THE FEDERATION OF MEDICAL SOCIETIES OF HONG KONG 香 2013-2014 PATRON The Honourable LEUNG Chun Ying GBM, GBS, JP 梁振英 PRESIDENT Dr. LO See Kit, Raymond 勞思傑 1ST VICE-PRESIDENT Dr. CHAN Sai Kwing 陳世烱 港 醫 學 組 織 聯 會 Dear all presidents of FMSHK member societies, FMSHK 50th Anniversary Slogan and Logo Design Competitions On behalf of the Federation, I am glad to announce the commemoration of the Federation’s 50th anniversary in 2015. Our Federation was founded in the year 1965, and through the concerted effort of our predecessors, much has been achieved for the unity and fraternity of our medical and health professions. 2ND VICE-PRESIDENT Dr. NG Yin Kwok 吳賢國 HON. TREASURER Mr. LEE Cheung Mei, Benjamin 李祥美 HON. SECRETARY Dr. CHAK Wai Kwong, Mario 翟偉光 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBERS Dr. CHAN Chun Kwong, Jane 陳真光 Dr. CHAN Hau Ngai, Kingsley 陳厚毅 Prof. CHEUNG Man Yung, Bernard 張文勇 Prof. CHIM Chor Sang, James 詹楚生 Dr. FONG Yuk Fai, Ben 方玉輝 Dr. HUNG Wai Man 熊偉民 Ms. KU Wai Yin, Ellen 顧慧賢 Dr. MAN Chi Wai 文志衛 Dr. MOK Chun On 莫鎮安 Dr. NG Chun Kong 吳振江 Dr. SO Man Kit, Thomas 蘇文傑 Dr. WONG Sau Yan 黃守仁 Ms. YAP Woan Tyng, Tina 葉婉婷 Dr. YU Chau Leung, Edwin 余秋良 Dr. YUNG Shu Hang, Patrick 容樹恆 Fifty years is indeed an important landmark, and to celebrate this meaningful year with promotion of the ‘Mission’ and ‘Vision’ of the Federation Family, you and members of your societies are cordially invited to join the “FMSHK 50th Anniversary Slogan and Logo Design Competitions”. The selected slogan and logo would be used in the promotional materials in our upcoming celebration events. Please find the guidelines attached for more information. Interested parties please kindly submit your masterpieces and application form on or before 10th November, 2014. We look forward to your participation to the competitions. For further queries, kindly contact Ms. Eva Tsang of the FMSHK Secretariat on 2527 8898 or info@fmshk.org. Best Regards, Dr. Mario Chak Hon Secretary The Federation of Medical Societies of Hong Kong 醫 聯 成 員 一 家 親 , 市 民 健 康 齊 關 心 4/F, Duke of Windsor Social Service Building, 15 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong‧Tel: (852) 2527 8898‧ Fax: (852) 2865 0345 Homepage: www.fmshk.org ‧ E-mail: info@fmshk.org THE FEDERATION OF MEDICAL SOCIETIES OF HONG KONG 香 港 醫 學 組 織 聯 會 Guidelines on “Slogan and Logo Design Competitions” Slogan Competition The slogan competition is open to all members of FMSHK member societies Language: English and /or Chinese No. of words: Not more than 20 words for each language Each applicant is welcome to submit three slogans at most Logo Design Competition Digital Files: TIFF / JPG / PDF / AI Resolution: 300 dpi Each applicant is welcome to submit three artworks at most Judging Criteria Slogan Competition Relevancy to the ‘Mission’ and ‘Vision’ of Federation (50%) Creativity (50%) Logo Design Competition Relevancy to the ‘Mission’ and ‘Vision’ of Federation (40%) Creativity (30%) Aesthetic / Artistic presentation (30%) Awards The winner of each competition would be awarded four free seats at the “FMSHK 50th Anniversary Dinner” to be held on 15th March, 2015 at Intercontinental Hotel, 18 Salisbury Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong Submission of Entries Applicants should submit the artwork and application form by email to info@fmshk.org, captioned “FMSHK 50th Anniversary Slogan and Logo Design Competitions” Announcement and Presentation of Awards Announcement : During Federation Annual Dinner on 31st December 2014 Award Presentation Ceremony will be held on 15th March 2015 All winners will be informed individually Deadline 10th November 2014 (Monday) Enquiries For enquiries, please contact Ms. Eva Tsang of the FMSHK Secretariat on 2527 8898 醫 聯 成 員 一 家 親 , 市 民 健 康 齊 關 心 4/F, Duke of Windsor Social Service Building, 15 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong‧Tel: (852) 2527 8898‧ Fax: (852) 2865 0345 Homepage: www.fmshk.org ‧ E-mail: info@fmshk.org THE FEDERATION OF MEDICAL SOCIETIES OF HONG KONG 香 港 醫 學 組 織 聯 會 FMSHK 50th Anniversary Slogan and Logo Design Competitions Application Form *Please put a ‘’ at the selected item PARTICIPANT INFORMATION Prof *Title: Dr Surname: Mr Mrs Miss Given Name: Email: English Name: Contact number: Name of Society: Address: I will participant the Slogan Competition (Chinese) Slogan 1 (English) (Chinese) Slogan 2 (English) (Chinese) Slogan 3 (English) I will participant the Logo Design Competition Description of the logo: (not more than 100 words) Submission method: By email to info@fmshk.org on or before 5:00pm on 10th November, 2014 醫 聯 成 員 一 家 親 , 市 民 健 康 齊 關 心 4/F, Duke of Windsor Social Service Building, 15 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong‧Tel: (852) 2527 8898‧ Fax: (852) 2865 0345 Homepage: www.fmshk.org ‧ E-mail: info@fmshk.org
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