G October 2014 BELL NEWSLETTER Riverview First United Methodist Church
G October 2014 BELL NEWSLETTER Riverview First United Methodist Church
~ God’s Servant To Our Community ~ October 2014 BELL NEWSLETTER Riverview First United Methodist Church Inside This Issue: Pastor Merritt’s Message ……………………………...Page 1 Welcome Friends; Prayer Tree; Bible Study Classes ……………………………..Page 2 Restore News; Pastor Rick Phillips Article “Prayer-How, Where, When, and Why?” and RUMC Events…...……......………Page 3 I Was Thinking About: “ Article By Dee Lindsey & “Another Thought” By: Harmon Robinson son …………………..……..Page 4 Greetings in The Mighty Name of Jesus Christ! Over your fresh squeezed Florida Red Ruby Grapefruit Juice, delicious cup of Cold Milk, Strawberry French Toast, with Strawberry Cream Cheese and Strawberry syrup, and your 3 Red Hot Sausage Links, I rejoice fully and without reservation offer you the following for your kind consideration: Faith is the belief that God is Real, and that God is Good - All The Time! We have troubles all around us, but we are not defeated. We do not know what to do, but we do not give up the hope of living. We are persecuted, but God does not leave us. We are hurt sometimes, but we are not destroyed, so we do not give up…Our physical body is becoming older and weaker, (Tell me about it…) but our spirit inside us is made New every day. We have small troubles for a while now, but they are helping us gain an eternal glory that is much greater than the troubles and persecutions. We set our eyes not on what can be seen but on what we cannot see…(2 Corinthians 4: 8-9, 16-18). Think about the following: The feet that walked on water had been pierced. The hands that touched and healed real people had been stilled by being nailed to a cross. The body that did so much to help others to see God was abused and tortured for my sins and yours. The head that was filled with love, grace, and compassion was mistreated so horribly that He was no longer recognizable, even to His closest followers. The women came to place fragrant oils on a cold dead body and say a final farewell to the One who had given heart - felt reason for their hopes and dreams. The women thought they were alone but they were not. God’s angel had move the stone so that they could see Jesus had risen from the dead, just as He said He would! Jesus’ broken body had become the perfect resurrected body! And, God says you and I will have a New body, too!! Can you imagine even just for a moment, what that will be like? My friends, if you have faith in Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord, then you will have this perfect, resurrected body that Paul describes for us in 1 Corinthians 15: “The body that is sown is perishable, it is raised imperishable; it is sown in dishonor, it is raised in glory; it is sown in weakness, it is raised in power; it is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body.” And, “The perishable must clothe itself with the imperishable; and the mortal with immortality. When the perishable has been clothed with the imperishable, and the mortal with the immortality, then the saying that is written will come true; “Death has been swallowed up in Victory! Church Staff; Using Your Gifts Where, O death, is your Victory? Where, O death is your sting?” The sting of death is sin and the powand Talents Here at Riverview First United Methodist Church & er of sin is the law. But thanks be to God! He gives us the Victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” News From The Florida UM Foundation …….………...……………...Page 5 Our Homebound ………………...…………...Page 6 UMC Fall Festival Information…………………….Pages 7 Birthday’s and Anniversaries ……………………………...Page 8 Beloved, Paul presents resurrection as a New Creation; and this restored bodily existence affirms and fulfills the original intent of God’s creation. Believers don’t have to wait until the future to experience this Spirt - enabled life because living in faith and obedience to God through the Holy Spirit is a wonderful foretaste of the complete experience that will come when all is restored later. Because Jesus rose from the dead, we have hope, salvation, victory, and purpose. We can be confident in faith and diligent in work for Him! God Bless and Keep You All, Pastor Merritt Waters Page 2 It Takes All God’s People To Do God’s Work! Won’t You Join Us Welcome to First United Methodist Church of Riverview, RUMC for short. We are a congregation with deep roots in Florida history and United Methodism. Our church began in 1846 not far from where it is located, today. For 168 years our congregation has been worshipping God and serving the Riverview community. Our mission statement reads, “Making Disciples of Jesus Christ for the Transformation of Riverview and Beyond” That means we are focused on encouraging one another to serve Jesus Christ in personal and unique ways. At RUMC we have groups and ministries