Subject: October 2014 NSAI Madison Chapter Newsletter From: Gerry Grothues () To:


Subject: October 2014 NSAI Madison Chapter Newsletter From: Gerry Grothues () To:
Subject: October 2014 NSAI Madison Chapter Newsletter
Gerry Grothues (
Wednesday, October 8, 2014 8:24 PM
Hi everyone!
Autumn is here, so let all those amazing fall colors inspire you to write some great songs!
Don’t forget that the submission period for the NSAI Song Contest, sponsored by CMT, goes until the end of the month! Send
in your best song or two for a chance to win some nice prizes and open some doors! Details are attached.
September Recap
We had an incredible workshop in September! There were more new faces than I have seen at any workshop since I returned
to the coordinator role earlier this year! We had some technical glitches reaching our NSAI adopt-a-shop pro Tirk Wilder this
month while he was on vacation, but we were eventually able to get through a lot of song critiques! Tirk remarked that he
heard some great stuff, and hopes to hear a lot more this month!
Did you know...?
...that your membership dues help support NSAI’s legislative efforts? NSAI is leading the charge in helping pass laws that get
songwriters paid the money they deserve!
Upcoming Chapter Events
Our upcoming chapter events schedule is below.
Unless otherwise stated, all workshops listed below will be held at Paradyme Productions, located at 636 W. Washington
Avenue, in Madison, directly above Kelley's Market.
October 18, 2014, 10:30 am – 1:00 pm
Lesson: “How to write songs for film and TV”. Pro: Our NSAI adopt-a-shop pro, Tirk Wilder! One lucky member who attends
this month will win an NSAI travel bag, so be there if you can!
Chapter News
Mark Nordeen, one of our new chapter members, just had one of his song evaluation submissions through the NSAI member
website flagged as “One To Watch”! One To Watch is a list of writers NSAI sends out periodically that they believe show great
promise! The evaluator called his song “Stay Over Again" cool, and said it showed Mark’s talent! Congrats Mark!
More news from Mark! He has designed a website for our chapter that we will be using for song submissions for feedback
sessions each month! I will be sending out a reminder email about the 10/18 workshop next week with the details!
Upcoming NSAI Events at surrounding chapters
The Chicago NSAI chapter is hosting hit Songwriter Steve Seskin for an all-day workshop on October 11th. Details are
attached. Steve has taught numerous workshops and is a regular instructor at the NSAI Song Camps. He is one of the best
songwriting teachers in the country, so this is an event you will want to attend if you can.
Upcoming online NSAI Events
If you are an NSAI member, you can listen to the instructional webcasts on Thursday nights at 6:30 PM. The only October
webcast is: “Say Something”, presented by Annie Tate on the 9th. Of course there are many webcasts in the NSAI archives
that can also be viewed on the web site
Odds And Ends
If you have not been to one of our Madison NSAI workshops and would like to check it out for free, please join us soon. If you
have a friend that is interested in songwriting, please ask him/her to join us for an upcoming workshop. It doesn't cost anything
to come and check it out a couple times, and as many of you already know it is a great opportunity to elevate your songwriting
and connect with other songwriters in the area.
If you are an NSAI coordinator with a special event coming up in your chapter, please let us know so we can promote your
event to our Madison area songwriters. Also, please send your newsletters to us so we can forward them on to our group to
keep them informed on the activities of all the area chapters. We would also be very grateful if you could forward our
newsletters and special events to your members in case they would like to join us for a workshop.
If you are a member of our chapter and have some exciting news to share, please forward the information either to Gerry
Grothues at, or to Paul Stiegler at We will put it in the newsletter!
If you would like to be removed from this mailing list, please respond to this email to let me know.
We hope to see all of you who are in the local area at a Madison chapter workshop very soon!
Paul Stiegler, 608-213-2383
Gerry Grothues, 608-438-6180
NSAI Regional Chapter Coordinators, Madison, WI
Dear Songwriter,
The 15th Annual NSAI Song Contest Presented by CMT kicks off today!
Submit Your Hit Now!
Enter Today!
NSAI / 615.256.3354 /
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Hello songwriters:
We have some great news. Steve Seskin will be doing a full one-day workshop for our NSAI Chicago chapter onSaturday, October
11th at the Chilled Pallette in Geneva, Illinois. Many of you already know Steve Seskin as the lead instructor for NSAI's Song Camps.
As a hit songwriter Steve has had songs recorded by Tim McGraw, Kenny Chesney, Alabama, Peter Frampton, Colin Raye, Marks Wills,
Waylon Jennings and other artists.
Several of our local NSAI members have also attended Steve’s annual January Songcrafting weekend workshop at the Bluebird Cafe and
can attest to his talent for teaching songwriters as well as his sense of humor and passion for the craft of songwriting. You will love the way
Steve demonstrates almost everything he teaches about the craft of songwriting. Come and allow Steve Seskin to help you fill your
songwriting tool box.
