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Student Organization Newsletter
CUC Expansion Celebration: Thursday, October 9th
Celebrate the coming expansion of the Cohon
University Center (CUC) with exciting
performances by Scotch ‘n Soda, Raasta and
SoulStylz on Thurs, Oct 9th at 11am in the tent
near the UC turnaround. Immediately following
their performances stay to spray-paint your
fond farewell to the UC turnaround from
11:30am-1:30pm. After grabbing lunch at the
FREE BBQ, pose for a group picture at 1pm at the turnaround. Free Group X fitness classes will be offered all day to celebrate the huge increase in fitness
space that will be available in the CUC addition.
Looking for Leadership Trainings?
This year the Office of Student Activities hired three interns to pilot a new
leadership initiative at CMU. The Carnegie Leadership Consultants (CLCs),
Andrew Cobb, Achal Channarasappa and Dhruva Krishna will be developing
presentations on various leadership topics that will be offered to student
organizations and to the general student population. For dates and times you
can navigate to the CLC page under the Be a Leader tab of the Student
Activities website. If your organization is interested in having one of the CLCs
develop a custom leadership training or workshop for your organization please
email Elizabeth Rapoport for more information.
Reminder: Take Pictures!
The Thistle Yearbook is a 110 year old tradition that commemorates student life and campus activities. Although not all 290+
student organizations can be featured in the book, we do highlight several prominent organizations that coordinate campus
wide events that impact our entire campus community. To
better your chances of being in the yearbook, make sure you are taking pictures
of your organization throughout the year. We look for all-group photos, small
group photos, event photos, etc. The yearbook staff may also be present at
your event, but we encourage you to take your own photos to document your
own history. Make your legacy permanent by taking pictures of your time here!
Financial Updates & Reminders
RAFFLES – Student organizations are reminded that raffles are not allowed per
Pennsylvania State Law. You may have a random drawing or give away prizes,
but CANNOT require payment for a chance at the raffle. So that means NO
selling of raffle tickets!
PURCHASE ORDERS – don’t forget if buying something via a Purchase Order,
you need to complete the Payment Request form and attach an estimate PRIOR
to making the purchase. Once the payment request is received and the
Purchase Order is created then the items can be ordered.
Reminders & Highlights
Mandatory Student Organization
As a reminder, all student organizations
are required to attend Mandatory
Student Organization training each
year. This is different than Authorized
Signer Training. If your group did not
attend the sessions the week of September 8th please contact Elizabeth Rapoport
at for makeup date information
Blood Drive Hosts Needed
Organization hosts are needed for
blood drives that support the Central
Blood Bank and American Red
Cross. Hosts are responsible for publicizing the blood drive, signing up donors in
advance, and assisting on the day of the
actual drive. Please complete the Blood
Drive Host Request form on the PACE
Bridge page. Email with questions.
DATES NEEDED: October dates
Relay for Life ~ October 24
Relay For Life at CMU will be a 6 hour
fundraising event this year that benefits
the American Cancer Society that helps to
celebrate survivors, remember those lost,
and fight back against cancer. This year’s
event will be a ton of fun and will include
a night full of ceremonies, games, and
performances. Student Organizations can
register their team to participate in the
Relay For Life coming up on October 24th
from 6pm-Midnight. Teams can be any
group of friends, classmates, family, etc.
and are typically around 10-15 people. To
register your team, start fundraising, and
learn more about Relay For Life, go to or email with