Often, the difference between success and failure,


Often, the difference between success and failure,
t h e d i f f eren c e
b etween s uc c es s an d
fail ure,
often bo ils d o w n t o
hav ing t he rig ht
partner .
People + Technology + Insights = Business Empowerment
Turn the page to know how we can help your business bridge
the gap between ‘no’ and ‘go’.
You have a great idea. Congratulations.
Do you have the right team
and technology to execute it?
Try us.
People + Technology + Insights = Business Empowerment
Data Warehousing / Business Intelligence
Have you mined your data yet?
Today everybody loves Big Data. But not everybody knows how to leverage it.
We do.
And we’ll guide you through it using:
Big Data Planning,
Solutions & Implementation
Data Governance
Data Integration
Leverage our specialization in BFSI, Healthcare and ETMS to play your cards right:
BF SI : Scale u p y o ur c a p a b i l i t i e s wi t ho ut i nc urri ng e xtra c o st thro ugh B usi ne ss Pro c e ss
O u tso u r ci n g. Off e r i ng s i nc l ud e :
Risk Co mplia nc e & C o ntro l
Change Ma nag e m e nt
Techno lo gy Se l e c ti o n & I m p l e m e ntati o n
Financia l Ris k M anag e m e nt
Hea lth ca r e: Fo r t i f y a nd s i m p l i f y y o ur he al thc are de l i ve ry mac hi ne ry thro ugh o ur IT e nabl ed
h eal th car e mana g e m e nt s o l ut i o ns a nd s e rvi c e s whi c h i nc l ude :
Oper atio ns A d vi s o ry
Rev enue Cycl e M anag e m e nt S e rvi c e s
Impr o vemen t I ni ti ati ve s
Financing A lt e rnati ve s
Co mplia nce D e s i gn and M o ni to ri ng
ET M S: Co n tr o l c o s t s e v e n whi l e a c c e s s i ng o ur spe c i al i z e d re so urc e s and by o pti mi z i ng
exi sti n g se tu p a nd i nv e s t m e nt s t hr o ug h:
Ca ll Centr e Outs o urc i ng
Finance a nd A c c o unti ng O uts o urc i ng
Billing Oper ati o ns O uts o urc i ng
Strengthen your organization internally
through top notch talent
T wo de c ade s, hundre ds o f c l i e nts, tho usands
o f c o nsul tants. We ’ ve be e n the re and do ne i t all.
T o bui l d a gre at o rgani z ati o n yo u ne e d gre at talen t.
And we c an bri ng i t to yo u thro ugh:
Hiring. Simplified.
The one and only end to end Contract
Hiring process in the Staffing industry.
You just send in your requisition. We
do the rest. Focus on your business
backed by the Deegit Guarantee and
welcome your new Consultants.
S taff Augme ntati o n & C o nsul ti ng
Contract Hiring
Full time & Leadership Hiring
DeegitHire – Hiring. Simplified.
C o nti nge nt Wo rkf o rc e S o l uti o n & Manage men t
At D e e g i t , w e m a r r y T e c h n o l o g y w i t h P r o f e s s i o n a l
Services so that you get the best of both
w o r l d s i n o n e p l a c e . R e a d o n t o k n o w h o w e x a c t l y we do so.
The war for talent just got nastier. Are you prepared?
Deegit Professional Services
A strong team is a prerequisite for business success. However, if you’ve ever felt that creating a team is often much more difficult
than running the core business itself, you are not alone. Attrition is not only a financial drain on company resources, it
compromises your ability to achieve your target too. Maintaining a talent pipeline is a challenging task: something that takes your
focus away from your core business. Is there any alternative that not only delivers to you the right people for the right job at the
right time, but manages the entire recruitment process altogether?
Sure. That’s what we do at Deegit.
Staff Augmentation & Consulting
A c c e s s D e e g i t ’ s ‘ t al e nt c l o ud’ and ramp up yo ur pro duc ti vi ty and
s k i l l s s e t o n d e m a n d.
Contract Hire – Minimize the time spent on shortlisting Candidates by dealing
only with verified profiles. Deegit’s turnaround is possibly the quickest in the
industry. From sourcing a single Contractor to multiple hires,
we’ve got you covered.
Full Time & Leadership Hiring – While skills are critical, hiring for the long term
is also about compatibility. At Deegit, our two-decade-experience has given us
an uncanny capability to ‘read’ a Candidate. We understand where a resume
ends and where disposition begins.
DeegitHire – Hiring. Simplified. Want a star-team to hit the ground running?
Try DeegitHire. Talk to us today to know how we can reduce your costs and
yet guarantee talent that performs.
RedFox Search
S i m p l i f y t he se arc h f o r l e ade rshi p and spe c i al i z e d mi d-l e ve l position s
t hr o ug h D e e gi t’ s spe c i al i z e d re tai ne d se arc h o ff e ri ng - Re dF ox Search .
Re d F o x S e arc h spe c i al i z e s i n c o ntac ti ng and re c rui ti ng to p l evel active
a nd p a s s i ve c andi date s ac ro ss i ndustri e s i nc l udi ng C api tal M arkets,
B a nk i ng , Insuranc e , Ene rgy and Hi -T e c h.
D e p e nd a bl e , e ffi c i e nt and f ast, Re dFo x S e arc h bo asts o f a 100% fill
r a t i o t i l l date o n re tai ne d se arc he s.
Contingent Workforce Solutions & Management
The rise in labor costs and the demand for a workforce that can quickly adapt to dynamic market
conditions has made Contingent Hiring a favorite of Hiring Managers.
While a Contingent Workforce enables organizations to hire experts, give their business the much
needed skill-upgrade, and side-step the long term costs, sourcing appropriate talent remains
a tricky business.
But not if you try Deegit.
We can tell you what’s right with your contingent workforce model and what could use a little tweak.
All in all, we assure you the delivery of the benefits that you expect from a Contingent Workforce.
The Deegit Advantage:
Scope to refocus on core activities.
Assured value for money.
The Deegit Guarantee – If you are not satisfied within two weeks, we do not bill.
2008 Deloitte
Technology Fast
2013 Inc 5000
Fastest Growing Firm
Illinois Excellence
Award by USTCI
2014 Top Businesses
in America for 2014
Contact us today!
If you are looking for a Staffing Partner who not only understands your talent requirement and fulfills it on demand but even
gets your IT systems up and running through System Integration and delivers critical insights through BI/DW, you are
holding the right brochure.
Call us, or even better, visit us today at:
Global Headquarters
India Branch Office
India Head Office
Mexico City Office
Guatemala Office
Dubai Office
1900 E. Golf Road, Suite 925,
Schaumburg, IL - 60173.
847-330-1985 / 847-330-1987
3 - 6 - 111 / 8, Second Floor,
Far East Plaza, Main Road,
Himayathnagar, Andhra Pradesh,
Hyderabad - 500 029, INDIA
+91 - 40 - 44 - 560 - 666
+91 - 40 - 44 - 560 - 667
5ta Ave. 5 - 55 Zona 14,
Edificio Europlaza, World Business Center,
Torre 1, Nivel 2, Oficina 236,
Ciudad de Guatemala
317 Qutub Plaza, DLF Phase -1,
Gurgaon, Haryana
+91 - 124 - 4260317
17th Floor, Torre Magenta,
Paseo de la reforma 284,
Colonia Juarez,
Mexico City - 06600
RAK Free Trade Zone,
Al Nakheel, Ras Al Khaimah,
Ras Al Khaimah 10055,
United Arab Emirates
Virtual Hub: