Shellbrook Chronicle Friday Night Lights shine bright on Aardvarks


Shellbrook Chronicle Friday Night Lights shine bright on Aardvarks
Shellbrook Chronicle
The voice of the Parkland for over 100 years
Shellbrook, Saskatchewan Friday, October 10, 2014
VOL. 102 NO. 41 PMR #40007604
Friday Night Lights shine bright on Aardvarks
The Aardvarks’ offence prepares for its next play during its first-ever Friday Night Lights football game.
All eyes were fixed firmly on the Shellbrook Aardvarks football team as they
took to the field under the Friday night
lights in a fast-paced showdown against
the Big River Highway 55’s.
The evening game, which was played
under portable lights, was a first for a
team that was revived only a short while
“We started the team about five or six
years ago when I first moved here,” said
Devon Thorpe, coach of the team. “We
raised money and there were quite a few
businesses in town that gave us money to
start the team back up.”
Since then, he added, the team has seen
an increasing number of players try out
every year, and so the idea for ‘Friday
Night Lights’ was born.
“I’m originally from the Porcupine Plain
area, and they’ve been doing it for the last
couple years so we thought it was time
to bring it to Shellbrook,” he said. “It’s
good for the community and the school
because most people don’t get to see the
games because they work until five.”
The idea seems to have been a motivator for the Aardvarks, who set the pace for
the game immediately with a touchdown
on their first possession. From there, the
team kept its foot on the gas pedal, and
headed into the half with a 38-6 lead.
Special teams set the tone for an even
more dramatic second half, which saw
both the Aardvarks and the Highway 55’s
trade kick-off return touchdowns before
the Aardvarks gave up 24 unanswered
points. Despite this, the team held on to
win with a final score of 62-30.
Friday Night Lights also seems to have
inspired Shellbrook, as the community
filled the bleachers and parked their vehicles around the field, sounding off in
a raucous choir of cheers, car horns and
ambulance sirens each time the Aard-
vark’s scored.
While the school raised some of its own
funds for the lights, the game was sponsored by Shellbrook Co-op and Shellbrook Kinsmen. Affinity Credit Union,
meanwhile, sponsored a pregame BBQ.
All in all, Thorpe said this won’t be the
last time the lights shine over the football
field at W.P. Sandin School.
“We hope to do it again next year. We’re
going to try to expand it and see how it
goes,” he said.
The Aardvarks’ next home game is Oct.
23 against Birch Hills.
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Shellbrook Chronicle
October 10, 2014
Shellbrook Seniors come together over tea and pie
upcoming trip to spend
Thanksgiving with seniors in Rosthern, and
will likely help fund dancing night, which the association plans to introduce
every fourth Friday starting in November.
Park Valley Pony Club news
“The Park Valley Pony
Club offers programs for
youth to learn about horses
and the sport of riding. The
Club has had an active summer taking part in lessons,
riding camps, horse shows
and clinics. We hosted the
Sask. Regional Pony Club
Working Rally which includes competition in dressage, cross country and stadium jumping.
Seniors browse a selection of delicious pies at the Seniors’ Hall.
The Shellbrook Seniors’
Association capped off
Seniors’ Week last Friday
with its annual tea and
bake sale, which invited
seniors and people of all
ages to come together
and enjoy hot beverages
and a variety of delectable desserts.
Adeline Fossey, president of the Shellbrook
Seniors’ Association said
the tea and bake sale has
been a fixture for the association for decades,
and that events like it
help seniors feel a sense
of belonging in the community.
“I came to Shellbrook
eight years ago and I
didn’t know anyone,” she
explained. “Events like
these give seniors something to look forward to
and work towards. And
when you work together, you get to know each
other. That way, anyone
new coming into town
gets to feel like part of the
Aside from providing
seniors with somewhere
to get together, events
like these are important
fundraisers for the association and the seniors’
hall. The bake sale, Fossey said, was one of the
association’s most successful to date, raising
“We’re always trying to
improve the hall. Recently we put in an island, and
we did soundproofing
and put in a new sound
system. We now plan to
update the outside and
put in a canopy.”
The money raised also
helps fund tours, like an
Our Club was able to purchase equipment such as
cross-country vests, jump
blocks and dressage letters
through a generous Membership Assistance Program
grant from the Sask. Horse
Minister Jim Reiter has officially proclaimed October 5
-11 as Fire Prevention Week
in Saskatchewan and Legislative Secretary to the Minster of Government Relations
Victoria Jurgens helped raise
awareness about the role working smoke alarms have in fire
safety in the home in Prince
Albert today.
Marking this year’s theme,
“Working Smoke Alarms
Save Lives. Test Yours Every
Month!”, Jurgens, along with
the provincial Emergency
Management and Fire Safety
branch, the Prince Albert Fire
Department, school officials
and students enrolled in the
High School Emergency Services Training Program visited
Riverside Community School
and St. Francis elementary
schools to discuss fire safety.
Seven hundred kindergarten
to Grade 8 students were each
provided with a smoke alarm
to take home for their parents
or caregivers to install.
“Smoke alarms are one of
the most important safety
devices you can have in your
home,” Jurgens said.
“Many investigations into
fires, especially those involving fatalities, find that there
were not smoke alarms or, if
there were smoke alarms, they
were not working or had been
disabled. Smoke alarms can
be a life-saving difference in
the event of a fire.”
It is recommended that there
be a working smoke detector in
every bedroom, outside each
sleeping area and on every
level of the home including
the basement. Replace smoke
alarms that are 10 years old or
if testing shows they aren’t responding properly.
Park Valley Pony Club member Jaclyn Aarrestad,
on the x-country course, riding Cass.
Benefit Dance
(To assist with treatment of his brain tumor)
Shellbrook Community Hall
Doors open 7 p.m. ~ Dance 9 p.m.
~ Midnight Lunch ~
Tickets - $15 are sold at:
Affinity Credit Union, Scotiabank,
Shellbrook Coop, E & B Lumber
For more info contact
Adam 306-960-0835 or Jason 306-747-8084
October 10, 2014
Shellbrook Chronicle
Annual eye exams for diabetics covered by province
People living with diabetes in Saskatchewan will
benefit from improved access to vision care. The
province now provides coverage for annual eye examinations for diabetic patients,
effective October 1, 2014.
“Maintaining good eye
health is an important aspect of diabetes management,” Health Minister
Dustin Duncan said. “This
new service will remove financial barriers and ensure
timely access to vision care
for people living with diabe-
tes in our province.”
Clinical practice guidelines for the management of
residents with diabetes recommend annual eye exams
to ensure optimal monitoring and care. The newly
introduced coverage will
reduce out-of-pocket costs,
improve access to an eye
examination, and facilitate
early treatment of eye issues
related to diabetes.
The eye exam coverage
for diabetics is part of a
new agreement between the
Ministry of Health and the
Small’s Shorts
for Seniors
By Cecile Small
Did Somebody Move My
Rocker, Or Did I Lose It?
Not getting any younger. Reminded every day.
Smart-aleck asks why I’m holding up traffic
Ask him if he paid for the sidewalk.
Sneers and walks away.
Remind him, he’ll be my age some day.
The hair on the back of his neck tells me he’s not taking it too kindly.
Duck into the nearest coffee house.
Order a large, black coffee.
Waitress asks: “Will that be all Gramps?”
Would swat her with my newspaper.
But, she’s wearing glasses.
Some guy offers me his chair.
Want to tell him he doesn’t look so good either.
Get home in time for lunch.
Wife is on a health kick.
Should look younger every day.
But starvation won’t do that for a guy.
Grandkids come.
Want ‘horsie’ rides.
Wife reminds them that grandpa’s too old.
Want to tell her she’s no spring chicken either.
Decide against it.
Want milk and cookies too.
Son says I need a riding mower.
What for?
Saskatchewan Association
of Optometrists.
“As our population ages,
we can expect an increase
in the incidence of diabetic
eye disease; therefore, the
demand for optometric services will significantly increase,” Saskatchewan Association of Optometrists
President Dr. Kevin Woodard said. “We applaud the
Minister of Health and the
Saskatchewan government
for their foresight in managing the future needs of
the people of Saskatchewan.
Doctors of Optometry will
continue to collaborate and
communicate with ophthalmologists, family physicians and other health care
providers to ensure the best
possible patient outcomes
for the eye health of our patients.”
“We are pleased to see the
Government of Saskatchewan’s decision to help preserve and prevent vision
loss - a possible secondary
complication for those living with diabetes,” Canadian Diabetes Association
The yard is the side of a handkerchief.
“You’re not getting any younger, you know?”
“I know. Neither are you.”
Hope he doesn’t get a cookie.
“Just trying to help, Dad.”
“I know”.
Still hope he doesn’t get a cookie.
Daughter-in-law knit me a pair of bed slippers.
Used left-over pink and green yarn!
Look like the neighbor’s pansy bed.
Feel a nightmare coming on!
Brother keeps reminding me ....
He’s 12 years younger.
Went hunting with him last fall.
Told me to stay in the tent.
“Coughing and wheezing might scare away the deer.”
Glad when the venison walked away.
Don’t “cough and wheeze” anyway.
Wife keeps reminding about stuff.
Thinks I’m forgetful.
Too nice to tell her I’m not interested.
Pastor stops me on the street.
Asks why I keep falling asleep?
Don’t have the heart to tell him.
Did somebody move my rocker?
Folks keep trying.
Did I lose it?
No way!
I don’t care much if I ...
- take up half the sidewalk
- look my age
- sneeze and wheeze
- forget what you said yesterday
- keep falling asleep
- have to find my own chair, and
- can’t go hunting anymore.
Content with the way things are ...
Except for the bed socks.
Rob Clarke Report
Our Government is working to ensure that good judgement prevails when it comes
to gun regulations in our
The Common Sense Firearms Licencing Act will be
tabled this fall by our Conservative Government’s Minister
of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness, the
Honourable Steven Blaney,
who stated, “These measures
would streamline licensing
and eliminate needless red
tape for law-abiding gun owners. It would also take steps to
ensure that those convicted
of domestic violence offences
can be banned from owning
firearms. My foremost priority is keeping the public safe,
through common sense poli-
The bill would
This new bill
eliminate unneceswould merge
sary paperwork by
the Possession
making AuthorizaOnly Licence
tions to Transport
(POL) and the
a condition of a liPossession and
Acquisition LiAt the same
time, prohibitions
creating a single
against those who
licence for the
have been conROB
possession and
victed of violent
acquisition of
offences would be
It would also
It is time to creDesnethé
create a grace
ate clarity and reaMississippi
period at the
sonable conditions
end of the fivefor responsible gun
Churchill River
owners. Removing
period to prored tape from gun
tect gun owners
laws does not, in
from prosecution due to pa- any way, compromise public
perwork errors.
Our Conservative Government is looking out for the
rights of responsible gun
owners. With this new bill,
we are proving that it is possible to strike a commonsense balance between public
safety and reasonable rights
for responsible gun owners.
As always, I look forward to
your letters, e-mails and calls.
Write me at: Rob Clarke MP,
House of Commons, 502
Justice Building, Ottawa,
Ontario, K1A 0A6. I hope
you will find time to visit
my website To contact me
via e-mail use Call
my constituency office, tollfree, at 1-866-400-2334.
Regional Director for Saskatchewan Warren Wagner
said. “Receiving comprehensive annual eye examinations is essential to catch
retinal changes as early as
possible and ultimately help
preserve vision for the more
than 90,000 people living
with diabetes in the province.”
Annual eye examinations
are currently covered by the
province for all children under the age of 18.
“Expanding the coverage to include adults with
diabetes is part of our commitment to provide better
access to primary health
services and patient-centred
health care for our residents,” Duncan said.
Saskatchewan has also
proclaimed October as
Children’s Vision Month.
Children’s Vision Month
is marked across Canada,
and is dedicated to raising
awareness of the impact undiagnosed vision problems
can have on children’s learning and development.
Kelsey Fitch
“Play Nice”
CD Release Party
Saturday, October 18
7:00 pm show
Shellbrook Theatre
Tickets $15.00
Advance tickets available at
Shellbrook Pharmacy
and Woodland Pharmacy
Potatoes For Sale
• Yukon Gold • Red Norlands
Approximately 35 pounds for
1000 (5 gallon pail)
Phone 306-468-7062 Canwood
Please join us as we
celebrate the
Wedding Anniversary
Gilles & Yvette Francoeur
Come & Go Tea
Saturday, Oct. 11, 2014
1:00 - 4:00 p.m.
Notre Dames Des Victoire
Church Basement
Victoire, SK
Canwood Multiple 4-H
Organizational Meeting
& Registration
Sunday October 19, 2014 - 6:30 pm
Canwood Public School
Fees: $80/member (after Nov. 1st $100)
Projects: Archery, Beef, Light Horse,
If anyone is interested in leading a different
project, please come to this meeting.
New projects/leaders welcome.
Feel free to visit for more
information on projects available.
For more information please call
Melissa Stieb 306-468-2690
Shellbrook Chronicle
October 10, 2014
Inmates need rehab,
but Feds still say
‘No, no, no’
When I unfolded Monday’s edition of the StarPhoenix, I was more than flabbergasted to read the big, bold
front-page headline ‘Crowding ‘crisis’ in Sask. prisons,
report says.’ Now, that’s not because it seemed in any
way unworthy of being front page news. It should be.
Rather, it simply seemed like one of those “well, duh!”
moments one has when confronted by something so
glaringly obvious.
