Document 6558464


Document 6558464
Phone (902) 862-2255 Fax 862-7110
Email: Parish Website:
The Parish Church of Saint Leonard is located at 3180 Mount Carmel Avenue, New Waterford, Nova Scotia
Our Pastoral Centre is presently located at 5310 Union Highway, River Ryan, NS, B1H 1B2
Our mission: To be a visible sign of the Body of Christ in our welcome, witness and celebration of all that we are as People of God.
Volume 8, Number 6
Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Reading I:
Reading II:
October 12, 2014
Isaiah 25:6–10a (Prepare the Feast)
Philippians 4:12–14, 19–20 (Everything is Possible)
Matthew 22:1–14 (Invited to the Banquet)
We Remember… Our celebrations of Marriage, Christian Burial …
We congratulate our newly married couple … Lydia Currie & Andrew Sheppard.
And we pray for those who have died, especially Emerson Heffernan, Bernie Henry, Bernie Marsh, Mary Alice
“Posey” (Smith) McKinnon, Russell “Durango” Petrie and John “Jack” Wilkie.
We Celebrate …
Our Sunday Gatherings for Eucharist
4:00 PM
9:00 AM
11:00 AM
Our Daily Gatherings This Week
10:00 AM
to 6:00 PM
10:00 AM
10:00 AM
10:00 AM
10:00 AM
7:00 PM
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
In the Side Chapel
Daily Mass
Daily Mass
Daily Mass
Daily Mass
Taize Prayer (at the Pastoral Centre -- 5310 Union Hwy)
In the case of a funeral on Monday, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will begin at 1:00 PM
In the case of a funeral Tuesday to Friday, daily mass is cancelled.
Sacrament of Baptism
Baptisms are usually held on the third weekend of each month, at our 4 PM Saturday and 11 AM Sunday Liturgies.
If you wish to celebrate the Sacrament of Baptism, please contact the Pastoral Centre (862-2255).
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Before Weekday Masses, or by appointment.
Sacrament of Marriage
If you wish to celebrate the Sacrament of Marriage, please contact the Pastoral Centre at least 6 months in advance.
We Believe …
In today’s gospel, Jesus teaches about God’s invitation to us to celebrate the
Eternal Feast in the Kingdom of Heaven. Now this is unlike any invitation we ever have or ever will
receive. It’s not for a formal event (like a party on a specific date and at a specific time) or an
informal event (like a friend’s invitation to an overnight). Rather, this is a sacred invitation, one that
God sends to us every minute of our lives. In everything we do every day, God persistently invites
you to share in the feast of joy and eternal life already prepared for us. Because our relationship with
God is the most important thing to us, we respond with a resounding “Oh yes! Indeed! I can make
Questions of the Week
What can I do this week to bring Christ to everyone that I meet?
What is one thing I can do to show my friends that God loves them?
Children’s Liturgy of the Word
Preparation for the Sacraments
During our 4 PM Saturday and 11 AM
Sunday liturgies, children ages 4 to 12
years and, in particular, First Eucharist
Candidates, are invited to take part in the Children’s
Liturgy of the Word. This provides children with the
opportunity to hear the readings of the day from the
Children’s Lectionary and to discuss these readings with
We encourage all parents/caregivers to
provide their children with the opportunity to know and
understand God’s Word.
First Reconciliation – Children in Grades 4 and up in
our parish are invited to begin preparing to
receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
Registration for First Reconciliation will
continue until November 3, 2014.
Sacrament of Reconciliation will take place on
Saturday December 6, 2014, at 11:15 AM in
the Parish Church of Saint Leonard.
