2014 WAVE RISING SERIES About the Artists Program A


2014 WAVE RISING SERIES About the Artists Program A
About the Artists
Program A
Thursday, October 23, 7:30 pm
Saturday, October 25, 7:30 pm
Sunday, October 26, 4:00 pm
Dance Company
Title of Work
Logan Scharadin/nomadMVMT (Brooklyn, NY)
Leslie Dworkin
The Legacy
The Beast
KDNY (Huntersville, NC)
Kacey Katzenmeyer (New York, NY)
To Care
Logan Scharadin / nomadMVMT (Brooklyn, NY)
Logan Scharadin is the Artistic Director and choreographer of the artist collective known as nomadMVMT, which was founded in New
York City in 2013. They began with a strong focus on dance performance but quickly welcomed and began working with musicians, visual artists, costume designers, lighting artists, etc. This group of likeminded artists and creators came together with the intention of producing new and innovative work involving a boundless variety of art
forms and mediums. The collective is based out of New York City and
is holding a premiere of their first work at the Wave Rising Series, under the direction of Young
Soon Kim at the John Ryan Theater this fall. One of the guiding principles of nomadMVMT is to
bring their art outside of the proscenium stage in order to reach out to an audience that would
otherwise not be exposed to dance performance. After the premiere of their first work they hope
to take to the road and share their art with new audiences in the fashion of a true modern nomad.
Leslie Dworkin (Yellow Springs, Ohio)
The Beast & The Legacy
Leslie Dworkin has been choreographing, teaching, and performing
internationally for the past 15 years, including residencies at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, Joyce SoHo, Movement Research in NYC, Jacob’s Pillow, Performática in Mexico, and Wolfeboro’s Arts on the
Edge Festival, to name a few. Her work has also been produced by the
Area Choreographers Festival, in Cincinnati, for the last three years in a
row, by the Harvest Chicago Contemporary Dance Festival in Chicago,
Illinois, and the Midwest Regional Area Dance Festival in Michigan.
Dworkin’s choreography, “evanescent and wonderful” (Philadelphia City Paper), and her
uniquely fluid dances, have garnered much choreographic support from such sources as the Pew
Charitable Trusts, Djerassi, Pennsylvania Council on the Arts, a residency at the CEC in Philadelphia, and a 3-year residency in the Susan Hess Choreographers Project in Philadelphia. She
has performed in the works of Ralph Lemon, Maureen Fleming, Kei Takei, and Bebe Miller,
among others; and as a member of the Leah Stein Dance Company, Sharir/Bustamante
DanceWorks, and Melanie Stewart Dance Theatre. She has been a guest artist and faculty member, teaching in many dance departments throughout the United States, including UCLA,
UNC/Greensboro, Oberlin College, Kenyon College, and University of Texas/Austin. Leslie’s
professional background includes a rich blend of somatically-based techniques including release
technique, yoga, improvisation, qigong, and tai chi. Leslie has an MFA in Choreography from
Temple University, maintains a bodywork practice, and is a certified yoga and qigong instructor.
“Dworkin moves like silk and Houston needs to see more of her." -- Nancy Wozny, ArtsHouston
“Leslie Dworkin’s The Legacy, brought true magic to the stage…In a series of intertwined dances, music and video, we are invited into a world. . .of transcendent movement, poignantly evoking a sense of history and of loss.” -- Kathy Valin, valinkat.wordpress.com
KDNY (Huntersville, NC)
Kathleen Dyer has choreographed extensively for the
past sixteen years, creating thirty-five repertory works
and four powerful evening-length pieces for her company KDNY created in 1997. Her energetic and technically
specific work explores dance’s capacity to communicate
both literal and metaphoric meanings simultaneously,
making Dyer’s work accessible to dance aficionados and mainstream audiences.
Dyer began her dance career in Alabama where she danced for the Huntsville Community Ballet.
She attended Florida State University in Tallahassee via scholarship, earning her BFA in Dance.
