
The BuzZ at BZ
News From B’nai Zion Congregation in Shreveport, LA
From Rabbi Jana
When you see someone yawn, how likely are you to need to yawn
too? Research shows that about half of adults yawn after someone
else yawns due to a universal phenomenon called “contagious yawning.” Being tired is a primary
reason that people will spontaneously yawn, but it may not matter that you are not even tired – if you
see someone yawn, you may be next. Sometimes even just looking at a picture of someone yawning – or
maybe just reading this paragraph is enough for you to “catch” the need to yawn.
Contagious Judaism
There seems to be a similar contagious condition when it comes to laughing or giggling. You have no
doubt seen situations when just seeing or hearing someone laugh will make others around them laugh –
even when they have no idea what was so funny that got the first person going. There are devices that
take advantage of how contagious laughter is – like Giggle Sticks, and boxes with buttons that produce
a variety of guffaws and giggles that are irresistible, and cause most people of any age to laugh along.
In Jewish tradition there is a saying: Mitzvah goreret mitzvah; Aveirah goreret aveirah. Doing a Mitzvah
leads to doing mitzvot; Transgressions leads to other transgressions. While yawns and giggles are
mostly contagious between different people, mitzvot and aveirot can be “contagious” for each individual
- or they can spread to other people. For example, if someone does something they should not do,
usually the next thing is having to tell lies to cover it up. Spending time with people who do bad things
makes it easier to choose to do bad things.
More important is that mitzvot lead to mitzvot. We come to High Holy Day services, and something in
the service really inspires us. We get motivated to do all kinds of good things: stay in touch with friends
more, learn or practice Hebrew, sing more, really find ways to improve yourself and the world around
I love that right after we experience the solemnity and the fasting – and the mitzvot – of Yom Kippur,
we immediately enjoy Sukkot. It gives us an official opportunity to be thankful (it is the holiday that
American Thanksgiving is based on). It is also a wonderful time of the year to be sitting outside for a
while each day – listening to the sounds around us, smelling the air – it makes the food taste better, and
the company more precious when we have someone to share in the mitzvah.
This month we seem to have no time for yawning, since the holy days are one after another. The last
one is the one filled with laughter, dancing, and celebrating – with the Torah at Simchat Torah.
We don’t want contagious colds or viruses, but like a contagious sneeze,
mitzvot can be really effective “God Bless You” moments. Keep them coming.
L’shanah Tovah Tikateivu v’tichateimu: May you be inscribed and sealed for
a great new year.
Rabbi Dr. Jana L. De Benedetti
B’nai Zio n
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October 2014/T is hr i~Ches hvan 5775
From our President, Donald Posner
Once again, the Board of B’nai Zion and I would like to wish
you a happy and healthy new year as we prepare to observe
Yom Kippur. I hope that these days of atonement are a
meaningful time of self-reflection. It was great to see all of
our regulars at services as well as those who regularly attend
the High Holy Days. Many thanks to Rabbi Jana for her
preparations. Her efforts make our services so special and
expressive. I trust our morning Rosh Hashanah service in the
new sanctuary was especially meaningful to all of us present.
Our building is over 50 years old and is feeling its age. Not a week goes by
without problems or issues with the air, plumbing, electricity or the grounds.
Please thank Gary Abrams and Brett Lake who head up your building and
grounds committee. Their job is so thankless.
Many thanks to all of you have responded to the most recent letter regarding
the renovation of the sanctuary and donor wall. It is still not too late! Final
pledges and donor wall plaque requests are due by Yom Kippur.
We have several important events in the near future including Bar and Bat
Mitzvahs. Please share their importance to
our young people by attending these events.
B’nai Zion Board of Trustees
As always read your bulletin and/or check
online to see what’s happening at B’nai Zion.
Donald Posner
Vice President
Gary Abrams
Todd Muslow
Kathy Plante
Past President
Craig Toys
Bethany Sorkey
Joe Badt, Jr.