Breaking Open the Word
Tuesday nights in our parish have been
reserved as a time for parishioners of all
ages to join together to reflect upon the
Word of God. The Gospel of the coming
Sunday is shared and a guided discussion
follows. All gather in the upstairs of the Pastoral Centre
and, following an opening blessing, the children proceed
downstairs with catechists. Parents/caregivers of the
children are welcome to stay upstairs with the other
adults, or to accompany their children downstairs. It is
important to note that all children, regardless of
whether they are preparing to receive a sacrament or
not, are invited and most welcome to attend Breaking
Open the Word. “Jesus said, let the children come to
me.” It is our sincere hope that the children of the Parish
of Saint Leonard take part in our fun and informative
Tuesday Night Sessions. Breaking Open the Word will
continue on Tuesday, October 14, 2014, at 6:30 PM.
Taize Prayer
Our Parish offers an evening of Taize prayer on
the first and third Fridays of each month
(next on October 17) at 7 PM at St. Leonard
Pastoral Centre (Union Hwy.). Come and
enter into this intimate exchange with God!
Feast of Saint Leonard
Once again this year in honor of the Feast Day
of our patron saint, Saint Leonard, we will
collect items for Talbot House. Up until our
special feast day mass on Thursday,
November 6, we ask that you bring new items
to be used by the residents of Talbot House such as: soap,
shampoo, shaving cream, socks, toothpaste, toothbrushes,
razors, deodorant, new facecloths and towels,
underwear, combs/brushes or shaving kits.
There is a box for this purpose at the back of
the church. Thank you!
Confirmation – Students in Grades 9-12 are invited to
begin preparation for the Sacrament of
Confirmation. Classes for Confirmation will
take place on Mondays at 7:30 PM upstairs at
the Pastoral Centre (5310 Union Hwy.),
beginning on Monday, October 20. Parents
are asked to attend a meeting on the last Monday of each
month at 7:00 PM, upstairs at the Pastoral Centre. The
Sacrament of Confirmation will be celebrated in our
parish on Thursday, April 16, 2015.
First Eucharist -- Children in Grades 2 & up are invited
to begin preparing to receive the Sacrament of
First Eucharist. If you were unable to attend
Registration on September 28, registration
forms are available at the back of the church,
at the Pastoral Centre, or on the parish website. A Parent
Meeting for First Eucharist is scheduled for Thursday,
January 15, 2015. In the meantime, First Eucharist
Candidates are expected to take part in our Children’s
Liturgy of the Word and Breaking Open the Word.
If you wish to register your child for any Sacrament,
you may pick up a registration form at the back of the
Church, at the Pastoral Centre, or the parish website
( The forms can then be
passed in to the Pastoral Centre. Pastoral Centre hours are
Monday to Friday, 9:30 AM – 12 Noon and 1:30-4:00
PM. Note: Although there is no required fee for these
programs, we do suggest a donation of $20 for each
program (or $30 per family with multiple candidates) to
cover the cost of program materials. If you have any
questions regarding any of our Sacramental Preparation
Programs, please contact Mary Clare Sampson at 5748800 or email
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
All parishioners and friends are invited to spend
time in Adoration each Monday from 10 AM
until 6 PM (use side door to Winter Chapel).
This is a peaceful opportunity for quiet prayer in
front of the Blessed Sacrament. Feel free to
stop by and stay awhile. Invite a friend to join you!
Supporting Ourselves as Parish
Collection for Sunday, October 5, 2014 - Envelopes (361) $4,763.00 + Loose: $276.85 = $5,039.85
ThankThank-you for your continued support!
Upcoming Meetings
St. Leonard Pastoral Council
New Waterford & Area Cemetery Society
St. Leonard Pastoral Care Committee
St. Leonard Liturgy Committee
Auction With Richard Fogarty
Fundraiser for Nora’s Home
The Nora Huntley Home for the
Disabled is situated in a rural
community in the province of
Arthamuru, India. The Home was
established in 2010 to address socio-economic, political,
health education and environmental problems adversely
affecting the lives of marginalized people suffering from
disabilities, and currently houses 30 residents. The
Friends of the Nora Huntley Home for the Disabled here
in our parish invite you to join them on Saturday,
November 8, 2014 at the Gaul Centre (5310 Union
Hwy, River Ryan) for an Auction to raise funds to build
a kitchen and cafeteria at the Home. Lots of beautiful
items have already been donated, but we can accept a lot
more. If you are a baker, we would love to auction off
some cakes, as well. The event will begin at 5:30 PM
with Sandwiches & Sweets, and the viewing of auction
items will take place from 6:30-7:00. Bar services will
be available after 6:30 PM, and the Auction will take
place from 7-9 PM. with auctioneer Richard Fogarty.
