
Gaudí is a global artist, an art scientist,
a genius and pioneer of contemporary
architecture who has inspired major
figures: Gropius, Le Corbusier, Van der Rohe, Guastavino, Lloyd Wright,
Candela, Johnson, Otto, Foster, Niemeyer, Nouvel, Isozaki, Gehry, Miró and Dalí.
University of Barcelona · Assembly Hall
Honorary Presidency
Advisory Committee
The Assembly Hall is the most impressive space in the
university’s historic building. Designed to be at the heart
of university life, it is located in the central part of the
building, above the Entrance Hall. The Assembly Hall was
completed in 1884, when six large paintings of historical
scenes were hung on the walls.
Jordi Bonet Armengol
Arata Isozaki
Christiane Crasemann
Josep Maria Martí Bonet
The Assembly Hall is used for many formal occasions, such
as at the start of courses and for investitures of honorary
doctors, and is the venue for a number of academic,
scientific and cultural activities.
Honorary Committee
Josep Maria Bosch Aymerich
Berthold Burkhardt
Leonid Demyanov
Carlos Flores López
Francesc Fontbona de Vallescar
Rainer Graefe
Jan Molema
Arnau Puig Grau
Antonio Sama García
Toshiaki Tange
Salvador Tarragó Cid
Hou Teh-Chien
Jos Tomlow
Tokutoshi Torii
Arnold Walz
Visit the Congress venue:
• The Congress will present a new account of Gaudí to
the scientific community:
– Presentation of new research and previously unseen
documents and work by Gaudí focused on the church
at Colònia Güell, Gaudí’s laboratory and source of
new forms and his revolutionary way of working.
– Focus on Gaudí as a whole: his values, solutions and
practical applications in the 21st century in fields
such as architecture, engineering, design, business,
creativity, tourism, audiovisual, etc.
– New opportunities: MBA and other master’s courses,
university chairs, new fields of research, etc.
– Acknowledgement of work by international
University of Barcelona
1. Research: reports and discussions
• Leading specialists will share their work and expertise.
• Guided tours of Gaudí’s buildings in Barcelona and
the Colònia Güell.
• The chance to run workshops.
2. Creativity. Current fields of interest in Gaudí
How Gaudí’s methods and procedures are being used
today in fields such as architecture, engineering, design,
creativity, business management, cuisine, sport, health and
university degrees, among others.
3. Off Congress: enjoy Barcelona
Barcelona welcomes the Congress and you can enjoy an
unforgettable experience.
Xavier Trias i Vidal de Llobatera
Ferran Mascarell i Canalda
Federico Mayor Zaragoza
Agustí Cortes
Dídac Ramírez i Sarrió
Gerard Segú i López
Joaquim Balsera García
Honorary Council
Lluís Bonet Armengol
Pere Cànovas Aparicio
Maria Teresa Gaudí de Bérez
Josep Maria Jujol Gibert
Ricard Morell Viñas
Antoni Peyrí Macià
Marta Puig Doria
Amèlia Roche Planxats
Joan Rossell Taberner
Organising Committee
Lourdes Cirlot Valenzuela
Pere Jordi Figuerola Rotger
Marià Marín Torné
Manuel Medarde Sagrera
Rosa Maria Subirana
Joan Ramon Triadó Tur
Registration for the Gaudí 1st World Congress:
View the Pass & Price Structure
€ 1,650
€ 1,950
Access to the Plenary Sessions for all five days
Gala Dinner – 9 October 2014
Discover Colònia Güell
Networking Lunch Access (6, 7 and 9 October 2014)
Extra performances (Filmoteca, exhibitions, etc.)
Dinner one evening with the Advisory & Creative Committees. An exclusive networking opportunity.
One-year subscription to The Art Newspaper
Access to VIP Area
Information All Passes grant access to the Plenary Sessions for all five days.
Places at the dinner with the Committees are limited.
Scientific Committee
José Manuel Almuzara
Pere Jordi Figuerola
Marià Marín Torné
Manuel Medarde Sagrera
Etsuro Sooto
Josep Maria Tarragona
Orange Pass
The official currency of the Gaudí 1st World Congress is the euro.
Pass prices include VAT.
Accepted forms of payment: credit cards and wire/bank transfer.
