Journal of Mathematical Sociology, 38: 233–248, 2014 # ISSN: 0022-250X print=1545-5874 online
Journal of Mathematical Sociology, 38: 233–248, 2014 # ISSN: 0022-250X print=1545-5874 online
Journal of Mathematical Sociology, 38: 233–248, 2014 Copyright # Taylor & Francis Group, LLC ISSN: 0022-250X print=1545-5874 online DOI: 10.1080/0022250X.2013.803100 KEY PLAYER POLICIES WHEN CONTEXTUAL EFFECTS MATTER Coralio Ballester Departamento de Fundamentos del Ana´lisis Econo´mico, Universidad de Alicante, Alicante, Spain Yves Zenou Department of Economics, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden, and Research Institute of Industrial Economics, Stockholm, Sweden We consider a model where the criminal decision of each individual is affected by not only her own characteristics, but also by the characteristics of her friends (contextual effects). We determine who the key player is, i.e., the criminal who once removed generates the highest reduction in total crime in the network. We propose a new measure, the contextual intercentrality measure, that generalizes the one proposed by Ballester, Calvo´-Armengol, and Zenou (2006) by taking into account the change in contextual effects following the removal of the key player. We also provide an example showing that the key player can be different whether contextual effects are taken into account or not. This means that the planner may target the wrong person if it ignores the effect of the ‘‘context’’ when removing a criminal from a network. Keywords: contextual effects, crime, key players, peer effects 1. INTRODUCTION Important differences in crime rates are commonly observed across different social groups and=or locations displaying otherwise identical economic fundamentals (Glaeser, Sacerdite, & Scheinkman, 1996). One of the main explanations put forward to account for this phenomenon is the presence of social multiplier effects on individual crime decisions. That is, as the fraction of individuals participating in a criminal behavior increases, the impact on others is multiplied through social interactions or networks (see, in particular, Sah, 1991; Glaeser et al., 1996; Rasmussen, 1996; Schrag & Scotchmer, 1997; Calvo´-Armengol & Zenou, 2004; Kleiman, 2009). Empirically, recent research has shown the importance of peer and social multiplier effects in crime (see e.g., Kling, Ludwig, & Katz, 2005; Bayer, Hjalmarsson, & Pozen, 2009; Patacchini & Zenou, 2012; Damm & Dustmann, 2014). Ballester, Calvo´-Armengol, and Zenou (2006, 2010) have argued that concentrating efforts by targeting ‘‘key players,’’ that is, criminals who once removed generate the highest possible reduction in aggregate crime level in a network, can Address correspondence to Yves Zenou, Stockholm University, Department of Economics, 106 91 Stockholm, Sweden. E-mail: 233 234 C. BALLESTER AND Y. ZENOU have large effects on crime because of these feedback effects or ‘‘social multipliers.’’ As a result, criminal behaviors can be magnified and interventions can become more effective. Based on a peer effect model, Ballester et al. (2006, 2010) have proposed a centrality measure (the intercentrality measure) that determines the key player in each network. However, in their model, contextual effects are not taken into account; that is, only each individual’s characteristics affect her effort but not the characteristics of her friends. In the present article, we extend this intercentrality measure to include contextual effects and show that the formula proposed by Ballester et al. (2006, 2010) must be adapted to a more general case. To be more precise, we develop a network model1 where contextual effects (which are measured here by the average characteristics of one’s friends) are taken into account.2 We calculate the Nash equilibrium of this game and propose a new measure, the contextual intercentrality measure, that determines the key player in a network. This measure captures two effects. The first effect is a pure contextual effect, which is due to the change in the context (own and friends’ characteristics) when the key player is removed from the network while the network is kept unchanged. The second effect is a pure network effect, which captures the change in crime effort due to the network structure change after the removal of the key player. We also propose a simple example of a network with