After graduation, Dyer danced with several New York dance companies, including Nikolais Lou-
is, while actively pursuing her own choreography. Her works have been restaged on regional
companies around the country including the Huntsville Ballet of Alabama, Moving Current of
Tampa, FL and CORE of Atlanta, Georgia and Movement Source of Arizona and other university programs. Over the past decade, Dyer’s work has received a number of accolades: critical notice by the press; presentation by prestigious performing arts festivals, such as Jacob’s Pillow in
Massachusetts; acknowledgment through NY grants from the Department of Cultural Affairs,
American Music Center’s Live Music for Dance, Artist Fellowships from the Connecticut Commission of the Arts and Choreography Awards; selection for the Artist Roster of Young Audiences of Connecticut; and invitations to participate in touring exchanges and collaborations with
national companies.
Women have been the wonder keepers and storytellers for thousands of years. KDNY as
wonderkeepers flourish this complex and intimate knowledge in powerful, colorful flashes
across the landscape or gather in the energy for small designs and poignant punches, capturing
the varied and poignant stories of woman in contemporary culture.
“If ‘Sex and the City’ was a dance company KDNY would probably be it. A fusion of grace, determination, independence, style and comedic tangents, this all-female, New York City-based
dance company captures a woman’s thoughts in the physical realm on stage.” -- Arts Tampa Bay
“KDNY was clean and sharp, sleek and stoic, geometric and postmodern…It was a thrill to
watch.” -- Kevin Giordano, Dance Magazine
“KDNY offered wit and substance…Complex and layered images erupted at surprising moments.” -- Margaret Putnam, Dallas Morning News
“Dyer possesses a talent to make the stage pulse at will. She has created sequences where the
entire stage vibrates, matching composer Richard Einhorn’s lift, escalation and intensity skillfully.” -- Anne Mecurio, Exploredance
Kacey Katzenmeyer (New York, NY)
To Care
Kacey Katzenmeyer (Dancer/Choreographer) started
dance training at the age of 14 and graduated high school
from the University of North Carolina School of the
Arts. Kacey is currently a junior in the Alvin Ailey/
Fordham University BFA program. Kacey has worked
with choreographers such as Igal Perry, Hope Boykin, Mathew Rushing, Helen Simoneau and
Norbert De La Cruz III. Her own work has been premiered at the Ailey Citigroup Theater and
the Symphony Space at the 2014 Young Choreographer's Festival.
Program B
Friday, October 24, 7:30pm
Saturday, October 25, 4:00pm
Sunday, October 26, 7:30pm
Dance Company
Title of Work
James Hansen/Assemblage Dance (Rochester, NY)
Ophelia’s Reclamation
Overground Physical Theatre /Antonia (New York, NY)
Bee Have
Sunhwa Chung/Ko-Ryo Dance Theater (New York, NY) ??? :Life is Everyday II
James Hansen/Assemblage Dance (Rochester, NY)
Ophelia’s Reclamation & Clash
James Hansen/Assemblage Dance premièred in 2000 at
the Wesbeth Theater in New York City to a sold out audience. Since 2004 the company has been based in
Rochester, NY and has gained a reputation for innovative and exquisitely crafted choreography. The company
has been produced by several prestigious dance festivals including two summers at Jacob’s Pillow Inside/Out, the Toronto Fringe Festival (fFIDA), four years at Yes, Virginia Dance in Richmond, four years at The American Dance Guild Festival in NYC, Pasadena Dance Festival,
DUMBO Dance Festival, Cool NY Dance Festival and were a featured company for two consecutive years at Encuntro Internacional de Danza in Santiago Chile.
The company will present Ophelia’s Reclamation, a trio that uses Pre-Raphaelite paintings of
Ophelia suspended in water as a catalyst for exploring a reunification between the self and nature. This concept finds expression through the imagery of drifting currents in complex partnering sequences and organic movement phrases that create a sense of harmony as the dancers
calmly release into the inevitability of eternity. In this dance, Ophelia is not a literal character
but rather a contemporary “every person” who returns to the most basic elements of existence.
