Registration 2015 Anxiety and Depression Conference –12, 2015 April 9


Registration 2015 Anxiety and Depression Conference –12, 2015 April 9
2015 Anxiety and Depression Conference
April 9–12, 2015
To complete electronically: Download, save to computer; or print out, write legibly, scan; email to
First name ____________________________ Last name ______________________________________________
Degree(s) _________ Badge name (if different from above) _____________________________________________
Current affiliation (as it should appear on your badge) __________________________________________________
Preferred mailing address (This is my ☐ home ☐ work.)
Street _______________________________________________________________________________________
City ________________________________ State ______ Zip/Postal code ___________ Country _____________
Phone ___________________ Fax ___________________ Email _______________________________________
Emergency contact _______________________________________________ Phone _______________________
Current membership must be paid through April 30, 2015, to qualify for memberdiscounted rates. Join ADAA now.
Through October
31, 2014
Until March 1,
After March 1,
Until March 1,
After March 1,
+ $55 for
+ $55 for
Trainees/Postdoctoral Fellows/Residents
(includes box lunch on Saturday)
Students (includes box lunch on Saturday)
Thursday only (Master Clinicians; PCORI;
Preconference Workshop With Reid Wilson
(this ticketed event only)
Preconference Workshop With Reid Wilson (fee
for this ticketed event when you register for the
full conference)
$145 (through April 12, 2015)
Guests: name(s)________________________
$95 (through April 12, 2015)
Will you be attending Thursday programs: Master Clinicians, PCORI, NIMH, or research sessions? ☐ yes
☐ no
If you are registered as a student or trainee/postdoctoral fellow/resident, will you be attending the Early Career lunch
(Saturday, included in fee)? ☐ yes ☐ no
☐ I am applying for CE or CME credits (professionals only)……….....☐ $0 for ADAA members ☐ $55 for nonmembers
Check one for CE or CME credits…………☐ CME ☐ CME-MOC
☐ NBCC ☐ Other
☐ I agree to comply with the ADAA conference registration and cancellation policies (below).
Payment Information
☐ Check #__________
Checks must be in US $ and payable to ADAA.
☐ VISA ☐ MasterCard
T OTAL $_______
ADAA does not accept American Express or Discover.
Credit card number ___________________________________ Expires ________ 3- or 4-digit security code _________
Authorized Signature _________________________________________________ Date: ________________________
ADAA fully complies with the legal requirements of the Americans with Disability Act (ADA). Please list any special
Complete both pages of this form and email to or mail with full payment to
Conference Registration, ADAA, 8701 Georgia Avenue, Suite 412, Silver Spring, MD 20910
Questions? Call ADAA at 240-485-1030 or e-mail | FAX 240-485-1035
Cancellation and Refunds Cancellations and requests for refunds must be received in writing by March
9, 2015; cancellations by telephone will not be accepted. A $75 administrative fee will be charged for all
refunds. Refunds will be issued after the conference ends.
Cancellations will not be accepted after March 9, 2015, for any reason, including medical and travel
complications, due to the many costs associated with planning and organizing this conference.
Registration Everyone attending the 2015 Anxiety and Depression Conference must register and pay
the appropriate registration fee. All session and poster presenters must register immediately upon
acceptance to the program. After March 23, 2015, registration will be available on-site only.
Students, trainees, postdoctoral fellows, and residents: You must provide a letter from your
institution to be eligible for special reduced fees.
Guest fees—nonprofessional adults (family members and guests) who accompany
registrants—provide access to non-ticketed meals and receptions. Guests are not eligible for
CE or CME.
Consumers: Register by phone (240-485-1030) or by mail by March 23, 2015,
or on-site.
(Mail to ADAA, 8701 Georgia Ave., Suite 412, Silver Spring, MD 20910) Health
professionals, faculty, and research staff are not eligible for consumer rates.
Confirmation and Badges Registrants will receive confirmation by e-mail. Badges and conference
information will be mailed three weeks before the meeting. You must bring these items with you to
the conference. Badges are required for admission to sessions and must be worn at all times. Badge
holders and conference programs will be distributed on-site.
Payment Payment in full is required at time of registration. ADAA accepts VISA or MasterCard, and
checks or money orders in U.S. dollars ($30 charge for checks returned for insufficient funds). ADAA
does not accept purchase orders, American Express, or Discover.