Admission is $10 per person. To reserve tickets or to
donate, please call Viola Penny (862-7366), Helen Dwyer
(862-2515), Rita McEachern (862-6370) or Eileen Muise
(862-2613). Tickets are also available at the Pastoral
Centre during regular office hours.
The Friends of Nora’s House have recently launched a
website where you can see pictures and learn more about
the home and its operations …
St. Vincent De Paul Society Food Drive
The Saint Leonard St. Vincent De Paul
Society will carry out a Food Drive in New
Waterford and surrounding areas on
Saturday, October 18, from 10:00 AM to
1:30 PM.
Please leave non-perishable
grocery items (please check expiry dates) on
your doorstep … we will be happy to pick
them up. If you are missed, please call 862-3779 and
leave a message or just drop your donations in the food
cupboard at the back of the church. Thanks!
October 15
October 15
October 16
November 13
Pastoral Centre
Pastoral Centre
2660 Lingan Road
Pastoral Centre
Annual Memorial Mass
Since the Feast of All Souls falls on Sunday
this year, our Annual Memorial Mass to
remember our parishioners and family
members who passed away in the last year will
be held on Friday, November 7, at 6:30 PM.
Candles will be lit in their honor. We welcome all
parishioners to celebrate this commemoration.
World Mission Sunday
World Mission Sunday is on October 19
this year. This is a worldwide collection for
the missionary church that provides
emergency aid when disasters strike, cares for refugees in
war torn nations, provides rural health clinics and
transportation for priests, catechists, religious and lay
pastoral workers. It provides financial support for the
daily needs of all missionaries. Please pray for the
missions and be generous on World Mission Sunday.
You will find envelopes in our pews for this purpose.
What is a Synod?
The word synod comes from the Greek meaning “walking
together.” The Synod of Bishops is a meeting of Bishops from
all over the world, who gather around the Bishop of Rome
in a spirit of collegiality to thoughtfully reflect on topics
that are of importance to the whole world. # Synod 14 is
taking place in Rome October 5-19. It was called by Pope
Francis to address the pastoral challenges that families
have to face today in the context of evangelization.
Through the process the Holy Father, along with the
Bishops, can provide an orientation that responds to the
realities of the entire Church. In addition to the Bishops,
attending # Synod 14 will be: married couples, experts,
auditors and delegates. At the conclusion of this synod,
the Bishops will return home and reflect on the issues
with their communities. They will return to Rome a year
from now for # Synod 15. After # Synod 15, the Bishops
will present the Pope with their recommendations. Pope
Francis will then evaluate their proposals and will
provide guidance to the Universal Church. Join the Synod
Fathers and Pope Francis by praying for the Synod.
St. Vincent De Paul Society
Emergency Food Service - Call 862-3779 (leave a message).
Clothing Room –Behind the Gaul Centre (on Christy Lane) – Mondays at 10 AM for drop-offs
and Mondays at 11 AM for pickups.
Good, Used Furniture Needed – Please Phone Dan MacMullin at 862-8832 or Alice Aucoin at 862-3193.
St. Leonard St. Vincent de Paul Society meets the first Thursday of each month (next on November 6)
at 11:30 AM at the Carmel Centre.
Any parishioners who are willing to help out in this worthy cause are invited to attend our next meeting!
Jesus said, "The least you do to these my brothers and sisters, you do to me.”
A Free Will Offering for the St. Vincent de Paul Society Food Bank is taken up
At our liturgies on the last weekend of each month.
Opportunities for Prayer
Vision TV – Daily Mass is broadcast Monday to Saturday at 9:00 AM
and repeated at 1 PM. Devotions in honor of Our Mother of Perpetual
Help on Wednesdays at 9:30 AM.
