AdvAnced PrActice in Primary and Acute care Thursday – Saturday
AdvAnced PrActice in Primary and Acute care Thursday – Saturday
P ac i f i c No r t hw e s t 37 th Annual National Conference Advanced Practice in Primary and Acute Care Thursday – Saturday PROVIDERS University of Washington School of Nursing, Continuing Nursing Education University of Washington School of Medicine, Continuing Medical Education October 9-11, 2014 CO-PROVIDERS Washington State Convention Center Western Washington Area Health Education Center Seattle, Washington ARNPs United of Washington State Washington Academy of Physician Assistants Washington State Nurses Association University of Washington School of Nursing Improving Geriatric Care Training Grant Integrated Mental Health: IPE Infrastructure Development in DNP Education Medically Underserved Interprofessional Collaborative Practice Training Grant CO-SPONSORS Conference at a Glance Pacific Northwest 37th Annual National Conference Thursday—October 9 Advanced Practice Registration and Exhibit Hall Welcome and Keynote Address Poster Session Concurrent Sessions A Concurrent Sessions B Concurrent Sessions C Concurrent Sessions D Concurrent Sessions E in Primary and Acute Care 7:30 am 8:10 am - 9:25 am 9:25 am - 5:00 pm 9:55 am - 10:55 am 11:10 am - 12:10 pm 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm 2:45 pm - 3:45 pm 3:55 pm - 4:55 pm Friday—October 10 Thursday - Saturday October 9-11, 2014 Seattle, Washington 7:30 am 8:10 am - 9:25 am 9:25 am - 5:00 pm 9:55 am - 10:55 am 11:10 am - 12:10 pm 12:00 pm - 4:00 pm Special Session: Precepting Concurrent Sessions H UW Cupcake Reception Concurrent Sessions J Concurrent Sessions K 12:20 pm - 1:20 pm 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm 2:30 pm 2:45 pm - 3:45 pm 3:55 pm - 4:55 pm Saturday—October 11 Course Description This conference offers healthcare providers an opportunity to validate and enhance clinical competencies, acquire new assessment and management skills, examine critical issues in health care at the state and national level, foster a strong coalition of providers in advanced practice and learn about new products, services and pharmacotherapeutic agents. Conference faculty include distinguished national, regional and local experts. Concurrent sessions allow participants to design their own educational tracks in the areas of acute, adolescent, adult, family, geriatric, midwifery, pediatric, psychosocial and women’s health care. In addition, special interest group meetings on Thursday and Friday and workshops on Saturday provide a broad spectrum of learning opportunities for providers in all settings. Teaching methods include lecture, discussion, case studies, demonstration and practica. Objectives Morning Registration Full-Day Workshops Morning Workshops Afternoon Registration Afternoon Workshops 8:00 am 8:30 am - 4:00 pm 8:30 am - 11:45 am 12:15 pm 12:45 pm - 4:00 pm Easy Reference Guide Contact Hours and Credits................................14 Description and Objectives................................. 2 Fees...........................................................................15 Handouts Online...................................................15 Hotel Information.................................................14 Location Information...........................................14 At the conclusion of this conference, participants will be better able to: • Discuss updated information about the assessment and management of common health problems seen in primary, specialty and acute care settings. • Discuss updated pharmacotherapeutic information related to clinical practice. • Identify regional and national trends in health policy, promotion and prevention which impact health care. 2 Registration and Exhibit Hall Welcome and Keynote Address Poster Session Concurrent Sessions F Concurrent Sessions G Art Show UWCNE • PH: 206-543-1047 • FAX: Planning Committee............................................10 Program Schedules Thursday ..................................................... 4-5 Friday ............................................................ 6-7 Saturday Workshops............................... 8-9 Registration Information....................................15 Speakers....................................................... 3, 11-13 206-543-6953 • WEB: • EMAIL: Job Bulletin Board Featured Speakers Thursday-Friday October 9-11, 2014 Thursday Keynote Bring your job opportunities to post on the bulletin board. Angela Golden, DNP, FNP-C, FAANP is the immediate past president for the American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP). She is currently on the Board of Directors for AANP and is also a family nurse practitioner in her own practice in Munds Park, Arizona. She is well known for her expertise and insight on the landscape of health policy for APRNs. Colleagues have recognized Dr. Golden over the years with awards for excellence as Teacher of the Year, Certified Flight Nurse of the Year, Outstanding School Nurse and, most recently, the 2009 AANP Nurse Practitioner Arizona Award for Excellence. Her numerous publications and presentations demonstrate commitment to dissemination of nursing knowledge and scholarly work. “ Friday Keynote Barbara Sattler, DrPH, RN, FAAN is a professor at the University of San Francisco and board member of the Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments. She serves on the Environmental Health Committee of the American Academy of Colleges of Nurses and is a member of the Environmental Health Expert Panel for the American Academy of Nurses. She has been the project investigator on NIH and EPA grants and she founded Maryland Hospitals for a Healthy Environment, a model state program for engaging hospitals in sustainable and environmentally-healthy practices. She has served on the Institute for Medicine committees on environmental health information, authored numerous journals and co-authored the text Environmental Health and Nursing Practice (2003). Comments About the Conference This conference made me realize how grateful I am to be a nurse practitioner. I loved the lectures. Definitely one of the best conferences I have ever been to. Great location, topics and speakers! I always look forward to this conference, such a wide variety of topics. I found it interesting and exciting to see such diverse topics with a common theme of delving into patient histories to understand what drives behavior. Outstanding selection of speakers and topics. I travel from New Hampshire every couple of years for this conference. It is consistently the best conference I attend. Poster Abstracts Invited Have you created a practice improvement project or developed an innovative educational strategy, clinical program or research project? A poster session that highlights improvements in health care delivery, education, research and policy will be held on Thursday and Friday, Oct 9-10, 9:25 am-5:00 pm. For poster submission guidelines, please email Jaime Navetta at Meet and Greet Wednesday, Oct 8 7:00-9:00 pm Seattle Sheraton Hotel Redwood Room ARNPs United invites you to join AANP State Representative, Nancy Lawton, and members of our Board of Directors for an opportunity to meet and network. Nurse Practitioners from all states are welcome! For more information, please email Nancy Lawton at UWCNE • PH: 206-543-1047 • FAX: 206-543-6953 ” Abstracts are due by Sept 26, 2014. • WEB: • EMAIL: 3 P r og r am S c h e d u l e ⎮ T h u r s d a y S e ss i o n s Key to Choosing Sessions Please refer to the key at right for help in selecting sessions on Thursday and Friday. Note that many topics fall into more than one category. The coding system is simply a guide to the general orientation of content to be presented. You may switch sessions at the conference after reviewing session descriptions and objectives. Topics designated with an “Rx” meet guidelines for pharmacology hours at the advanced practice level. Acute ...............Acute Care Adol...................Adolescent Health Adult.................Adult Health Fam....................Family Practice Gero..................Geriatric Health Gen....................General Clinical and Professional Issues Midwif..............Nurse Midwifery Peds...................Pediatric