´ ´ DE TECHNOLOGIE DE BELFORT-MONTBELIARD UNIVERSITE Curriculum Vitæ of Baudouin DAFFLON B AUDOUIN DAFFLON Ref.: CV-DAFFLON-EN-2014-I172 Ver.: 1.0 Date: 2014/10/15 Status: Public ` Laboratoire Systemes et Transports Multiagent Group ´ ´ e´ Institut de Recherche Transport, Energie et Societ ´ Universite´ de Technologie de Belfort-Montbeliard Rue Ernest Thierry-Mieg 90010 Belfort cedex, France 1 1/ IDENTIFICATION 1 I DENTIFICATION Name, Firstname: Professional Position: French National Section: Teaching Institution: Research Laboratory: Email: Web site: Dafflon Baudouin PhD Student 27 - Informatique ´ Universite´ de Technologie de Belfort-Montbeliard, Rue Thierry Mieg 90010 B ELFORT cedex, France ` IRTES-SET (Laboratoire Systemes et Transports, Institut ´ ´ e, ´ Belfort, France) de Recherche Transport Energie Societ baudouin This curriculum vitæ is generated by a bot automatically, from data published on the website above. To obtain an official curriculum vitæ, please contact Baudouin Dafflon directly. 2 SCIENTIFICAL PUBLICATIONS 2/ 2 S CIENTIFICAL P UBLICATIONS International journal with reading committee International conference with proceedings National conference with proceedings National conference without proceedings 2 7 3 3 2.1/ 2.1.1/ I NTERNATIONAL JOURNAL WITH READING COMMITTEE 2013 • Baudouin DAFFLON, Franck GECHTER, Pablo GRUER, Abderrafiaa KOUKAM. “Vehicle platoon and obstacle avoidance: a reactive agent approach.” In IET Intelligent Transport Systems, (3), pp. 257-264(7), Institution of Engineering and Technology ISSN: 1751-956X. 2013. 2.1.2/ 2012 • Madeleine EL ZAHER, Baudouin DAFFLON, Jean-Michel CONTET, Franck GECHTER. “Vehicle platoon control with multi-configuration ability.” In Procedia Computer Science CS, vol. 9, pp. 1503-1512 2012. 2.2/ 2.2.1/ I NTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE WITH PROCEEDINGS 2015 • Baudouin DAFFLON, Franck GECHTER, Pablo GRUER, Abderrafiaa KOUKAM. “An agent based layered decision process for vehicle platoon control..” In Proc. of Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 2015. 2.2.2/ 2014 • Baudouin DAFFLON, Franck GECHTER. “Making Decision with reactive multiagent systems: A possible alternative to regular decision processes for platoon control issue.” In Proc. of Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2014. • Franck GECHTER, Baudouin DAFFLON, Pablo GRUER, Abderrafiaa KOUKAM. “Towards a hybrid real/virtual simulation of autonomous vehicles for critical scenarios..” In Proc. of The Sixth International Conference on Advances in System Simulation (SIMUL 2014) 2014. • Baudouin DAFFLON, Chen BOFEI, Franck GECHTER, Pablo GRUER. “A selfadaptive agent-based path following control Lateral regulation and obstacles avoidance.” In Proc. of International Workshop on Autonomic High Performance Computing 2014. 2 SCIENTIFICAL PUBLICATIONS 2.2.3/ 3 2013 • Baudouin DAFFLON, Franck GECHTER, Pablo GRUER, Abderrafiaa KOUKAM. “A layered multi-agent model for multi-configuration platoon control.” In Proc. of International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO) 2013. 2.2.4/ 2012 • Baudouin DAFFLON, Jean-Michel CONTET, Franck GECHTER, Pablo GRUER. “Toward a reactive agent based parking assistance system.” In Proc. of International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence 2012. 2.2.5/ 2011 • Baudouin DAFFLON, Franck GECHTER, Jean-Michel CONTET, Abdeljalil ABBAS TURKI, Pablo GRUER. “Intelligent crossroads for vehicle platoons reconfiguration.” In Proc. of Lecture Notes in Computer Science/Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNCS/LNAI) Vol. 6943 paper from the International Conference on Adaptive and Intelligent Systems ICAIS 2011, Klagenfurt, Austria,, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011. 2.3/ 2.3.1/ N ATIONAL CONFERENCE WITH PROCEEDINGS 2012 ´ • Pichard GREGOIRE, Martin GEOFFROY, Jean-Michel CONTET, Baudouin DAF` ´ FLON, Franck GECHTER. “Systeme multi-agents d’evitement d’obstacles.” In Proc. ´ des jeunes chercheurs de l’UTBM (IngeDoc’2012), ´ of Journee Belfort, France, 2012, dec 2012 2012. • Rix B, Urvoy A, Jean-Michel CONTET, Baudouin DAFFLON. “Cartographie d’un ´ environnent de navigation pour vehicule autonome intelligent.” In Proc. of In Proc. ` ´ ´ of 2emes Journees des Jeunes Chercheurs de l’UTBM (IngeDoc 2012), Doceo, UTBM, UTBM Press,, 2012 2012. • Blondel NICOLAS, Gauthier LAURENT, Jean-Michel CONTET, Baudouin DAF´ des jeunes FLON. “Apprentissage et suivi de trajectoire.” In Proc. of Journee ´ chercheurs de l’UTBM (IngeDoc’2012), Belfort, France, 2012, dec 2012 2012. 2.4/ 2.4.1/ N ATIONAL CONFERENCE WITHOUT PROCEEDINGS 2013 ` ´ ` • Baudouin DAFFLON. “Systeme d’evitement d’obstacles base´ sur un systeme multi´ ` agent reactif.” In Proc. of Systeme Multi-Agents et Transports (SMAT) 2013. 2 SCIENTIFICAL PUBLICATIONS 4 ` • Lounis ADOUANE, Romuald AUFRERE, Pierre AVANZINI, Guillaume BRESSON, Roland CHAPUIS, Jean-Pierre DERUTIN, Eric ROYER, Benoit THUILOT, M VITA VENTURA, Baudouin DAFFLON, Madeleine EL ZAHER, Franck GECHTER, Maxime GUERIAU, Pablo GRUER, Abderrafiaa KOUKAM, Christophe DEBAIN, Roland LENAIN, Monir BENCHOAIB. “SafePlatoon: Suret ˆ e´ de Convois de ´ ´ Nationales des Communications dans Vehicules Autonomes.” In Proc. of Journees les Transport (JNCT) 2013. • Baudouin DAFFLON. “Multi-configuration pour la conduite en convoi..” In Proc. of ´ Nationales des Communications dans les Transport (JNCT) 2013. Journees B AUDOUIN DAFFLON Curriculum Vitæ of Baudouin DAFFLON Ref.: CV-DAFFLON-EN-2014-I172 Ver.: 1.0 Date: 2014/10/15 Status: Public ` Laboratoire Systemes et Transports Multiagent Group ´ ´ e´ Institut de Recherche Transport, Energie et Societ ´ Universite´ de Technologie de Belfort-Montbeliard Rue Ernest Thierry-Mieg 90010 Belfort cedex, France Contact H ILAIRE, P H .D. & +33 384 583 009 V INCENT