four individuals to illustrate all our results. We show that the key player is different depending on whether or not the contextual effects are taken into account. This is important for policy implications because this means that the planner may target the wrong person if it ignores the effect of the ‘‘context’’ when removing a criminal from a network. The rest of the article unfolds as follows. In the next section, we explain why a key player analysis is important in social networks; in Section 3, we explain why contextual effects matter in a network analysis. In Section 4, we present our network model and determine the Nash equilibrium of this game and expose the intercentrality measure of Ballester et al. (2006), which characterizes the key player when contextual effects are not considered. In Section 5, we determine our new intercentrality measure and illustrate it with a simple example. Finally, Section 6 concludes. 2. THE KEY PLAYER PROBLEM The problem of identifying key players in a network is an old one, at least in the sociological literature. Indeed, one of the focus of this literature is to propose different measures of network centralities and to assert the descriptive and=or prescriptive suitability of each of these measures to different situations (see, in particular, Wasserman & Faust, 1994). Borgatti (2003, 2006) was among the first researcher 1 There is a growing literature on networks in economics. See, in particular, Goyal (2007), Jackson (2008), and Jackson and Zenou (2014). 2 Contextual effects are important, especially for the empirical measure of peer effects in crime. In the standard linear-in-means models, Manski (1993, 2000) has put forward the importance of the reflection problem, which is the difficulty of separating the contextual effect from the endogenous peer effect on own behavior. Recent empirical papers have used the network topology to separate these two effects and to show the importance of contextual effects in education (Calvo´-Armengol, Patacchini, & Zenou, 2009; Lin, 2010), obesity (Cohen-Cole & Fletcher, 2008b), and crime (Patacchini & Zenou, 2012). WHEN CONTEXTUAL EFFECTS MATTER 235 to really investigate the issue of key players, which is based on measuring explicitly the contribution of a set of actors to the cohesion of a network. The basic strategy is to take any whole network property, such as density or maximum flow, and derive a centrality measure by deleting nodes and measuring the change in the network property. Measures derived in this way have been called ‘‘vitality measures’’ (see Koschu¨tzki et al., 2005, for a review). To be more precise, Borgatti (2003, 2006) identifies two key player problems. First, he puts forward the ‘‘key player problem=negative’’ (KPP-neg), which is defined in terms of the extent to which the network depends on its key players to maintain its cohesiveness. It is a ‘‘negative’’ problem because it measures the amount of reduction in cohesiveness of the network that would occur if the nodes were not present. Borgatti gives examples of such problems. In public health, a key player problem is whenever the planner needs to select a subset of population members to immunize or quarantine in order to optimally contain an epidemic. In the military or criminal justice context, the key player problem arises when a planner needs to select a small number of players in a criminal network to neutralize (e.g., by arresting, exposing, or discrediting) in order to maximally disrupt the network’s ability to mount coordinated action. The second key player problem identified by Borgatti (2003, 2006) is called the ‘‘key player problem=Positive’’ (KPP-pos) in which the planner is looking for a set of network nodes that are optimally positioned to quickly diffuse information, attitudes, behaviors or goods. In a public health context, a health agency will need to select a small set of population members to use as seeds for the diffusion of practices or attitudes that promote health, such as using bleach to clean needles in a population of drug addicts. In a military or criminal justice context, the planner needs to select an efficient set of actors to surveil, to turn (as into double agents), or to feed misinformation to. In the present article, we focus on the KPP-neg since a key player is the criminal who once removed from the network generates the highest