Last updated 10/8/2014 Box 353550, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195
Last updated 10/8/2014 Box 353550, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195
Last updated 10/8/2014 Curriculum Vitae MATTHEW SPARKE Box 353550, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195 tel. (206) 543-5194 e-mail: sparke@u.washington .edu I. Education Undergraduate The University of Oxford, Hertford College Congratulatory First, B.A. Hons. in Geography, 1989 Graduate The University of British Columbia M.A. in Geography, 1991 The University of Oxford, Hertford College The Oxford M.A., 1994 The University of British Columbia, Ph.D. in Geography, 1996 II. Professional Positions 1996—2001 2000—2001 2001—2006 2006—2012 2006—today 2009—today 2010—2013 2011—2013 2013—today Assistant Professor, Department of Geography and Jackson School of International Studies, University of Washington, Seattle Visiting Senior Member, Saint Peters College, University of Oxford Associate Professor, Department of Geography and Jackson School of International Studies, University of Washington, Seattle Member of the Theory and Criticism Faculty, University of Washington Department of Comparative Literature Full Professor, Department of Geography and Jackson School of International Studies, University of Washington, Seattle Adjunct Professor, University of Washington, Department of Global Health. Director of UW Global Health Undergraduate Program Graduate Program Coordinator, Department of Geography Director of Integrated Social Sciences III. Publications Books 1. 2005, In the Space of Theory: Postfoundational Geographies of the Nation-State, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. 2. 2013, Introducing Globalization: Ties, Tensions and Uneven Integration, Oxford: Blackwell. Articles in refereed journals 3. 2012, co-authored with Dimitar Anguelov, “H1N1, Globalization and the Epidemiology of Inequality,” Health & Place, 18 (2012) 726–736. CV for Matthew Sparke, updated 10/8/2014 4. 2009, “On denationalization as neoliberalization: Biopolitics, class interest and the incompleteness of citizenship,” Political Power and Social Theory, v. 20: 287 – 300. 5. 2008, “Political Geographies of Globalization (3): Resistance,” Progress in Human Geography, 32 (1): 1 – 18. 6. 2007, "Geopolitical Fear, Geoeconomic Hope and the Responsibilities of Geography," Annals of the Association of American Geographers 97 (2): 338 – 349. Reprinted in 2011 in Geopolitica: Revista de Geografie Politica, GeoPolitica si GeoStrategie, Anul VIII – Nr 36 – 37. Also reprinted in Klaus Dodds, ed. Geopolitics, Sage: London. 7. 2007, “Everywhere but always somewhere: Critical geographies of the Global South,” The Global South, 1(1): 117 – 126. 8. 2006, “A Neoliberal Nexus: Citizenship, Security and the Future of the Border,” Political Geography, 25 (2) 2006: 151 – 180. 9. 2006, “Political Geographies of Globalization: (2) Governance,” Progress in Human Geography 30, 2 (2006): 1 - 16. 10. 2005, with Elizabeth Brown, Dominic Corva, Heather Day, Caroline Faria,Tony Sparks, and Kirsten Varg “The World Social Forum and the Lessons for Economic Geography,” Economic Geogr74aphy, 81 (4) 359 - 380. 11. 2004, “Political Geographies of Globalization: (1) Dominance,” Progress in Human Geography, 28,6 777–794. 12. 2004, with James Sidaway, Tim Bunnell and Carl Grundy-Warr, “Triangulating the Borderless World: Geographies of Power in the Indonesia-Malaysia-Singapore Growth Triangle " Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, NS 29 485– 498. Also republished online as Globalization and World Cities Research Network (GaWC) Bulletin 135 at 13. 2003, “American Empire and Globalisation: Postcolonial Speculations on Neocolonial Enframing,” Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography, 24, 3, pages 373 - 389. 14. 2003, with Sue Roberts and Anna Secord, “Neoliberal Geopolitics,” Antipode, 35, 5: pages 886 – 897. 15. 2002, “Between Post-Colonialism and Cross-Border Regionalism,” Space and Polity, 6 (2), pages 203-213. 16. 2000, “Excavating the future in Cascadia: Geoeconomics and the imagined geographies of a cross-border region,” BC Studies, 127, Autumn, pages 5 - 44. 17. 2000, “Chunnel Visions: Unpacking the Anticipatory Geographies of an AngloEuropean borderland,” Journal of Borderland Studies, XV,1, pages 2 – 34. 18. 2000 with Noel Castree, “Professional Geography and the Corporatization of the University: Experiences, Evaluations and Engagements” in Antipode, 32, 3, 2000: pages, 222-229. 2 CV for Matthew Sparke, updated 10/8/2014 19. 1998, “From Geopolitics to Geoeconomics: Transnational State Effects In the Borderlands,” Geopolitics, 3, 2, pages 61 – 97. 20. 1998, “A Map that Roared and an Original Atlas: Canada, Cartography and the Narration of Nation,” Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 88, 3, pages 464 - 495. Excerpted in 2011 in The Map Reader: Theories of Mapping Practice and Cartographic Representation, edited by Martin Dodge, Rob Kitchin, Chris Perkins, Oxford: Wiley, pages 430 – 440. 21. 1996, “Negotiating National Action: Free Trade, Constitutional Debate and the Gendered Geopolitics of Canada” Political Geography, 15, (6/7), pages 615 - 639. 22. 1995, “Between Demythologising and Deconstructing the Map: Shawnadithit’s New-found-land and the Alienation of Canada” Cartographica, 32 (1), pages 1 - 21. Reprinted in 2010 in Classics in Cartography: Reflections on Influential Articles from Cartographica, edited by Martin Dodge, New York: Wiley. 23. 1995, “Writing on Patriarchal Missiles: The Chauvinism of the Gulf War and the Limits of Critique,” Environment and Planning A, 26 (7), pages 1061 - 1089. 24. 1994, “A Prism for Contemporary Capitalism: Temporary Work as Displaced Labor as Value,” Antipode 26 (4), pages 295 - 321. 25. 1994, “Escaping the herbarium: A critique of Gunnar Olsson’s ‘Chiasm of thoughtand-action’,” Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 12 (2), 1994, pages 207 - 220. 26. 1994, “The return of the same in geography: A reply to Olsson,” Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 12 (2), pages 226 - 228. Articles in books 27. Forthcoming, “Globalization,” an entry for The International Encyclopedia of Geography: People, the Earth, Environment, and Technology, edited by Douglas Richardson et al, forthcoming from Wiley. 28. 2014, “Health,” in Roger Lee et al, eds. Handbook of Human Geography, Thousand Oaks: Sage, pages 684 – 708. 29. 2013, “From Global Dispossession to Local Repossession: Towards a Worldly Cultural Geography of Occupy Activism,” in Nuala Johnson, Jamie Winders and Richard Schein, Handbook of Cultural Geography, Oxford: Blackwell-Wiley. 30. 2012, with Tim Bunnell, James Sidaway and Carl Grundy-Warr, “Geographies of power in the Indonesia-Malaysia-Singapore growth triangle,” in Derudder, B., Hoyler, M., Taylor, P. J. and Witlox, F. (eds) International Handbook of Globalization and World Cities. Edward Elgar, pages 465 – 475. 31. 2011, "Global Geographies," in Michael Brown and Richard Morrill, eds. Seattle Geographies, Seattle: University of Washington Press, pages 48 – 70. 3 CV for Matthew Sparke, updated 10/8/2014 32. 2010, “The Look of Surveillance Returns,” in Classics in Cartography: Reflections on Influential Articles from Cartographica, edited by Martin Dodge, New York: Wiley, pages 373 – 386. 33. 2009, “Unpacking economism and remapping the terrain of global health,” in Adrian Kay and Owain Williams, editors, Global Health Governance: Transformations, Challenges and Opportunities Amidst Globalization, New York: Palgrave Macmillan: 131 – 159. 34. 2009, entries on “American Empire,” “borders,” “borderlands,” “boundary,” “flows,” “geopolitics,” “globalization,” “glocalization,” “nation,” “nationalism,” “nation-state,” “outsourcing,” “Pax Americana,” “terms of trade,” “trade,” and “World Trade Organization” for the 5th edition of the Dictionary of Human Geography, edited by Derek Gregory, Ron Johnston, Geraldine Pratt, Michael Watts, and Sarah Whatmore, Oxford: Blackwell. 35. 2008, “Fast capitalism/slow terror: Cushy cosmopolitanism and its extraordinary others,” in Marieke de Goede and Louise Amoore, eds. Risk and the War on Terror, New York: Routledge: 133 – 157. 36. 2004, "Passports into Credit Cards: On the Borders and Spaces of Neoliberal Citizenship," in Joel Migdal ed. Boundaries and Belonging, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 251 - 283. 37. 2004, “Nature and Tradition at the Border: Landscaping the End of the Nation State,” in Nezar AlSayyad ed. The End of Tradition? New York: Routledge, 87 – 115. 38. 2003, with Victoria Lawson “Entrepreneurial Political Geographies of the GlobalLocal Nexus,” in John Agnew, Katharyne Mitchell and Gerard O Tuathail, eds., A Companion to Political Geography, Oxford: Blackwell, pages 315 - 334. 39. 2003, with Carolina Reid and Clare Newstead, “The Cultural Geography of Scale” in Kay Anderson, Mona Domosh, Steve Pile and Nigel Thrift, The Handbook of Cultural Geography, London: Sage, pages 485 - 497. 40. 2002, “Not a State, but a State of Mind: Cascading Cascadias and the GeoEconomics of Cross-Border Regionalism,” in Markus Perkmann and Ngai-Ling Sum, eds, Globalisation, Regionalisation and Cross-border Regions, New York: Palgrave Publishers, pages 212 - 240. 41. 1999, “The Space of the Times: Teaching Geographic Accountability with Newspapers,” in S. Knowlton and B. Barefoot, eds., Using National Newspapers in the College Classroom: Resources to Improve Teaching and Learning, University of South Carolina, First Year Experience Center, Monograph Series, #28, pages 95-96. 42. 1999, Dictionary definitions of “Episteme,” “Epistemology,” “Epistemic Violence,” “Situated Knowledges,” “Positionality,” and “Critical Theory,” in Linda McDowell and Joanne Sharp, eds. A Feminist Glossary for Geographers, London: Arnold, pages: 44-45; 73-76; 206-207; and, 214-215. 43. 1998, “Mapped Bodies and Disembodied Maps: (Dis)placing Cartographic Struggle in Colonial Canada,” in Places Through the Body, eds. Heidi J. Nast and Steve Pile, New York: Routledge, pages 305 - 336. 4 CV for Matthew Sparke, updated 10/8/2014 44. 1998, “Outsides Inside Patriotism: The Oklahoma Bombing and the Displacement of Heartland Geopolitics” in Critical Geopolitics: A Reader, eds. Simon Dalby and Gerard O. Tuathail, London: Routledge, 1998, pages 198 – 223. 45. 1997, with Donald Alper, “Canada and the World,” in Introducing Canada: Content Backgrounders, Strategies, and Resources for Educators, eds. William W. Joyce and Richard Beach, Washington D.C: National Consortium for Social Studies, pages 61 74. 46. 1996, “Displacing the Field in Fieldwork: Masculinity, Metaphor and Space” in BodySpace: Destabilizing Geographies of Gender and Sexuality, ed. Nancy Duncan (New York: Routledge), pages 212-233. 47. 1992 with David Ley, “Postgraduate Studies in Canada,” in The Student’s Companion to Geography Eds. Alistair Rogers, Heather Viles and Andrew Goudie (Oxford: Blackwell) pages 349 - 353. Editorials and book review essays 48. 2014, “Introducing Globalization,” contribution to a book review symposium comprised of four reviews of Matthew Sparke, Introducing Globalization: Ties, Tensions and Uneven Integration, Oxford: Wiley, Antipode, 49. 2012, “Debtscapes, double-agents and development: Reflections on Poverty Capital,” editor’s essay introducing a review symposium I organized at the 2010 AAG meetings and published in Antipode, 44 (2): 517 – 522. 50. 2012, “Ethnography, Affect, Geography, and Unemployment,” Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 102 (2): 510 – 515. 51. 2009, “Triangulating Globalization,” an essay review of S. Sassen, Territory, Authority, Rights: From Medieval to Global Assemblages, Princeton: Princeton University Press, Journal of Historical Geography, 35: 376–381. 52. 2008, “Articulating bio-graphy and geo-graphy otherwise: Reflections on Playing with Fire,” Social and Cultural Geography 9, 2: 220 - 224. 53. 2008, “Persistent Critique, Productive Tension and Critical Collaboration,” a response to a special issue of five review essays on Matthew Sparke, In the Space of Theory: Postfoundational Geographies of the Nation-State, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press in Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 2008, 26: 169 – 188. 54. 2007, “Acknowledging Responsibility For Space,” an essay review of For Space by Doreen Massey, London: Sage, 2005, Progress in Human Geography 31 (3): 7 -15. 5 CV for Matthew Sparke, updated 10/8/2014 55. 2005 Kris Olds and James Sidaway, “White Death,” Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 23, 475 – 479. Republished in Fundamentals in Geography, edited by Derek Gregory and Noel Castree, London: Sage, 2012, pp: 439 - 444. 