Larry Evensky
Rochelle Goldsholl
Marla Hyman
Randolph Kallenberg
Brett Lake
Ann Maxey
Charlton Meyer
Anna Myers
Jerald Perlman
Barry Suckle
Shalom Y’all,
October 2014/T is hr i~Ches hvan 5775
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B’nai Zio n
From our Educator
With Yom Kippur just a few days away, we know that Sukkot and Simchat Torah are
also around the corner. Sukkot in the month of October, along with a beautiful and
roomy outdoor Sukkah, makes sharing a meal in the sukkah so inviting. I hope you will
take advantage of the opportunity to invite family and friends to picnic with you from
October 8-15. We can even leave tables and chairs accessible to you, especially if you
tell us which night you are coming. The sukkah is also a great place for an after-school
snack! Please join us to decorate the sukkah on Sunday afternoon, October 5 at 5:00
p.m. We need older students to put the pine branches on and younger students to put up
decorations. There will be NO Religious School in the morning (it’s the day after Yom
Kippur), but this late afternoon event counts as a day of Religious School. Please come –
and bring grocery bags filled with non-perishable food items for the Northwest LA Food Bank.
Our fall holidays remind us that we have entered into a new season and a new year, with fresh
opportunities for personal and congregational growth. Jewish memories are made at celebrations like
Simchat Torah, so please plan to be with us Friday evening, October 17 as we read the last chapter of
Devarim (Deuteronomy) and the opening chapter of Beresheet (Genesis). As we do every year, we will
link ourselves to our rich heritage by consecrating the children in our K-5 Religious School class. What
could be more beautiful than watching them stand beneath a tallit held by their parents as they recite the
Shema together? All the children who are there will get to march around the sanctuary, singing and sharing
the honor of carrying the Torah scrolls.
By the way, you can always access our bulletins online at www.bnaizioncongregation.org. Rabbi Jana has
worked hard to give us a website that is both informative and fun to explore. If you haven’t looked at it
lately, do it now. In addition, Alison Bath is the energetic and creative administrator of the Religious
School Facebook page. If you aren’t yet a fan, please join us and check the page often. Alison posts news,
links to resources, and yes, wonderful photos of your kids. We share your concerns about safety on the
internet, so we post the pictures without names.
On Sunday, October 26 we will have our very popular Blessing of the Animals. It always corresponds with
the Torah portion, Noach (the story of Noah and the Flood – and the Ark and the animals). Students come
to Religious School at 9:30 without their pets, and parents return with the animals at 11:30.
The Religious School year is off to an excellent start. I am grateful to the faculty for the joy, enthusiasm
and creativity they bring to our school. I am grateful to the parents who always say yes when I call for
help. We are a small school, but large numbers are not as important as a large commitment. Here is my
challenge for the fall holiday season: Let us all take one concrete step toward becoming more involved in
our community embracing our Judaism through study and worship and acts of lovingkindness.
Helaine Braunig
We proudly
B’nai Zio n
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October 2014/T is hr i~Ches hvan 5775
Simcha Shabbat
Please join us each month when we bless and honor those who will be
celebrating a birthday or anniversary during the month. If your
birthday or anniversary is in October we will celebrate and honor you
October 10, 2014 during services. We will have a special Oneg Shabbat
following services. Note the date change because the first Shabbat of the
month is Yom Kippur this year.
If your birthday or anniversary is in November your Simcha Shabbat
will be the second week in October: November 7, 2014 (not Yom Kippur).
It is a mitzvah for us to celebrate together.
Please make sure that the office knows your birthday and anniversary
dates. If you are not on our birthday and anniversary list in the
bulletin, it means we do not have your information.
North Louisiana Jewish Federation
The Federation office will be open from 9:30 a.m. – noon on the Sundays religious school is
in session.
Please stop by and visit. The Executive Director is also in the office during the week. If you
need to see or speak with Kathy during the week please call in advance to arrange a time.
The Federation telephone number is 868-1200.
Children’s High Holy Day Services
We have High Holy Days Children's Services for
pre-readers led by Rabbi Jana beginning 12:15 PM
following adult services.
We hope that offering these services helps to satisfy the
spiritual needs of our children during the High Holy Days.
Babysitting will be available for children during adult
services, but children are always welcome at the regular
services. It is very helpful if you let us know at least three
days in advance that you plan to use the babysitting
services, and tell us how many children and their ages, so that
we can be properly prepared.
, L’Shanah Tovah T’kateivu!
May Y’all Be Inscribed for a Good Year!!
