Dear Members of the Villanova College Community
Dear Members of the Villanova College Community
Dear Members of the Villanova College Community RE: 2015 COACH, MANAGER & OFFICIATING – NOMINATION FORM The Villanova Sports Department is currently seeking coaches, managers and officials for the Year 512 AIC sports program in 2015. In particular, we require the assistance of staff, parents, old boys and friends of the College to take on the many duties needed to ensure that every student has the opportunity to participate and enjoy all the benefits that playing sport provides as well as ensuring the ongoing growth and development of our sports program across all areas. Villanova’s success in sport is dependent upon many factors, one being the generosity of members within our community to give of their time and efforts in order to serve our students by taking on specific roles. These roles include; coach, manager, referee, umpire, scorer etc. If you are able to help out in any way, could you please complete the nomination form attached and return it to the College’s Sports Office as soon as possible using the details found below. Postal: Attention: Sports Department Villanova College PO Box 1166 COORPAROO DC 4151 Email: Sports Office Phone: 3394 5621 Sports Office Fax: 3394 5637 All forms received will be compiled into a database. Before each season commences a member of the Sports Office will contact those who have expressed an interest to assist. A final confirmation of commitment will be asked and further details will be given. I thank all those who were able to assist throughout 2014 and I invite those who would like to assist in 2015 to become involved for the benefit of our students and the College. You will no doubt find it rewarding and no experience is necessary. Thanking you in anticipation. Mr. Craig Stariha Villanova College Director of Sport VILLANOVA COLLEGE 2015 COACH, MANAGER & OFFICIATING - NOMINATION FORM Name: Association with the College: (please circle) Staff Member / Parent / Old Boy / Other Contact Information: (if applicable) Home Phone: Work Phone: Mobile: Email: Son’s Name: Son’s Year Level in 2015: AIC Sport – Includes students from Year 5-12. Teams are selected in Year Levels as of 2015 not age levels, excluding cross country, track & field, swimming. Rugby teams will be year levels from Year 5-8 then age levels from 14 years to Opens) I would like to be a: (please tick one or more) SPORT/ACTIVITY CIC & AIC unless specified Cricket Swimming Volleyball Cross Country Rugby Football Chess COACH MANAGER OFFICIATE Score, T/Keeper Referee/Umpire Villa Staff Villa Staff Villa Staff Tennis Basketball Track & Field Water Polo Please complete and return: or FAX: 3394 5637 Further Details - List Coaching Qualifications and Experience (if any): PREFERRED YEAR LEVEL/TEAM
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