Health Psych.................Psychiatric Mental Health Women............Women’s Health Rx = Pharmacology credit (1.0 contact hour per session unless otherwise noted) Thursday • October 9, 2014 7:30 Registration, Continental Breakfast and Exhibits 8:10WELCOME and OVERVIEW 8:25 KEYNOTE ADDRESS Oh, The Places APRNs Can Go! Angela Golden 9:25 Break, Exhibits and Poster Session* Poster Session: Promoting Improvements in Health Care Delivery, Education, Research and Policy 9:55CONCURRENT SESSIONS A Gen A1 When Does a Mistake Rise to the Level of an Action Against Your License? Karl Hoehn, Donna Poole, Laurie A. Soine (Moderator), Catherine Woodard Fam RxA2Top Medication Side Effects and Interactions for 2014 Genevieve Pagalilauan Adult RxA3Cancer Survivorship: It’s Not Over When It’s Over Leslie Vietmeier Women RxA4 HIV and Women: What’s New in 2014? Shauna Applin Midwif A5 Urinary Issues: Pregnancy and Postpartum Christine Vaccaro Peds/Adol A6 Transitioning from Pediatric to Adult Care Therese A. Vafaeezadeh Psych A7 Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia: Good for More than Just Sleep Michael V. Vitiello Acute A8 Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement: What Have We Learned from Clinical Trials and Patient Experiences? Jaekyoung Hong 10:55 Break, Exhibits and Poster Session* 11:10 CONCURRENT SESSIONS B Gero RxB1Parkinson’s Disease Update: Evaluation and Treatment Sindhu R. Srivatsal Fam/Adol Rx B2 Non-Opioid Treatment of Acute and Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain Ryan P. Dirks Adult Rx B3 Is Pain Too Complex to Treat? Not If You Know How! David Tauben Women Rx B4 Enhancing Fertility: Letrozole vs. Clomid Angela Thyer Midwif B5 Appendicitis and Cholecystitis in Pregnancy: Don’t Miss It! Aaron Huston Peds RxB6Pediatric Bone Health and Osteoporosis Margaret Baker Psych B7 How Findings in Neuroscience Inform Psychiatric Nursing Practice Janiece DeSocio Acute B8 Pacemaker and Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator Infections: Risk Factors and Treatment Jordan Prutkin 12:10 Lunch (on your own), Exhibits and Poster Session* 12:25 ANNUAL MEETING (optional) (12:25-1:15 pm) • ARNPs United of Washington State—Annual Meeting Nancy Lawton, President BYO brown bag lunch *Continuing Medical Education credits are not available for poster sessions Rx = Pharmacology credit (1.0 contact hours per session unless otherwise noted) 4 UWCNE • PH: 206-543-1047 • FAX: 206-543-6953 • WEB: • EMAIL: P r og r am S c h e d u l e ⎮ T h u r s d a y S e ss i o n s 1:30 CONCURRENT Gen Rx GeroRx AdultRx SESSIONS C C1 Harm Reduction and Naloxone Distribution Caleb Banta-Green C2 Osteoporosis: Focus on Fractures Susan Ott C3 Management of Alcohol Misuse in Primary Care: Screening, Brief Intervention and Medications Carol Achtmeyer Women C4 Mesh Use in Surgery for Pelvic Organ Prolapse and Stress Urinary Incontinence Jeffrey L. Clemons MidwifRx C5 Antepartum Puzzlers Josephine Amory Peds Rx C6 Prescribing Pearls for the Pediatric Provider Teri Moser Woo Psych Rx C7 What’s the Deal with Pharmacogenomics? Kristen Allott Acute Rx C8 Update in Heart Failure Management 2014 Lynda Tanagi 2:30 Break, Exhibits and Poster Session* 2:45 CONCURRENT SESSIONS D Gen D1 Helping Your Patients Navigate the Washington Healthplanfinder to Purchase Insurance D1 session cancelled. FamRx D2 Best Practices in Workers’ Compensation: Preventing Disability, Saving Lives Gary Franklin Gero Rx D3 Preventing Falls in Older Adults Elizabeth Phelan WomenRx D4 Complex Contraceptive Cases: Guidance from the CDC Jacqui Quetal MidwifRx D5 The Heart of the Matter: Cardiac Disease in Pregnancy Brad Dolinsky Adol/PedsRx D6 Adolescent Marijuana Use and Prevention in Changing Times Inga Manskopf and Leslie R. Walker Gen D7 Telehealth Delivery and Reimbursement Models Ardith Z. Doorenbos and Kev Vorhees Acute D8 Understanding and Improving Outcomes after Critical Illness Catherine L. Hough 3:45 Break, Exhibits and Poster Session* 3:55 CONCURRENT SESSIONS E Gen Rx E1 Medical Cannabis in an Era of Legalized Recreational Marijuana: Implications for Nurse Practitioner Practice Louise Kaplan and Mary Segawa FamRx E2 Chronic Liver Disease and Cirrhosis in Primary Care: What to Do, What Not to Do Anne Croghan AdultRx E3 Antibiotic Resistance Brian Wood GeroRx E4 HIV and Our Aging Population David Aboulafia Midwif Rx E5 What’s New in Drug Therapy for Pregnancy? A Clinical Pharmacology Update Mary F. Hebert Peds/Adol E6 Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs): The Most Important Screening Tool You Are Not Using Kim Ander and Jim Teverbaugh PsychRx E7 Glutaminergic Aspects of Psychiatric Disorders and Psychopharmacology Patricia Betrus and Shawn Elmore Acute E8 Mitral Valve Repair: Indications, Timing, Evolution Gabriel S. Aldea 4:55 Evaluation 5:00Adjourn 5:30 SPECIAL INTEREST MEETING (optional) (5:30-7:00 pm) • ACNM Washington State Affiliate Meeting and Dinner For additional information and to RSVP, please contact Jessica Burke-Lazarus at *Continuing Medical Education credits are not available for poster sessions Rx = Pharmacology credit (1.0 contact hours per session unless otherwise noted) UWCNE • PH: 206-543-1047 • FAX: 206-543-6953 • WEB: • EMAIL: 5 P r og r am S c h e d u l e ⎮ F r i d a y S e ss i o n s Friday • October 10, 2014 7:30 Registration, Continental Breakfast and Exhibits 8:10WELCOME, OVERVIEW and PRECEPTORS OF THE YEAR AWARD Azita Emami, Dean, UW School of Nursing 8:25 KEYNOTE ADDRESS Our Everyday Environment: What’s Making Your Patient Sick? Barbara Sattler 9:25 Break, Exhibits and Poster Session* 9:55CONCURRENT SESSIONS F Gen F1 Beyond PowerPoint: Prezi as a New Presentation Platform to Enhance Audience Engagement Jason Madrano Fam/Adol F2 Non-Suicidal Self-Injury: What the NP Needs to Know Molly Adrian AdultRxF3Inflammatory Bowel Disease Update Nanda Venu Women Rx F4 The Lichens: Cases of Vulvar Itching, Burning and Pain Andrea Prabhu GeroRx F5 Older Adults and Optimal Outcomes: Individualizing Diabetes Management Mary Moyer Janci Peds Rx F6 Pediatric Seizures: Evaluation and Management John Kuratani Psych Rx F7 Managing Psychosis during Pregnancy and Postpartum: Balancing the Risks and Benefits Amritha Bhat Acute F8 Echocardiography: Its Role in the Diagnosis of Common Valvular Disease Julie Heyn 10:55 Break, Exhibits and Poster Session* 11:10 CONCURRENT SESSIONS G Gen G1 Should CNSs be ARNPs? Should ARNPs be APRNs? Resolving Issues in the Transition to the APRN Consensus Model Sheena Jacob, Heather Schoonover and Martha Worcester (Moderator) FamRx G2 Nine Clinical Questions Addressed by the JNC8 Committee on Hypertension Louis Kuritzky Adult G3 Referring to Vascular Surgery: Considerations for the Primary Care Provider Bruce Wyllie Women G4 “Cut That Out”: Vulvar Biopsy Indicators Robert T. Smithing Midwif G5 Nutrition Solutions: Paleo, Vegan and Other Special Diets in Pregnancy and Lactation Beverly Kindblade GeroRx G6 Chronic Pain and Depression in Older Adults Stephen Thielke Psych/Peds Rx G7 Overview of Child Psychopharmacology in Primary Care Robert Hilt Acute G8 Duration of Resuscitation During In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Zachary D. Goldberger 12:10 Lunch (on your own), Exhibits, Art Show and Poster Session* 10th Annual Art Show: The Art of Advanced Practice (12:00 - 4:00 pm) Please share your artistic talent with your colleagues by bringing a painting, picture, tapestry, book, poem, pottery, jewelry or other creation. Use the registration form to reserve display space and email by Sept 12, 2014 with your name, type of art, name of piece, price (if for sale), and display preference (table or easel). 