new Highly flexible 400 Hz Ground Power Cable BETAjet 400


new Highly flexible 400 Hz Ground Power Cable BETAjet 400 | Business Unit Transportation
Highly flexible
400 Hz Ground Power Cable
BETAjet 400
Triple protection against neutral
BETAjet® stands for halogen-free, (in most cases) flame-retardant and
core breaks
oil resistant power supply cables with improved behaviour in the event
of a fire due to increased resistance to high temperatures.
Fiberglass backing braid in
The patented Smartflex-V2 cable offers significantly improved service
the dual-layer outer sheath as
reliability for the external power supply of aircraft on the ground.
protection against cable torsion
A further increased central blind
core not endangered by length
New construction of the neutral
the risk of a break
Six-fold redundancy of the neutral conductor
Optimal construction of the outer sheath with integrated backing braid and
conductor with special single
cores twisted around blind core
Improved longitudinal flexibility of the neutral conductor minimises
outstanding durability
Cross-linked cores with increased short-term resistance to temperatures of
up to 160 °C
Slightly enlarged neutral conductor cross-section of 36 mm2
(the Smartflex-VFN version without control cores offers 72 mm2 of total neutral
conductor cross-section and thus improves the cable’s EMI protection)
Special SRC strands enable a minimal diameter and the same outer size as with a
single-core neutral conductor
The unchanged slim cable construction assures a problem-free fit in most cable
LEONI Studer AG Herrenmattstrasse 20 · 4658 Däniken · Switzerland · Phone +41 (0)62 288 82 82 · E-mail