56. 2000, “Networking Globalization: A Tapestry of Introductions,” an essay review of Jan Aart Scholte, Globalization: A Critical Introduction, New York: Palgrave, 2000; David Held, Anthony McGrew, David Goldblatt and Jonathan Perraton, Global Transformations: Politics, Economics and Culture, Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1999; and Robin Cohen and Paul Kennedy, Global Sociology, London: Macmillan, 2000, Global Networks, 1 (2), 2001, pages 171-179. 57. 2000, “Graphing the geo in geopolitical: Critical Geopolitics and the re-visioning of responsibility,” an essay review of Critical Geopolitics: Writing Global Space, Gerard O. Tuathail, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1996, Political Geography, 19, 2000: pages 373 - 380. 58. 1997, “Between Spinning and Graphing the Geo,” an essay review of Postmodern Cities and Spaces, Eds. Sophie Watson and Katherine Gibson, Cambridge, MA: Blackwell, 1995. pp vii & 269, Environment and Planning A, v. 29, pages 179-190. 59. 1994, “White Mythologies and Anemic Geographies,” Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 12 (1), pages 105 - 123. Book reviews 60. A review of Mona Atia, Building a House in Heaven: Pious Neoliberalism and Islamic Charity in Egypt, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota press, 2013, Antipode. 61. A review of G. Spivak, Other Asias, Oxford: Blackwell, 2008, Cultural Geographies, 18, 1: 134-135. 62. A review of D. Conway and N. Heynen (Eds.) Globalization’s Contradictions: Geographies of Discipline, Destruction & Transformation, New York: Routledge, 2007, Annals of the Association of American Geographers. 97, 4 December 2007, pages 802 – 804. 63. A review of Reading Economic Geography edited by Trevor J. Barnes, Jamie Peck, Eric Sheppard and Adam Tickell, Oxford: Blackwell, 2004, in the Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 2005: 95, 3: 710-711. 64. A review of Unholy trinity: The IMF, World Bank and WTO by Peet, R., Borne, B., Davis, M., Fehrer, K. Feinstein, M., Feldman, S.Khan, S. R., Labban, M. McArdle, K., Marcano, C., Meierotto, Niles, D., Ponniah, T., Schmidt, M.C., Schwarz, G., Shagwert, J., Staton, M.P., and Stratton, S., 2003: London: Zed Books, forthcoming in Progress in Human Geography. 65. A review of How Much Do National Borders Matter?, by John Helliwell.Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution Press, 1998, in Growth and Change, Spring 2000 v31 i2 pages 332-4. 6 CV for Matthew Sparke, updated 10/8/2014 66. A review of Free Trade: Neither Free Nor About Trade, Christopher D. Merrett, Montréal: Black Rose Books, 1996, The Canadian Geographer, 41, 2,1998, pages 216 - 217. 67. A review of Continental Trading Blocs: The Growth of Regionalism in the Global Economy, Eds. Richard Gibb and Wieslaw Michalak, New York: Wiley, 1994. pages. xix-212, Environment and Planning A, 28, 1, pages 186 - 189. 68. A review of Mexico and the North American Free Trade Agreement: Who Will Benefit? Eds. Victor Bulmer-Thomas, Nikki Craske and Mónica Serrano (London: Macmillan, 1994), Journal of Far Eastern Business, 1, 3, pages 148 - 149. Other publications 69. 2011 “Seattle’s Cascadia Connections,” an introduction to the region for geographers prepared for the AAG Newsletter, March issue. 70. 2010 “Global Seattle,” an introduction to the city for geographers prepared for the AAG Newsletter, December issue, also published online at 71. 2010 “National Identity case study: How is globalization transforming the borders of national identity?” In Solem, M., Klein, P., Muñiz-Solari, O., and Ray, W., eds., AAG Center for Global Geography Education. Published on the website of the Association of American Geographers at dex.html 72. 2008 “2020 Mis-mapping,” Vreng (Norway) July: 18 - 24. 73. 2008 "Mapping Global Mountains Beyond Local Mountains: Globalization and Paul Farmer’s Reframing of Care," originally prepared as teaching notes for when Tracy Kidder's, Mountains Beyond Mountains was set as a Common Book for the University of Washington, 74. 2001 “From Globaloney to Anti-Globalization to Where?” published on the website of the CISB 75. 2000 “Les régions transnationales: Cascadia et Transmanche” Horizons 3, 2, 18-19, the magazine of the Policy Research Secretariat of the Canadian Government. 76. 2000 “Geoeconomy, cross-border regions and the end of democracy,” published on the website of Le Revue Française de Géoéconomie 77. 1999 “Beyond Boosterism: PNWER’s ‘Eco-Opportunities’ In An Age of Global Interdependency,” a position paper written for PNWER (The Pacific North West Economic Region public-private partnership grouping) as part of its 1999 reevaluation of regional policy. 78. 1998 “Cascadia and the end of the nation-state: Interrogating the bases of transborder boosterism,” posted on the Inaugaral International Critical Geography Meeting’s website at 7 CV for Matthew Sparke, updated 10/8/2014 79. 1998 “Emergent transnational regions in the context of NAFTA: The case of Cascadia,” in LASN, the Latin American Studies Newsletter. 80. 1997 “The political geography of Timothy McVeigh” in the Political Geography Speciality Group Newsletter, 17, 2, 1997. 81. 1997 “Geography and Geopolitics,” in The New York Times College Program Series ‘Expect the World’ (New York: The New York Times, 1997), pages 13 - 14. 82. 1990 “A report and commentary on the 1990 Annual Meetings of the American Association of Geographers in Toronto,” in Canadian Women and Geography Speciality Group, Newsletter 13. 83. 1990 “Geography: A brief introduction,” in The Graduate, November. Interviews 84. 2013, Matthew Sparke, 2013, "The world is not flat," interview for CN Politics 85. 2012, "Globalization Discourse, Geoeconomics, Neoliberalization and Philanthrocapitalism," an interview for Exploring Geopolitics, 86. 2009, “On globalization and American geopolitics,” TV interview for Moral Politics show with Bill Alford, broadcast on ScanTV channel 77 in Western Washington, and streamed online at, 2009. 87. 2008, “A empire,” radio interview in Italian and English on Radio Ondarossa in Rome at 87.9 FM at and streamed at 88. 2001 "Maps" radio interview with Marcie Sillman on KUOW's The Beat, October 1st. 89. 2000, “The Invisible Handcuffing of Democracy” interviewed by Kuldip Dhiman and published in a Spectrum Sunday magazine special of The Tribune, Chandigarh, India, April 23rd. IV. Research Grants and Awards 2013 “Climate Change, Global Health, Vulnerability and Resilience: Towards an Area Studies of Risk,” co-PI with Celia Lowe for joint Mellon grant funded at $40,000 to organize research sharing and education development workshops, including an international symposium in 2014 at the University of Washington. 2012 “Biological Futures in a Globalized World,” selected for a second year as an awardee and researcher for a joint initiative of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and the University of Washington 8 CV for Matthew Sparke, updated 10/8/2014 2011 “Biological Futures in a Globalized World,” selected as an awardee and researcher for a joint initiative of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and the University of Washington 2010 AAG-CGGE Asian-network collaboration award for workshops in Singapore 2009 Society of Scholars award from the Simpson Center, UW. 2008 Danz course design award from the Simpson Center for a course on ‘Justice and Global Health,’ taught Spring 2009 with Janelle Taylor, UW Anthropology. 2008 Course design award from the Simpson Center for a special reading seminar on Mike Davis for Fall 2008. 2007 Principal Investigator, Royalty Research Fund UW, “Comparing Approaches to Global Education through Study Abroad,” $13,300 granted. 2007 Co-PI with Sarah Elwood, College of Arts and Sciences Learning in the Major Award, “Mapping Global Studies into Geography: A Proposal to Improve Learning in the Major,” $10,000 granted. 2007 Course designer for Dept of Education Title VI, International Studies Center award, “New Course Proposal – From Pax Romana, to Pax Americana to EU Multilateralism,” $2,000 granted. 2000-2006 Principal Investigator, National Science Foundation CAREER Award, “Globalization and the transnational development of civil society,” $233,880 granted, plus an additional $37,000 granted to the project as matching funds from the University of Washington. 2006 Grant of $3000 from Undergraduate Education, UW to create experiential learning opportunities related to teaching the common book Mountains Beyond Mountains. 2006 Application to join faculty group working to develop teaching notes on Mountains Beyond Mountains, next year’s common book for all incoming undergraduates. $1,000 stipend given. 2005 Principal Investigator, Marc Lindenberg Center International Mobility grant to assist graduate students from U.W, to attend the 4th International Critical Geography Conference in Mexico City. With an additional match of support from Geography, three students attended as a result. 2004-2005 Consultant for a Simpson Center award to Mark Patterson for an Associate Professor Initiative project, “From the Day Before to the Day After the Everyday,” $11,500 granted. 2003 Principal Investigator, Marc Lindenberg Center International Mobility grant to assist graduate and undergraduate students from U.W, to attend and conduct research at the third annual World Social Forum in Porto 9 CV for Matthew Sparke, updated 10/8/2014 Alegre, Brazil. With a match from Geography, seven students attended as a result. 2002-2004 Collaborator on 'Scholarly Panel' for EU Research Grant, 'EXLINEA: The external boundaries of the EU in transition' $1,280,000 Euros (approx. $1.25M) granted. 2002-2003 Collaborator with James Sidaway PI, National University of Singapore research award, "Accumulation, Regionalisation and Sovereignty: The Singapore-Johore-Riau Growth Triangle," $8,100 granted. 2000-2003 Co-author with Katharyne Mitchell, DOE Title VI, National Resource Center and FLAS applications for Canadian Studies, $730,182 funded, plus $162,000 in FLAS funding. 2000 Co-applicant with Vicky Lawson, Schwartz International Endowment Fund, “An exchange between the University of Washington and St Peters College, the University of Oxford,” enabled Matthew Sparke to take-up a fellowship at St Peter’s College Oxford in 2000-2001 and facilitated the visit to UW of Dr. Eric Swyngedouw (a visit co-sponsored by European Union Studies). $5,150 granted. 2000 Co-applicant with Nikhil Singh, Humanities Center, University of Washington, “American Area Studies Summer Workshop,” $4,800 funded. 2000 Co-applicant with Nikhil Singh, President’s Fund for Conversations on the Future, University of Washington, “American Area Studies Summer Workshop,” $9,000 funded. 1999-2001 Co-PI, DAAK (Stiftung Deutsch - Amerikanisches Akademisches Konzil) TransCoop Award, “Comparing Contexts for Trans-Border Networking in Europe and North America,” DM60,000 (about $35,000) granted to PI and Berlin-based colleague. 1999-2000 Principal Investigator, Royalty Research Fund: Scholar Award, University of Washington, “Transnationalism and the cultural geography of borderlands,” $18,555 granted. 1999-2000 Recipient, Humanities Center Award, University of Washington, Teaching Relief in order to prepare and teach a seminar on “Cosmopolitics in Question: The Borders of Culture and the Culture of Borders,” $5,500 granted. 1999-2000 Principal Investigator, EU Studies Center Faculty Development Award for a project entitled “Trans-border Policy-Making Developments in the EU,” $4,458 granted. 1999-2000 Recipient, Arts and Sciences Exchange Program Award for an exchange between the University of Washington and the University of the Panjab in Chandigarh, India. The award enabled Matthew Sparke to take up a position as ‘scholar in residence’ at Chandigarh in 1999, while also facilitating the visit to Seattle of Dr. Sanjay Chaturverdi in the Spring of 2000. $3,980 granted. 10 CV for Matthew Sparke, updated 10/8/2014 1997-1998 Principal Investigator, Canadian Embassy Research Grant, “Cascadia and Continental Integration: Border Attrition or Transnational Regional Formation?” US$6,900, granted. 1997-9 Principal Investigator, National Science Foundation: Geography and Regional Science Program, “Governance and the geography of interdependency in emerging transnational regions,” US$65,785, granted. 1998-9 Recipient, University of Washington, Junior Faculty Development Award, $3,000. 1997-9 Co-Participant, Ford Foundation ‘Crossing Borders’ Initiative, for a collaborative project on revitalizing area studies at the University of Washington, $50,000 granted. 