LVSA NEWS September & October 2014


LVSA NEWS September & October 2014
September & October 2014
Mollie Nye House, 940 Lynn Valley Road, North Vancouver, B.C. 604-987-5820
It’s ba-a-ack!! LVSA’s almost famous Trivia Quiz Night returns on Saturday,
October 24. Get ready for fun while you test your brain against the Quizmaster.
The top prize is always worth the effort. To help out the ‘little grey cells’ there will
be snacks, pizza, dessert and a cash bar. Doors open at 6pm (downstairs at Mollie
Nye House) and the games begin at 7:00 sharp! A ticket will cost you $15.00 for a
whole evening of fun. Please buy your tickets at Mollie Nye House reception.
Saturday, September 13 is the 16th annual Candlelight Ceremony at the North
Vancouver Cemetery to pay tribute to all Canadian Servicemen and Servicewomen.
The Ceremony begins at 5.45pm with the March On of Colours. After the Ceremony
there will be a reception in Boal Chapel. LVSA is providing a bus service from Mollie
Nye House (5pm) for those members who need a ride. Sign up early - no charge.
Visit us on line:
From your LVSA Board...
Hope everyone had a great summer! Summer is winding down and we are looking
forward to the upcoming fall season.
There has been a change at Mollie Nye House due to restructuring of Lynn Valley
Services Society which manages Mollie Nye House. The position of Operations
Manager which Helen Wait has held for the last two years was recently eliminated.
YourLVSA Board would like to take this opportunity to thank Helen for her support of
our seniors and their activities, wishing her all the best in her future endeavours. Bob
McCormack, acting President of LVSS, has assured us that the relationship between
LVSS and LVSA will not be affected in any way by the elimination of this position.
We are excited to tell you that LVSA is in the process of buying a new bus in a 50/50
partnership with Silver Harbour. Decisions are currently being made as to the
configuration and other details of the new bus. This is good news for our membership
as in future LVSA will be allocated half of the seats on each bus trip.
Check out the many registered programs being offered for seniors this fall at Mollie
Nye House. There’s something for everyone, so take a look at page 9 and sign up for
any that interest you. There are also many exciting bus trips available all during the
fall. Check the listings on pages 3-4 and buy tickets or register at the Mollie Nye
House reception desk.
LVSA also provides events for seniors to get together and share fun and friendship –
often with food. September will see the return of the Hearty lunches (see pages 4-5
for details) and the Dine Out group will meet mid-month. October ends with a bang
at the Trivia Quiz night which is always popular. This fall two of our Hearty lunches
will have speakers after the lunch. Even if you can’t come for the lunch, you can come
for the rest.
So, lots of things for seniors to do in Lynn Valley this fall. Be sure and sign up early
as space is often limited.
Would you like to contribute an article or photo to the LVSA Newsletter?
Submissions are subject to the approval of the LVSA Board and may be edited for
space limitations. If you have an item, please email to (preferred) or
place article in the folder found in the office at Mollie Nye House. The LVSA
Newsletter is published 6 times per year. Deadline for submission is the 10th of
the month prior to publishing. Written articles should be Word documents and any
photo must be emailed as a jpg file. No print photos will be accepted.
Visit us on line:
Please note that the details for the following bus trips can be obtained on-line, picked
up at Mollie Nye House or you can phone 604-987-5820. Each bus trip has a deadline
for registering. If there aren’t enough registered by that date the trip could be
cancelled. Sales of these trips begin at 10 am on Monday, August 25.
Bard on the Beach-A Midsummer Night’s Dream Thursday. September 4
Cost: Members $55; Non-members $65
Register by Aug. 20
Ladner Farmer’s Market
Sunday, September 7
Cost: Members $14; Non-members $24
Register by Aug. 31
Squamish Sea to Sky Gondola Thursday, September 11
Cost: Members $47; Non-members $57
Register by Sept. 4
Victoria’s Hidden Treasures with Joy Brown
Thursday, September 18
Cost: Members $110; Non-members $120
Register by Sept.8
Grand Villa Casino
Tuesday, September 23
Cost: Members $14; Non-members $24
Register by Sept.15
Jazz Band Ball
Sunday, September 28
Cost: Members $36; Non-members $46
Register by Sept. 12
South Fraser Thrift Store Adventure with Joy Brown
Cost: Members $65; Non-members $75
Thursday, October 2
Register by Sept.25
Cranberry Festival
Saturday, October 11
Cost: Members $17; Non-members $27
Register by Oct.3
Township 7 Vineyards
Thursday, October 16
Cost: Members $19; Non-members $29
Register by Oct.9
Reifel Bird Sanctuary
Monday, October 20
Cost: Members $18; Non-members $28
Register by Oct.14
Courthouse Tour
Tuesday, October 28
Cost: Members $18; Non-members $28
Register by Oct.21
Boeing Factory Tour with Enjoy
Monday, November 3
Cost: Members $89; Non-members $99
Register by Oct.24
Bloedel Conservatory
Thursday, November 13
Cost: Members $22; Non-members $32
Register by Nov.6
Visit us on line:
Christmas at Hycroft
Friday, November 21
Cost: Members $30; Non-members $40
Register by Nov.14
Irving House Museum
Friday, November 28
Cost: Members $22; Non-members $32
Register by Nov.21
LVSA Refund Policy for Bus Trips & Events:
Full refunds are only given if LVSA cancels a trip/event or if the
ticket/seat can be sold to someone on our waiting list for that same
Join us for LVSA’s next DINE OUT on Wednesday, September 17 at the Marina
Grill located beneath the 2nd Narrows Bridge. There’s great patio dining and a lovely
view of the boats in the marina. We will meet at the restaurant at 5.30 pm. Menus
are at for you to whet your appetite. Individuals will
pay for their own food and drinks. Registration is required by Tuesday, September
16 so a group reservation can be made. We will be car-pooling so please indicate
when you register if you need a ride or can provide one. You can register in person at
Mollie Nye House, by calling 604-987-5820 or by email:
LVSA hosts HEARTY LUNCHES for seniors
Hearty Lunches are back with the Fall line-up. Join your LVSA friends for our monthly
lunches on the second Friday of each month at 12:30 p.m. There’s always a just-forfun trivia quiz and a 50/50 draw, too. Please purchase a ticket at Mollie Nye House no
later than the Wednesday before the lunch.