According to the report from
the Canadian Centre for Policy
prison system is one of the most
strained in Canada - a hard
truth that has forced prison staff
to convert classrooms, visiting
rooms and other prison facilities
into additional dormitories for
inmates. Moreover, the report,
titled Warehousing Prisoners in
Saskatchewan, states that the
province’s four provincial prisons
are now housing almost double
the number of inmates they were
intended for.
Given that inmates are being
crammed into prisons at a capacity that would make a sardine can feel roomy, it comes
as no surprise that the report posits that Saskatchewan prisons are rapidly transforming into “inmate
warehouses” - facilities designed only for the storage
of prisoners, not for their rehabilitation. Indeed, the
report says this transformation of prisons has resulted
in reductions to program availability, food, and even
“It was really hard to get into any program in Regina,” said a former inmate who was quoted in the report. “They seemed to want to let you get through three
quarters [of your sentence]. But by then you’re eligible
to put things in to leave. What they would do is they
would say, ‘Well you haven’t done any programs so you
can’t leave.’ They have a violence prevention program.
I delayed my parole decision just so I could take this
But stories like these shouldn’t be surprising either.
For if the federal Conservative government has been
consistent about one thing since taking power, it’s been
that it will stand as the last bastion against the rampant
tide of crime that is “rising” all across Canada - even if
crime is and has been declining, both in volume and
severity, for the past ten years.
As if to prove that they are, in fact, allergic to statistics, the conservative government all too eagerly
passed its Safe Streets Act in 2012, which introduced
new mandatory minimum sentences for some offences
and increased existing minimum penalties in other
areas. All this despite the plethora of studies dating
back decades that suggest that longer prison sentences
aren’t effective deterrents against reoffending.
To make matters worse, the feds also seem deathly
allergic to programs that rehabilitate prisoners and
prepare them to return to their communities - as evidenced by their recent decision to defund Circles of
Support and Accountability, a group aimed at helping
high-risk sex offenders re-integrate into communities
and stay clean, to the tune of $1.5 million. Without
supports and accountability in place, it’s likely that
many of these offenders will slip through the cracks
and reoffend.
Indeed, it’s as if the conservatives have Amy Winehouse’s classic tune ‘Rehab’ stuck on repeat, and are all
too happy to sing “No, no, no” when it comes to rehabilitating inmates, choosing instead to follow the failed
model of the prison industrial complex that has been
so eagerly adopted by our neighbours to the south.
By this time, it should come as no surprise that this
model is failing our communities and our inmates here
as well.
Paul Martin Commentary
There was a big surge in the province’s labor force last month. country. That comes from the latest breakdown of data from inRoughly 6,000 more people were available for work in
come tax returns.
Saskatchewan in August than there were in July.
The editors of Sask Trends Monitor have analyzed
That’s a big jump and one that pushed our unemnewly-released tax information to understand the imployment rate up a full percentage point. Just what
pact of economic expansion over the past decade. Chief
caused the change is not explained by the latest labour
among the findings is that the oil patch has a huge imforce survey issued by Statistics Canada which is still
pact on income levels. We used to stand fourth on the
stinging from its miscount last month and this might
measure of average incomes but we passed BC five years
just be another glitch.
ago and Ontario in 2012. Now Alberta is the only provBut it masks other changes that were going on in the
ince with higher average incomes.
market. Job numbers rose in August – up about 200
The fastest rising incomes are found in Estevan and
positions – but the real change was in the type of jobs.
Weyburn where the oil business has been generating
Full-time positions as well as part-time spots rose
strong pay scales. Province-wide the average income
by 100 in the month. When compared to a year ago,
reported on tax returns was just over $45,000 but in
however, the change is much more clearly delineated.
Weyburn it was $55,000 and Estevan came in at an
Full-time positions have risen by 12,000 while partunmatched $66,000. Warman and Martensville were
time spots fell almost 4,000. Part-time work is being replaced next in line but these two bedroom communities are seeing inby full-time employment in this market – this is a trend that has comes rise at a faster rate than anywhere else.
been evident for months now – but the labor pool is also growing,
The analysis also showed the gap between income levels in Sasmaking it easier for employers to find talent.
katoon and Regina has narrowed with Regina now only margin***
ally higher.
What a difference 150 miles can make.
A new report on the state of the new home construction market
Another Saskatchewan company has caught the eye of a major
in the province’s major cities shows a divergence – Saskatoon is American player.
going up, Regina is going down.
Saskatoon-based Bioriginal Food and Science has been purThe housing market – the new home construction market in chased by Omega Protein which is listed on the New York Stock
particular – has been going through some interesting changes Exchange for a little over $75 million.
lately. After a decade of playing catch up, builders are finally closBioriginal is a global leader in the essential fatty acid industry,
ing the gap between demand and supply. But, it appears the Re- supplying ingredients to the health food sector with operations
gina builders got there first.
on several continents. The acquisition gives Omega Protein lonCMHC’s latest trend analysis – an examination of where the ger reach into the human consumption market, supplementing
markets are heading – shows Saskatoon continues to expand. its animal feed supply operation.
And in the first eight months of the year they commenced nearly
Bioriginal is a unique Saskatchewan company. Originally
2,800 new units, an increase of 700 over last year. Regina, on the founded by an American who brought his Harvard MBA to Sasother hand, saw a decline of 600 to roughly 1,300.
katoon because this was the best place in the world to grow borThe six-month trend in Regina shows a somewhat less dra- age seed for the health food industry, the company was acquired
matic decline – down about 100 when tracking on a seasonally by management and local investors a couple years ago. Now it has
adjusted basis. But the point of differentiation is clear. Regina has gone full circle and back in American hands.
caught up and Saskatoon still has some distance to go in keeping
The company will operate as a wholly-owned subsidiary so
up with population increases.
we will likely see little difference in its local presence as the new
owners will retain the name and management team. All that will
This province has the second highest average income in the change is the name on the firm’s share certificates.
October 10, 2014
Shellbrook Chronicle
A new city hospital while rural hospitals decline
Perhaps the first place new rural and
remote health minister Greg Ottenbreit
should examine is the hospital in his own
home town of Yorkton.
At least a couple dozen elective surgeries in this critical rural health centre were
cancelled late last month because of a bug
“At the last minute they cancelled the
surgery stating that there were insects
and little flies in the operating room,” Jason Butler told CBC News. “It didn’t leave
a good feeling with me and in fact I’m requesting to go to Regina now for surgery.”
A Sunrise Health Region spokesman
confirmed the problem as cracks in the
caulking of a window, allowing tiny insects
to crawl in for tiny pests to get in.
Some may see this as a minor hiccup in
rural health care delivery - one that is easily rectified. Unless you are someone like
Butler who booked a month off work in
anticipation of his surgery, you might see
a problem like this as hardly worth mentioning.
But it does seem rather indicative of
the health delivery
problem in aging
rural facilities - a
problem that may be
compounded in the
coming years as the
government’s health
priorities head off in
other directions.
It is here where OtMURRAY
tenbreit, health minister Dustin Duncan
and all members of
the largely rural Saskatchewan Party government caucus may need to take a serious
look at their priorities.
In no small irony, the very day that surgeries in Yorkton were being postponed because of the rundown nature of the facility,
Premier Brad Wall and Duncan were turning over the shovel for the new children’s
hospital in Saskatoon that is being built
right beside the Royal University Hospital.
Admittedly, criticizing the children’s
hospital isn’t a popular thing - especially
in either the cities or in Sask. Party ranks
where there has been massive fund-raising
and a massive buy-in that this is something the province desperately needs.
The thing is, though, it’s questionable
whether another children’s hospital is
needed in Western Canada and even more
debatable as to whether this should be the
priority for scarce health dollars.
While Wall and the Sask. Party have
been selling the notion since opposition
days that we are one of the few provinces
in the country without our very own children’s hospital, lost in the conversation has
been whether that has meant our children
our underserved.
There is no question that there needs to
be upgrades in both the maternity and pediatrics facilities at RUH, but did we ever
need a separate, special facility of our own?
Besides the serious question of whether
we have the volume of severely sick kids
requiring such specialized attention, there
is the very legitimate problem of simply attracting qualified pediatric specialists to
staff it. In doing so, we will have to com-
Stephen Harper’s refusal to attend
global climate summit unacceptable
Dear Editor,
As world leaders gathered at the recent United Nations Climate Summit, one absence was especially
galling: that of Prime Minister Stephen Harper.
Despite being in New York when the summit was
held, Stephen Harper was one the very few world
leaders invited who refused to attend. It underscored
how little environmental stewardship factors into his
government’s agenda.
His Conservative government has failed to advance
strong environmental policy — including transparent
oversight, tougher penalties and a price on carbon
pollution — and this inaction has had serious consequences for our environment, our international reputation and our economy.
Our greenhouse gas emissions are growing, not
slowing. Canada will miss its agreed-to 2020 emission reduction targets. Canada has earned an unfortunate international reputation for inaction and obstruction on climate change.
It’s all par for the course under Mr. Harper, who
manages to go to the Arctic every summer without
ever uttering the phrase “climate change” — despite
that being where its effects are most abundantly clear.
Since 2008, his government has been promising reg-
ulations for industrial emissions — and we’re still
waiting. Even American President Barrack Obama
has said that Canada could be doing more, and that
his concern impacts the decision on the Keystone XL
Climate change is a global problem that requires a
global solution. We need determined leadership to
make progress, but that can’t happen if our prime
minister can’t even be bothered to show up.
As well, if Canada does not demonstrate to the
world that we as a country are serious about greenhouse gas emissions, we will find it harder and harder
to export our resources to global markets. That is why
Liberals are committed to responsible resource development, while promoting clean energy and reducing carbon emissions.
As prime minister, Mr. Harper continues to get the
big things wrong. After nearly a decade in power he
has failed to take any meaningful action on Canada’s greenhouse gas emissions. His legacy will leave
our children with an environment that is ever more
Yours sincerely,
John McKay, MP
Liberal Party of Canada Environment Critic
Shellbrook Chronicle
C. J. Pepper, Publisher
Jordan Twiss, Reporter
Serving the Communities of Shellbrook, Canwood,
Debden, Big River, Parkside, Leask, Marcelin,
Blaine Lake, Holbein, Mont Nebo, Mayview
Madeleine Wrigley, Advertising Sales
A Division of Pepperfram Limited Publications
Kathleen Nording, Composition/Pagination
Mail Registration #07621
Published Every Friday Morning
P.O. Box 10, Shellbrook, Sask. S0J 2E0
Phone 306-747-2442 or Fax 306-747-3000
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Advertising Deadline: Mondays at 5:00 p.m.
pete with the Stollery Children’s Hospital
in Edmonton, B.C. Children’s Hospital in
Vancouver, the Children’s Hospital of Winnipeg and even the Sick Kids in Toronto.
And without the best specialists, parents
will still make the difficult decision of going out of province to where the best doctors are. For some of the very specialized
work, they will have no choice because the
kind of talent we are talking about may
very well be limited to but a few doctors in
the entire country.
Then there is the question of how much
we will have to pay for this talent and a
fourth hospital in Saskatoon that already
sees its newest City Hospital highly underutilized.
Meanwhile, smaller rural Saskatchewan
cities like Yorkton and every other town in
the province will have to fight that much
harder for their share of the scarce health
It’s something that Ottenbreit and the
entire Sask. Party government need to seriously think about.
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Shellbrook Chronicle
The contents of the Shellbrook Chronicle are protected
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LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: In the interest of readers of
this newspaper, we will publish opinions of our readers.
Letters To The Editor are most welcome; however, they
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Member of
Shellbrook Chronicle
W.P. Sandin students look to
ignite flame of leadership
October 10, 2014
Back row: Harriet Tomporowski (principal), Stacey Crawford, Madison Bourgeault, Jasmin Otet, Cameron Roy, Tyler Wendel. Middle row: Erica
Archer, Skyla Moore, Taryn Moe, Sarah Moore, Kaitlyn Bilyk, Jenna Beaulieu, Jillian Mennie, Sara Shakul, Sarah Hamilton, Kassandra Stene,
Hannah Miller, Emily Anderson, Noah Hladun, Shayden Smith, Rhonda Berezowski (teacher), Front row: Sam Miller, Jennifer Hrechka, Austen
Kalyn, Chloe Banda, Nicole Philp (teacher), Karlina Cadieu, Evan Beaulieu, Sam Lafond, Pierce Crawford. Front: Paxton Tremblay.
Although “inspirational” may not be the first
word used to describe The Hunger Games trilogy,
W.P. Sandin High School teacher Nicole Philp is
Shop, Household, Truck Auction
Ray & Doris Jordan
Heritage Hall @ The Western Development
Saturday,October 18 - 10:00 am
North Battleford
2004 - F150 XLT Triton Truck; 2007-20 ft. tilting flat deck trailer w/
2-7000 lb. axles; 2008--650 Hysong Cruiser street bike; large section
of tools, steel tool box, bolt bin, leather sofa, 2 piece suede sofa set,
oak chest, new fire pit, Royal Dalton figurines, coal oil lamps, dishes,
antique Duck lamp, vintage oak table w/6 chairs matching China cabinet, guns, Model 190 Winchester, 22 caliber semi-auto, Winchester 12
gauge pump action shot gun, many more items too numerous.
This sale has something for everyone.