We will also be booking private 1 on 1 mentoring sessions with Steve on Sunday following the workshop. Here's are the details:
Saturday October 11th Workshop with Steve Seskin: (make your registration check payable to Steve Seskin and mail to Seskin
Workshop, c/o J.R. Hemingway, 40W060 Red Hawk Court, Campton Hills, IL 60175)
$70 for NSAi members or $80 for non-NSAI members
Location: The Chilled Palette, 500 South Third Street, Geneva, IL (1/2 block north of Geneva Metra Station)
Optional Sunday 1 on 1 Mentoring Sessions with Steve (workshop attendees only):
$100/ hour (available to those attending the Saturday workshop)
Location pending (Geneva, IL)
One hour minimum/maximum
Contact J.R. Hemingway to schedule (630-338-6450)
Saturday Steve Seskin Workshop Schedule:
9am - 10 am sign in with informal networking and Q and A and continental breakfast
10 till 11:00 Intro to Lyric Writing
11:00 till 12:15 Melody
12:15 till 1:15 lunch at a nearby restaurant (bring cash or cc)
1:15 till 2:00 Collaboration
2:00 to 2:45 Hooks and payoffs
3:00 - 3:45 Re - writing
3:45 - 5:00 song critiques and closing
Inspiration: Where do songs come from?
This workshop explores ways to "jump start" your creativity with morning pages, object writing, etc. I will try to empower you to write
about more than just your own life and to use emotional moments as catalysts to inspire you. We’ll also delve into the power of fiction and
examine what’s really important in songs — emotional truth. My friend Allen Shamblin always says “A great writer never lets the facts get
in the way of the truth.”
Intro to Lyric Writing
What elements make up the most potent and engaging lyrics? In this workshop we take a look at lyrics that have that magical combination
of imagery and emotion and how those two factors contribute greatly to drawing in the listener. I always say “show me, don’t tell me.” We
need to paint pictures with our lyrics. We’ll talk about some of the tools every songwriter needs to be a better lyric writer.
In focusing on melody writing, I teach from a place of writing melodies for lyrics. Prosody is the marriage of music and lyric. We explore
ways to determine if the overall vibe of the music feels right, and look at specific parts of songs in terms of choosing an appropriate melody
that milks the emotion that the writer would like the listener to feel from the lyric. I also talk about phrasing and accents. There is an
important word in every sentence. We look at choosing accent places that stress the right syllables and help drive home your point. Music
can actually change the meaning of a lyric when used to its fullest potential. We also discuss rhythm and range and how to use them
effectively in songs.
I have written songs with over 150 different co-writers. Many people I’ve only written one song with. It doesn’t always work. For some
people it’s not an option at all. In this workshop, I talk about the different aspects of co-writing; how to pick a co-writer that might be good
for you, what to expect if you never tried it before, and the protocol involved in approaching someone about co-writing. I also cover how to
make yourself and your co-writer feel comfortable so both of you can do your best work. Legal issues and royalty splits are also discussed in
this workshop.
Hooks and Payoffs - What's the difference. This talk will focus on strategic placement of hooks and payoffs designed to make your song
more memorable to the listener.
Writing/Rewriting, There is a Difference
Writing can more easily come from that dreamy/stream of consciousness place. Rewriting involves considering what you’ve already written
and in many ways is a lot more tedious. In this seminar we examine all types of rewriting. Are you rewriting because the content is not
serving the moment in the song, or is the problem the tone of how you put forth your idea? We'll also look at how to know when a song is
done and the wisdom of sticking to the task versus putting a song away for a while and giving it a rest. Many times I write more than I need
just to give myself choices.
Song Critiques and Closing Comments
We will have a drawing to select 4 or 5 attendees who will get to have one of their songs critiqued by Steve during the final session on
Saturday prior to Steve's closing comments. Bring a song on CD and a lyric sheet if you wish to participate in this chance to have Steve
critique one of your songs.
About Steve Seskin:
link to Steve Seskin’s website
also see:
About the venue: The Chilled Palette is locate on historic third street in Geneva, Illinois just one half block north of the Geneva METRA
station. Coffee will be provided. Soft drinks and bottled water will be available for purchase on site. Free public parking is available
behind the building.
Workshop Date:
Saturday, October 11, 2014
How to register for the workshop:
Make your registration check payable to Steve Seskin and mail it to:
J.R. Hemingway, 40W060 Red Hawk Court, Campton Hills, IL 60175.
How to register for a Sunday 1 on 1 mentoring session with Steve Seskin:
Call J.R. Hemingway at 630-338-6450 to schedule (these slots will fill quickly)
Workshop Location: The Chilled Palette, 500 S. Third Street, Geneva, IL
Questions: Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about this workshop or wish to schedule a 1 on 1 mentoring
session with Steve Seskin on Sunday October 12.
J.R. Hemingway
NSAI Chicago Chapter Co-Coordinator