We welcome you this Lord’s Day What’s Happening Sunday 12


We welcome you this Lord’s Day What’s Happening Sunday 12
Fight truth decay. Study the Bible
Chapter per day
12-Oct Jer 50
13-Oct Jer 51
14-Oct Jer 52
15-Oct Lam 1
16-Oct Lam 2
17-Oct Lam 3
18-Oct Lam 4
19-Oct Lam 5
One Year Plan
12-Oct Mark 6-7
13-Oct Mark 8-9
14-Oct Mark 10-11
15-Oct Mark 12-13
16-Oct Mark 14
17-Oct Mark 15-16
18-Oct Luke 1-2
19-Oct Luke 3-4
Crèche Rota
Crèche facilities for children up to and including primary three
are available morning & evening. We thank the following people
for being in charge of this work
Christine Heather Jack
Claire Helen Mavis
Claire Helen Sarah
Sharon Kerry Pauline
Sharon Pauline Alice
Ann S Deborah Sandra
Parents & Toddlers Rota
October 15
October 22
October 29
Lorna, Eileen & Sandra
Irene, Katrina & Katherine
Thought for the week rota Dec
Bob Barbour
Norman Somerville
Robert Brolly
John McCormick
Pastor Hoey
Contact Details
Pastor Alan Hoey
Bob Barbour
Norman Somerville
John McCormick
Robert Brolly
Web Site
M: 07968169155 H:028 703 52079
M: 07710150020 H:028 703 51244
M: 07743382170 H:028 777 6 2037
M: 07900051996 H:028 713 44723
M: 07708848195 H:028 777 22308
Hymns are displayed under copyright licence No 13923
What’s Happening
No Human Right to same-sex marriage
The European Court of Human Rights has ruled that there is
no human right to same-sex marriage. The judgmet says that
European human rights law recognises the fudamental right
of a man and woman to marry and to found a family" and
"enshrines the traditional concept of marriage as being between a man and a woman.
Abortion: NI launches consultation on weaker law
A consultation in Northern Ireland on weakening the law to
allow abortion in cases of fatal foetal abnormalities and
sexual crime has been launched.
The Department of Justice is inviting comments on amending
legislation, which currently permits abortion only if the
mother’s life is at risk.
The Justice Minister David Ford is recommending that the
law is changed to allow abortion for conditions where the
baby is not expected to survive beyond birth, and is asking for
views on cases of rape or incest.
Assisted suicide should not be legalised – Nick Clegg
Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg has said that he would not
back measures to legalise assisted suicide
Mr Clegg said he has observed how the law on assisted
suicide works in different countries, including the Netherlands, where it has been heavily criticised.
He made his views known at the Liberal Democrat Party
conference in Glasgow this week.
During a question and answer session at the conference,
Clegg said that MPs should have a free vote on assisted
suicide because it was “something of such profound personal
He said: “I am personally quite sceptical about the ability to
capture what is a very, very delicate decision about when you
endorse, under the law, the taking of someone’s life.”
Cannabis does pose serious health risk, says major review
Regular cannabis use increases the risk of mental and physical health problems, and may cause intellectual impairment,
according to a review of studies over 20 years by a leading
US Supreme Court rejects traditional marriage appeals
Same-sex marriages will be allowed to take place in five
more states due to a decision by the United States
Supreme Court.
We welcome you this Lord’s Day
Sunday 12th Oct
The Year of our Lord and
Saviour Jesus Christ 2014
11:30am Morning Service
Speaker: Pastor Alan Hoey
During this service the King of kings invites His
children to examine themselves and to eat of the bread
and drink of the cup.
(The pancakes on the plate are gluten free and are suitable for
people who are Coeliac)
6:30pm Evening Service
Speaker: Pastor Alan Hoey
Iris Evans
Eve she listened to the lie.
The devil said she would not die
He promised her a better way,
If she would eat the fruit that day.
And so we see, he’s the same today
He tells you, he has a better way
But just as Eve found to her cost
If we’re not saved, we’re forever lost
But we have got good news today
Christ died and paid for a better way
If you will turn your back on sin
And ask the Lord to dwell within.
You will know your sins forgiven
And you will one day enter heaven
Thought for the week
Jerusalem’s Future Glory
Have you ever wondered why there is bitter hatred surrounding
the nation of Israel and the city of Jerusalem in particular.
Why does Islam desire to have Jerusalem as its holy city?
Jerusalem is where the Dome of the Rock mosque was built
in 637AD following the siege of Jerusalem by the Muslim
caliph Abdul al Malik. Muslims teach that the location of the
Dome of the Rock is the site where an Islamic miracle took
place and it is also the spot from which the Islamic prophet
Muhammad ascended to Heaven accompanied by the angel
Gabriel. Furthermore they add that Muhammad was taken
here by Gabriel to pray with Abraham, Moses, and Jesus.