1998-9 Principal Investigator, National Science Foundation: Geography and Regional Science Program, Undergraduate Research Experiences Grant, “Tourism in emerging transnational regions,” US$4,774 granted. V. Invited Lectures and Presentations 2014 “Philanthropy, Market Foster-Care, and the New Washington Consensus,” presented at Queen Mary College, University of London. 2014 “Redlining Global Health: Clinical Enclaves and the limits of the logic of investment,” presented at the Counter-Vitalities workshop at Yale University. 2014 “Philanthropy, Market Foster-Care, and the New Washington Consensus,” presented at the Orfalea Center for Global and International Studies, University of California, Santa Barbara. 2014 “Resilience, Reaction and Resistance Amidst Rising Inequality,” talk for the Common Good Café at the University Temple Methodist Church in Seattle. 2014 “Philanthropy, Market Foster-Care, and the New Washington Consensus,” presented at the Balsillie School of International Affairs in Waterloo, Canada. 2014 “Globalization, Geopolitics and Geoeconomics,” presented in the School of International Studies at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India. 2014 “Philanthropy, Market Foster Care, and the New Washington Consensus,” jointly presented with Katharyne Mitchell in the Department of International Relations at South Asian University, New Delhi, India. 2014 “Globalization and the new entanglements of geopolitics with geoeconomics,” presented in a seminar chaired by Professor Nimmi Kurian at the Center for Policy Research in New Delhi, India. 2014 “Philanthropy, Market Foster Care, and the New Washington Consensus,” jointly presented with Katharyne Mitchell in the Department of Political Science, Panjab University, Chandigarh, India. 11 CV for Matthew Sparke, updated 10/8/2014 2014 “Globalization, Geopolitics and Geoeconomics,” presented at the Indian Council of Social Science Research at Panjab University, Chandigarh, India. 2013 “Market Philanthropy and the Triple Movement,” a talk co-presented with Katharyne Mitchell to the Departments of Anthropology and Geography and the Development Research Group at the University of Toronto. 2013 “Biological Citizenship and the Inequalities of Biocapital,” seminar contribution in the Development Research Group at the University of Toronto. 2013 “Introducing Globalization,” a new book talk at Left Bank Books in Seattle. 2013 “Philanthrocapitalism, Global Health and the New Washington Consensus,” presented at the School of Population and Public Health, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. 2013 “One World, Many Debates, and the Challenges of Introducing Globalization,” author keynote for the Wiley faculty Network, recorded February 13, at 2013 “Remapping the Moral Maps of Global Health: A Response to Claire Wendland,” in the Rabinowitz Symposium organized by the Program on Values at the University of Washington. 2013 “It Takes a University: Introducing Globalization and our Local-Global Landscape,” talk for book launch of Introducing Globalization in the Jackson School of International Studies at the University of Washington. 2012 “Global health science in local context: How does biological research reflect geographical influence?” presented to the Science and Technology Studies research cluster in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at the National University of Singapore. 2012 “Globalization and global health,” presented as the inaugural tea-talk at Angsana residential college at the National University of Singapore. 2012 “Integrating global studies into health education: Challenges & innovations in a US university,” presented at a workshop on global studies at the National University of Singapore. 2012 “Global ties and local enclosures: Reflections on global health territory,” presented at the University of Bristol at a conference on Globalizing Geographies of Higher Education sponsored by the Worldwide University Network. 2012 “From Flatness to Mountains Beyond Mountains: Navigating the Global Teaching Turn with Area Studies Expertise,” faculty research group talk for the Jackson School of International Studies. 2012 “Occupy the street: Narratives of Radical Restructuring and Reform in the Occupy Movement,” commentary in a panel for a symposium organized by UW libraries under the title: Taking it to the Street: Public Voices and Political Discourse. 2012 “Entwined lives and enclaved medicine: Globalization and the targets-turnedterritories of Global Health,” colloquium for the Department of Geography, Queen Mary College, University of London. 12 CV for Matthew Sparke, updated 10/8/2014 2012 “From micro to molar body-counting: The ties that bind,” a seminar on the limits of biological citizenship and the articulations of biocapital for the Department of Geography, Queen Mary College, University of London. 2012 “Reflections on Biological Futures and Curriculum,” contribution to a Mellonsponsored workshop on the Medical Humanities at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. 2011 “Comparing global cities as centers of biological research,” contribution to a seminar series on Biological Futures in a Globalized World, 2011 “Love and other cross-border drugs: What do Canada-US ties tell us about citizenship and the Occupy movement?” presentation given as part of the Fluid Culture project at the invitation of the University of Buffalo Humanities Institute, SUNY Buffalo, New York. 2011 “Why is geography critical?” seminar with the Department of Geography, SUNY Buffalo, New York. 2011 “Entwined lives and enclaved medicine: Globalization and the targets-turnedterritories of Global Health,” colloquium for the Department of Geography, University of Washington. 2011 “Mapping the Future of Global Health: The Promise and the Problems of GeoVisualization for Seeing and Closing Global Health Gaps,” presentation to the Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME). 2011 “Contemplating Cascadia and Questions ‘Beyond the Border’,” presentation to the Border Policy Research Group at the Canada America Studies Center, Western Washington University, Bellingham. 2011 “Entwined lives and enclaved medicine: Globalization and the targets-turnedterritories of Global Health,” presentation given at the invitation of the Institute for Advanced Studies, University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia. 2011 “Biocapital, Biopolitics and Geopolitics: Remapping Health Citizenship in an Interdependent World,” presented to a workshop on Global Health and the Humanities, at the Institute for Advanced Studies, University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia. 2011 “Entwined lives and enclaved medicine: Globalization and the targets-turnedterritories of Global Health,” presented to the Department of Geography, University of Newcastle, Australia. 2011 “Territory, Empire, and Global Biopolitics,” a joint seminar with Stuart Elden with the Political Economy and Space research group at the National University of Singapore. 2010 “Imaginative Geographies of Global Health,” presented to the Department of Geography, University of Victoria, Canada. 2010 “Imaginative Geographies of Global Health,” presented to the Department of Geography, California State University Long Beach. 13 CV for Matthew Sparke, updated 10/8/2014 2010 “Global Seattle: The City, Citizenship and the Meaning of World Class,” seminar presentation for the Jackson School at the University of Washington. 2010 “Mapping the future of global health,” seminar presentation at the National University of Singapore. 2010 “Aid Enclaving and the Emergent Geoeconomics of Global Health,” presented in a Department of Geography seminar at the University of Hawaii at Manao. 2010 “Haiti: Geographies of Blame, Histories of Structural Violence and Futures of Debt” presented at Seattle Town Hall in an event on the Haitian earthquake response with Jim McDermott, Sandra Aguila, Steve Gloyd, James Bible, Herve Junior Bijou, Sarah Wilhelm, and Jesse Hagopian. 2010 “Haiti, Catastrophe and Global Cities,” presented as part of a Department of Geography and UW Alumni Association Event on Global Cities, Human Rights and Catastrophe. 2009 “Swine flu and inequality,” presentation to an ESRC-funded workshop on Biosecurity and Swine Flu, at the University of Keele, UK. 2009 “U B Critical: 1984, Hope and the Challenge of Making Geography Critical,” presented as part of fifty years celebrations of UBC geography in Vancouver, Canada. 2009 “Imaginative Geographies of Global Health,” presentation to the Simpson Center Society of Scholars, UW. 2009 “The Aid Enclave: Mapping an Emerging Geography of Global Health,” presented as a lecture in the Global Health Department, MPH Global Health Seminar Series, at UW 2009 “American biopower and neoliberal geographies of blame,” presented at the Reconsidering American Power conference organized by the Center for International Studies at the University of Chicago. 2009 “Another dog that didn’t bark and structural violence,” a commentary on ‘False and Fruitless’ by Angelina Godoy at a conference on Global Justice in the 21st century at the University of Washington. 2009 “Emerging geographies of global health,” presented at the Department of Geography, University of Durham, UK. 2009 “Rethinking public scholarship in the neoliberal university,” a contribution to a seminar discussion at the Department of Geography, University of Durham, UK. 2009 “What went wrong,” a contribution to a social science link faculty panel discussion on the Economic Crisis at the University of Washington. 2009 “Putting the ‘bio’ back into biopolitics: Reflections on the changing geography of health citizenship amidst globalization,” presented at the University of Victoria, Canada 2009 “Unpacking economism and remapping the terrain of global health,” presented in the Department of Geography, University of Wisconsin. 14 CV for Matthew Sparke, updated 10/8/2014 2009 “Market Failure: Assessing the Implications for Global Health,” presented to the Global Health Department, MPH seminar series, UW. 2009 “On the challenges of not-representing neoliberalism in teaching on globalization,” presented in the Department of Geography, University of Wisconsin. 2008 “Unpacking economism and remapping the terrain of global health,” keynote talk for the Finnish Geographers ‘Geography Days’ meetings entitled Paikallinen globalaali yhteiskunta – local global society at the University of Tampere, Finland. 2008 “Triangulating the Borders of the Borderless World: From fastlane fantasies to the fatal force of fencing,” opening lecture for the Finnish Geography graduate school intensive course on Re-Grounding Globalization at the University of Tampere, Finland. 2008 Commentaries on the graduate student papers of Joni Vainikka, Mikko Joronen, Evgania Prokhorova, and Peter Ehrström at the Finnish Geography graduate school intensive course on Re-Grounding Globalization at the University of Tampere, Finland. 2008 “Unpacking economism and remapping the terrain of global health,” presented in the Department of Geography, University of Minnesota. 2008 “Unpacking economism and remapping the terrain of global health,” presented in the Department of Epidemiology, University of North Carolina. 2008 “From religion and resurrection to reworkings of resistance,” presented at Duke University. 2008 “Triangulating the Political Geographies of Globalization,” presented at Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire. 2008 “Reviewing In the Space Theory,” seminar for Geography Department graduate students at the University of North Carolina. 2008 “Study abroad and the varied meanings of global education,” presented as an evening lecture at the University of Washington Rome Center, Rome, Italy. 2007 “Resistance and the Global South,” a research seminar led by invitation at Portland State University, Oregon. 2007 “Imagining the Spaces of Global Health,” presented at Portland State University, Oregon. 2007 “Imagining the Spaces of Global Health,” presented to the University of Washington, Faculty Auxiliary Association. 2007 “Global Education: A Response,” presented as part of a symposium organized by the University of Washington Graduate School. 2007 “The World is Not Flat: From Bad Geographies of Globalization to Mountains Beyond Mountains” presented in the Department of International Relations, Florida International University, Miami sponsored as part of the Ruth K. & Shepard Broad Educational Series. 15 CV for Matthew Sparke, updated 10/8/2014 2007 “Better Brand or Better World? Global Education and the Future of the University,” presented at the University of Washington as part of a workshop in the Reclaiming Childhood series, comments were provided on the talk by Eva Cherniavsky 2007 “Imagining the Spaces of Global Health: From Bad Geographies to Mountains Beyond Mountains,” an A.W. Mellon Sawyer sponsored presentation at the John Hope Franklin Humanities Center, Duke University for their series, Human Being, Human Diversity and Human Welfare: A Cross-Disciplinary and CrossCultural Study in Culture, Science and Medicine 2007 Organized and presented at the UW Provost Teaching Workshop on ‘Globalizing Your Teaching without Leaving Seattle’. 