“Hansen has a captivation with the vagaries of suburban life. He explores that masterfully…through some very exciting dancing.” -- Rochester City Newspaper, September 28, 2013
Described as "a sensual, almost sexy trio" by the St. Petersburg Times, James Hansen/Assemblage Dance will perform Ophelia's Reclamation; a dance inspired by Pre-Raphaelite
Overground Physical Theatre/ Antonia Katrandjieva (New York,
Bee Have
Overground Physical Theatre Company creates experimental and
multicultural performance by blending dance, theatre and film. The
company’s works belong to the less explored niche of “urgent theatre,”
which morphs kinetic sensibility with esoteric vision. They incorporate
non-literal choreography and thought-provoking dramaturgy to
reconnect theatre to its spiritual roots and bring sacral experiences.
Overground Physical Theatre has produced over 30 full-length
devised performances at renowned NY dance and theatre venues, such as BAM Fisher, New York
Live Arts, La MaMa Experimental Theater, Danspace Project at St. Mark’s Church, Judson
Memorial Church, Center, Dance New Amsterdam, Salvatore Capezio Theater, New Dance
Group, BRIC, White Wave, Ellens Hall, Connecticut University, Manhattan Movement & Arts
Center, among others. The company invites visionary artists from around the world to create
original groundbreaking work. It promotes international exchange through workshops and
festivals, and raises urgent social, philosophical and global concerns while providing space for
cultural and spiritual growth.
Bee-Have is an experimental inter-disciplinary project that explores through non-linear narrative,
holographic video and post-modern pastiche choreography how the behavior of bees - their
iconic waggle dance, compound vision and swarming intelligence can guide us into making
choices aligned with our inner purpose and the collective needs of the planet. The cross-genre
parallel of bees and humans poses the question: How can we change our reaction to things and
direct our individual efforts towards our collective good? By Bee-Having, by seeing the world
from multiple perspectives, by sharing common ground wisely, by tending to nature and
ourselves lovingly, by cross-pollinating ideas creatively, by responding to life situations
coherently, by team-working efficiently… so we can prepare our “Concorde Swarm” for its
flight to the new HOME.
“…profound, subtle, unconventional, Overground Physical Theatre Company is the avant-garde
epitome of kinetic intelligence and esoteric vision…”
-- Nicole Estavnik-Taylor, Theatre Magazine
Sunhwa Chung/Ko-Ryo Dance Theater (New York, NY)
Back to and Away From: Life is Everyday IV
Choreographer Sunhwa Chung founded Sunhwa
Chung/Ko-Ryo Dance Theater in 2001 in response to the
growing demand for her choreography since her debut in
1998 and to the realization that she needed to maintain a
stable ensemble of dancers to perform her work. She has
presented modern and Korean traditional choreographic works in New York and in Washington,
D. C. where the Maryland National Capital Park and Planning Commission selected her as one
of the great choreographers for the 16th Annual Choreographer’s Showcase. Her work has been
selected for performance in the inaugural concert at the new Dance New Amsterdam theatre as
part of the Raw Material performance series in March of 2006. In May of 2006 she presented her
third evening-length self-produced concert, this time at the CSV Cultural Center. Her two earlier
shows were at Merce Cunningham Studio in 2002 and 2004. Ko-Ryo Dance Theater has also appeared in the Joyce SoHo Presents series (2005), in the D.U.M.B.O. Dance Festival at White
Wave Performance Space, and elsewhere. In June of 2006 Ko-Ryo Dance Theater took part in
the La MaMa Moves Dance Blast at La Mama etc. Ko-Ryo Dance Theater presented its spring
2007 season at Joyce SoHo, February 22–25 to sold out houses. In June of 2007 Ko-Ryo Dance
Theater took part in the 75th Anniversary Season of Jacob’s Pillow in MA. On October 2 through
9, 2008, Ko-Ryo Dance Theater was invited by the Overseas Koreans Foundation to perform at
the “Korean Festival” in Seoul, Incheon, Yongin and Gwangju, South Korea, and presented by
Arirang Television, a Glover TV Channel in South Korea. Ko-Ryo Dance Theater also performed for its 2008 season at Merce Cunningham Studio, November 7-9, in New York. Ko-Ryo
Dance Theater had a sharing production with Akiko Furukawa in April 24-26, 2009 in New
York, presented by Center for Remembering and Sharing. Ko-Ryo Dance Theater was invited
for the 2nd time from Jacob’s Pillow, MA for a part of Inside/Out series during the 2009 season
in June. Ko-Ryo Dance Theater was participating a part of Green Space Blooms 2010, a Queens
Celebration of Dance in Long Island City, NY in April, 2010 and then Ko-Ryo Dance Theater
had a debut performance in May 15 &16, 2010 at Dance Place in Washington DC for their
2009/10 season, especially for Asian Heritage Month. Sunhwa Chung/Ko-Ryo Dance Theater
had been invited from Dance Place in Washington, DC for the 2nd time so Ko-Ryo was performing at the Dance Place in May 11 & 12, 2012 for especially their 10th Anniversary. After then,
Sunhwa Chung/Ko-Ryo Dance Theater had the 10th Anniversary performance on October 17
through 20, 2012 at Dance New Amsterdam in New York City for their Artist Residency Program. Sunhwa Chung/Ko-Ryo Dance Theater will participate to Edinburgh Festival Fringe 2014,
Scotland in August 2014.