Please check our website for a more detailed listing
Prov. Lic. #312429
Box 629, Spiritwood, SK
Fred Walter 306-883-2797 • Cell: 306-883-7368
Marlene Boechler 306-883-2727 • Cell: 306-883-7103
hoping to use the themes of the series to light a
fire in students and the community ahead of the
arrival of next year’s Saskatchewan Student Leadership Conference.
The conference, which will bring more than 600
students to the town from Sept. 16 to 18, will be
the first to be hosted by the school division in
the last 20 years, and is slated to feature keynote
speeches from former NHLer and Saskatchewan
native, Theo Fleury and Ishmael Beah, author of A
Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier, as well
as a performance by Kelsey Fitch and Kerri English. There will also be a Hunger Games-inspired
event on the closing day of the conference.
“I feel limited that we can only take about 3 or 4
students to each conference,” said Philp of the decision to submit a bid to host the conference. “It’s
something our whole student body could benefit
from. So rather than try to take 200 kids, which
would never happen, we’re bringing the conference to the kids. That way the entire town and
student body can experience this event.”
The Saskatchewan Student Leadership Conference has run annually since kicking off in Yorkton,
Sask. in 1980. The three-day event brings together
students and teachers from all schools across the
province and is aimed at instilling them with values of leadership and volunteerism.
“You come back with a positive outlook and wonder what you can do to improve your school and
community,” said Evan Beaulieu, Grade 12 presi-
dent. Beaulieu has already attended four Student
Leadership Conferences.
Philp echoed Beaulieu’s sentiments about the
conference’s potential benefits to the community.
“I think it’ll be a really positive thing for our
school and community to work together and manage something of this magnitude,” she said. “It’s
not very often that a town hosts an event like this,
so we’re excited to work so closely with the community and strengthen our ties.”
In the spirit of community, Philp said she is
looking for as many people as possible to help
organize and support the event, whether it be by
volunteering or offering up their homes to billet
incoming students from other schools.
She added that next week the school will begin
to seek sponsors more actively to help pay for the
expenses of hosting the conference.
Shellbrook Curling
Registration Night
Friday, Oct. 24
7:30 p.m.
Curling Rink Lounge
October 10, 2014
Biodiesel back in the news
It is sometimes interesting how something pops up one
day, quite by happenstance and the next thing you know
you see it popping up in other places.
An example happened to me recently. I was attending
an event marking the local Louis Dreyfus Commodities
canola plant at Yorkton shipping its 100th100-car train of
On Agriculture
canola meal.
When the plant was initially proposed, and being built,
there had been talk of one day a biodiesel facility springing
up next door, the process being a natural in terms of utilizing the canola oil.
That idea seems at best on the very backburner, if not
simply dumped to file 13 for shredding.
Biodiesel production has always relied on subsidies to be
viable, and in Canada there are simply no long term programs to make a company assume the risk on a large scale.
That said, the idea of biodiesel did seem to tie edible oils
such as canola to the crude oil price, and that has dragged
canola prices higher in terms of a low price. There is a
threshold now where such oils could divert to biodiesel if
the food market was to soften too much over too long a period.
So what of the ideal of biodiesel,
and its cousin ethanol for fuel from
cereal grains?
The question came up in a general
office discussion following the LDC
event – which was the second random
occurrence of the topic. The need for
alternate fuels remains real, but it is
doubtful biodiesel and ethanol from
edible crops is the best place to be inCALVIN
vesting research or large-scale develDANIELS
opment dollars.
The continued use of something
which will long term be needed to
feed a growing population would
seem to be ill-advised.
I would not want to suggest a long term, viable alternative to fossil fuels, but I cannot think biodiesel from edible oils is more than a stop-gap answer, and even it costs
the taxpayers to be financially sound at the current cost of
crude oil.
So then I pop by the Western Producer website and find
Changes in the grain
per cent year-over-year),
above the W.A.S.D.E. estimate of 1.181 billion and the
trade’s expectations of 1.191
billion. With American corn
output this year set to be a
record 14.4 billion bushel
crop, Goldman Sachs was
one of many firms revising
its price estimates lower
on this new data to $3 per
bushel. Should that materialize, it’d be the first time
since October 2006 that
those levels have been used.
Conversely, U.S. soybean
stocks as of Sept. 1 were just
92 million bushels, down 35
per cent from the same time
a year ago, the lowest in 41
years, and well below the
pre-report estimate of 128M
bushels. As for wheat, total
U.S. inventories were seen
at 1.914 billion bushels (+2.4
per cent year-over-year) but
of note is the increasing onfarm wheat stocks in the
northern U.S. states with
producers holding 71 per
cent more wheat in North
Dakota (270 million bushels
on hand), 64 per cent more
in South Dakota (55 million
bushels), and 7.6 per cent
more in Montana (155 million bushels).
Finally, StatsCan came
out with its production
forecast for this year’s crop
on Oct. 3, estimating a 27.5
million-tonne wheat output and 14.1 million tonnes
of canola, 500,000 tonnes
below pre-report estimate
for both crops. As for other
major crops, soybean production looks to set its sixth
consecutive high at 5.96
million tonnes and barley
production is seen dropping
significantly to 7.12 million
tonnes. As for relative production growth, mustard
production is quite high
at 178,700 tonnes while
flax production is seen at
921,600 tonnes, skyrocketing not only from last year’s
output of 723,900 tonnes
but more than double 2012’s
production of 489,000
tonnes. While it’s no surprise that yields are lower
than they were last year,
they’re actually relatively
in-line with the 2010-2012
average. Specifically, canola
and wheat yields are the
same as the aforementioned
average, but when 2013 is
factored in, 2014’s estimated yields are 1.25 per cent
and 6 per cent below the
2010-2013 average. While
your farm’s yields may vary
from the national average,
the real love lost this year
will be in the quality area
as that’s what should really
be the theme to this year’s
crop, not the production
drop year-over-year.
a story on new equipment which is targeted at the idea of
biomass being procured and used to make fuels – the third
connection to the topic in a matter of days.
The article reports the first of three projects opened last
week, the Poet-DSM cellulosic corn stover plant at Emmetsburg, Iowa. The facility is expected to produce 20 million gallons annually.
“Dupont’s 30 million gallon facility at Nevada, Iowa, is
near completion, and the Spanish company Abengoa expects to be in production by year’s end at Hugonton, Kansas,” continued the article.
“Close to a million tonnes a year of biomass will be required at the facilities, according to company website.”
A two-stage conversion is involved, with sugars produced
from the biomass subsequently converted into ethanol.
The idea of biomass has greater potential since there are
sources which are currently waste products, from corn
stalks to the material left in forestry operations, to urban
To utilize waste in a manner to create energy is certainly
more attractive than consuming food for the same purpose.
Desnethé-Missinippi-Churchill MP Rob Clarke
line and mobile grain marketplace (app available for
iOS & Android). His weekly
column is a summary of his
free, daily market note, the
FarmLead Breakfast Brief.
He can be reached via email
or phone (1-855-332-7653).
House of Commons
502 Justice Bldg.
K1A 0A6
Phone: 613-995-8321
Fax: 613-995-7697
Meadow Lake
114 Centre St. Suite C
Box 1260
S9X 1Y9
Phone: 306-234-2334
Fax: 306-234-2339
La Ronge
711 La Ronge Ave
Box 612
S0J 1L0
Phone: 306-425-2643
Fax: 306-425-2677
Please contact my office if you are having problems
with EI, CPP, Passports, CEP, Status cards, CRA,
Agriculture Canada or any other Federal
Government programs or departments.
“Check out my website at for imporant information.” - MP Rob Clarke
Angle H Stock Farm
Weaned off another Good Group of Charolais Bull Calves
Tex 26L Daughter
Weaned off her Remmington bull calf at
Laredo 232T Daughter
Weaned off her Silver Buckle bull calf at
Kodial 6423 K Daughter
weaned off her Smokester bull calf at
Kodial 6423K Daughter
weaned off her Round-up bull calf at
850 lbs.
830 lbs.
To growth,
Brennan Turner
Brennan Turner is originally from Foam Lake, SK,
where his family started
farming the land in the
1920s. After completing his
degree in economics from
Yale University and then
playing some pro hockey,
Mr. Turner spent some time
working in finance before
starting, a
risk-free, transparent on-
at 825 lbs.
Grain prices started the
month of October in the
same area that they’ve
been trending for the last
5 months: lower. This past
week though we got important reports from both the
U.S.D.A. and Statistics Canada, recording grain inventories and production estimates respectively. With
some of the earliest-planted
fields of corn and soybeans
coming off in the American
Midwest, yields are coming
in above the U.S.D.A.’s estimates of 171 and 46 bushels per acre (apparently big
crops do get bigger). On the
wheat side of things, there’s
some conflicting headlines
as the International Grains
Council is forecasting that
world wheat acres in 2015
will be at their highest since
1998, with 553.5 million
acres expected to come off.
However, soil moisture deficiencies have been pointed out in southern parts
of Russia & Ukraine, and
while August/September
rains have certainly helped
the fields in Texas, Kansas, and Oklahoma (the US
Southern Plains), the majority of these states remain in
drought. Further, the market theme out of the Black
Sea is that wheat exports
are slowing down, making
E.U. and North American
wheat more competitive in
the Middle East.
The U.S.D.A.’s stocks report out on Sept. 30 showed
that U.S. corn inventories as
of September 1st are larger
than previously expected at
1.236 billion bushels (+50
Shellbrook Chronicle
900 lbs.
For further information on these and other bulls call
Isaac Hildebrand
1-306-724-4907 • Debden, SK
Shellbrook Chronicle
October 10, 2014
Honeywood Nursery shows Shellbrook resident the money
Despite less than ideal
weather conditions, Oct.
2 proved to be a lucky
day indeed for the 22
winners of the Honeywood Heritage Nursery
Inc. Cash Lotto, among
whom was grand prize
winner and Shellbrook
resident Cindy Nikolaisen.
Nikolaisen was presented with a cheque for
$100,000 at the Honeywood Heritage Nursery in Parkside, Sask.
She was joined by David Moe, chairman of
Nursery Inc., and Judy
Harley, the nursery’s
manager, as well as
50/50 winners and Tisdale residents, Kevin &
Sandra Honeyman, who
took home $15,952.50.
Elsewhere, a Spiritwood resident proved
that lightning can strike
twice, when she got
lucky and had her ticket
drawn twice, netting her
a $2,000 payday.
All told, 10 out of
22 winners were from
Shellbrook, Canwood,
Leask and Parkside.
With the winnings,
Annual Harvest Supper
Knox United Church
302 - 2nd Ave. E, Shellbrook
Sunday, October 26
Doors Open 4 to 7 pm
Adults $12 • 6 - 12 $6
Five & Under Free
(Turkey & all the trimmings)
20% of proceeds go to the local hospital TV fund
Everyone Welcome!
Nikolaisen and her husband, Doug, will continue the process of
developing their land
north of Shellbrook into
a U-pick orchard that
will make a number of
fruit varieties available to area residents.
They also intend to pay
it forward by providing
Honeywood with a soil
assessment, as well as
equipment and nutrients to start restoration
of the soil in the nursery’s main lily fields.
Meanwhile, the Honeymans intend to use
their winnings to repair
their lake cabin.
The cash lotto was
launched by the Honeywood Nursery last year,
with the aim of raising
funds to complete restoration work, including
fixing up the Porter Log
house and upgrading
and maintaining equipment.
Honeywood Heritage Nursery chairman David Moe and manager Judy
Harley join Shellbrook’s Cindy Nikolaisen (middle) to present her with
a cheque for $100,000.
Affinity Credit Union sponsors barbecue
Sunday, October 19
Marcelin Community Hall
Sittings: 5 p.m. and 6 p.m.
Adults $12; 6-12 yrs $6; Preschool Free.
Sponsored by St. Joseph Parish
To Follow: Bingo, 50/50, Fish Pond
Canwood Elks Hall
Sunday, November 9 ~ 4:30 - 6:30 p.m.
Adults $13 • Ages 6-12 yrs $7 • 5 & Under Free
Proceeds to The Village & R.M. of Canwood
100th Anniversary Committee.
Matching funds provided by Scotiabank
to a maximum of $5,000.00
The Town of Shellbrook has declared the weeks of
October 11th to October 18th, 2014 as Clean-Up Weeks.
The Town’s landfill site will be open:
Oct. 15th - 12:00 am to 5:00 pm
Oct. 11th & 18th – 12:00 am to 5:00 pm
Only the following items will be accepted:
• clean wood • leaves • tree trimmings
• grass clippings • garden refuse
From left, Lisa Anderson, branch manager, Affinity Credit Union, Noah MacPherson, Evan Beaulieu, Garret Feige, Brayden Smith, Devon Thorpe, football coach.
Affinity Credit Union staff held a barbecue for the WP
Sandin SR. Football team to offset the costs of the lighting
for their football game against Big River/Debden on Friday
Pipers Lake Quilt Shop
229 Main Street, Spiritwood
Saturday, October 11
2 to 5 p.m.
Coffee & Dainties
October 3rd.
The sum of $1091.00 was realized and donated to the
As far as regular weekly media use is concerned, traditional media was still dominant
amongst respondents in communities under
5,000 population. The Print Version of the
Local Newspaper was the media most likely
to be used at least once.
Totum Research
October 10, 2014
Canwood School news
September was full of energy and excitement and quickly flew by. It was terrific to
see everyone out for the Meet the Staff BBQ.
We had over 200 people come and enjoy the
last of the summer weather and socialize. We
were happy to see that much support from our
A Welcome Back to School breakfast was
prepared by the staff for all students on Friday, September 12. The breakfast was enjoyed
by all and will likely be the start of a new tradition.
