Document 6559749
Document 6559749
24 CARLYLE OBSERVER - The observer CLASSIFIEDS PLACING AN AD 453-2525 BY FAX: The Carlyle Observer Box 160, 132 Main Street Carlyle, Sask. S0C 0R0 Office Hours: 453-2938 AD DEADLINES AD RATES In Person or By Mail: BY PHONE: Friday, October 10, 2014 Open 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday to Friday $6.00 per week - up to 20 words Pay for 3 weeks - 4th Week is Free. Additional Words 14¢ per word per week Display Classified $8.00 per col. inch Guaranteed Classified - $26.99 up to 52 weeks Ads must be received in our office by 3:00 p.m. Monday All classified ads must be prepaid by cash, cheque or Visa/M/C. (some restrictions apply) Anniversaries Anniversaries Congratulations to Frank and Elsie Faber as they celebrate their 50th Wedding Anniversary October 10, 1964 - 2014 In Fifty Years together you’ve shared so many things, That’s why this very special Anniversary brings To you, a wish that love, laughter, joy and contentment too Will be yours to share throughout the years ahead of you! Congratulations Mom & Dad With love from Monica, Marlyn, John and families 21-1 Rentals & Leases TENTS FOR RENT: Old-fashioned tent for old-fashioned price! Two 25’x50’ tents. 306577-2100; cell: 306-575-3271. 9-52 Houses For Rent FOR RENT: Kenosee Cabins, year round rentals. To rent a cabin call 306-577-1233. 20-4 It’s been 40 years since they said “I do” Please join us in celebrating 40 years of marriage for Morley & Joan Hamilton Saturday, October 11, 2014 Come & Go Tea, 2-4 p.m. Potl u c k s u p p e r w i t h f a m i l y, friends and neighbours, 5 p.m. Beef and buns will be served, Wawota Town Hall 20-2 Card of Thanks THANK YOU: The families of the late Barbara For nwald would like to express their heartfelt thanks to all of those who sent food and flowers and/or made donations to the Moose Mountain Lodge. We wish to thank the staff of Moose Mountain Lodge and Doctor Meyer for the wonderful care that Mom received. A special thank you to all of Mom’s neighbours and friends for always watching out for her, taking her out at coffee times, shuffleboard, church and to those who picked her up on those cold days when she walked uptown. Mom will be sadly missed but she will a lways b e w i t h u s i n o u r hearts. Sincerely, Gail Frankoski & Terry Fornwald & Families 21-1 Business Services • BILLBOARDS • TRUCK LETTERING • OILFIELD SIGNS • BANNERS, ETC. Winston 577-2237 RVs/Campers/Trailers FOR SALE: Fifth wheel camper, 2000 Keystone Cougar, sleeps 6. Queen beds, fully equipped, slide out. Very good condition. $9,500. 306-5772100 or 306-575-3271. 9-52 Business Opportunities ATTAIN FREEDOM HomeBased Work, Minimal Start-up Costs, No Exper ience Req u i re d , Fre e Tra i n i n g a n d Support. Take This Opportunity to check it out: zone1x PRAIRIE INSULATION Fast & Efficient - Free Estimates - Up to 50% Energy Savings - Blow in walls & Attics Contact: Ferrel Horn - Wapella Personal Messages Personal Messages Faced with a Drinking Probl e m ? Pe r h a p s A l c o h o l i c s Anonymous can help. Weekly m e e t i n g s : Tu e s d ays, 8 : 0 0 p.m. White Bear P.C. Office (south of Resort Office). Inform a t i o n p h o n e B a r r y, 5 7 72130; Carlyle - Wednesdays at 8:00 p.m., Church of Our Lady Roman Catholic Church, 6th St. West & Coteau Ave. For info phone Don 577-2064. tfn CRIMINAL RECORD? Canadian record Suspension (Criminal pardon) seals record. American waiver allows legal entry. Why risk employment, business, travel, licensing, deportation, peace of mind? Free consultation: 1800-347-2540 ccn1x HAVE YOU BEEN HURT OR E M BA R R AS S E D BY A D R