Saint Andrew’s News
Saint Andrew’s News
October 2014 Saint Andrew’s News Saint Andrewʼs UMC The Rev. Brian Gordon, Pastor Elane Finley, Music Director REACH THE LOST, S Sherri Armstrong, Church Secretary NURTURE THE FAITHFUL, Amy Shelly, Youth Director BUILD GOD’S KINGDOM From the Pastor’s Desk: I was blessed, as many have been, with grandparents who loved and cared for me. I remember growing up spending weeks in the summer at their houses mainly playing with toys that they kept in the closets and bringing them out probably making a big mess. I remember a little pop up house in the shape of a tree with little people that we, my sister and I, could play with for hours. We’d endlessly take those little people and move them up and down and all around. We were at home. Tim Keller, writer of “The Prodigal God,” says that home is not a place but a relationship. There are any number of buildings we can call home, but they are so because of who is there. We felt at home as children in a number of places because we knew we were loved. We may call a town or city home because of who is there. We can be at home when with those we love and we ultimately, and most importantly, are to find that home in our relationship with God. Being the child of a pastor and now one myself, I’ve had a number of places that I’ve called home. No doubt some have been more so than others. What mattered the most to me was that when I walked through that door I knew I was safe, I felt secure and most of all I felt loved. I knew that no matter how cruel others may be or how insecure I may have felt otherwise I would be okay at home. Not everyone gets that blessing. Some children grow up without the benefit of parents who provide that safe shelter for them. Some may feel neglected and/or unloved. That’s not the way God intends us to live. He wants us to know that no matter what how we have been treated in the past, good or bad, we have a Heavenly Father who came down from heaven because he loves us. Jesus came not only to teach us how to live faithfully, but to give his own life for you and to bring you home. I’ve heard it said that if you were the only person on earth, Jesus still would have come and given his life for you. When we come to know how deeply loved we are by God, there is nothing in this world that can take that away. Circumstances may change all around us but if we know that never changing love of God there is nothing in this world that can take it away. When we know his deep love for us and that he has invited us into his eternal home, then we’ve found our home. Wherever you are, give thanks that no matter what the world throws at you, you have a home that can’t be taken away. See you on Sunday, Brian Children’s Sabbath Our annual Children’s Sabbath will be celebrated on October 12th, during our morning worship service, with the theme “Precious in God’s Sight.” Our church will collect children’s books (new and gently used) to be distributed to families through the Food Pantry. A container will be provided in the narthex for the books. The Children’s Choir, Kindergarten Choir, and Nursery II S.S. Class will sing on this day. Book Study Bro. Brian has begun a book study entitled “The Prodigal God” by Tim Keller. The study is offered at two different times--Sunday evenings at 6:00 p.m. and Monday mornings at 11:00 a.m. Retired members, please notice that the Monday morning time is offered especially for you! Please come and enjoy this time of fellowship and study! Books and discussion guides are $9 each. Please sign up for these in the narthex or on the St. Andrew’s Facebook page. World Wide Communion Sunday A World Wide Communion Sunday service will be held at St. James United Methodist Church on October 19th at 6:00 p.m. This will be a joint service in which St. Andrew’s, First UMC, and St. James come together in unity for worship. Youth Choir/Praise Band The Youth Choir/Praise Band will sing Sunday morning, October 26th. Our Prayers Members: Charles Blankenship Ed/Betty Burks Nina Crook Betty Dabbs Herbert/Laverne Garner Donna Griffith Ruth Griffith Elois Irvin Judy Jones Hilda Minga Beverley Outlaw Mary Ann Pope Johnny Raines Marilyn Richmond Jo Riley Jay/Jasmine Roberts Annette Smith Yvonne Stanford Madine Webb Laverne Williams Lindsay/Tyce Williams Jon Woodward Extended Church Family: Edith Armstrong (Aunt of Linda Pearce) Madison Arnold (Daughter of Cousin of Glenn & Amber Smith) Nelda Bailey (Sister of Frank Comer) Dr. Jim Biedenharn (Friend of Sandy Conner) Andrea Blaylock (Wife of Rev. Stan Blaylock at Bethel Apostolic) Ginny Bourland (Friend of Martha Jurney) Elaine & Jim Boyer (Mother & Father of Mary Beth Black) Sonny Cadden (Father of Carl Cadden) Bonnie Buchanan (Friend of Elois Irvin) Jimmy Cantrell (Friend of Peggy White) E. C. & Sandra Carpenter (Cousin of Edd Finley) Tyler Clay & Family (Friends of Jerry & Dianne Jones) Ed Coker (Friend of Linda Pearce) Marilyn Comer (Niece of Jesse & Carolyn Davidson) Beverly Daws (Mother of Betsy Baker) Judy Dobbs (Friend of Steve & Darlene Stockton) Barbara Edwards (Sister-in-law of Darlene Stockton) Mike Edwards (Nephew of Darlene Stockton) Ann Hardy (Sister of Judy Jones) Jimmy