The cross-country runners are looking
forward to the Extravaganza the first week
of October while the volleyball teams are in
mid-season action as their Extravaganza will
be happening at the end of the month.
Canwood Public School continues to fundraise for Terry Fox each year and we congratulate all who took part on our annual walk/
run. It’s a great way of saying thank you to
cancer research as it has touched each of our
Our magazine campaign is underway and
we would like to thank everyone for their
continued support in our fundraising efforts.
We hope to use some of the funds to bring in
a motivational presentation by John Dunn:
Wilderness explorer and presenter, National
Geographic published photographer.
On Oct. 10, there will not be any classes
as staff will take part in their Professional
Learning Communities. Picture Day will be
on Friday, Oct. 17, so remember to show up
with your best smile.
Education week is from Oct. 20-24. We
have fun activities planned throughout the
week surrounding the theme of “Supporting
and Celebrating Success”.
Students and staff are off to a great start to
the 2014-15 school year. We welcome all parents and community members into our building to support various events that happen
here. Have a bountiful harvest and a great
month of October.
Education Week
Each year our province and the Ministry of
Education dedicate the third week in October
to Education Week. This year’s theme is “Supporting & Celebrating Success!”. During this
week, Oct. 20-24, we are planning a couple of
activities for the classrooms. To start off the
week on Monday, Oct. 20 the students will get
together for Breakfast Buddies. That morning, upon arriving at school, students in the
higher grades will be partnered with the elementary students.
They will enjoy a complimentary breakfast
together of muffins, fruit, cheese and yogurt
and then get to know each other better. On
Tuesday, Oct. 21, the Saskatchewan Cultural
Exchange group will be in the school. They
will present a variety of workshops that focus on Visual Arts, Drama, Music, Dance and
Art Club
Calling all artists! Come join us after school
to create beautiful art-work for six dates in
October and November. Any students in
Grade 2 or higher are invited.
If you are an older student who would like
to join us in creating art or to help with the
younger students, we would love to have you
join us! Our October dates are: Wednesday,
Oct. 8 and 15, and Tuesday, Oct. 21 and 28.
In November, we will meet on Wednesday,
Nov. 5 and 12. The time is from 3:15 -4:15 p.m.
in the multi-purpose room. We hope to have
a selection of artwork to display at ParentTeacher Interviews on Nov. 13. See you at Art
Student Leadership Conference 2014 “Another Brick in the Wall”
Michael Andersen, Hayden Bartley, Joelle
Hoeflicher, Tara Johnson, Ryan Aiken, Brett
Bischler, Autumn Mcleod-Labrecque, Sydney
Kvinlaug, Kali Stocks, Dylan Kvinlaug, Miss
Boskill and Mrs. Moar attended this year’s
Saskatchewan Student Leadership Conference in Nipawin on Sept. 17–19. Over 700 student delegates and staff advisors from across
Saskatchewan came together for three days to
develop leadership skills and meet new people. The theme of the conference was “Another Brick in the Wall”. Students and staff from
L.P. Miller Comprehensive High School welcomed everyone with great enthusiasm. To
kick things off there was a welcome BBQ, field
activities, dancing and music. Students and
advisors then gathered in the school gymnasium for the opening ceremonies and to
hear the first keynote speaker, Ian Tyson. The
opening ceremonies also included the
presentation of awards –one which was
the Provincial Award of Excellence in
Student Activities. We are very proud
to announce that Canwood
School SRC was one of this
year’s winners. Mrs. Moar
was also presented with
the Saskatchewan Association of Student Council
Advisors, Advisor of
the Year Award. The
students were presented with a banner
that will be proudly
displayed in our school
and Mrs. Moar was presented with an engraved
plaque. Many thanks to
Mrs. Johnson and Joelle
Hoeflicher who filled out
the nomination forms and
submitted our names to the
Provincial SASCA executive. Over the next two days
the students attended various
breakout sessions and were
entertained and inspired by
some great speakers, including
Phil Boyte, Kevin Brooks and Marc
Thursday finished off with a formal
banquet and a dance at the Nipawin
Evergreen Centre. Everyone enjoyed
their time at SLC and arrived home
on Friday with new ideas, cheers,
positive stories and a closer bond with the
other members of our SRC! The students are
also looking forward to next year when the
conference will be held in Shellbrook and they
will be able to help out at the ground level.
The Grade 11 and 12 students from Canwood Public School headed north to the
PANP to begin their annual canoe expedition
to Grey Owl’s cabin on Aug. 29.
The enthusiastic group consisted of 10 students and 2 chaperones. After registering
for the Back Country Camping, the group
watched a short video outlining the dangers
of big lake flat water canoeing as well as being made aware of the precautions to take to
avoid contact with bears.
Following the registration, the group was
transported to the drop off point to Kingsmere Lake. After the canoes were loaded with
gear, it set off on the river to the portage. The
paddling and steering techniques that were
practiced at Fish Lake a week earlier were put
to a quick test against the current of the river.
The first night was spent at Bladebone Bay.
This required a 4 hour paddle from the south
end of the lake. The Canoe Gods were with us
as the water was quite calm and the temperature was 18°C.
After setting up camp at Bladebone, the
hungry paddlers ate supper. After supper was
cleaned up, the task of creating a bear cache
out of a canoe strung up in the trees began.
This ended up to be a work of art and very
The kids woke up Saturday morning to the
sound of a south east wind bringing waves
straight into the bay. Everyone took their
time having a big breakfast and tearing down
camp. The timing was perfect which allowed
the canoe party to get on the water by 11:30
a.m. as the wind had switched to a more favourable direction. The group reached the
North End campground at 1:30 p.m.. Camp
was set up and lunch was eaten by 3:00 p.m..
Everyone put on a good pair of shoes and
embarked on the hike to Sandy Bay. Many
pictures were taken through the mossy path,
small creeks and downed trees on the way to
the Sandy campground. Everyone returned
to the Northend by 6 p.m., just in
time to gather up some grub before
darkness arrived.
On Sunday, the canoeists were
eager to make the trek to Grey
Owl’s cabin. Some chose to
hike while the others took
their canoes over the trail
so that they could get
some fishing in after visiting the
cabin. The fishing did not disappoint as many
pike and walleye
were caught and
released. Only a
few were kept for supper that night. This is always the best day of the
trip as it is not too taxing
on the canoers and there
is a lot of time just to hang
out with their classmates on
the beach. It was a perfect
day sitting in the canoe with
a little radio, listening to
the Roughrider game while
catching some enthusiastic
fish. The evening concluded with
supper and returning to the beach
after dark to star gaze.
Everyone tore down the camp on
Monday morning and made the journey down the east side of the lake in a
casual 4 hours. While paddling, part of
the group passed the time planning for
the first pep rally of the school year by singing all of the songs they wanted to share with
the group back at school. After camp was set
up at the Southend campground, a familiar
face appeared. A former student who was on
the trip 2 years prior and wanted to show his
cousin the beauty of the region, was just finishing his trip. The canoeing skills he learned
in the past were being put to good use. The
students were also made aware of how quick
the weather could turn bad on Kingsmere as
a quick storm brewed up large waves within
about 15 minutes. Small hikes, a little swimming and games of hide and seek occupied
the group into the night.
Everyone was looking forward to getting
home on Tuesday. The gear was packed up
into canoes after a very large breakfast. The
paddle to the portage was very leisurely as the
canoes drifted down the river to the unloading spot. The group met up with the trucks
that transported everyone back to Canwood
with eyes full of beautiful scenery and our
minds full of memories to be shared for many
years to come.
Terry Fox Run
Terry’s journey is one that we will never
His dream was for a world without cancer.
Thirty four years ago Terry’s words were,
“Even if I don’t finish, we need others to con-
Shellbrook Chronicle
tinue. It’s got to keep going on without me!”.
How proud Terry would be to know that so
many years after his memorable and heroic
journey, his dream and his belief in miracles
is still going strong.
At 10:30 a.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 24, Constable Haley from the Ahtahkakoop RCMP
Detachment, with his lights flashing, kicked
off the walk as Pre-K – Grade 4 students, parents and staff made their way down the streets
of Canwood to Whispering Pine Place. Grades
6–12 made their way from the school to the
Regional Park. Everyone enjoyed walking or
running in the sunshine. When the participants returned to the school they purchased a
hearty fundraising lunch of beef/bison stew.
A number of draws were made and prizes
were given out to the Terry Fox participants.
A total of $2861.14 was raised for cancer research and more proceeds are still coming in.
Wow, what a beautiful fall we’ve had! Winter is just around the corner and some serious reading time will soon be upon us. Just
a reminder that October is Canadian Library
Month so try to visit your local library for
some great reading. Thank you to Kelcie Grimard for donating a new book to our library.
Senior Golf
Three Canwood Cougar golfers entered
the North Central District Grass Green golf
championships at the Cooke Municipal Golf
Course on Sept. 18. In order to advance to
Provincials the local golfers would have to
compete against strong competition from
Prince Albert and Area. Our team was quite
inexperienced compared to other golfers.
Unfortunately, Delayne Aiken, Brody Cyr
and Colton Bahnuick did not advance from
District playoffs but hopefully this experience will help them in the future as Canwood
forges ahead into Grass Green golf.
Elementary Soccer
We had an excellent year for elementary
soccer this fall. On Sept. 8 our soccer season began and we had 32 students join from
Grade 2 to Grade 6 to participate in the
sport. We were so excited to have so many
students come out to play, it was definitely
a fun season!! On Sept. 22 and September
29 we played 2 games against Debden. The
students showed off their skills and abilities
in successful matches and kept close scores
in each game. We had the most beautiful
weather for our first game in Debden and the
temperatures cooled off a bit for our second
game at home in Canwood. We are so proud
of our students’ teamwork and collaboration
in practice and during our games! We would
also like to add a special thanks to everyone
who helped out with practices and games.
Way to go, Canwood Cougars!!
New to our school this year is the Dream
Catcher Project, a Sask. Rivers School Division coaching project. The focus of the project is to increase the achievement of every
student in our school. This means setting a
school - wide goal and having a school-based
instructional coach work with staff and students to achieve it. Canwood Public School’s
2014 – 2105 smart goal is:
By June 2015, 100 per cent of SRPSD students will be achieving mastery or proficiency
in mathematics literacy or will have 50 per
cent catch up growth in mathematics literacy
(students not achieving mastery or proficiency standards) or will reach their individual
benchmark level in mathematics literacy. Our
specific goal will be our focus on the Number
Strand (adding, subtracting, multiplying and
dividing). By June 2015, 100 per cent of the
Grades K–10 students will be achieving mastery or proficiency in mathematical outcomes
in the Number Strand or will reach their individual benchmark.
Shellbrook Chronicle
By Laura Lepard and
Tammie Burak
Healthy by Nature
Healthy by Nature gives
you the information you
need for better health
through better lifestyle
October is Agriculture
Month in Sask.
Agriculture Minister Lyle Stewart has
proclaimed October as Agriculture Month
in Saskatchewan. The month will focus on
profiling opportunities in agriculture to
“Agriculture is one of the largest economic
engines in Saskatchewan, accounting for
about 10 per cent of the provincial gross domestic product and generating more than
50,000 jobs in the province,” Stewart said.
“As harvest continues and school gets underway, October is an ideal time to share
with youth the opportunities that this thriv-
Classifieds Work
October 10, 2014
ing industry has to offer.”
With a growing global demand for food
comes high demand for well-trained individuals to work in the agriculture industry. To attract youth to a rewarding career
in agriculture, the ministry has launched a
new web presence at www.saskatchewan.
ca/thinkag that profiles real Saskatchewan
people employed in the industry. In addition to interactive career features, this site
offers scholarship information and teacher
In addition to the website, a thinkAG
Facebook page has also been launched to
give current and potential ag employees a
forum to discuss careers in agriculture and
what the industry has to offer.
During the month of October, teachers,
career counsellors, producers and industry
are encouraged to get involved in spreading the message that a job in agriculture can
lead to a challenging, rewarding career.