reduction in total crime in the network. Our approach is similar to that of Everett and Borgatti (2010) in the sense that we decompose a node’s total centrality as the sum of its endogenous and exogenous centrality (where exogenous is the node’s contribution to everyone else’s centrality). This is obtained by summing all node’s endogenous centrality, removing a node (or set of nodes) and then summing the recalculated centralities of all remaining nodes. A major difference with the previous literature, however, is that we explicitly model the behavior of criminals and their optimal reaction when a key player is removed.3 Our article thus provides a rationale for 3 Researchers have also defined ‘‘group’’ players so that the planner can remove more than one key player at a time. See, in particular, Ortiz-Arroyo (2010) and Ballester et al. (2010). Ballester et al. (2010) show that the key group problem is NP -hard from the combinatorial perspective. This means that there is no possible sophisticated algorithm such that, given any network, will return the exact key group in reasonable time. They show, however, that the key group problem can be approximated in polynomial-time by the use of a greedy algorithm, where, at each step, the key player formula of Ballester et al. (2006) is used to remove a player. They also show that the error of approximation of using a greedy algorithm instead of solving directly the key group problem is at most 36.79%. As a result, in the present article, we can still use our new intercentrality formula, which takes into account contextual effects, in the greedy algorithm to tackle the issue of group players. 236 C. BALLESTER AND Y. ZENOU the Everett-Borgatti procedure who fail to explain why the sum of centralities is a meaningful graph invariant that is worthy of decomposition. There are three recent papers that empirically determine key players (as we defined them in the present article) in soccer and crime. Using data from UEFA Euro 2008 Tournament, Sarangi and Unlu (2011) evaluate a player’s contribution to her team and relates her effort to her salaries; they show that key players regardless of their field position have significantly higher market values than other players. In this paper, the authors do not take into account contextual effects because they have no information on the characteristics of the player and thus use the standard intercentrality measure of Ballester et al. (2006). Using data from adolescents in the United States (AddHealth data), Liu, Patacchini, Zenou, and Lee (2012) determine the characteristics of the key players in crime. They include contextual effects in their analysis and show that key players are more likely to be a male, have less educated parents, are less attached to religion and feel socially more excluded than the average criminal. They also show that contextual effects matter since the key player may be different when the intercentrality measure used is the one given by Ballester et al. (2006) or our formula. Using a data set of co-offenders in Sweden, Lindquist and Zenou (2014) also include contextual effects in determining the key player in each criminal network. They show that the key player policy outperforms other reasonable police policies such as targeting the most active criminals or targeting criminals who have the highest betweenness or eigenvector centrality in the network. 3. WHY CONTEXTUAL EFFECTS MATTER? Let us now highlight the importance of contextual effects in social networks. It is usually easy to understand why the activities of others in one’s network would affect one own activity level (endogenous peer effects), but it could be harder to see why the average level of background characteristics (i.e., contextual effects) of those in one’s network should have a direct effect on one’s activities. To clarify this aspect, let us take the example of obesity. Obesity can easily spread among a group of friends like a contagious disease, moving from one person to another in an epidemic of fat. That is the finding of Christakis and Fowler (2007), who reported that having close friends who are fat can nearly triple your risk of becoming obese. The effect is so powerful that distance does not matter—the influence is the same whether friends live next door or 500 miles apart. Cohen-Cole and Fletcher (2008b) investigate the sensitivity