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B’nai Zio n
Blessing of Animals
The day after we read in the Torah about gathering animals in Noah’s Ark, the
Rabbi will bless our animals, during Religious School, Sunday, October 26,
at 11:30 AM.
Please be responsible for your pet: provide leashes, carriers, collars with ID tags,
appropriate cleanup equipment, etc. You know what you need to keep it safe.
The animals lived together in the Ark for many weeks — we can have ours get
along for a brief service, blessing, and “Meet and Greet.” If you can’t bring your
pet, bring a photo, and we can bless it anyway.
In the Beginning: Take Time for Torah
We read, discuss, and study the whole Torah portion by portion every
year. We begin with the start of Genesis on October 18. This is a great
opportunity to start at the beginning. You don’t have to come every
week, but you will not be sorry if you do.
Torah study is 9:45-11:00 AM on Saturday mornings. You don’t need to
know Hebrew. You don’t have to have your own book (we have enough
for everyone). You don’t have to study ahead of time. People who study
with us say it is their favorite time of the week.
And of course, we have refreshments.
Jewish Trivia
Question: What is the next Jewish holiday after Simchat Torah?
Answer: Shabbat. The next Jewish holiday other than Shabbat is Chanukah,
which begins December 16 this year.
October is “Look for a Purim Costume Month”
There seems to be an awfully large selection of Purim costumes in all the stores this
Since Purim is one of the most fun holidays we celebrate, it is nice to plan ahead.
Purim may be months away, but it seems like a good time to be thinking about what your
costume will be. Or perhaps if you wait until just after October, you can get a bargain.
Fasting and Feeding / Teshuvah and Tzedakah
We CAN Make a Difference:
Remember to bring the meals that you would have eaten for Yom Kippur as a donation for
the Shreveport area food bank. Please bring non-perishable, non-expired food to place in
the bins that will be at B’nai Zion from Yom Kippur through the end of Sukkot. On Yom
Kippur as we fast for a day, we become more aware of the needs of those who never have
enough food. On Sukkot we are aware of the harvest of good food that we enjoy, and we
realize that we have a responsibility to help provide for those who are less fortunate. Start your new year with a
mitzvah with simple act of tzedakah. Together, we CAN make a difference.
B’nai Zio n
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October 2014/T is hr i~Ches hvan 5775
Garrett Brainis Bar Mitzvah
Please join us
As we celebrate
The occasion of
Garrett Brainis
Being called to The Torah
As a Bar Mitzvah
Friday evening, October 24, 2014
6 o’clock in the evening
B’nai Zion Congregation
Southfield Road, Shreveport
Oneg Shabbat Dinner following service
Amy and David Brainis
Yom Kippur is The Holiest Day of the Year
Yom Kippur is the holiest day of the year--the day
on which we are closest to God and to the
quintessence of our own souls. It is the Day of
Atonement--"For on this day He will forgive you, to
purify you, that you be cleansed from all your sins
before God" (Leviticus 16:30).
For nearly twenty-six hours--from several minutes
before sunset to after nightfall the next day -- we "afflict our souls": we
abstain from food and drink, do not wash or anoint our bodies, do not wear
leather footwear, and abstain from marital relations.
By abstaining from food and drink, we exercise control over our bodies and
do not give in to our most basic impulses. This provides a way to feel the
"affliction" that the Torah mandates.
The day is the most solemn of the year, yet an undertone
of joy suffuses it: a joy that revels in the spirituality of the
day and expresses the confidence that God will accept our
repentance, forgive our sins, and seal our verdict for a year
of life, health and happiness. The concluding service
climaxes in the resounding cries of "Hear O Israel... God is
one," followed by a single long blast of the shofar, followed
by the proclamation, "Next year in Jerusalem." We then
partake of a festive Break-Fast.
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B’nai Zio n
People of the Book Club
The first meeting of the year for our People of the Book Club will be
Oct. 14 at 7:00 PM. We will meet in the Sukkah, and enjoy some wine
and cheese as we discuss books we read over the summer, and plan
what we will be reading and discussing the next few months.
Please consider joining us if you like good books and good
conversation. We don’t always have wine and cheese at our meetings -but it isn’t usually Sukkot when we meet.