Beginning in September, Hearty Lunch will travel around the world with a different
country each month. Beginning with the October Hearty Lunch, the price of these
lunches will be $7.00 for LVSA members and $10 for non-members.
Menu: lasagne (meat and vegetable), green salad, garlic bread and Italian ice cream
with cookies.
Deadline for tickets is September 10.
Visit us on line:
Menu: butter chicken, steamed rice, roti, salad with Coupe Mount Kenya for dessert.
Following the lunch at 1.30, Roger Eastwood will share his photos and adventures on
his African Safari. Come for lunch and stay for the speaker. Or just come for the
presentation at no charge.
Menu: Fish and chips (catered by C-Lovers of North Vancouver), salad and dessert.
After the lunch at 1.30, Port Metro Vancouver will present a history of the Port. Come
and learn how Vancouver became Canada’s largest and most diversified port in just
three short centuries. Come for lunch and stay for the show – or just for the show at
no charge.
Open Mon – Fri 7.30 – 3.30pm Saturday 8am – 2pm
Menu @
Visit us on line:
As a volunteer, you can meet new people and see old friends, share your skills and
help to support seniors in Lynn Valley. For more information about what is involved
call 604-987-5820. Please note the following:
Volunteers are needed to help with a project to plant native plants on the south side of
the stream next to the parking lot at Mollie Nye House Tuesday, September 23, 10:30
am. Graham Knell, Trail and Habitat Coordinator, District of North Vancouver, will be
supplying the plants and soil for this undertaking. Please leave your contact
information at 604-987-5820.
On Friday, October 3 from 12 – 2 pm, all Reception Volunteers (regulars and spares)
are invited to lunch at Mollie Nye House. There will be time to share concerns, get
updated information and have some hands-on skills training. Those interested in
future volunteering in this important part of the Mollie Nye House management are
welcome to attend as well. Please sign up to attend by calling 604-987-5820.
Our members are very busy volunteers in their community. They can often be seen
out and about, keeping active in various ways. Every volunteer contributes something
to our community no matter how big or how small. Many seniors don’t have a lot of
money to donate to charities, but they can volunteer. And, often, those helping hands
are more valuable than gold. So... HATS OFF!
 To the volunteers who made our 4th Annual Summer Picnic such a success!
Visit us on line:
 To the volunteers who knit all the purple hats for the “Shaken Baby Syndrome:
the Period of Purple Crying” program at Children’s Hospital.
What is “purple crying”? Shortly after arriving home with their newborn, many parents
experience their infant’s crying for hours at a time. This is known as the period of
purple crying”. It can start at 2 weeks and last until the infant is 3 or 4 months old.
This is a very normal developmental stage, however, parents often feel there is
something desperately wrong.
It is at this critical time when a parent is overwhelmed and trying to get baby to stop
crying that the Shaken Baby Syndrome can occur. A parent or partner will shake the
baby in an attempt to stop the crying. When a child’s head is shaken the brain bumps
against the skull causing bruising, swelling, presure and bleeding in and around the
brain. The impact can cause damage to retina, spinal cord, bone fractures: this can
be severe permanent damage or even death. The extent of damage depends on the
length and strength of the shaking. Boys are more often shaken than girls.
Since January 2009, BC Children’s Hospital has offered the program “Shaken Baby
Syndrome” to young parents through maternity and health facilities around BC. Every
spring, Children’s Hospital approaches senior centres, hospital auxiliaries and many
knitting groups to knit, crochet or sew the purple hats for distribution. Last year 7200
hats were distributed throughout BC. In 2013, LVSA members and craft groups at
Mollie Nye House knit and crocheted 107 purple hats for this important program.