“Back To and Away From: Life is every Day IV” is a unique, authentic blend of modern and
traditional Korean dance and glimpse into the choreographer’s personal journey of accepting
change and embracing new customs. Sunhwa Chung/Ko-Ryo Dance Theater seeks to showcase a
unique blending of modern and traditional Korean dance, without loosing the essence of either
form. This dance is about struggling to re-connect to memories of my dramatic past but forced to
confront the prosaic immediacy of the present. "Back To and Away From: Life is Every Day
IV" will present the dramatic changes in lifestyle faced by the average Korean during the
transition from one’s original culture to a new one. This new dance project is about my life upon
coming to the United States in the Winter of 1994. I felt the need to remain close to my roots, but
also to become secure enough to go beyond own culture and learn to accept and embrace the new
customs and ideas of another.
Program C
Thursday, October 30, 7:30pm
Saturday, November 1, 7:30pm
Sunday, November 2, 4:00pm
Dance Company
Title of Work
The People Movers (Brooklyn, NY)
Not So Shiny
WHITEWAVE Young Soon Kim Dance Company (Brooklyn, NY)
Eternal NOW (excerpts)
Deviated Theatre (Odenton, MD)
The Co-Creators of Washington D.C.-based DEVIATED THEATRE, Enoch Chan and Kimmie Dobbs Chan, write original fairytales
for the digital age which come to life through a mix of acting, contemporary dance, aerial dance, and stage combat. DEVIATED THEATRE productions highlight the tension between fate and destiny,
light and shadow, and also what is considered ugly or beautiful, inviting audiences to ponder humanity’s role as both creature and creator
amidst the greater cosmos. DEVIATED THEATRE was voted “Best
Dance Company” by Washington City Paper (2012), has been
dubbed the “Cure” for “Sugar Plum Fairy Fatigue” by the Washington Post (2011), and has been
cited as “raising the standard for Maryland dance companies” by Baltimore City Paper (2008).
DEVIATED THEATRE received a commission from the John F. Kennedy Center for the Per-
forming Arts (2011) and was featured locally on WETA TV’s “Around Town” (2010). For
Wave Rising (2014), DEVIATED THEATRE will perform “creature” an apocalyptic story that
recently premiered at Ailey Citigroup Theater (NYC) for Ellenore Scott’s Breaking Glass Project
(2014). In “creature” the timelines of a boy and a scientist intertwine at an industrial complex
where they witness the splintering of humankind at the dawn of a new world. “creature” features
custom fashion by Australian designer, Andy Christ [www.chrisst.com] and custom edits by
French musicians Haunted Days & Witch’s Teat. See more at: www.deviatedtheatre.org
The People Movers (Brooklyn, NY)
Not So Shiny
The People Movers is a contemporary dance company that creates
and performs original works by artistic director Kate Ladenheim.
The People Movers’ work reveals the abstract and inherently performative qualities of our world through complex and highly athletic physical expressions. There is a constant search for the relevance in our form.
