Catholic Church observes Respect Life month in October with a particular emphasis for reverence. The theme for this year is “Respecting human life through awareness of aging.” As a way to honor and show appreciation for the grandparents or the special persons in our student’s lives, we would like to invite them to our Wednesday, October 22, 2014, prayer service. A welcome/introduction will begin at 9:45 AM in the Dick Breitbach gym with a prayer service to follow until 11:00 AM. ● What: Grandparent’s/Special Persons Prayer Service ● Date: Wednesday, October 22, 2014 ● Time: 9:45 – 11:00 AM ● Where: Regis Middle School (Dick Breitbach gym) Please RSVP by using this link or by using the link on the Regis Royals homepage. We are also looking for individuals to provide juice and cookies for our gathering. Cookies and juice need to be dropped off in room 102 by 9:00 AM on Wednesday, October 22nd. Please click here if you are able to help out with this. CEO Speaker Tom Keating at St. Ludmila Catholic Church “The Fall and the Call: My Journey to Catholic Leadership” is the topic of the next CEO speaker, Mr. Tom Keating, to be held at St. Ludmila Church on Wednesday, October 15, 2014. The time for the event is 6:30­ 8:00 pm. Tom Keating, a lifelong Catholic, was raised in an immigrant family in Philadelphia. Tom shares how he re­discovered that faith and brought the light of Christ back into his life. He also reveals the call he answered to become a leader of an outstanding Catholic school community of Xavier High School. A light dinner and daycare will be provided. There is no charge and all are welcome. ***Fitness & Wellness Cash & Carry Sale Regis will be doing a Cash and Carry Sale on all remaining onsite stock of Fitness and Wellness shirts and shorts. Shirts and shorts will be $10 each during this sale. This stock is limited and when it is out, it is out. Order forms will be provided if the item you are looking for is not available. The next order deadline is October 27th, orders will be delivered to Regis before Thanksgiving Break. This deadline is the best opportunity for those 6th graders to order their P.E. clothes before class begins after Break. October 22nd Early Dismissal ­ NO PM Busing Please note that we will NOT have afternoon busing available on October 22nd. Students should be picked up by 1pm due to Parent Teacher Conferences. Congratulations Congratulations to the Xavier Math Team of 8th graders Anna Garbe, Lauren Korbel and Ella Schrader who placed 7th overall in the Small School Division at the Great Plains Math League competition on October 8​
. 182 students from 15 high schools throughout eastern and central Iowa competed. The team finished 7th on the Small School Team Test. On the Target Test, Lauren Korbel placed 2nd in the 8th grade category. On the Sprint Test, Anna Garbe placed 1st, Lauren Korbel placed 2nd, and Ella Schrader placed 3rd in the 8th grade Small School category. The next Great Plains Math League event is Saturday November 1. Tuition Due Tuition Payments are now DUE if you selected either the Annual or Trimester Payment options. If you have not yet made the necessary payment, please send your scheduled balance due to the attention of Mary Carey, Business Office Manager. If you have any questions about your tuition contract or payment schedule, please contact Mary Carey at 363­1968 ex 202, or Thank you for your attention to this matter. Athletic Fees are DUE If your student participated in Fall Athletics or will be participating in upcoming Winter Athletics and you have NOT paid the athletic fee of $125.00, this fee is now DUE. This fee funds all athletic programs at Regis. Please remit your fee of $125.00 to the Main Office, to the attention of Mary Carey, by 10/17. Individual notices will be sent out the following week. If you have any questions, please contact Mary Carey at 363­1968 ex. 202 or Thank you for your attention to this matter. Flu Shots We will be offering flu shots at Regis Middle School on Thursday October 30th from 8:30­10:00 am in the Health Center. They will be $30. Checks can be made out to Comfort Care. Students must have consent and payment at the time of vaccination. Click here for the Flu Shot form. ***Student Directory In an effort to cut down on paper usage and waste Regis has moved to an electronic copy of the student directory. You will find the directory attached to this email in a PDF format for easy downloading and access. Fall Concert Information The students have been working hard and our concert is scheduled for Tuesday, October 21st at 7:00 p.m. The concert is worth a large portion of the student’s grade. If severe illness or an emergency comes up, talk to Ms. Kenyon or Mrs. Williams about how the concert may be made up. Please stay for the entire concert to support all of the Regis music students. There