Harlow (Member of St. Matthew’s) Helen Hathcock (Mother of Mike Hathcock) Judy Holman (Mother of Jay Holman) David and Jane Hoots (Parents of Darlene Stockton) Kate Hoffman (Friend of Kathy Davis) Judy Howell (Friend of Carolyn Davidson) Denali Huff (Great Niece of Judy Jones) Lance Jefferis (Brother of Faith Summerford) Mary Kathryn & Jimmy Kight (Friends of Mel Hathcock Thurlow) Noah MacLeod (Great Nephew of Judy Jones) William Mattison (Father of Gena Glenn) Arlene & Jim McRee (Sister & Brother-in-law of Darlene Stockton) Mason Miller (Friend of Judy Jones) Megan O’Steen (Niece of Mike McDonald) Brody Outlaw (Grandson of Beverley Outlaw) Page 2 Mary Parker, Riverplace (Grandmother of Malcolm Glenn) Serra Pearson James Russell (Father of Laura Adams) Margie Smith (Sister of Jo Riley) Truda Stacy (Mother of Dianne Jones) Bobby & Peggy Stevenson (Friends of St. Andrew’s) Emma Stockton (Grandmother of Jason Gaskin) Bonnie Vaughan (Friend of Bill & Donna Griffith) Mary Vinson (Sister of Patty Simmons) Zach & Amy White (nephew & neice of Elane Finley) Jim Williams (Friend of St. Andrew’s) Jimmy Wiygul (Brother of Margaret Clement) Military: Seth Chaney (Nephew of Herman and Patti Tomlin) Chase LaPorte (Brother of Jotham LaPorte) Thad LaPorte (Brother of Jotham LaPorte) Daniel McCollum (Nephew of Dianne Jones) Chase McGuire (Korea) Dylan Minor (Afghanistan) Evan Orlosky (Son-in-law of Edd and Elane Finley) Shane Outlaw (Nephew of Beverley Outlaw) Nursing Home Residents: Kenneth/Catherine Adams (River Place); Helen Hollis (Southhaven), Syble Thompson (Golden Living) Our Service Acolytes for October Acolyte Crucifer 5 Campbell Erikson Mattison Glenn Reese Griffith 12 Riley Ray Davis Adams 19 Chloe Summerford Caden Smith 26 Mary Grace Black Kami Goza Sound System Operator for October Greg Harris Ushers for October Glenn Smith Rick Gault Mike Hathcock David Seay Kyle Thompson BIRTHDAYS in October 1-Martha Jurney 3-Clay Grissom, Nathan Lay 4-Jesse Davidson, Ray Jones 5-Carolyn Davidson 8-Kenny Cox, Sharon Hathcock, Hilda Minga 9-Campbell Erikson, Helen Hollis, Christa Finley Kerby 12-Kyle Kerby 13-Bunky Goza 14-Judy Jones 15-Mary Grace Black, Jasmine Roberts 16-Carol Williams 17-Jerry Word 18-Chris Jones 20-Anna Stark 22-Melissa Johnson 24-Marcia Archer 25-Charles Riley 27-Steve Stockton 28-Leigh Frances Jurney, Camille Thornton 31-Claire Thornton ANNIVERSARIES in October 4-Herman & Patty Tomlin 6-Chris & Leigh Anne Erikson 12-Brian & Charity Gordon 15-Ralph & Mary Frances Salter 17-Sammy & Sandy Smith 20-Jimmy & Theresa Glenn 21-Paul & Heather Gault 21-Ray & Judy Jones BIRTHDAYS in November 3-Ross Stark 4-Sam Black, Allen Glenn, Chad Ray, Alayna Riley 5-Rena Raines 8-Susan Hathcote, Gary Smith, Wayne Smith 10-Marty Huffman, Annette Smith 12-Charity Gordon 14-Jimmy Hubbard 15-Timothy Stockton 17-Thera Comer 18-Tim Saltz 19-Austin Cox, Glenda Deaton 20-Emerson Murphy 22-Lee Ann Davidson, Karli Pearson 23-David Lay 24-Robert Black, Aulani Grace Murphy 25-Beverly Zeinner 26-John David Carlisle, Jimmy Ann Ray 28-Malcolm Glenn, Kim Johnson ANNIVERSARIES in November 9-Robert & Mary Beth Black 11-Glenn & Amber Smith 17-Anthony & Tanya Pearson 20-Donnell & Annette Smith 28-Mike & Barbara McDonald Our Presence & Our Gifts AM PM Offerings Sep 7, 2014 120 $11,836 Sep 14, 2014 132 $4,054 Sep 21, 2014 152 $4,233 Sep 28, 2014 106 $3,272 September Offerings: $23,365 Actual Offerings to Date: $244,735 Budgeted Offerings to Date: $245,714 Paid on Conference Askings: $53,288 Due on Conference Askings: $11,382 Budget Deficit: <$979> Page 3 Non Profit Organization U.S. Postage Paid Permit #91 Amory, MS 38821 S A I NT A ND R E W ’ S United Methodist Church 1115 Veterans Legion Drive, Amory, MS 38821 Return Service Requested Web: Phone: (662) 256-2301 Email: REACH THE LOST, NURTURE THE October Youth News I don't know about all of you, but I am loving the cooler weather and the thought of fall!! The youth group is going to be very busy from now until the end of the year with activities, events, and regular meetings. If you are not a part of the youth group, we would love to have you come and join us. CALLING ALL PARENTS!!! The youth are challenging the parents to a kickball game on October 19th at Concord Fields. More details will be coming soon, but please mark the date for a time of fellowship and fun. All members of the church are invited to come and cheer both teams on - and possibly get a few laughs as a bonus! FAITHFUL, BUILD GOD’S KINGDOM Trunk or Treat The Youth sponsored “Trunk or Treat” will take place on October 26th in the Family Life Center parking lot. All members of the church are asked and encouraged to decorate their trunks, tailgates, or whatever and come have some fun and fellowship with our church family. The more the merrier!! More details will be provided in the bulletins in the coming weeks Dates to Remember: October 4 - Trash to Treasures October 5 - UMYF @ 6:00 p.m. October 12 - UMYF @ 6:00 p.m. October 19 - Youth v Parents Kickball Game October 26 - Trunk or Treat November 2 - UMYF @ 6:00 p.m. November 9 - UMYF @ 6:00 p.m. November 16 - UMYF @ 6:00 p.m. November 23 - UMYF @ 6:00 p.m. November 30 - No UMYF - Thanksgiving