12:20SPECIAL SESSION (optional) (12:20-1:20 pm) • A Town Hall Dialogue on Strategies for Precepting Advanced Practice Students Laurie A. Soine BYO brown bag lunch ANNUAL MEETING (optional) (12:20-1:20 pm) • Washington NAPNAP Chapter Meeting For more information, email Devon Bank ( *Continuing Medical Education credits are not available for poster sessions Rx = Pharmacology credit (1.0 contact hours per session unless otherwise noted) 6 UWCNE • PH: 206-543-1047 • FAX: 206-543-6953 • WEB: • EMAIL: P r og r am S c h e d u l e ⎮ F r i d a y S e ss i o n s 1:30CONCURRENT SESSIONS H Gen H1 Cultural Competence with Transgender Patients Danielle Askini Fam H2 Lung Cancer Screening: Who, When and Why? Louis Kuritzky Adult H3 Dietary Therapy for Irritable Bowel Syndrome Shirley Paski Women Rx H4 Practical Step-Wise Approach to Menopause Symptom Management Susan Reed MidwifRxH5 Long-Acting Reversible Contraception (LARC): Postpartum Use of the Subdermal Contraceptive Implant Alison Batig Peds H6 Severe Combined Immunodeficiency (SCID) in the Era of Newborn Screening Suzanne Skoda-Smith GeroRxH7Targeting Anticoagulation: Indications, Monitoring, Dosage Adjustments and New Developments Michael Schirmer Acute H8 Surgical Options in Advanced Heart Failure Jason Smith 2:30 Break, Exhibits, Art Show, Poster Session* and Cupcake Reception 2:45CONCURRENT SESSIONS J Gen J1 Conflict with Clinical Colleagues: Avoiding Pitfalls While Enhancing Professional Relationships Sarah E. Shannon FamRx J2 Myocardial Perfusion Scans: Choosing the Right Test Susan Dana and Sharon McRae Adult Rx J3 What a Pain in the Neck! Clinical Pearls for Neck Pain Christopher J. Standaert Women J4 What’s Next? Managing Abnormal PAPs in 2014 Linda Eckert Midwif Rx J5 Probiotics and Their Use in Pregnancy and Lactation Stephen Wangen Adol/Peds J6 Eating Disorders in Adolescent and Young Adult Males David Breland PsychRx J7 Neurobiology and Pharmacologic Treatment of Addiction Andrew J. Saxon GeroRx J8 Hepatitis C: Evaluation and Treatment in the Older Adult Asma Siddique 3:45 Break, Exhibits, Art Show and Poster Session* 3:55 CONCURRENT SESSIONS K Gero K1 Abdominal Imaging in the Older Adult Ronald Thompson FamRx K2 When SSRIs Are Not Enough, What Then? Scott MacHaffie AdultRx K3 Holistic Nutritional Solutions to Chronic Illness and Obesity Heather Tick Adol/WomenRx K4 Medical Management of Transgender Youth David Breland Midwif RxK5 The Benefits of Acupuncture in Pregnancy: Anecdotal Clinical Experience and Research-Based Evidence Patrice Hapke and Susan Moore Peds Rx K6 Acupuncture in Pediatrics Elizabeth Artola and Jaime Ralston-Wilson PsychRxK7Personality Disorders in the Context of Human Development Bruce Gage Acute Rx K8 Acute Kidney Injury Christopher K. Johnson 4:55Evaluation 5:00Adjourn Exhibitors Connect with experienced professionals, industry leaders and experts who want to learn about your products and services. Limited exhibit space. Please visit For more information, please contact Corie Goodloe at or 206-616-3826. *Continuing Medical Education credits are not available for poster sessions Rx = Pharmacology credit (1.0 contact hours per session unless otherwise noted) UWCNE • PH: 206-543-1047 • FAX: 206-543-6953 • WEB: • EMAIL: 7 S a t u r d a y W o r ks h ops ⎮ O c t ob e r 1 1 , 2 0 1 4 Saturday Workshop Information Location: All Saturday workshops will be held at the Washington State Convention Center. Registration: Registration for full day and morning workshops begins at 8:00 am. Afternoon workshop registration begins at 12:15 pm. Coffee and tea are provided at registration. Limited Enrollment: Some workshops have limited enrollment as indicated in the workshop description. For these workshops, early registration is strongly recommended. Clothing and Equipment: Please bring any special equipment and clothing as requested in the workshop description. Rx = Pharmacology credit at the advanced practice level Morning Workshops • 8:30 am - 11:45 am AM1. AM2. AM3. 8 Fundamentals of Reading the 12-Lead EKG Suzy Meader This workshop presents the fundamentals of dissecting the 12-lead EKG. Focus is on changes in various waves and segments that identify axis, atrial and ventricular hypertrophy, bundle branch blocks and ventricular ectopy. Content includes patterns of ischemia, injury and infarction, strips of WPW, pericarditis, hyperkalemia, and a systematic approach to analyzing a 12-lead EKG with practice strips. Prerequisite: Learner should have basic skills in reading EKGs. (May be taken alone or in sequence with PM1.) Limit: 40 AM4. Biopsy Techniques for Sensitive Areas: Gentle Genital Biopsies Robert T. Smithing, Assisted by Nancy Lawton, Madeline Wiley and Afton Williamson This workshop focuses on how to do a punch, shave or scissor genital biopsy gently. Content includes indications and techniques for doing genital biopsies, hands-on experience on skin models and video demonstration. Instructors will discuss topical and injectable anesthesia and share clinical pearls on how to reduce patient discomfort. Simple, interrupted suture techniques will be presented for those with no experience. Supply fee of $25 will be collected at workshop registration. Prerequisite: G4. Concurrent session G4 covers indications for genital biopsies. This workshop focuses on technique. Limit: 40 AM5. UWCNE • PH: 206-543-1047 • FAX: AM4 elled c n a C Rx= 1.0 When a Knock to the Head Knocks You Out of the Game: Evaluation and Management of Concussions Leah Concannon Each concussion is unique and requires individualized care. This workshop presents the fundamentals of concussion identification and strategies for accurate assessment and appropriate management. Participants will have time to practice using the SCAT-3 for evaluation. We will also discuss what physical and mental rest really mean for our patients, why staying home from school is not always the best advice, when to refer for prolonged symptoms and how to counsel athletes and parents effectively. Returning Injured Workers to Work Is Good Medicine Ryan Guppy, Mary Kaempfe, Sarah Martin, Diane Reus and Robert Waring This is a great workshop for those who want to learn more about workers’ compensation insurance and the general coverage limits in Washington State. Participants learn to access Labor and Industries online tools and resources, work through common case scenarios they might encounter when treating an injured worker, and learn how to help injured workers return to work safely. Participants leave with a higher degree of confidence in treating injured workers and completing workers’ compensation paperwork. Surviving Cancer: The Rest of the Story K. Scott Baker, Elizabeth Kaplan, Karen Syrjala and Leslie Vietmeier With 13.7 million cancer survivors in the United States, chances are you already see cancer survivors in your practice. Do you know what long-term and late effects to watch for? Do you know what tests to order, what prevention measures to suggest, and which cancer treatments carry increased risk for late cardiac, respiratory or bone density effects? This workshop provides answers to those questions and discusses ASCO Treatment Summary and Survivorship Care Plans and how they can help you provide the best care for cancer survivors in your practice. A panel of cancer survivors concludes this workshop, providing personal perspectives on what it means to be a survivor. AM6. Evidence-Based Approach to the Comprehensive Cardiovascular Assessment and Physical Exam in Adults Debra Laurent This workshop includes the focused cardiovascular physical exam and practice pearls for assessment, diagnosis and management of cardiovascular diseases. The format is interactive using lecture, demonstration and case studies. AM7. Pediatric Primary Care in a Nutshell Melanie Summerour This workshop is a great update for providers who want to brush up on their skills for care of pediatric patients. Discussion topics include pediatric screening tools, growth charts, common pediatric conditions and pediatric-specific examination skills. 