Affinity Sutton Re: train - Resident grants programme Application Form and Guidelines


Affinity Sutton Re: train - Resident grants programme Application Form and Guidelines
Affinity Sutton
Re: train - Resident grants programme
Application Form and Guidelines
About the programme
Affinity Sutton is committed to supporting residents to access training, employment and further
These guidelines are for the ‘Re: train’ initiative. The programme enables residents to apply for a grant
to help them access training courses of their choice that will help them access future training and
employment opportunities.
The programme is being managed by The London Community Foundation, a grantmaking Foundation
that supports community activity. The Foundation will receive applications to the Programme, contact
applicants for further information if required, manage payments to successful applicants, and monitor
the impact of the grants awarded.
Who can apply?
Before starting this application form:
It is important that you contact your Affinity Sutton Employment Support Officer (ESO). If you do not
have an ESO please contact GuideLine who will register you for support. The will be able to provide
you with appropriate support and guidance.
To be eligible to apply for a grant you must fulfil both of the following criteria:
You are either a current Affinity Sutton resident or you are receiving tenancy support from
Affinity Sutton Supported Housing
You are either currently unemployed, at risk of redundancy or looking to change your career
Form 154 Version 1.1
What can I get a grant for?
You can apply for one of the following:
1. A grant of up to £250, to cover course fees up to NVQ Level 2 or equivalent qualification, for
course related equipment, materials or childcare whilst at a course. Please note that childcare
payments can only be made to registered childcare providers.
2. A grant of up to £1,000 for a course which is NVQ Level 3 or above, or an equivalent
3. If you wish to do Security Industry Authority Training (SIA), you can apply for up to £500 for a
package consisting of training course (usually £195), licence (£220) and a passport if needed
I have already received a grant, can I re-apply?
If you have already received a grant through the programme, you can re-apply for a grant towards
further training. You are able to receive a maximum of £1,000 towards training in one financial year.
The financial year is between 1st April and the 31st March.
In order to re-apply, you will need to have completed your first course, and have returned your short
feedback report to The London Community Foundation on the benefit of the training you’ve received.
Your new application will need to demonstrate progression, and you will need to show how you are
utilising the skills gained from your first course, to develop your career and access employment
How do I apply?
To apply for a grant, please complete the application form below and return to The London
Community Foundation by the 26th of each month. Please note, the last deadline for applications in
2014 is 26th November 2014 – there is no deadline for applications in December 2014. Deadlines for
2015 will be released in the autumn of 2014.
If you are applying for course-related equipment or materials, please include quotes or links to
websites with your application.
For help or advice with your application, please contact us as follows:
a) If you would like help in completing the application form or have any queries regarding the
programme, please contact The London Community Foundation on:
Telephone: 020 7582 5117
b) If you would like assistance in identifying a training course, please contact the GuideLine team
at Affinity Sutton on:
Telephone: 0300 100 0303
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What happens after I have applied?
Please keep a copy of your application form and these guidelines for reference. The guidelines contain
all of the details about the application process and when you will hear the result of your application.
Your application will be considered by The London Community Foundation, and we may contact you if
we need to gather any more information about your course. You will then hear whether your
application has been successful within 2 weeks of the application deadline.
If you are successful, you will need to claim your grant and start your course within 3 months of
receiving the grant offer in most cases. You will need to book your course with your chosen training
provider, and ask them to invoice The London Community Foundation. Payments will then be made
directly to course providers, with the exception of the following:
If the training provider requires courses to be booked and paid for online or payment by card
rather than invoice– LCF will make the booking
Where we are paying for SIA licences and passports, or where we are paying for course-related
equipment or materials, LCF will transfer the funds directly to the resident
You will need to complete your course within 12 months of receiving the grant offer, unless an
extended period has been agreed with The London Community Foundation. Failure to claim your grant
or to inform the London Community Foundation of any changes within the 3 months from the date of
the offer letter, will mean that your offer of a grant will be cancelled.
Monitoring and Evaluating the Grant
Monitoring and evaluating our grants enables us to better understand the impact of the grant and to
identify ways to improve Affinity Sutton’s future plans and services.
All successful candidates are expected to provide a short feedback report on how you have benefitted
from the training, within 6 weeks of completing your course, and no later than 13 months of receiving
the grant offer. The form will be provided when a grant has been awarded and should be returned to
The London Community Foundation.
We’d also like to encourage other residents to take up the Re: train grants on offer. We will ask you if
you are happy for your story to be featured in Affinity Sutton publications when returning your form.
Please note, there is no requirement for your story to be featured.
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Please complete all sections of the application form. Please type wherever possible. If the form is hand-written,
please make sure you write clearly using black ink.
1) Name: ___________________________________________________________________
Address : _____________________________________________________________
___________________________________________ Postcode _________________
Date of birth:____________
Telephone number: ________________________
E-mail: ________________________@________________________
a) Please confirm that you are either:
(i) An Affinity Sutton resident
(ii) Currently receiving tenancy support from
Affinity Sutton supported housing
b) Please provide the name of the Affinity Sutton member of staff who referred you to the programme
or is providing you with support – if you are not getting support from an Affinity Sutton ESO please
contact GuideLine so that they can register you (See application guidelines above for contact details).
