Document 6559766
Document 6559766
DIRECTORATE OF SPORTS Guru Jambheshwar University of Science & Technology Hisar, Haryana - 125001 Dr. S B Luthra Asstt Director(Sports) Organising Secretary Cell: +91-9-l6W60609 Website: v \ \\ .~Il, t 'nc:t-in o rr : +91-1662-263177,263156 Prof. V K Bishnoi Director (Sports) Tournament Directpr Cell 09416136505 bishnoi vk29@glllail.colll Website: w\\\\ Ref N 0 :--'l~~S..,El6-=,-~44-17~~Date: 01, 1\)-(, ~ To The Registrar/ Director Sports/ Sports Secretary, All Participating Technical Universities of Haryana Sub: - I" North Zone(Har~'ana,l)clhi,Pun.iab,J&K, Basketball (Men & Women) Championship 2014-15 HP and NCR) Inter- Technical University Dear Sir, I [1111pleased to inform you that [)11'eClOratc or Sports. Guru Jambheshw ar Universu , or Science & Technology: Hisar will conduct the l ' North Zonc(Haryana,Delhi,Punjab,.J&K, HP and NCR) InterTechnical University Basketball (Men & Women) Championship 2014-15 I to commemorate the Foundation Day of the university. The Championship will be conducted at Guru .Iambheshwar University of' Science & Technology, Hisar from 20-10-2014 to 21-10-2014. I therefore, on behalf or the university inx ite you to participate in the tournament. The entr; of your team should reach the undersigned positively on or before 18th October. 2014 In writing/telephonicall , or by L-:-Illilil. [he entries received alter the la t date shall not be entertained. The fixtures olthe tournament w ill be drawn on 19th October. 201.+ at 2:00 P.M. in the office 01'. the Director of SpOI't~. Guru Jambhcshwar University of Science & Tcchnology. Ilisar. The participating Universities may depute their representative at the time of draw. The Inaugural function of the Tournament will commence from 09.00 a m 011 20th October, 2014. You are requested to kindl , send your entry in time. I request your co-operation in making the tournament a grand success. Guru Jarnbheshwar Universit , or SCience & Technolog, campus is located on the National Highway 10 and about 170 kill from Delhi and about 22:' kill 1'1'0111 Chandigarh and is spread over stretch of 376 acres of land. University campus is situated about 2 Krns from Bus stand and about 6 Kms from Hisar Railway station. Three-Wheelers are easily available from Railway station and Bus Stand The weather at Hisar city in the month or October \\ ill be pleasant with cool nights. The teams are requested to bring their clothing and beddings. Meals and canteen facilities are available within the university campus on payment basis. SOME IMPORTANT I. INFORMATION FOR PARTIe/PAnNG TEAMS: Accommodation shall be provided to the participating teams on the university campus in Boys Hostel-S and Girls Hostel. besides other places as per availabiliiy. Accommodation will be avai lab le onl , from I \),h October to 22 October'14. 2. Teams! i\ lanagers me requested to submit two copies of Team members duly t) ped and signed b) the competent authority. The players are required to bring with them their identity cards of the current session 2014 20 I 5 duly signed b) the competent authority . Team Managers will be full) responsible for the discipline of their respective teams! players and damage to utilized propertj etc .. if all). will be recoverable from the concerned team(s) Managers. Teams are requested to bring \\ ith them their own locks to ensure safety of their belongings. A sum of Rs. 1000!- \\ ould be required as security deposit \\ hich "hall be refunded by the Officer-In-charge of accommodation at the time of departure. Entry Fees/Registration charges! Officiating Charges will be charged (a Rs. 3000!- per 3. 4. 5. 6. team separately 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. for men and Women team. The participating teams will be divided into two pools by lots and the matches w ill be played on the league-cum- knockout basis. The lirst two teams from each pool \\ ill qualify 1'01' the Semi- Finals. The tournament will be played according to rules & regulations or basketball federation of India. Match ti me and venue in forrnati on wi II be inti mated after reporti ng of the participati ng teams on the first day and later every day in the evening. Matches \\ ill be played at Basketball Courts Guru Jambheshwar Lniversir, or Science & Technology. Sports Complex. Ilisar. Teams are requested to report at the match venue 15 minutes be fore the start 0 f the match in proper sport kit. Participating teams are expected to bring one tlag of their respective Universities tar ceremonial purpose. The signed copy of invitation letter may be down loaded from university web site, The teams arriving ill Hisar are to report at the Reception Table in the Multipurpose Hall of the univcrsitv. There shall be a meeting of all the Team Managers/Coaches on 19'h October, 2014 at 2.30 J>.M in which a copy or detailed program shall be given. Thanking you and hoping tar your co-operation for making the championship a success. c.c. to: I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Registrar! Director sports! SPOl'tS Secretary of YMCA. Faridabad. Director Sports/ Sports Secretary ofN IT. Kurukshetra. Registrar! Director Sports/ Sports Secretary or M M University. Mullana. Registrar/ Director Sports/ Sports Secretary or Lingayas University. Faridabad. Registrar! Director SPOl1S of Manav Rachna International University. Faridabad. Registrar/ Director Sports/ Sports Secretary of ITM University, Gurgaon. Registrar! Director Sports Deenbandhu Chhotu Ram University of Science Technology. Murthal .Registrar Delhi iechnical univcrsitv. Delhi' Registrar Punjab technical university . Jalandhar. Registrar N I r'. Jalandhar Registrar BPS Mahila University Sonipat(HRY) Registrar L.P.LJ Phaghwara (PB) Registrar A PJ sohna, G urgaon Registrar, CCS IIAU, Hisar Registrar Ja~ pee University or IT Solan (liP) Registrar Mahamaya Techanical Universitv.Noida and
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