The BZ Bibliophiles
Save the Date: Taylor Rosen Bat Mitzvah
Please join us
As we celebrate
The occasion of
Taylor Rosen
Being called to The Torah
As a Bat Mitzvah
Saturday, November 8, 2014
10:30 in the morning
Kiddush Luncheon following service
B’nai Zion Congregation
Southfield Road, Shreveport
Maurie and Lane Rosen
Decorate the B’nai Zion Sukkah
Sunday, October 5, please join us as the Religious School decorates and finishes the Sukkah.
We will meet at 5:00 PM at B’nai Zion. Religious School will not be meeting that morning so
that we can all rest after a day of fasting and be ready to decorate the Sukkah in the afternoon.
There will also be food and fun.
Simchat Torah and Consecration
Friday, October 17 at 6 PM: We will be having our Simchat Torah celebration as
well as our Consecration of kindergarten (K-5) students.. We will have familyfriendly services, where everyone gets a chance to carry a Torah and dance around
the sanctuary. We will have special blessings and Torah scrolls for our new
kindergarten students.
B’nai Zio n
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October 2014/T is hr i~Ches hvan 5775
High Holy Day Schedule 5775
Yom Kippur
Kol Nidre / Evening: 7:30 PM Friday, October 3
Morning: 10:00 AM Saturday, October 4
Children Service: 12:30-1:00 PM Saturday, October 4
Study Session: 1:15-2:15 PM Saturday, October 4
Afternoon Service: 2:30 PM Saturday, October 4
Yizkor / Memorial, and Concluding Services: begin
approximately 3:30 PM
B’nai Zion Congregational Break Fast following Yom
Kippur Concluding service.
Decorate the Sukkah 5:00 PM Sunday, October 5
Religious School meets at 5:00 PM instead of 9:30 AM
Fun and food for all
Sukkot Morning Service 9:30 AM Thursday, October 9
Office is closed Thursday, October 9 in observance of Sukkot
Join Rabbi Jana in the Sukkah for dinner 6:00-7:00 PM
Wednesdays, October 8 and October 15
Yizkor / Simchat Torah Morning Service
Our second Yizkor service of the year occurs at the end
of Sukkot, 10:00 AM Thursday, October 16
Office is closed Thursday, October 16 in observance
of Simchat Torah
Simchat Torah / Consecration/ Shabbat Evening Service
Join us 6:00 PM Friday, October 17 for family-friendly service
and Consecration
 Tickets are not required to attend any B’nai Zion worship services. Donations are
always appreciated.
 Children’s Services are geared toward pre-readers and beginning readers and their
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B’nai Zio n
Let’s Break the Fast Together
We will Break our Yom Kippur Fast
Saturday, October 4th
at Our
B’nai Zion Reception
Yizkor and Concluding Services
With thanks to
Bethany Sorkey
The B’nai Zion Sisterhood Volunteers
Let’s Dance—Grab a Torah
Some books are so wonderful you don’t want them to
end. When we read Torah and we get to the end, we
immediately start at the beginning again. We are so
happy to have completed a year of reading the whole
Torah, and so excited to be beginning reading it again,
that we can’t help it — we have to dance!
At B’nai Zion, we usually only see one or two Torah
scrolls in our Ark during the year. At Simchat Torah, you will be amazed at how many
Torah scrolls come out to dance.
Everyone who wants to gets a chance to carry a Torah around the sanctuary — even
children (although theirs are more huggable than the grown-up Torah scrolls). Some
people march, some people really dance, some people clap and watch. Our youngest
members see their parents carrying the scrolls and dancing. Our oldest members see how
their efforts to pass down the Torah to the next generations are succeeding.
Please join our joyous celebration Friday, October 17 beginning at 6:00 PM.
After the serious Holy Days at the beginning of the month, it is wonderful to end the
month of holidays with joy and music.
B’nai Zio n
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October 2014/T is hr i~Ches hvan 5775
Open House
Come eat in the Sukkah during Sukkot -any time during the week of Sukkot October 9 -15.
If you want a Lulav Shake
(no- it’s not a drink)
let Rabbi Jana know, and she will set it up for you.
Rabbi Jana invites you to bring your own meal
to the B’nai Zion Sukkah and join her for ’
Dinner with the Rabbi’
(weather permitting)
Wednesdays, October 8 and 15
6 - 7 p.m.