of Christakis and Fowler’s claim that obesity has spread through social networks by adding contextual effects. It is indeed well known in the economics literature that failure to include contextual effects can lead to spurious inference on social network effects. Cohen-Cole and Fletcher replicate the Christakis and Fowler (2007) results using their specification and a complementary dataset. They find that point estimates of the ’’ social network effect’’ are reduced and become statistically indistinguishable from zero once contextual effects are included. Individuals may adjust behavior because of exposure to common influences (contextual influences). For example, the opening of a fast food restaurant, convenience store, or gym, near a school could simultaneously affect the weight of all friends in a school’s social network. Importantly, WHEN CONTEXTUAL EFFECTS MATTER 237 the presence of (often unmeasured) shared surroundings can lead to erroneously implicating social network effects in individual outcomes where none exist. Finally, individuals may alter their behavior as others in their group change theirs. In their study, Christakis and Fowler do not include a sufficiently broad set of contextual effects to account for a range of hypothesized causes of the epidemic. Also, the Christakis and Fowler method of controlling for selection is much too a narrowing scope. Once the first two errors are corrected, evidence for endogenous causes of obesity is thin. Cohen-Cole and Fletcher find that the Christakis and Fowler results are not robust. In fact, the econometric evidence points strongly to shared environmental factors as the principle operative social mechanism underlying the positive correlation in weight status within reference groups. To show that contextual effects matter, Cohen-Cole and Fletcher (2008a) investigate whether ‘‘network effects’’ can be detected for health outcomes that are unlikely to be subject to network phenomena such as acne, height, and headaches. Even if it is clear that there are no endogenous peer effects in these three characteristics (how can the height of my friends has an impact on my own height?), significant network effects were observed in the acquisition of acne, headaches, and height when contextual effects were not controlled A friend’s acne problems increased an individual’s odds of acne problems. The likelihood that an individual had headaches also increased with the presence of a friend with headaches, and an individual’s height increased by 20% of his or her friend’s height. After adjustment for environmental confounders, however, the results become uniformly smaller and insignificant. The problem of confounding has generally been addressed by controlling for a rich set of individual, family, and environmental characteristics or using fixed effects at the group level. The problem, of course, is that social groups are often faced with similar environmental characteristics. If these are neglected, one can improperly interpret the results to imply that true ‘‘network effects’’ exist. To differentiate between network effects of obesity and confounders, for example, one would want to know the pattern of fast food restaurants or the caloric content of the school cafeteria available to the social network (or any other contextual effects). Inclusion of the individual’s race, income, etc., might be reasonable proxies for some studies but cannot distinguish two otherwise similar groups that have different environments. In their empirical models, Cohen-Cole and Fletcher (2008a) control for school-level fixed effects to control for all environmental conditions shared by students in the same school. Their results suggest that failure to control for confounders increases the chances of attributing similarity in health outcomes between friends to social network effects when the similarities are caused by shared environments. 4. THE MODEL WHEN THERE ARE NO CONTEXTUAL EFFECTS 4.1. The Game A network g is a set of ex ante identical delinquents N ¼ {1, . . . , n} and a set of links between them. We assume n 2. The n-square adjacency matrix G of a network g keeps track of the direct connections in this network. By definition, delinquents i and j are directly connected in g if and only if gij ¼ 1, (denoted by ij), and gij ¼ 0 otherwise. 