is a song at the end of the concert that all choir students participate in and all need to be in attendance. The night of the concert: The students have scheduled times to arrive at school the night of the concert for their warm­up. They need to report to the choir/band room at their assigned arrival time. Attendance will be taken during warm­up. Following the warm­up, students will sit in the gym. The arrival times are as follows: 6th grade choir­ 6:15 7th /8th grade band­ 6:20 7th grade choir­6:30 8th grade choir­6:45 6th grade band­ 6:45 Concert Attire: ● Students need to wear black on bottom (black pants, black skirt, black shoes) and white on top. ● Skirts or dresses long enough for Christian modesty (measured by four fingers width above the knee). Anything above the knee must be worn with nylons or black tights/leggings. ● Shoulders must be covered ● Christian modesty both in hem line and in neck line (tightness) ● Heels should be no higher than two inches Show Choir Used Shoes It's that time of year again where we are collecting used show choir shoes. If you have show choir shoes that you no longer need and want to sell, please turn them into Ms. Kenyon. Put the shoes in a plastic bag and clearly mark them with the student’s name. Box Top Collection News Box Tops should be turned in to your students homeroom teacher. The first round will end October 22nd. Round 1 winner will be announced October 29th! Get clipping! A great way to boost those Box Tops earnings is to ask family, friends, and co­workers to clip and save for you. Everyone knows to check food labels for Box Tops, but did you know Box Tops can also be found on office supplies like paper reams, labels and 3 ring binders? Start a jar in your office’s break room or supply room for Box Top collection. Every little bit helps. Hy Vee Cash 4 Students Grocery shopping for all those summer barbeques surely has created quite a stockpile of Hy Vee receipts in your kitchen. Bring those receipts to the Main Office at Regis! Hy Vee food, pharmacy, and gas receipts totaling $200 will earn Regis $1. Last year Regis earned over $2000 and placed in the top 10 for area schools. This is such a simple way to help Regis earn a little extra. From the Regis Library Our Scholastic Book Fair is in full swing! Please stop by after school TODAY. The book fair will also be open before the Fall Play on Friday and Saturday! What? You can't make it to the book fair? Visit us online until October 21st and your order will be shipped FREE to Regis! Here's the link! Calling ALL writers! Enter the VFW Patriot's Pen Contest (grades 6­8) OR the Americanism contest sponsored by the Fleet Reserve Association (grades 7­12) Last year Regis had two winners that entered the VFW contest ­ let's do it again! See Ms. Bryan in the library for all the details! Ms. Bryan will be available on a limited basis during conferences. Please feel free to email her if you have any questions! ( Xavier High School Pom Camp for Girls Grades K­8 The Xavier Poms will be hosting a Xavier Pom Camp for girls grades K­8 on Friday, Oct. 24 from 2­5 p.m. at Xavier High School! All campers will perform for family and friends during halftime of the sophomore football game. Camp enrollment fee is $40 and includes a t­shirt. Enrollment applications should be completed and returned with payment to the Xavier Activities Office by Monday, October 13 to ensure that camp participants will receive a t­shirt on the Friday of the camp. Visit to download an enrollment form and for additional information. Checks should be made payable to “Xavier High School” and returned with completed application to: Camp Director Xavier High School 6300 42nd St. NE Cedar Rapids, IA 52411 For questions, contact Pam Barta at or 319­294­6635 x302. Saints Baseball Saints Baseball is looking for boys ages 6­14 who are interested in playing competitive recreational baseball for the 2015 season. You can find more information and registration materials on Saints Baseball on the website or email Coach Banowetz at Registration is open now until October 31st. All Saints SCRIP Sales All Saints will be selling SCRIP at Regis Middle School between 7:30 a.m.