Ladenheim founded The People Movers in January 2012 as a platform to explore her choreographic goals and ideas. Ladenheim’s
choreography has been praised as “stunning... an interplay of oppositions... pure, unbounded physicality meeting intricate, balletic delicacy” (the Dance Enthusiast). Her group has been selected to show work at the Luminarium Dance 24-Hour Choreofest,
the Boston Contemporary Dance Festival, the DUMBO Dance Festival, the CURRENT SESSIONS, Dixon Place, Symphony Space, and Triskelion Arts Center. In addition, The People
Movers co-produced a split-bill concert with Virtuosic Dance Project (artistic director Chelsea
Robin Lee). The company has been commissioned by the Juventas New Music Ensemble and
has been curated through SubletSeries @HERE. Ladenheim was named a 2013 Breaking Glass
Emerging Female Choreographer, and the company has enjoyed residencies through The Field’s
Subsidized Block Rehearsal Space Rental Program and with The Ballet and Dance Center in Syracuse, New York.
For the 2014 Wave Rising Series, The People Movers will present a premiere work inspired by
Bach violin concertos, performed by violinist Itzhak Perlman. The new work will explore symmetry, pattern, and variation, following the musical composition and Perlman’s virtuosic performance. The work will feature People Movers Dancers Michael Abbatiello, Dave Glista, Kate
Ladenheim, and Breanna Short.
"Bones meet joints in a vigorous flow of physicality." –Tara Sheena, The Dance Enthusiast (September 2012)
WHITE WAVE Young Soon Kim Dance Company
(Brooklyn, NY)
Formed in 1988, WHITE WAVE Young Soon Kim
Dance Company has traversed the globe performing
her repertory of original works in Taiwan, China, and
Hong Kong, as well as a 60-day tour in Korea. Kim’s
34-year career as a choreographer began as a performer appearing at major venues & festivals:
Theatre de la Ville in Paris, Maison de la Culture in Le Havre, France; Teatro Nazionale in Milan, Teatro Tendu Striscie in Rome, Italy; Schauspielhaus in Cologne, Germany; as well as the
Festival d’Avignon in Avignon, France.
Kim collaborated with musicians such as a legendary Jazz musician Dave Brubeck. Kim has also
choreographed for City Contemporary Dance Company (Hong Kong), Seoul Contemporary
Dance Company (Korea), and the St. Gallen Dance Loft (Switzerland), among others. The company’s performances garnered press coverage on CNN, PBS NYC Arts, Channel 7 Eyewitness
News, The New York Times, Wall Street Journal. In 2012, White Wave’s 16-member ensemble
toured Korea, performing Here Now So Long and SSOOT, featuring live music and video art.
KBS-TV broadcasted the performance in August 2012 on a program similar to PBS’s Great Performances.
In June 2014, the company successfully presented Eternal NOW at BAM Fisher as the culmination of the 2013 / 2014 BAM Professional Development Program (PDP). For the second time,
Young Soon Kim was nominated for the 18th Global Korean Award and for a documentary film
to highlight her life’s achievements. At the WAVE RISING SERIES, excerpts of Eternal NOW
will be presented without the multimedia aspect.
“Kim's choreography is highly charged, full of yearning leg extensions, trembling gestures both
provocative and shy." -- Elizabeth Zimmer, Dance Magazine
Program D
Friday, Ocotober 31, 7:30pm
Saturday, November 1, 4:00pm
Sunday, November 2, 7:30pm
Dance Company
Title of Work
Pony Box Dance Theatre (Long Beach, CA)
Sum Bones Company (New York, NY)
little u
Azul Dance Theatre/Yuki Haegawa (Astoria, NY) Night Rainbow
Pony Box Theatre (Long Beach, CA)
What's in a Name?
One day our daughter created a drawing that is now
our logo. When questioned about what she drew, she
replied, " A pony box. You put everything in
it." The term "pony box" became a catch all phrase
that means everything and anything.
art + music + dance + theatre + film=pony box dance theatre
Long Beach's all male contemporary dance troupe, integrating all the arts to create dances that
ask how we relate to one another, how to transcend the pain of human experience and how to
find beauty in all things.