2007 “Between Hard Borders and Soft Borders,” workshop commentary on Immigration Reform at the Beyond Borders: Perspectives on U.S. Immigration conference organized by undergraduate students at the University of Washington. 2006 “The World is Not Flat: From Bad Geographies of Globalization to Mountains Beyond Mountains” presented in the Munk Center for International Studies at the University of Toronto as part of the F. Ross Johnson Distinguished Speaker Series. 2006 “The World is Not Flat: Or What Thomas Friedman Still Needs To Learn About the Political Geography of Globalization” presented in Department of Geography, University of California, Berkeley. 2006 “The World is Not Flat: Or What Thomas Friedman Still Needs To Learn About the Political Geography of Globalization” presented in Department of Geography, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. 2006 “The World is Not Flat: Or What Thomas Friedman Still Needs To Learn About the Political Geography of Globalization” presented in Department of Geography, University of Colorado, Boulder. 2006 “Even on an Executive Jet: Neoliberal Citizenship and its Extraordinary Others” presented in Department of Geography, University of California, Berkeley. 2005 “Research, Global Education and Diversity,” a presentation to the Regents of the University of Washington at the invitation of President Mark Emmert. 2005 “A Neoliberal Nexus: Citizenship, Security and the Future of the Border,” invited presentation to the ‘Homeland In-Security’ conference at the University of Oregon, Eugene. 2005 "Scale switching and the geography of fictional realities," co-presented with Mark Patterson at the Simpson Center at the University of Washington in an event highlighting work funded by the Associate Professor initiative. 2005 “Fair Trade and Globalization” debate with other faculty organized by Students for Fair Trade at University of Washington, Seattle. 2003 "Empire's Geography: On the Misunderestimation of America's Place in Globalization," presented at the graduate center of the City University of New York, New York in a conference sponsored by the Ford foundation. 16 CV for Matthew Sparke, updated 10/8/2014 2003 "Empire's Geography: Between the Geopolitics and Geoeconomics of America's New World Order," presented in the Committee on Social Theory's Annual Spring Lecture Series "Locating Globalization" at the University of Kentucky. 2003 "Researching cross-border regions," talk for UW academy students. 2002 "From Borderlands to Gated Communities: Hybrid Landscapes of Privilege and Prohibition in a Selectively Borderless World," presented as a keynote lecture at the IASTE (International Association for the Study of Traditional Environments) conference in Hong Kong. 2002 "Reflections on globalization and pedagogy" presented at a roundtable discussion at the American Studies conference at the University of Washington on 'Crisis and Dissent: Redefining American Boundaries'. 2002 "Has the globalization bubble burst? From the hype to the downturn" presented as one of the Jackson School's public lectures and broadcast on KCTS9. 2002 "Teaching Globalization" presented to the South East Asian Studies workshop at University of Washington with Title VI program evaluators. 2002 "What is Globalization?" presented to the Hubert Humphrey fellows workshop at Rosemary Lodge, Lake Crescent. 2002 "Is Free Trade Constitutional?" presented in the Law School at the University of Washington. 2002 "Teaching Globalization: From the Empire of Inevitability to Where?" presented at the Department of Anthropology, The University of Washington. 2002 "Cascadia and the Land-Scaping of Cross-Border Regionalization: or, Appadurai in Space," presented at the Department of Geography, The National University of Singapore. 2002 "Transformative vs. Accomodationist Fair Trade," presented at the Beyond the Boycott conference organized by the Labor Studies Ceneter, University of Washington. 2002 "Thinking about teaching about globality," presented at the Department of Geography, The University of Arizona, Tucson. 2001 "Introduction" for a two day workshop on cross-border regionalization coorganized with James Scott and held at the University of Washington and the University of British Columbia. 2001 "Who belongs at the New World Border?" keynote presentation to a US, Mexico, Canada, 3 Nations Conference on Border Regions and Bioregions at Western Washington University in Bellingham. 2001 "Maps" contribution to a symposium on cartography, art and politics at the Richard Hugo House arts center in Seattle. 2001 “Transnationalism at the border: outlining the research horizons,” presented in the ‘Borders’ series of theESRC Research Program on Transnational Communities at the University of Oxford. 17 CV for Matthew Sparke, updated 10/8/2014 2001 Reterritorializing Locality in Globality,” presented at the department of Geography, Queen Mary college, University of London. 2001 “Reterritorializing Locality in Globality,” presented at the department of Geography, University of Bristol. 2000 “From Geopolitics to Geoeconomics at the Border: Cross-Border Regionalism in the Context of Entrepreneurial Governance,” presented as the Forschungskolleg at the Institut für Regionalentwicklung und Strukturplanung, Erkner by Berlin, Germany. 2000 “Globalization and American Area Studies,” a presentation at the American Area Studies symposium at the University of Washington. 2000 “Geoeconomics: The influence of ‘borderless world’ discourse in local development,” presented at the Jackson School Student Association panel on Borders and Belonging at the University of Washington. 2000 “Preparing to submit an NSF CAREER award proposal,” presented to Social Science Faculty of the University of Washington in a series organized by the Dean’s office on proposal preparation advice. 2000 “Disappearing borders?” presented with Carolina Katz at a community outreach function for the Department of Geography at the University of Washington. 2000 “Theorising transnationalism at the start of the millennium,” presented at the University of Oxford, School of Geography. 2000 “Making Geo-Political Sense of the Battle in Seattle,” paper presented at an International Studies Public Seminar on ‘Seattle and the World’ at the University of Washington. 2000 “Transnationalism and the University” an introduction and contribution to a special colloquium on the same topic with Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak at the University of Washington. 2000 “Globalization and You” a contribution to a roundtable workshop on Pedagogy and the New International Feminism at the University of Washington. 2000 “An Introduction to Cascadia as Construction,” presented to visitors to the EU Studies Center at the University of Washington. 1999 “Making Geopolitical Sense of the Battle in Seattle: The WTO and Globalization,” presented at the Centre for the Study of Geopolitics, Panjab University, Chandigarh, India. 1999 “The US, the EU, the WTO and the future of democracy,” televised (PBS/NBC) presentation at the University of Washington on a panel moderated by Barry Mitzman, with Michael Dunn (US Undersecretary for Agriculture), David Byrne (EU Agriculture Minister), and Willard Workman (Vice President, US Chamber of Commerce). 1999 “Looking for alternatives to laissez-faire globalization,” speech presented at the Seattle Rotary Club ahead of WTO Seattle meetings. 18 CV for Matthew Sparke, updated 10/8/2014 1999 “Local Cultural-Geographies of Globalization; or, Appadurai in Space,” presented at the colloquium of the Department of Anthropology at the University of Washington. 1999 “Global/Local: Putting Globalization In Its Place(s),” keynote address for the conference Globalization and Local Responses: Teaching About the World of the 21st Century, organized by the Jackson School Outreach Programs for K-12 Washington State teachers. 1999 “Thoughts on teaching ‘internationally’,” presentation to teachers preparing for teaching in the John Stanford International School, Seattle. 1999 “NAFTA and the entrenchment of neoliberalism,” presented to the Public Policy and International Affairs (PPIA) Summer Program at the University of Washington. 1999 “Glocalization in Context: Comparing the Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia Growth Triangle with Cascadia,” presented to the Roosevelt Teachers summer workshop at the University of Washington. 1999 “Cross-Border Regionalism in the Context of Free Trade: EU and North American Parallels, Contrasts and Connections,” presented at the conference on ‘USEuropean Interactions’, at the University of Washington. 1999 “Excavating the Future in Cascadia: ‘Glocalization’ and the imagined geographies of a cross-border region,” presented as the Green College ‘Critical Issues in Development’ lecture at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver. 1998 “Visions of Cascadia: Environmentalism and Globalization at the Border,” presented at the City University of New York (CUNY), Graduate School, New York City. 1998 “Transnational networking and the predicament of public policy making in the context of neoliberalism,” presented to the Public Policy and International Affairs (PPIA) Summer Program at the University of Washington, Seattle. 1998 “Hybrid Mappings of Newfoundland: Captain Cook, Shawnadithit and the QuasiObject in Question,” delivered at the Science and the Map conference at the University of Washington, Seattle. 1998 “Trading Freedom: NAFTA and the entrenchment of neoliberalism,” delivered at the Teach-In on Democracy and the Global Economy at the University of Washington, Seattle. 1998 “Cascadia as palimpsest: Investigating the graphing of a transnational geo,” delivered in the Geography department at the University of Kentucky. 1998 “Excavating the future in Cascadia: From deterritorialization to the geography of a transborder region,” delivered in the Geography department at the University of California Los Angeles. 1998 “Cascadia as palimpsest: Investigating the graphing of a transnational geo,” delivered in the Geography department at Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada. 19 CV for Matthew Sparke, updated 10/8/2014 1997 “Squaring the circuit of Cascadian capital; or, four conflicting geographies of a cross-border region,” delivered at the School of Geography, the University of Oxford. 1997 “Deterritorialization and reterritorialization in Cascadia: The emerging geography of a cross-border region,” delivered at the University of Western Washington, Bellingham. 1997 “Outsides inside patriotism: The Oklahoma bombing and the displacement of Heartland geopolitics,” delivered at the Department of Geography at the University of California, Berkeley. 1997 “Fieldwork as Situated Knowledge,” a seminar presentation in the Department of Geography at the University of California, Berkeley. 1997 “Transborder regions and the entrenchment of neoliberalism” delivered to the Public Policy and International Affairs (PPIA) Summer Program at the University of Washington, Seattle. 1997 “Canada and the World” delivered at the ‘Teaching Canada’ conference at the University of Western Washington in Bellingham. 1997 “Cascadia: Trade Routes or Trade Roots?” delivered at the ‘A World of Trade Routes Conference for K-20 Educators’ at the University of Washington. 1996 “The state in transnational frame,” a discussion of keynote presentations by Roger Rouse and Nina Glick-Schiller at a conference entitled ‘Rethinking Americanization: Migration, Ethnicity, and Citzenship in the Twenty-First Century,’ at the University of California, San Diego in La Jolla. 1996 “Cascadia at the Crossroads: Transnationalism and the Limits of the Cross-Border State,” delivered at the symposium entitled ‘On Brotherly Terms: CanadianAmerican Relations West of the Rockies,’ delivered at the University of Washington in Seattle. 1996 “Cascadia and Globalization,” delivered at the University of Western Washington in Bellingham. 1996 “Three conflicting geographies of Cascadia,” delivered as part of the Henry M. Jackson School and CIBER school of Business Administration’s, ‘International Updates: Trends and Transitions in Your World’ series in Seattle. 1995 “Read Up On It And Listen To It: Literature and Music in Canada,” presentation to the summer Canadian Studies educators’ seminar in Seattle. 