for all ages: Worship is the central and most important act of a Christian. On Sunday mornings we offer three distinct worship services: 10:00 AM Worship Celebration 1st & 3rd Sunday’s: Traditional / Choir-led For all those needing God’s Love and healing. If you or a loved one needs Prayer or comfort RUMC BIBLE STUDY CLASSES Join Us for our Bible Study Classes! You may contact: Bev Plett: 813-349-9000 Email: mplett@ix.netcom.com -ORYou may call Riverview United Methodist Church Office: 813.677.5995 Monday’s 11:30 - 1:00. Our Women’s “Small Group” Bible study is beginning a new series and we have room for you! Ladies, come and try this unique, facilitator lead, format for digging into God’s word. A study of 1 Peter, “Hope in Hurtful Times”, Sunday School room #6, 11:30 am to 1:00. 2nd & 4th Sunday’s: Contemporary /Praise Band 5th Sunday’s: Youth Praise Team Noon Hispanic Worship Service *Children’s Church is offered @ Both Services The Celebration of the Lord’s Supper is observed the First Sunday of each month. There are classes for all ages, cradle to walker. In addition to our Faith Groups, we have a women’s Bible study group that meet every Monday, at 11:30 until 12:30 and on Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. Pastor’s Bible Study Group on Wednesday evenings at 6:45 p.m. Our Hispanic Bible Study also meets at 6:45 p.m. Prior to these groups we have “Wonderful Wednesday's” fellowship supper, bring your favorite dish and join in. Other groups include: The Youth group, who also meet on Wednesday evenings at 6:45, We also have Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts; United Methodist Women and United Methodist Men; Riverview Ringers (bells); and a Chancel Choir. Hispanic Worship Practice is on Friday evenings at 7:00 p.m. We also have Restore Food Pantry and Thrift Shop, which is an equal opportunity employer and is open to the public: Mon., Tues., and Thurs., from 10:00 a.m. until 12:00 Noon. Non-perishable donations are always welcome. Pastor’s Bible Study on Wednesday All Submitted Bulletin information (Bulletin night’s at 6:45 PM information, must be Church related) and must be in the Church Office No Later Than Wednesday of each week. The Bell Newsletter information must be in the Church Office no later than the 15th of each month. “Journey” Bible study class/ discussion group, invites you to attend! The class facilitator: Connie Mosley. Classes will meet in Room #8 at 9:00. Please email all Bulletin and Bell Newsletter The Gleaners Class under the tutelage of information to this email: rvrviewumc@tampabay.rr.com Follow Riverview First United Methodist Church on the Church Website: www.riverviewflumc.org Earl Lennard meet each Sunday in the church library. Our current studies are Tradition and Wisdom and how these things apply to our daily living. We use the Adult Bible Studies from the Uniform Series International Bible Studies for Christian Living. There is a lot of discussion and finding every ones opinion on the given lesson and sharing our thoughts with each other. RESTORE NEWS Page 3 Restore is a USDA Food Pantry and “This Institution is an Equal Opportunity Provider” Restore Is Open To The Public ; Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday of each week at 10:00 a.m. until 12:00 noon. OCTOBER - NOVEMBER EVENTS Prayer - How, Where, When, and Why? and as we are tempted and pursued by the evil one. It is very easy to just memorize the Lord’s How does one pray to God? Just speak prayer and other prayers and phrases and from the heart. Where? Wherever you are. then recite them from memory without realWhen? Anytime, day or night. And Why? ly thinking about the significance and the Because God really does hear us, and power of the words. Jesus warns not to only He has the answers we seek. God will “heap up empty phrases” as we pray. So answer prayer in many different ways. say the words you know, let your feelings show, God will understand you. Pray from Sometimes He will lead us to where we where you are, there’s nowhere that’s too can read the answers for ourselves if we far, God is all around you. are willing to open up our Bibles, and open up our minds and hearts. There is much He knows every heartache, He hears written in God’s Holy word that teaches us every call. He will move any mountain, part about praying and the immense power of any sea, until nothing stands between Our prayer in our lives. In the Gospel of Mat- Father and His children. God already thew, chapter 6, Jesus teaches the disci- knows what we are going through, even ples how to pray. before we think or speak, He knows what is on our minds and in our hearts. He tells them that God is not impressed or moved by eloquent words, and Honest and earnest prayer to God is not showy public displays. Jesus teaches them so much a way for us to enlighten God as what we now call “The Lord’s Prayer”, as a to how we feel, it is more God’s way to pattern