I N K E R’ S B E H AV I O R ? Catholic Church basement, Church of Our Lady Roman Catholic Church, 6th St. West & C o t e a u Av e . , C a r l y l e , Wednesday nights, 8:00 p.m. 1- 8 8 8 - 4 A L- A N O N . ( 1- 8 8 8 425-2666, M-F, 8 a.m. -6 p.m. ET). tfn If you drink, that’s your business. If you want to quit, that’s ours. A.A. Meetings will be held every Thursday night at 7:00 p.m. The meeting will be held at the Lutheran Church in Lampman. tfn LOCAL HOOKUPS BROWSE4FREE 1-888-628-6790 or #7878 Mobile ***** HOT LOCAL CHAT 1-877-290-0553 Mobile: #5015 ***** Find Your Favourite CALL NOW 1-866-732-0070 1-888-544-0199 18+ ccn1x Meet singles right now! No paid operators, just real people like you. Browse greetings, exchange messages and connect live. Try it free. Call now: 1-800-590-8215 ccn4x 532-4294 - Cell 435-7778 TRUE PSYCHICS. For Answers, CALL NOW 24/7. Toll FREE 1-877-342-3032. Mobile: #4486. ccn1x Property For Sale Feed & Seed HEATED CANOLA WANTED!! - GREEN CANOLA - SPRING THRASHED - DAMAGED CANOLA FEED OATS WANTED!! - BARLEY, OATS, WHT - LIGHT OR TOUGH - SPRING THRASHED HEATED FLAX WANTED!! HEATED PEAS HEATED LENTILS "ON FARM PICKUP" Westcan Feed & Grain 1-877-250-5252 Buying/Selling FEED GRAINS heated / damaged CANOLA/FLAX Top price paid FOB FARM For Sale: Section 25-7-4-2 RM of Brock No. 64 Pasture and some hay land. 3 dugouts, 1 well, good water source. 3 miles new 4 strand fence outside perimeter. Inside fencing mostly electric. Call 306-4577060 for details. 19-4 LAND FOR SALE: North half of Sec. 08-06-31 W of the 1st. Sealed tenders will be accepted until October 15, 2014. Highest bidder not necessarily accepted. Mail to Marcel Dauvin, Box 787, Redvers, SK S0C 2H0. 16-5 Western Commodities 877-695-6461 Visit our website @ Travel C A N C E L YO U R T I M E SHARE. No RISK program. Stop mortgage and maintenance payments today. 100% money back guarantee. Free consultation. Call us now. We can help! 1-888-356-5248. ccn4x In Memorium O’NEILL ETHEL LORENA O’NEILL October 10th, 2002 FRANCIS WILLIAM O’NEILL March 19th, 1978 “TOGETHER AGAIN” Upcoming Events Friday, October 17th - Grace United Church Fowl Supper, Stoughton Legion Hall, 4:30 to 7 p.m. Adults $13.00; 5-10 years $7.00; under 5 free. 20-2 Saturday, October 18th - Rummage Sale, Arcola United Church and Legion Hall, 9 to 2 p.m. Fresh cinnamon buns and coffee served. Everyone welcome. 19-4 ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES SHOW & SALE. October 20 to 26 (inclusive) at Market Mall, Preston & Louise, Saskatoon, during mall hours. swna1x Friday, October 24th - Cornerstone Theatre and Michele Amy’s Fiddle studio presents a Family Old Time Dance at the Carlyle Memorial Hall, featuring Gordon Stobbe and JJ Guy, 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. All ages. Admission at the door: $10 per person or $20 per family. Cash bar available. 21-2 Friday, October 24th - Kisbey Fowl Supper, 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. Adults: $12.00; 6-12: $6.00; 2-5: $2.00, Kisbey Rec. Centre. 19-4 Home Sweet Home Tea Room & Gift Shop (Fairlight,SK) Christmas Open House, Saturday, Nov. 8th 12:30-8pm. Sunday, Nov. 9th 12-6pm. Free munchies, great sales, 306-6464432. *** Fairlight Community Craft Sale, Community Hall November 8th 11am - 4pm. Tables for rent $15.00, admission $2.00/person. Call 306-646-2222. *** Soup & Sandwich Luncheon, Saturday Nov. 8th 11:30am 2:00pm at Fairlight Drop Inn Center. Admission charged. Come spend the day with us. 21-3 Saturday, November 8th - Redvers Wildlife will be holding their 24th Annual Dinner & Auction at the Redvers Curling Rink. Doors open at 6 p.m., supper at 7 p.m. 18-8 Saturday, November 15th - Kipling Band Parents Holiday Fair Craft Show & Sale in the Kipling Community Centre and High School Gym. For table rental information, call Marilyn Vallacott at 736-2495. 