1994 “Negotiating National Action: Feminist Critique and Compromise in Multiple Canadian Publics,” delivered as a guest lecture in the international series “Space, Place and Gender” sponsored by the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs and the Department of Geography at the University of Syracuse, N.Y. 1994 “Displacing the field in fieldwork: Reflections on ethnographic research and gender,” delivered as a guest lecture in the course “Methodology and Proposal Writing” sponsored by the Ford Foundation and organised by Professor Victoria Lawson at the University of Washington, Seattle. 20 CV for Matthew Sparke, updated 10/8/2014 1994 “Trading Freedom, Producing Space: The Geopolitics of North American Free Trade,” delivered at a departmental colloquium at the Department of Geography, University of Washington, Seattle. 1993 “From Whose Beginnings? Nations and Disseminations in an Historical Atlas of Canada,” delivered at a departmental colloquium at the University of British Columbia Department of Geography in Vancouver. VI. Professional Meetings 2014 “The Case for an Online Degree Program: Integrated Social Sciences at UW” presented at Oxford Internet Institute, ICA preconference on Innovation in Higher Education at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Seattle. 2014 “Developing an Online Degree Program and a Comparison with MOOCs,” presented at Oxford Internet Institute, ICA preconference on Innovation in Higher Education at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Seattle. 2014 “Between the Democratization and Financialization of Global Education: Reflecting Critically on Teaching Globalization with a MOOC in Neoliberal Times,” presented at the Western Political Science Association meetings in Seattle. 2014 “Climate Change, Global Health and Inequalities in Risk,” concluding comments for a symposium sponsored by the Mellon foundation and coorganized with Celia Lowe at the University of Washington. 2014 “Assembling a cyborg teaching machine: outsights on developing an online degree,” presented at the Association of American Geographers meetings in Tampa. 2014 “Development, Security and Aid,” reviewer comments on Jamey Essex’s book Development, Security and Aid: Geopolitics and Geoeconomics at the US Agency for International Development, Georgia: University of Georgia Press, 2013, presented at the Association of American Geographers meetings in Tampa. 2014 “Building a House in Heaven,” reviewer comments on Mona Atia’s book Building a House in Heaven” Pious Neoliberalism and Islamic Charity in Egypt, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2014, presented at the Association of American Geographers meetings in Tampa. 2014 “On The Double Vision of Geopolitics and Geoeconomics: Connecting Contradictory Geostrategic Discourses To The Contradictions Of Uneven Global Development,” presented at the International Studies Association meetings in Toronto. 2013 “Globalization and Response-ability,” presented at the Nordic Geographers’ meeting in Reykjavik, Iceland. 2013 “Global Health, Philanthrocapitalism and the New Washington Consensus,” presented at the Association of American Geographers in Los Angeles. 21 CV for Matthew Sparke, updated 10/8/2014 2013 “Theorizing the frontier: Commentary on the papers of Erin Collins, Jennifer Tucker and Michael Dwyer,” at the Association of American Geographers in Los Angeles. 2012 “Biocapital, Biopolitics and the Bootstrap Geopolitics of Puerto Rico’s Promotion as BioIsland,” presented at the American Studies annual conference in San Juan, Puerto Rico. 2012 “Global Health Undergraduates: Who are they? What do they want to study? And what are their trajectories?” presentation at the Association of Pacific Rim Universities (APRU) Global Health Workshop at the University of Southern California, Los Angeles. 2012 “Entwined lives and enclaved medicine: Globalization and the targets-turnedterritories of Global Health,” presented at the International Studies Association meetings in San Diego. 2011 “Developing an interdisciplinary undergraduate degree program: Lessons from the University of Washington’s Global Health Minor,” Consortium of Universities for Global Health, Montreal, Canada. 2011 “Entwined lives and enclaved medicine,” at the International Critical Geography Conference at Goethe University in Frankfurt, Germany. 2011 “The Geography of Global Health Targets and the Enclaving of Aid and Research,” at the Association of American Geographers in Seattle. 2011 “Ethnography, Geography, Affect and Unemployment,” at the Association of American Geographers in Seattle. 2011 “Examples of Spatio-Temporal Analyses,” moderated discussion at the Global Health Metrics and Evaluation conference at the Westin Hotel, Seattle. 2010 “Cascading Cascadias,” a contribution to a panel on Cascadia and its discontents at the fifth Cascadia Geography conference at the University of Victoria, Canada. 2010 “The opportunities of interdisciplinarity,” an introduction for students to the Consortium of Universities for Global Health conference at the University of Washington in Seattle. 2010 Participant in the AAG-sponsored Global Geography Education workshop at Nangyang Technological University, Singapore. 2010 “On Re-Presenting Ontology in Geo-Graphy,” presented at the Association of American Geographers Meetings in Washington D.C.. 2010 Discussant for a session on Geographies of Response and Responsibility at the Association of American Geographers Meetings in Washington D.C.. 2010 Organizer for Author Meets the Critics session on Ananya Roy’s Poverty Capital at the Association of American Geographers Meetings in Washington D.C.. 2009 Discussant for the session International Politics of Health/Disease at the International Studies Association meetings in New York City. 22 CV for Matthew Sparke, updated 10/8/2014 2009 “Mapping the field of global health governance: From global challenges to territorialized treatments,” presented in a session on Global Health Governance at the International Studies Association meetings in New York City. 2008 “Making sense of market failure: A University Social Forum,” a meeting of professors and students co-organized by Matthew Sparke and Kyle Easterley at the University of Washington. 2007 “Imagining the Spaces of Global Health,” presented at the Association of American Studies meetings in Philadelphia. 2007 “Unpacking economism and remapping the spaces of global health,” presented by invitation at an international conference on Global Governance and Global Health at Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia. 2007 “Robert Fisk’s Anti-Geopolitical Eye,” presented at the 2007 meetings of the Association of American Geographers in San Francisco. 2007 “(Post?)Development, States and Subjectivities: Interrogating social organization of economic practice III,” discussant at the 2007 meetings of the Association of American Geographers in San Francisco. 2007 “Labours of Love III: Men Speak about Gender, Social Reproduction, and the Academy,” panelist at the 2006 meetings of the Association of American Geographers in San Francisco. 2007 “Neoliberalism in the Global South (I),” discussant at the 2007 meetings of the Association of American Geographers in San Francisco. 2007 "Between Bio-grahy and Geo-graphy," panelist with Sangtin Writers at the 2007 meetings of the Association of American Geographers in San Francisco. 2006 “Reflections on the geo-graphic work of geno-graphic mappings,” presented at the American Studies Conference in Oakland. 2006 “Topographies of Struggle,” moderator for session at the 2006 American Studies Graduate Conference, Cultural Forms, Cultural Politics at the University of Washington. 2006 “On the persistence of geography,” a response to commentators in an ‘Author Meets the Critics’ session on my book In the Space of Theory at the 2006 meetings of the Association of American Geographers in Chicago. 2005 “Geopolitical Fears, Global Hopes and the Responsibilities of Geography,” plenary address to the Association of American Geographers in Denver. 2005 "What does global education really mean?" plenary address to the annual meeting of the National International Education Association at Pierce College, Washington. 2004 “Global Knowledge Spaces for Whom? Shared networks, Divergent Subjects,” presented at the University of Bristol in a workshop on Education and Globalization organized under the auspices of the World University Network. 2003 "Geographical Reimaginings of the 'Area' in Area Studies," presented at the meetings of the Association of American Geographers in New Orleans. 23 CV for Matthew Sparke, updated 10/8/2014 2003 "Empire's Geography," presented at the meetings of the Association of American Geographers in New Orleans. 2003 "Comments on Miranda Joseph's Against the Romance of Community," presented in an author meets the critics session at the meetings of the Association of American Geographers in New Orleans. 2003 "Triangulations of Uneven Development: The Indonesia-Malaysia-Singapore Growth Triangle," presented at the meetings of the Association of American Geographers in New Orleans. 2003 "Tips on applying for an NSF Career Grant," presented at the meetings of the Association of American Geographers in New Orleans. 2003 "Global Entrepreneur vs. Global Citizen: Competing Models of Globalizing Learning," presented at the meetings of the Association of American Geographers in New Orleans. 2002 "Postcolonial Speculations on Neocolonial Enframing" presented at a workshop on Postcolonial Geographies at the National University of Singapore. 2002 "Cross-Border Regionalism in Comparative Context" presented at the annual meetings of the International Studies Association in New Orleans. 2001 “No Globalization without Representation: Geographical Reflections on Transnational Labor Organizing,” presented at the annual meetings of the Association of American Geographers in New York City. 2000 “Comprehending Transnational Regions: a Transatlantic Comparison” joint daylong presentation with James Scott sponsored by the Humboldt Foundation at the Free University of Berlin, Germany. 2000 “Observations from Britain and France,” commentary presented at the workshop ‘Comparative Perspectives on Regionalisation: Paradigms, Policies and Practices’ at the Institut für Regionalentwicklung und Strukturplanung, Erkner by Berlin, Germany. 2000 “From Deterritorialization to Reterritorialization: Comparing Contexts of CrossBorder Regionalism in Europe and North America,” paper presented at the International Association for the Study of Traditional Environments (IASTE) meetings in Trani, Italy. 2000 “Comparing Cross-Border Developments in Europe and North America,” a presentation given as a guest of the Carnegie Endowment of International Peace at a special workshop organized by Carnegie on the theme of ‘Border Region Self-Governance’ in Washington, D.C.. 1999 “The End of the Nation-State at the Border: North American and European Borderlands and the Experience of Globalization,” presented at the International Geographical Union Seminar on Political Landscapes on the Threshold of the 21st Century in Chandigarh, India. 1999 “Engaging Constructively with the WTO,” presentation at the Women and Democracy WTO event at the University of Washington. 24 CV for Matthew Sparke, updated 10/8/2014 1999 “Bulldozing Boundaries / Banalizing Belonging: The Political Economy of Transboundary Regions and the Transformation of Citizenship,” presented at the Boundaries and Belonging Conference organized at the Jackson School of International Studies, University of Washington. 1999 “Transnational Regions in Trans-Atlantic Comparison: Transmanche, Cascadia and Public-Private Partnerships,” presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Association of Geographers in Hawaii in a session on cross-border regions co-chaired by Matthew Sparke and Victor Konrad. 1999 “Transnational Regions in TransAtlantic Comparison: Transmanche, Cascadia, and Public-Private Partnership Parallels,” presented at the Border Regions in Transition III: Transborder Cooperation and Sustainable Development conference in San Diego/ Tijuana. 1999 Discussant for the session “European and Asian Border Regions: Case Studies,” at the Border Regions in Transition III: Transborder Cooperation and Sustainable Development conference in San Diego/ Tijuana. 1998 Participant in the New York Times College Program advisory meeting, New York. 1998 Discussant for “Masculinities, Space and Power,” a special double session coorganized with Susan Jeffords for the American Studies Association meetings in Seattle. 1997 Participant in the West Coast group of the New York Times College Program advisory board national satellite conference, San Francisco. 