206-543-6953 • WEB: • EMAIL: S a t u r d a y W o r ks h ops ⎮ O c t ob e r 1 1 , 2 0 1 4 Afternoon Workshops • 12:45 pm - 4:00 pm PM1. PM2. Fundamentals of 12-Lead EKG Interpretation: Recognizing Ischemia, Injury and Infarction Suzy Meader This workshop builds on fundamentals learned in the morning workshop, AM1, and provides in-depth focus on typical EKG changes seen in myocardial ischemia, injury and infarction. Content includes timing, location, coronary artery involvement and potential complications, patterns that mimic EKG changes, practice strips and case studies. Prerequisite: Learner must have solid fundamentals in reading the basic EKG or be taking the workshop in sequence with AM1. Limit: 40 Building a Successful Foot Care Practice: Business and Clinical Tips Julia Overstreet This workshop presents business and clinical tips for establishing a foot care practice that provides the best nursing foot care for adults and older adults. Topics in the first two hours include scope of practice, certification, insurance, license requirements, business and marketing plans, instruments and supplies, infection control and guidelines for referral. The last hour focuses on practical nail care including approaches to dystrophic nails, toe nail and callus debridement and nail avulsion. Teaching methods include lecture, video demonstration and group discussion. PM2 elled c n a C PM3. Rx= 3.0 IUD, Endometrial Biopsy and Cervical Blocks Robert T. Smithing, Assisted by Nancy Lawton, Madeline Wiley and Afton Williamson Participants learn correct methods for administering a cervical block, inserting the three currently available IUDs and matching the most appropriate IUD to patient needs. In addition, instructors discuss the use of a tenaculum, os dilators, sounds and endometrial samplers to do a gentle insertion. Techniques for endometrial biopsy and retrieval of a “lost string” are included. This workshop uses a combination of images, video, lecture and practice on synthetic models. Supply fee of $25 will be collected at workshop registration. Limit: 40 PM4. Ultrasound in Early Pregnancy, Gynecology and Common Pathologies Tamara Tobias This workshop provides an introduction to performing first trimester and gynecological ultrasound in the office setting. It includes techniques for determining viability and dating in the first trimester of pregnancy and a review of basic gynecologic anatomy, physiology and common pathologies. Excellent for those who are new to performing ultrasound and those who wish to improve by learning new tips and techniques. PM5. Sports Injuries in Adolescents and Young Adults Henry Pelto Athletic injuries are among the most common reasons adolescents and young adults see their primary care provider. This workshop reviews the history, exam and initial treatment of the most common injuries seen in this population from neck to toes. Comfortable clothing for practicing exam techniques is encouraged. PM6. Promoting First Relationships® in Pediatric Primary Care: The Paradigm Shift Jeannie M. Larsen, Susan Spieker, Nancy Orcutt Thordarson and Jessie Klauder This interactive workshop describes a paradigm shift for both well-child visits and visits focused on behavioral challenges faced by parents of infants, toddlers and young children. The paradigm shift enables providers to support relational health of infants and young children with their caregivers and also to feel more confident and competent in dealing with the “new morbidity” of children’s behavioral and emotional problems in the primary care setting. This workshop covers basic consultation strategies used in UW Promoting First Relationships in Pediatric Primary CareTM. Teaching methods include lecture, videotaped behavior and case study review. PM7. Diabetes in Older Adults: Strategies to Improve Care Linda B. Haas Come discuss recent guidelines for diabetes care in the older adult. This workshop explores geriatric syndromes and their effects, as well as the impact of aging on diabetes progression. Topics include barriers to providing adequate care, approaches to improving adherence to recommended care in older adult populations and strategies for managing patients in long-term care settings. Rx= 3.0 Full Day Workshops • 8:30 am - 4:00 pm FD1. Rx= 6.0 Navigating Pain Management with Confidence Barbara Dailey and David Tauben 8:30 am - 4:00 pm Every provider, regardless of his or her specialty, sees patients in pain. It is crucial to understand the most up-to-date information regarding care, responsibility, liability and how to treat acute and chronic pain. Discussion includes current research and recommendations for adequately treating pain while still keeping your patient safe and limiting your liability. Learn what assistance is available at your fingertips and how to access high-quality resources. Topics also include the Washington State Prescription Monitoring Program, new laws and guidelines, other educational opportunities, pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic pain management skills and resources for your workplace. Bring your most difficult pain management cases for group discussion. FD2. Using Social Media in Practice: New Trends, Opportunities and Mine-Fields Julie Huffine 8:30 am - 4:00 pm This workshop provides descriptions of Facebook, Google Circle, blogs, video blogs and the use of remote file sharing through Dropbox and other cloud systems. Each medium is described and illustrated along with the advantages and disadvantages of each. Bring your questions and portable computing devices for hands-on practice during the session. FD3. Radiology Fundamentals: Shedding New Light on the Chest X-Ray Ronald Thompson 8:30 am - 4:00 pm Medical imaging has become an indispensable part of patient care. When practitioners are able to understand and utilize the basic principles and techniques of radiographic imaging, they can be more effective in successfully treating their patients. This workshop includes a discussion of common radiographic findings and their interpretation and correlation with clinical findings and disease processes. The lines and shadows on chest x-rays can be confusing. This workshop will shed new light on chest x-rays and enhance your diagnostic skills. UWCNE • PH: 206-543-1047 • FAX: 206-543-6953 • WEB: • EMAIL: 9 Special Events Meet and Greet All NPs invited! 10th Annual Art Show The Art of Advanced Practice Wednesday, Oct. 8 7:00-9:00 pm Seattle Sheraton Hotel Wine Bar and Lounge ARNPs United invites you to join AANP State Representative, Nancy Lawton, and members of our Board of Directors for an opportunity to meet and network. Nurse Practitioners from all states are welcome! For more information, please email Nancy Lawton at Friday, Oct. 10 12:00-4:00 pm Washington State Convention Center Please share your artistic talent with your colleagues by bringing a painting, picture, tapestry, book, poem, pottery, jewelry or other creation. To reserve display space and email by Sept 12, 2014 with your name, type of art, name of piece, price (if for sale), and display preference (table or easel). Poster Sessions Promoting Improvements in Health Care Delivery, Education, Research and Policy Thursday-Friday, Oct. 9-10 9:30 am - 5:00 pm Washington State Convention Center Poster Abstracts Invited: Have you created a practice improvement project or developed an innovative educational strategy, clinical program or research project that highlights improvements in health care delivery, education, research or policy? Share your experience and expertise by presenting a poster at the conference. For poster submission guidelines, please email Jaime Navetta at Abstracts are due by September 1, 2014. UW School of Nursing Cupcake Reception Friday, Oct. 10 2:30 pm Washington State Convention Center Take a break from your advanced practice training to join UW School of Nursing staff, faculty members and friends for a cupcake reception! This event will be a great chance to reconnect with friends and former classmates. All conference participants are welcome to join in the fun! We hope to see you there! Co n f e r e n c e P l a n n i n g Comm i t t e e Chairs Marie Annette Brown, PhD, ARNP, FAAN, FAANP Madeline Wiley, MSN, ARNP, FAANP Members Acute Care Jean Blue, MN, ARNP, CS Michaelene Deelstra, MSN, ARNP Laurie A. Soine, PhD, ACNP, ARNP Adult Health Barbara Dailey, DNP, ARNP, CCMSHt, FIBH Cynthia Natiello, MN, ARNP Stephanie Sola, MN, RNC, ARNP UWCNE • PH: Pediatric Health Susan Hale, MN, ARNP, PNP-BC Jennifer Mannheim, MN, ARNP Gabrielle Seibel, MN, MPH, ARNP General Clinical and Professional Issues Louise Kaplan, PhD, ARNP, FNP-BC, FAANP Marie Annette Brown, PhD, ARNP, FAAN, FAANP Martha Worcester, PhD, ARNP Adolescent Health Robyn Duran, MSN, ARNP 10 Family Practice Sandy Carollo, PhD, MSN, FNP-BC Nancy Lawton, MSN, ARNP, FNP Cydne Marckmann, MN, ARNP, FAANP Madeline Wiley, MSN, ARNP, FAANP 206-543-1047 Geriatric Health Basia Belza, PhD, RN, FAAN Linda Pedersen, MN, ARNP Therese Martaus, MA, ARNP Nurse Midwifery Judy Lazarus, MSN, CNM, ARNP Heather Paar, MN, CNM, ARNP Mary Paul Backman, MN, CNM, ARNP • FAX: 206-543-6953 • WEB: Psychiatric Mental Health Susan Caverly, PhD, ARNP-BC Jean Tang, PhD, ARNP, PMHNP-BC Yoriko Kozuki, PhD, ARNP, PMHNP-BC Women’s Health Tara Cardinal, MN, CNM, ARNP Kathryn Kingsland, MN, ARNP Shelley Miksis, DNP, ARNP Members-at-Large Martha DuHamel, MPH Jaime Navetta, MN, RN, CNE Jodi Perlmutter, MSW David Tauben, MD • EMAIL: Co n f e r e n c e David Aboulafia, MD...............................................................................E4 Section Head, Hematology and Oncology, VMMC; Medical Co-Director, Bailey Bouchay House; Clinical Professor, UWSOM Carol Achtmeyer, MN, ARNP.............................................................. C3 Nurse Practitioner and Research and Informatics Coordinator, Health Services Research, VAPSHCS Molly Adrian, PhD.....................................................................................F2 Attending Psychologist, Seattle Children’s Gabriel S. Aldea, MD, FACC, FACS.....................................................E8 Professor and Section Chief, Dept. of Surgery, Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery, UWSOM Kristen Allott, ND, MS, LAc................................................................. C7 Medical Director, Naturopathic Physician, Acupuncturist and Educator, Dynamic Paths, LLC, Seattle Josephine Amory, MD............................................................................ C5 Perinatologist, Obstetrix of Washington, Seattle; Clinical Faculty, UWSOM Kim Ander, BSN, RN, IBCLC..................................................................E6 RN Care Coordinator, UWSON and Providence Everett Healthcare Clinic, Everett Shauna Applin, MN, CNM, ARNP, AAHIVMs.............................. A4 Nurse Midwife and HIV Nurse Practitioner, Community Health Care, Tacoma Elizabeth Artola, LAc, EAMP................................................................K6 Licensed Acupuncturist, Dept. of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine, Seattle Children’s Danielle Askini, MSW, MSc, RN.........................................................H1 Policy Director, Basic Rights Oregon, Portland, OR K. Scott Baker, MD, MS...................................................................... AM5 Director, Pediatric Blood and Marrow Transplantation and Survivorship Programs, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle; Professor of Pediatrics, UWSOM Caleb Banta-Green, PhD....................................................................... C1 Research Scientist, Alcohol and Drug Abuse Institute, UW; Affiliate Assistant Professor, UW School of Public Health Alison Batig, MD.......................................................................................H5 Associate Program Director, Obstetrics/Gynecology Residency, Madigan Army Medical Center, Tacoma Patricia Betrus, PhD, RN, PMHCNS-BC...........................................E7 Associate Professor, Psychosocial & Community Health, UWSON Amritha Bhat, MBBS, MD......................................................................F7 Medical Resident, Psychiatry, UWMC David Breland, MD, MPH................................................................ J6, K4 Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Adolescent Medicine, Seattle Children’s Jeffrey L. Clemons, MD.......................................................................... C4 Physician, Women’s Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery, Multicare, Tacoma Leah Concannon, MD......................................................................... AM3 Assistant Professor and Attending Physician, Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Division of Sports and Spine, HMC Anne Croghan, MN, ARNP....................................................................E2 Nurse Practitioner, Seattle Gastroenterology Associates, Seattle Barbara Dailey, DNP, ARNP, CCMSHt, FIBH...............................FD1 Nurse Practitioner, Surgical Pain Service, UW Medicine/ Northwest Hospital & Medical Center, Seattle Susan Dana, MSN, ARNP........................................................................J2 Nurse Practitioner, VAPSHCS S p e ak e r s Janiece DeSocio, PhD, RN, PMHNP-BC, FAAN...........................B7 Interim Dean and Track Lead for Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Program, Seattle University College of Nursing; Nurse Practitioner, Kartini Clinic for Pediatric Eating Disorders, Portland, OR Ryan P. Dirks, MS, PA-C..........................................................................B2 Physician Assistant, Sports Medicine and Orthopedic Surgery, MultiCare Health System, Puyallup Brad Dolinsky, MD, MFM......................................................................D5 Chief Antenatal Diagnostic Service, Madigan Army Medical Center, Tacoma Ardith Z. Doorenbos, PhD, RN, FAAN............................................D7 Professor, UWSON Shawn Elmore, PhD, RN.........................................................................E7 Associate Professor, Psychosocial & Community Health, UWSON Gary M. Franklin, MD, MPH................................................................D2 Medical Director, WA State Department of Labor and Industries, Olympia; Chair, Washington Agency Medical Director’s Group; Research Professor, UW Departments of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences, Neurology, and Health Sciences Bruce Gage, MD.........................................................................................K7 Chief of Psychiatry, WA State Department of Corrections, Tumwater; President, Puget Sound Mental Health PS, Inc. Emily M. Godfrey, MD, MPH, FAAFP..............................................D4 Associate Professor, Family Medicine and Obstetrics and Gynecology, UWSOM; CDC Guest Researcher Zachary D. Goldberger, MD, MS.......................................................G8 Assistant Professor of Medicine/Cardiology, UWSOM Angela Golden, DNP, FNP-C, FAANP............... Thursday Keynote See Featured Speakers (p. 3) Ryan Guppy, BS, CDMS, PGAP....................................................... AM4 Chief, Return to Work Partnerships, WA State Department of Labor and Industries, Olympia Linda B. Haas, PhC, RN, CDE........................................................... PM7 Diabetes Consultant, Former Endocrinology Clinical Nurse Specialist, VAPSHCS Patrice Hapke, MAc, LAc, EAMP........................................................K5 Owner, Acupuncturist and Herbalist, Acupuncture for Pregnancy; Clinical Faculty, Bastyr University, Kenmore; Founder and President, Maternity Acupuncture Association Mary F. Hebert, PharmD, FCCP...........................................................E5 Professor, UW School of Pharmacy; Adjunct Professor, Obstetrics and Gynecology, UWSOM Julie Heyn, MD, FACC..............................................................................F8 Invasive Non-Interventional Cardiologist and Medical Director of Echocardiography Lab, UW Medicine/Summit Cardiology, Seattle Robert Hilt, MD, FAAP...........................................................................G7 Associate Professor of Psychiatry, UWSOM and Seattle Children’s; Director, Partnership Access Line Karl Hoehn, JD........................................................................................... A1 Supervising Staff Attorney, Legal Services Office of Health Systems Quality Assurance, Division of WA State Department of Health, Olympia Jaekyoung Hong, MD............................................................................. A8 Interventional Cardiologist, UW Medicine/Summit Cardiology, Seattle Catherine L. Hough, MD, MSc............................................................D8 Associate Professor of Medicine, Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, UWSOM; Medical Director, Medical Intensive Care Unit, HMC HMC=UW Medicine/Harborview Medical Center, Seattle • Seattle Children’s=Seattle Children’s Hospital, Seattle • UW=University of Washington, Seattle UWMC=UW Medicine/UW Medical Center, Seattle • UWSOM=UW School of Medicine, Seattle • UWSON=UW School of Nursing, Seattle VAPSHCS=VA Puget Sound Health Care System, Seattle • VMMC=Virginia Mason Medical Center, Seattle UWCNE • PH: 206-543-1047 • FAX: 206-543-6953 • WEB: • EMAIL: 11 Co n f e r e n c e Julie