Stay connected with Agriculture Month
by following the Ministry of Agriculture on
Twitter @SKGovAG, on Facebook at Saskatchewan Agriculture or by visiting our
website at
Monday, October 20th, 2014, 10:00 am
Shellbrook, Saskatchewan
Seller Contacts: Warren & Lorraine Adamson, 306-747-2704 | Auction Coordinator: Kim Kramer, 306-445-5000
Directions: From Shellbrook at the junction of Hwy#3&55 (Esso) go 1.3 km east on the Hwy and then take grid 6.4 km (4
miles) north. (Yard on east side)
Tractors: 1994 John Deere 8570 4wd, 24 spd, 4241 hrs showing; 1985
Versatile 856 4wd, powershift, pto, 8253 hrs showing; 1985 Versatile 256
4wd bi-directional & Versatile 2360 FEL, 11,000+/-hrs showing; Universal
850DT MFWD tractor & Universal 950 FEL, 2641hrs showing; 1954 Massey
Harris 33 antique; 1947 Massey Harris 44 antique; Combines: 2000 John
Deere 9650 STS & JD 914P p/u header, 1952 thr/2874 eng hrs showing;
2006 John Deere 930D 30’ draper header; 1997 Case IH 2188 sp combine
& CIH 1015 13’ p/u header, 2718 thr/3625 eng hrs showing; 1998 Case IH
1010 22.5’ rigid header; Swathers: 1990 Case IH 6000 25’ sp, 1898 hrs
showing,; 1992 Westward 25’ pt; Seeding & Tillage: 2005 Morris Maxim II
40’ air drill & Morris 7240 tow behind air tank; Bourgault 8800 32’ air seeder
& Bourgault 2155 tow behind tank; Flexicoil System 95 50’ harrow packer
bar; Inland 55’ harrow packer bar; Alteen 21’ tandem disc; Free Form HD 30
tonne fertilizer tank; Grain Handling & Storage: Westfield MK100-61 grain
auger; Westfield TF80-41 auger; Spraying: Flexicoil 67XL 80’ pt sprayer;
2005 New Holland SF115 pt suspended boom 90’ sprayer; Navigational
Equipment: 2 - John Deere AutoTrac 200 steering kits; John Deere Star
Fire 3000 reciever; John Deere 2600 display; Haying & Livestock: New
Holland 675 t/a manure spreader; Heavy Trucks: 1979 International
F1954 tandem axle grain truck, 466 diesel, 13spd Fuller, Ultracel 18’ steel
box; 1981 International 1624 single axle grain truck, 345 V8, 4+2 trans,
42,193km showing; 1968 Ford 700 grain truck; Light Trucks & Cars: 2003
Dodge Ram 3500 Laramie crew cab 4wd dually, 5.9L Cummins diesel, 6
spd. manual, 181,500 km showing; Trailers: 2010 Load Max 25’+5’ t/a
gooseneck flatdeck trailer, tandem dually; Lawn & Garden: 2003 John
Deere L110 riding mower, 426 hrs showing; ATV’s & Boats: 1990 Kawasaki
Bayou 300 four wheeler ATV; 1984 Delta Craft 156 XLT fibreglass boat; Other
Misc Equip: Partial listing only – See full list and pictures on the internet
at, or call 306-445-5000 for more information.
Important Notice: This is only a guide and in no way a guarantee of size, description or year. Please inspect
all equipment to your own satisfaction. Complete terms and conditions are available at bidder registration.
SK Provincial Licence #914618 – AB Provincial Licence #206959
Dr. Joel Fuhrman a boardcertified physician in the
United States and a member
of the Institute for Functional Medicine, recently gave a
TEDx talk about nutritional
science and medicine. He
called the American diet,
which is virtually identical to the Canadian diet,
“dramatically nutritionally
deficient.” Typical diets are
made up mostly of processed
foods and animal products,
he stated, which have a low
ratio of nutrients to calories.
He explained that combined
with an inactive lifestyle,
this nutritionally deficient
diet wrecks our health. Like
water drops running onto a
rock from a waterfall, over
time, those water drops
will crack a boulder. In the
same way, daily nutritional
and lifestyle stressors take
their toll on our health. “It’s
the toxic American lifestyle
that’s resulting in the all
these diseases, driving people to the doctors’ offices,”
says Dr. Fuhrman.
In treating patients, Dr.
Fuhrman recommends a
nutrient dense, plant-based
diet that he calls a “nutritarian diet” which is rich in
nutrients, antioxidants and
phyto-chemicals. He says
this diet, with its high nutrient-to-calorie ratio, leads to
a longer, healthier life, stops
food addictions and cravings and helps people attain
their ideal weight.
Dr. Fuhrman uses a little
proverb to help people remember the importance of
eating nutrient-rich foods
instead of the typical North
American diet. He tells people, “The whiter the bread,
the sooner you’re dead. The
more you eat green, the
more you get lean.” Stressing the importance of eating
more produce, he sums up
his diet recommendations
in an acronym. G-BOMBS
stands for Greens, Beans,
Onions, Mushrooms, Berries and Seeds. It’s these
dietary elements that Dr.
Fuhrman calls the“immune
system special forces” because foods in these groups
inhibit fat storage, fight cancer and lengthen life span.
“Heart attacks, strokes
and dementia don’t have to
happen,” Dr. Fuhrman asserts. These things are not a
natural consequence of aging, but instead are the results of our diet and lifestyle
choices. He also contends
that the war on cancer can
be won now because we already have the studies and
information we need to fight
it. “A nutritarian diet is therapeutically more effective
than medications for almost
every medical condition,” he
As an example of what
the “nutritarian diet” can
do, Dr. Fuhrman refers tosome patients whose health
was radically changed due
to his simple, holistic lifestyle recommendations. He
talks about Robert who was
wheelchair bound and had
rheumatoid arthritis and
heart disease; Heather who
suffered with constant headaches, insomnia, depression
and anxiety; Donna who
had fibromyalgia; and Jodi
who had severe psoriasis
and suffered for 25 years
with debilitating pain due
to lupus. They all regained
their health and were able
to live free of pain, without
medications, explains Dr.
Fuhrman, because the body
is a self-healing machine
when it’s properly fed.
Dr. Fuhrman’s message
is, “You don’t have to be sick
and be suffering and be tied
to medications for the rest of
your life.”
Visit Healthy by Nature on
Facebook to view the video.
Disclaimer: This article is
for information only. Consult a physician for diagnosis and treatment of any
health condition. The publisher and authors are not
responsible for any adverse
from the use of any suggestions given in this article.
Laura Lepard is a massage
therapist with more than 25
years of experience and a
certificate in nutrition from
the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition. She practices
from her clinic in Holbein
(306-960-1725). Tammie
Burak is a freelance writer
who lives near Spiritwood
For more information on
this and other lifestyle topics, join us on Facebook at
Healthy by Nature Recipe
Creamy Onion Soup
This quick and easy raw
soup has germ-fighting onions and garlic to help boost
your immune system for
cold season and a full-bodied, spicy flavour.
1 teaspoon ground cumin
½ cup almonds, soaked
for 2-4 hours
2 cups hot water
½ cup fresh parsley
1 clove garlic
1/3 cup chopped sweet onion
Sea salt to taste
Blend almonds and water in a blender till smooth.
Add the remaining ingredients and blend until smooth.
Serve immediately.
Scott Moe, MLA
34 Main Street, Box 115
Shellbrook, SK, S0J 2E0
Phone: 306-747-3422
Fax: 306-747-3472
Toll-free: 1-855-793-3422
Fast Genetics is a leading international swine genetics company, based in
Spiritwood, Saskatchewan, who owes much of its success to its progressive,
enthusiastic, and professional team of employees. Fast Genetics is currently
seeking to fill the following position:
Class 1A Livestock Driver – Full Time
Fast Genetic livestock trucks run Monday-Friday completing mostly local
transfers, with opportunity for long hauls several times a month. The potential
candidate must be able to pick-up and deliver pigs in a safe and efficient
manner, load and handle pigs, complete applicable documents, perform pretrip, post-trip inspections and preventative maintenance checks on trucks and
trailers, adhere to all safety and traffic laws, and perform all other duties as
requested. The potential candidate should be self-motivated, reliable, have
excellent organization and communication skills, Class 1A license and the
ability to drive in all weather conditions, working knowledge of diesel truck
maintenance, and a safe driving record verified by a current drivers abstract
at time of interview. The ideal candidate will have at least 2 years of related
experience. Fast Genetics Livestock Driver’s fall under Federal Regulations
and have a wage range of $16.50-$23.00/hr. plus possible quarterly bonus.
Fast Genetics offers a comprehensive benefit plan including health, dental,
disability, group life insurance, and a registered pension plan.
To find out if our company may be a part of your future plans, please submit
your resume to:
Fast Genetics Inc.
Box 903
Spiritwood, SK S0J 2M0
Fax: 306-883-2060
Apply online at
or e-mail to
“premium pig genetics from people you can count on”
We thank all applicants, however, only those under consideration will be
October 10, 2014
Shellbrook Chronicle
Reduce the risk of foodborne illness during Thanksgiving
Food is an important part of many holiday celebrations.
You can help reduce the risk of foodborne illness for your
family and friends by following some basic food safety tips.
Health Effects: The most common symptoms of food poisoning are stomach cramps, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and
fever. Most people recover completely from foodborne illness, but some groups are at greater risk of serious health
effects, like kidney problems and even death. The groups at
greater risk are young children, the elderly, pregnant women, and people with weakened immune systems.
General Food Safety Tips: There are four basic steps you
should always follow to help reduce the risk of foodborne illness:
Clean: Wash hands, contact surfaces (like kitchen counters) and utensils often to avoid the spread of bacteria.
Separate: Keep raw foods separate from cooked and
ready-to-eat foods to avoid cross-contamination.
Cook: Use an instant-read digital thermometer and cook
to these internal temperatures:
85°C (185°F) for whole poultry
74°C (165°F) for stuffing, casseroles, leftovers, egg
dishes, ground turkey and ground chicken, including sau-
sages containing poultry meat
71°C (160°F) for pork chops, ribs and roasts, and for
ground beef, ground pork and ground veal, including sausages
at least 63°C (145°F) for all whole muscle beef and veal
cuts, like steaks and roasts
Chill: Keep cold foods cold. Bacteria can grow rapidly
when food is allowed to sit in the so-called danger zone: between 4°C (40°F) and 60°C (140°F).
For additional holiday food safety tips, visit the Healthy
Canadians website.
RM of Shellbrook meeting highlights
Present were Reeve Robert Ernst and Councilors Andy
Larsen, Larry Ferster, Earl Stewart and Doug Oleksyn, and
Administrator Karen Beauchesne.
Reeve Ernst called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m.
Elna Fish attended the meeting at 11:00 a.m. and gave an
update on EMO activities.
That we approve the minutes of the meeting of July 2,
2014 as presented. Carried
That we accept the reports of the various members of
Council and the Administrator’s report, as presented. Carried
That we approve the Statement of Financial Activities for
the month of July, 2014 as presented. Carried
That we approve the correspondence as presented. C a r ried
That we authorize the Reeve and the Administrator to
sign the Memorandum of Understanding between the R.M.
and Town as presented. Carried
That we do not object to Evan Herzog’s request to construct his residence on NW 32-49-01-W3 140 feet from the
centre of the road, as opposed to the 150 foot setback required in the Zoning Bylaw. Carried
That we make the following appointments and arrangements for this fall’s elections: Returning Officer - Karen
Beauchesne. Nomination Officers - Karen Beauchesne, Val
Thompson. Deputy Returning Officers - Val Thompson,
Jerry Carlson & Elna Fish
Polling Places
- Division 2 - Shellbrook Seniors Hall
- Division 4 - Shellbrook Seniors Hall
- Division 6 - Mayview Store (Seniors Hall as alternate)
Rates of Pay
- Deputy Returning Officers $150.00/day
- Polling Places as required
- Mileage for delivery of boxes $ 0.50/km. Carried
That we authorize the Reeve and Administrator to apply for a $500,000.00 Line-of-credit at the Affinity Credit
Union. Carried
That we approve the following applications for a Building
Permit, subject to the approval of the Building Inspector:
Jamie Capner NW16-49-03 Shop $75,000.00
Roger Fulton SE 11-50-02 Shop/storage $ 54,000.00
Trevor Morash NE 12-52-02 Shop $98,000.00
Evan Herzog NW 32-49-01 House $179,000.00
That we give the Sturgeon Lake Regional Park Authority
a loan of $24,000.00, with no interest, to be repaid within
3 months. Carried
That we do not object to Laurie Somervilles’s request
to subdivide and untie 2 parcels, on NW 31-49-01-W3
providing that any roads, access or approaches required
as a result of the subdivision are the responsibility of the
developer, and shall be approved by the Rural Municipality. Further, this subdivision is subject to a $2,000.00
cash-in-lieu of The Municipal Reserve requirement and,
due to high water levels, the Rural Municipality shall remain harmless from any water drainage issues that may
arise. Carried
That we make an offer to OmniTrax of $1,000.00 per
half mile for the purchase of rail bed within the R.M. Carried
That we approve the accounts being regular cheque
numbers 7252 to 7313 in the amount of $347,506.64 and
payroll cheque numbers 12285 to 12307 in the amount of
$41,106.25. Carried
That we adjourn.
Present were Reeve Robert Ernst and Councilors Andy
Larsen, Larry Ferster, Earl Stewart, Sean Helm, Derwin
Joelson and Doug Oleksyn, and Administrator Karen
Reeve Ernst called the meeting to order at 7:00 a.m.
Jason Ranger, Gary Gale, Larry Marshall and Grant
Fulton attended the meeting at 7:30 a.m. to discuss Road
Maintenance Agreements.
That we approve the minutes of the meeting of Aug. 6,
2014 as presented. Carried
That we accept the reports of the various members of
Council and the Administrator’s report, as presented.
That we approve the Statement of Financial Activities
for the month of August, 2014 as presented. Carried
That we approve the correspondence as presented. Carried
That we set our rate for the sale of cold mix at $197.00
per tonne, plus $3.00 per km delivery charge, if required.
Due to the fact that the R.M. was not notified of the
haul, and a Ranger Road Maintenance Agreement was not
obtained by the
Rd. Maint. Contractor for Jason Ranger, that we accept
the road repair
Agreement work and gravel supplied by Mr. Ranger in
lieu of an Agreement after the fact. Carried
That we request an Easement on the most Southerly 17
feet in perpendicular width of the Road Allowance which
lies on the north side of Section 7-51-01-W3, owned by the
Sturgeon Lake First Nation TLE. Carried
That we do not concur with Jackie Grimsrud’s request
that the R.M. lobby the Ministry of Highways and Infrastructure to ban the use of engine retarder brakes while
passing by the Town of Shellbrook on Highway #3. Carried
That we approve Ian and Kim Johnson’s proposal to repair the roof on the Heritage House, previously known as
Backwoods Bed & Berries. Carried
That we do not object to SaskTel’s proposal to bury telephone cable in NW 21-49-03-W3, provided that they will
assume responsibility of digging up or moving said cable
should any future roadwork be required at this location.