"LA Weekly Pick of the Week" featuring "ripped male dancers" -- Ann Haskins, LA Weekly
"Sexy, edgy" --Brian Elerding, Lineage Performing Arts Center
"profound expressivity", "combines the grounded potency of modern dance with fine ballet partnering and technique" --Deidre Sklar, Dance Critics Association
Sum Bones Company (New York, NY)
little u
Sum Bones Company was founded by Tyler Patterson and Adrian
Galvin in the Fall of 2013. Their debut performance was a duet with
Tyler and Adrian at 133rd Arts Center with, “Generate. Organize. Destroy.” After a successful company audition in January 2014 Adrian
began work on SBC’s first ensemble piece, “Hive,” which was shown
at Gibney Dance Show/Share, Triskelion Arts as part of WaxWorks,
the I-Heart-Gibney Dance Gala, and at Greenspace as part of Fertile
Ground. During this time Tyler was on tour in Nigeria and Germany with Catapult Dance. After
the run of “Hive” came to a close, Adrian was accepted into Doug Varone’s Choreographic
Workshop at Hunter College and began creating “Riptide” which was shown at the workshop’s
culminating performance at the 92nd St. Y on September 12th. Adrian and Tyler were granted a
split bill show at Triskelion Arts in late September in which they showed their first co-created
and largest ensemble piece so far, “Solar Well.” Alongside the creation of “Solar Well,” Tyler
was working on his piece “little u” to be shown in the White Wave series. Sum Bones has just
celebrated its 1 Year Birthday and is looking forward to many more years of creative growth.
Azul Dance Theatre/Yuki Hasegawa (Astoria, NY)
Night Rainbow
Azul Dance Theatre, founded and directed by Yuki Hasegawa, creates
dances that make perceptible the invisible flow of energy known as
“Chi” in Eastern philosophy and culture. The company's works seek to
express the dynamic relationship between individual self and cosmic
force. Choreographies such as ELEMENTS use color to explore the
relationship of humans to the four elements of Eastern philosophy;
other works, such as MUGEN, explore the fusion of Japanese Kendo
swordfighting and American contemporary dance. Hasegawa's work
has been recognized for her vision of creating works influenced by
traditional Japanese culture, but “vividly contemporary in feel.” Azul is a unique company in that
the dancers come from very different countries and dance cultures, creating a fascinating group
unified by their common ground of working with Hasegawa on movement as expressive
intention and force.
Since 2004, the company has maintained a presence in New York, including recently a fullevening concert at the Salvatore Capezio Theater in 2013 (supported by the NYC/ Dance
Response Fund), a half-evening at the Wave Rising Series at Dumbo Dance Festival, and shared
performances at venues such as The United Nations Auditorium, DiCapo Opera Theater,
Frederick Loewe Theater, Merce Cuningham Studio, Dance New Amsterdam, Theater for the
New City, Dixon Place, Green Space, and the American Dance Guild Festival at the 92nd Street
Y. In 2014, Azul Dance Theater will present two new works, NIGHT RAINBOW, and
Program E
Friday, November 6, 7:30pm,
Saturday, November 8, 7:30pm
Sunday, November 9, 4:00pm
Dance Company
Title of Work
Natasa Trifan Performance Group (New York, NY)
Les Amies
Hyunsang Cho (Seoul, Korea)
Contradictory Coexistence
Eve Jacob’s Eavesdrop (New York, NY)
Natasa Trifan Performance Group (New York, NY)
Les Amies
Natasa Trifan Performance Group [NTPG] was founded
in 1999 by Natasa Trifan to create and explore
innovative conceptual performances and to enhance the
audience's experiences through social thought-provoking
themes and inclusive productions. [NTPG] investigates
new approaches to multimedia performance using dance,
image theater, theatre d'object, and video technology. The repertory is known for complex
synthesis of movement, image and concept, distinct European aesthetics, and clean, preciselycrafted works. The group has committed to promote original contemporary music and
international highly professional dancers who redefine and diversify the group's performance
[NTPG] received numerous grants from Trust of Mutual Understanding, Queens Council for the
Arts, 92y, the Field, art residencies from White Oak, Romanian National Dance Center, and
awards from the Romanian Union of Composers and Choreographers. Additional support from
Merce Cunningham Foundation and Abraham Foundation.