18-7 “UNTIL” When any day starts without us, Please do not make a fuss. Don’t ever believe we are far apart, We are right there in your heart. So do not shed a tear for Dad and me We are at peace now, and finally free. We are the Eagles in the Great blue sky, We are soaring, kids - so please don’t cry. We know you loved us, we loved you too, But our time was over, our lives through. We have ascended to a better place, That is not confined by time or space. To those who loved us, we did not fall, We only succumbed to a higher call. Do not mourn us, we are with you still, And will always be with you - until . . . Love Ted, Mag, Joanne & families Friday, October 10, 2014 General Employment JOIN US NOW!!! GRIMSHAW TRUCKING IS LOOKING FOR --------------EXPERIENCED OWNER OPERATORS We are taking applications for this upcoming winter road season. Work is already commencing. --------------- 30 EXPERIENCED OWNER OPERATORS We have secured a project to move a large number of loads from edmonton to yellowknife commencing in november 2014. --------------JOIN US THIS WINTER ROAD SEASON!! GRIMSHAW TRUCKING IS LOOKING FOR --------------- EXPERIENCED SUB CONTRACTOR FLEETS WITH OR WITHOUT TRAILERS The season has already begun with loads moving from Edmonton, AB and Yellowknife NT and we need trucks NOW!! --------------Grimshaw offers competitive rates, safety bonuses and capped insurance. --------------Interested and qualified applicants should forward resumes along with current driver’s abstract to: Brazy Lirazan – Human Resources Fax: 780-452-5023 E-mail: Phone 780-414-2835 or see us at 11510-151 Street NW, Edmonton, AB Heavy Equipment operators for late model CAT equip: motor scrapers (cushion ride), dozers, excavators, rock trucks, graders (trim operators). Camp job. Competitive wages plus R & B. Valid drivers license req’d. Send resume and work references to: Bryden Construction and Transport Co. Inc. Box 100, Arborfield, Sk. S0E 0A0; Fax: 306-769-8844 Email: brydenconstruct@ www.brydenconstruction CRIMINAL RECORD? Don’t let your past limit your career plans! Since 1989 Confidential, Fast Affordable - A+ BBB R a t i n g E M P LOY M E N T & TRAVEL FREEDOM Call for FREE INFO BOOKLET 1-8NOW-PARDON (1-888-9727366) w w w . R e m o v e Yo u r R e ccn20-4 DO YOU HAVE 10 HRS/WK to turn into $1500/mth using your PC and phone? Free info: ccn4x Earn up to $15 per hour! One of CanadaÕs leading merchandising companies is looking for a permanent part-time merchandiser in Carlyle. This position offers flexible hours of work and is great for someone looking to augment their income. The successful candid a te m u s t h ave a s m a r t phone, home computer with internet, and own a reliable vehicle. Retail experience is an asset. Send resume to 21-2 Help Wanted! Make up to $1000 a week mailing brochures from Home! Genuine Oppor tunity. No experience Required. Start Immediately! ccn20-4x CARLYLE OBSERVER General Employment Integrity Oilfield Hauling is looking for Class 1 Winch, Picker operators and Mechanics. Operating out of Carnduff, SK. Competitive wages and health/dental package. Please forward resume to or fax 306-482-3030. swna1x INTERIOR HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR SCHOOL. No Simulators. In-the-seat training. Real wor ld tasks. Weekly start dates. Job board! Funding options. Sign up online! 