That we authorize the Reeve to sign an Agreement stating that we accept Canadian Rail Track Material Inc’s offer of $13,000.00 to reclaim the 2 rail crossings on Hannigan’s road, as well as the 3 crossings within the Town of
Shellbrook. Further, that we give the Town of Shellbrook
$4,500.00 of this money to recover their costs to reclaim
the crossings in Town. Carried
That, although it is considered a worthy cause, we do
not concur with the Saskatchewan Federation of Police
Officers’ request for the R.M. to purchase an advertisement in the 2014 Crime Prevention Guide and “Family
Violence Awareness”. Carried
That, due to the fact the Sturgeon Lake First Nation is
applying for Reserve creation for Section 07-51-01-W3
and SW 02-51-02-W3, we write a letter advising of our
concerns regarding who will be responsible for costs associated with road maintenance. Carried
That we do not object to SaskTel’s proposal to install
a new copper cable to NW 23-52-02-W3, providing they
will be responsible for moving said cable should any future roadwork be required at this location. Carried
That we approve the accounts being regular cheque
numbers 7314 to 7362 in the amount of $421,524.21 and
payroll cheque numbers 12308 to 12329 in the amount of
$38,858.35. Carried
That we adjourn.
Larry Ferster
I will:
For Councillor for Division #4
R.M. of Shellbrook #493
I ask for your support on October
22, 2014
Also Ask About Our
Winter Tire Siping Option!
Shellbrook Chronicle
October 10, 2014
Dogwoods: variations of variegation
Sara Williams
Gardeners have an enormous appreciation for variegated foliage – leaves that contain white, cream, pink, yellow
or purple in addition to the
“normal” green. Like shrubs
with golden and silver foliage,
variegated shrubs can be used
to show off shrubs with purplish foliage. Plant them adjacent to and slightly behind the
shrubs with the purple foliage
for the best effect.
Although many shrubs have
variegated foliage (varying
from pinkish through gold
and white-silver), the hardiest, the most striking and the
most readily available are
found among the dogwoods
(Cornus). Several species have
prominent variegation.
Red-osier dogwood (Cornus
sericea, syn. C. stolonifera) is
native to the Canadian prairies, often found growing wild
on the edge of sloughs or bush
in moist situations. But redosier dogwood is surprisingly
adaptable and moderately
drought tolerant once established.
It has an irregular but somewhat mound-like form, with a
height and width of 1.8 to 2.7 m
(6–9 ft.). The green leaves, opposite and simple, are promi-
nently veined, oval and with
pointed tips, turning red purple in fall. The small, white,
flat-topped clusters of flowers in May and June give rise
to bluish-white berries. The
stems are dull red, becoming
greyish with age and increased
diameter (not unlike people).
Red-osier dogwoods grow well
in full sun to partial shade (up
to 70 per cent shade), with the
best fall foliage colour in full
sun. They tolerate a range of
soils. Although they do better with even moisture, they
are moderately drought tolerant once established. The oldest stems can be removed at
ground level to promote new
growth with a bright red stem
colour to enhance your winter landscape. They are well
placed in shrub borders, as
foundation plantings or used
in naturalization.
‘Silver and Gold’ is large (1.8
m/6 ft. in height and spread)
and better used in larger landscapes. It has variegated green
foliage with a white margin
and yellow stems and good
winter value.
‘White Gold’, with a height
and spread of 2.5 m (8 ft.), has
green and creamy white variegated foliage and bright gold
winter stems.
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There are many variegated
selections of Tartarian dogwood (Cornus alba). ‘Argenteo-marginata’, the silverleafed dogwood, has a height
and spread of 1.5 to 2 m (5 to
6.5 ft.), variegated gray-green
and creamy white foliage and
red winter stems. It does best
in partial shade.
Ivory Halo is an upright,
compact selection. The green
leaves have white margins,
and the stems are red in winter. It has a rounded form and
is 1.5 m (5 ft.) in height and
‘Gouchaltii’ (aka Gold and
Rose) is more rounded than
most, with a height and spread
of 2 m (6.5 ft.). It has variegated green leaves with yellow margins, often with a pink
tinge, and red winter stems.
Unfortunately, it appears susceptible to aphids.
‘Silver Charm’ is a dense,
slow-growing, dwarf dogwood,
approximately 1 m (3 ft.) in
height and spread with silver
and green variegation. It’s well
suited to a smaller landscape.
Sara is the author of the
new and revised ‘Creating the
Prairie Xeriscape.’ In her latest book, Saskatoon Forestry
Farm Park & Zoo: A Photographic History, she tells of
the history of an institution
and the personal stories of the
people who made an important
impact on Prairie agriculture.
This column is provided
courtesy of the Saskatchewan
Perennial Society (;
hortscene@ Check out our
Bulletin Board or Calendar
for upcoming garden information sessions: October 22, A
History of the Forestry Farm
Park and Zoo, 7:30 pm at Emmanuel Anglican Church on
Dufferin St.
RM of Redberry #435
Amazing 2600 sq. ft. timber built home with
loft overlooking lake, 457 acres with 205 acres
cultivated, farmed organic, balance bush and
pasture. In-floor heat in home, quonset and garage from a wood burning heater, with propane
back-up. Solar power and endless features in the home. Well sheltered
yard and garden areas with lots of fruit trees. The area offers good hunting
and fishing. Located near lac La Peche just over an hour from Saskatoon,
Prince Albert and North Battleford. A must to view.
MLS®# 511919
For more info on any of the above listings call
Call Lloyd Ledinski
1-306-446-8800 or 1-306-441-0512
of the Battlefords
Locally Owned and Operated ~ 1391 100th St., North Battleford, SK S9A 0V9
October 10, 2014
Shellbrook Chronicle
Stay fit when temperatures drop
Many animals hibernate
throughout the winter.
Humans are afforded no
such luxury. In fact, living
a sedentary lifestyle during the colder months of
the year can actually prove
detrimental to human
Exercise is beneficial any
time of the year, but it can
be especially so during the
winter months when colder
temperatures force many
people inside, where they
live more sedentary lifestyles than they do during
the rest of the year. Adapting your exercise habits in
the winter can help you
make it through the colder
months in great shape.
There is no reason to
stop exercising when the
temperature drops. The
American Heart Association says working out
in the cold weather has
distinct advantages over
working out in hot and humid conditions. When the
weather is cold, you may
be able to work out longer
and harder because the
heat won’t zap your energy levels, and exercising outdoors in the winter
is a great way to get small
doses of sunlight that can
improve mood and help
your body produce more
vitamin D.
The Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention
Pointers for the upcoming hunting season
Hunting is a popular
hobby and sport enjoyed
by millions of people
across North America.
Over the last 10 years,
data from the U.S. Fish
and Wildlife Service indicates that more and more
females are taking up
Hunting seasons vary
depending on where you
live. Regulations designed
by local conservation,
game, fish, and wildlife
departments often dictate
the start and end of hunting season. Although the
licensing, seasons, limits,
and fees for hunting may
differ geographically, the
preparation that goes into
getting ready for hunting
season is similar regardless of geography.
Many seasoned hunters realize hunting season
does not begin on “opening day.”
Rather, it can take weeks
or months to get ready for
a successful season. Considering hunting seasons
can be brief, preparation
helps hunters make the
most of their time spent
in the field.
• Purchase your license,
tag or stamp. Many wildlife departments require
hunters register in advance of the season, and
says exercise can help
boost your immune system, which can help you
fight colds and flu symptoms. Just a few minutes
of exercise each day can
help prevent simple viral
and bacterial infections as
Working out in the winter may help you burn more
calories than in warmer
seasons. Research published in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
found that race times are
faster in cold weather than
in warmer temperatures.
Quicker runs or walks can
burn more calories.
If exercising outdoors is
too uncomfortable, break
up your routine into smaller, more manageable sessions. Aim for 10 minute
sessions several times per
day. This quickly can add
up to the 30 minutes of daily recommended exercise.
Dress in layers so you can
feel comfortable, adjusting
your clothing as necessary.
You don’t want to be freezing, but you don’t want to
wear so many clothes that
you start sweating and risk
Consider less traditional
exercises when winter sets
in. These include shoveling
snow, sledding, skating,
skiing, and snowshoeing.
1. Under the provisions of The Tax Enforcement Act, the R.M.
of Canwood No. 494 offers for sale the following properties:
Block A, Plan No. 101510615 Ext 20; a portion of
SW 16-49-05 W3
Block 4, Mont Nebo, Plan BD532 Ext 3
Lot 9, Block 2, Mont Nebo, Plan BD532
Lot 1, Block 1, Mont Nebo, Plan BD532
this registration includes
securing a hunting license. Because there is
a limit to how many animals each hunter can
hunt, tags for the animals
they’re hunting also will
be issued. Hunters planning on going out for the
season should stay apprised of when licensing
and registration begins
and ends so they can hunt
• Scout areas. The landscape can change from
year to year depending
on a host of factors, including
weather. Areas once open
to hunting may now be
restricted lands. Map out
your potential hunting
location and be aware of
any new landmarks or
• Check and replenish
gear. Inspect weaponry,
field-dressing supplies,
clothing, and other supplies for wear and tear.
Address any issues that
need to be fixed, or replace items as necessary.
If a rif le, bow or shotgun hasn’t been fired in
a while, take it to a range
to verify accuracy and
sighting. If you hunt out
of a tree stand or blind,
make sure it is sturdy and
in good condition prior to
• Get in shape. Hunting
often requires hiking in
and out of the great outdoors in various terrain.
It’s helpful to increase
physical activity leading
up to the hunt to prepare
your body for the physical
demands of hunting.
• Organize and pack
gear. Ensure your equipment is clean, in working
order and packed away
in your travel bags. Establish a system of organization and a checklist
so you’re certain you will
have what you need. Don’t
forget to bring along your
hunting license and animal tags; otherwise, you
may be levied with costly
• Always hunt safely. It
is quite easy to get swept
up in the moment when
tracking game. Don’t let
rational judgement and
safety precautions. Otherwise an injury or even
death can occur.
Hunting season is on
the horizon and that
means preparing now for
the few weeks of sport to
2. Tenders must be submitted in a sealed envelope marked
“Property Tender” and must indicate which property the
tender is for. Tenders can be submitted to: The Rural
Municipality of Canwood No. 494, Box 10, Canwood, Sask.,
S0J 0K0.
3. Tenders must be postmarked by 4:00 p.m. on November 7,
4. A certified cheque to the Municipality for 10% of the amount
of the tender must accompany the tender. Tenders
submitted without certified funds will not be considered.
5. Highest, or any tender, not necessarily accepted.
6. The successful bidder will have 45 days to provide the
balance of cash to complete the purchase. The deposit will
be forfeited if the successful bidder does not finalize the
agreement for sale within the required time.
7. All legal costs, title transfer fees and applicable taxes are the
responsibility of the purchaser and are in addition to the bid
Dated the 10th day of October, 2014.
Lorna Benson
Shellbrook Chronicle
October 10, 2014
Prepare your vehicle now for the deep freeze
Did you know that even in winter, a neglected cooling system is one of the main reasons
for a vehicle break down?
Antifreeze/coolant performs three important functions. It protects the cooling system
from freezing, from boiling over, and from premature wear due to corrosion.
Even with long change intervals, the coolant level can become too low – and sometimes
due to a leak, it can completely drain away. So be sure to put an antifreeze/coolant check
on your pre-winter maintenance list.
And to prevent being left on the side of the road in the cold, here are some additional
quick tips from Prestone Products Corporation, a leading name in car care:
• Protect your cooling system by choosing antifreeze/coolant with a high quality corrosion
inhibitor, such as the Cor-Guard inhibitor package in the Prestone line. This is particularly important if your vehicle is new.
Engine metals are thinner and lighter these days (to meet consumer demands for lower
cost and improved gas mileage) so an anti-corrosion agent designed to meet new engine
construction is vital. For topping up coolant levels, save time by using a premixed formulation of 50 per cent coolant and 50 per cent demineralized water.
• Change to winter tires. Transport Canada points out that vehicle handling is improved
~ Calendar
BLAINE LAKE: Wapiti Library - Books, Movies, Magazines, Children’s Section, Internet, Printing, Study/Meeting Space, Proctor Service, Community Programming. Hours:
Tuesday 1-5, Wednesday 1-5, Friday 1-5, Saturday 1-4. Contact us for more info 306-4973130
CANWOOD: branch of Wapiti Regional Library - NEW HOURS - Tues. - 1:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. Thurs. - 10 :00 noon - 4: 00 p.m. STORYTIME - Thurs. 10:30 - 12:00 p.m.
Internet services available at the library.
DEBDEN: Wapiti Library hours: Monday 3 pm - 7 pm. Tuesday 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. Librarian: Aline Hannon
LEASK: Wapiti Library Hours: Tues. & Fri.: 1 - 5:30 pm & Sat., 1:00 - 5:00 pm.
MArCELIN: Wapiti Library is open Tues. 11 - 4 pm; Thur. 3 - 8 pm. For information on
all your library needs, please contact 306-226-2110.