Smithsonian Exhibit Comes to Marshall, Tx
October 7 Geraldine Zelinsky, Audrey Kariel, and Rabbi Jana will be
part of a Smithsonian Institution traveling exhibition presentation about
how people came to and settled across America.
Journey Stories, the Smithsonian Institution’s highly acclaimed
traveling exhibition accounting citizens’ travels to America, is coming
to the Arklatex this month. Images, audio and artifacts will be
exhibited to tell the individual stories that illustrate the critical roles
travel and movement have played in building the nation’s diverse
society. The exhibit, which will be available for free viewing at the
Harrison County Historical Museum from Sept. 22 through Nov. 2
Monday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Lunch topics on local journey stories will be conducted weekly from 11 a.m. to noon at Central Perks, inside
the Weisman Center. Attendees at the event will be able to purchase a lunch and listen to oral histories on
local journeys to Harrison County. Reservations are suggested for the lunch, because space is limited.
Audrey Kariel, former Marshall mayor and a historian on Jewish history; Geraldine Zelinsky, a genealogical
researcher, will speak about Jewish stories of immigration to this area, and Rabbi Jana will do a special
musical presentation for the lunch topic on October 7.
The Weisman
211 North Washington
3rd Floor
Marshall, TX
Book reservations for the October 7 lunch event by Friday, October 3 by calling 903.935.8417x1 or
hchminfo@gmail.com. Go to harrisoncountymuseum.org for more information.
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B’nai Zio n
M a z e l To v
 Cole Evensky earned a Scholar with Distinction award in his AP tests. He is the
son of Lory and Larry Evensky.
 Benjamin S. Maxey has been named a national Merit Scholarship finalist. He is
the son of Ann and Pat Maxey.
 Yale Rosen earned a Scholar with Honor Award on his AP exams. He is the son
of Maurie and Lane Rosen.
 Noah B. Sorkey has been named a national Merit Scholarship finalist. He is the
son of Bethany and Alan Sorkey.
 Jacob Clark Pepin was born to Becky and Scott Pepin. He is the grandson of
Guss and Betsy Ginrsburg, and the sixth great-grandchild of Carol Ginsbug
 Lindsey Toys is engaged to Walter Gaskin. She is the daughter of Georgette & Craig Toys, and the
granddaughter of Bonnie Glazer and Alvin Toys..
October Birthdays
1 Mandel Selber Jr.
2 Jacques Wiener, III
3 Andrew Meyer
3 Breck Myers
4 Charlton Meyer III
5 Steven Bayer
5 Carolyn Murov
5 Caroline Muslow Mayence
7 Ainsley Toys Rutkowski
9 Elliott Goldman
10 Nancy Abrams
10 Kathryn Wiener
12 William Braunig, Jr.
12 Karen Gordon
13 Debbie Caminker
14 Caroline Kaufman
15 Avery Brainis
15 Leah Caminker
16 Laura Sorkey
16 Lindsey Toys
21 Ivy Haas
21 Katie Muslow
22 Marcia Katzenstein
23 Michael Somer
26 John Wiener
27 Donald Posner
29 David Haas
30 Brice Lepow
31 Anne Baskind
We give thanks for life, for health, for all that sustains us, and for this joyous day.
October Anniversaries
7 Laura and Ron Holman
17 Michelle and Steven Bayer
25 Melissa and Scott Gillum
If you are not on the above list for current birthdays or anniversaries
it means that the office does not have your information.
Please provide the office with the appropriate month, date, and year to complete our data.
B’nai Zio n
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October 2014/T is hr i~Ches hvan 5775
Kenneth Pittman
Mr. and Mrs. Abry Cahn, Jr.
Sylvia Katz
Barry H. Spizer
Charles and Joey Black
Mr. and Mrs. Abry Cahn, Jr.