[NTPG] is currently working on the development of an European tour. In January 2008 the
Group was presented at the Association of Performing Arts Presenters at City Center in NYC. In
Spring 2007 the company was invited to create a new dance piece at the National Dance Center
in Bucharest. In November 2005 [NTPG] presented “Dry“ a new multi media work at the
Merce Cunningham Studio. In April 2005, Romanian National Television presented an one-hour
film documentary about Trifan's work.
Hyunsang Cho (Seoul, Korea)
Contradictory Existence - The Ordinary MEN
Dark Circles Contemporary Dance
Co-founded in 2010 by Hyunsang Cho and Joshua L.
Peugh, Dark Circles Contemporary Dance is a collection of young artists working together to create interesting and sincere dance works. By emphasizing the
understanding of a down-to-earth mindset and the
natural movement of the body, DCCD hopes to create artistic work that does not just imitate life,
but celebrates humanity—with all of it's quirks and quiddities—truthfully.
www.darkcirclescontemporarydance.com (USA)
Hyunsang Cho majored in dance at ‘Kaywon School of the Arts’ and ‘Sangmyung University’
in Seoul, Korea. Cho has presented works that showcase his philosophy of dance on stages such
as Seoul Dance Festival and Ballet Festival Korea. Additionally, he has taken part in international art events such as The CONTACT Contemporary Dance Festival (Singapore), Stockholm Fringe Festival and Your Move Modern Dance Festival (Jersey City, NJ, USA) with the
aim of reaching a wider range of audience with dance. Hyunsang Cho has danced and choreographed with this mindset. He is working together with young artists to create imaginative and
Eve Jacob’s Eavesdrop (New York, NY)
Eve Jacobs received her B.F.A. from Juilliard in May
2014, whereupon she was awarded the Hector
Zaraspe Prize for Choreography. During her time at
Juilliard, Eve created ten new works, spanning
musical genres from classical piano to classic rock
and often incorporating elements of spoken word and
theater. Jacobs’ choreography has been shown in public schools across New York, in special
events, and twice featured in Juilliard’s annual Choreographic Honors concert. In addition to
choreography, Eve has performed in works by Pina Bausch, Ohad Naharin, Lar Lubovitch,
Twyla Tharp and Andrea Miller, and currently dances with Buglisi Dance Theater. She has
served as a performer, teacher, and lecturer in hospitals, nursing homes, and homeless shelters
across all five boroughs of New York, as well as in New Orleans, Boston, Utah, and South
Carolina. Eve is an avid writer whose columns are published in Musical America Worldwide,
The Juilliard Journal, and StageBuddy.com. Eve is grateful to Young Soon Kim and the White
Wave staff for the opportunity to present “Abraham” during their 1st Annual Rising
Choreographer Residency Program.
Program F
Friday, November 7, 7:30pm
Saturday, November 8, 7:30pm
Sunday, November 9, 4:00pm
Dance Company
Title of Work
bryanstrimpelMOVEMENT (Brooklyn, NY)
Katherine Helen Fisher (New York, NY)
When I see the red solo cup on the table, but
I’ve never touched it, it only exists in my mind,
Straw Window
The Codex of Seraphinianus (excerpts)
Jee Eun Ahn (Tallahasse, FL)
Oniin Dance Company (Bologna, Italy)
bryanstrimpelMOVEMENT (Brooklyn, NY)
When I see the red solo cup on the table, but I’ve
never touched it, it only exists in my mind, right?
Bryan Strimpel, a native Michigander, graduated
from Wayne State University in 2011 with a B.F.A.
in dance. He danced with Nicholas Leichter Dance
from 2009 to 2012 as well as the Brian Brooks
Moving Company from 2011-2014. Most recently
Bryan is dancing with David Dorfman Dance in his first season with the company. He has
performed internationally and across the U.S. in venues including: The Joyce Theater, Joyce
SoHo, Brooklyn Academy of Music, Jacob’s Pillow, Bates Dance Festival, Joe’s Pub, Hundred
Grand SoHo and more. He is the choreographer and co-director for bryanstrimpelMOVEMENT,
his work has been presented in DanceNOW at Joe’s Pub, the Red Hook Festival, and in
‘READY OR NOT’ at Hundred Grand SoHo. He teaches classes in NYC at Hundred Grand
SoHo as well as at Gibney Dance 280. Bryan is honored to have been selected as one of Dance
Magazine’s 'Top 25 to Watch' in 2013.