1997 “Pacing the 49th Parallel: Transnationalism in Cascadia and the transformation of the border,” delivered at the International Conference in Critical Geography, Vancouver, 1997. 1997 “The End of the Nation-State and the Regionalization of Governance: Cascadia as Question-mark,” delivered at the Annual meetings of the Association of American Geographers in Fort Worth. 1997 “Graphing the geo in geopolitical,” delivered in a special ‘Author Meets the Critics’ session on Critical Geopolitics at the Annual meetings of the Association of American Geographers in Fort Worth. 1997 “Emergent transnational regions in the context of NAFTA: The case of Cascadia,” delivered at the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) meetings in Seattle. 1996 “Pacing the Border: NAFTA and the New Free Enterprize Zones of Law Enforcement,” delivered at the Rethinking Marxism conference at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. 1996 “Cascadian Contentions: Transnational Geographies of Development and Diaspora in the Pacific North-West,” delivered at the American Studies Association Meetings in Kansas City. 1996 “Rethinking radical democracy in the public spaces of transnational neoliberalism,” delivered at the meetings of the Association of American Geographers in Charlotte. 25 CV for Matthew Sparke, updated 10/8/2014 1996 Discussant for the session ‘Transforming Political and Gendered Identities: Transitions to Democracy and the Free Market,” delivered at the meetings of the Association of American Geographers in Charlotte. 1995 “Contesting Colonial Cartography in Court: First Nations and the Canadian Public Sphere,” delivered at the meetings of the Association of Canadian Studies in the United States in Seattle. 1994 “Neocolonialism in the Borderlands: Trading Freedom and Producing Space around La Frontera,” delivered at the meetings of the American Association of Geographers in San Francisco. 1993 “Negotiating the Canadian Nation In, Through, and With the Map,” delivered at the meetings of the American Association of Geographers in Atlanta. 1993 Discussant for the session, “Geographies of Modernity and Hypermodernity,” at the meetings of the American Association of Geographers in Atlanta. 1992 “Supplementary Work/ Supplementary Knowledge: Notes on the Patriarchal and Capitalist Relations Underwriting Temporary Work’s Post-Fordist Advantage,” delivered at the meetings of the Canadian Association of Geographers in Vancouver. 1991 “Chauvinism: The Complicity of Patriarchy and Nationalism,” delivered at the meetings of the American Association of Geographers in Miami. 1990 “Feminist Work for Men,” delivered at the meetings of the Canadian Association of Geographers in Edmonton. VII. Teaching Courses Introduction to Global Health GH 101, Winter 2011 GH 101, Winter 2012 GH 101, Winter 2013 GH 101, Winter 2014 Introduction to Globalization SIS 123 / GEOG 123, Winter 2002. SIS 123 / GEOG 123, Fall 2002. SIS 123 / GEOG 123, Winter 2005. SIS 123/ GEOG 123, Fall 2005. SIS 123/ GEOG 123, Fall 2006. SIS 123/ GEOG 123, Fall 2007. SIS 123/ GEOG 123, Fall 2008. SIS 123/ GEOG 123, Fall 2009. SIS 123/ GEOG 123, Fall 2011. SIS 123/ GEOG 123, Fall 2012. Introduction to Geography GEOG 100, Spring 1996. 26 CV for Matthew Sparke, updated 10/8/2014 States and Capitalism SIS 200, Fall 1999 (co-taught with Dan Chirot, Joel Migdal and Resat Kasaba) Canada: A Geographic Interpretation SISCA308 / GEOG 308, Spring 1995. SISCA308 / GEOG 308, Winter 1996. SISCA308 / GEOG 308, Winter 1997. SISCA308 / GEOG 308, Winter 1998. Geopolitics SIS 375 /GEOG 375, Spring 1997. SIS 375 / GEOG 375, Fall 2001. SIS 375/GEOG 375, Fall 2004. Task Force, “NAFTA and Beyond: Economic Policy Making in an Interdependent World” SIS 495, Winter, 1996. SIS 495, Winter, 1997. SIS 495, Winter, 1998. Outbreak: Remapping the boundaries of life and death Mary Gates Summer Institute in the Arts and Humanities HUM 498, Summer 2013 Ethnicity and Nationalism: Colloquium and seminar series SIS 522/GEOG 501, Spring 2000, Theme: Borderlands of Globality: Transnational Spaces and Struggles Politics in Geography GEOG/SIS 575, Fall, 1996. Theme for the seminar series: Nation, State and The Public Sphere GEOG/SIS 575, Spring 1997. Theme for the seminar series: Power, Space and the Political Geography of Postcoloniality GEOG/SIS 575, Spring 1998, Co-taught with Susan Jeffords on the theme of: Masculinities, Space and Power GEOG/SIS 575, Spring 1999. Theme of the seminar series: Globalization and Retrritorialization GEOG/SIS 575 (cross-listed with HUM 596D), Spring 2000. Theme: Cosmopolitics in Question GEOG/SIS 575, Spring 2002. Theme: Globalization and Civil Society GEOG/SIS 575, Spring 2003. Theme: Globalization and Capital GEOG/SIS 575, Fall 2004, Theme: Globalization and American Dominance GEOG/SIS 575, Spring 2007, Theme: Global Uneven Development GEOG/SIS 575, Spring 2008, Theme: Global Health GEOG/SIS 575, Spring 2008, Theme: Global Health GEOG/SIS 575, Spring 2012, Theme: Postcolonial Theory and Geography Philosophy and method in Geography GEOG 511, Fall 1997 GEOG 511, Spring 1998 27 CV for Matthew Sparke, updated 10/8/2014 Evidence and Explanation in Geography GEOG 515, Spring 1999 GEOG 515, Spring 2000 GEOG 515, Spring 2002 GEOG 515, Spring 2003 GEOG 515, Spring 2005 GEOG 515, Spring 2006 GEOG 515, Spring 2007 GEOG 515, Spring 2008 GEOG 515, Spring 2009 GEOG 515, Spring 2010 New Wars? Terror, Military Violence, and Performances of Space GEOG 600, Fall 2006 Co-taught with Derek Gregory Study Abroad in Question GEOG 450, Winter 2007 Rome, Space and Power: A 15 credit study abroad course co-taught with Katharyne Mitchell at the UW Rome Center GEOG 490/ SIS 399, Winter 2008 Justice and Global Health HUM 211, Spring 2009 co-taught with Janelle Taylor as a special 150 student Danz Course sponsored by the Simpson Center Climate Change, Global Health and Inequalities in Risk JSIS 478G, Special Topics, co-taught with Celia Lowe in conjunction with organizing the Mellon-sponsored symposium on Climate Change, Global Health and Inequalities in Risk. Globalization and You Offered as a UW MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) on Coursera, Summer 2014. Analytics: 46,383 enrollees, from 198 different countries, 4,019 committed to complete, 7,502 committed to audit, 2,671 browsed the forums, 1,600 watched all the lectures to the end. When the course was finished 16,453 had actively engaged with the course, 262,303 lectures had been watched, and 4,106 forum posts had been made. Special lectures for students, faculty and alumni at UW 2014 “On the need for worldly-wise relational geographies of crisis” contribution to a panel on How to Teach About the World When the World is falling Apart organized by the Jackson School of International Studies. 2014 “Online@UW: From Email to Flipped Classrooms to Online Degrees and MOOCs,” presentation to the Faculty Fellows Program at the Invitation of the Center for Teaching and Learning, University of Washington. 28 CV for Matthew Sparke, updated 10/8/2014 2014 co-organized with Celia Lowe a Mellon-funded symposium on Climate Change, Global Health and the Inequalities of Risk. 2014 “The health implications of trade law,” presentation to the MPH Global health seminar in the School of Public Health. 2013 “Introducing Integrated Social Sciences,” presentation to the Graduate and Professional Student Senate. 2013 “On Neoliberalism and the University,” presentation for a Freshman Interest Group taking courses on globalization. 2013 “Introducing Globalization,” guest lecture at the invitation of Dr. Saadia Pekkanen in Introduction to International and Area Studies, JSIS 594 2013 “Introducing Globalization: A Face and a Facebook page,” guest lecture at the invitation of Dr. Joe Hannah in Introduction to Globalization, GEOG/SIS 123 2013 “Pharmaceutical Development Partnerships,” a pilot book club seminar for Global Health Minor students co-led with Rachel Beck (IS Major). 2013 “Global health and social science,” a presentation for a panel on the same subject in Global Health Week at the University of Washington. 2013 “Contingent faculty, MOOCs and online learning,” a presentation to the History Department’s graduate training seminar at the University of Washington. 2013 “Researching globalization and global health,” presentation in the Odegaard Library Research Exposed series. 2013 “Indonesia, Inequality and Infection: Reflections on connections and disconnections in global health,” presentation to Celia Lowe’s class on SE Asia and the Health Implications of Climate Change 2012 “Researching biotech research,” presentation in the Odegaard Library Research Exposed series. 2012 “Advice on applying to graduate school,” contribution to a forum convened by Professor Kim England for UW Geography undergraduates 2012 “Reflections on MOOCs,” Program on the Environment ‘Meet and Greet’ event 29 CV for Matthew Sparke, updated 10/8/2014 2012 “Reflections on the global-local ties of Occupy activism,” presentation at the ‘Past, Present and Promise,’ event organized by Global 99 in the Business School to deliberate the lessons of the Occupy movement. 2012 “Graphing the geo of crisis,” special lecture to students in SIS 201 being taught by Tony Lucero. 2011 “Introducing global health and the minor,” a talk to students in the GH 201 and GEOG 123 Global Health Freshman Interest Group. 2011 “Biological Futures in a Globalized World,” panel moderator for a seminar at the Simpson Center featuring Celia Lowe, Luke Bergmann and Meg Stalcup. 2011 “Globalization and the targets of global health,” seminar for Joanne Silberner’s Communications class on global health and journalism. 2011 “Challenging ourselves to go beyond good intentions in development,” contribution to panel on ‘Can You Save the World?’ organized by the UW student Critical Development Forum. 2011 “Principles for Evaluating Global Health Student Service Opportunities,” presented to students planning to develop a UW chapter of GlobeMed 2010 “From globalization to global health,” guest lecture in SIS 123/ GEOG 123 at the invitation of Dr. Hannah 2010 “Global Health, Verticalization, and the Geographical Challenges for Medical Anthropology,” lecture to ANTH 475, Perspectives on Medical Anthropology 2010 “Mapping the enclave: A geographic research project for global health,” presentation to OUGL’s ‘Research Exposed’ Fall series 2010 “Introducing Global Health: The class and the Minor,” talk with Steve Gloyd to HSERV 480, Issues in Public Health 2010 “Introducing the Global Health Minor,” a lunch with leaders talk at the Consortium of Universities for Global Health meetings. 2009 “Between critical geography and micro-economics,” presentation to Social Sciences Link program at the invitation of Rick Roth, Kevin Mihata and Garrett Strain. 2009 “Globalization and global education,” a guest lecture for Prof. Walter Parker, for a class on education theory about international education. 2009 “On your Marx: A primer on Marxist political-economy” guest lecture for Prof. Gary Hamilton, for a class on International PoliticalEconomy. 30 CV for Matthew Sparke, updated 10/8/2014 2009 “The meaning of my discipline and interdisciplinarity,” special lecture for the Honors program class 2009 “Globalization and the Global U,” presentation to the undergraduate halls of residence at the invitation of the Haggett Hall, International and Business ‘floors’. 2009 “Making sense of the map,” presentation to the Honors writing group on the invitation of Frances McCue, UW. 2008 "First Lecture," a special lecture for new students at UW's summer Orientation 2008 “Migration, Agriculture and the Contradictions of Free Trade,” presented for a UW undergraduate conference on Migration and Farm Workers. 2007 "First Lecture," a special lecture for new students at UW's summer Orientation 2006 “What is Fair Trade?” presentation to Students for Fair Trade symposium at the University of Washington. 2005 “What is globalization,” seminar discussion in the Department of Education, University of Washington, Seattle. 2004 “Globalization and the election,” invited pre-election presentation at the University of Washington sorority of Delta, Delta , Delta. 2003 "The War, Geopolitics and Globalization," a contribution to the U.W. day of reflection on the Iraq war. 2001 "From Globaloney to Anti-Globalization to Where?" a special lecture for the Certificate in International Business, UW Business School. 2001 "What do professors expect of UW students," a special lecture for new students at UW's summer Orientation. 