1-866399-3853 ccn3x MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION is an in-demand career in Ca n a d a ! E m p l oye rs h ave work-at-home positions available. Get the online training you need from an employe r- t r u s te d p ro g r a m . V i s i t : or 1-888528-0809 to start training for your work-at-home career today! swna1x MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTIONI ST S n e e d e d ! E m p l oye rs seeking over 200 additional CanScribe graduates. Student loans available. Income-tax receipts issued. Start training t o d ay. Wo r k f r o m H o m e ! w w w. c a n s c r i b e . c o m . i n 1.800.466.1535. swna1x N O W H I R I N G ! ! $28.00/HOUR. Undercover Shoppers Needed. $300/DAY. Easy Online Computer Work. $575/Week Assembling Products. $1000/Weekly. Paid in Advance. Mailing Brochures PT/FT. Genuine. Experience Unnecessary. w w w. A v a i l a b l e H e l p W a n t ccn1x PROFESSIONAL OPPORTUNITIES: Troyer Ventures Ltd. is a privately owned energy services company servicing Western Canada. All job opportunities include competitive wages, comprehensive benefits package and room for advancement. We are accepting applications at multiple branches for : Professional Drivers (Class 1, 3), and Mechanics. Successful candidates will be self-motivated and eager to learn. Experience is preferred, but training is available. Valid safety tickets, clean drug test, references and a drivers abstract are required. For more information and to apply, please visit our website at: swna1x ROADEX SERVICES requires O/O 3/4 tons, 1 tons and 3 tons for our RV division and O/O Semis and drivers for our RV and general freight deck division to haul throughout North America. Paid by direct deposit, benefits and company fuel cards. Border crossing required with valid passport and clean criminal record. 1800-867-6233; swna1x Auctions Need An Auction Sale? • We offer Complete Auction Services • We Do All Kinds of Sales • Call for Complete Consultation Key “M” Auction Services ices A.L. #304543 3 ope SK Box 10 • Wauchope S0C 2P0 Auctioneer ~ Dellan Mohrbutter Phone 306-452-3815 Fax 306-452-3733 Website: Bill/Brenda Cameron Auction. O c to b e r 18 , 2 014 , 10 a m . Yorkton, SK. 10 acre Hobby Far m, acreage equipment. Karla’s Auction 306-782-0787 PL#310056 Auctions Business Opportunities Leo/Margaret Martin Auction. October 19, 2014, 10am. 848 sq.ft. house, 23’ Trailer. Otthon, SK. Karla’s Auction 306782-0787 PL#310056 swna1x GET FREE VENDING MACHINES Can Earn $100,000.00 + Per Year. All Cash-Retire in Just 3 Years. Protected Territories. Full Details CALL NOW 1-866-6686 6 2 9 W e b s i t e WWW.TCVEND.COM swna1x Online Only Real Estate Auction. Opens Fri Oct 17 & Closes Thurs Oct 23 Viewing: Sun Oct 5 & Sun Oct 12 2-4pm Daily. Acreage (20 Acres) with 1280 sq.ft. Bi-Level Home, 5 bdrs, 2bths. w/Attach Garage & Outbuildings. Only 25 Miles From YORKTON, SK. For more information Contact Auctioneers @ 1 800 667 2075 or go to PL#914705 swna1x For Sale - Misc ST E E L B U I L D I N G S / M e t a l B u i l d i n g s u p to 6 0 % o ff ! 30x40, 40x60, 50x80, 60x100, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-457-2206. ccn1x PROVINCE-WIDE CLASSIFIEDS. Reach over 550,000 re a d e rs w e e k ly. Ca l l t h i s n ew s p a p e r N OW o r 3 0 6 649.1400 for details. swna1x R U R A L W AT E R T R E ATMENT. Patented iron filters, softeners, distillers, “Kontinuous Shock” Chlorinator, IronEater. Patented whole house reverse osmosis. Payment plan. 1-800-BIG-IRON (2444 76 6 ) ; w w w. B i g I r o n D r i l l View our 29 patented & patent pending inventions. Since 1957. swna1x R E T I R E M E N T A PA R TM E N T S, A L L I N C L U S I V E Meals, transpor