There is an inscription on the walls of the Dome of the Rock
on a mosaic frieze that includes words from the Quran which
are blasphemous to Christianity. This is the backdrop to the
modern day mass hatred of the Jewish state. Satan has his
agents at work in the minds of millions in order to drive the
Jew out of Jerusalem and into the sea. But the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is the one who determines the boundaries
of satanic ambitions.
No city is more treasured by the Lord than Jerusalem. The
prophet Ezekiel said Jerusalem is set in the middle of the
nations (Ezek: 5:5), and the prophet Ahijah called the Jerusalem, “ the city which I have chosen for Myself, to put my name
there” (1st Kings 11:36. Likewise there is no place on earth
that fills the Jewish heart with love and loyalty like the city of
Jerusalem. Jewish exiles have prayed for centuries, “if I forget
you, O Jerusalem, let my right hand forget its skill. If I do not
remember you, let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth
– If I do not exalt Jerusalem above my chief joy. (Ps. 137:5-6)
In Zechariah’s prophecy he said, “I raised my eyes and looked,
and behold a man with a measuring line in his hand”.
(Zech.2:1) The phrase I raised my eyes and looked indicates
that the prophet was experiencing a new vision. The third of
eight visions received in one night. This measuring line was
not just any line, it was a surveyors line held by none other than
the divine Messiah of Israel. When Zechariah was receiving
the surveyor and the answer through the interpreting angel it
was at a time when they were struggling to build the city, It
was then that God gave Zechariah four promises.
(1) Prosperity (2) Protection (3) Population (4) Punishment
In the final analysis (Read Vs 8-10) the prophet foresaw the
day when God the father would send the Angel of the Lord –
the Messiah – to accomplish all of this. In so doing the Messiah
will prove God’s love and faithfulness in keeping His promises
to Israel. When this takes place, God’s glory will be displayed
through His wisdom and character. Jewish people are extremely precious to God. The fact is seen in Zechariah 2:8; “For he
who touches you, touches the apple of God’s eye.” There will
be singing in Jerusalem one day and in that day men will be
silent before Jehovah. The enemies of God and Christ will be
destroyed (2nd Thess 2:7 -12.) All Christians should pray for
the peace of Jerusalem. (Ps 12:6) which will only come when
the “Prince of Peace” is come. “Even so come Lord Jesus”.
Bob Barbour
12th - 18th Oct
S 12 8.00am
Early morning prayer meeting
Bible Classes
Morning Service Pastor Alan Hoey
Sunday School
Prayer Meeting
Singing before Service: Youth Group
6.30pm Evening Service Pastor Alan Hoey
Singer: Iris Evans
W 15 10.30am Parents & Toddlers
8.00pm Prayer Meeting Pastor Alan Hoey
T 16 6.30pm Campaigners
Prayer Support
Monday - Drumachose PS GNC (with Bryan)
Friday & Saturday - Senior Camp reunion, Londonderry
Mon 9.15am Newbuildings P.S. assembly
Taking Anne to training evening in Letterkenny
( hope to learn some things myself!)
Tue – Possible visits to camp schools to arrange dates for
next year. Pray we can get dates that suit us.
Due to growing numbers we need to find a bigger
place for our Senior Camp. PLEASE make this a
matter of prayer!
Wed 1pm Fountain P.S. Assembly
3pm Drumrane P.S. Assembly
Thur Limavady Central KS1 assembly.
Fri/Sat Camp reunion Londonderry ending with Junior
Youth Challenge meeting in the evening.
Thur 16th Oct 10.30am. Ladies Bible study at “Sheephill
House” ,Ballykelly Speakers: Jim & Hilary Donaghy
(Gideons) You are welcome!
Sun 26th Oct Harvest Service Limavady Baptist Church
19th - 25th Oct
S 19
Building Fund Offering
8.00am Early morning prayer meeting
10:00am Bible Classes
11.30am Morning Service Pastor Alan Hoey
3.30pm Sunday School
6.00pm Prayer Meeting
Singing before Service: Raymond Meenagh
6.30pm Evening Service Pastor Alan Hoey
Singers: Simple Faith
T 21 7.30pm Knit Together
W 22 10.30am Parents & Toddlers
8.00pm Prayer Meeting Pastor Alan Hoey
T 23 6.30pm Campaigners
F 24 8.00pm Baptist Youth Fellowship
S 25 8.00pm Downtown Outreach
Orphans in Romania
Mrs Hamilton Moore is supporting an outreach for orphans
through a Kindergarden. There is a need for children’s, men’s
and ladies shoes (Not high heels). It is planned to send these
out before end of October. If you could help with this have a
talk with Betty Somerville and bring any shoes to the church.
If you have someone who has gone to university or college
etc and would like others to support them with prayer. Let me
have their name, university/college, course, year and any
prayer points. We will display details on power point each
Send details to richard@troughtons.com
A great oak is only a nut that held its ground.