238 C. BALLESTER AND Y. ZENOU Links are not necessarily reciprocal, so that we may have gij 6¼ gji. We consider the following utility function for each delinquents i who chooses effort yi:4 n X 1 ui ðy; gÞ ¼ ai yi y2i þ / gij yi yj ; ð1Þ 2 j¼1 where / > 0 measures the strength of complementarities. This is a game with strategic i ðy;gÞ complementarities since if j is linked with i, then if yj increases, @u@y also increases by i /. This is exactly the same utility function as in Ballester et al. (2006, 2010) and Calvo´-Armengol et al. (2009) with one crucial difference: the ex ante ai of each agent i is not given by ai ¼ xi but by: n 1X ai ¼ xi þ gij xj ; ð2Þ gi j¼1 P where gi ¼ nj¼1 gij is the total number of links of individual i. In other words, the ex ante difference of individual i is not only determined by her own attribute xi (e.g., her race, age, education) but also by the average attribute of her friends (i.e., the average race of her friends, the average age of her friends, the average education of her friends). For simplicity, we assume xi 0 for all i. The ai described in (2) is usually referred to as the contextual effect (Manski, 1993, 2000). What is crucial for our analysis is that the structure of the network determines this ai. 4.2. The Katz-Bonacich Network Centrality Measure ½k Let Gk be the k th power of G, with coefficients gij , where k is some integer. ½k The matrix Gk keeps track of the indirect connections in the network: gij 0 measures the number of walks of length k 1 in g from i to j. In particular, G0 ¼ I. Given a scalar / 0 and a network g, we define the following matrix: Mðg; /Þ ¼ ½I /G1 ¼ þ1 X / k Gk : k¼0 where I is the identity matrix. These expressions are well-defined for low enough values of /.5 Let us define the Katz-Bonacich centrality (due to Katz, 1953; Bonacich, 1987). Definition 1. Consider a network g with adjacency n-square matrix G and a scalar / such that M(g, /) ¼ [I /G]1 is well-defined and nonnegative. Given a vector u 2 Rnþ , the Katz-Bonacich u-weighted centrality of parameter / in g is defined as: bu ðg; /Þ ¼ þ1 X /k Gk u ¼ ½I /G1 u ð3Þ k¼0 4 Boldface lowercase letters refer to vectors while boldface capital letters refer to matrices. Let q(G) be the spectral radius of the nonnegative matrix G, that is, the largest absolute value of its eigenvalues. When / < q(G), the inverse [I /G]1is well-defined and nonnegative (Debreu & Herstein, 1953). 5 WHEN CONTEXTUAL EFFECTS MATTER 239 The i th entry of the vector bu(g, /) is denoted by bu,i(g, /). Let 1T be the vector of ones. Then, total centrality is defined as bu ðg; /Þ ¼ n X bu;i ðg; /Þ ¼ 1T Mu: i¼1 4.3. Nash Equilibrium Denote by q(G) the spectral radius of G. We have the following result: Proposition 1. Consider a game where the utility function of each agent i is given by (1) with a > 0 (i.e., ai > 0 , for all i 2 N ). Each ai is defined by (2). If /q(G) < 1 , then this game has a unique Nash equilibrium in pure strategies y , which is interior and given by: y ¼ ba ðg; /Þ: ð4Þ This proposition is a direct application of Theorem 1 in Calvo´-Armengol et al. (2009) and says that, at the Nash equilibrium, each delinquent i ’s effort is equal to her weighted Katz-Bonacich centrality.6 4.4. Finding the Key Player When There Are No Contextual Effects We would like now to expose the ‘‘key player’’ policy. The planner’s objective is to find the key player, that is, the delinquent who once removed generates the highest possible reduction in aggregate delinquency level. Formally, the planner’s P problem is: maxfy ðgÞ y ðg½i Þji ¼ 1; . . . ; ng, where y ðgÞ ¼ i yi ðgÞ is the total level of crime in network g, and g[i] is network g without individual i. When the original delinquency network g is fixed, this is equivalent to: minfy ðg½i Þji ¼ 1; . . . ; ng: ð5Þ From Ballester et al. (2006), we can define a new network centrality measure d (g, /, a) that solves (5). Let ba, i(g, /) be the centrality ofPdelinquent i in network g, ba(g, /) the total centrality in network g (i.e., ba ðg; /Þ ¼ ni¼1 ba;i ðg; /Þ) and ba(g[i], /) the total centrality in g[i]. Definition 2. Assume that ai ¼ xi for all i (no contextual effects). Then, for all networks g and for all i , the intercentrality measure of delinquent i is: ba;i ðg; /Þ di ðg; /; aÞ ¼ 6 n P mji ðg; /Þ j¼1 mii ðg; /Þ : ð6Þ In fact, uniqueness is a consequence of the spectral condition /q(G) < 1. Interiority is guaranteed with the additional condition ai > 0. 