Your application will not be considered without the support of an Affinity Sutton ESO.
c) Please confirm which of the following groups applies to you:
(i) Currently unemployed
(ii) At risk of redundancy
(iii) Would like to pursue a new career
Please outline any qualifications you already hold in the space below:
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Have you received any previous employment support or grant funding from Affinity Sutton? Yes 
If Yes, please state the project, service or grant funding you have previously accessed and when:
Name of the course you would like to attend/complete and the qualification
Please answer either question a) or b) about your course start and end dates:
If your course has a fixed start and end date, please provide these below:
Start date of course______/______/______
End date of course ______/_______/______
b) If it’s a rolling course, or a course you can complete in your own time, please provide details of
when you would ideally like to start and finish the course:
Anticipated Start date of course:______/______/______
Anticipated End date of course ______/_______/______
Cost of the course: £_______________
What level of qualification is the course?
NVQ level 3 or equivalent
NVQ level 4 or equivalent
NVQ level 5 or equivalent and above
Other qualification (please state details in the space
Below NVQ level 1
NVQ level 1 or equivalent
NVQ level 2 or equivalent
Name and address of college or training provider__________________________________
Telephone number of college or training provider:_________________________________
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No 
Please tell us why you would like to attend/complete this course. Please include details on how you think the
course will build on your existing skills, or give you new skills, and what impact this might have on you and
future career or employment opportunities. Please note, if you are applying for a grant of over £250, please
also tell us about your commitment to the course, particular if it requires study over a long-term period.
14) Please tell us how you will you use your new skills to access further training, employment opportunities or
develop your career path further, once you’ve completed the course. (maximum 300 words):
If the course is an NVQ Level 2 equivalent or below, and costs more than £250, please outline how you
will meet the outstanding amount (maximum 150 words):
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Please provide your bank details only if you are applying for course-related equipment or
materials, or if you are applying for a passport, CRB check or SIA licence.
Name of bank
Name of the account holder as it appears on
the bank account
Account Number
Sort Code
Account Reference/Roll number if you bank
with a Building Society - you will find the
reference number in your passbook. If you are
not sure, please contact your building society
to check.
We collect the following information for monitoring purposes only. You are not obliged to answer
these questions but it will help our work if you do so.
Do you consider yourself to have a health condition or disability?
No 
What is the nature of your health condition or disability?
Please indicate your ethnic origin below :
White – British
White – Irish
White – Other
Mixed – White and Black Caribbean
Mixed – White and Black African
Mixed – White and Asian
Mixed – Other
Asian or Asian British – Indian
Asian or Asian British - Pakistani
Asian or Asian British – Bangladeshi
Asian or Asian British – Other
Black or Black British – African
Black or Black British – Caribbean
Black or Black British – Other
Prefer not to say
Other (please specify below)
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If you are successful in your application for funding, the fees for the course will be paid directly to the training
provider as stated in your application. You will need to book the course directly with your training provider, and
ask them to invoice The London Community Foundation. The London Community Foundation will then pay the
provider directly. In the event that online bookings and payments are required by the provider, LCF will book
the course for you. This will be agreed when you are offered the grant.
The London Community Foundation will stay in contact with each beneficiary to ensure that all training
opportunities have been successfully completed. There may be occasions where we may ask that those receiving
funding for training from Affinity Sutton will be contacted for publicity purposes. This may involve having your
photo taken. If you are not happy to be contacted for this reason, please tick this box 
How information about you will be used:
Thank you for completing this application. The information which you supply us with will be treated with
confidentiality and only used to provide and improve Affinity Sutton’s services to you. Affinity Sutton and The
London Community Foundation may share this information with partner organisations, but only in relation to
services that are provided to you. Affinity Sutton operates a policy of equal opportunities in all aspects of their
work. For further details on how your personal information is used by Affinity Sutton, how they maintain the
security of your information, and your rights to access information they hold on you please take a look at their
Fair Processing Notice on their website or, contact Affinity Sutton by email at: or write to them at: PO Box 850, BR1 9BU to request a copy
Your declaration: I understand that Affinity Sutton and The London Community Foundation will use the
information I have provided to administer specific services to me and my household. As part of this, I understand
that Affinity Sutton and The London Community Foundation may share information about me and my household
with approved organisations responsible for supplying the additional community services above. I declare that I
am happy for the information I have provided on this form to be used for this purpose.
I confirm that the details in this application are accurate and correct to the best of my knowledge. I agree to
abide with the relevant terms and conditions including monitoring requirements with regard to the use of a
‘Re:train’ grant if I am successful in my application.
Amount applied for: £_____________
Print name: _______________________________
Signature: _________________________ Date ________/_______/______
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This form must be reviewed by an Affinity Sutton Manager before submission to
London Community Foundation:
Name (print): ____________________________
Job title: _________________________
Recommendation: ___________________________________________________________
Signed: ________________________________
Date: ____________
Please return your completed application to The London Community Foundation:
The London Community Foundation, Unit 7, Piano House, 9 Brighton Terrace, London, SW9 8DJ
Tel: 020 7582 5117
Registered Charity No. 1091263 & Company Ltd by Guarantee No. 4383269
Managing the fund on behalf of Affinity Sutton
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