to follow in speaking to God. And enlighten us as to His existence and His he tells them that even when they pray unfailing love for us. silently in secret, God hears them just the same. When we pray, and God provides an answer, it fortifies our belief and our faith in We can use the same pattern when Our Father in Heaven. God has the anwe pray to Our Father in Heaven. It is pret- swers to our questions and our problems. ty simple; first we call Him by name, and He is just waiting for us to take the time to praise Him for His holiness above all creat- humbly kneel down before Him, and open ed things. Then we acknowledge His will not just our mouths, but our minds and our for our lives, and our willingness to seek it hearts, and ask for His help. So let us pray and follow it. without ceasing: Anyhow, anywhere, anytime, and for any reason. God is always Next, we ask for His provision, just listening. enough to get through the day, and then ask Him to forgive our sins, and promise to forgive those who have wronged us. And Rick Phillips then, we ask for His guidance and protection as we face the trials of this life, Financial Peace University: Continues thru November 11th, 6:45 8:15 PM. Child Care will be available. Questions, Contact: Connie Mosley 813.766.7104 Union Service: In observance of World Communion Sunday, Oct. 5th, RUMC will enjoy a Union Service with our Hispanic Brother’s & Sister’s. RUMC PUMPKIN PATCH Coming Saturday, Oct.11th, 2014. Hours of Operation are from 3-8 PM on Weekdays, and 10-8 on Sundays. This our main fundraiser for the Youth Group, your help and support will be greatly appreciated! This Year’s Annual Conference: Will be held in our Sanctuary on Tuesday, Nov. 4th, at 6:45 PM. Retired Pastor, Rev. J.C. Powell will serve as our presiding elder. Church Conference. Conference Reports are due in the RUMC Office: Oct. 7th, 2014. RUMC Harvest Festival: Saturday, November 15th, Between 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM. Invite your friends and family!! Church Council Meetings: Our next Church Council Meeting will be held on Tuesday, Nov. 11th, 2014 at 7:00 PM in our Church Library. Please be reminded that currently our Church Council Meetings are held every other month. Please make every effort to attend and to participate in our Church’s decision making process. Page 4 I Was About: Just Thinking Light All was darkness and then God brought Light. Most people give no thought to those long ago days when all was darkness if the moon didn’t shine. Politics have taken our Lord out of public acceptance. What are the churches telling us? Who is speaking out for our Lord? Are we just sitting by and letting others take His name out of public expression? Will we let them pretend our God never belonged in our heritage and founding? Are we all sleeping? No, we who are true Christians speak out for our Lord and God. Today we have all kinds of ways to make light. Few give any thought of We know that the Light God where it all came from. Spiritual people brought us is our own blessed Lord. have deep feelings about all we have and Wake up, believers. Darkness is closing from where it came. in as we let the Light be frozen out. Stand up for the Light of the world. Christians know that God is in Now. charge of our earth and everything about it. When we fail to appreciate what He Our nation is dying for lack of pride has given us, forget His commandments, in our heritage. Americans are workers He may call this to our attention by unusu- who believe in God and helping our fellow al changes in weather patterns. Prophets man. The Lord is calling us to follow Him of old saw this as a warning. and remember His commandments. Only two but they are everything. God first and our neighbors as ourselves. Are we living this? Are your homes filled with the true Light? Do you trust God in all things? Do you really believe? THINK. I’m old in body but filled with joy having my Lord with me always. My Father God blesses me daily with strength to go on and witness to my Lord’s love and salvation. Hear me, dear friends and fellow believers. Hear my plea to feel my Jesus in your heart. Love spreads its warmth all through you when you turn to Him with all your heart and soul. God is with me. His Son strengthens me. This joy is all yours too if you will only come into the Light that knows no darkness. May God be with you. Blessings. Dee Lindsey Another thought…… Practice it quite a bit to get used to the idea. If they turn you down, it's not the end of the world. Do you feel a little timid about witnessing to someone new? The best antidote is to memorize a few verses of scripture to help you get more comfortable. The more verses you can memorize will give you the confidence you need. It should make an impression on the one you are trying to witness to. It will lend credence to your words. The best way to get into the habit is to do it with friends like, Hasn't God