240 C. BALLESTER AND Y. ZENOU Figure 1 A bridge network with four deliquents. The following result (theorem 3 in Ballester et al., 2006) establishes that when ai ¼ xi, intercentrality captures, in an meaningful way, the two dimensions of the removal of a delinquent from a network, namely, the direct effect on delinquency and the indirect effect on others’ delinquency involvement. Proposition 2. Assume that the utility function of each delinquent i is given by (1) for ai ¼ xi . Then, a player i is the key player that solves (5) if and only if i is a delinquent with the highest intercentrality in g , that is, di ðg; /; aÞ di ðg; /; aÞ , for all i ¼ 1, . . . , n. Let us now illustrate Proposition 2 with a simple example when ai ¼ x. Consider the following symmetric undirected network with four individuals (i.e., n ¼ 4) in Figure 1 and assume 0 1 0 1 0 1 x1 a1 0 B x2 C B a2 C B 1 C C B C B C x¼B @ x 3 A ¼ a ¼ @ a3 A ¼ @ 1 A : 1:25 x4 a4 The adjacency matrix G of this network is given by 0 0 B1 G¼B @1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0C C 0A 0 Assume / ¼ 0.4.7 It is then straightforward to see that, using Proposition 1, the Nash equilibrium in efforts is given by 1 0 1 1 0 ba;1 ðg; /Þ y1 5:97826 B y2 C B ba;2 ðg; /Þ C B 5:65217 C C B C B C¼B @ y A @ ba;3 ðg; /Þ A ¼ @ 5:65217 A; 3 ba;4 ðg; /Þ y4 3:6413 0 7 ð7Þ The spectral radius of this graph is 2.17, and thus the condition /l1(G) < 1 is satisfied since 2.17 0.4 ¼ 0.868 < 1. WHEN CONTEXTUAL EFFECTS MATTER 241 so that the total equilibrium activity level is equal to y ¼ y1 þ y2 þ y3 þ y4 ¼ ba ðg; /Þ ¼ 20:9239: Individual 1 has the highest weighted Katz-Bonacich centrality and thus provides the highest crime effort. Let us now calculate the key player when there are no contextual effects. It is easily verified that the contribution of each player is equal to y y½1 ¼ 20:924 4:5834 ¼ 16:3406 y y½2 ¼ 20:924 4:6323 ¼ 16:2916 y y½3 ¼ 20:924 4:6323 ¼ 16:2916 y y½4 ¼ 20:924 9:9999 ¼ 10:9239: As a result, individual 1 is also the key player because she has a central position, intermediating the interactions taking place in the network.8 We will see below that, when contextual effects will be taken into account, criminals 2 and 3 will become the key players. It is easily checked that formula (6) applies here. Indeed, for each i ¼ 1, 2, 3, 4, we have ba;i ðg; /Þ y y½i ¼ di ðg; /; aÞ ¼ n P mji ðg; /Þ j¼1 : mii ðg; /Þ For / ¼ 0.4, we have 0 3:26087 B 2:17391 M ¼ ½I /G1 ¼ B @ 2:17391 1:30435 2:17391 2:63975 1:92547 0:869565 2:17391 1:92547 2:63975 0:869565 1 1:30435 0:869565 C C; 0:869565 A 1:52174 ð8Þ and it can be easily checked that y y½i ¼ di ðg; /; aÞ for all i ¼ 1, . . . , 4. For example, for player 1, ba,1(g, /) ¼ 5.97826 (see (7)), m11(g, /) ¼ 3.26087 and P n j¼1 mj1 ðg; /Þ ¼ 8:91304, so her contribution is: d1 ðg; /; aÞ ¼ 5:97826 8:91304 ¼ 16:3406 3:26087 This is what we obtained above when we calculated y y½1 . The same applies for the removal of the other players. 8 In this example, player 1 is both the most active individual and the key player. Ballester et al. (2006) show that, in general, these notions need not to coincide. 242 C. BALLESTER AND Y. ZENOU 5. FINDING THE KEY PLAYER WHEN CONTEXTUAL EFFECTS MATTER 5.1. A Motivating Example Consider the network described in Figure 1. If we take into account contextual effects, then 0 1 0 1 x1 0 B x2 C B 1 C C B C x¼B @ x3 A ¼ @ 1 A 1:25 x4 and 0 1 0 1 0 1 x1 þ x2 þx33 þx4 1:08333 aC 1 B aC C B x2 þ x1 þx3 C B 1:5 C 2 C 2 B C B C aC ¼ B @ aC A ¼ @ x3 þ x1 þx2 A ¼ @ 1:5 A: 3 2 x4 þ x11 1:25 aC 4 ð9Þ In that case, at the Nash equilibrium, using Proposition 1, we obtain9 0 1 0 1 0 1 baC ;1 ðg; /Þ 11:6848 yC 1 B yC C B baC ;2 ðg; /Þ C B 10:2899 C B 2C C ¼ B C B C @ y A @ baC ;3 ðg; /Þ A ¼ @ 10:2899 A; 3 baC ;4 ðg; /Þ 5:92391 yC 4 ð10Þ so that the total crime level is given by C C C yC ¼ yC 1 þ y2 þ y3 þ y4 ¼ baC ðg; /Þ ¼ 38:1884: In other words, even with contextual effects, individual 1 is the most active individual. Observe that total crime activity is higher when contextual effects are taken into account (from 20.9239 to 38.1884, it nearly doubles) because of the synergies generated by them. As before, by removing individual 1, we have now a network with three delinquents where we have deleted the first column and first row in G to obtain 0 G½1 0 1 ¼ @1 0 0 0 1 0 0 A: 0 What is