At Mollie Nye House, in the reception area, there is a basket where the hats are
collected. Please help us to surpass last years’ total – your participation would be
most welcome. On October 3, all the hats wiill be taken to Children’s Hospital.
Pattern for knitting and/or crocheting the purple infant hats are available under the
collection basket.
-Article, photo, submitted by Lorraine Campbell
Make a Thanksgiving Floral Arrangement with Margitta
Tuesday, October 9 from 10am – 12 noon
Cost is $14.00; register online at or in person at Mollie Nye House.
Visit us on line:
DROP-IN PROGRAMS FOR SENIORS @ Mollie Nye House – Sept & Oct
Drop-in Cost is $2 per program for LVSA members, $4 for non-members.
(For more information visit or Phone 604-987-5820
iPad Tech Club
Walking Club
Walking Group
(No walk on
Sept 1, Oct 13 )
Friendly Fridays –
social; bring your
small craft
projects to work
Line Dancing
Singing for Fun
Chair Stretch
12:00 pm
Arts and crafts
Munch &
Sewing and quilting
Mingle: VCH
Soup &
Book Club
(No meeting in
Sept ; p/u new
book from
library Sept 3;
next meet Oct 1)
Hearty Lunch ($7)
Second Friday of
month – buy a
ticket by Wed.
Bridge and Table
Music group
Stamp Club
(2nd and 4th Wed)
Music group:
Acoustic Jam
Mollie Nye House closed Labour Day, September 1; Thanksgiving, October 13
Visit us on line:
REGISTERED PROGRAMS for seniors who want to stay active. You may register
for these programs at Mollie Nye House. For current schedules and prices, please call
604-987-5820 or go to
Tuesdays, Thursdays 4:00-5:00pm
Helps seniors rebuild balance & strength, fine tune flexibility, lower risk of falling,
and regain independence by emphasizing fall and injury prevention for those at
moderate to high risk for falls. An assessment is required for new participants.
Fridays 9:15-11:15am
Minds in Motion is designed for people diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease and other
dementias. Class fee includes a friend, family member or caregiver. Light exercise is
with a certified fitness instructor followed by activities or games and a social time in a
relaxed atmosphere. Light refreshments provided.
Mondays &Wednesdays 10:00-11:00am (Beginner)
10:30-11:30am (Intermediate)
A program for those who are interested in a very mild form of martial arts. A portion
of each class is dedicated to Qi Gong. Our instructor works with you to emphasize
stretching, balance and relaxation.
Tech Training for Seniors
Monday to Thursday 3.30-5pm $2 drop in
One hour tutoring on Windows 7 or 8, smart phone, iPad, tablet or other technology.
Sessions led by local high school student volunteers. Computers (PC or Mac), iPads
available for your use or bring your own.
CSCC iPad Introduction
Tuesday, Thursday 10 – 12 noon Sept 30-Oct 9; Oct 20-Oct 30
For new users – explore iPad technology
Taught by expert teachers, with peer-to-peer volunteer helpers. Bring your own or use
our iPads to learn the basics. Register at 987-5820 or in person…NO COST
CSCC iPad Club
2nd Wednesday of the Month beginning September 10; from 9-11 am
Everyone welcome $2 drop-in fee
Thursday 10-12 noon beginning Sept 11 Cost $75 supply list provided
Learn about yourself through the creative process; experience the language of art and
colour. Sessions will be taught by experienced teacher, Josephine Harrison. No
special expertise in drawing or painting required.
Visit us on line:
GETTING TO KNOW YOU……Diljeet Dimock,
LVSA Member
Del’s parents immigrated to Canada in the early 1930’s from Punjab, India. Home was
various B.C. locations as her father worked in the lumber industry. Eventually, they
ended up in the mill town of Barnet, near Port Moody. The mill was the focus of family
and work life until the sad day when the mill burned to the ground. Leaving Barnet in
a hurry, the family in tears, they moved to North Vancouver.
As a teenage schoolgirl, Del was waitressing in the famous Tomahawk restaurant
when she first set eyes on her future husband, Allan Dimock. She continued working
there paying for her nursing training at St. Paul’s Hospital. She and Allan married in
1955, the same year Del graduated as an RN. They married in historic St. Andrew’s
United Church in North Vancouver. Del’s nursing life was always Lions Gate Hospital
in several different departments, including Maternity and Evergreen. She assisted in
1961 with the big move from the old North Vancouver General to the new Lions Gate
Del and Allan have two children and now many grandchildren. She loves retirement
and is involved in healthy volunteer programs, including the Keep Well program. Her
favourite is the LVSA Wednesday Walking Club. Need a stretch exercise class on a
Monday morning? Come and join Del at Mollie Nye House!
Article, photo submitted by Janet Dysart
After the success of our two bocce teams at the recent picnic, several participants
wanted to keep the fun going. Is there interest from other members in playing bocce
(location and times to be determined) as an LVSA drop-in activity?
Please send your expressions of interest to - or leave a message at 604987-5820.
Visit us on line: