SAE NIS EFFI-CYCLE 2014 University Institute of Engineering and Technology, Panjab University, Chandigarh INFORMATION DOCKET A) General Guidelines (1) RULES & REGULATIONS 1. For technical queries, mails must be sent to 2. For teams related queries, mails must be sent to 3. For accommodation related queries, mails must be sent to 4. Teams are required to report on Day 0, i.e. 9th October, 2014 as mentioned in the schedule. 5. From 9 a.m. onwards on Day 0, the registration process will begin. No registration will be entertained on 10th October, 2014. Teams are required to report to the assigned coordinator. 6. Technical Inspections will start on Day-0 at 01:00 pm. 7. Teams are required to bring the following documents: a) Student ID cards of all the team members issued by respective college. b) Valid SAE membership cards of all the team members. c) Scanned copy of Registration form as send to during registration. d) Copy of special permissions from and e) Passport size photographs of each person coming for the event (Six in number). f) Hard copy of cost report with all bills, As-Built Vehicle Report and Design Report, marketing poster. g) Soft copy of the cost report, As-Built Vehicle Report, Design Report and marketing presentation in proper format and file name as mentioned in the respective formats. h) Technical Inspection Sheet duly signed by Drivers, Team Captains and Faculty Advisor. i) Team members (at least 2) who will drive the vehicle at any time during the competition must hold a valid, government issued driving license. 8. Teams can access their team pit from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. only. Teams must complete their repair jobs within the allocated time duration. No special permission will be given during main event for late stay in the pit area and workshop etc. 9. Teams will be provided with the arc welding facilities only. 10. Teams are required to carry the charger for their batteries. 11. Teams can use fully charged batteries before any event. Effi-cycle 2014 12. Marketing presentation and Cost Evaluation will start on Day-1 i.e. 10th October and will be running parallel to other events. So it is recommended to divide the team in sub-groups of 3-4 team members solely dedicated for the respective tests (Team captain not mandatory). 13. Strictly follow the instructions mentioned in the rulebook. 14. Vehicle must be fixed with the vehicle number, team name and institute name according to the requirement of rulebook. 15. Team should have space on their vehicle to stick Event logos/stickers. 16. The Endurance track may consist of U-turns, round-about, inclination, off-road areas and bottlenecks. This is for only for the information of the teams to plan their strategy. 17. During the Endurance event, a) Only a driver can push the vehicle in case the vehicle has come to standstill due to mechanical damage. b) Teams can only halt/ interchange drivers in the specified driver changing zones. c) Any rash driving / indiscipline caught by the judges/volunteers during event may lead to disqualification of whole team from the event. 18. At least one member should be always present with the vehicle during the event. 19. Teams are required to keep the cleanliness of the campus. 20. In case of any difficulty being faced during the event, teams may contact the coordinator assigned to them, to escalate the matter. 21. Smoking and any kind of alcohol is strictly prohibited. 22. In any case, decision of organizers and judges will be taken as final. 23. Maps are attached for the information. NOTE: ANY ACT OF INDISCIPLINE OR DOURLY BEHAVIOUR DURING THE EVENT AND AT THE INSTITUTE PREMISES AFTER THE EVENT WOULD BE CONSIDERED AS AN INDISCIPLINARY ACT AGAINST SAENIS EFFI-CYCLE 2014, ENTAILING TO IMMEDIATE DISQUALIFICATION AND CORRECTIVE ACTION IF REQURIED BY THE INSTITUTE. Effi-cycle 2014 (2) EVENTS PROCEDURES There are three categories of events- Technical Inspection, Static events and Dynamic Events. Technical Inspection: Figure of 8 test, Electric Drive Inspection, Rulebook Safety Check, Weight Measurement, Brake Test. Static Events: Design Evaluation, Cost Evaluation, Innovation Evaluation and Marketing Presentation. Dynamic Events: Acceleration Test, Utility Test, Maneuverability Test, Gradient Test and Endurance Test 1. Technical Inspection: The objective of technical inspection is to check the compliance of vehicle with Rulebook and General Safety. The teams not complying with the rulebook will not be allowed to participate in any of the static & dynamic events. Technical inspection is the ordered set of following tests: Figure of 8 Test Electric Drive Inspection Rulebook and Safety Compliance Test Weight Check Brake Test i. Teams will carry a fresh Technical Inspection Sheet at event with all details filled and signed by their faculty advisor, captain and drivers. ii. Teams failing in any of the test will not be allowed to participate in subsequent tests (like if a team fails in Figure of 8 test, it will not be allowed to appear in electric drive inspection) iii. There will be maximum TWO attempts for first 3 tests. iv. Technical Inspection will be carried out on Day 0 after lunch and on Day 1. v. It is compulsory to comply with all the points in the Technical Inspection Sheet. During technical inspection or at any stage of event, technical inspectors may ask for any modification in the vehicle. vi. The decision of Head of Technical Committee will be final in case of any issue. vii. Modification in any part of the vehicle is not allowed after clearing the Technical Inspection until and unless notified to technical committee. vii. Weight Check will be done after technical inspection. vii. Technical Inspection-OK sticker shall be given to a completely OK team by technical committee. ix. A team which clears the final inspection, the Technical Inspection-OK sticker will be pasted on that vehicle. x. After getting this sticker the team can appear for the brake test, and after clearing the test, Brake Test-OK sticker will be given. Effi-cycle 2014 2. Static Events a) Design, Cost and Innovation Evaluation: i. Design, cost and innovation evaluation will be multi-stage process. ii. The teams are required to bring their vehicle at Design, Cost and Innovation evaluation pits along with the team members (not all members necessary). iii. Faculty advisor may also accompany the team but he/she cannot represent the team at the time of event. iv. Teams will carry their Design Report, As-Built Vehicle Report and Cost report in hard copy at the time of event. These reports must be same as submitted at v. In case of any changes found in the reports presented to the judging panel and the report submitted online, team will be penalized or may also be disqualified from that particular evaluation. vi. All the instructions related to reports are provided in the reports formats itself. Design Evaluation Phase-I Design Evaluation Phase-II Innovation Evaluation Cost Evaluation b) Marketing Presentation: Only 3 team members will be allowed in presentation area for marketing presentation. Presentation must be prepared in MS PowerPoint. Use of videos, photographs etc is allowed provided that the total time limit of presentation is not exceeded. The time limit for the presentation is 25 mins (15mins presentation and 10mins for Question-Answer round). All necessary information is given in the presentation format. Marketing Poster: Every team must bring a marketing poster as per the guidelines mentioned in the marketing presentation format. This poster will be displayed on Day-1 at the time of Inauguration for the evaluation. Effi-cycle 2014 3. DYNAMIC EVENTS a. Acceleration, Gradient, Maneuverability and Utility Test i. All dynamic tests will be performed with both the drivers. ii. There will be only two attempts for all the tests. iii. Evaluation will be done as per the procedures mentioned in the rulebook. iv. There will be time based penalties in each event such as for departing sideways from the track and lifting of tyres from ground etc according to each dynamic tests. v. Only one team member along with the drivers will be allowed in the track area. vi. Drivers must wear all the safety guards, helmets and shoes in all dynamic tests. Effi-cycle 2014 B) EVENT SITE PROTOCOLS i. All participants must have valid SAE membership card along with one photo ID proof. ii. It is necessary to wear event ID card at event site issued at Registration Desk during stay at event site. iii. Vehicles are not allowed to go outside the event site before the completion of event. If found, will be disqualified from the event with immediate effect. Decision of the Technical Committee will be final in this case. iv. Teams are advised to carry required tools and equipment to avoid congestion at the event site. However, facilities like charging points, welding machines, puncture repair will be provided at the event site. v. Teams are advised to bring all necessary spares parts at event site for easy and quick repair of vehicle in case of breakdown. vi. A free track shall be provided for trials of vehicles at a specified location. Teams are allowed to run their vehicle in this area only for trials. vii. Over speeding in the non-track area is not allowed and if any vehicle found in such state, penalties shall be imposed. viii. ix. The vehicle should not be left unattended at the event site. All the vehicles must be parked in the pits before leaving the event site or the closure of pit lane, whichever is earlier. x. Team Captains and drivers must attend the briefing sessions as may be called at event site. xi. Vehicles not having Technical Inspection-OK and Brake Test-OK stickers will not be allowed in the track events. xii. Any prohibited items as mentioned in the rulebook must not be carried out at event site. All the teams must maintain the discipline at event site. If any team found disobeying the rules and protocols will be disqualified from the event with the immediate effect without any prior intimation to college representatives and the college may suffer the ban of 1 more year. Effi-cycle 2014 C) MAPS (1) CHANDIGARH MAP Effi-cycle 2014 (b) PANJAB UNIVERSITY MAP Effi-cycle 2014 (c) U.I.E.T MAP Effi-cycle 2014