ShELLBrOOK: Shellbrook Branch of the Wapiti Library located at 105 Railway Ave.,
West (Provincial building). Library Hours: Mon., 2-6:30 pm; Tues., 2 - 8 pm; Wed. 2 - 8
pm; Thur., 2 - 6:30 pm; Fri., 10 - 4 pm. Children’s Story Time: Fri. 10:30 am (Oct. - May).
ShELLBrOOK: AA Meeting, Alcoholic’s Anonymous meet every Monday - 7:30 p.m.
at the Hospital. You are welcome to attend.
CANWOOD: Attention ALL Canwood & Area Residents submit your history to Canwood
& District ‘Now and Then’ History Book. For more info email: canwoodhistorybook@ Barb Benson 306-468-2797; Shelley Andersen 306-468-2051; Donna Wyatt
306-468-2830;; Canwood & District History Book Box 172 Canwood,
SK S0J 0K0.
MArCELIN: Marcelin and District Community Club Annual General Meeting on
Thursday, October 23, 2014 at the Community Hall. Annual General Meeting at 7:00 PM.
Agenda will include: elections for next year, bylaw approval, survey of interests, volunteer
sign up list etc.
ShELLBrOOK: St. Andrew’s Anglican Church Soup, Sandwich & Dessert Luncheon at
the Shellbrook Senior’s Centre on Friday, October 31 from 11 a.m. to 1:30 pm. All proceeds
for the Church furnace fund.
CANWOOD: Canwood Multiple 4-H Organizational Meeting & Registration, Sunday
October 19, 2014 - 6:30 pm, Canwood Public School, Fees: $80/member (after Nov. 1st
$100), Projects: Archery, Beef, Light Horse, If anyone is interested in leading a different
project, please come to this meeting. New projects/leaders welcome. Feel free to visit for more information on projects available. For more information please
call Melissa Stieb 306-468-2690
CANWOOD: DAtE ChANgED Canwood Fall Supper at Canwood Elks Hall on Sunday, November 9 from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. Adults $13, Ages 6-12 yrs $7, 5 & Under Free.
Proceeds to The Village & R.M. of Canwood 100th Anniversary Committee. Matching
funds provided by Scotiabank to a maximum of $5,000.00
MArCELIN: Fall Supper, Sunday, October 19, Marcelin community Hall, Sittings: 5
p.m. and 6 p.m., adults $12; 6-12 yrs $6; preschool free. Sponsored by St. Joseph Parish.
To Follow: Bingo, 50/50, Fish Pond.
ShELLBrOOK: Annual Harvest Supper at the Knox United Church, 302 - 2nd Ave. E,
Shellbrook on Sunday, October 26. Doors Open 4 to 7 pm. Adults $12; 6 - 12 $6; Five &
Under Free. (Turkey & all the trimmings) 20% of proceeds go to the local hospital TV fund
Everyone Welcome!
ShELLBrOOK: Shellbrook Curling Registration Night on Friday, Oct. 24, 7:30 p.m.
Curling Rink Lounge.
Triple your adverTising
We’ll advertise your important community event in our Community Calendar FREE
for two weeks prior to the event with a purchase of a
2 column x 2” Display ad for only:
plus g.s.T. - a savings of over 30%
Available to Non-Profit & Community Organizations Only
Call Now For Further Details
“Don’t miss out on letting your Community and others know of your event!”
Shellbrook Chronicle
Box 10, Shellbrook, SK S0J 2E0
Ph: 306-747-2442 • Fax: 306-747-3000 • email: chads@sbchron. com
when tires of the same type, size, speed rating and load index, are installed on all four
As importantly, proper air pressure extends tread life, improves safety, and reduces fuel
consumption. Check the pressure once a month as winter temperatures get colder.
• Inspect the windshield wipers every month, and after six months change them for better
performance and safety.
• Fill an emergency kit with a blanket, flash light, extra batteries, warm work gloves, a collapsible snow shovel, a tow rope, lightsticks, and energy bars.
Regular services, Sunday school and special events will be listed at no charge.
Zion - Canwood
Sunday School,
Worship Sunday, 11 a.m.
St. John’s - Shellbrook
Sunday School,
Worship Sunday, 9 a.m.
Parkside, Immanuel
11 a.m. - Worship
Pastor Chris Dean
-----------------------PENTECOSTAL CHURCH
10:00 a.m. Sunday School
11:00 a.m. Worship
David Baldock
Sun., 10:30 a.m. - Worship
Pastor David Bodvarson
10:30 a.m. - Worship
Pastor Glenn Blazosek
Leask Gospel Tabernacle
Sunday 6:30 p.m.
Pastor L. Trafford
-----------------------EVANGELICAL FREE
Big River
11:00 a.m. - Worship
Bible Classes 9:45 a.m.
Summer: 10:30 a.m. - 12
Youth Nite: Fridays
Mont Nebo
Wed., 7:30 p.m.
Bible Study and Prayer
Sun., 10:30 a.m. - Worship
Pastor Bill Klumpenhower
-----------------------CATHOLIC CHURCH
Sun. Mass - 9:30 a.m.
Fr. Sebastian Kunnath
Big River - Sacred Heart
Sun., 11:30 a.m. - Mass
Sun., 2:30 p.m. - Mass.
Sat., 7:30 p.m. - Mass.
Fr. Sebastin Kunnath
Eucharist Celebrations
Sunday, 3 p.m.
St. Agatha’s - Shellbrook
Sunday, 9 a.m.
St. Henry’s - Leask
Mass Sunday 11 a.m.
St. Joseph’s - Marcelin
Mass Saturday, 7 p.m.
Sunday, 3 p.m.
Fr. Tru Le
Sunday worship
11 a.m.
Rev. Bev Shepansky
-----------------------SEVENTH DAY
407-2nd Ave E, Shellbrook
Sat., 9:45 a.m. -
Sabbath School
Sat., 11:00 am -Worship
Broadcast on
VOAR 92.1 FM
Pastor Dan Guiboche
-----------------------SOVEREIGN GRACE
Currently meeting in homes on
Sunday morning
and Wednesday evenings
Parkside 306-747-2309
Leask 306-466-4498
Marcelin 306-226-4615
-----------------------ANGLICAN CHURCH
Leask - All Saint’s
Sunday, 9:00 a.m.
- Service
St. Andrew’s - Shellbrook
Sunday, 11 a.m. Service
Canwood - Christ Church
Sunday, 11 a.m. Service
Mont Nebo - St. Luke’s
Sunday, 2 p.m. -Service
-----------------------UNITED CHURCH
Big River
1st & 2nd Sundays
1 p.m. - Worship
at Anglican Church
All Other Sundays - 10 a.m.
Shellbrook - Knox
Sun., 10 am - Worship
Pastor Dave Whalley
In Memoriams
In memoriams may be put in the
Chronicle for $19.50
(30 words)
plus 20¢ per additional word
Shellbrook Chronicle
Phone: 306-747-2442 • Fax: 306-747-3000
October 10, 2014
Toronto Maple Leafs carry
the persona of two other
professional sports teams —
Chicago Cubs and the Dallas
The Leafs are the Cubs because they’re the lovable losers, their most recent Stanley
Cup win coming in1967 — 47
years ago. Cubs fans annually
have high hopes until about a
third of the way through the
season, at which point they
bring out their well-worn
“Wait till next year” T-shirts.
And the Leafs are the Cowboys because while the Dallas footballers are America’s
team, the Leafs are most certainly Canada’s team. That
foothold on the national love
affair with the Leafs is fading,
however, thanks to the addition of five other Canadianbased teams since the Leafs’
last Stanley Cup parade. But
while it’s fading, broadcasters on Canada’s two sportsbased networks, TSN and
Sportsnet, seem to do their
utmost to lead the cheers for
the Loveable Losers from T.O.
Leafs’ fans have high hopes - again
And you can’t
Phil Kessel, James
deny that the Leafs
van Riemsdyk and
are lovable. Attend
Nazem Kadri, the
one of their road
only three to fingames in Winniish among the top
peg, Calgary, Ed90 in the NHL last
monton, Ottawa
year, and there
or Vancouver and
are high hopes for
the crowd support
baby-faced Wilis sometimes close
liam Nylander, the
to 50-50. Diehard
Leafs’ first-round
Leaf fans save up
pick who likely
their nickels for
needs a year of sea~
tickets to the sinsoning before he
gle, solitary Leaf
becomes an NHL
visit of the year,
wash their Borje Salming,
On the blueline, sophomore
Ron Ellis or Dave Keon jersey Morgan Rielly is the Leafs’
and show up to root — usually best, and Jake Gardiner is
in vain — for the boys in blue. a legitimate NHLer. The
So how do the Leafs look name Dion Phaneuf is rarely
this year? Their fans blindly printed without the two-word
say this could be the year; the ‘much maligned’ adjective
experts foresee another frus- attached, but he’s still a big
trating season for the Laffs presence in the blueline.
and their fans.
So what’s in store for the
The problem begins in goal, Leafs in 2014-15? Sorry
where James Reimer and Leafs’ fans, probably more of
Jonathan Bernier remind the same — mediocrity, and
no one of Johnny Bower or many more melancholy menTurk Broda. There is some of- tions of 1967.
fensive skill up front, led by
• Greg Cote of the Miami
Herald, on baseball commissioner Bud Selig forming a
committee to look at speeding up games: “I still like my
idea: First run wins.”
• Jeff Gordon’s Tipsheet on, remembering former NBA star Marvin Barnes, who recently
died: “The Spirits were getting set to depart on a flight
from Louisville at 8 a.m.
that would get into St. Louis
at 7:56. After one look at his
ticket, Barnes exclaimed ‘I
ain’t getting on no time machine,’ and promptly rented a
car for the trip home.”
• Dwight Perry of the Seattle Times: “Now that the
Derek Jeter Farewell Tour has
wrapped up, how’s that ‘Welcome Back, A-Rod’ campaign
for 2015 coming along?”
• Comedy writer Alan Ray,
on a telltale sign its an NHL
exhibition game: “The starters only fight for one period.”
• ABC’s Jimmy Kimmel, on
the former Olympic decathlon champ Bruce Jenner’s
plastic surgery: “When I was
growing up his face was on
a box of Wheaties. Now his
face isn’t even on his face anymore.”
• Greg Cote again: “The
PGA Tour’s FedEx Cup playoffs were won by somebody
named ‘Billy Horschel,’ a
strong indicator that whatever the FedEx Cup playoffs
are, they stink.”
• Brad Dickson of the Omaha World-Herald: “In his final
home game, Derek Jeter hit a
walk-off single in the bottom
of the ninth. In the interest of
saving time, when Jeter arrived at first base, a representative from Cooperstown was
waiting with his Hall of Fame
induction letter.”
• Dickson again: “Suspended Cleveland Browns receiver
Josh Gordon is working as
an auto salesman. I think it
speaks volumes about the
NFL that a guy who temporarily leaves the league to regain his moral compass goes
to work selling cars.”
• RJ Currie of sportsdeke.
com: “A burglar was nabbed
Shellbrook Chronicle 15
in Florida after police reportedly found him asleep in front
of a TV inside the home he
was robbing. Five bucks says
he tuned in to a Cubs game.”
• Currie again: “Proof that
bad things come in threes:
CFL games on TSN1, TSN2
and TSN3 all had play-byplay by Rod Black.”
• Janice Hough of “Bill
Simmons of ESPN was suspended three weeks for his
profane rant about Roger
Goodell where he called the
commissioner a liar. Three
weeks! Guess he should have
just taken a swing at Goodell
in an elevator.”
• Steve Schrader of the
Detroit Free Press: “After
sacking Green Bay Packers
quarterback Aaron Rodgers on Sunday, Detroit Lions
linebacker Stephen Tulloch
jumped around — and tore
the ACL in his left knee.
Clearly the Lions aren’t used
to celebrating.”
Care to comment? Email
Sewer work causes partial road blocks along Main Street
For those Shellbrook residents who may have heard
strange gurgling noises emanating from their toilets
earlier this week, you can sleep easy knowing your porcelain thrones aren’t possessed.
The odd sounds were merely the result of sewer rehabilitation work being performed by ACME Environmental Services, which also caused multiple intersections of Main Street to be partially blocked off by large
trucks and equipment.
Carter Matechuk, supervisor of underground services for ACME Environmental Services, said that the
company is using a newer method of redoing sewer
pipes that is faster, more environmentally friendly and
most importantly, cost-effective.
“It’s extremely beneficial to communities because
there’s no asphalt to repave, there’s no digging involved at all, and we can replace a full block in about 12
hours,” he explained. “If you dig, it takes a week or two,
and it’s about twice as expensive.
The newer method also allows workers to use prerehabilitation videos to identify problems, and postrehabilitation videos to ensure the job was done right
before pipes are reopened.
At time of publication, Matechuk anticipated that the
job would be finished in two or three days.
Fri., October 17 ~ 7 p.m
P.A. VS Edmonton
Come for the Game, Stay for the Party!
Workers from ACME Environmental Services work on sewer rehabilitation at the intersection
of Main Street and 3rd Avenue.
Sat., October 18 ~ 7 p.m
P.A. VS Red Deer
Shellbrook Chronicle
October 10, 2014
J &H Electric
Residential, Commercial
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Skid Steer Service
Carlton Trail
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Dr. Jodi Haberstock, Au.D., BC - HIS
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Call Rob
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Serving Shellbrook
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Jake Verbonac
Registered Audiologist
2995 2nd Ave. West
South Hill Mall, Prince Albert, SK
• Complete Autobody Repair
• Lifetime Warranty
• Auto Glass Repair
• Paintless Dent Repair
492 South Industrial Dr.
Prince Albert
• On Site Mixing • No Waste
• Now offers full concrete
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Only pay for what you use!