Huffine, MSN, RN, PHCNS-BC..............................................FD2 Clinical Nursing Instructor, Pacific Lutheran University, Tacoma; Member, Nursing Care Quality Assurance Commission, WA State Department of Health, Olympia Aaron Huston, PhD(c), MSN, ARNP.................................................B5 Nurse Practitioner, Trauma and Acute Care Surgery, Tacoma Trauma Trust, Tacoma; Instructor, Seattle University College of Nursing, Seattle Sheena Jacob, DNP..................................................................................G1 Senior Nursing Advisor, International Training and Education Center on Health (I-TECH), UW Dept. of Global Health; Pro-Tem Member, Nursing Care Quality Assurance Commission, WA State Department of Health, Olympia Mary Moyer Janci, MSN, FNP-BC, ADM-BC, CDE ....................F5 Nurse Practitioner, Diabetes Care Center at Roosevelt, UWMC; Clinical Instructor, Biobehavioral Nursing and Health Systems, UWSON Christopher K. Johnson, MD................................................................K8 Fellow, Division of Nephrology, UWMC Elizabeth Kaplan, MD......................................................................... AM5 General Internal Medicine, UWMC and Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle Louise Kaplan, PhD, ARNP, FNP-BC, FAANP................................E1 Associate Professor and Director, Nursing Program and FNP Program, Saint Martin’s University, Lacey; Private Practice, Tumwater Family Practice Clinic, Tumwater Beverly Kindblade, MS, RD, CD ........................................................G5 Registered Dietitian, Seattle Nutrition John Kuratani, MD....................................................................................F6 Associate Professor of Neurology and Director of Neurophysiology Laboratory, Seattle Children’s Louis Kuritzky, MD ..........................................................................G2, H2 Clinical Assistant Professor, Community Health and Family Medicine, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL Jeannie M. Larsen, MD....................................................................... PM6 Pediatrician, Pediatric Associates, Bellevue Debra Laurent, MN, ARNP, ACNP................................................. AM6 Cardiovascular and Acute Care Nurse Practitioner, Seattle Cardiology, Swedish Heart and Vascular, Seattle Nancy Lawton, MN, FNP........................................................AM2, PM3 President, ARNPs United of WA State; WA State Representative, American Association of Nurse Practitioners; Nurse Practitioner, NeighborCare Health, Seattle Scott MacHaffie, MN, ARNP................................................................K2 Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner, Viridian Associates and United States Army Reserve Jason Madrano, DNP, RN.......................................................................F1 Clinical Assistant Professor, UWSON; Implementation Specialist and Senior Computer Specialist, International Training and Education Center for Health (I-TECH) Inga Manskopf, BS...................................................................................D6 Prevention WINS Manager, Division of Adolescent Health, Seattle Children’s Sharon McRae, MSN, ARNP..................................................................J2 Nurse Practitioner, VAPSHCS Suzy Meader, MN, ARNP, ACNP, CCRN-CSC.................AM1, PM1 Cardiothoracic Surgery Nurse Practitioner, Overlake Hospital Medical Center, Bellevue Susan Moore, MAc, LAc, EAMP..........................................................K5 Owner and Acupuncturist, Dragonfly Holistic Healing, Seattle; Board Member, Maternity Acupuncture Association; Clinical Faculty, Seattle Institute of Oriental Medicine S p e ak e r s Susan Ott, MD............................................................................................ C2 Professor of Medicine, Division of Metabolism and Endocrinology, UWMC Julia Overstreet, DPM, FAPWCA................................................... PM2 Executive Director, Podiatric Physician, Surgeon, Wound Care and High-Risk Foot Specialist, Rainier Medical Education Programs, Bellevue Shirley Paski, MD......................................................................................H3 Gastroenterologist, UWMC and VAPSHCS Henry Pelto, MD................................................................................... PM5 Acting Assistant Professor, Dept. of Family Medicine, UWSOM Elizabeth Phelan, MD, MS....................................................................D3 Director, Fall Prevention Clinic and Associate Professor of Medicine, Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine, HMC Donna Poole, MSN, ARNP, PMHCNS-BC...................................... A1 Interim Chief Medical Officer and Primary Care Psychiatric Consultant, Kitsap Mental Health Services, Bremerton; Member, Nursing Care Quality Assurance Commission, WA State Department of Health, Olympia Andrea Prabhu, MD..................................................................................F4 Acting Assistant Professor, Obstetrics and Gynecology, UWSOM Jordan Prutkin, MD, MHS.....................................................................B8 Assistant Professor of Medicine and Cardiology, Division of Cardiology and Electrophysiology, UWSOM Jaime Ralston-Wilson..............................................................................K6 Licensed Acupuncturist, Dept. of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine, Seattle Children’s Susan Reed, MD, MPH...........................................................................H4 Director, Women’s Reproductive Health Research Program, HMC; Professor, Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Dept. of Epidemiology, UWSOM and HMC Diane Reus, MBA, BSN....................................................................... AM4 Clinical Nurse Specialist, WA State Department of Labor and Industries, Olympia Barbara Sattler, DrPH, RN, FAAN.............................Friday Keynote See Featured Speakers (p. 3) Andrew J. Saxon, MD...............................................................................J7 Director, Center for Excellence in Substance Abuse Treatment and Education, VAPSHCS; Professor, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, UWSOM Michael Schirmer, PharmD, BCPS.....................................................H7 Clinical Pharmacist, Anticoagulation Clinic, UWMC Heather Schoonover...............................................................................G1 Director of Professional Practice, PeaceHealth St. John’s Medical Center, Longview Mary Segawa, MS......................................................................................E1 Alcohol Awareness Program Manager, WA State Liquor Control Board, Olympia Sarah E. Shannon, PhD, RN....................................................................J1 Associate Professor, Biobehavioral Nursing and Health Systems, UWSON; Adjunct Associate Professor, Bioethics and Humanities, UWSOM; Clinical Ethicist, UWMC Asma Siddique, MD...................................................................................J8 Hepatologist, Gastroenterology, VMMC Suzanne Skoda-Smith, MD..................................................................H6 Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Division of Immunology, Seattle Children’s Jason Smith, MD.......................................................................................H8 Cardiothoracic Surgeon and Assistant Professor of Surgery, UWMC HMC=UW Medicine/Harborview Medical Center, Seattle • Seattle Children’s=Seattle Children’s Hospital, Seattle • UW=University of Washington, Seattle UWMC=UW Medicine/UW Medical Center, Seattle • UWSOM=UW School of Medicine, Seattle • UWSON=UW School of Nursing, Seattle VAPSHCS=VA Puget Sound Health Care System, Seattle • VMMC=Virginia Mason Medical Center, Seattle 12 UWCNE • PH: 206-543-1047 • FAX: 206-543-6953 • WEB: • EMAIL: Co n f e r e n c e Robert T. Smithing, MSN, ARNP, FAANP...............G4, AM2, PM3 Family Nurse Practitioner and Clinical Director, FamilyCare of Kent, Kent; Affiliate Instructor, UWSON; President, NP Central Laurie A. Soine, PhD, ARNP......................A1, Friday Noon Session Nurse Practitioner, Nuclear Cardiology, UWMC; Member, Nursing Care Quality Assurance Commission, WA State Department of Health, Olympia Susan Spieker, PhD.............................................................................. PM6 Professor, Family and Child Nursing, UWSON; Director, Barnard Center for Infant Mental Health and Development, Seattle Sindhu R. Srivatsal, MD, MPH.............................................................B1 Staff Neurologist, VMMC and Evergreen Neurosciences Institute, Seattle Christopher J. Standaert, MD...............................................................J3 Clinical Professor, Depts. of Neurological Surgery, Rehabilitation Medicine Orthopedics and Sports Medicine, UWSOM Melanie Summerour, MN, ARNP, PNP....................................... AM7 Pediatric Nurse Practitioner, Mary Bridge Pediatrics, Tacoma; Lecturer, UWSON Karen Syrjala, PhD................................................................................ AM5 Co-Director, Survivorship Program, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle; Professor, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, UWSOM Lynda Tanagi, PharmD........................................................................... C8 Clinical Pharmacist, Pharmacy Services, UWMC; Clinical Associate Professor of Pharmacy, UW School of Pharmacy David Tauben, MD.......................................................................... B3, FD1 Clinical Associate Professor of Internal Medicine and Director of Medical Student Education in Pain Medicine, UWSOM; Interim Chief and Clinical Associate Professor, Dept. of Anesthesia and Pain Medicine, UWSOM; Medical Director, UW Center for Pain Relief; Principle Investigator, UW NIH Consortium Center of Excellence for Pain Education Jim Teverbaugh, MSW............................................................................E6 Consultant, Medically Underserved Inter-Professional Collaborative Practice Project, UWSON Stephen Thielke, MD, MSPH, MA.....................................................G6 Assistant Professor, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, UWSOM; Investigator and Acting Associate Director for Education and Evaluation, Geriatric Research, Education and Clinical Center, VAPSHCS Ronald Thompson, MD, MS...................................................... K1, FD3 Diagnostic Radiologist, Radiology Enterprises, Ltd. Nancy Orcutt Thordarson, MD...................................................... PM6 Pediatric Primary Care Pediatrician, The Everett Clinic, Everett; Affiliate Assistant Professor, Biobehavioral Nursing and Health System, UWSON Angela Thyer, MD......................................................................................B4 Physician, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility, Seattle Reproductive Medicine Heather Tick, MD, MA, CCFP, CAFCI, DipAAPM.........................K3 Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Family Medicine and Dept. of Anesthesia and Pain Medicine, UW Center for Pain Relief, Seattle Tamara Tobias, MSN, ARNP............................................................ PM4 Nurse Practitioner, Seattle Reproductive Medicine, Bellevue Christine Vaccaro, DO............................................................................. A5 Chief of Urogynecology and Pelvic Reconstructive Surgery, and Assistant Director of Andersen Simulation Center, Madigan Army Medical Center, Tacoma S p e ak e r s Therese A. Vafaeezadeh, MSN, ARNP............................................ A6 Nurse Practitioner, Adult Autism Clinic, UW Medicine/UWMC Roosevelt Clinic, Seattle Nanda Venu, MD, MS..............................................................................F3 Assistant Professor, UWSOM; Attending Physician, VAPSHCS Leslie Vietmeier, MN, FNP, ARNP-BC................................. A3, AM5 Nurse Practitioner, Survivorship Program, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle; Nurse Practitioner, Survivorship Clinic, Seattle Cancer Care Alliance, Seattle; Teaching Associate, UWSOM; Affiliate Instructor, UWSON Michael V. Vitiello, PhD......................................................................... A7 Professor, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, UWSOM; Adjunct Professor, Biobehavioral Nursing and Health Systems, UWSON; Adjunct Professor, Division of Gerontology and Geriatrics, UWSOM; Co-Director, Center for Research on Management of Sleep Disturbance and Northwest Geriatric Education Center, Seattle Kev Vorhees, MHA...................................................................................D7 Senior Policy Analyst, Physician Services, UW Medicine/UW Physicians, Seattle Leslie R. Walker, MD................................................................................D6 Chief, Division of Adolescent Medicine, Pediatrics, Seattle Children’s; Professor and Vice Chair of Faculty Affairs, Dept. of Pediatrics, UWSOM and Seattle Children’s Stephen Wangen, ND...............................................................................J5 Medical Director, IBS Treatment Center, Seattle; Affiliate Clinical Faculty, Bastyr University, Kenmore Madeline Wiley, MSN, ARNP, FAANP..............................AM2, PM3 Managing Partner and Family Nurse Practitioner, FamilyCare of Kent, Kent; Affiliate Instructor, UWSON Afton Williamson, DNP, ARNP............................................AM2, PM3 Nurse Practitioner, FamilyCare of Kent, Kent Teri Moser Woo, PhD, CPNP, ARNP, FAANP................................ C6 Associate Dean for Graduate Nursing Programs, Pacific Lutheran University, Tacoma; Pediatric Primary Care, Kaiser Permanente, Portland, OR Brian Wood, MD........................................................................................E3 Assistant Professor of Medicine, Division of Allergy and Infectious Disease, UWMC and HMC; Medical Director, Northwest AIDS Education Training Center ECHO HIV Telehealth Program, Seattle Catherine Woodard................................................................................. A1 Chief Investigator, Nursing Care Quality Assurance Commission, Health Services Quality Assurance, WA State Department of Health, Olympia Martha Worcester, PhD, ARNP..........................................................G1 Advanced Practice Advisor, Nursing Care Quality Assurance Commission, WA State Department of Health, Olympia; Nurse Practitioner, United Health Group Bruce Wyllie, ARNP.................................................................................G3 Nurse Practitioner, Vascular Surgery, VAPSHCS HMC=UW Medicine/Harborview Medical Center, Seattle • Seattle Children’s=Seattle Children’s Hospital, Seattle • UW=University of Washington, Seattle UWMC=UW Medicine/UW Medical Center, Seattle • UWSOM=UW School of Medicine, Seattle • UWSON=UW School of Nursing, Seattle VAPSHCS=VA Puget Sound Health Care System, Seattle • VMMC=Virginia Mason Medical Center, Seattle UWCNE • PH: 206-543-1047 • FAX: 206-543-6953 • WEB: • EMAIL: 13 P r of e ss i o n a l C r e d i t V i s i t o r I n fo r mat i o n Nurse Practitioners and Nurses Plan a Trip to Seattle! Contact hours: Up to 20.6 contact hours will be awarded for Thursday-Saturday. • Thursday only = 6.8 • Friday only = 7.8 • Saturday only = 6.0 for two half-day workshops or one full-day workshop; 3.0 for one half-day workshop Pharmacology: Up to 16.0 contact hours in pharmacology are available during the conference. “Rx” designates sessions which meet Washington State guidelines for pharmacology at the advanced practice level. • Continuing Nursing Education at the University of Washington School of Nursing (UWCNE) is accredited as a provider of continuing nursing education by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation (ANCC). • UWCNE is approved as a clock hour provider by the Washington State Board of Education. • Provider is accredited by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider #07218, for 20.6 contact hours. Seattle has a very active calendar of theater, music, festival and sporting events. Plan ahead and make the most of your time during your conference stay. You can find area attractions and a list of things to do at these websites: The hotel and conference center are