made another wonderful day? That will break the ice and give you a little confidence. Then you can try it on some that you would like to win to Christ. You might practice on your spouse or friend to see the reaction you get. Once you get your butterflies to fly in formation will give you a good start. Christianity is on the wane and needs all the help we can give it. You've got to get over the notion that you're coming on too strong. No one is going to persecute you for greeting them with a kind word from the Bible. You may get some strange looks, but you've opened the door to get them to question you about your position. Remember that Edison had to make several hundred tries before he got the light to come on. Our church has stood the test of time for over 168 years, but has been on the decline. We are going to get help from the conference to show us what needs to be done. Let's all get involved instead of the usual ones. You are free to brow beat me if I'm wrong. Your friend in Christ, Harmon Robinson Page 5 Foundation Board Names Interim President LAKELAND, Fla. - The Florida United Methodist Foundation board of directors has named Scott Davidson interim president. Davidson will serve in that capacity while the board searches for a permanent president. "Davidson has more than 22 years of experience and leadership in business and civil engineering, combined with a lifelong commitment to the mission and ministry of The United Methodist Church," said the Rev. Dennis Vlassis, chairman of the Foundation's board. "He will be an instrumental part of the team as the board and staff carry on the work of the Foundation during this time of transition." Davidson serves on the Florida Conference board of pension and health benefits, as treasurer of the East Central District and as a member of the Florida United Methodist Children's Home board of directors. He is also chairman of ZOE Ministries, which works with more than 22,000 children and youth in Africa and Central America orphaned by HIV/AIDS, and vice chairman of Agua Viva Serves, a nonprofit water-well ministry based in Costa Rica. From 2003 to 2005, Davidson was director of operations and ministries at First United Methodist Church in Winter Park, and in 2006 he served as interim president and CEO of the Children's Home. Most recently, he supervised the final design and construction of Madison Youth Ranch, the new north campus of the Children's Home. Davidson earned graduate and undergraduate degrees in civil engineering from Georgia Tech and an MBA from Rollins College in Winter Park. He is a former principal and vice president of Ardaman and Associates, a 350-person engineering consulting firm specializing in geotechnical engineering. Davidson also worked as a Peace Corps volunteer, serving as executive engineer in the public works department in Belize. He is married to Ann Eppinger-Davidson. The family attends St. Luke's United Methodist Church in Orlando. Foundation Board Names Interim President LAKELAND, Fla. - The Florida United Methodist Foundation board of directors has named Scott Davidson interim president. Davidson will serve in that capacity while the board searches for a permanent president. "Davidson has more than 22 years of experience and leadership in business and civil engineering, combined with a lifelong commitment to the mission and ministry of The United Methodist Church," said the Rev. Dennis Vlassis, chairman of the Foundation's board. "He will be an instrumental part of the team as the board and staff carry on the work of the Foundation during this time of transition." Davidson serves on the Florida Conference board of pension and health benefits, as treasurer of the East Central District and as a member of the Florida United Methodist Children's Home board of directors. He is also chairman of ZOE Ministries, which works with more than 22,000 children and youth in Africa and Central America orphaned by HIV/AIDS, and vice chairman of Agua Viva Serves, a nonprofit water-well ministry based in Costa Rica. From 2003 to 2005, Davidson was director of operations and ministries at First United Methodist Church in Winter Park, and in 2006 he served as interim president and CEO of the Children's Home. Most recently, he supervised the final design and construction of Madison Youth Ranch, the new north campus of the Children's Home. Davidson earned graduate and undergraduate degrees in civil engineering from Georgia Tech and an MBA from Rollins College in Winter Park. He is a former principal and vice president of Ardaman and Associates, a 350-person engineering consulting firm specializing in geotechnical engineering. Davidson also worked as a Peace Corps volunteer, serving as executive engineer in the public works department in Belize. He is married to Ann Eppinger-Davidson. The family attends St. Luke's United Methodist Church in Orlando. Page 6 Church Staff Senior Pastor Rev. Merritt A. Waters 813.677.6739 merritt.waters@flumc.org Hispanic Lay Pastor Norma Encarnacion 813.389.3607 Norma.vega1@verizon.net Administrative Assistant Betty Pace 8002 US Hwy 301 So. Riverview, FL 33578 Office: 813.677.5995 Fax: 813.671.3871 E-Mail: rvrviewumc@tampabay.rr.com Website: www.riverviewflumc.org Pastor Rick Phillips 813. 