important here is that the as also change after the removal of delinquent 1. Denote by aC[1] the (n 1) 1 vector after the removal of delinquent 1. Then, (a2, a3, a4) are not anymore equal to (1.5, 1.5, 1.25) as in (9) but to 9 The superscripts and C indicate the Nash equilibrium values without and with contextual effects, respectively. WHEN CONTEXTUAL EFFECTS MATTER 0 aC ½1 1 0 1 0 1 ½1 a2 x2 þ x13 2 B ½1 C @ x2 A ¼ @ a3 A ¼ x3 þ 1 ¼ @ 2 A: ½1 1:25 x4 a4 243 ð11Þ Using the same decay factor / ¼ 0.4, we obtain at the Nash equilibrium the following equilibrium efforts: 1 0 1 0 1 C½1 baC½1 ;2 ðg½1 ; /Þ y2 3:33333 C B C½1 C B @ y3 A ¼ @ baC½1 ;3 ðg½1 ; /Þ A ¼ @ 3:33333 A; ½1 C½1 1:25 baC½1 ;4 ðg ; /Þ y4 0 so that the total crime activity is now given by C½1 yC½1 ¼ y2 C½1 þ y3 C½1 þ y4 ¼ baC½1 ðg½1 ; /Þ ¼ 7:91667: Thus, player 1’s actual contribution is yC yC½1 ¼ baC ðg; /Þ baC½1 ðg½1 ; /Þ ¼ 38:1884 7:91667 ¼ 30:2717: ð12Þ If we perform the same procedure for the other players, we obtain the following contextual effects when removing player 2: 0 aC½2 1 0 1 0 1 ½2 4 a1 x1 þ x3 þx 1:125 2 B C @ x3 þ x11 A ¼ @ 1 A: ¼ @ a½2 A¼ 3 ½2 x4 þ x11 1:25 a4 Thus, delinquent 2’s contribution is yC yC½2 ¼ 38:1884 7:61029 ¼ 30:5781: Similarly, if we remove player 3, we have 0 aC½3 1 0 1 0 1 ½3 4 a1 x1 þ x2 þx 1:125 2 B C @ x2 þ x11 A ¼ @ 1 A; ¼ @ a½3 A¼ 2 ½3 x4 þ x11 1:25 a4 so that delinquent 3’s contribution is y yC½3 ¼ 38:1884 7:61029 ¼ 30:5781: ð13Þ 244 C. BALLESTER AND Y. ZENOU Finally, when removing player 4, the contextual effects become 0 aC½4 1 0 1 0 1 ½4 3 a1 x1 þ x2 þx 1 2 B ½4 C @ 3 A ¼ @ 1:5 A; ¼ @ a2 A ¼ x2 þ x1 þx 2 x1 þx2 ½4 x3 þ 2 1:5 a3 so that delinquent 4’s contribution is given by y yC½4 ¼ 38:1884 20 ¼ 18:1884: Interestingly, delinquents 2 and 3 are now the key players while, when contextual effects are not taken into account, individual 1 is the key player. This shows the importance of incorporating contextual effects in the key player analysis. It is easily verified that, with contextual effects, formula (6) is not able to determine these contributions. This is because in (6) contextual effects are not taken into account while they are in (13). 5.2. A New Formula for the Key Player Let us start with some notations. Let us consider the potential removal of player 1 from the game (it could be any player k; we focus on player 1 for the sake of the presentation): aC h1i ¼ C ½1 : x1 a The vector aC h1i describes the situation in which player 1 has not yet been removed so that she has her default attribute x1 and she does not affect, or is affected by, the other players’ contextual effects. In other words, the contextual vector aC is computed from the network g[1]. Proposition 3. Assume that the utility function of each delinquent i is given by (1) Pn 1 where aC ¼ x þ g i i j¼1 ij xj . Then, the contribution of player 1 to total effort in the gi game (yC yC[1]) is given by the contextual intercentrality: d1 ðg; /; aC Þ ¼ baC ðg; /Þ baC ðg; /Þ þ h1i |fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl} Contextual change in g d1 ðg; /; aC h1i Þ |fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl} Intercentrality of player 1 in g; for fixed aC h 1i baC ;1 ðg; /Þ h 1i ¼ baC ðg; /Þ baC ðg; /Þ þ h 1i n P j¼1 m11 mj1 : ð14Þ Hence, 1 is the key player that solves (5) if and only if 1 is the delinquent with the highest contextual intercentrality in g, that is, d1(g, /, aC) di(g, /, aC), for all i ¼ 1, . . . , n. WHEN CONTEXTUAL EFFECTS MATTER 245 The proof can be found in the Appendix. In formula (14), the first effect is the contextual effect, which is due to the change in the contextual effect aC (from aC to aC h1i ); that is, the contextual effects emanating from player 1 disappear while the network g remains unchanged. The second effect is the network effect, which captures the change in the network structure when the key player is removed from the network g and the contextual vector is aC h1i . The latter effect corresponds to the standard inter-centrality measure of Ballester et al. (2006) (see (6)) for aC h1i . If there were no contextual effects so aC did not change after the removal of delinquent 1 (i.e., aC ¼ aC ðg; /Þ ¼ 0, and we would h1i ¼ x), we would have had baC ðg; /Þ baC h 1i be back to the standard formula defined in (6). 