centrally located near the historic Pike Place Market, Seattle Art Museum, Space Needle, Experience Music Project, Seattle Center, Fifth Avenue Theatre, Paramount Theatre and a host of other exciting attractions, restaurants and shopping centers. Location Information Washington State Convention Center (WSCC) Certified Nurse Midwives 800 Convention Place Seattle, WA 98101-2350 All sessions are approved for AMA PRA Category 1 CreditTM Continuing Medical Education credit. (See Physicians below.) Registration for AMA PRA Category 1 CreditTM will be available at the conference for an additional fee of $40 payable to University of Washington Continuing Medical Education. Directions and parking information are on the back cover. Pediatric Nurse Practitioners WSCC’s meeting and event space offers function and beauty, award-winning catering services, a commitment to sustainability and a LEED certified eco-friendly design. The WSCC is located right in the heart of downtown with easy access to I-5, convenient parking, the airport light rail link and the many great things Seattle has to offer. Physicians and Physician Assistants Hotel Information The National Certification Board of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners and Nurses (NCBPNP/N) recognizes contact hours awarded by programs accredited by the American Nurses Credentialing Center. Registration for AMA PRA Category 1 CreditTM will be available at the conference for an additional fee of $40 payable to University of Washington Continuing Medical Education. • This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the Essential Areas and policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education through the joint providership of the University of Washington School of Medicine and the UWCNE. The University of Washington School of Medicine is accredited by the ACCME to provide continuing medical education for physicians. • The University of Washington Continuing Medical Education designates this live activity for a maximum of 18.0 AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. Sheraton Seattle Hotel 1400 Sixth Avenue • Seattle, WA 98101 • 206-621-9000 For Reservations: Website: Visit to go directly to the hotel discount link. Phone: 888-627-7056 • Local: (206) 447-5547 Mention Group Code: UW Nursing Reservations must be made by September 19, 2014. Group rate of $147 single/double plus 15.6% tax and mandatory local assessment. Rate includes complimentary in-room high speed internet access. Rate does not include parking. Traditional single/double room includes non-smoking, sweet sleeper bed, city view, complimentary high-speed internet, 32 inch flat screen LCD TV. Extra person: $25 per person (triple/quad). Psychologists and Social Workers This offering meets requirements for 20.5 clock hours. UWCNE qualifies as a Washington State CE program sponsor under WAC 246-924-240(1) for psychologists and WAC 246-809-610 for social workers and counselors. School Nurses UWCNE is an approved clock hour provider in Washington State. This offering meets requirements for 20.5 clock hours. 14 UWCNE • PH: 206-543-1047 • FAX: 206-543-6953 • WEB: • EMAIL: Pacific Northwest 37 th Annual National Conference Thursday-Saturday October 9-11, 2014 Advanced Practice Conf. #14130-C 20.6 contact hours • 16.0 R x hours In Primary And Acute Care ⏩ Register online at! Registration Information ⏩ How to Register 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Washington State Convention Center Seattle, Washington New this year! Online registration only. Register online at the conference portal, Log in or create a new profile. Pick the concurrent sessions you wish to attend. After checkout, you will have access to speaker handouts as they become available after Sept. 19, 2014. After the conference, you will be able to fill out an evaluation online and print your own certificate. ⏩ Need Help with Registration? Email UWCNE at or call us at 206-543-1047. ⏩ Registration fees Early registration is advised. Enrollment for some concurrent sessions and Saturday workshops may be limited. Student and UW faculty discounts are not available for Saturday workshops. Registration fees include tuition, web access to handouts and access to exhibits and continental breakfast on Thursday and Friday. Onsite registrations will be accepted on a space available basis. Thursday-Friday, Oct 9-10 Individual Rate Student Rate* One day........................................................................... $295..............................$148 Two days......................................................................... $425..............................$213 Saturday, Oct 11 One half day workshop (am or pm)......................... $175..............................NA Two half day workshops (am & pm)........................ $295..............................NA Full day workshop....................................................... $295 .............................NA *Student Rate: Price for current students. Must bring valid student ID. CNMs, PAs, MDs: Optional registration for AMA PRA Category 1 CreditTM is available for $40. See Professional Credit information on page 14 for more details. Contact Us University of Washington • Continuing Nursing Education (UWCNE) Box 359440, Seattle, WA 98195-9440 • PH: 206-543-1047 • FAX: 206-543-6953 • EMAIL: • WEB: Refund Policy If you register but are unable to attend, you may send a substitute or obtain a refund less $50 for handling by submitting a written request to UWCNE by email at prior to the conference. Saturday Workshops: Due to the popularity of workshops and limited workshop enrollment, no refunds for workshops will be granted after Oct 8, 2014. Substitutes will be accepted at all times. Speaker Handouts, Evaluation and Certificates at UWCNE.ORG • • Log in to your account at to access session handouts. They will be available online from Sept. 19, 2014 - July 27, 2015. After the conference, log in to your account at to fill out the online evaluation and print your own certificate of attendance. Power and Internet Access Power outlets are not available in the conference rooms. Wireless internet is limited to public areas of the convention center only. UWCNE • PH: 206-543-1047 • FAX: 206-543-6953 • WEB: • EMAIL: 15 Box 359440 Seattle, WA 98195-9440 U n i v e rs i t y o f W as h i n g t o n S c h o o l o f N urs i n g Advanced Practice in Primary and Acute Care Thursday-Saturday • October 9-11, 2014 Washington State Convention Center • Seattle, Washington This project is supported in part by funds from the Division of Nursing (DN), Bureau of Health Professions (BHPr), Health Resources Services Administration (HRSA), Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) under grant number D62HP24194, Comprehensive Geriatric Education Program for $808.663; UD7HP26051, Medically Underserved IPCP for $1,487,011; and D09HP25917, Integrated Mental Health: IPE Infrastructure Development in DNP Education for $1,099,499. The Information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by the DN, BHPr, DHHS, or the U.S. Government. Disability Accommodation The University of Washington is committed to providing access, equal opportunity and reasonable accommodation in its services, programs, activities, education and employment for individuals with disabilities. To request disability accommodation, contact the Disability Services Office at least ten days in advance of the conference at: 206-543-6450/V, 206-543-6452/TTY, 206-685-7264 FAX, or Driving and Parking Directions Washington State Convention Center 800 Convention Place (8th Ave and Pike St), Seattle, WA 98101 You must pay a parking fee when you leave at the automated pay stations or at the central cashier kiosk located on level 3 of the garage entrance. FROM I-5 NORTHBOUND and I-90 WESTBOUND • Interstate 5 Northbound • Madison Street exit (#164A) takes you to 7th Avenue • Right on Madison Street • Left on 8th Avenue • Continue past Seneca Street on 8th Avenue • Garage entrance is on your right FROM I-5 SOUTHBOUND • Stewart Street exit (#166) • Left on Boren Avenue • Continue on Boren Avenue to Seneca Street • Right on Seneca Street • Right on 8th Avenue • Garage entrance is on your right
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