2001 "First Lecture," a special lecture for new students at UW's summer Orientation. Advising Graduate Students—Completed 2014, Yolanda Valencia, MA, Committee member (Geography) Title: Leyes Crueles - Lugares Violentos: Mexican Women’s Testimonios Along the Migration Journey 2014, Patricia Lopez, Ph.D. Co-chair (Geography) Title: Haiti and the History of Health Citizenship 31 CV for Matthew Sparke, updated 10/8/2014 2014, Will Buckingham, Ph.D. Committee member (Geography) Title: Assembling Chinese Cities: Place-Making, Subjectivity and the Transformation of Urban Spaces 2013, John Delport, Ph.D. GSR Committee member (Education) Title: Consensus competencies of educators of children with social and behavioral disorders 2012, Agnieszka Leszczynski, Ph.D. Committee member (Geography) Title: Thinking the Geoweb: Political economies, ‘neo’geographies, and spatial media. 2012, Jason Young, MA Committee member (Geography) Title: Refining a Conceptual Basemap: Critical GIS and Political Theory 2012, Stephanie Oldham, MA Co-Chair (International Studies) Title: Epidemiological transition and the challenge of NCDs in Ghana 2011, Sara Gilbert, M.A. Chair (Geography) Title: Aspirations and Anxieties: the Neoliberal Geopolitics of the NIC 2011, Monica Farias, M.A. Committee member (Geography) Title: Embodying Economic 'Crisis': Argentina's Middle Classes and the Cultural Politics of Difference. 2011, Ron Smith, Ph.D., Chair (Geography) Title: Occupation ‘from the river to the sea’: Subaltern geopolitics of graduated incarceration in the 1967 Occupied Palestinian Territories - went on to the faculty at the University of Bucknell, PA 2011, Allison Schultz, M.A., Committee member (Geography) Title: (Re)Placing 'The Fattest Americans': A Critical Geography of Obesity and Diabetes Among the Akimel O'otham 2011, Theron Stevenson, M.A. Chair (Geography) Title: Balkan Ghosts in Heavenly Gardens: How Nature Parks and Tourism are making a European Croatia. 2010, Liz Reynolds, Ph.D. Committee member (Education) Title: Globalization, Localization and African Education 2010, Stephen Young, Ph.D. Chair (Geography) Title: The Global Redline: Mapping Markets, Movements and Moralities in the Financialization of India - went on to the faculty at the University of Wisconsin, Madison 2010, Dominic Corva, Ph.D. Co-Chair with Vicky Lawson (Geography) Title: The Geo-politics of Narco-governance in the Americas: a Political Economy Approach 2009, Tim Stiles, M.A. Committee member (Geography) Title: Internal and external geographies of GIS development in a Pacific Northwest corporation 32 CV for Matthew Sparke, updated 10/8/2014 2009, Patricia Lopez, M.A. Committee Co-Chair (Geography) Title: An Historically Situated Case for Children's Right to Health: The Birth of the Model Cities Clinic of Odessa Brown Children's Clinic 2009, Rowan Ellis, Ph.D. Committee member (Geography) Title: Civil Society, Savage City: Neoliberalism and Urban Governance in Chennai, India - went on to the faculty at the University of Aberdeen, UK 2008, Sarah Starkweather, Ph.D. Committee member (Geography) Title: Defining extraterritorial citizenship: The case of American citizens living abroad - went on to the faculty at the National University of Singapore 2008, Mona Atia, Ph.D. Committee member (Geography) Title: Building a House in Heaven: Islamic Charity in Neoliberal Egypt - went on to the faculty of George Washington University 2008, Kris Erickson, Ph.D. Committee member (Geography) Title: The Hacker Mentality: Security, Risk and Control in the Information Society - went on to the faculty at the Bournemouth University, UK 2008, Tony Sparks, Ph.D. Committee Chair (Geography) Title: As much like home as possible: Geographies of homelessness and citizenship in Seattle's tent city 3 - went on to the faculty of Sonoma community college 2007, Chris Fowler, Ph.D. Committee member (Geography) Title: Ports, Competition and Urban Development in Italy 2007, John Carr, Ph.D. Committee member (Geography) Title: Urban youth space - went on to the faculty at the University of New Mexico 2006, Molly Mustappa, Ph.D. Graduate School Representative (Political Science) 2006, Matthew Sothern, Ph.D. Committee member (Geography) Title: The Extraordinary Body and (Neo-)Liberal Space - went on to the faculty at the University of Saint Andrews 2006, Molly Wallace, Ph.D. Graduate School Representative (English) Title: Bizarre Ecologies and American Literature 2006, Elizabeth Brown, Ph.D. Committee member (Geography) Title: The Geography of Juvenile Courts - went on to the faculty at San Fancisco State University 2006, Doris Olivers, MA. Chair (Geography) Title: A critique of neoliberal hegemony and counter-hegemonic alternatives of the World Social Forum 33 CV for Matthew Sparke, updated 10/8/2014 2005, Kathleen A. Wiberg-Rozaklis, M.A. Committee member (Geography) Title: The Geographies of a Post-September 11th Curriculum: The Authority and Narration of American Public Education 2004, Clare Newstead, Ph.D. Committee member (Geography) Title: (Dis)entangling the politics of regional possibility in the post-colonial Caribbean - went on to the faculty at Nottingham Trent University 2004, Sarah Wright, Ph.D. Committee member (Geography) Title: Harvesting Knowledge: A study of the contested terrain of intellectual property rights in the Philippines - went on to the faculty at the University of Newcastle, Australia 2004, Richard Heyman, Ph.D. Chair (Geography) Title: Locating Civil Society: Knowledge, Pedagogy and the Production of Public Space - went on to the faculty at the University of Minnesota and University of Texas 2004, Dominic Corva, M.A. Chair (Geography) Title: Localization, globalization and the World Social Forum: Towards a process geography of counter-hegemonic mobilization 2004, Amy Freeman, Ph.D., Committee member (Geography) Title: Contingent modernity: Moroccan women's narratives in 'post-colonial' perspective 2003, Carlo Bonura, Ph.D. Committee Member (Political Science) Title: Political Theory on Location: Formations of Political Community in Southern Thailand - went on to the faculty of University of Puget Sound and the University of Oxford 2003, Carlos Tovares, Ph.D. Committee member (Geography) Title: San Antonio and the Geography of Race 2003, Barbara Poore, Ph.D. Committee member (Geography) Title: The Social Construction of GIS archives - went on to be researcher at US Geological Survey 2003, Karin Johnson, Ph.D. Committee Member (Geography) Title: Bordering on Health: Origins and Outcomes of the Idea of Global Health - went on to be research manager at Childrens Hospital, Seattle 2003, Banu Gokariksel, Ph.D, Committee Member (Geography) Title: Multiple Modernities: Shopping Malls in Istanbul and Jakarta - went on to the faculty at the University of North Carolina 2002, Kim Van Eyck, Ph.D. Committee Member (Geography) Title: Neoliberal Reform and Unionization in the Columbian Banking Industry 34 CV for Matthew Sparke, updated 10/8/2014 2001, Alana Boland, Ph.D. Committee member (Geography) Title: Transitional Flows: State and Market in China's Urban Water Supply. - went on to the faculty at the University of Toronto 2001, Jackson Zimmerman, Ph.D. Chair (Geography) Title: Re-Mapping Transborder Environmental Governance: Sovereign Territory and the Pacific Salmon Treaty. - went on to the faculty University of Wisconsin 2000, Carolina Katz, M.A. Chair (Geography) Title: Remapping Rights and Responsibilities: A Legal Geography of the 1996 Welfare and Immigration Reforms. -went on to work as senior researcher at the US Federal Reserve San Francisco 2000, Lise Nelson, Ph.D. Committee member (Geography) Title: Remaking Gender And Citizenship In A Mexican Indigenous Community - went to the faculty at the University of Oregon 1999, Wendy Somerson, Ph.D. Committee member (English) Title: Sexual Spaces: Narratives of U.S. Sexualities in the Era of Transnationalism. 1999, Philip Craft, M.A. Co-Chair (Speech Communications) Title: Redefining Local Autonomy and Women’s Empowerment in Microcredit Discourse: A Study on Hegemony, Rhetorical Strategy, and the Ideology of ‘Development. 1999, Desiree Desurra, M.A. Committee member (Geography). Title: Transnational organizing in the context of NAFTA: A Study of feminist networking. 1998, Richard Heyman, MA Chair (Geography) Title: Geographical Thought, Ideology, and the University: The Humboldt Brothers and Daniel Coit Gilman - went on the faculty at the University of Minnesota, and, then, the University of Texas 1998, Julia Leyda, Ph.D. Committee member (English) Title: American Mobilities: Class and Space in U.S. Literature and Culture, 1930-45. - went on to the faculty at Sophia University, Tokyo 1997, Leigh Culpepper, MA Committee member (South Asian Studies,IS) Title: Two Essay Option essays on Hindu Nationalism and Gender Politics in India) 1997, Carlo Bonura, MA Committee member (Political Science) Title: Under Western Guise: Rethinking the Theory of Communicative Action through the work of Seyla Benhabib and Chandra Mohanty - went on to the faculty of the University of Puget Sound and, then, the University of Oxford 35 CV for Matthew Sparke, updated 10/8/2014 1996, Monica Varsanyi, MA Committee member (Geography) Title: The Political Geography of Proposition 187 - went on to the faculty at Vassar College Graduate Students—In Progress 1. Srinivas Chokkakula, Ph.D. Chair (Geography) 2. Michelle Daigle, Ph.D. Chair (Geography) 3. Brandon Derman, Ph.D. Committee member (Geography) 4. Monica Farias, Ph.D. Committee member (Geography) 5. Tiffany Grobelski, Ph.D. Committee member (Geography) 6. Eloho Tobrise, Ph.D. Chair (Geography) 7. Yolanda Valencia, Ph.D. Committee member (Geography) 8. Yanning Wei, Ph.D. Committee member (Geography) 9. Maggie Wilson, MA, Chair (Geography) 10. Jason Young, Ph.D. Committee member (Geography) Special Undergraduate Students—Completed 1. Jamie Clausen, JSIS Honors Thesis and SISCA 499 Chinese migration. 2. Jennifer Gager, Geography 350 Project on Student Learning. 3. Kimberly Johnson, SIS 350 Internship at the World Affairs Council. 4. Sena Johnson, SIS 499Project at the Trade and Community Development 5. Amy Kaestner, JSIS Honors Thesis. 6. Nick Slepko, Geography 350 Internship at the Discovery Institute 7. Lawrence Writer, Economics 450, Honors Essay on Transnationalism 8. Ryan Ehlinger, JSIS 499A, Research on Cascadia 9. Karim Hakam, JSIS 395, Qualifying paper on the Channel Tunnel 10. Jeff Laru, JSIS 395, Qualifying paper on Japanese Geopolitics 11. Ryan Halinger, JSIS 499 – Cascadia Project 12. Nicholas Vitek, Globalization Project for JSIS 499 13. Jill Dumler, International Human Rights, qualifying paper 14. Marc Delacruz, IS Major qualifying paper on national narratives of China 15. Yaffa Truelove, IS Senior Thesis on the WTO and civil society 16. Yaffa Truelove, IS Senior Thesis on the WTO and civil society 17. Emily Beaulieu, Honors Thesis Mentor, Political Discourse in BC 18. Jeremy Howard, IS Major qualifying paper on the geopolitics of globalization 19. Anna Prichard, SIS 499, IS Qualifying paper on post 9-11 geopolitics 20. Andrew Christman, SIS 499, IS Qualifying paper on (in-)security in Central Asia 21. Michael Gustafson, Gen St 350A, Corporate Responsibility and Coffee 22. Kirsten Varg, Mentor for Mary Gates research award work on the WSF 23. Stephanie Smith, SIS 499, IS Qualifying paper on NGOs and the Iraq war 24. Riani Townshend, SIS 499, IS Qualifying paper on terrorism and SE Asia 25. Eve Stanley, SIS 494, IS Qualifying paper on US and ICC 26. Scott Boyd, GEOG honors paper on business school globalism 27. Meaghan Snow, GEOG honors paper on the Baghdad Green Zone 28. Agneszka Marta Kowacz, GEOG honors paper on the labor market & Everett 29. Jonathan Galin, JSIS/CHID thesis paper on microcredit and Unitus in India 30. Amrit Sidhu, Business School, sponsor for internship in London 31. Richard Johnson, IS Senior Thesis on neoliberalism in Latin America 36 CV for Matthew Sparke, updated 10/8/2014 32. Dimitar Anguelov, sponsor and mentor for internship in India 33. Leah Zajac, JSIS qualifying paper on masculinity and nationalism 34. Chelsea Gilmore, special degree paper requirement on global health 35. Hallie Ericson, special degree paper requirement on global health 36. Garret Strain, SIS Honors Paper on neoliberal urban change in Argentina 37. Mikail Blyth, Geography Honors paper on cross-border devel in Korea 38. Dimitar Velkov, research on the geopolitics of infectious disease 39. Stephanie Joy Smith, JSIS qualifying paper on population control 40. Chelsea Gilmore, Public Health degree individual studies paper on HIV prevention 41. Carolyn Gilbert, JSIS QP, social determinants of health in post-neoliberal Ecuador 42. Christena Berner, JSIS QP, global health service learning: risks & recommendations 43. Jillian Zemanek, JSIS QP, Health Diplomacy and the Case of Polio in Nigeria 44. Kathryn Teagarden, JSIS QP, The AIDS tragedy in South Africa 45. Lily Shay, JSIS QP, Immigrant health rights in the UK vs. the US 46. Emily Gibson, Public Health Thesis, Incentivizing the End of Patriarchy? 