Creative Committee
Ferran Adrià
Fernando Caruncho
Peter Knaup
Arnold Walz
Barcelona, 6-10 October 2014
Monday, 6 October 2014
University of Barcelona
Assembly Hall in the Historic Building
9.30 am
11.45 am
12.15 pm
12.45 pm
2.45 pm
3.15 pm
3.45 pm
4.15 pm
4.45 pm
5.15 pm
5.45 pm
6.15 pm
8.30 pm
Reception and welcome
Opening ceremony by the vice-chancellor
of the University of Barcelona, Lourdes Cirlot Valenzuela, and members of the Honorary Committee
Inaugural conference at the expense of Arata Isozaki (Tokyo, Japan)
Jan Molema (Delft, The Netherlands)
Columbus’ egg, Gaudí’s egg
Arnau Puig Grau (Barcelona)
De re gaudiniana
Ferran Adrià Acosta (Barcelona)
Coffee break
Hou Teh-Chien (Hangzhou, China)
Alejandro Aguilera González (Lomas de Santa Fe, Mexico) Gaudí beyond the borders of Spain
Arnold Walz (Stuttgart, Germany)
Extending the form of Architecture
End of congress day
Gaudí dinner
Tuesday, 7 October 2014
University of Barcelona
Assembly Hall in the Historic Building
9.00 am
9.30 am
9.50 am
10.10 am
10.30 am
Welcome coffee
Thomas Ferk (Innsbruck, Austria)
Gaudí’s second hanging model – attempt at a reconstruction of the model and of the architectural project
Daria Dellai (Ora, Italy)
Variants on Gaudí’s planning of the choir in the church at the Colònia Güell
Verena Darnai (Innsbruck, Austria)
Reconstruction of the columns in the Church of the Colònia Güell
Leonid Demyanov (Moscow, Russia)
String model – stone building. Masonry and Brick work of the Church of the Colònia Güell
10.55 am
11.10 am
12.10 am
12.30 pm
12.50 pm
2.15 pm
3.00 pm
3.45 pm
4.15 pm
4.45 pm
5.15 pm
5.45 pm
6.15 pm
8.30 pm
Coffee break
Rainer Graefe (Innsbruck, Austria)
Reconstruction of the church of the Colònia Güell and interpretation of the architecture
Ekaterina Lyubimkina (Moscow, Russia)
Daylight and color studies inside and outside of the church of the Colònia Güell
Anton Lyubimkin (Moscow, Russia)
Video visualisation of the reconstructed church of the Colònia Güell
Salvador Tarragó Cid (Barcelona) Some questions about the Colònia Güell and its crypt
Jos Tomlow (Zittau, Germany)
Methodological aspects of historical hanging models in comparison with Gaudí’s work
Pia Subias Pujadas (Barcelona)
The arts of the earth: the crypt at the Colònia Güell
Coffee break
Carlos Flores López (Madrid)
Antonio Sama García (Madrid)
On Gaudí and the method of composition: talking architecture
Josep Muntañola Thornberg (Barcelona)
The evolution of architects’ minds: is Gaudí a forerunner?
End of Congress day
Gaudí dinner
Wednesday, 8 October 2014
Day out to the Colònia Güell
8.30 am 9.30 am 10.00 am 10.30 am 11.00 am
Departure from hotel reception
Welcome by Colònia Güell authorities and tribute to people connected to the Colònia Güell
Manuel Medarde Sagrera (Colònia Güell) The Colònia Güell: Gaudí’s laboratory
Galdric Santana Roma (Barcelona)
The ratchet for the planned bell tower for the church at the Colònia Güell, a never-
completed campanology work by Gaudí, 1914
Musical performance with period instruments
12.30 pm 1.30 pm Return to Barcelona
End of Congress day
Thursday, 9 October 2014
University of Barcelona
Assembly Hall in the Historic Building
9.00 am 9.30 am 10.00 am 10.30 am
11.00 am
11.15 am
11.45 am
12.15 pm 12.45 pm
2.15 pm
2.45 pm
3.15 pm
3.45 pm
4.00 pm
4.30 pm
5.00 pm
5.30 pm
6.00 pm
8.30 pm
Welcome coffee
Josep Maria Tarragona Clarasó (Barcelona)
Chartres Cathedral, Gaudí and the Sagrada Família
Tokutoshi Torii (Kanagawa, Japan)
Height of the domes at the Sagrada Família
Josep Vicent Gómez Serrano (Barcelona)
Gaudí’s workshop studio
Coffee break
Conrad Kent (Delaware, USA) George R. Collins’ contribution to Gaudí studies
Etsuro Sotoo (Barcelona)
Looking where Gaudí looked
José Manuel Almuzara Pérez (Barcelona)
Gaudí can only ever be understood through faith
Fernando Caruncho Torga (Madrid)
Anna Mollet Guilera (Barcelona)
Bellesguard, Gaudí at his most symbolic and unknown
Xosé Aviñoa (Barcelona)
Antoni Gaudí, a reformist inspired by Wagnerian mysticism
Coffee break
Jaume Massó Carballido (Reus)
Antoni Gaudí (Reus 1852 – Barcelona 1926) and his friendship with Eduard Toda (Reus 1855 – Poblet 1941)
Francesc Fontbona de Vallescar (Barcelona) Gaudí and the avant-garde’s
Peter Knaup
Photographing the Architecture of Antoni Gaudí in Black and White
Berthold Burkhardt (Braunschweig, Germany)
End of Congress day
Gala dinner
Friday, 10 October 2014
University of Barcelona
Assembly Hall in the Historic Building
9.00 am 9.30 am 10.30 am 11.00 pm Welcome coffee
Lectures by the Honorary Presidency:
Christiane Crasemann Collins (West Falmouth, USA) Jordi Bonet Armengol (Barcelona)
Josep M. Martí Bonet (Barcelona)
Closing ceremony by Dídac Ramírez Sarrió, chancellor of the University of Barcelona
Barcelona, 6–10 October de 2014
of Barcelona
Vicerectorat de Relacions
Institucionals i Cultura