677.1885 Home maniacjunior@aol.com R.U.S.H. (Youth Ministry) Sunday School Superintendent Dee Macchio 813.930.5199 dmacchio2@tampabay.rr.com Children’s Ministry Rolinda Smoak 813.453.0190 Music Director Kim Floyd 813.677.7679 johmanda@tampabay.rr.com Pianist / Accompanist Danette Garcia Softpiano2@gmail.com 813.671.1379 RUMC Nursery Susan Bonner 813.671.3435 Restore Food Pantry & Thrift Store Karen Moore 813.741.2222 Custodian Joe Cornell plainoljoe1957@yahoo.com Please Remember Our Home Bound! Please take the time to send a card, make a phone call, or better yet, make a visit! A little thought goes a long way! Please continue to keep the homebound and their caregivers in your prayers! Rudy Rattman Brandon Health & Rehab. Center Room # 123 How Can I Best Use My Gifts and Talents to Help Our Church Family Grow? We have the following opportunities for Ministry available: Tellers / Counters - Sunday’s Only (After Church Service, see Jetty Miller) Wednesday Night Children’s Coordinators Youth Leader Help Communications Resources Coordinator Scripture Readers for Sunday Morning Worship Service People who would like to Offer Our Sunday Morning Worship Service Prayer Volunteers to help with Children’s Moments Pressure Washers and Painters Landscapers (See Dee Macchio or Pastor Merritt) Sunday School and Nursery Room Cleaning And Organization Signage and a number of other things Need to be replaced Please contact Pastor Merritt or Gemma Armstrong For ideas, guidance, and help. Anything you can do would be greatly appreciated!! Remember……This is YOUR Church! Melanie Jones 813.643.9773 805 Centerwood Ct. Brandon, FL 33511 Johnny Jones: 13220 Balm Boyette Rd., Riverview, FL 33578 813.689.7604 Mary Crichton: 10904 Hackney Dr., Riverview, FL 33578 Sandra Sprang: 12406 Tocci Ln., Riverview, FL 33579 813. 310. 4130 Lois Gorbe: 813. 672. 0374 Margaret McNeal Shady Glen Assisted Living 451 East Orange St. Tarpon Springs, FL 34689 Cell# 813.739. 9222 Office: 727.937.9405 Dusty Franz Page 7 RIVERVIEW FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 2014 HARVEST FESTIVAL We are gearing up for what may become an annual event here at RUMC. Our Harvest Festival will be held on Saturday, November 15 from 10 AM until 5 PM, and will help fill the interlude between our Pumpkin Sales (held in October), and our Christmas Tree Lot (held between Thanksgiving and mid-December). The Harvest Festival will be a one-day only celebration that will consist of three events in one: We are planning a vendor fair inside Crichton Hall. Commercial vendors, healthcare providers and non-profits will have booths available offering products and services to our church members and the greater Riverview community. We are offering tables in the hall for $30 for 6’ long tables and $35 for 8’ long tables. We are offering outside booth space to crafts people at various locations on our church grounds. Space for a 12’ by 12’ crafter tent area will rent for $25. All proceeds from the Harvest Festival will go towards the work of United Methodist missions. There are vendor and crafter contracts available on the church website--at www.riverviewflumc.org/harvestfestival.html Booths and tables will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis as signed contracts and rental fees are received. All submissions must be received by October 30, 2014. We have set up a special email account just to service the Harvest Festival—which is: rumcfallfestival@gmail.com Contact the organizers if you want more information about renting table or booth space, want to volunteer to help with the event, or even if you have suggestions about how to make the event even better. Page 8 * Please Note: If you do not see Your Birthday Or Anniversary listed, please let us know, we may not have you in our Church Office Database. Also, please let us know if you need to Up-date your personal information, which can include removing old information Thank You, Administrative Assistant Debra Burt Karen Stowe Dorothy Thomas Harmon Robinson Jonathan Short-Nieves Jeff Smith Margaret Cooper Betsey Short-Nieves Alexis Councill Liza Rodriquez Christina Mousseau Broderick Gorman Diana Williams Melville Findlay Gary Alabaugh Dan Bauer Kenneth Bonner David Burt 10/3 10/3 10/8 10/11 10/13 10/14 10/14 10/20 10/20 10/23 10/24 10/26 10/26 10/27 10/29 10/29 10/30 10/31 Mr. & Mrs. Jack Findlay Mr. & Mrs. Jim Forshey Mr. & Mrs. Ray Stowe Mr. & Mrs. Dan Yost Living The United Methodist Way Radical Hospitality Passionate Worship Intentional Discipline Salty Service Extravagant Generosity Designer, & Publisher: Betty Pace 10/4 10/12 10/13 10/20