47. Dean Chahin, mentoring for Critical Development Forum class he led 48. Cole Trevathan Bazemore, WGHA internship mentor 49. Helen Olson, Mary Gates Leadership Award mentor 50. Dawn Tuason, Public Health/Global Health Honors project 51. Haley Millet, Global Health Study and Service in Uganda 52. Rachel Beck, Improving neonatal care in Cote D’Ivoire 53. Cynthia Irene Simekha, limits of global health care in Kenya 54. Marina Fitzpatrick, WGHA internship mentor Special contributions to teaching and training: 1)- Integrating undergraduates into research PI on a National Science Foundation: Geography and Regional Science Program, Undergraduate Research Experiences Grant, “Tourism in emerging transnational regions,” US$4,774 granted. Named undergraduate student:- Barbara Hall. 2)- Advisor for German Marshall Fund Undergraduate Applicants to the United Kingdom, Spring 1997. 3)- Member of the UW Rhodes Scholars Selection Committee, Fall 1998. 4)- Preparatory talk for Rhodes Scholars applicants, Summer 2000. 5)- Successful application for Lindenberg Center Mobility Grant to take Kirsten Varg (undergraduate) and Heather Day, Caroline Faria, Elizabeth Wright and Dominic Corva to Porto Alegre in January 2003 to conduct research tied to NSF CAREER grant. 6)- Co-published in 2003 an article with 2 geography graduate students, Carolina Reid and Clare Newstead, an article entitled “The Cultural Geography of Scale” in Kay Anderson, Mona Domosh, Steve Pile and Nigel Thrift, The Handbook of Cultural Geography, London: Sage. 7)- Co-published in 2005 an article with 5 geography graduate students, Liz Brown, Dominic Corva, Heather Day, Caroline Faria and Tony Sparks, and one undergraduate, Kirsten Varg, an article entitled “The World Social Forum and the Lessons for 37 CV for Matthew Sparke, updated 10/8/2014 Economic Geography” in Economic Geography. This article was based on research funded by the grant noted in point 5 above. 8)- Developed in 2008 the first Geography Study Abroad program in Rome with Katharyne Mitchell using web-based google mymaps platform for developing and publishing student research on Rome. 9)- In 2008 provided commentaries on the graduate student papers of Joni Vainikka, Mikko Joronen, Evgania Prokhorova, and Peter Ehrström at the Finnish Geography graduate school intensive course on Re-Grounding Globalization at the University of Tampere, Finland. 10)- In Fall 2008 co-organized with UW undergraduates a teach-in at the University of Washington entitled: “Making sense of market failure: A University Social Forum.” 11) Winter 2010 facilitated GEOG 499 Special Topic reading on critical geopolitics for Charmila Ajmera, Mikail Blyth, Johnny Chan, Chris Paul, and Jasmine Zhang. 12) Fall 2012 facilitated GEOG 499 for over 20 students in an interdisciplinary 2 credit class on development and global health led by students from Critical Development Forum. 13) Moderated the panel “Models, Maps and the Making of Global Health at the 2012 UW Undergraduate Research Symposium VIII. Professional Activities and Service Extramural Member of the Editorial Board of The Professional Geographer Member of the Editorial Board of Political Geography Member of the Editorial Board of The Global South AAG Nystrom award committee, 2009 Member of the International Advisory Board for the Center for the Study of Geopolitics at Panjab University, Chandigarh, India. Review work for National Science Foundation, 1998, 2000, 2001(x2) 2002, 2003 (x2), 2004 and 2005. Review work for the Canadian Social Science and Humanities Research Council, 2004. Review work for the Annals of the Association of American Geographers (1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2007, 2008), Acme (2007), Area (2005), Economic Geography (2005), Environment and Planning A (2004, 2007) Environment and Planning D: Society and Space (1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999), Antipode (1997, 2000, 2001, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2007), Professional Geographer (1999, 2000), Geopolitics (2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2006, 2007, 2008) Ecumene (1996), Geografiska Annaler (2001) Gender, Place and Culture (2002, 38 CV for Matthew Sparke, updated 10/8/2014 2004, 2005), Progress in Human Geography (2001, 2002, 2008x3), Political Geography (2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008x2), Signs (1996), Social and Cultural Geography (2004), Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers (2005, 2008), and Journal of Borderland Studies (2004). Review work for Blackwell publishers 1997, 2001, 2002x2, 2003, 2004. Review work for Routledge publishers: 1996, 1997, 1998, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2004. Review work for Kluwer publishers: 1998. Review work for Guilford publishers: 2000. Review work for Rowman and Littlefield: 2005. Review work for Temple University Press, 2006. Review work for Lingua Franca, 1999 Review work for the John T and Catherine T MacCarthur Fellows Program 1998. Member of the editorial board of Transgressions: A Journal of Urban Exploration Antipode graduate student scholarship awards committee, 2002. Tenure review letter for Patricia Price, Florida International University 2002. Third year review letter for International Studies, American University, Washington, D.C. 2002. Tenure review letter for Dartmouth College, New Hampshire, 2004. Tenure review letter for Dartmouth College, New Hampshire, 2011. Tenure review letter for University of Toronto, Scarborough, 2012. Promotion to Full review letter for University of Toronto, 2012. Tenure review letter for Georgetown University, 2014. University 1996-7 Executive Committee, Geography 1996-7 Executive Committee, International Studies Program 1996-7 Undergraduate Program/ Admissions Committee, International Studies Program Organiser of the 1996-1997 State-Society workshops for the Jackson School of International Studies. Speakers included: John Agnew, Jennifer Hyndman, Priscilla Wald, Robert Walker, Chantal Mouffe, Tani Barlow, Jenny White, Elizabeth Wood, Luis Guarnizo and Marjorie Cohen. 39 CV for Matthew Sparke, updated 10/8/2014 1997-8 Executive Committee, International Studies Program 1997-8 Undergraduate Program/ Admissions Committee, International Studies Program 1997-8 Graduate admissions Committee, Department of Geography 1998 Special committee on research quarters policy, Jackson School of International Studies. 1998 UW Rhodes Scholars Selection Committee. 1998-9 Executive Committee, International Studies Program 1998-9 Executive Committee, EU Studies Center 1998-9 Admissions Committee, International Studies Program 1998-9 Geography Community Outreach and Development Committee 1999-0 Executive Committee, International Studies Program 1999-0 Executive Committee, Canadian Studies Program, and co-author with Katharyne Mitchell of the 2000-2003 Canadian Studies, Title VI Center and FLAS applications to the Department of Education. 1999-0 Executive Committee, EU Studies Program 1999-0 Admissions Committee, International Studies Program 1999-0 Simpson Humanities Center Curriculum Committee 1999-0 Chair of the Geography Undergraduate Symposium Committee. 1999-0 Member of the special review committee on the appointment of Deborah Porter to the Jackson School of International Studies. 1999-0 Member of the search committee for two positions in Law and Society. 2001-2 International Studies Undergraduate Admissions Committee 2002 JSIS Awards Committee 2001-2 Executive Committee, International Studies Program 2001-2 Executive Committee, Center for EU Studies 2002 Chair of the Geography Undergraduate Symposium Committee. 2002-3 Member of the Executive Board of the Simpson Center for the Humanities 2002-3 Executive Committee, Geography 2002-3 Executive Committee, International Studies Program 2002-3 Executive Committee, Center for EU Studies 2004-5 Member of the Executive Board of the Simpson Center for the Humanities 40 CV for Matthew Sparke, updated 10/8/2014 2004-5 Executive Committee, International Studies Program 2005-6 Chair of University review Committee charged with reviewing the Comparative History of Ideas program. 2006 Member of the college chair search committee for Philosophy 2006 Organized Derek Gregory’s visit to UW for a week of seminars and public lectures as a Simpson Center Katz lecturer 2007 Two reviews for University RRF competition 2007 Peer teaching evaluation for Professor Jonathan Warren 2007 Member of the University Global Learning Goals Committee at the invitation of Vice-Provost Susan Jeffords. 2007 Executive Committee, Geography 2007 Executive Committee, International Studies Program 2007 Executive Committee, Center for EU Studies 2007 Organized and ran the Provost Teaching Workshop on Globalizing Teaching without Leaving Seattle 2007 Member of the Brotman award committee at the invitation of Dean Taylor 2007-8 Chair of the Comparative History of Ideas Standing Committee. Appointed by Deans Ron Irving and Ellen Kaisse this committee serves to provide a governance executive on all CHID hiring, promotion and tenure decisions. 2007 Chair of CHID tenure review committee for Phillip Thurtle 2007 Chair of the Promotion review committee for Kim England 2008 Member of the Library Research Award Committee 2008 RRF review work 2008-9 Executive committee for Jackson School of International Studies 2008-9 Chair of the Comparative History of Ideas Standing Committee. 2009 Chair of the Promotion review committee for Maria Elena Garcia 2009 RRF review work 2009-10 Chair of the Comparative History of Ideas Standing Committee. 2009-10 Department of Geography Awards Committee Chair 2009-10 Department of Geography Graduate Policy Committee 2009-10 Appointed by Provost Wise to Dean search committee for new dean of public health 2010-11 Director of the Global Health Department Undergraduate Degree Program 41 CV for Matthew Sparke, updated 10/8/2014 2010-11 Member of the School of Public Health Undergraduate Curriculum Task Force 2010-11 Member of Department of Global Health Education Executive Committee 2010 “New education initiatives in global health at UW,” talk at recognition luncheon for volunteers who lead high school tours of UWMC and Health Sciences 2011 Organized the 6th Annual International Cascadian Critical Geography conference at the University of Washington. 2011 Organized a two-day Ph.D dissertation proposal advising workshop for 24 students from UW, UBC and SFU at UW’s Friday Harbor facility on San Juan Island. 2011-12 Director of the Global Health Department Undergraduate Degree Program 2011-12 Member of the School of Public Health Undergraduate Curriculum Task Force 2011-12 Member of Department of Global Health Education Executive Committee 2012 RRF review work 2012 Selection Committee for UW Faculty Lecturer Award 2012-13 Director of the Global Health Department Undergraduate Minor 2012-13 Director of Geography Graduate Program 2012-13 Member of Global Health Education Executive Committee 2012-13 School of Public Health, search committee for Social Determinants of Health position 2012-13 School of Public Health Curriculum Steering Committee 2012-13 College of Arts and Sciences ad hoc committee on new degree in Health Science and Society 2012-13 School of Public Health, Undergraduate Degree Steering Committee 2012-13 University Senate Committee on Intellectual Property and Commercialization (SCIPC) 2012-13 Curriculum Committee, Jackson School of International Studies 2013 President’s Selection Committee for UW Faculty Lecturer Award 2013-14 Provost’s Online Education Joint Task Force Member 2013-14 Curriculum Management Policy and Process Committee, College of A&S 2014 President’s Selection Committee for UW Faculty Lecturer Award 2013-14 Director of Integrated Social Sciences 42 CV for Matthew Sparke, updated 10/8/2014 IX. Academic Awards and Distinctions 2012 2010 2007 2007 2000-5 2005 1993-1994 1991-1993 1989-1991 1989 1988-1989 1987-1988 Award for Teaching Excellence from the Pan-Hellenic Association Award for Excellence in Teaching, Jackson School of Intl. Studies, UW Award for ‘Most Global Professor’ from the Pan-Hellenic Association Lifetime Distinguished Teacher Award, University of Washington National Science Foundation, CAREER award Award for Excellence in Teaching, Dept. of Geography, UW University Graduate Fellowship, The University of B.C. University Graduate Fellowship, The University of B.C. University Graduate Fellowship, The University of B.C. Congratulatory First Class, The University of Oxford. Scholarship in Geography, The University of Oxford Scholarship in Geography, The University of Oxford 43