NBC - Sunday Mass at 8:30 AM .
EWTN – Rosary at 8:30 AM, 12:30, 4:30 & 10:30 PM
Support & Share Grief Support Group – for those who have
experienced the loss of a loved one. Upcoming Sessions:
October 14 - 7-9 PM – 188 George St., Sydney
October 15 – 7-9 PM –St. Leonard Pastoral Centre, River Ryan
October 22 - 7-9 PM – Town House, Glace Bay
November 6 - 7-9 PM – Miners Memorial Manor, Sydney Mines
Everyone is welcome and no registration is required.
Knights of Columbus Regular Meeting - Sunday, October 12, at 2
PM at the KOC Rooms, Plummer Avenue
Family Tree Research – Tuesdays at 1:00 PM at the New Waterford
Library. Sponsored by the New Waterford Kinsmen. All supplies are
provided, free of charge. For info or to register, visit the New Waterford
Library or email Shawna Murrant at
Combined Christmas Giving Pyjama Drive -- Once again this year,
the Combined Christmas Giving Committee is having a PJ Drive, hoping
to have enough so every one of our children will have a new pair of PJ’s
for Christmas Eve. For info or to donate, contact Shelly at 862-6142.
Combined Christmas Giving Application Days - Friday, October
17, from 11 AM – 4 PM and Saturday, October 18, from 10 AM -- 4 PM.
Health Card and proof of income (T-4 slip) is essential. If you don’t have a
T-4 slip, you can call 1-800-959-8281. For info, contact Marjorie Peckham
(862-3822) or Shelly (862-6142).
“The great danger for family life, in the midst of any
society whose idols are pleasure, comfort and
independence, lies in the fact that people close their
hearts and become selfish.” ~Pope John Paul II
Aging Gracefully – Monday, October 20, at 1:30 PM at the Carmel
Centre. All women are welcome to attend.
Antigonish Diocesan Society Annual Meeting – Sunday, October
26, at 2 PM at the KOC Hall, Port Hawkesbury. All those interested in the
role of the Society are invited to attend!
Challenge Weekends for Ages 15-20 – November 7-9 (Young
Women) & November 21-23 (Young Men) at Camp Breton Dean in
Hillside Mira. Anyone wishing to attend or work these weekends can
contact Elaine MacLeod, Challenge Lay Director, at 902-794-2596 or
email These action packed weekends are a
time of personal and spiritual growth which have seen hundreds of young
people attend through the years. See you there!
New Beginnings Weekend - November 7-9 at St. Joseph’s Renewal
Centre in Mabou. There is a new beginning for people who are bereaved,
divorced or separated. We are providing a weekend of support and help
by a team of your peers. For more information, call Ron Currie at 902564-0788.
Youth Ministry Workshop - Saturday, November 22, from 10 AM1:00 PM at St. Joseph’s Parish, Port Hawkesbury. For all those interested
in working with youth in our diocese, and those with gifts such as
technology, fund-raising and social justice which could be used with youth.
Marriage Preparation for Engaged Couples
The following courses are being offered by Family Service of Eastern NS
and our local deaneries. All programs held at Our Lady of Fatima Parish,
Sydney River, on Saturdays from 12:45 PM – 5:30 PM and Sundays
from 1 PM – 4:45 PM. The cost is $75 / couple.
November 1 & 2, 2014
April 18 & 19, 2015
February 7 & 8, 2015
June 13 & 14, 2015
Register by calling 902-849-4772, or email
Dear Friends …
Thanksgiving Weekend gives us an opportunity, in the midst of our busy lives, to stop, reflect and come to a
deeper awareness of the beauty of life and the blessings so graciously bestowed upon us. Let us give thanks to
God for our parish community and let us be inspired this Thanksgiving Weekend, to continue to live with a
deep sense of service and compassion for all God’s People.
Happy Thanksgiving Day to all!
Father Ray