Phone Waylyn
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Waiting For You
Keep Your Business In
The Public Eye And A
Quick Reference At Your
Customer’s Finger Tips.
Call Today:
Bronze cemetery plaques
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Fax: 306-468-2252
Your Full Service Builder
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RTM or Site Built
Mike Linsley
1-877-898-8248 (TAIT)
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General, Health
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Motor License Issuer
Central Optometric Group
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Prince Albert S6V 1G2
This Space Is
Waiting For You
Keep Your Business In
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Call Today:
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306-747-2828 (24 hrs.)
Monument Sales & Pre-arrangements Available
Tammy Smart
RCM Curbing
Prince Albert
Kwik Kerb
Continuous Edging Suits:
Director of the Boards
• Renovations
• Additions
• Home Maintenance
Chuck Church
Tyson Kasner
Eavestroughing • Fascia
Soffits • Siding
Cell Phone Number
Courteous, professional,
reliable, plumbing, heating,
gas fitting services
Ph: 306-747-4332
Shellbrook, Sask.
Building Futures Together
Serving our Communities
in Debden and Big River
Big River
• Water & Sewage Clean Up
• Flood Extraction
• Insurance Claims & Estimates
Steve White @ 306-960-5714
Vince White @ 306-960-5483
D & S Mechanical
Services Inc.
This Space Is
Waiting For You
Commercial Refrigeration
Res. & Com. Air Conditioning
Plumbing • Heating • Gas Fitting
Shellbrook & Area
Tel: 306-747-3170
John & Bertha Couture Greg & Karen Spencer
Fred Pomrenk Donna Lovberg Marjorie Brossart
Ed & Brenda Beaulac Marianne Turcotte
Cell: 306-250-7847
Res: 306-497-3141
Dr. Wayne Diakow
Dr. Stephen Malec
Dr. Carolyn Haugen
Dr. Nicole Lacey
Build our community:
Buy locally manufactured
Licensed & Insured Journeyman Carpenter
• Garden Soil & Bark Retention
• Mower Strips
• Driveway Borders & Edges
• Landscaping Contouring
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Kimble Bradley
Bill Cannon
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Call Today:
Law Office
This Space Is
Waiting For You
Rocky Road Trucking Ltd.
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Prince Albert, SK S6V 0Y7
phone (306) 764-6856
fax (306) 763-9540
Preferred areas of practice:
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Debden, SK
Keep Your Business In
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Customer’s Finger Tips.
Call Today:
For all your Grain Hauling needs.
Now Also Available 53’ Step Deck.
Contact Rocky Couture
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October 10, 2014
Shellbrook Chronicle
your local newspaper and more
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Thank You, Etc.
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Competitive Pricing
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Ph: 306-747-2442 • Fax: 306-747-3000
Shellbrook Chronicle
P.O. Box 10, Shellbrook, SK S0J 2E0
Advertising Deadline - Monday: 5:00 p.m.
$60.00 + $3.00 (GST) = $63.00/year
Reaching over 10,000 people weekly.
Personal Classifieds:
$13.25 for 20 words + GST
20¢ additional words
$7.75 for additional weekds
Classified Display:
$17.80/column inch. Minimum 2
column inches - $35.60 + GST.
For All Other Advertising
Please Contact Our Office at:
Ph: 306-747-2442 or Fax: 306-747-3000
Email: news:
Notice is hereby given
under The Tax Enforcement Act that unless the
arrears and costs appearing opposite the land and
title number described in
the following list are fully
paid before October 22,
2014, these accounts will
be forwarded to Western
Municipal Tax Enforcement to start tax enforcement proceedings.
Note: A sum for costs in
an amount required by
subsection 4(3) of The
Tax Enforcement Act is
included in the amount
shown against each
Lot 13, Blk 25, Plan
CR285, Title 138948575
Lot 6, Blk 25, Plan
CR285, Title 116723101
Lot 3, Blk 2, Plan
S3193, Title 142258967
Lot 1, Blk 8, Plan Q508,
Title 116548162 $1,745.99
Lot 8, Blk 7, Plan Q508,
Title 130307824 $1,131.11
Lot 1, Blk 25, Plan
CR285, Title 110678159
Lot 4, Blk 44, Plan
101306382, Title
Dated at Shellbrook, SK
this 10th day of October,
Kelly Hoare,
FOR SALE - Paddle
boat, table saw, drill
press, scroll saw,
Arian garden tractor, garden sprayer,
grass sweep. 306468-2794 2-41CH
quality hay, no rain,
round bales, good
for horse and sheep.
FOR SALE - 2007
Equinox LT/LS,
loaded, one owner.
AWD, new tires,
spark plugs and
wires. Stored in garage. 175,000 km.
Excellent condition.
$9800.00 306-4272275.
Deer pull type
combine 7721, Titan
II, good condition
$5,000 obo. Phone
for information 306468-2070 2-41CH
Are An
Easy Sell!
SWNA Blanket Classifieds
FOR SALE - Round
wheat straw bales,
$15 each. Ph: 306468-4394 2-42CH
House to rent in
Shellbrook for two
people and one
Shellbrook Chronicle
WANTED - All kinds
of feed grain, including heated canola.
Now distributors of
feed pellets with up
to 36% protein. Marcel Seeds, Debden
Ph: 306-724-4461
WANTED - Pair of
used clogging shoes,
size 8½ or 9. Call
306-747-8207 TFC
IT’S HERE! Cottages that are: 1) affordable & moveable
2) move in ready 3)
builte with integrity
for all seasons 4)
energy efficient.
Order now from
$49,000 to $69,000
including delivery.
Best value on the
market! Come &
check out our demos
and we will build
your dream Park
Model home, cabin,
office or rental for
delivery in 6 - 8
weeks. Call now for
appointment to see.
306-468-2224 or
Cell 425-348-8948
come in small houses! New 2014 Park
Model (14’ x 46’)
home for $69,000,
includes delivery.
Lots of features
you’ll want: 30 year
roof, lifetime vinyl
siding, 2x6 construction, full size
stainless steel appliances, dishwasher,
washer & dryer,
central heat & air
and more. Call now
Reaching over 6 million people weekly.
Cost for 25 words:
Saskatchewan market .........$209.00
One Zone ............................$86.00
Two Zone ..........................$123.00
Alberta market .......................$259.00
Manitoba market ...................$179.00
BC market .............................$395.00
Ontario market ......................$429.00
Central Ontario ..................$139.00
Eastern Ontario ..................$143.00
Northern Ontario ..................$82.00
Quebec market
English ...............................$160.00
French ................................$709.00
Atlantic market ......................$159.00
Across Canada ..................$1,770.00
(excluding French)
for an appointment
to see or order from
over 40 floor plans including cabins, offices and Grand loft
Park Model Homes.
306-468-2224 or
Cell 425-348-8948
for appointment.
FOR SALE - 14x60
newly renovated
open concept 2 bedroom, new windows,
doors, insulated
roof, fully upgraded
kitchen & bathroom, includes 5
appliances. Located
Whispering Pines
Trailer Park. Sold
on site or moved
$30,000. 306-3145978
MOTEL is looking
for part time housekeeper and a part
time maintenance
person. Call 306747-2631 or come in
Northwood Esso
& Subway
• Evenings &
• Competitive wages
• Multiple positions
• Students welcome
Bring resume
or pick up an
Vendors needed:
Chitek Lake Craft &
Trade Extravaganza.
Saturday, November
15th, 2014. Tables
$25.00 each, call
306-984-2353 to
taking registration
for the fall Piano
lessons with Thomas
Wrigley. Beginners
to Grade 10. Phone
Prince Albert.
Advertising Deadline
Monday 5:00 p.m.
your way!
October 10, 2014
Career Ads
Reaching Over 600,000 People Weekly
Rates: $7.79 per agate line
Size: 2 col. x 2” ...................$424.00
Deadline for Booking/Material
Monday at 5 p.m.
Contact the Shellbrook Chronicle
or Email:
All prices plus applicable taxes.
This newspaper accepts advertisements in good
faith. We advise that it is in your interest to
investigate offers personally. Publications by this
paper should not be taken as an endorsement of
the product or services offered.
on the farm
• Clean and cook
• Help look after
pets and animals
• Young children
White Livestock
Hauling, servicing
your area. 1-306468-7628 or 1-306427-4465 13-51CH
AA Meeting
meet every
Monday -
7:30 p.m.
at the Hospital
You are welcome
to attend.
Shellbrook Seniors
Association would
like to thank all who
supported us for
our very successful
Tea and Bake Sale.
Pauline Bird won the
floral arrangement
donated by Shellbrook Flower Shop.
Shellbrook Chronicle
Don’t Miss Out on the Extras!
Turn to the Classifieds
to find your next
• Job • Car • House
• or Anything else you want!
20 words for only
$13.25 plus GST
$7.75 for each additional week
• Additional words 20¢ • Includes 2 papers & website
Shellbrook Chronicle
October 10, 2014
Troyer Ventures Ltd. is
a privately owned energy
opportunities include
competitive wages,
comprehensive benefits
package and room for
advancement. We are
accepting applications
at multiple branches
Drivers (Class 1, 3), and
Mechanics. Successful
candidates will be selfmotivated and eager to
learn. Experience is
preferred, but training
is available. Valid safety
tickets, clean drug test,
references and a
drivers abstract are
required. For more
information and to
apply, please visit our
website at:
requires O/O 3/4 tons,
1 tons and 3 tons for
our RV division and
O/O Semis and drivers
for our RV and general
freight deck division to
haul throughout North
America. Paid by direct
deposit, benefits and
company fuel cards.
required with valid
passport and clean
We are taking applications
for this upcoming
winter road season.
Work is already commencing.
We have secured a project to
move a large number
of loads from edmonton
to yellowknife commencing
in november 2014.
--------------JOIN US THIS WINTER
The season has already
begun with loads moving
from Edmonton, AB and
Yellowknife NT and we need
trucks NOW!!
--------------Grimshaw offers
competitive rates, safety
bonuses and capped
--------------Interested and qualified
applicants should forward
resumes along with current
driver’s abstract to:
Brazy Lirazan –
Human Resources
Fax: 780-452-5023
Phone 780-414-2835
or see us at
11510-151 Street NW,
Edmonton, AB
Integrity Oilfield Hauling
is looking for Class 1
Winch, Picker operators
Competitive wages and
health/dental package.
Please forward resume
to or
fax 306-482-3030.
Heavy Equipment
for late model CAT equip:
motor scrapers
(cushion ride), dozers,
excavators, rock trucks,
graders (trim operators).
Camp job. Competitive
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Advertisements and
statements contained
herein are the sole
responsibility of the
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post the advertisement,
and the Saskatchewan
Weekly Newspaper
membership do not
make any warranty as
reliability of such
advertisements. For
greater information on
advertising conditions,
please consult the
Association’s Blanket
Advertising Conditions
on our website at
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Shellbrook Chronicle
October 10, 2014
Safe driving tips for Thanksgiving weekend
The Thanksgiving long
weekend is fast approaching. CAA Saskatchewan re-
minds all motorists to plan
ahead for their long weekend
travels to visit family and
friends. “We know that there
will be an increase of motorists on our roadways travel-
ling to be with their loved
ones,” said Christine Niemczyk, Director of Communica-
tions with CAA Saskatchewan. She added, “That’s why
it’s important to plan ahead
and ensure your vehicle is
We know that in Saskatchewan the weather can change
quickly which can impact
driving conditions.
Be prepared: adjust your
driving behaviour to the
changing environments.”
Here are a few more safe
driving tips:
- Ensure your vehicle is in
top working condition with
a full tank of gas and properly inflated tires to help
with fuel efficiency. A poorly
maintained vehicle can use
up to 50 per cent more fuel.
Under-inflated tires also
reduce safety and fuel efficiency.
- Check your vehicle’s belts
and hoses. Just a little attention to these vital components can ensure your car is
operating at its best.
- Also check the brakes,
fluid levels and battery. Today’s vehicles have more
electrical demands than ever
and batteries play an essential role in meeting those demands.
- Allow extra time for travel and let others know your
route and expected time of
- Check weather and travel
conditions before heading
out. If conditions are poor,
delay travel if possible.
- Before heading out, visit
the lowest gas prices in Saskatchewan communities as
well as in other provinces.
- All occupants must wear
seat belts.
- Ensure children are
properly secured and that
car seats and booster seats
are installed correctly.
- Don’t speed. It’s dangerous, and driving above 90
km/hr decreases your fuel
efficiency exponentially.
- Slow to 60 km/hr in construction zones and when
passing tow trucks and
emergency vehicles on Saskatchewan highways. Failing
to do so is not only unsafe,
but could also cost you a fine.
- Remember: the use of
hand-held communications
devices behind the wheel is
banned in Saskatchewan as
well as in all Canadian provinces. It’s unsafe and monetary penalties can be steep.
- Eliminate driver distractions such as eating, drinking, adjusting radio dials and
- Don’t drive if you’re
overtired. Stop for regular
- Appoint passengers to be
the navigator and cell phone
user and let them check for
directions and make phone
calls or text so the driver can
focus on driving and not become distracted.
- Don’t drink and drive.
Appoint a designated driver.

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