tation, activities daily. Shor t Leases. Monthly Specials! Call 866338-2607. ccn26x Legal/Public Notices PUBLIC NOTICE: The Carlyle Observer will not knowingly accept adver tising for baby cribs manufactured prior to the fall 1986 when new regulations came into effect concerning, in particular, mattress support stability. For specific information prior to purchase, contact 975-4028 - Products Safety. tfn For Sale - Misc Adver tisements and statements contained herein are the sole responsibility of the persons or entities that post the adver tisement, and the Saskatchewan Weekly Newspaper Association and membership do not make any warra n t y a s to t h e a c c u ra cy, completeness, truthfulness or reliability of such advertisements. For greater information on adver tising conditions, please consult the Associat i o n’s B l a n ke t Ad ve r t i s i n g Conditions on our website at swna1x Mobile/Manufactured Homes BEST CANADIAN BUILT HOME BY MODULINE! BEST PRICE! Personalized Service 1520 sq. ft. Temora $99,900 1216 sq. ft. Oasis/Villa $79,900 960 sq. ft. Tuscan $69,900 ~ Call Stan ~ 306-496-7538 1-888-699-9280 www. Yorkton Weekend calls $6,000 Option Value 50% OFF Houses for Sale FOR SALE: House for sale in Gainsborough to be moved, bungalow 26 ft. x 36 ft. All new windows and doors and shingles. House in excellent condition, 2 bedrooms, bathroom completely re-done. Contact Drew Murray 306-482-7959. 39-2 FOR SALE: Waterfront Cottage Lake Metigoshe, Manitoba, Canadian side, 2 hours from Carlyle. $300,500. 2 BR, 1 Bath, cottage on 0.3 Acre of freehold land, lots of room for trailers and general parking. Wonderful SW exposure. Updated cottage with triple pane windows, new 40 yr roof, b a s e b o a rd h e a te rs eve r y room, Maytag Washer/Dryer, Ceramic Top Stove, Dishwasher, new DuPont Laminate Flooring throughout cottage. Tel 602-821-5178. 18-4 25 Card of Thanks THANK YOU: The family of the late Robert Young would like to thank the doctors and nurses in the Regina General Hospital on Unit 6A for all the care they gave him. They were all our family when the end came.All the family and friends who came and sat with him, or just stopped to talk for a few minutes. He enjoyed them. To Roxanne for keeping everyone in the loop.Thank you from our hearts which are hurting at this time. Thank you to Sandy Dalziel and Rev. Dale Morrison for the wonderful service and eulogy. Thanks to the church choir, Anita for the music, David for singing. Special thanks go to Regan Miller for the piping in and out of the service and graveside. We’re sure Uncle Bob enjoyed every minute. Thanks to Audrey and her girls for putting together a lovely lunch after the service as usual. Thank you to anyone who sent flowers or made donations to the Alameda United Church or the Estevan & District Shrine Club. Both were very close to his heart. Thank you to Helen for the special friendship she had with him, you will always be part of our family. Thank you to everyone who attended the funeral, we could not talk to everyone, but Uncle Bob could feel your presence there, we are sure. He was a kind and gentle man, who took the time to visit with everyone. Sometimes in this busy world, maybe we should do that.Time for other people is a special time that should not be taken for granted. Enjoy time now. Special thanks to the Masons for the honour guard - you did your craft proud. Thanks goes out to Redpath Funeral Home for their kindness and compassion. We feel blessed to have such a caring and loving family and friends to hold us in their arms at this time of grief. The Young Family 21-1 Legal Notices 14102MC01