Central La. Surgical Hospital
Dan Cohn
Elaine Lieber
Gilbreath, Burns & Smathers
Isabel & Alen Siegal
Mr. and Mrs. John Jerome Hanaw
Judith & John Rozier
Elaine Levin
William Levinson
Susan Murov
Vivian Murov
Kathleen Plante
Lynn & Armand Roos
Sue & David Rubenstein
Flo Selber
Mr. & Mrs. Sam Aronson
Bruce Meltzer
Helen Weisman
Carolyn Murov
Betty & Len Goldman
Lionel Eltis
Vivian Murov
B’nai Zion Congregation
Elenrae Joyner
Albert Katzenstein
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Abrams and Family
Betty Grant
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Abrams and Family
Bronna W. Harris
Ansel Harris
Kenneth Pittman
Purtle & Associates L.C,
Lou Lewis
Betty & Len Goldman
Nell Ellis
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Abrams and Family
Barbara Werner Cullick
Charles Kesilman
Shirley Eltis
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Abrams and Family
Sylvia Katz
Dr. Alan and Joan Wolchansky
Mr. Alex and Irene Wolchansky
Mr & Mrs. Kenneth Chapman
Stacy & Kevin Brown
Gloria Meyer
In Memory of:
Sylvia Katz
Sherilyn & David Bird
While care was taken to compile these lists, errors may have occurred. If you notice any omissions,
misspellings, or names in the incorrect category, please accept our apologies and notify the office so that we may correct our records.
Please note that donations made after the bulletin deadline will appear in the next month’s bulletin.
Candle and Kiddush Blessers
October 2014/T is hr i~Ches hvan 5775
Erev Yom Kippur
Simchat Torah/Consecration/Yizkor
Brainis Family
Tammy Courtney and Sam Silverblatt
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B’nai Zio n
Evelyn Kern
Ruth Lewis
Kenneth Pittman
Carol Ann Delgado
Debra and Alan Freyer
Cousin Helen Lansburgh
Elaine Levin
William Levinson
Ruth Lewis
Martha Ann & Bill Bigler
Hinda Muslow
Randy Davis
Lynn & Armand Roos
Helen Weisman
Leonard J. Cibley, M.D.
Jared and Amanda Cibley
Sylvia Katz
Ruth Lewis
In Honor of:
B’nai Zion Congregation
Karen & Ronald Davis
Bob Susman
Helaine & Bill Braunig
Evelyn Kern
Bobbye Goodman
Elaine Levin
Laurie and Steven Levine
Vivian Murov
Helen Weisman
Shirley Eltis
Helaine & Bill Braunig
Susan Murov
Sylvia Katz
Henry Brenner
Helaine & Bill Braunig
Debra and Alan Freyer
Laurie and Steven Levine
Stephanie Newell, Lissa Marcus, Jay Marcus
Margaret RifkinI
Karen & Bob Gordon
Sylvia Rosenzweig
Nancy & Gary Abrams & Family
Helen P. Katzenstein
Frances & Donald Zadeck
Evelyn Kern
Dorothy &Bernard Lobel
Dr. and Mrs. Donald Posner
Kenneth Pittman
Katherine Blewett
Dr. and Mrs. Donald Posner
Sylvia Katz
Dorothy & Bernard Lobel
Dr. and Mrs. Donald Posner
Shirley Eltis
Susan Murov
Sylvia Katz
Karen & Bob Gordon
Lynn Schmulen
Margaret Rifkin
Sylvia Katz
B’nai Zion Schedules
Shabbat Schedule
Friday Evening Service - 6:00 PM
Saturday Torah Study - 9:45 AM
Saturday Morning Service - 11:00 AM
B’nai Zio n
Office Hours
Monday through Friday 9 AM-2 PM
No Business on Shabbat or Holidays
Call for appointment to meet with the Rabbi
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October 2014/T is hr i~Ches hvan 5775
September 28-October 4
Jennie Abramson
Augusta G. Brenner *
Rosabel C. Cahn *
Max Dover *
Frances Feinberg
Melvin Goldberg *
John Miller
Neal Nierman *
Anna Pincus
Max Rosenbloom
Lee Segall
Herbert Seligman
S.S. Weisman
David B. Weisman, Sr.
Doris L. Zuzak *
October 5-11
Ed Anderson
Simon Ehrlich *
Benjamin M. Goodman
Claudia Goodman
Ann Grunes
Niki Haas
Dorothy Ruth Spring Heller *
Dr. Arthur A. Herold, Jr.