5.3. Back to the Example Let us illustrate this last result with the network described in Figure 1. As usual and without a loss of generality, let us focus on the removal of player 1. For / ¼ 0.4 and (x1, x2, x3, x4) ¼ (0, 1, 1, 1.25), we showed that the removal of delinquent 1 led to 16:3406 ¼ d1 ðg; /; aÞyC yC½1 ¼ 30:2717: This meant that the formula proposed in (6) was not applicable when contextual effects were taken into account. Let us now show that the new formula is valid so that yC yC[1] ¼ d1(g, /, a). Let us first calculate the contextual change baC ðg; /Þ baC ðg; /Þ. We have h 1i baC ðg; /Þ baC ðg; /Þ ¼ 1T MaC 1T MaC h1i : h 1i Recall that (see (10)) 0 1 0 1 11:6848 yC 1 B yC C B 10:2899 C B 2 C¼B C @ yC A @ 10:2899 A; 3 5:92391 yC 4 so that total activity level before yC ¼ baC ðg; /Þ ¼ 38:1884. We also have 0 aC h1i ¼ x1 B aC ½2 B 2 B C ½2 @ a3 C ½2 a4 1 the removal 0 1 0 C B C B 2 C C; C¼@ 2 A A 1:25 so that we obtain (using (8)) baC ðg; /Þ ¼ 1T MaC h1i ¼ 36:1413: h 1i ð15Þ of any player is 246 C. BALLESTER AND Y. ZENOU As a result, baC ðg; /Þ baC ðg; /Þ ¼ 1T MaC 1T MaC h1i ¼ 38:1884 36:1413 ¼ 2:0471: h 1i In other words, the direct contextual effect, baC ðg; /Þ baC ðg; /Þ, is equal to h 1i 2.0471. It is easily verified that baC ;1 ðg; /Þ ¼ 10:3261 (for that take the first row of h 1i MaC h1i ) and thus d1 g; /; aC h1i baC ;1 ðg; /Þ h 1i ¼ n P j¼1 m11 mj1 ¼ 10:3261 8:91304 ¼ 28:2246: 3:26087 This means that the indirect contextual effect, d1(g, /, ah1i), is equal to 28.2246. As a result, the total contextual effect is given by: d1 g; /; aC ¼ baC ðg; /Þ baC ðg; /Þ þ d1 g; /; ah1i h 1i ¼ 2:0471 þ 28:2246 ¼ 30:2717: Therefore, we have d1(g, /, aC) ¼ yC yC[1] ¼ 30.2717. The same applies for the other players. 6. CONCLUDING REMARKS In the present article, we consider a model where the criminal decision of each individual is affected not only by her own characteristics but also by the characteristics of her friends (contextual effects). We characterize the Nash equilibrium of this game and determine who the key player is; that is, the criminal who once removed generates the highest reduction in total crime in the network. We show that the formula proposed by Ballester et al. (2006) is not correct and give another one that highlights two effects. The first effect is a pure contextual effect, which is due to the change in the context (own and friends’ characteristics) when the key player is removed from the network while the network is kept unchanged. The second effect is a pure network effect, which captures the change in crime effort due to the network structure change after the removal of the key player. We also propose a simple example of a network with four individuals to illustrate all our results. We show that, without contextual effects, the key player is individual 1 while, with contextual effects, the key player is individual 2 (or 3). This is important for policy implications because this means that the planner may target the wrong person if it ignores the effect of the ‘‘context’’ when removing a criminal from a network. We also believe that this result is important for empirical applications since by considering contextual effects some endogenous peer effects may disappear as in the obesity example highlighted in Section 3. FUNDING Coralio Ballester acknowledges financial support from the Fundacio´n Ramo´n Areces and the Spanish Ministry of Education and Innovation and FEDER, through the project SEJ–2007–62656. WHEN CONTEXTUAL EFFECTS MATTER 247 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We are grateful to Phillip Bonacich as well as two anonymous referees for helpful comments. REFERENCE Ballester, C., Calvo´-Armengol, A., & Zenou, Y. (2006). Who’s who in networks. Wanted: The key player. Econometrica, 74, 1403–1417. Ballester, C., Calvo´-Armengol, A., & Zenou, Y. (2010). Delinquent networks. 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APPENDIX: PROOF OF PROPOSITION 3 Let yC be the total effort before removal of player 1, and yC[1] be the total effort after removal. Then, by Proposition 1, the change in total activity after removal of player 1 is given by: yC yC ½1 ¼ baC ðg; /Þ baC½1 g½1 ; / h i h i ¼ baC ðg; /Þ baC ðg; /Þ þ baC ðg; /Þ baC½1 g½1 ; / h 1i h 1i h i ¼ baC ðg; /Þ baC ðg; /Þ þ baC ðg; /Þ baC½1 g½1 ; / h 1i h 1i h 1i h i C ¼ baC ðg; /Þ baC ðg; /Þ þ d1 g; /; ah1i h 1i P h i baC ;1 ðg; /Þ nj¼1 mj1 h 1i ¼ baC ðg; /Þ baC ðg; /Þ þ : h 1i m11 &