The farther backwards you can look, the farther forward you are likely


The farther backwards you can look, the farther forward you are likely
The farther backwards
you can look,
the farther forward
you are likely
to see
Winston Churchill
Forward Thinking
Sumerian helps leading enterprises to de-risk their future IT plans and control
future IT costs by applying advanced predictive analytics to IT operations
management, and in particular IT infrastructure capacity planning. Our
Forward Thinking analytics gives companies a new perspective — powerful
new insight to ensure they deploy the right IT resources at the right time, and
at the right cost.
In today’s complex, cloud-based and heavily virtualized IT environments,
it is increasingly difficult for organizations to plan infrastructure capacity effectively — keeping it aligned and optimized to changing business needs. A fresh
approach is needed, beyond those offered by traditional capacity planning
tools and techniques.
Sumerian has spent the last 12 years working with enterprises around the
globe, building up a unique capability and real world expertize in applying
proven statistical techniques and sophisticated ‘what if’ scenario modeling to
accurately predict future IT outcomes. Whether companies need to work out
the best way to support a growth in demand, or plan a technology refresh,
consolidation or physical to virtual migration — Sumerian’s predictive capacity planning helps them to accurately plan ahead and de-risk decisions about
their future IT.
De-risk change
Baseline capacity
Rightsize capacity
▪▪ Physical to virtual
▪▪ Technology refresh
▪▪ DC migration/
▪▪ Hardware comparison
▪▪ Onboarding new
▪▪ Ongoing capacity
▪▪ Rightsize for cloud
▪▪ Rightsize infrastructure
▪▪ Understand current
▪▪ Understand headroom
for growth
▪▪ Predict potential future
capacity events
Example use cases include de-risking planned change, understanding current utilization and headroom for growth,
rightsizing and optimizing
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Copyright © 2014 Sumerian Europe
Sumerian’s clients have saved many millions of pounds based on the accurate, actionable insight gained into their current headroom for growth, future
opportunities for rightsizing/consolidation and the impact of planned change
(e.g. datacenter migration or virtualizing part of their estate).
Sumerian Capacity Planner
Our extensive experience working with leading global companies has taught
us a lot about the real world application of predictive analytics to operational IT, and all that knowledge and experience has been distilled into our advanced analytics software — Sumerian Capacity Planner.
Sumerian Capacity Planner helps those responsible for IT infrastructure gain
a new level of control. By enabling a longer planning horizon and accurate
visibility of potential future capacity events, you have the confidence to take
proactive action. The powerful Forward Thinking ‘what if’ scenario modeling
lets you stay ahead of the game, accurately simulating planned transformations and quickly seeing the impact of planned change. You can achieve
a new balance between risk and cost — driving higher consolidation ratios,
redistributing workloads, rightsizing and optimizing their estate across both
physical and virtual.
Sumerian sunburst visualization
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Sumerian Capacity Planner is available as a Software as a Service (SaaS),
so there’s no risk, no upfront investment and you can be up and running in
a matter of hours. It uses the data already being generated by your servers
and existing management systems; and our Data Collector utility makes data
upload quick and easy. Our experienced Data Integration team is always on
hand to make sure you get up and running smoothly and we offer a range
of professional services to ensure you get the most out of your Sumerian
Capacity Planner deployment.
With your data uploaded, you will instantly see a comprehensive representation of your entire environment in our high impact ‘Sunburst’ visualization
— it’s highly intuitive, easy to configure to give the exact view you need, with
rapid drill through to any of the underlying detail and data you want to see.
Once you have a clear perspective on your current position you can start
Forward Thinking - using Sumerian’s powerful predictive modeling capability
to plan for optimizations and change — by modeling multiple ‘what if’ scenarios, assessing the options and de-risking your plans for action.
And because the analytics is based on auditable, granular data, you can act
with confidence to achieve benefits you may otherwise hesitate to address.
Flexible engagement model
If you have a complex capacity planning challenge to address or you’d
rather we did the analytics for you, our expert team of Consultants and Data
Scientists is always available to work with you, providing expert insight and
recommendations for you to action.
Quantified business results
Our clients have achieved some outstanding results using Sumerian Forward
Thinking® predictive capacity planning. Here are just a few examples:
▪▪ Identified over $2M savings on virtualization program
▪▪ Rightsized technology refresh, reducing the number of physical servers
deployed by 75%
▪▪ Identified additional 30% in annual cost savings as part of datacenter
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Copyright © 2014 Sumerian Europe
More information
To find out more about Sumerian Forward Thinking ®
predictive capacity planning just give us a call on
0131 226 9300, drop an email to
or visit our website at
October 2014