Libby Shapiro Lipson
Esther Lobel *
Louis Rosenfield
Samuel Willer
May Their Memories
Be A Blessing
October 12-18
Asher C. Braunig *
Abe Cooperstein *
Mrs. Isaac Erbesfield
Jennie Fox
Julius Gamm
David H. Goldman
Raya Greenberg *
Philip Levy *
Rita K. Levy
Mr. Martin J. Lewis *
Charles Lipsen
Max Maritzky *
Bessie Pliner *
Charlene Udes Richstone *
Leo Schlinsky
Mrs. L. Samuel Siegel
Etha Silverblatt
Louis Suckle
Max Toys
Dr. Len Udes
October 19-25
Louis Abramson, Jr.
Nannette Smith Baron
Edward H. Blumberg
Jules Loeb Fogel, Jr.
Bebe Frey
Sally Goodman
Jacob Haas
Leo Holland
Albert Katzenstein *
Sophie Laudenheimer
Flora Loeb
Sanford Martin Morris
Israel Mowerman
Leonard Phillips *
Rae Kreisman Selber *
Stan Shaw
Jake Vedlitz
Israel Weinstein *
Morton Winkler
Sally Zell
* Memorial Plaque
October 26-November 1
Janice Atkinson
Jesse Lewis Baker
Joy G. Baskind *
Janice Levy Brenner *
Mrs. Gloria Meisel Greenberg
Harry H. Kelly *
Lilyan Goldman Kreitchman
Fred Miller
Meyer Morris
Janice Muslow *
Sallye Abramson Schuster
Ida S. Sklar *
Bertha Wagner
Lazarus Willer *
Therese S. Willer *
The tradition at B’nai Zion is to say Kaddish on the Shabbat following the Yahrzeit. If the anniversary of your loved
one’s death is on a Wednesday, for example, we would read their name on the Friday and Saturday following that
Wednesday. Did you know that we can remember the Yahrzeit according the Hebrew or English date of death?
May God Console:
Family and Friends of
[ Robert Louis Rosenfield, husband of Betsy
May His Memory Be A Blessing
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B’nai Zio n
October 2014 / Tishri~Cheshvan 5775
7th of Tishri
8th of Tishri
9th of Tishri
Erev Yom
11th of Tishri
12th of Tishri 7
13th of Tishri 8
18th of Tishri
14th of Tishri 9
Erev Sukkot
15th of Tishri 10
Service 9:30
10th of Tishri
Yom Kippur
6:38 4
16th of Tishri 11
17th of Tishri
Exod. 33:12-34:26
Ezek. 38:18-39:7
Service 6 PM
Torah Study 9:45 AM
Service 11 AM
6:29 4
6:31 4
13 19th of Tishri 14 20th of Tishri 15 21st of Tishri 16 22nd of Tishri 17 23rd of Tishri
18 24th of
Simchat Torah
Shmini Atzeret
Gen :1-6:8
10:00 AM
Isaiah 42:5-43:10
Torah Study 9:45 AM
Service 11 AM
Service 6 PM
6:23 4
19 25th of Tishri
26th of Tishri 21
27th of Tishri 22
6:30 PM
6:21 4
28th of Tishri 23
29th of Tishri 24
30th of Tishri 25 1st of Cheshvan
Garrett Brainis
Gen. 6:9-11:32
Bar Mitzvah
Isaiah 6:1-13, 23
Torah Study 9:45 AM
Service 11 AM
Service 6 PM
6:13 4
26 2nd of Cheshvan
Bless the
11:30 AM
Gen. 12:1-17:27
Isaiah 40:27-41:16
Torah Study 9:45 AM
Service 11 AM
Service 6 PM
6:06 4
B’nai Zio n
27 3rd of Cheshvan 28 4th of Cheshvan 29 5th of Cheshvan 30 6th of Cheshvan 31 7th of Cheshvan NOV 1 8th Cheshvan
Lech L’cha
Page 15
6:42 3
October 2014/T is hr i~Ches hvan 5775
B’nai Zion Congregation
245 Southfield Road
Shreveport, LA 71105-3608
(318) 861-2122 office
NEW: BnaiZionOffice@gmail.com
Rabbi Dr. Jana L. De Benedetti
Dr. Donald Posner, President
Helaine Braunig, Educator
Sheila Lawrence, Bulletin Editor
September to Remember
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is hr
Printing for helping
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