­8:00 a.m. on Thursday, October 16th, and Friday, October 31st. November sale dates include: Friday, November 14 and 21. Most SCRIP items will be cash and carry. Any backorders will be available for pick up in the All Saints parish office the following Friday or will be available the next scheduled sale date. From the Metro Catholic Food Pantry “I hope everyone is enjoying these beautiful fall days. This week at the pantry we made up 97 boxes of food which will feed 258 people. We are continuing to take phone calls for this evening. Thanks to the parishes who brought in food and Xavier Homecoming collection our shelves do not look depleted.Thanks to everyone who made this possible. Our pantry needs for this week are: Jelly, Other Meats (Chili, canned stew, canned chicken etc), Tuna, Pasta Sauce, and Canned Soup.” Mass of Celebration of Life The Archdiocese of Dubuque is offering a ” Mass of Celebration of Life” with persons with disabilities, family, and friends on Sunday, October 19, 2014 at the 10:00 A.M. Liturgy at St. Mary Parish in Manchester, Iowa. The celebrant is Archbishop Michael Jackels. All are invited and welcome. Parish Mission with Steve Angrisano Steve Angrisano will be at St. Joseph Catholic Church in Marion on October 19th­21st from 7­8:30pm each evening with music, inspiration, fellowship, and more. This event is free to the public and childcare will be available. Steve Angrisano is one of the most effective and versatile ministry leaders in the Church today. Those who are young (and young at heart) embrace the passionate message of faith, hope, and live woven throughout his music and storytelling. ***Fall Into Skating with Ice Arena The Cedar Rapids Ice Arena is holding a family skating event on October 23rd from 6:30­8:30pm. Individuals and families are welcome to register. Registration deadline is October 20th. See the attached flyer for registration details. Opportunity for Girls Lil’ Sisters is a program for girls ages 12­16. This program empowers young girls to embrace who they are by encouraging them to use a positive body image as their motivation for healthy living. There will be 2­ 90 minute exercise sessions on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:30 ­ 8:00 p.m. These sessions are led by a certified fitness specialist. The sessions will include cardiovascular exercise, strength training, core and balance work, cycling, outdoor games, trail walks/runs. There will be one 30 minute wellness session on Tuesdays from 8:00 ­ 8:30 p.m. These sessions will cover topics such as; emotional eating, the impact of media on a young girl’s perception of beauty, the importance of physical activity, eating disorders, goal setting, positive self­talk, reading nutrition labels, fueling your body well and more. The next session begins October 14th. Call 319­261­2601 for more information. ROLL (Respect Our Life Losses) Grief Support Group Iowa City Hospice is resuming it’s ROLL (Respect Our Life Losses) Support Group for students ages 11­15. The ROLL group offers a safe and respectful place to spend time exploring our reactions to losing someone we loved. The ROLL Group will meet from 6 ­ 7:30 p.m. at Willowwind School, 950 Dover Street, Iowa City on Tuesday October 14. Contact Gail Garwood, Iowa City Hospice at or call 319­688­4217 or 800­897­3052 for more information. Activities Scores » Scores and results are provided by the coaches/moderators of the activities. 7th Grade Volleyball Regis vs. Harding B teams lost all 5 sets A team won 3 out of 3 sets Regis vs. Excelsior B teams won 2 out of 4 sets A team won 2 out of 3 sets 8th Grade Volleyball Regis vs. Excelsior B teams won 5 out of 6 sets A team won 3 out of 3 7th Grade Football Saints vs. Oak Ridge Saints A 32 Oak Ridge 14 Saints B 8 Oak Ridge 0 8th Grade Football­Navy Saints vs. Harding Navy A 42 Harding 0 Navy B 0 Harding 0 8th Grade Football ­ Silver Saints vs. Harding Silver A16 Harding 6 Silver B 0 Harding 0 Saints vs. Oak Ridge Silver A 32 Oak Ridge 14 Silver B 6 Oak Ridge 6 Boys Tennis Regis vs. Prairie Green and Red teams both lost 6­3 to Prairie teams yesterday. We lost several close matches in tiebreakers. We fought hard and many came back from deficits. Calendar of Events » Saturday, Oct 11 » Fall Play ­ 7pm Monday, Oct 13 » Day 3 Iowa Assessments Metro Marching Band PIAC Meeting in Regis Chapel ­ 7:20am Art Palette ­ 2:45­3:30pm Royals Show Choir Practice ­ 2:55­3:30pm Cross Country Practice at Noelridge­3:45­5:00 (parent meeting to follow) First Tech Challenge ­ 3­4pm Tuesday, Oct 14 » Day 4 Iowa Assessments Pizzazz Practice ­ 7­7:45am Open Minds, Open Doors Conference at Coe College ­ 8am­2pm Regis Show Choir Practice ­ 2:55­3:30pm Girls Swimming Practice starts @ Washington High School­3:00­4:30pm Eastern Iowa Middle School Meet at Noelridge Park ­ 3:30pm 8th Grade Football Navy vs. Roosevelt @ LaSalle ­ 3:45pm 8th Grade Football Silver vs. Wilson @ Wilson ­ 3:45pm 8th Grade Football Banquet @ Regis in cafeteria ­ 5:30pm Wednesday, Oct 15 » Day 5 Iowa Assessments Liturgy planned by Mrs. Henley’s Homeroom ­ 10am Parent Teacher Conferences ­ 3­6pm Thursday, Oct 16 » Day 6 Iowa Assessments Royals Show Choir Practice ­ 7­7:45am 7th Grade Football vs. Harding @ LaSalle ­ 3:30pm Parent Teacher Conferences ­ 3­8pm 7th Grade Football Banquet @ Regis in the cafeteria­ 7pm Friday, Oct 17 » Day 1 Iowa Assessments Regis Show Choir Practice ­ 7­7:45am Saturday, Oct 18 » Royals Show Choir Practice ­ 8am­Noon Regis Show Choir Practice ­ 1­5pm