"A study in movement evolution, these serpentine pathways develop into full-throttled,
physically pliant actions." - Dance Enthusiast
Katherine Helen Fisher (New York, NY)
Straw Widow
The Codex of Seraphinianus (excerpts)
Katherine Helen Fisher is a performer, choreographer, filmmaker and producer. Her media
works have been screened at Art Basel Switzerland, The Los Angeles County Museum of Art,
The San Francisco Dance Film Festival, and
Dance Films Association’s Big Screen Series. Her choreography for the stage has been presented
by Joe's Pub, The Brooklyn Museum of Art, Judson Church and Danspace Project and at several
off Broadway venues. Her choreographic work for television was featured by Catapult Entertainment on Season 8 of NBC's America's Got Talent.
Kate has had the pleasure of performing the work of Mark Morris, MOMIX, ODC San Francisco, Jennifer Muller/ The Works, Mark Dendy, Johannes Wieland Janis Brenner and Breezy Berryman.
Kate has been a member of The Lucinda Childs Dance Company since 2008 and recently finished a two year world tour of the seminal Philip Glass Opera, Einstein On The Beach, directed
by Robert Wilson.
This year she is directing and choreographing an opera to the music of Marcos Balter based on
the pantasmagorical visual encyclopedia, The Codex of Seraphinus.
“Katherine Fisher stands out as a sprightly mover I cannot help but watch as she dances like a
gymnast going for a perfect ten... Fisher earns that very score in my book.” --Eileen Elizabeth iDANZ.com
Jee Eun Ahn (Tallahasse, FL)
Jee Eun Ahn originally from Seoul, Korea is a
choreographer, dancer, performer and educator.
She has been pursuing her MFA in Dance Performance and Choreography at Florida State University (FSU) and will complete in this coming
December. She began her formal dance training at
Yewon School, Seoul Arts High School, and Korea National Ballet School, and later graduated from Seoul National University with her Bachelor’s degree in Dance Education. While in her native Korean, Jee as the assistant artistic director
of the Ainos Dance Company choreographed and danced various numbers of dance pieces, and
performed on prestigious festivals both at home and abroad (China, Germany, Japan, and South
Africa). While in her MFA years at FSU, her choreography works has been selected in various
performance including Days of Dance 2013 & 2014, Arts and Social Symposium, NewGrounds
2014, Sans Limited Dance Season Performance 2014, and Dumbo Dance Festival 2014. She also
taught different levels of ballet, contemporary, and jazz classes at FSU. She is currently residing
in NY for the FSU in NY program.
Jee's work, Reminiscences, explores immense aspects of memories people have consciously or
unconsciously stored. Each dancer brings up all the pieces of the memories to the stage from the
moments one experienced feeling precious, pathetic, collapsed, struggling, oppressive, sympathetic, loving, and caring from imperative relationships in one’s life. The pieces of the memories
reflect who he/she is now, but the memories layered from the past can be distorted by the interpersonal relationship he/she currently encounters.
Oniin Dance Company (Bologna, Italy)
Teatro delle Celebrazioni’s dance company, the
“Oniin Dance Company”, is born by an idea of
Daniela Rapisarda, dancer and choreographer called
in 2012 to create a professional dance reality, which
she actually directs, inside the theatre. The Oniin
Dance Company, which is a professional contemporary dance situation set in Bologna, wants to
give back to the city, with its artistic and cultural loyalty, the approval and the confidence
noticed in the national debut of the 5th of May 2013.
In spite of the newborn debut the new production named “Corruption” won over the critics and
audience, reaching a great success abroad which will resulted in a 2014 European and American
tour, thanks to the accurate direction of Daniela Rapisarda and to the original choreographies of
Daniela Rapisarda and Alessandro Vacca. They have imagined a lively style which research new
motions’ incentives that break academic caches, becoming a reworked version full of
dynamism, technique, harmony and sinuosity, enhanced by 7 fabulous dancers. The company is
located in Bologna eleven month a year and works on lots of productions and also workshops,
auditions and seminaries for choreographers and dance professionals.